卡比詹尼冰激凌机使用手册 CHINESE


FABY 2 MODEL C.A.B. 冷饮机说明书

FABY 2 MODEL C.A.B. 冷饮机说明书

Manual n°151010Ott.2010 SERVICE MANUALMODELBefore using the machine please read this manual carefully.Please note that non-compliance to the manual releases the manufacturer from any responsibility.The machine must not be used for purposes other than the ones shown in this manual.Any improper use of the machine will nullify warranty conditions.The slush machine should not be placed close to explosive or fire hazards and should be installed in accordance with local fire and electrical codes.This manual provides basic infomation about the slush machine.The illustrations and specifications are not binding in the tile.We reserve the right to make changes to the slush machine without notice,and without incurring any obligation to modify or provide new parts for slush machine built prior to date of change.Do not attempt to service or operate the slush machine until instructions and safety precautions in this manual are read completely and are thoroughly understood.If problems develop or questions arise in connection with installation,operation or servicing of the slush machine,contat your distributor.The slush machine has been assembled,operated and inspected at the factory.Upon arrival at the final destination,the complete slush machine must be checked for any damage which may have occurred during transit.With the method of packaging used,the slush machine should arrive in excellent condition.The carrier is responsible for all damage in transit,whether visible or concealed.Installation of the slush machine involves moving the slush machine close to its permanent location;removing all crating,setting in place,assembling parts and cleaning.SHIPMENT and TRANSITINSTRUCTION MANUALPic.3HeightPic.1WidhtDe ph t8i n ch e s8inchesPlace machine on a flat surface.Leave at least 8inches on all sides for air circulation to avoid overheating.Optimum room temperature range:77°F-90°F.The slush machinesare equipped with air-cooled condenser and require correct ventilation.The left side is the air intake and must be unobstructed.Air discharge out is on the right side.Do not obstruct the discharge.Pic.4Pic.6Pic.7Pay attention to the voltage.Be sure there is a ground pole.Do not plug more than one machine in to one socket.Extensions cords not recommended.GENERAL USE OF THE MACHINEINSTALLATION OF THE MACHINEAdjustment for slush consistencyRemove the mini door for slush adjustment (see pict.8)on the back part of machine.Rotate clockwise in order to increase the thickness.Rotate counterclockwise in order to decrease the thickness of the slush (see pict.9).The machine has been adjusted for fruit granitas (normal).Products containing milk,or other products which may take longer to freeze,adjust “+”as shown in picture.+N O R M A L M E D I U M M A X I M U MPic.8Mix product in a separate container if your product is a liquid concentrate,or powder,to be mixed with water,do not dilute more.There must be at least 18%sugar content to avoid breakage of ice scraper blade.Pour syrup into the tank and set the level of liquid between MIN and MAX (Pic.16).Do not let product go below “MIN”line (keep at least 1"above cylinder at all times).Refill with refrigerated product when level is halfway between min and max levels (Pic.16).This way there will always be frozen product available for customers.Attention:do not pour hot product in the tank.INSTALLATION OF THE MACHINEPic.13Pic.14lift the upper lidgently and put it on one side of the machines drip tray panel by using the appropriate hook (see pict.11,12&13).Never turn machine on without product in bowl or with only water in bowl.18%Pic.16Pic.11CONTROL PANELFUNCTION OF TIMERBefore starting the machine it is necessary to set the timer.W TIMER PROGRAMMING The TIMER switch,()as shown in picture 19,assembled on the control panel starts the night function (cold drink dispenser).(Day &Night Function)For example,to have the machine work for slush (Day function)from 7:00AM to 11:00PM,push inwards all segments included in those hours,as shown in Picture 19.During the remaining hours the machine will work as a cold drink dispenser (Night function)..Set the triangle of the timer on the right local time.Please noteAM -PM signs (pic.19).After timer setting it is possible to start the machine with some simple operations.Without the correct time setting,the timer will not work properly.Turn on the INDIVIDUAL BOWL FREEZE switches (C)as shown in picture 19.Turn on the MAIN POWER switch (A)as shown in picture 19.The Turn on the LIGHT switch (B)as shown in picture 19N.B.:INSTRUCTIONS TO START THE MACHINE main power switch starts all BOWL UPPER AGITATOR and main gear-motor too.To operate on the machine's switches open the cover for control panel with the lock key.After settings of the machine's desired functions please lock the panel and keep the key in a safe place (see Pic.17&18).Pic.17Pic.18AWCCBCLEANING OPERATIONPic.25Place fingers under the front lower part of the bowl,near the tap,and push upwards until legs pop out.Turn power off.Drain product.Fill bowl with tepid water,and wait 15minutes (see Pict.24&25).To continue cleaning operation empty the bowl again.Place fingers behind the bowl legs and pull the bowl onwards slowly until it has been completely removed.For an easy removal of the bowl.Please follow instructions shown in Pictures 26&27.ATTENTION:Place all the components in a safe place in order to be sure they are not lost.NOTE:Do not use too hot water to clean the plastic components.Clean the components with dish-washing soap and tepid water.Never use abrasive cleaners.Pic.29Pic.31CLEANING OPERATIONTo remove spiral blade put fingers on the plate part of the spiral and pull it onwards gently as shown in Pict.28&29.Remove bowl gasket from the back partof the evaporator tube(see Pict.31). Once the spiral blade is removedcompletely remove the suction capgasket from the front spiral as shown inPict.30ATTENTION:Place all the components in a safe place in order to be