TSG R7001-2004《压力容器定期检验规则》

TSG特种设备安全技术规范 TSG R7001-2013压力容器定期检验规则Pressure Vessel Periodical Inspection Regulation中华人民共和国国家质量监督检验检疫总局颁布2013年1月16日前言2009年11月,国家质量监督检验检疫总局(以下简称国家质检总局)特种设备安全监察局(以下简称特种设备局)下达修订《压力容器定期检验规则》(以下简称定检规)的任务书,2010年1月,中国特种设备检测研究院(以下简称中国特检院)组织有关专家成立修订工作组,在北京召开第一次会议,讨论定检规修订的原则、重点内容及主要问题,并且就修订工作进行了具体分工,制定了修订工作时间表。
本次修订工作的基本原则,与《特种设备安全监察条例》、《固定式压力容器安全技术监察规程》(TSG 80004)和《移动式压力容器安全技术监察规程》(TSG 80005)协调一致;根据5年来的实际使用情况以及行业发展,调整、完善不适应的内容,新增加附件E非金属及非金属衬里压力容器定期检验专项要求;明确定期检验的性质、定位及检验周期的含义,按国家质检总局及信息化工作要求,统一检验结论及结论报告内容;理清使用单位、,检验机构、监察机构的义务;明确检验机构、检验人员的义务与分工;在考虑基本安全要求的基础上,建立基于损伤模式、失效模式制定针对性检验方案的思想,突出检验项目的针对性、有效性、科学性;为新检验检测技术、评定方法的应用,给出渠道;吸纳成熟的科技成果,理清与常规检验方法的关系;方便企业,服务于企业的发展;兼顾国际发展,具有中国特色;安全技术规范与相应标准协调一致,为在用设备检验标准的制定留出接口。
TSG R7001压力容器定期检验规则

TSG R7001-2004-11-4压力容器定期检验规则Pressure Vessels Periodical Inspection Regulation中华人民共和国国家质量监督检验检疫总局颁布2004年6月23日目录第一章总则 (1)第二章年度检查 (3)第三章全面检验 (9)第四章耐压试验 (17)第五章安全状况等级评定 (19)第六章附则 (24)附件一移动式压力容器定期检验附加要求 (26)附件二医用氧舱定期检验要求 (34)附件三安全阀校验要求 (47)附录1 压力容器年度检查报告 (52)附录2 压力容器全面检验报告 (55)附录3 耐压试验报告 (75)附录4 特种设备检验意见通知书 (76)压力容器定期检验规则第一章总则第一条为了保证在用压力容器定期检验工作的质量,确保压力容器安全运行,防止事故发生,根据《特种设备安全监察条例》、《压力容器安全技术监察规程》(以下简称《容规》)的有关规定,制定本规则。

压力容器检验员考试试题库一、名词解释1.压力容器:2.压力容器的最高工作压力(《压力容器安全技术监察规程》:3.全面检验(TSG R7001-2004《压力容器定期检验规则》):4.耐压试验(TSG R7001-2004《压力容器定期检验规则》):5.设计厚度:二、选择题1.《特种设备安全监察条例》是一部――――。

附件:《压力容器定期检验规则》(TSG R7001-2004)第3号修改单(对2004年8月1日第1版及其第2号修改单的修改)1. 目录修改内容按照第2号修改单,在“附件三小型制冷装置中压力容器定期检验专项要求”下一行加“附件四长管拖车定期检验专项要求”。
2. 正文修改内容3. 附件修改内容将附件四《长管拖车定期检验专项要求》及其内容插入附件三《小型制冷装置中压力容器定期检验专项要求》之后,另起一页。
(二)本专项要求适用于正常环境温度下(-40~60℃)使用、公称工作压力(标记工作压力)不大于30 MPa、公称水容积(单只气瓶)为500~3000L、用于运输表4-1中规定气体的在用长管拖车年度检查和定期检验。
(三)年度检查和定期检验周期如下:1. 年度检查,每年至少1次,选择在适当时机进行;2. 按照所充装介质不同,定期检验周期见表4-1;3. 定期检验用声发射检测替代外测法水压试验时,充装A类介质的长管拖车定期检验周期为3年,充装B类介质的长管拖车定期检验周期为4年。
表4-1定期检验周期(四)有下列情形之一的长管拖车,应当提前进行定期检验:1. 发现有严重腐蚀、损伤或者对其安全使用有怀疑的。
2. 充装介质中,腐蚀成份含量超过相关标准规定的。
3. 发生交通、火灾等事故,造成对安全使用有影响的。
4. 停用时间超过1年,启用前。
5. 年度检查发现问题,而且影响安全使用的。

2022年吉林省辽源市特种设备作业安全阀校验F模拟考试(含答案)学校:________ 班级:________ 姓名:________ 考号:________一、单选题(10题)1.安全阀型号为A11H,其第一个符号“1”代表连接形式为()。

