

牛津译林版八年级上册 Friends Grammar课件(共36张PPT)

牛津译林版八年级上册     Friends  Grammar课件(共36张PPT)

1. 两者比较 A +be+比较级 + than B He is taller than his brother.
2. 用“Which+be+比较级,A or B?”表示在两 者中比较和选择。
Which is bigger,the sun or the moon?
A be ~er than B. 我们用“the+最高级”在三者之 中进行比较。 A be the ~est among/of/in+名词(比 较范围)…
swimming competition
50 sec. 47 sec.
May swims fast.
42 sec. [sek] =second swimmers
比较级+than +any other +单数名词
=比较级+than the other +复数名词
Shanghai is bigger than any other city in
= Shanghai is bigger than the other cities
What's the weight of sb./sth.?
The first box is heavy.
The second box is heavier than the first one.
The third box is the heaviest of all.



you have problems?
Do you believe what he /she
Write to Teenagers magazine about your best friend!
What qualities are important in good friends?
(1) Hobo is hungry.What does Eddie give him ? Some pieces of cake.
(2) Does Hobo want to have something to drink? What is it? Yes, some milk.
(3) What else does Hobo want? He wants some more food.
Free talk
1. Do you have a good friend? 2. What is your friend like? 3.Why do you choose him/her as your friend ?
What makes your friend so special?
Listen and answer:
1. Why should good friends be honest?
Because we can trust them and they never tell lies.
2. Why should good friends be interesting?



Do you have...?
说出含有do的 短语或句子。
Do you like ...?
No,I don’t.
Yes,I do.
... Yes,they do.
Do they...?
About my friend
1. 全班起立 2. 根据老师问题,选择答案 3. 回答正确者,继续游戏
回答错误者,出局、坐下 4. 坚持到最后者获胜
Is my friend a boy or a girl?
boy girl
How old is he?
Does he have a dog?
What subjects does he like?
What does he like doing after school?
Who is my friend?
Does he like…?
你想了解我好友更多的信息吗? 问一问吧。
What ...does he like?
What subjects does he like?
Does he have…?
What animals does he like?
What food does he like?
Where does he live?
What colour does he like?
What does he do after school?
1. D_o_e_s_ he live in the US? Yes, he _d_o_e_s.



Comparative Superlative
+ er
+ est
→ longer → longest
→ smaller → smallest
+ st
→ finer
→ finest
→ nicer
→ nicest
- y + ier
- y + iest
→ easier → prettier
→ easiest → prettiest
My book is more interesting than his. His book is less interesting than mine.
Language Goal
➢ 1.能熟悉并正确运用本课时的重点单词和 短语。
➢ 2.能掌握形容词的比较级和最高级的构成 和基本用法。
Comparative and superlative adjectives
The bike is _fa_s_t___.
The tractor is _f_a_st_e_r_ .
The car is _th_e__fa_s_t_es_t .
Compare them
(Comparative and superlative adjectives)
形容词通常有三种形式: 原级,比较 级和最高级,用来表示人或事物在某 方面的不同程度。如:
最高级 + st
nicest finest 把 y 改成 i + est prettiest easiest
P12, A
thin — thinner, thinnest
clean— cleaner, cleanest sad— sadder, saddest