sure they are not lost.NOTE:Do not use too hot water to clean the plastic components.Clean the components with dish-washing soap and tepid water.Never use abrasive cleaners.Pic.32CLEANING OPERATIONHow to remove and clean the tap components1-Pull out the pin for handle fixing (see Pict.32).2-Pull the handle from its place (see Pict.33).3-Unthread the main tap pin by pulling it downwards (see Pict.34)4-Repeat the same operation for the tap spring (see Pict.35)ATTENTION:Place all the components in a safe place in order to be sure they are not lost.NOTE:Do not use too hot water to clean the plastic components.Clean the components with dish-washing soap and tepid water.Never use abrasive cleaners.Pic.34Pic.38CORRECT INCORRECTReassembly of the parts removed during the cleaning.Before reassebling of parts,clean the evaporapor tube and drip trays &grids without using abrasive cleaners.Before reassemblyng the bowl gasket rinse it with water in order to facilitate the assembly of the bowl.Lubricate the front part of evaporator tube as indicated in Pict.39/.Insert the spiral blade by pushing it gently and deeply as indicated in Pict.40a &40b.After this it is important to lubricate the head of the spiral (see Pict.34/).121Lubricate2REASSEMBLY OF THE COMPONENTSPut the bowl gasket in its position on the back part of the evaporator tube.Once the bowl gasket is in its right position press it with your thumbs first in the lower part and then progressively towards its upper part (marking a circle with your fingers);until it is correctly fixed in its site (see Pict.36&37).Insert the suction cap gasket into the spiral blade by pushing it deeply (see Pict.38).Lubricate with lubricanrs provided in the machine like shown in Picture 38.Pic.Pic.37Pic.40aPic.40b43Pic.42REASSEMBLY OF THE TAPWhen inserting the main tap pin pleasebe careful that the little square hole (see Pic.43)is placed right in front of you.Keep the tap pin pressed upwards until you are able to see the square hole where you will insert the handle (see Pict.44).Insert the pin for handle fixing as indicated in Pict.45.R I C A T E S I D E Before reassembling of the tap components lubricate the tap siege as indicated in Pict.41and lubricate the seals as indicated in Pict.43..HOLEInsert the tap spring and tap pin as indicated in Pic.41and 42.REASSEMBLYOF THE BOWLATTENTION.Before reassemble of the bowl be sure that the bowl gasket is still in its position.If necessary fix again the bowl gasket without removing the spiral blade.Insert the bowl making sure that the back hole of the bowl is fixed perfectly in the bowl gasket site.It is important that the bowl hole corresponds perfectly to the gasket shape.To obtain this easily lift slighly the back part of the bowl when insering it.Press the bowl deeply (see Pict.46and 47).Once the bowl is inserted deeply press with the fingers on the legs and push downwards until you hear the clap (See Pict 47and 47a).If this operation can seem difficult you may also press one leg first with both your hands and then the other (see Pic.48).Pic.47Pic.48GENERAL MAINTENANCE2.055.085.09Pic.52aPic.52bPic.52cIf the tap o-ring 5.08is damaged you will see the syrup leaking from the higher part of the tap siege.In this case replace the o-ring.To obtain the best performance of the machine it is important to clean the external filter every day.Remove the filter and clean it as shown in Pict.49.Although the exinsting of the external filter do not forget to clean the condenser periodically (every month is the optimal time).Remove the screw as shown in Pict.50and clean condenser with an appropriate brush (see Pic.51).ATTENTION.A dirty condenser causes damages to the compressor.Every month it is necessary to check the gaskets indicated in Picture 52a,52b and 52c.If the suction spiral’s cap 2.05is damaged,not assembled correctly or wore out you will see some syrup leaking on the drip tray panel under the bowl.In case the leaking comes from the lower part of the tap siege please check the tap lower gasket 5.09and replace it.Pic.50Pic.51FIX CLAMPS and HANDLE63Pic.61NIGHTDAYLOCK FOR LID HOW TO FIX THE CLAMPSScrew the small clumping plates on the outsides of the two bowls(see Pict.56).Fix clamps as shown in Pict.59&60.Close the clamp with the lock.HANDLE LOCKComplete blockPartial blockInsert the handle lock from the lowerpart of the tap(see Pict.61).With the handle lock you have twooptions:(for ex.During thenight)Insert the handle lock asindicated in Pict.62and close the littlelock;In this way it is not possible toopen or remove any part of the tap;therefore the dispensing of the slush isnot allowed.(for During the day)Insertthe handle lock as shown in Pict.63.And close the little lock;In this way the dispensing of the slush isallowed but,any removal of the tap partswill be impossible.Pic.62GENERAL EXPLOSEGEAR MOTOR EXPLOSESPARE PARTSLIST1)F u s e 2)F a n m o t o r 3)G e a r m o t o r 14)G e a r m o t o r 25)T r a n s f o r m e r 6)C o m p r e s s o r 7)T h e r m o s t a t 18)E l e c t r o -v a l v e 19)E l e c t r o -v a l v e 210)M i c r o -s w i t c h 111)M i c r o -s w i t c h 212)L i g h t A )M a i n p o w e r s w i t c h B )I n d i v i d u a l b o w l f r e e z e /r e f r i g e r a t i o n s w i t c h C )M a i n f r e e z e /r e f r i g e r a t i o n s w i t c h (M o d ./2a n d M o d ./3)D )L i g h t s w i t c h G )I n d i v i d u a l b o w l f r e e z e /r e f r i g e r a t i o n s w i t c h (M o d ./2e M o d ./3)ELECTRICAL TABLETROUBLESHOOTINGFOR TECHNICIAN USE MECHANICAL P ARTGENERAL INDEXShipment and transit pag.1Lift upper lid pag.4Pre-mix product and refill the machine pag.4Control panel pag.5Timer programming pag.5Remove upper agitator pag.6How to empty bowl pag.7Removal the bowl pag.7Removal the spiral pag.8Removal suction cap gasket pag.8Removal bowl gasket pag.8Reassembly of the suction cap gasket pag.10Reassembly of the spiral pag.10Reassembly of the tap pag.11Maintenance of the condenser pag.13Compressor check pag.15Gear motor explose pag.18Spare parts list pag.19NOTE:。