英文-TSG R7001-2004压力容器定期检验规则

TSG特种设备安全技术规范TSG Safety Technical Specification for Special EquipmentTSG R7001-2004压力容器定期检验规则Pressure Vessels Periodical Inspection RegulationIssued by State General Bureau of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People’s Republic of ChinaJune 23, 2004ContentsChapter 1 General (3)Chapter 2 Annual Examination (6)Chapter 3 Overall Inspection (14)Chapter 4 Pressure Resistance Test (25)Chapter 5 Evaluation of Class of safety Status (29)Chapter 6 Supplementary Provisions (36)Appendix I Additional Requirement for Periodical Inspection of Movable Pressure Vessels (38)Appendix II Requirement for Periodical Inspection of Medical Use Oxygen Cabin (48)Appendix III Requirement for Calibration of Safety V alves (63)Annex I Annual Examination Report on Pressure V essels (69)Annex II Overall Inspection Report on Pressure V essels (72)Annex III Report on Pressure Resistance Test (92)Annex IV Notice of Comments on Inspection of Special Equipment (1) (93)Pressure Vessels Periodical Inspection RegulationChapter 1 GeneralArticle 1 To guarantee the quality of periodical inspection of in-use pressure vessels and to secure safe running of pressure vessels as well as to avoid occurrence of any accident, this regulation is worked out in accordance with the Safety Supervision Regulation for Special Equipment and Safety Technical Supervision Regulation for Pressure Vessels (hereinafter referred to as RPV).Article 2 This regulation applies to annual examination and periodical inspection of pressure vessels within the scope of application of pressure vessels, annual examination and periodical inspection of in-use truck tanks (hereinafter referred to as truck tanks) and in-use tank containers (hereinafter referred to as tank containers) shall, apart from compliance with relevant requirements in the text of this regulation, also follow what specified in Appendix I of this regulation the Additional Requirement for Periodical Inspection of Movable Pressure Vessels.For annual examination and periodical inspection of in-use medical oxygen cabins (hereinafter referred to as oxygen cabins for medical use, abbreviated as MUOC), Appendix II of this regulation the Requirement for Periodical Inspection of Oxygen cabins for medical use shall apply.Article 3 Annual examination is the in-line examination during the running to secure the safety of pressure vessels within the inspection interval, which shall be done at least one a year. Annual examination of fixed pressure vessels may be done either by pressure vessel professional personnel of the user organization, or by certified pressure vessel inspection personnel of inspection organization (hereinafter referred to as inspection organization, abbreviated as IO) which is approved by the State General Bureau of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine (hereinafter referred to as SGBQI).Article 4 Periodical inspection of pressure vessels includes overall inspection and pressure resistance test.1. Overall inspection is the inspection at the halt of pressure vessels, which shall be done byIO. The inspection interval shall be:(1) For pressure vessels with safety status of Class 1 or Class 2, in general, it shall beonce 6 years;(2) For pressure vessels with safety status of Class 3, in general, it shall be once 3 ~ 6years;(3) For pressure vessels with safety status of Class 4, in general, it shall be determinedby IO.The evaluation of safety status of pressure vessels shall be done in accordance with Chapter 5 of this regulation.2. Pressure resistance test is the hydraulic test or air pressure test at pressure exceeding max.working pressure done after qualification of overall inspection of pressure vessels. In principle, within the period of two overall inspections, one pressure resistance test shall be done.In case the overall inspection, pressure resistance test and annual examination are done in same year, the sequence shall be overall inspection, pressure resistance test and annual examination, the items which have been overall inspected may not be examined in annual examination repeatedly.For pressure vessels for which overall inspection and pressure resistance test cannot be done or cannot be done in schedule, Article 138 of RPV shall apply.Article 5 First overall inspection shall be done to pressure vessels which have been put into operation for 3 years. The next overall inspection interval shall be determined by IO according to the results of this inspection based on relevant stipulations of Article 4 of this regulation.1. Overall inspection interval for pressure vessels of any of following cases shall beshortened appropriately:(1) The corrosion of medium to vessel material is not clear or the annual corrosion rateof medium to material is > 0.25mm, or the corrosion data determined by designer is not in conformity with actual condition;(2) The surface quality of material is bad or there is internal defects;(3) Application condition is severe or stress corrosion is found in application;(4) The application term exceeds 20 years and it is determined by inspectors or bytechnical verification that the normal inspection interval cannot secure the safe application;(5) The application is stopped for more than 2 years;(6) Medium is changed and there is possibility of worse corrosion;(7) Design drawing shows that pressure resistance test can not be made;(8) During the inspection, other factors affecting safety are doubtable;(9) Medium is LPG and there is stress corrosion, overall inspection shall be made everyyear or on necessary;(10) In case the process is used to make paper and no anti-corrosion measures are taken,overall inspection shall be made at least once a year for steam balls;(11) Spherical tanks (made of material of lower limit of standard tensile strength σb≥540Mpa, open tank inspection shall be made to them after putting into operation for one year.);(12) E quipment of glass lining.2. Overall inspection interval for pressure vessels with safety status of Class 1 or Class 2 ofany of following cases shall be shortened appropriately:(1) Inspection interval for those of good non-metal lining can be prolonged to 9 years;(2) In case the corrosion rate of medium to material is < 0.1mm (actually measured data)and there is reliable corrosion resistance metal lining(composite steel plate)or hot-sprayed metal coat (aluminum powder or stainless steel) and it is confirmed after1 ~2 overall inspections that the corrosion is light or the lining is good, theinspection interval can be prolonged to 12 years;(3) For reactors filled with catalyst and large pressure vessels packed with fillingmaterial, the inspection interval shall be determined by user organization, designer and IO after discussion in accordance with design drawings and actual application conditions, which shall be reported to the quality technical supervision department where the Application Register Card was applied and obtained (hereinafter referred to as Certificate Issuing Organ, abbreviated as CIO) for record.Article 6 The accumulated application time for pressure vessels under monitoring with safety status of Class 4 shall not exceed 3 years. During the app lication period under monitoring, defects shall be treated to raise the class of safety status , otherwise they shall not be used further.Article 7 Pressure resistance test shall be made after overall inspection to pressure vessels of any of following cases is made and qualified:1. Pressure elements are replaced by the way of welding;2. The depth of remedy welding for pressure element is > 1/2 wall thickness;3. Application condition is changed and the original design parameters are exceeded andafter strength verification, it is qualified;4. Those needing lining replacement (pressure resistance test shall be done before liningreplacement);5. Application is resumed after 2 years’ stoppage;6. It is replanted from external organization or from same organization;7. The user organization or IO has doubt about the safety status of the pressure vessel.Article 8 IO and inspectors engaging in periodical inspection of pressure vessels shall makeinspection strictly in accordance with the scope of inspection approved. IO and inspectors shall accept supervision of local quality technical supervision department and shall be responsible for the correctness of the results of periodical inspection of pressure vessels.Prior to the inspection, IO shall work out inspection scheme, which shall be checked and approved by technical responsible person authorized by IO. For inspection scheme for pressure vessels of special requirements, IO shall solicit opinion of user organization and original designer. In case of any discrepancy, the opinion of IO shall apply. Inspectors shall make inspection strictly in accordance with the approved inspection scheme.Article 9 User organization shall apply for periodical inspection of pressure vessels 30 days in advance the expiration date of inspection validity, meanwhile the application form for pressure vessels inspection shall be submitted to IO and CIO. IO shall fulfill inspection in accordance with inspection plan.Article 10 User organization shall closely cooperate with IO and well do the technical treatment after halt as well as safety checks before inspection in accordance with this regulation. Inspection shall not