And meets a handsome prince.
[prɪns] n.王子
Pr-- [pr] dr-- [dr]
soon 立刻,马上,不久 same 相同 different 不同 bored 无聊的,厌烦的 answer回答 almost 几乎,差不多 pretty dress 漂亮的裙子 both 两者都 princess 公主 dream 梦,梦想 prince 王子 volleyball 排球
Unit 1 Friends
1.一个诚实的男孩_____a_n__h_o__n_e_s_t__b_o_y____ 2. 分享我的快乐___s_h_a__re__m__y__jo__y_________ 3. 使你的朋友如此特别 make your friend so special _________k_e_e_p__a__s_e_c_r_e_t_/s__e_c_r_e_t_s_ 4. 保密______c__le_a_n__a_n__d__ti_d_y_________
5. 干净整洁____________a_g_o_o_d__-l_o_o_king and humorous girl
6__. 一__个__好__看__且__幽_默__的__女__孩______w__h_a_t__makes good friends 7. 什么c样a的re人a适b合ou做t 好朋友呢? ________________h__a_v_e__s_o_m_ e more food 8.关心__________s_o_m__ething to drink 9.有更多一些食物_____b_e_l_ie_v__e_w__h_a_t__h_e__s_a_ys 10.一些喝的东西_____b__e_li_e_v_e__h_i_s__w_o__rd__s 11.相信他t说el的l a话li(e1/)lie_s_____________________

译林牛津8A unit 1 Friends Grammar

译林牛津8A unit 1 Friends  Grammar
The use of adjective: 1. adj. + n.-------(修饰名词) 2. V.(link) + adj.---系动词之后作 表语(系表结构)
Linking verbs
be get
look sound
become grow
seem taste
feel keep
smell turn
B3. 比较级和最高级的基本句式
1.“A + be +形容词比较级 + than + B + (be)。” 意思是 “A比B更……”。 She is shorter than I am. My book is more interesting than his book. The question is less important than that one. 2.“A + be + the + 形容词的最高级 + (名词单 数) + in / of 短语。” 意思是“A 是……中最……的” He is the tallest boy in my class. Lucy’s hair is the longest of the three girls’.
Linking verbs
be careful/here/ at home/ a book
二.感官动词 look nice, sound sad, smell delicous , taste sweet, feel better 三.表示状态或变化的其它系动词
funnier happier


