人教版英语八年级下册Unit1 全单元教案

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Unit 1 What’s the matter?

Section A 2 (3a – 3c)


本单元主要讨论的话题是询问某人的健康状况以及遇到麻烦的表达方法。本单元涉及到大量的表示人体部分的单词以及关于身体某部位不舒服的短语。此外,本单元还涉及到党当人身体不适时,医生、朋友或亲人提出的意见的表达法。本单元共有阅读类文章两篇,文章的主体时态都为一般过去时。主要句型为.What’s the matter with…?”“What should I/ you/ he/ she/they… do?”“I/ you/ he/ she/they should do…?”“I have a

headache/stomachache/toothache.” “Does she/he/ have a fever/cold/toothache…?”总的来说,本单元的相关语法知识并不难。



(1)掌握一些相关的词和词组:matter, sore, have a cold, foot, neck, stomach, throat, fever, lie, lie down, rest, cough, toothache, headache, break, hurt, passenger, get off, to one’s surprise, trouble, get into, climber, be used to, sick, risk, herself, sunburned等;

(2)掌握反身代词的用法;enjoy oneself, help oneself to,



. What’s the matter with…?”

“What should I/ you/ he/ she/they… do?”

“I/ you/ he/ she/they should do…”

“I have a headache/stomachache/toothache.”

“Does she/he/ have a fever/cold/toothache…?”






情感目标: 1.教会学生关心他人,培养同学间团结、友善的精神。2.通过本单元的学习能引导学生关注自己及身边人的身体健康、并学习如何去关心他人及提出适当的建议。



教学难点:掌握情态动词should \shouldn’t. 的用法



Section A1 1a – 2d

Section A2 3a-3c

Section A3 Grammar Focus-4c

Section B1 1a-2e

Section B2 3a-Self check

Section A 2 (3a – 3c)

Step 1 Presentation

Look at the picture. Discuss what happened and then what we should do.

Teacher: What happened in the picture.


Teacher: What should we do to help them?


Teacher: Did the bus driver help them?


Step 2 Reading

3a Read the passage and answer the following questions.

Do you think it comes from a newspaper or a book? How do you know?

Did the bus driver help the man and the woman?

3b Read the passage again and check the things that happened in the story.

1 ____ Wang Ping was the driver of bus No.26 at 9:00 a.m. yesterday.

2 ____ Bus No.26 hit an old man on Zhonghua Road.

3 ____ The old man had a heart problem and needed to go to the hospital

right away.

4 ____ The passagers on the bus did not want to go to the hospital, so only

Wang Ping went with the woman and old man.

5 ____ Some passagers helped to get the old man onto the bus.

6 ____ The old man got to the hospital in time.

Step 3 Speaking

3c Discuss the questions with a partner.

Step 4 Languages points

1.... when the driver saw an old man lying on the side of the road.

...... 这时司机看到一位老人正躺在路边。



see sb. doing sth. 看见某人正在做某事

e.g. When I pass the window I see him drawing a picture.

see sb. do sth. 看见某人做过某事

e.g. I often see him draw a picture.


1) 我看见他时他正在河边玩。

I saw him _______ by the river.

2) 我看见过他在河边玩。

I saw him _____ by the river.

3) 我看着他过了桥。

I see him ______ across the bridge.

4) 我看见她正在洗碗。

I see her _________ the dishes.

2. The bus driver, 24-year-old Wang Ping, stopped the bus without thinking twice.

3. He only thought about saving a life.


你能看出“without thinking”、“about saving a life” 的共同点吗?

共同点:介词+ doing