start until it is confirmed that it meets requirements for inspection. They shall also provide cooperation at inspection site.Chapter 2 Annual ExaminationArticle 11Annual examination of pressure vessels includes examination of safety management of pressure vessels by user organization, examination of pressure vessels themselves and their running status as well as examination of safety accessories of pressure vessels.The way of examination shall be mainly the macro examination, if necessary, thickness measuring, examination of wall temperature and measurement of content of corrosive medium as well as test of vacuum shall be made.Article 12 Prior to annual examination, user organization shall make following preparation ready:1. Cleaning of outer surface and environment of pressure vessels;2. Site lighting, protection for high position climbing and removal of local insulation shallbe done to meet the need of site examination;3. Technical files, running records as well as records of harmful impurities used for pressurevessels shall be ready;4. Regulations for safety management of pressure vessels as well as regulations for safetyoperation and certificates of operators shall be ready;5. During examination, management personnel and relevant personnel for pressure vesselsof user organization shall be present to assist examination and provide other informationexaminers needed.Article 13Before examination, examiners shall have an overall understanding of use condition and management condition of pressure vessels to be examined and seriously review technical files and management information of pressure vessels and relevant records shall be made.The examination of safety management conditions of pressure vessels shall include followings:1. Regulations for safety management and regulations for safety operation of pressurevessels, whether records are complete and true, look over desk exercises (or accounting books) of pressure vessels to be sure they are in conformity with actual condition;2. Examine file documents of drawings, application register cards, product qualitycertificates, instructions, supervision and inspection certificates, annual inspection reports in history, documents of reconstruction to be sure whether they are complete and meet requirements.3. Whether operators of pressure vessels are working in posts with certificate;4. Are issues referred in last inspection and examination reports solved?Article 14 For examination of pressure vessels themselves and their running condition, in general, insulation may not be removed unless required by examiners.Article 15 Examination of pressure vessels themselves and their running condition shall include followings:1. Whether the nameplate, color of painting, marks as well as painted application cardnumber meet relevant regulation?2. Whether there are crack, overheat, deformation, leakage or damage in the body,connecting places (valves, piping) and welding joints of pressure vessels;3. Whether there are damage, abnormal, frosting or dewing in outside surface;4. Whether there are damage, peeling off, damping or cold leakage of insulation;5. Whether there are liquid leakage or air leakage from leakage inspection holes or signalholes and whether leakage inspection holes are unimpeded;6. Whether there are abnormal vibration or abnormal sound or mutual friction betweenpressure vessels and adjoining piping or elements;7. Whether there is damage to supports or supporting seats, whether there are settlement,inclination, crack in foundation, whether fastening bolts are complete and in good order;8. Whether draining facilities (traps, drainage) are good;9. Whether there are over pressure, over temperature or over quantity during running;10. Whether earthing for tanks needing earthing meet requirements;11. The implementation of measures for those pressure vessels with safety status class ofClass 4 under monitoring and whether there is any abnormal situation;12. Whether safety-interlocking devices for pressure vessels of quick-open door meetsrequirements.Article 16 Inspection of safety accessories includes examination and calibration of pressure gauges, level gauges, temperature measuring instruments, disrupture disk devices and safety valves (for calibration requirements of safety valves, see Appendix III).1. Pressure gauges(1) Annual examination of pressure gauges shall at least include followings:(a) Type selection of pressure gauges;(b) Rules for periodical inspection and maintenance of pressure gauges, validity ofverification and the seal;(c) Appearance, class of precision, scale range and diameter of panel of pressuregauges;(d) The position, marks for opening as well as interlocking devices of T plugs andneedle valves installed between pressure vessels and pressure gauges;(e) Whether readings of pressure gauges in same system are same.(2) During annual examination, for any of following cases found, user organization shallbe asked to rectify them within limited time and effective measures shall be taken to secure the safe during the rectification period. In case they are not corrected beyond the time, the use of that pressure vessels shall be stopped temporarily:(a) Wrong selection of type;(b) Panel cover glass is broken or scale of graduation in panel is not clear;(c) Lead seal is damaged or it is beyond validity of verification;(d) There is leakage in the spring tube in instrument or the indicating hand ofpressure gauge is loose;(e) Indicating hand is tortured or broken or outer housing is seriously corroded;(f) Marks for opening of T plug or needle valves are not clear or the locking deviceis damaged.2. Level gauges(1) Annual examination of level gauges shall at least include followings:(a) Rules for periodical inspection and maintenance of level gauges;(b) Appearance and accessories of level gauges;(c) Selection of type of level gauges outdoor used in cold areas or fully filled withmedium with temperature below 0℃;(d) Protection device from leakage of level gauges used in pressure vessels forliquefied gases with flammable medium of toxicity degree of extreme and highhazard.(2) During examination, for any of following cases found, user organization shall beasked to rectify them within limited time and effective measures shall be taken to secure the safe during the rectification period. In case they are not corrected beyond the time, the use of that pressure vessels shall be stopped temporarily:(a) Inspection and maintenance period is beyond the specified period;(b) There is crack or break in glass plate (tube);(c) V alve elements are dead;(d) There is false level;(e) Indication of level gauge is not clear;(f) Wrong selection of type;(g) Protection device from leakage is damaged.3. Temperature measuring instruments(1) Annual examination of temperature measuring instruments shall at least includefollowings:(a) Rules for periodical verification, inspection and maintenance of temperaturemeasuring instruments;(b) The meeting of the scale range of temperature measuring instruments to therange of temperature to measure;(c) Appearance of temperature measuring instruments and their secondaryinstruments.(2) During examination, for any of following cases found, user organization shall beasked to rectify them within limited time and effective measures shall be taken to secure the safety during the rectification period. In case they are not corrected beyond the time, the use of that pressure vessels shall be stopped temporarily:(a) Inspection and maintenance period is beyond the specified period;(b) Instruments and their protection devices are broken;(c) Wrong selection of scale range of instruments.4.Disrupture disk devices(1) Annual examination of disrupture disk devices shall at least include followings:(a) Examine the disrupture disk devices to be sure whether they are beyond theapplication period specified in product instructions;(b) Examine the installation direction of the disrupture disk devices to be surewhether they are correct and check the blast pressure and temperature in nameplate to be sure whether they meet running requirements;(c) For the case in which the disrupture disk is used to release pressure separately(Figure 1), examine the globe valve between the disrupture disk and the vessel to be sure whether it is at full open status and whether the lead seal is good;(d) For the case the disrupture disk is used with safety valve in series and if thedisrupture disk is installed at the inlet side of the safety valve (Figure 2), examine the pressure indication of the pressure gauge installed between the disrupture disk and the safety valve, and open the globe valve to check whether there is air vent;Figure 1 Disrupture disk is used separately1 – Disrupture disk;2 – Globe valveFigure 2 Disrupture disk and safety valve are used in series (Disrupture disk is installed at inlet side of the safety valve)1 – Disrupture disk;2 – Globe valve;3 – Pressure gauge;4 – Safety valve(e) In case the disrupture disk is used with safety valve in series and if the disrupturedisk is installed at the outlet side of the safety valve (Figure 3), examine the pressure indication of the pressure gauge installed between the disrupture disk and the safety valve, if there is pressure indication, open the globe valve to check whether the trap and air vent is good;(f) For the case the disrupture disk