多、护理工作量大、专科性强的排班方式为A.双人三班B.单人三班C.双人班D.每日一班E.单人二班 什么是医德医风 本次感染直接与上次住院有关,亦属于。 综合型物业服务企业具备的能力是。A.物业策略管理能力B.物业运行管理能力C.物业策略管理和物业运行管理能力D.专业管理能力 按相关规定医院每年应组织几次以上的应急演练A.1次B.2次C.3次D.4次E.不限 二十四节气歌是怎么说的? 特种设备安全管理人员的任职条件? 急性一氧化碳中毒,下列哪项不正确A.血红蛋白氧解离曲线右移B.COHb增多C.脑水肿D.组织缺氧E.心肌内膜下多发性梗死 防止雷电的措施有哪几种方法? 锦州20-2凝析气藏沙河街组地层原始含气饱和度大约为。A、70%B、65%C、75%D、80% 适合做大规模筛检的疾病是A.原位子宫颈癌B.艾滋病C.麻疹D.流行性感冒E.全民检查HBsAg DSA检查的禁忌证不包括A.严重的心、肝、肾功能不全B.高热、急性感染及穿刺部位感染C.肺炎治疗后D.女性月经期及妊娠3个月以内者E.严重的动脉血管硬化 根据《安全生产许可证条例》,国家对()实行安全生产许可制度。A.矿山企业B.建筑施工企业C.危险化学品生产企业D.民用爆破器材生产企业E.监理企业 患者,男性,35岁,营业员。癫痫史10年。在工作时突然跌倒在地,口吐白沫,四肢强直—抽搐发作。旁观者给予下列哪项处理措施是错误的A.用力按住其手足,阻止抽搐发作B.用缠以纱布的压舌板塞入其一侧上、下门齿之间C.使患者头偏向一侧D.解松患者的衣领及裤带, 以利呼吸E.在患者背后垫衣被等软物 产品销售完成后,企业及时联系客户,询问产品是否符合要求,有何缺陷和不足,有何意见和建议,并进行不断改进的客户关系称为。 [问答题,案例分析题]张三是甲省烟草专卖局工作人员,主要负责准运证办理工作。甲省烟草专卖局已授权该省卷烟工业企业可以本地制作卷烟准运证(由李四经办)。2011年9月1日,卷烟工业企业经办人李四打印了一份省内运输的国产卷烟准运证,有效期30天;但由于卷烟 货源没有准备好,该份准运证一直没有使用。2011年9月30日,李四持该份准运证到甲省烟草专卖局咨询,由张三负责接待。 根据《电信条例》,电信业务经营许可证是典型业务经营者。A.获得市场地位的有效资源B.取得经济收益的附加条件C.提升品牌价值的重要基础D.进入电信业务市场的法定凭证 河南的“魔术之乡”是___。A.宝丰县B.确山竹沟C.民权县D.开封 一患者的静息平衡法门控心室显像如图,正确的诊断是A.心尖缺血B.心尖室壁瘤C.扩张型心肌病D.肥厚型心肌病 甲、乙、丙三辆汽车以相同的速度经过某一路标,以后甲车一直作匀速直线运动,乙车先加速后减速运动,丙车先减速后加速运动,它们经过下一路标时的速度又相同,则。A.甲车先通过下一个路标B.乙车先通过下一个路标C.丙车先通过下一个路标D.三车同时到达下一个路 标 弹簧管压力表的校验内容? 图18-11标出了某地区的运输网。各结点之间的运输能力如表18-6(单位:万吨/小时)。从结点①到结点⑥的最大运输能力(流量)可以达到万吨/小时。A.26B.23C.22D.21 车辆在道路上行驶时,要求道路及道路两旁提供一定的视距空间以保证行车安全,称为视距限界。限界主要有等种类。A.横向视距限界B.平面弯道视距限界C.纵向视距限界D.交叉口视距限界E.会车视距限界 关于新生儿免疫功能下列哪项是错误的A.血中IgA尤其分泌型IgA缺乏,容易得呼吸道和消化道疾病B.IgG不能通过胎盘,新生儿体内含量低C.血清补体含量低D.IgM缺乏易发生感染E.脐部为开放伤口,细菌易繁殖入血 ___是执行力的生命之源。A.确定特色的执行力文化内容B.构建"不讲任何借口"的行为准则C.服从诚实的态度D.提高团队的整体素质 小儿水肿变证邪陷心肝的主症为A.咳嗽气急,胸闷心悸B.头痛眩晕,视物模糊C.头晕尿闭,恶心呕吐D.身倦乏力,面白无华E.口唇青紫,指甲发绀 尿标本采集方法错误的一项是()A.女性患者在月经期可以留取尿标本B.尿培养标本取中段尿C.做尿糖定量留取12小时或24小时尿D.常规标本收集晨尿100mlE.昏迷患者可通过导尿术留取标本 用电光天平称物,天平的零点为“O”,当砝码和环码加到11.3500g时,天平停点为+4.5mg,此物重。A.11.3545gB.11.35548gC.11.3542gD.11.354g 下岗女工王某开办了一个商品经销部,按规定享有一定期限的免税政策,她认为,既然免税就不需要办理税务登记,分析王某的观点是否正确。A.正确B.错误 支气管哮喘发作禁用。A.氟美松B.氨茶碱C.沙丁胺醇D.肾上腺素E.吗啡 蓄电池分为电池和碱性蓄电池两大类。 治疗肝经湿热型阴道炎的首选方剂是。A.肾气丸合萆薢渗湿汤B.龙胆泻肝汤C.阳和汤D.仙方活命饮E.归脾汤合二妙散 最早的工作绩效考评系统出现在。A.经验管理时期B.科学管理时期C.近代管理时期D.现代管理时期 急性毒性研究的接触时间是。A.一次B.一次或8小时以内C.一次或24小时以内D.一次或7天以内E.一次或14天以内 患者,男,26岁。建筑工人,烈日下户外操作4小时后,感觉头晕,头痛,少汗。患者神志清楚,面色潮红,体温40.5℃,脉搏110次/分,呼吸30次/分。疑为"轻度中暑"。灌肠过程中患者感觉腹胀有便意,处理方法是()A.拔出肛管,停止灌肠B.移动肛管,观察流速C.挤捏 肛管,嘱患者稍加忍耐D.降低灌肠筒,嘱患者深呼吸E.加大灌肠压力,快速灌入 如何看待中国传统社会“精耕细作”的农业生产方式? 社会主义法治理念包括。A、依法治国、执法为民B、公平正义、服务大局C、党的领导D、民主自由 下列有关泌尿系统肿瘤的说法正确的是()A.肾肿瘤是成人常见的肿瘤B.肾母细胞瘤是婴幼儿中最常见的恶性实体肿瘤之一C.膀胱肿瘤是泌尿系统中最常见的肿瘤D.前列腺癌在欧美发病率极高,但在我国比较少见E.睾丸肿瘤是20~40岁青壮年男性最常见的实体肿瘤 目前临床治疗药物监测最常采用的方法为A.FPIAB.荧光酶免疫分析C.TRFIAD.ELISAE.免疫比浊分析 6~12个月小儿每日需睡眠时间为A.15~20小时B.15~16小时C.12~14小时D.11~12小时E.9~10小时