二、操作前准备1. 检查冰淇淋机外观是否完好,电源线、插头等是否存在破损,确保设备安全。

2. 检查冰淇淋机内胆、搅拌棒、冷却系统等部件是否清洁,如有污渍,请用温水和中性洗涤剂清洗干净。

3. 确认冰淇淋机放置在平稳、通风、干燥的场所,确保机器运行过程中不受外界因素影响。

4. 根据所需冰淇淋的口味和规格,准备相应的冰淇淋原料,如牛奶、奶油、糖、水果、巧克力等。

三、操作步骤1. 打开冰淇淋机电源开关,启动机器。

2. 将准备好的冰淇淋原料按照一定比例混合均匀,放入冰淇淋机内胆中。

3. 根据所需冰淇淋的口感和硬度,调整冰淇淋机的搅拌速度和冷却温度。


4. 搅拌过程中,注意观察冰淇淋的质地变化。


5. 冷却过程中,根据冰淇淋的硬度要求,适当调整冷却温度。


6. 将制作好的冰淇淋从冰淇淋机内胆中取出,放入保鲜盒中,密封保存。

四、操作注意事项1. 操作过程中,注意避免手部直接接触冰淇淋原料,以防感染。

2. 在调整搅拌速度和冷却温度时,请务必确保冰淇淋机处于运行状态,以免造成设备损坏。

3. 冰淇淋原料应提前搅拌均匀,避免在搅拌过程中产生气泡。

4. 操作过程中,若发现冰淇淋机出现异常,请立即关闭电源,检查设备,排除故障后再行使用。

5. 定期清洁冰淇淋机,保持设备卫生,延长设备使用寿命。

五、操作结束1. 关闭冰淇淋机电源,拔掉电源插头。

2. 清洗冰淇淋机内胆、搅拌棒、冷却系统等部件,确保设备清洁。

3. 将冰淇淋原料妥善保存,避免变质。

4. 检查设备运行情况,确认无异常后,方可离开。



第1篇一、操作前准备1. 确保冰淇淋机处于干燥、通风的环境中,避免潮湿和高温影响设备性能。

2. 检查电源插座是否完好,确保电源线无破损、裸露等安全隐患。

3. 检查冰淇淋机外观是否有损坏、变形等情况,如有异常,请及时更换或报修。

4. 检查冰淇淋机内部各部件是否正常,如搅拌刀、轴承、电机等,确保无松动、损坏。

5. 检查冰淇淋机的冷却系统是否正常,包括冷却管、冷却水循环系统等。

6. 准备好制作冰淇淋的原材料,如牛奶、糖、奶油、冰淇淋粉等,并确保原料新鲜、无变质。

二、操作步骤1. 打开冰淇淋机电源,启动设备。

2. 将搅拌刀放入冰淇淋机内,确保其与搅拌轴紧密贴合。

3. 将准备好的原料按比例放入冰淇淋机内,通常比例为牛奶:糖:奶油:冰淇淋粉=1:0.5:0.3:0.2。

4. 关闭冰淇淋机盖,启动搅拌功能,让原料在搅拌过程中充分混合。

5. 在搅拌过程中,根据冰淇淋机说明书调整搅拌速度和温度,确保冰淇淋口感和品质。

6. 当冰淇淋开始凝固时,观察冰淇淋机的温度和搅拌速度,适当调整,使冰淇淋达到理想口感。

7. 当冰淇淋凝固至接近完成时,关闭搅拌功能,让冰淇淋在机内继续冷却。

8. 冰淇淋凝固完成后,打开冰淇淋机盖,取出冰淇淋,放置于冰箱中冷藏。

三、操作注意事项1. 操作过程中,严禁触摸冰淇淋机内部高温部件,以免烫伤。

2. 操作过程中,严禁将手或其他物品伸入冰淇淋机内部,以免发生意外。

3. 操作过程中,注意观察冰淇淋机运行状态,如有异常,立即停止操作,排查原因。

4. 操作完成后,关闭冰淇淋机电源,清理机器内外部,保持设备清洁。

5. 定期对冰淇淋机进行保养和维护,如检查搅拌刀、轴承、电机等部件,确保设备正常运行。

四、操作后处理1. 关闭冰淇淋机电源,清理机器内外部,保持设备清洁。

2. 将冰淇淋机放置于通风、干燥处,避免潮湿和高温。

3. 定期检查冰淇淋机各部件,如搅拌刀、轴承、电机等,确保设备无损坏。

4. 如发现冰淇淋机存在故障,请及时报修或更换。



801 Church Lane • PO Box D, Easton, PA 18044Operation, Service and Parts ManualU150 Series Ice DispensersOrder parts online PlumbingDispenser – all models3/4" female PVC slip joint dispenser drain3/4" male slip joint to 3/4" MPT PVC adapter providedNote: Drains to be hard piped and insulated, with1/4" per foot (6mm per 30.4cm) min. slope.Icemaker– automatic load models only1/4" FPT water in1/2" MPT drain3/8" FPT condenser inlet (water-cooled condenser only)1/2" FPT condenser drain (water-cooled condenser only)Note:Water disconnect within 10 feet (3m) of icemaker(s) is suggested for automatic load units.Beverage connections - Models with beverage valves only1/4" syrup and 3/8" carbonated water pigtails.How the dispenser worksFollett’s U150 series ice dispensers are available in manual load configurations (using ice from another source) or automatic load configurations, fed from one or two Follett 400 lb (181kg)/day remote icemakers.In all models, ice is stored below the counter in the dispenser storage area. When the dispense lever or button is pushed, the dispense motor is activated. This causes the wheel assembly in the storage area to turn, moving ice to the vertical auger assembly, which carries ice up to the dispense chute where it drops by gravity into the container.In automatic load models, ice is manufactured in either one or two Follett remote icemakers. These icemakers may be located up to 20 feet (3m) away from the dispenser. As water freezes to the inside walls of the icemaker evaporator, a rotating stainless steel auger removes ice and carries it to the top of the evaporator assembly where it is compressed and extruded through an outlet port. The extruded ice is then pushed through the tube to the storage compartment of the dispenser. A level fill circuit maximizes fill in the storage area by rotating the wheel at intervals until the bin is completely filled. When the bin is filled, a bin stat shuts the icemaker off to avoid overfilling of the bin. U150 dispensers equipped with R4A/W (R12 refrigerant) icemakers have a safety thermostat that prevents the icemaker from restarting for 15 to 30 minutes after the bin stat has shut the icemaker down. In U150 dispensers with R5A/W (R22 refrigerant) icemakers, the icemaker will restart after 15 to 20 minutes if the bin is calling for ice.From Serial Number 40600 and up, models with integral ice-waterbath beverage cooling are equipped with a waterbath timer circuit that activates the waterbath pump 1 minute on and 10 minutes off to ensure optimal beverage cooling.To start-up and operate dispenser1. Follow cleaning instructions in U150 Series Installation Manual before operating dispenser.2. Follow start-up instructions in U150 Series Installation Manual for beverage line hook-up instructions, initialloading of ice-waterbath beverage cooling system, manual loading restrictions and/or automatic load start-up requirements.3.Turn power and feed switches located inside beverage rail or ice tower to ON position.4. For manual load models, remove front drain pan or rear lid and fill storage area with compatible ice.5. For automatic fill models, turn icemaker (bin signal) switch(es) located inside beverage rail or ice tower to ONposition and begin to make ice.6. When dispenser has at least 6" (153mm) of ice in storage area, press PUSH FOR ICE lever or button toinsure that dispenser is operating properly.Periodic cleaning of dispenserCaution: Do NOT run plastic parts (drain pan, dispense chute cover, dispense wheel) through a dishwasher.Solution A:Prepare a cleaning solution (200 ppm of available chlorine content) of Ecolab Mikro-chlor Cleaner or equal chlorinated detergent. Solution temperature must be 75˚ to 125˚F (24˚ to 52˚C).Solution B:Prepare a sanitizing solution (50 ppm of available chlorine content) of Ecolab Mikro-chlor Cleaner or equal chlorinated detergent. Solution temperature must be 75˚ to 125˚F (24˚ to 52˚C). Recommended daily cleaning of drain pan1.Remove all debris from drain pan.2.Pour 1 gallon (4L) hot water into drain pan to keep drain lines clear.Recommended weekly cleaning1.Remove drain pan and grille and wash with Solution A above. Rinse thoroughly.2.On units with beverage valves, remove nozzles and diffusers from valves, soak for at least 10 minutes incleaning Solution A, rinse, sanitize with Solution B and reinstall.3.Pour a solution of one cup (8oz/237ml) household bleach mixed with one gallon (3.8L) hot water into drainpan to help prevent algae growth in drain lines.Recommended quarterly cleaning (every 3 months)Caution:Remove dispense switch from dispense chute before cleaning chute.1.Turn power switch to OFF position.2. Remove ice from storage area.3.Remove dispense chute, chute cover, auger tube and auger (page 10).4.Remove drain pan, grille, dispense wheel and waterbath cover plate (page 11).5. Clean all components and bin storage area with Solution A, rinse thoroughly with clear water and