is used with safety valve in parallel (Figure 4),examine the globe valve installed between the disrupture disk and the safety valve to be sure whether it is at full open status and whether the lead seal is in good order.Figure 3 Disrupture disk and safety valveare used in series(Disrupture disk is installed at outlet side ofthe safety valve)1 – Disrupture disk ;2 – Globe valve ;3 – Pressure gauge ;4 – Safety valveFigure 4 Disrupture disk and safety valve are used in parallel 1 – Disrupture disk ;2 – Globe valve ; 3 – Safety valve(2) During annual examination, for any of following cases found, user organization shallbe asked to replace the disrupture disk device and effective measures shall be taken to secure the safety during the replacing period. In case they are not replaced beyond the time, the use of that pressure vessel shall be stopped temporarily:(a) Application term of disrupture disk is beyond the specified period;(b) Wrong installation direction of the disrupture disk;(c) Rated blast pressure and temperature of the disrupture disk do not meet runningrequirements;(d) During application, when pressure exceeds rated blast pressure, it does not blast; (e) In case the disrupture disk is installed at the inlet side of the safety valve to beused with the safety valve in series, there is pressure indication in the pressuregauge installed between the disrupture disk and the safety valve or air leakswhen the globe valve is open.(f) Disrupture disk device leaks.(3) For annual examination of pressure vessels for which the disrupture disk device isseparately used as pressure release device or the disrupture disk is used with safety valve in parallel, in case the globe valve installed between the disrupture disk and the vessel is found to be not at full open status or the lead seal is damaged, user organization shall be asked to rectify them within limited time and effective measures shall be taken to secure the safety during the rectification period. In case they are not corrected beyond the time, the use of that pressure vessels shallbestopped temporarily5. Safety valves(1) Annual examination of safety valves shall at least include followings:(a) Whether the selection of type of safety valves is correct;(b) Whether the calibration validity of safety valve is expired;(c) For lever type safety valves, check the device which prevents the hammer fromfree movement and the lever from out-positioning of the lever to be sure they arein good order; for still weight type safety valves, check the device whichprevents the weight from flying off to be sure it is in good order.(d) In case globe valves are installed between safety valves and draining ports,check the globe valve to be sure they are at full open status and lead seal is ingood order.(e) Whether safety valves leak;(2) During annual examination, for any of following cases found, user organization shallbe asked to rectify them within limited time and effective measures shall be taken to secure the safety during the rectification period. In case they are not corrected beyond the time, the use of that pressure vessel shall be stopped temporarily:(a) Wrong selection of type;(b) Calibration and inspection validity is expired;(c) Lead seal is damaged;(d) Safety valves leak.Article 17 In general, safety valves shall be inspected and calibrated at least once a year. For safety valves of spring direct load type, the inspection and calibration interval may be prolonged appropriately subject to approval of technical responsible person of user organization and meeting what specified in this article.1. The inspection and calibration interval of the safety valves of spring direct load type,which meet all following conditions, may be prolonged to 3 years;(1) Manufacturer of safety valves has obtained manufacture license issued by the statequality inspection department;(2) Manufacturer of safety valves may provide certificate to proof that all springs havebeen strong pressure treated or strong pressure treated with heat in accordance with the standard the Safety Valves of Spring Direct Load Type GB / T 12243 – 1989, in addition, 10% (not less than 2 pieces) springs of same specification and same heat treatment furnace shall be measured at specified load for their deformation or rigidity and the error of the deformation or rigidity shall not be > 15%.(3) Material of internals of safety valves shall corrosion resistance to the medium;(4) Safety valves have never been opened during application;(5) No notable rust in pressure vessels and body of safety valve;(6) Medium of non-sticky and toxicity degree of intermediate or below is filled inpressure vessels.2. In case the user organization has established and executed perfect rules for use,management and maintenance of equipment and all of following conditions are met, it may also be prolonged to 3 years:(1) During 2 continuous running examinations, no problem listed in (2) of 5 in Article16 is found to any safety valve;(2) User organization has set up safety valve inspection and calibration station whichmeets requirements in Appendix III to make inspection and calibration of safety valves himself;(3) User organization has set up reliable pressure control and regulating device or overpressure alarming device.3. For safety valves of spring direct load type which meet requirements specified in (1), (3),(4) and (5) of 1 in this article as well as 2 of this article, the inspection and calibrationinterval may be prolonged to 5 years subject to they meet all following conditions:(1) Manufacturer of safety valves may provide certificate to proof that all springs havebeen strong pressure treated or strong pressure treated with heat in accordance with the standard the Safety Valves of Spring Direct Load Type GB / T 12243 – 1989, in addition, 20% (not less than 4 pieces) springs of same specification and same heat treatment furnace shall be measured at specified load for their deformation or rigidity and the error of the deformation or rigidity shall not be > 10%;(2) Medium of toxicity degree of low or below is filled in pressure vessels and workingtemperature is not > 200℃.4. For all safety valves of which inspection and calibration interval are prolonged, userorganization shall report the condition for prolonged inspection and calibration in written to CIO.Article 18In case site calibration and pressure adjustment (in-line calibration) of safety valves is necessary, technical personnel in charge of safety of pressure vessels of user organization as well as trained and qualified personnel for safety valves shall be present. Lead seal shall be made to calibrated and qualified safety valves. The precision of pressure gauges for adjustment and calibration use shall not be lower than Class 1. Reliable protection measures shall be provided to the adjustment and calibration of safety valves.Article 19 On completion of annual examination, examiners shall issue examination reportbased on the actual examination conditions to make following conclusion:1. Allowable running: It means no defect or light defect which will not affect the safety isfound;2. Running under monitoring: It means the defect of general nature is found, safe runningcan be secured after taking measures by user organization. In the conclusion, the problems to solve and the time limit to complete for the running under monitoring shall be noted;3. Stop running temporarily: It only refers to the case that the problems of safety accessorieshave not been solved beyond the time limit specified. When problems are solved and confirmed, the running can be resumed.4. Stop running: It refers to the case that serious defects are found and the safe running ofpressure vessels can not be secured, the running shall be stopped or further inspection shall be made by pressure vessel certified inspectors from IO.In general, annual examination shall not evaluate the class of safety status of pressure vessels. However in case serious problems are found, it shall be evaluated by certified pressure vessel inspectors from IO in accordance with what specified in Chapter 5 of this regulation and the class of safety status of pressure vessels may be lowered appropriately.Chapter 3 Overall InspectionArticle 20 Prior to the inspection, following documents shall be reviewed:1. Qualification of designer, design and installation instructions, design drawings as well asstrength calculations and so on;2. Qualification of manufacturer, date of manufacture, product certificate, qualitycertificate (for low temperature (heat isolated) pressure vessels, criteria of vacuum of sealed openings, inspection results of leakage rate of vacuum jacket as well as static evaporation rate and so on shall also be included) and as-built drawings;3. Qualification of organization for site assembling of large pressure vessels, date ofinstallation as well as documents of completion and acceptance;4. Certificate of supervision and inspection of manufacture and installation, supervisionand inspection reports on safety performance of imported pressure vessels;5. Application register card;6. Annual examination reports in running interval;7. Overall inspection reports in history;8. Records of running, records of start-up and shut down, records of changes of operationconditions and abnormal conditions occurred in running;。
TSG R7001-2004压力容器定期检验规则