You can … … A: Yes, that’s …
I think good friends should be …,too. They can… … B: Yes, that’s…/ I agree.
Why does Hobo choose Eddie as his friend?
Read and answer more questions
3. What qualities do Daniel and Amy think are important in good friends?
Honest, interesting and helpful.
Make a similar dialogue :
A: What makes good friends, …? B: I think good friends should be …
(4) Is there anything else in the fridge? No, there is nothing in the fridge.
(5) Will Eddie share his pizza with hobo?Can you guess?
Act the dialogue
• 1.Can I have something to drink?
eg. What about _s_o_m_e_t_h_in__g_ __to___ _e_a_t___?(吃的东西) There is _s_o_m__et_h_i_n_g_w_r_o_n_g_w__it_h_ (坏了) my computer. Therei_sn__’t_a_n_y_t_h_in_g__in_t_e_r_es_t_in__g_ in today’s newspaper. 今天报纸上没有任何有趣的内容。

《Friends》Grammar PPT习题课件

《Friends》Grammar PPT习题课件

【解析】考查形容词比较等级的用法。句意:吉姆比汤姆学习成绩更好,但 是汤姆(对人)更友好,他有更多的朋友。由句中的studies better以及more friends可知要用形容词friendly的比较级。friendly为多音节形容词,其比较 级为more friendly,意为“更友好的”。故选B。
Period 3 Grammar
[拓展] (1)height的形容词形式为__h_i_gh____,意为“高的”,一般指 物体位置高,强调高出于地面之上。其反义词为__l_ow_____。 (2)英语中提问某人或某物高度的固定句型:
Period 3 Grammar
2.(1)2017·滨州 My chemistry teacher isn't tall or short. He's of medium __h_e_ig_h_t__(身高).
的最高级)最差,最糟,最坏adj.__w_o_r_s_t __
Period 3 Grammar
单 5.高,高度n.__h_e_ig_h_t__→高的adj._h_i_g_h____
词 6.重量 n._w_ei_g_h_t ___→重v.__w_e_ig_h___
闯 关 7.游泳者 n. _s_w_im__m_e_r_→游泳 v.___s_w_i_m__→游n.__sw_i_m_m__in_g
(2)—____C____do you weigh, Miss Green?
—It's a secret. A.How heavy C.How much
B.What D.How
【解析】考查特殊疑问句。句意:“格林小姐,你体重多少?”“这是 一个秘密。”由此可知该句考查对人的体重进行提问,可用以下句型: What's sb's weight? 或 How much do/does sb weigh?或How heavy…? 故答案为C。

牛津译林版8A Unit1 Friends grammar课件(共30张PPT)