sanitizewith Solution B.6.On units with beverage valves, remove nozzles and diffusers from valves, soak for at least 10 minutes incleaning Solution A, rinse, sanitize with Solution B and reinstall.7.For units without integral beverage cooling, clean area below wheel and stainless cover plate with Solution A,rinse and sanitize with Solution B.8.For models with integral ice-waterbath beverage cooling only:• Lower drain tube found on utility connection side of dispenser and drain ice-waterbath• Use a bottle brush to clean coils with Solution A, rinse and sanitize with Solution B• Reposition waterbath drain line in UP position• Pour 3.5 gallons (13L) Solution A into waterbath• Turn power ON and tape dispense lever or dispense button back in “Dispense” position• Allow pump to run for 2 minutes to clean pump and pump lines• Turn power OFF and remove tape• Drain bath and replace drain tube in UP position to avoid siphoning waterbath waterPutting unit back in service after quarterly cleaning1.On units with integral beverage cooling, fill ice-waterbath with 3.5 gallons (13L) potable water.2.Reassemble components.3.For manual load units, fill unit with an approved ice (page 2).4.For automatic load units with R4A/W (R12 refrigerant) icemakers, turn icemaker switch(es) and dispenserpower switch to ON position and allow storage area to fill.5.For automatic load units with R5A/W (R22 refrigerant) icemakers, turn bin signal switch(es) and dispenserpower switch to ON position and allow storage area to fill.6.Push dispense button or lever to test that dispenser is functioning properly.Quarterly cleaning of icemaker systemUnits equipped with icemakers require cleaning of icemaker system at least every three months, and more often if local water conditions dictate. Failure to clean icemaker system will result in decreased performance and potential damage to icemaker. Refer to Icemaker Operation and Service Manual.All manual load models before serial #40600Automatic load models with R4A/W (R12) icemaker(s), no beverage cooling – Before serial #40600All Models – serial #40600 and upInstructions for disassembly required for periodic cleaningDispense chute cover removal1.Remove ice tower cover.2.Push in on both sides of black plastic chute coverto clear upper and lower pins.3.After clearing pins, pull chute cover forward toremove.Dispense chute assembly removal1.Remove chute cover (see instructions at left).2.Remove thumbnut holding dispense chuteassembly and pull assembly forward.3.Disconnect electrical connector and pull dispensechute assembly free of tower.Auger motor and bracket removal1.Remove dispense chute cover and dispenseassembly (see above).2.Remove two rear thumbnuts on motor bracket.3.Lift motor bracket up and unplug electric quickdisconnects.4.Remove motor and bracket assembly.Auger and auger tube removal1.Remove auger motor and bracket assembly (seeinstructions at left).2.Pull auger upward to clear auger tube.3.Remove auger tube bearing plate located onbottom of auger tube.4.Lift auger tube upward to clear dispenser top.Disassembly instructions for service requirements only – NOT required for any cleaning procedure.Wheel motor removal1.Remove dispense wheel and ice-waterbath cover plates (see instructions above).2.Remove spacer and shaft seal.3.Lift motor bracket up and unplug electric quick disconnects.Ice-waterbath pump motor removal1.Remove wheel motor.2.Drain ice-waterbath by lowering drain tube on utility connection side of dispenser.3.Slice insulation enough to expose hose clamps on intake, output and recirculating system fittings.4.Loosen clamps and pull tubing off fittings.5.Loosen screws on pump motor bracket.6.Slide pump bracket off mounting screws.7.Disconnect electric wires from pump and remove pump.Dispense wheel and waterbath bath cover removal 1.Remove grille and drain pan assembly.2.Remove center thumbnut and threaded rod on dispense wheel assembly and lift wheel out front (see photo above).3.Remove two (2) screws holding bath cover in place and lift cover out front.Reference #DescriptionPart Number1Top, beverage rail and tower (includes “Follett” label)501677Not shownTop, beverage rail and tower (includes “Follett” label) — 10 valve models 5021272Label, “Follett”501345Not shown Label, “Follett” (U150N)502341Not shownLabel, “Follett”, 10 valve models5021283Cover, dispense chute, lever operation (with clear plastic extension)5016734Cover, dispense chute, push-button operation (includes button)5016725Label, “Ice”,5013446Cup guide, “Push”, lever operation only 5013427Button, “Push for Ice”5015118Ice guard, plastic (includes thumbscrews)501674Not shown Thumbscrews, ice guard (10-32 x 1/2)501100Not shownBacksplash assembly5021639Drain pan and frame, RH, 6-8 valve, non-recessed grille 501878 & 501877Not shown Drain pan and frame, LH, 6-8 valve, non-recessed grille 501879 & 501877Not shown Drain pan and frame, RH, 6-8 valve, recessed grille 501878Not shown Drain pan and frame, LH, 6-8 valve, recessed grille 501879Not shownDrain pan, 6-8 valve, non-recessed grille 501877 & 50188010Drain pan, 6-8 valve, recessed grille501880Not shown Drain pan, 10 valve, black plastic (obsolete)502641Not shown Drain pan, 10 valve, gray plastic502642Not shownGrill, 6-8 valve units, non-recessed grille 50167511Grill, 6-8 valve units, recessed grille 501877Not shown Grill, 10 valve units, black plastic pan 502126Not shownGrill, 10 valve units, gray plastic pan 50245112Cover, bin501761Not shown Cover, bin – 10 valve models502129Not shownCover, ice storage (below drain pan) – all U150 models 50216213Handle, bin cover501763Not shown Switch, keylock for valves 501409Not shown Key, beverage lock switch501286Not shown Legs, 6" (153mm) adjustable to 9" (229mm) – set of 4500880Not shown Fitting, male, lower drain pan 501926Not shown Elbow, lower drain pan 501927Not shown Drain pan assembly, lower 501928Not shown Plug, drain clean out501929Not shown Water station (glass filler) U150N only 502296Not shown Lid, rear (U150N)502340Not shown Lid, tower (U150N)502342Not shown End wrap, dispense tower, RH 5021394810111213DescriptionPart NumberWheel, dispense, (includes 501682 and 501679)Lip kit, U150, front (includes adhesive)Plate, ice distribution (includes two 501764)Hardware, bin thermostat mountingRetaining bracket, ice tube (includes thumbnuts)Ice tube assembly (sold by the foot, must be ordered with 500366)Plate, ice tube mounting Agitator, rotating502162129672131412546342316357314958762310113 245 1Serial #40600 and up23654。