附录 2,《压力容器 16 耐压试验报告
10 全面检验报告目录》 17 气密性试验报告
(第 57 页)
18 附加检查、检测报告
16 气密性试验报告 17 附加检查、检测报告
另,附录 3:《耐压试验报告》(第 75 页)最后一栏修改为:
(检验机构检验专用章) 年月日
《压力容器定期检验规则》(TSG R7001-2004)修改单 (第 1 号,对 2004 年 8 月第 1 版的修改)
序号 1
修改条款 第二条(第 1 页第 6 行)
第十七条第(二)项 (第 8 页第 9 行)
本规则适用于属于《容规》适 用范围的压力容器的年度检 验和定期检验。其中,在用罐 车(以下简称罐车)、在用罐 式集装箱(以下简称罐式集装 箱)的年度检查和定期检 验,……。 在用医用氧舱(以下简称医用 氧舱)的年度检查和定期检验 应当按本规则附件二《医用氧 舱定期检验要求》进行。
序号 4 5
6 7
第二十九条的[σ]t有 关内容(第 17 页第 18 行)
[σ]t - 设 计 温 度 下 材 料 的 许 用应力,MPa。
(二十)罐车年度检验工作完 成后,检验人员应该根据实 附件一,第二(二十) 际检验情况,按《压力容器 项(第 31 页第 16 行) 定期检验规则》年度检验的 有关规定做出检验结论,出 具检验报告。
本规则适用于《容规》适用 范围的压力容器的年度检查 和定期检验。其中,在用汽 车罐车、铁路罐车和罐式集 装箱(以下简称罐车)的定 期检验,……。 在用医用氧舱(以下简称氧 舱)的定期检验应当按本规 则附件二《医用氧舱定期检 验要求》进行。