牛津译林版8A Unit1 Friends grammar课件(共30张PPT)

Which/Who is …, A, B or C? etc.
We add ‘the’ before the superlatives.
clean short cute happy
cleaner shorter cuter happier lazier bigger
Words, phrases and sentences you may use clever strong fast noisy exciting interesting dangerous delicious sweet healthy helpful smart generous humourous much+~er ~er than the ~est of the three/ of all/ in one's ... Which/ Who is ~er, A or B? Which/ Who is the ~est, A, B or C?
The first pig is quite fat.
The second pig is even fatter.
The third pig is the fattest among the three.
Compare them
1. We use comparatives to compare two people or things when we see … in the sentence than, much, even, still, a little, of the two , Which/Who is …, A or B? etc. 2. We use superlatives to compare three or more people or things when we see … the, of…, in …, among…

牛津译林版8A Unit1 friends Grammar课件(共28张PPT)

牛津译林版8A Unit1 friends Grammar课件(共28张PPT)

A Poem
Good, better, best, Never let it rest, And till good is better, Better is best. !
clean cleaner cleanest helpful more~ most ~ easy easier easiest cheerful more~ most ~
7.My home isn’t ______________(far) hers. farther than
Model: Brian is __________(smart) the smartest person I know.
1.Marvin is ______________(clever) the cleverest boy .
The second pig is much fatter.
The third pig is the fattest of all.
Compare them
A. Comparatives(比较级) two We use them to compare ___ things/people and add „than‟ ____ after them. B. Superlatives(最高级) We use them to compare three or more things/people and ___________ one‟s ‟ before them. add „the‟ ___ or „_____
sadder saddest far
farther farthest
neater than Model: Donald is _________(neat) Sam. taller than 1.Jane is _____________(tall) Amy. heavier than 2.Carl is _____________(heavy) Jack. fatter than 3.I am _______________(fat) Betty. better than 4.The pie is ____________(good) the cake. thinner than 5.Julie is ______________(thin) John. richer than 6.Her parents aren’t ___________(rich) his.


Betty ‘T’ or ‘F’
Max Answer some questions:
How tall is Max?Does Max wear glasses? How does he look ?3. When we are with Max, How do we feel? Why?4. Do his legs fit well under the school desks? What happens to him when he walks past the desk?
tallest boy
a true friend
Betty is very fat. Betty is willing to help others any time.She likes to share things with her friends.4. She only gives seats to old men in need on the bus.5. She wants to be a dancer when she grows up.
says a bad word
P9 B2
Part B2 True or false:
Betty is generous to old people only.Betty wants to be a singer in the future.Max looks smart in his small round glasses.Max is not good at telling jokes.May is sweet and pretty.May likes to say bad things about her friends.

Unit1+Friends+Grammar 牛津译林版八年级英语上册

Unit1+Friends+Grammar 牛津译林版八年级英语上册
Comparative and superlative adjectives (形容词比较级和最高级)
worse adj. (bad的比较级)更坏,更差
worst adj. (bad的最高级)最坏,最差
height n. 高度;身高
weight n. 重量;体重
sec. abbr. (= second) 秒
P单12击此A处cl编as母s p版ro标fi题le样式
A.• 单Da击n此ie处l编is辑w母r版iti文n本g样ab式out his clas•s第m二a级tes. Help him complete the
• 第三级
followin•g第四t• a级第b五级le with the correct adjectives.
polite — politer / more polite — politest / most polite
5. 有些形容词的比较级和最高级是不规则的, 需要逐个记忆。如:
good — _b_e_t_te_r__ — _b_e_s_t__ bad / ill — _w_o_r_s_e__ — _w_o_r_s_t__ many / much — _m__o_r_e_ — _m__o_st__ little — _l_es_s__ — _l_e_a_st__ old — _o_l_d_e_r_/_e_ld__er__ — _o_ld_e_s_t_/_e_l_d_e_st_ far — f_a_r_t_h_e_r_/_f_u_r_th__er__ — _f_a_rt_h_e_s_t_/_f_u_r_th__es_t
读 /ə/ 或 /ɪst/
1. 一般在形容词词尾加-er或-est。如:



主谓不一致通常是由于主语和谓语动词的词性不一致所导致的。例如,“The book is written by him.”这句话中,主语“The book”是单数,而谓语动词“written”是被
动语态,应该与主语保持一致,使用“is written”。
语音识别技术的普及将使得语音输入成为新的输入方式,对Grammar的要求也将随之提 高,需要更加准确和流畅的语言表达。
随着全球化的不断深入,不同语 言和文化之间的交流将更加频繁 ,对Grammar的要求也将更加严
使用正确的语法和词汇来 表达意思,使听者能够理 解。
避免过多的停顿和重复, 保持口语表达的流畅度。
注意语音语调的变化,使 口语表达更加自然和生动 。
在翻译过程中,要确保原文的意思得 到准确传达。
考虑到不同文化背景,使译文更加符 合目标语言的文化环境。
全球化背景下,跨文化和跨语言 的交流将更加频繁,Grammar 将更加注重不同语言和文化之间
人工智能技术的不断发展将推动 Grammar的智能化和自动化, 提高语言运用的效率和准确性。
• Grammar基本概念 • 最新Grammar规则 • Grammar的实际应用 • 如何提高Grammar技能 • 常见Grammar错误分析 • Grammar的未来发展



3 The green bag is cheaper than the
white one. 4 The white bag is more expensive than
the green one.
初 中 英 语
八 上
Part Three Rule out We use comparatives to compare two people / things. Part One
初 中 英 语
八 上
9 smart _______ _______
10 careful _______ ______ 11 hungry _______ _______ 12 dangerous _______ ________ 13 large ________ ________ 14 slowly _______ ________ B Fill in the blanks with the right forms of the words in the brackets 1 Who is _______ (pretty), Millie or Amy?
sound taste
初 中 英 语
八 上
Part Six Practice Can you make sentences using these linking verbs with adjectives? Linking verbs Adjectives
be feel grow look smell taste
Special adjectives
Adjective good bad Comparative better worse Superlative best worst
1 I’m _______ better at English than at Chinese. (good) 2 His handwriting is ____________ the worst of all the students’. (bad)

