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1.1 The mechanism
当病原微生物或其他异物侵入机体时,巨噬细胞由 于具有趋化性,变向异物处聚集,巨噬细胞可将之 内吞入胞质,形成吞噬泡,然后在胞内与溶酶体融 合,将异物消化分解。
1. The Observation of Phagocytosis
1.1 The mechanism
白细胞是机体防御系统中能游走的单位。分 为:粒细胞系、单核细胞系和淋巴细胞三类。 其中粒细胞系和单核细胞系的吞噬功能较强, 故称为吞噬细胞,是机体非特异性免疫功能 的重要组成部分。 巨噬细胞是由骨髓干细胞分化生成,当病原 微生物或其他异物侵入机体时,巨噬细胞由 于具有趋化性,变向异物处聚集,巨噬细胞 可将之内吞入胞质,形成吞噬泡,然后在胞 内与溶酶体融合,将异物消化分解。
4.用吸管吸取平皿内液体,滴一滴于载玻片上,盖上 盖玻片,稍待2-3分钟于镜下观察。
2.2 The observation of flagellum movement
Result observing:
Under low power lens, you can see many sperm cells with a head in cone shape and a thin thread-like tail. Under high power lens, many moving sperm cells that drived by flagellum’s curving and flapping can be seen.
3. Regents:
0.3% trypan blue 1% Congo red.
The observation of physiological activities of cells
鞭毛、纤毛运动 吞噬等生理活动
1. The Observation of Phagocytosis
The observation of physiological activities of cells
The observation of physiological activities of cells
1.Animal model and material:
1. The Observation of Phagocytosis
巨噬细胞可将之内吞入胞质,形成吞噬泡,然后在 胞内与溶酶体融合,将异物消化分解。
Lastly, the foreign body will be digested by fusion of lysosome and phagocytotic vesicle.
2.1 The observation of cilia movement
Kill the toad --- destroy brain and spinal cord through the foramen occipital magnum . The body of the dead hoptoad is laxation.
male toads Mus musculus albus (rats) 1% chicken RBC suspended solution 6% starch meat soup.
2. Equipments:
microscope, injector, carrying glass, slides glass, anatomic instruments, dropper, test tube, transfer pipette.
Result observing:
Phagocytes can migrate to the certain direction where foreign body locates by chemotaxis. Then, phagocyte surrounds foreign body by pseudopodia and swallows it into the cell.
1. The Observation of Phagocytosis
Kill the rat by cervical vertebral dislocation. One hand grasp the tail, the other hand press the cervical vertebral, give a suddenly and powerfully dislocation.
1.2 The observation of phagocytosis of macrophage
1.实验前2天,每天向小鼠腹腔注射(注射时从小鼠下腹外侧进 针,呈45°角刺入腹腔)6%淀粉肉汤1ml,以诱导腹腔产生较 多的巨噬细胞。 2.实验前1小时,取经上述处理过的小鼠,腹腔注射1%鸡红细胞 悬液0.5-1ml然后轻揉小鼠腹部以使细胞悬液分散均匀。
1. The Observation of Phagocytosis
暗视野,高倍镜。 鸡红细胞为淡黄色、椭圆形、有核的细胞而数量较多 巨噬细胞为体积较大圆形或不规则的细胞,其表面有许多毛 刺状的小突起(伪足),胞质中有数量不等的蓝色颗粒(为 吞入的含台盼蓝淀粉肉汤形成的吞噬泡)。
2.1 The observation of cilia movement
1. The Observation of Phagocytosis
Grasp the end of tail avoiding to be bitten. The injection need to avoid the middle line of the abdomen avoid meeting vesica urinaria 膀胱 and intestines 肠.
3 4
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The observation of physiological activities of cells
鞭毛、纤毛运动 吞噬等生理活动
2.2 The observation of flagellum movement
l.将前面实验所用蟾蜍沿腹中线开腹,暴露出黄色圆 柱状精巢。 2.剪取一侧精巢于盛有自来水的平皿中,用镊子夹住 精巢的一端,清洗去血污。 3.移取洗净的精巢于另一干净的平皿上,用眼科剪将
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Open the abdominal cavity of the toad you have used in 2.1 along the median line and expose the spermary which is a yellow round column.
Introduction Strategy
2.1 The observation of cilia movement
Result observing:
Observe cilia movement of upper mandible mucosa cells under low power lens. Observe regular movement of cilia under high power lens.
2.1 The observation of cilia movement
3) Cut the oral fissure bilateral about 1 cm long and fix the lower mandible to the abdomen. 4) Put a little wax pieces to the median line of upper mandible 1 cm to the larynx. Observe the moving direction of wax pieces, record the time duration from the wax pieces begin to move to disappearing.
Draw a picture recording what you see when you observe phagocytosis of macrophage. Record the time needed from wax pieces start moving to disappearing in 2.1. Draw a picture of cilia movement of upper mandible mucosa cells under high power lens(40X). Draw a picture of the flagellum movement of toad sperm under high power lens.
The observation of physiological activities of cells
通过制片与观察加深理解细胞的运 Strategy 动、吞噬等生理活动。
生理学(physiology)是以生物机体的生命活动现象和 机体各个组成部分的功能为研究对象的一门科学。 生理学的实验可分为:器官系统水平,细胞组织水 平和亚细胞及分子水平四个层次进行实验研究。
The observation of physiological activities of cells
鞭毛、纤毛运动 吞噬等生理活动
2.1 The observation of cilia movement
1. 双毁髓法处死蟾蜍。 2.腹部向上将蟾蜍固定在蜡盘上。 3.沿蟾蜍二侧口角向后剪开约l厘米,将下颌翻转固 定在腹部。 4.在上颌中线距喉头1厘米处放置腊屑,观察腊屑向 什么方向移动?记录腊屑开始移动到消失的时间。 5.然后,用眼科剪刀剪取咽头前部的上颌粘膜约 2×2mm2小块,用牙签挑取剪下的粘膜,按生理位置 铺片。 6.加一滴生理盐水于载玻片标本上,加盖玻片,镜检。
Epithelium cells
2.1 The observation of cilia movement
Result observing:
1.低倍镜观察纤毛运动现象。 2.高倍镜观察纤毛有规律的运动。
Observe cilia movement of upper mandible mucosa cells under low power lens. Observe regular movement of cilia under high power lens.
Attention: These two operations has been done by teachers before the class begins. Your task starts from step 3
3.实验时,向腹腔内注射0.5ml~1ml小鼠生理盐水,轻揉小鼠腹 部,使其腹腔液稀释。 4.3min后,颈椎脱位法处死小鼠。 5.剪开腹腔,把内脏推向一侧,用吸管或不装针头的注射器吸取 腹腔液,滴片,然后盖上盖玻片。 6.镜下观察。