(一)有如下状况之一旳压力容器,全面检查周期应当合适缩短:1.介质对压力容器材料旳腐蚀状况不明或者介质对材料旳腐蚀速率每年不小于0.25mm,以及设计者所拟定旳腐蚀数据与实际不符旳;2.材料表面质量差或者内部有缺陷旳;3.使用条件恶劣或者使用中发现应力腐蚀现象旳;4.使用超过,通过技术鉴定或者由检查人员确认按正常检查周期不能保证安全使用旳;5.停止使用时间超过2年旳;6.变化使用介质并且也许导致腐蚀现象恶化旳;7.设计图样注明无法进行耐压实验旳;8.检查中对其她影响安全旳因素有怀疑旳;9.介质为液化石油气且有应力腐蚀现象旳,每年或根据需要进行全面检查;10.采用“亚铵法”造纸工艺,且无防腐措施旳蒸球根据需要每年至少进行一次全面检查;11.球形储罐(使用原则抗拉强度下限σb≥540MPa材料制造旳,投用一年后应当开罐检查); 12.搪玻璃设备。

关于发布《压力容器定期检验规则》(TSG R7001-2004)第3号修改单的公告根据压力容器安全监察工作需要,国家质检总局制定了《长管拖车定期检验专项要求》,作为《压力容器定期检验规则》(TSG R7001-2004)的补充规定。
附件:《压力容器定期检验规则》(TSG R7001-2004)第3号修改单二〇〇八年二月二十一日附件:《压力容器定期检验规则》(TSG R7001-2004)第3号修改单(对2004年8月1日第1版及其第2号修改单的修改)1. 目录修改内容按照第2号修改单,在“附件三小型制冷装置中压力容器定期检验专项要求”下一行加“附件四长管拖车定期检验专项要求”。
2. 正文修改内容3. 附件修改内容将附件四《长管拖车定期检验专项要求》及其内容插入附件三《小型制冷装置中压力容器定期检验专项要求》之后,另起一页。
(二)本专项要求适用于正常环境温度下(-40~60℃)使用、公称工作压力(标记工作压力)不大于30 MPa、公称水容积(单只气瓶)为500~3000L、用于运输表4-1中规定气体的在用长管拖车年度检查和定期检验。
(三)年度检查和定期检验周期如下:1. 年度检查,每年至少1次,选择在适当时机进行;2. 按照所充装介质不同,定期检验周期见表4-1;3. 定期检验用声发射检测替代外测法水压试验时,充装A类介质的长管拖车定期检验周期为3年,充装B类介质的长管拖车定期检验周期为4年。
(四)有下列情形之一的长管拖车,应当提前进行定期检验:1. 发现有严重腐蚀、损伤或者对其安全使用有怀疑的。

表1-1 罐车全面检验周期有以下情况之一的罐车,应该做全面检验:(1)新罐车使用1年后的首次检验;(2)罐体发生重大事故或停用1年后重新投用的;(3)罐体经重大修理或改造的。

安全阀校验维修人员考试题库及参考答案一、判断题1 、带动力辅助装置的安全阀是指该安全阀借助一个动力辅助装置,可以在压力低于正常整定压力时开启。
(Ⅰ级Ⅱ级)答案:√2 、附加背压力是系统运行时在安全阀出口处存在的静压力,是固定不变的值。
(Ⅰ级Ⅱ级)答案:×3 、根据J B /T 308 -2004 《阀门型号编制方法》规定,安全阀型号A 42 Y — 25 表示的阀体材料是碳钢。
(Ⅰ级Ⅱ级)答案:√4 、根据J B /T 308 -2004 《阀门型号编制方法》规定,安全阀型号A 47 H— 16 C 是微启式、弹簧载荷弹簧不封闭且带扳手结构。
(Ⅰ级Ⅱ级)答案:√5 、适用温度为 150 °C < t≤3 50 °C 的安全阀是属于中温安全阀。
(Ⅰ级Ⅱ级)答案:√7 、安全阀按照有无背压平衡机构分为背压平衡式安全阀和背压非平衡式安全阀。
(Ⅰ级Ⅱ级)答案:√8 、安全阀按照阀瓣加载型式分为静重式安全阀、弹簧式安全阀、气室式安全阀和永磁体式安全阀。
(Ⅰ级Ⅱ级)答案:√9 、安全阀按照开启高度分为微启式安全阀和全启式安全阀。
(Ⅰ级Ⅱ级)答案:×10、公称尺寸DN 是指用于管道系统元件的字母和数字组合的尺寸标识。
它由字母DN 和后跟无因次的整数数字组成。
这个数字与端部连接件的孔径或外径(用m m 表示)等特征尺寸直接相关。
(Ⅰ级Ⅱ级)答案:×12 、安全阀的回座压力越高,说明安全阀开启排放后被保护系统内的压力越高。
(Ⅰ级Ⅱ级)答案:√13 、安全阀稳定排放,应有良好的机械特性,但允许有频跳、颤振、卡阻等现象的存在。

第四条 压力容器定期检验工作包括全面检验和耐压试验。
第十四条 进行压力容器本体及运行状况检查时,除非检查人员认为必要,一般可以不拆保温层。
第十五条 压力容器本体及运行状况的检查主要包括以下内容:
第五条 压力容器一般应当于投用满3年时进行首次全面检验。下次的全面检验周期,由检验机构根据本次全面检验结果按照本规则第四条的有关规定确定。
TSG R7001-2004《压力容器定期检验规则》修改单第1号

附件:《压力容器定期检验规则》(TSG R7001-2004)修改单(第1号,对2004年8月第1版的修改)序号修改条款原文内容修改后内容1第二条(第1页第6行)本规则适用于属于《容规》适用范围的压力容器的年度检验和定期检验。

附件:《压力容器定期检验规则》(TSG R7001-2004)修改单(第2号,对2004年8月第1版及其第1号修改单的修改)1 目录修改内容注:具体页码按照实际进行排列2 正文修改内容3 附件修改内容(1)将附件三《小型制冷装置压力容器定期检验专项要求》及其内容插入第47页;(2)删除原附件三《安全阀校验要求》的全部内容。
二、全面检验前的准备工作(一)检验人员应该审查以下资料:1. 设计单位资格、设计、安装、使用说明书,主要受压元件设计图样,强度计算书等;2. 制造单位资格、产品合格证书、质量证明书、监督检验证书等;3. 安装资料、安装日期,竣工验收文件、安装监督检验证书等;4. 有关维修或者改造的文件,重大改造维修方案,告知文件,竣工资料,改造、维修监督检验证书等;5. 使用登记证;6. 设备的运行记录;7. 氨液充装时间及氨液成分检查记录;8. 运行周期内的年度检查报告和历次全面检验报告;9. 安全附件校验记录;10. 使用单位安全操作规程、安全管理规章制度、应急预案。