八年级英语上册Unit 1 Friends复习全国公开课一等奖百校联赛微课赛课特等奖PPT课件

八年级英语上册Unit 1 Friends复习全国公开课一等奖百校联赛微课赛课特等奖PPT课件
the most dangerous 5. Which sport is ____, swimming, skiing or skating? (dangerous) 6. Amy is quite _ca_r_e_f_u_l . We should be asc_a_re_f_u_l as her. (careful)
2. Amy is 42kg and Millie is 43kg. Millie is __h_e_a_v_ie_r_ __t_h_a_n__ Amy.
3. English is more interesting than any other subject. English is __t_h_e_m_o_s_t_in__ter_e_s_t_in_g_ subject.
1. Elephants are the most big living animals on land. the biggest
2. Canada is very larger than any other country in America. 去掉
3. Comrade Lei Feng waready helping
9. ----I think Math is as in_t_e_re_s_t_in_g_ as English. ( interesting) more difficult
----Yes, I agree. But I think Math is____ than English. (difficult) ---- Sure, but they are both very _i_m_p_o_r_t_a_n_t ___ (important). ----- We must work hard at all the subjects.
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We use comparatives (比较级) to compare(比较)
We use superlatives (最高级) to compare (比较)
我要买商店中最贵的打印机。 I’d like to buy __t_h_e __ _m_o_st___e_xp_e_n_si_v_e _ printer in the shop.
English is ____ for me to learn than maths.
A.easy B. easier
1. Millie is __ta_l_le_r__th_a_n___ Kitty. 2. Kitty is __t_a_ll_e_r_t_h_a_n___ Daniel. 3. Millie is __th_e__ta_l_l_es_t____ of all. /of the three .
Comparatives and superlatives 形容词比较级和最高级用法
14 25 36
Who is ______ than you at singing in your family? A. good B. well C. better D. best
The Great Wall is _t_h_e___lo_n_g_e_st_wall in the world. (long)
4)多音节或部分双音节: more+… , most+…
_______b__o_r_e_d___c_h_e_e_r_f_u_l___g_e_n_e_r_o_u__s____________________ 5)不规则:牢记!__m_u__c_h___li_t_t_le___f_a_r_______________________
big bigger biggest
important more important most important
many more most
happy happier happiest
close slim
wide early fine
bored hot much
tidy funny
2. A jeep is __f_a_s_t_er__th__a_n_ a truck .
3. A plane is __th_e__f_a_st_e_s_t__ of all /of the three .
¥2.5 ¥2.5
1. My tomatoes are _m_o_r_e__e_x_p_e_n_si_v_e_t_h_a_n__ yours. 2. His tomatoes are _m_o_r_e__e_x_p_e_n_si_v_e_t_h_a_n__ mine. 3. His tomatoes are _t_h_e_m__o_s_t_e_x_p_e_n_s_iv_e___ of all .
Unit 1 Friends
My brother is fourteen. I am four years older than he. My father is twenty-six years older than I. My mother is two years younger than my father. How old is my mother?