Whynter ICR-300SS 冰淇淋机说明书

Whynter ICR-300SS 冰淇淋机说明书

Whynter Portable Instant Ice Cream MakerFrozen Pan Roller in Stainless SteelCongratulations on your new Whynter product. To ensure proper operation, please read this Instruction Manual carefullybefore using this product. Keep this manual in a safe place for future reference.Model # : ICR-300SSV 2021-7.13.20INSTRUCTION MANUALTechnical Data / Safety PrecautionsWarranty Information11TECHNICAL DATATake on dessert making like never before! Make delicious homemade rolled ice cream that you can fully customize to taste in the comfort of your own home with the Whynter ICR-300SS Portable Instant Ice Cream Maker Frozen Pan Roller in Stainless Steel.Rolled ice cream, also known as stir-fried ice cream, is made by stirring ingredients on an ice pan and simultaneously cooled to approximately 10°F ( -12°C). Rolled ice cream is chopped and scrapped while being frozen on an ice pan. This reduces the amount of air trapped inside ice cream make it taste more intense.This portable ice cream maker with frozen pan offers premium functions that a commercial machine can do at any cafe or dessert shops. A built-in powerful compressor freezer allows for continuous use and can quickly freeze your favorite ice cream mix in less than 5 minutes! This unit includes two stainless steel spatula, and 4 suction legs to provide a more solid and steady base.● Stainless steel housing ● Stainless steel pan top● Powerful compressor and fast cooling speed ● 4 suction legs for solid base and stability ● 2 stainless steel spatulas● High efficiency CFC-free compressor ● ETL CertifiedAPPLIANCE SAFETYYour safety and the safety of others are very important to us.This is the Safety Alert Symbol. This symbol alerts you to potential hazards that may result in serious injury. All safety messages will follow the Safety Alert Symbol and either the words” DANGER” or “WARNING”.Danger means that failure to heed this safety statement may result in severe injury or death. Warning means that failure to heed this safety statement may result in extensive product dam-age, serious injury, or death.Caution means that failure to heed this safety statement may result in minor or moderate injury, or property or equipment damage.All safety messages will alert you to know what the potential hazard is, tell you how to reduce the chance of injury, and let you know what can happen if the instructions are not followed.IMPORTANT SAFEGUIDESBefore the appliance is used, it must be properly positioned and installed asdescribed in this manual, please read the manual carefully. To reduce the risk of fire, electrical shock or injury when using the appliance, follow basic precaution, including the following:∙Plug into a grounded 3-prong outlet, do not remove grounding prong, do not use an adapter, and do not use an extension cord.∙Do not use if the power supply cord is damaged. If damaged, it must be replaced by a qualified electri-cian.∙It is recommended that a separate circuit, serving only your appliance be provided. Use receptacles that cannot be turned off by a switch or pull chain.∙Never clean appliance parts with flammable fluids or harsh chemicals. These fumes can create a fire hazard or explosion.∙Do not store or use gasoline or other flammable vapors and liquids in the vicinity of the appliance or any other appliance.∙Before proceeding with cleaning and maintenance operations, make sure to unplug the appliance.∙Do not connect or disconnect the electric plug with wet hands.∙To protect against risk of electric shock, do not pour water on cord, plug and ventilation, immerse the appliance in water or any other liquid.∙Do not attempt to repair or replace any part of your appliance unless it is specifically recommended in this manual. All other servicing should be referred to a qualified technician.To reduce the risk of fire, electrical shock, or injury when using your appliance, follow these basic precautionsFOLLOW WARNING CALL OUTS BELOW ONLY WHEN APPLICABLE TO YOUR MODEL∙It is important for the appliance to be leveled in order to work properly. For a stable installation, make sure the appliance is placed on a flat, level and solid surface.∙When positioning or moving the appliance ensure that it is not turned upside down or greater than 45° or more off level.∙To ensure proper ventilation for your appliance, the air vents of the appliance must be completely unobstructed. Choose a well-ventilated area with temperatures above 60°F (16°C) and below 90°F (32°C). This appliance must be installed in an area protected from the element, such as wind,rain, water spray or drips.∙This appliance is not intended for use by young children or physically-challenged persons without supervision/assistance. Young children must be supervised to ensure safety around this or any appliance.∙Never pull the cord to disconnect it from the outlet. Grasp the plug and pull it from the outlet.∙Never lift, carry or drag the appliance by the power cord.∙This appliance is designed for household, non-commercial use only. Any other use will void the warranty.∙Do not insert any foreign objects into the appliance.∙This is a self-contained ice cream maker and no pre-freezing is needed. Do not use pre-frozen ingredients as it can cause the mixture to freeze before ice cream is made.∙Avoid placing any objects on top of the appliance.∙This is an electrical appliance, to avoid injury from electrical shock do not operate the unit with wet hands, while standing on a wet surface or while standing in water. Do not use outdoors or in wet conditions.∙Do not plug into the power outlet before set up is completed.BEFORE USING YOUR APPLIANCE∙Remove the exterior and interior packing.∙Before connecting the appliance to the power source, let it stand upright for approximately 2 hours. This willreduce the possibility of a malfunction in the cooling system from handling during transportation.∙Wipe the exterior surface with lukewarm water using a soft cloth.∙Clean all parts that will come into contact with the ice cream .Note: Please note that the stainless steel shovels are dishwasher safe. However, to prolong the quality of the materials of the stainless steel shovel s , it is suggested to have these hand-washed.PREPARE RECIPE INGREDIENTSPrepare recipe ingredients from your own recipe or from ours .Note: No pre -freezing is needed. This appliance has a built -in compressor which is designed to freeze the mixture in about 5 minutes.Ice Cream mix recipes can be downloaded from the IC R-300S S product page on our website, *************************************************************************you to a variety of mixtures . O nce you have mastered the basics, let your imagination run wild, as you try new flavors and fun combinations.Air ventStainless Steel housingFreezing top plateStainless SteelSpatulas(2)Power ButtonSuction Legs (4)LightWARNINGSuction1.Press the power button to turnon the ice cream machine.Initially, the indicator light willilluminate in red color.2.The unit will then start the pre-cooling process for about8-10minutes. When the indicatorlight changes from red to green,pour the ice cream(about 100g) on the freezing topplate(Fig 1). During the ice creamprocess, the compressorcontinues to work and the greenindicator light will stayilluminated.3.Add fruits, brownies,chocolate,or any other toppings if desired.Using the stainless steel shovels,break down these ingredients tolittle pieces (Fig2).4.When the ice cream mix hasstarted to thicken, this is anindication that the ice cream mixhas started to freeze. Evenlyspread the the ice cream mix allthroughout the freezing topplate(Fig 3).5.Once the ice cream mix hashardened, use the edges of thestainless steel shovels to divide,roll, and shovel out each rolledpiece(Fig 4 and Fig 5).6.Place ice cream rolls in a cupand serve(Fig 6 and Fig 7).or any of the parts with abrasive cleaners or hard implements.FIG 1FIG 2FIG 3FIG 7FIG 4FIG 5FIG 6Many common ice cream maker problems are easily resolved. Try the troubleshooting suggestions below to see if the problems can be resolved before having to contact the Whynter Service Department.Please retain the original proof of purchase in order to obtain warranty services.Warranty begins from the original date of purchase.To obtain service or information, contactWhynter LLC via email at*******************or call866-WHYNTER.Product contents and specifications may change without notice.Please visit our website for themost up to date information.Copyright © 2020 Whynter LLCV 2021-7.13.2011。