国家质量监督检验检疫总局公告2006年第216号--关于发布《压⼒容器定期检验规则》第2号修改单的公告⽂号:国家质量监督检验检疫总局公告2006年第216号颁布⽇期:2006-12-31执⾏⽇期:2007-02-01时效性:现⾏有效效⼒级别:部门规章关于发布《压⼒容器定期检验规则》第2号修改单的公告根据⼩型制冷装置中压⼒容器的⼯作特点和⽬前实际状况,国家质检总局制订了《⼩型制冷装置压⼒容器定期检验专项要求》,作为《压⼒容器定期检验规则》(TSG R7001-2004)的补充规定。
另外,我局近⽇公布了《安全阀安全技术监察规程》(TSG ZF001-2006),需要对《压⼒容器定期检验规则》(TSG R7001-2004)相关内容进⾏修改。
现将《压⼒容器定期检验规则》(TSG R7001-2004)第2号修改单予以公布。
附件:《压⼒容器定期检验规则》(TSG R7001-2004)第2号修改单⼆六年⼗⼆⽉三⼗⼀⽇附件:《压⼒容器定期检验规则》(TSG R7001-2004)修改单(第2号,对2004年8⽉第1版及其第1号修改单的修改)1 ⽬录修改内容┌──┬───────────────┬──────────────────────┐│序号│原⽂内容│修改后内容│├──┼───────────────┼──────────────────────┤│1.2 │附件三安全阀校验要求│附件三⼩型制冷装置中压⼒容器定期检验专项要││注:具体页码按照实际进⾏排列2 正⽂修改内容┌──┬─────┬──────────────┬─────────────────┐│序号│修改条款│原⽂内容│修改后内容││││(按照第1号修改单修改后)││├──┼─────┼──────────────┼─────────────────┤│2.1 │第⼆条(第│本规则 3 附件修改内容(1)将附件三《⼩型制冷装置压⼒容器定期检验专项要求》及其内容插⼊第47页;(2)删除原附件三《安全阀校验要求》的全部内容。

2004年3月24日,国家质量监督检验检疫总局颁布了特种设备安全技术规范TSG R7001 — 2004 《压力容器定期检验规则》(以下简称《规则》),明确规定了压力容器安全阀“按本规则附件三‘安全阀校验要求’进行解体检查、维修与调校。
三,安全阀校验的资质1. 从事安全阀校验工作的单位,可以是有条件和能力的使用单位,也可以是专门从事安全阀校验的单位。
2. 从事安全阀校验工作的人员(统称安全阀维修人员)应按照《特种设备作业人员监督管理办法》、TSG Z6001—2005《特种设备作业人员考核规则》、TSG ZF002—2005《安全阀维修人员考核大纲》的规定进行培训和考核,取得《特种设备作业人员证》后方可从事安全阀四,关于安全技术规范的选用TSG R7001 — 2004 《压力容器定期检验规则》属于特种设备安全技术规范,是强制执行的。

TSG 特种设备安全技术规范 TSG R7001-2004-11-4压力容器定期检验规则 Pressure Vessels Periodical Inspection Regulation中华人民共和国国家质量监督检验检疫总局颁布 2004年6月23日 目录第一章 总则 (3)第二章 年度检查 (5)第三章 全面检验 (11)第四章 耐压试验 (19)第五章 安全状况等级评定 (22)第六章 附则 (27)附件一移动式压力容器定期检验附加要求 (29)附件二医用氧舱定期检验要求 (37)附件三安全阀校验要求 (50)附录1 压力容器年度检查报告 (55)附录2 压力容器全面检验报告 (58)附录3 耐压试验报告 (75)附录4 特种设备检验意见通知书 (79)压力容器定期检验规则第一章 总则 第一条为了保证在用压力容器定期检验工作的质量,确保压力容器安全运行,防止事故发生,根据《特种设备安全监察条例》、《压力容器安全技术监察规程》(以下简称《容规》)的有关规定,制定本规则。

- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
附件:《压力容器定期检验规则》(TSG R7001-2004)第3号修改单(对2004年8月1日第1版及其第2号修改单的修改)1. 目录修改内容按照第2号修改单,在“附件三小型制冷装置中压力容器定期检验专项要求”下一行加“附件四长管拖车定期检验专项要求”。
3. 附件修改内容将附件四《长管拖车定期检验专项要求》及其内容插入附件三《小型制冷装置中压力容器定期检验专项要求》之后,另起一页。
(二)本专项要求适用于正常环境温度下(-40~60℃)使用、公称工作压力(标记工作压力)不大于30 MPa、公称水容积(单只气瓶)为500~3000L、用于运输表4-1中规定气体的在用长管拖车年度检查和定期检验。
(三)年度检查和定期检验周期如下:1. 年度检查,每年至少1次,选择在适当时机进行;2. 按照所充装介质不同,定期检验周期见表4-1;3. 定期检验用声发射检测替代外测法水压试验时,充装A类介质的长管拖车定期检验周期为3年,充装B类介质的长管拖车定期检验周期为4年。
(四)有下列情形之一的长管拖车,应当提前进行定期检验:1. 发现有严重腐蚀、损伤或者对其安全使用有怀疑的。
2. 充装介质中,腐蚀成份含量超过相关标准规定的。
3. 发生交通、火灾等事故,造成对安全使用有影响的。
4. 停用时间超过1年,启用前。
5. 年度检查发现问题,而且影响安全使用的。
(二)年度检查前,使用单位应当做好以下准备工作:1. 将外表面有碍检查的杂物清除干净。
2. 准备好长管拖车安全管理资料、技术档案资料、运行管理资料。
3. 长管拖车的年度检查,在卸压后进行。
1. 安全管理资料审查:(1)使用登记证;(2)安全管理规章制度、安全操作规程;(3)危险品车辆驾驶员证和押运员上岗证。
2. 技术档案资料审查:(1)首次年度检查时,查阅产品质量证明书、长管拖车竣工总图、长管拖车使用说明书、气瓶监检证书、气瓶强度计算书等出厂技术文件;(2)历次年度检查和定期检验报告;(3)改造、维修资料等。
3. 运行状况资料审查:(1)充装记录;(2)日常运行维护记录,交通、火灾事故记录;(3)充装介质的分析报告,腐蚀性介质的残液分析报告等。
1. 气瓶检查:(1)逐只核实拖车产品铭牌、气瓶制造标志;(2)逐只检查气瓶外部,检查是否存在裂纹、腐蚀、油漆剥落、凹陷、变形、鼓包和机械损伤等;(3)使用木锤或者重约250g的铜锤轻击瓶壁,逐只对气瓶进行音响检查。
2. 附件检查:(1)气瓶端塞的检查,包括有无变形、裂纹或者其他机械损伤。
(2)管路和阀的检查:a. 金属管路有无变形、裂纹、凹陷、扭曲或者其他机械损伤;b. 阀门是否锈蚀、变形、泄漏,开闭是否正常;c. 排污装置是否完好、通畅;d. 软管两端接头的连接是否牢固可靠,软管外观有无破裂、鼓包、折皱、老化现象;e. 气动阀门有无损伤,是否处于常闭状态。
3. 气瓶固定装置安全状况检查:(1)气瓶与前后两端支撑立板的连接是否松动,气瓶是否发生转动;(2)框架有无裂纹、凹陷、扭曲或者其他机械损伤;(3)框架与拖车底盘连接是否牢固可靠;(4)捆绑带是否有损伤、腐蚀,紧固连接螺栓是否腐蚀、松动、弯曲变形,螺母、垫片、缓冲垫是否齐全、完好。
1. 压力表、测温仪表、安全阀的检查及校验,执行《压力容器定期检验规则》及相关安全技术规范的规定。
2. 爆破片装置检查:(1)爆破片是否超过产品说明书规定的使用条件;(2)爆破片表面是否有腐蚀、皱折、划伤和其他非正常变形等;(3)爆破片装置有无渗漏;(4)爆破片使用过程中是否存在未超压爆破或者超压未爆破的情况;(5)与爆破片夹持器相连的放空管是否通畅,放空管内是否存水(或者冰),防水帽、防雨片是否完好。
3. 易熔塞易熔合金使用条件是否超过产品说明书的规定,是否有易熔合金挤出、渗漏的情况。
4. 导静电装置检查:(1)检查瓶体、管路、阀门与导静电带接地端的电阻是否超过10Ω;(2)检查导静电带安装是否正确。
(七)年度检查工作完成后,检查人员根据实际检查情况出具检查报告,做出下述结论:1. 允许使用,系指未发现或者只有轻度不影响安全的缺陷,或者发现的缺陷和问题已经解决或者进行处理,并且经过确认,能够保证安全运行;2. 不允许使用,系指发现的缺陷和问题未经解决或处理,或者发现严重缺陷不能保证长管拖车安全运行,应当停止使用或者报请长管拖车定期检验机构进行定期检验。
三、定期检验(一)定期检验前,使用单位、检验机构、制造单位应当做好以下准备工作:1. 使用单位按照本要求“二(二)”的规定做好准备工作,将长管拖车及其相关技术档案资料一并运送至检验机构;2. 检验机构根据介质的不同性质,采取安全有效的方法将气瓶内的残气、残液排除,并且使用检测分析仪器对瓶内(可燃、有毒)气体进行检测,检测结果必须达到有关规范、标准的规定;3. 根据定期检验的需要,由具备长管拖车制造资格的单位,对长管拖车进行拆卸和检验后的安装工作;4. 检验机构检查、记录长管拖车铭牌、气瓶钢印标记内容、上次检验日期等,并且逐只登记气瓶编号。
1. 气瓶宏观检查:(1)外部宏观检查,按照“二(四)1.(2)、(3)”规定的内容进行;(2)内部宏观检查,对气瓶内表面进行100%检查,检查内表面可能存在的腐蚀和其他缺陷,当对存在缺陷的气瓶能否继续使用产生怀疑时,应当采用其他方法做进一步检测;(3)必要时,对气瓶进行音响检查。
2. 瓶口螺纹检查。
3. 全自动超声检测。
4. 气瓶壁厚测定。
5. 磁粉检测。
6. 水压试验。
(1)水压试验采用外测法,水压试验装置、试验方法和安全措施应当符合GB/T 9251-1997《气瓶水压试验方法》的规定;(2)水压试验压力为气瓶公称工作压力的5/3倍,保压时间不得少于2分钟;(3)水压试验时,应当同时测定残余变形率;(4)水压试验后应对气瓶内部进行干燥处理。
7. 气密性试验。
8. 声发射检测。
1. 气瓶端塞检验:(1)逐只检查端塞及螺纹;(2)如果端塞上带有内伸式排污管时,应当同时对排污管进行检查。
2. 管路和阀门检验:(1)按照“二(四)2(2)”规定的内容对管路、阀门、排污装置进行宏观检查;(2)采用软管连接的管路应当全部进行更换,更换的软管应当符合原设计要求;(3)对管路焊缝部位进行表面检测;(4)逐只对阀门进行高压和低压密封试验,其中高压密封试验的试验压力为气瓶公称工作压力的1.1倍,低压密封试验的试验压力为气瓶公称工作压力的0.5~0.7倍;(5)对管路和管路上连接的阀门进行整体水压试验,试验压力为气瓶公称工作压力的5/3倍,保压时间不得少于2min。
3. 快装接头检验按照“二(四)2(3)”规定的内容进行。
1. 压力表、测温仪表、安全阀的检查及校验应当执行《压力容器定期检验规则》及相关安全技术规范的规定。
2. 爆破片装置检验:(1)爆破片装置内的垫片、爆破片、剪切环或者组合结构件,必须更换。