人生从来没有真正的绝境。无论遭受多少艰辛,无论经历多少苦难,心中都要怀着一粒信念的种子,有什么样的眼界和胸襟,就看到什么样的风景。你的心有多宽,你 局有多大,你的心就能有多宽。我很平凡,却不简单,只要我想要,就会通过自己的努力去得到。羡慕别人不如自己拥有,现在的努力奋斗成就未来的自己。人生要学 存了一次丰收;你若努力,就储存了一个希望;你若微笑,就储存了一份快乐。你能支取什么,取决于你储蓄了什么。没有储存友谊,就无法支取帮助;没有储存学识 储存汗水,就无法支取成长。想要取之不尽的幸福,要储蓄感恩和付出。人生之路并非只有坦途,也有不少崎岖与坎坷,甚至会有一时难以跨越的沟坎儿。在这样的紧要 再向前跨出一步!尽管可能非常艰难,但请相信:只要坚持下去,你的人生会无比绚丽!弯得下腰,才抬得起头。在人生路上,不是所有的门都很宽阔,有的门需要你弯 必要时要能够弯得下自己的腰,才可能在人生路上畅通无阻。跟着理智走,要有勇气;跟着感觉走,就要有倾其所有的决心。从不曾放弃追求,从不愿放弃自己的所有, 风景,领略太多的是是非非,才渐渐明白,人活着不只为了自己,而活着,却要活出自己你不会的东西,觉得难的东西,一定不要躲。先搞明白,后精湛,你就比别人 不舍得花力气去钻研,自动淘汰,所以你执着的努力,就占了大便宜。女生年轻时的奋斗不是为了嫁个好人,而是为了让自己找一份好工作,有一个在哪里都饿不死的 收入。因为:只有当你经济独立了,才能做到说走就走,才能灵魂独立,才能有资本选择自己想要伴侣和生活。成功没有快车道,幸福没有高速路,一份耕耘一份收获 的努力和奔跑,所有幸福都来自平凡的奋斗和坚持。也许你要早上七点起床,晚上十二点睡觉,日复一日,踽踽独行。但只要笃定而动情地活着,即使生不逢时,你人 器晚成。无论遇到什么困难,受到什么伤害,都不要放弃和抱怨。放弃,再也没有机会;抱怨,会让家人伤心;只要不放弃,扛下去,生活一定会给你想要的惊喜!无 么伤害,都不要放弃和抱怨。放弃,再也没有机会;抱怨,会让家人伤心;只要不放弃,扛下去,生活一定会给你想要的惊喜!行动力,是我们对平庸生活最好的回击。 就在于行动力。不行动,梦想就只是好高骛远;不执行,目标就只是海市蜃楼。想做一件事,最好的开始就是现在。每个人的心里,都藏着一个了不起的自己,只要你 悄酝酿着乐观,培养着豁达,坚持着善良,只要在路上,就没有到达不了的远方!每个人的心里,都藏着一个了不起的自己,只要你不颓废,不消极,一直悄悄酝酿着 着善良,只要在路上,就没有到达不了的远方!自己丰富才能感知世界丰富,自己善良才能感知社会美好,自己坦荡才能感受生活喜悦,自己成功才能感悟生命壮观! 退的理由却有一百个。每条路都是孤独的,慢慢的你会相信没有什么事不可原谅,没有什么人会永驻身旁,也许现在的你很累,未来的路还很长,不要忘了当初为何而 现在,勿忘初心。每条路都是孤独的,慢慢的你会相信没有什么事不可原谅,没有什么人会永驻身旁,也许现在的你很累,未来的路还很长,不要忘了当初为何而出发, 勿忘初心。人活一世,实属不易,做个善良的人,踏实,做个简单的人,轻松。不管以前受过什么伤害,遇到什么挫折,做人贵在善良,做事重在坚持!别人欠你的, 好报;坚持,必有收获!人活一世,实属不易,做个善良的人,踏实,做个简单的人,轻松。不管以前受过什么伤害,遇到什么挫折,做人贵在善良,做事重在坚持!别 善良,终有好报;坚持,必有收获!不要凡事都依靠别人。在这个世界上,最能让你依靠的人是自己,最能拯救你的人也只能是自己。要想事情改变,首先要改变自己 终改变别人。有位哲人说得好:如果你不能成为大道,那就当一条小路;如果你不能成为太阳,那就当一颗星星。生活有一百种过法,别人的故事再好,始终容不下你 定。不要羡慕别人,你有更好的,只是你还不知道。水再浑浊,只要长久沉淀,依然会分外清澄;人再愚钝,只要足够努力,一样能改写命运。更何况比我差的人还没 力,我就更没资格说,我无能为力。水再浑浊,只要长久沉淀,依然会分外清澄;人再愚钝,只要足够努力,一样能改写命运。更何况比我差的人还没放弃,比我好的 格说,我无能为力。朝着一个目标不停的向前,不断努力的付出,哪怕你现在的人生是从零开始,你都可以做得到。早安!让梦想照进现实,才是当下最应该做的事情 钱的时候不磨叽, 生活不会因为你哭泣而对你温柔, 连孩子都知道,想要的东西,要踮起脚尖,自己伸手去拿,所以不要什么都不做,还什么都想要。但你可以通过努
Key: Forty-two
large larger largest thin thinner thinnest
easy easier easiest
good better best
nice nicer nicest
bad worse worst
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
more beautiful pretty prettier prettiest beautiful most beautiful
2. Her rice is __m__o_r_e_t_h_a_n______ mine.
3. His rice is __t_h_e__m_o_s_t_______ of all .
1. A plane is _f_a_s_te_r__th_a_n___ a jeep .
little far
归类:1) “e”结尾:+r , +st___c_lo__se____w_i_d_e____f_i_n_e___________
2) “y”结尾:y变i +er , +est___e_a_r_l_y____t_id__y__f_u_n__n_y________
3) 双写:双写最后字母+er , +est___s_li_m____s_a_d___h_o_t_________
We put __t_h_a_n_____ after the comparatives (比较级). We put ___t_h_e________ before the superlatives (最高级)
1. His rice is ___m__o_re__th__a_n_____ hers .
C. the easier D. easiest.