KARCHER IB 15 80 中文说明书

KARCHER IB 15 80 中文说明书
Verlag KG,Luxemburger Straße 449, 50939 Cologne处得到)。 ---BGV D 26喷雾嘴作业 ---BGV D26的执行指导 ---BGR117工作在封闭的房间里 ---BGR189穿安全衣服 ---BGR195戴安全手套 ---BGI 534工作在封闭的房间里 ---BGI 836天然气报警器
如果有上面任何一种症状发生,请立刻关掉 打开控制柜前,把插头从插座里拔出来。
设备,去呼吸新鲜空气。再一次用设备开始 工作前,改善通风情况,或使用防毒面具。
危险 当设备在无人照管下处于运转状
维护和保养 技术规格
由于飞起的干冰小球或脏的颗粒会带 来受伤的危险。
保修 EC 一致性声明
由于二氧化碳会带来窒息的危险,干冰小球 要戴上保护性的手套和穿上长袖的保护性的
就是由固态二氧化碳构成的。当设备在运转 工作服。
时,使用设备的地方其周围空气中的二氧化 碳含量会增加。因此,要确保使用场所有足
露点在 0 摄氏度以下)。
压缩空气至少必须符合 ISO8573 中三级空气 型。质量要求。如果现有的Fra bibliotek缩空气不够,或质

Lancer 冰淇淋机 4500系列安装说明书

Lancer 冰淇淋机 4500系列安装说明书

6655 LANCER BLVD. • SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS 78219 USA• (210) 310-7000LINE MUST BE USED IF THE WATER SUPPLY CONTAINS ANY APPRECIABLE AMOUNT OF SILT, SAND, OR ANY OTHER DEBRIS. FAILURE TO DO SO CAN RESULT IN EQUIPMENT DAMAGE.FAILURE TO LIMIT WATER PRESSURE TO 50 PSI (3.52 KG/CM2) WILL RESULT IN IMPROPER PERFORMANCE OF THE DISPENSER - INSTALL WATER REGULATOR IF NECESSARY.THE WATER SUPPLY MUST BE PROTECTED BY MEANS OF AN AIR GAP, A BACKFLOW PREVENTION DEVICE (LOCATED UPSTREAM OF THE CO2 INJECTION SYSTEM) OR ANOTHER APPROVED METHOD TO COMPLY WITH NSF STANDARDS. A LEAKING INLET WATER CHECK V ALVE WILL ALLOW CARBONATED WATER TO FLOW BACK THROUGH THE PUMP (WHEN IT IS SHUT OFF), AND CONTAMINATE THE WATER SUPPLY. A BACKFLOW PREVENTION DEVICE MUST COMPLY WITH ASSE AND LOCAL STANDARDS. IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE INSTALLER TO ENSURE COMPLIANCE.A SCREEN OF AT LEAST100 MESH [100 STRANDS PER 25MM (ONE INCH)] SHALL BE INSTALLED IMMEDIATELYUPSTREAM OF ALL CHECK V ALVE TYPE BACKFLOW PREVENTERS USED FOR WATER SUPPLY PROTECTION. THE SCREEN SHALL BE ACCESSIBLE AND REMOV ABLE FOR CLEANING OR REPLACEMENT.A FILTER IN THE WATER LINE MUST BE USED IF THE WATER SUPPLY CONTAINS ANY APPRECIABLE AMOUNT OF SILT,SAND, OR ANY OTHER DEBRIS. FAILURE TO DO SO CAN RESULT IN EQUIPMENT DAMAGE.DO NOT OPERATE CARBONATOR PUMP WITH WATER SUPPLY SHUT OFF.A.An adequate potable water supply must be provided. The water supply line must be at least a 3/8 inches (9.525 mm) pipe with aminimum of 20 PSI line pressure, but not exceeding a maximum of 50 PSI. Water pressure exceeding 50 PSI must be reduced to 50 PSI with a pressure regulator.1.Water pipe connections and fixtures directly connected to a potable water supply must all be sized, installed, and maintainedaccording to Federal, State, and Local laws.2.Off tastes and excessive silt, sand, or iron require that a water filter be installed in the water supplying the Carbonator. The waterfilter should be checked periodically, as required by local conditions.3.Do not connect to a heated (hot) water source or a water source supplying soft water. This will cause excessive foaming.B.The Carbonator Pump is equipped with a Strainer and a Tee on the outlet side for a plain water Valve (if required), but a water supplycontaining any appreciable quantity of silt, fine sand, or other debris requires a Filter ahead of the Unit. The Filter cartridge must be cleaned periodically, depending upon the condition of the water. Failure to do so may starve the Pump and cause it to burn out;thereby, voiding the equipment warranty.1.6INSTALLATION OF THE UNITA Inspect the counter location where the unit is to be installed. Verify that the counter is strong enough to safely support the weight ofthe unit being installed (see Section 1.3), after the cutout for the unit is made.B.Remove Splash Plate and Top Cover.C.Remove Cover Plate at rear of unit if not a “through the counter” installation.D.Connect soda and water supply lines to 3/8 inch barb fittings at the front of the unit. Check for leaks. (If dispenser is to operate withall soda valves, connect water line into one of the soda supply lines.)E.Connect syrup supply lines to the 3/8 inch barb inlet fittings at the front of the unit. Check for leaks.F.Install the ice bin drain hose; connect the 90° elbow or straight fitting underneath the unit’s base. The ice bin drain is located towardsthe front of the bin and slightly to the right. Screw the elbow or straight fitting into the cold plate; uncoil and connect the hose. Extend the hose to an open type drain.G.Connect the hose to the Drip Tray fitting, install the Drip Tray, and extend hose to open type drain.H.Both drain lines must be insulated with a closed cell insulation. Insulation must cover the entire length of the drain hose, includingfittings. The drain should be installed in such a manner that water does not collect in sags or other low points, as condensation will form.I.Install Cup Rest and Splash Plate.J.Connect Power Cord to grounded electrical outlet.K.Test Motor operation by pushing Ice Chute.L.Clean and sanitize dispenser (see Section 3).M.Fill unit approximately half full with ice. Push Chute and check for ice delivery.N.Finish filling the unit with ice and install Top Cover.O.Set brix ratio for beverage dispensing valves according to manufacturer’s instructions.1.7CONNECTING CO2WARNINGSCARBON DIOXIDE (CO2) DISPLACES OXYGEN. STRICT ATTENTION MUST BE OBSERVED IN THE PREVENTION OF CO2GAS LEAKS IN THE ENTIRE CO2AND SOFT DRINK SYSTEM. IF A CO2GAS LEAK IS SUSPECTED, IMMEDIATELY VENTILATE THE CONTAMINATED AREA BEFORE ATTEMPTING TO REPAIR THE LEAK.CO2IS A HEA VIER THAN AIR, COLORLESS, NONCOMBUSTIBLE GAS WITH A FAINTLY PUNGENT ODOR. HIGH PER-CENTAGES OF CO2MAY DISPLACE OXYGEN IN THE BLOOD, PROLONGED EXPOSURE TO CO2MAY BE HARMFUL.PERSONNEL EXPOSED TO HIGH CONCENTRATIONS OF CO2GAS WILL EXPERIENCE TREMORS WHICH ARE FOLLOWED RAPIDLY BY LOSS OF CONSCIOUSNESS AND SUFFOCATION.UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCE SHOULD CO2PRESSURE EXCEED 80 PSI (5.6 KG/CM2). PRESSURE ABOVE THIS LIMIT WILL RESULT IN DAMAGE TO THE SYRUP PUMPS. SHOULD REMOTE SYRUP PUMPS FAIL TO OPERATE PROPERLY AT70 PSI (4.9 KG/CM2), THE CO2PRESSURE MAY BE REDUCED TO A MINIMUM PRESSURE OF60 PSI (4.2 KG/CM2), BUT NO LOWER. TO A VOID POSSIBLE PERSONAL INJURY OR PROPERTY DAMAGE, DO NOT ATTEMPT TO REMOVEIBD22, 28-0255/06IBD30, 28-0255/06。

IMI Cornelius WWC和WCF冰淇淋机(500系列)说明书

IMI Cornelius WWC和WCF冰淇淋机(500系列)说明书

8 638036373-001 Evap Asy
9 638090113
10 638090117
Head Extruder Asy WCC
Head Extruder Asy WCF
11 638090126
Valve Expansion
12 638036218
569200039 569200040 569200041 569200042 569200056 569200057 569200058 569200059 569200060
1 of 3
Manual Part No. 638085278IPL500 6-15-2001 Rev; 10-5-01

8 1
7 3
638010002 5 638004791 6 638036067
638036085 7 638007026-01 8 638007303-04 9 638036168



第1篇一、设备准备1. 确认冰淇淋冷凝机电源、水源、冷却水系统等设施正常,并检查所有管道连接是否牢固。

2. 检查冰淇淋冷凝机各部件,包括压缩机、蒸发器、冷凝器、膨胀阀等,确保无损坏或异常。

3. 检查冰淇淋冷凝机冷却水系统,确保冷却水泵、冷却塔等设施运行正常。

二、开机步骤1. 打开冷却水系统,调整流量至合适范围。

2. 打开冰淇淋冷凝机电源,将主电源开关置于“ON”位置。

3. 等待冰淇淋冷凝机运行3分钟,让压缩机、蒸发器等部件预热。

4. 将冰淇淋料桶放置在冰淇淋冷凝机的料斗中,确保料桶与料斗紧密贴合。

5. 根据冰淇淋制作需求,调整冰淇淋冷凝机的温度设定值。

三、操作注意事项1. 操作过程中,严禁将手或其他物体伸入冰淇淋冷凝机内部,以免发生意外。

2. 严禁将水或其他液体直接倒入冰淇淋冷凝机内部,以免损坏设备。

3. 在调整冰淇淋冷凝机温度设定值时,请勿频繁变动,以免影响冰淇淋品质。

4. 操作过程中,如发现冰淇淋冷凝机运行异常,应立即停止使用,检查原因并进行处理。

5. 严禁在冰淇淋冷凝机运行过程中进行清洁、维修等操作。

四、停机步骤1. 将冰淇淋冷凝机温度设定值调至较高温度,使冰淇淋料桶中的冰淇淋逐渐凝固。

2. 确认冰淇淋料桶中的冰淇淋凝固后,关闭冰淇淋冷凝机电源,将主电源开关置于“OFF”位置。

3. 关闭冷却水系统,确保冷却水泵、冷却塔等设施停止运行。

4. 清理冰淇淋冷凝机周围环境,保持设备整洁。

五、维护保养1. 定期检查冰淇淋冷凝机各部件,如压缩机、蒸发器、冷凝器、膨胀阀等,确保设备正常运行。

2. 定期检查冷却水系统,确保冷却水泵、冷却塔等设施无损坏,运行正常。

3. 检查冰淇淋冷凝机各管道连接处,确保无泄漏现象。

4. 定期清洁冰淇淋冷凝机,保持设备整洁。

5. 按照设备说明书进行定期保养,确保冰淇淋冷凝机性能稳定。





ILLUSTRATED PARTS LISTICE PEAK DISPENSER2 BOWL PREMIUM (115V/60HZ)ILLUSTRATED PARTS LISTICE PEAK GRANITA DISPENSER2 Bowl Premium 110V/60HzILLUSTRATED PARTS LISTItemNo.Part No. Description2 1030312 Foot Supporting 10 1030376 General Switch 24 1030396 Lid Light Switch 30 1030317 Bottom of Lid 31 1030313 Bowl 12 LT. 32 1030320 Seal for Bowl 50 1030478 Fuse Holder 59 1030339 Dispensing Valve Pin ID Models 60 1030314 Dispensing Valve Upper Body withHoles61 1030390 Dispensing Valve Spring 62 1030316 ID Style Valve Lower Body Plunger 63 1030398 Dispensing Valve O-ring 75 1030378 Gearmotor 115/60 76 1030397 Consistency Control Spring 77 1030336 Bushing Consist, Cntrl Spring 79 1030335 Consistency Control Pin 80 1030382 Limit Microswitch 90 1030343 Evaporator 91 1030337 Upper Mixing Unit 94 1030331 Securing Bolt for Auger 102 1030399 O-ring for Gear Motor 103 1030486 Scraping Washer 106 1030342 Accumulator 108 1030401 Compressor (115/60 Model Only) 109 1030475 Compressor Electrical Kit, 115V 110 1030350 Fan Motor for Condenser 82-4025/64 (115/60 Model Only)111 1030354 Impeller (VA 254-25 Condenser FanBlade) (115/60 Models Only)115 1030370 Fan Motor for Gear Box (115/60Model Only)125 1030942 Lid Electrical Plug 270 1030360 Filter Drier, Single Connection 355 1030394 Transformer (In 115V, Out 12)(115/60 Model Only)357 1030330 Drip Tray Grid Black 358 1030483 Black Grid Tray 359 1030366 Black Lower Trim 360 1030363 Stainless Steel Lower Front Panel 361 1030473 Stainless Steel Upper Front Panel 362 1030361 Stainless Steel Left Side Panel 363 1030368 Black Upper Trim ItemNo.Part No. Description365 1030959 Light Bulb 366 1030476 Lamp Holder 367 1030945 Middle Tap (Black Top Cover PlugButton)368 1030946 Front Tap (Black Top Cover PlugButton)369 1030947 Rear Tap (Black Top Cover PlugButton)370 1030389 Wiring for Black Lid w/cord 371 1030344 Black Cover for Light Bulb 372 1030322 Black Evaporator Support 373 1030323 Black Cover, Flat, For EvaporatorSupport374 1030386 Wiring PC Control Board 375 1030395 Black Knob to Secure Bowl 376 1030355 Control Board Mounting Plate, Black 377 1030351 PC Control Board 2 Bowl Models 378 1030948 Condenser Air Filter 379 1030949 Tray Top Black 382 1030950 Knob, Back Panel 384 1030364 Stainless Steel Back Panel 386 1030359 Stainless Steel Right Side Panel 389 1030403 Main Fuse 20 A (115/60 ModelsOnly)390 1030982 Fuse 393 1030325 Auger, Granita One Piece 394 1030374 Light Support 397 1030373 Bulb Bracket Rear Merchandiser 400 1030352 Thyermister 405 1030951 Compressor Screen (115/60 ModelsOnly)406 1030358 Control Box Cover Black 408 1030952 Lock Hook 409 1030953 Control Panel Cover Lock 446 1030340 Back-Lit Merchandiser Panel Frame,Black448 1030341 Transparent Surface - RearMerchandiser725 1030930 Scraping Washer 728 1030345 Bushing, Thrust Rev A, Bronze ShaftGuide764 1030372 Dispensing Handle Black with Pin 810 1030326 Shaft Seal, Rubber Bell Shaped 811 1030327 Seal Front Evap, New StyleICE PEAK GRANITA DISPENSEREmail:********************Phone: 866-275-6392Fax: 866-329-6392ILLUSTRATED PARTS LISTItemPart No. DescriptionNo.Shaft858 1031028 Complete914 1030990 Header - Cups and Fruit915 1030994 Merchandiser Rear Frame Black。

制冰机说明书 新

制冰机说明书 新

制冰机PC板(新)使用指南ICE MACHINE PC BOARD USE MANUAL2008.12Contents一、C ircuit board layout1、Ice making PC board layout(back)…………………………………………………………2、Ice making external indicator small board layout……………………………………………………3、Ice making Infrared sensitivity small board layout………二、Fault indicator…………………………………………………………………………三、DIP switch………………………………………………………………………………….1、8-bit DIP switch……………………………………………………………………………..2、4-bit DIPswitch…………………………………………………………………………………………..四、Electrical wiring diagram………………………………………………………………………………1、Ice making PC board wring diagram…………………………………………………………2、Ice making external indicator small board wring diagram……………………………………………………3、Ice making sensor wring diagram………五、Infrared receiver sensitivity…………………………………………………………………………..1、Full ice sensor sensitivity settings……………………………………2、Full ice sensor sensitivity adjustment methods……………………………3、DIP switch setting methods table……………………………………一.线路板布局 ................................................................................................................... - 4 -1.制冰机PC板布局图_反面........................................................................................ - 4 -2.制冰机_外接指示灯小板布局 .................................................................................. - 6 -3.制冰机_红外灵敏度小板布局 .................................................................................. - 7 -二.故障指示灯 ................................................................................................................... - 7 -三.拨码开关 ....................................................................................................................... - 8 -1.八位拨码开关 ............................................................................................................ - 8 -2.四位拨码开关 ............................................................................................................ - 9 -四.接线图 ......................................................................................................................... - 10 -1.制冰机PC板接线图................................................................................................ - 10 -2.制冰机_外接指示灯小板接线图 ............................................................................ - 11 -3.制冰机传感器接线图 .............................................................................................. - 11 -五.红外接收灵敏度 ......................................................................................................... - 12 -1.冰满传感器灵敏度出厂设置 102.冰满传感器灵敏度调节方法 103.拨码开关设定方法表 10一.PC板布局1.制冰机PC板布局图_反面一、PC board layout1、Ice making PC board layout(back)2.制冰机_外接指示灯小板布局电源指示灯 冰满故障指示灯 缺水故障指示灯 冷凝故障指示灯/开机延时指示灯电机转速故障指示灯/蒸发故障指示灯3.制冰机_冰满传感器灵敏度小板布局二.故障指示灯绿色电源指示灯黄色冰满故障指示灯(长亮)黄色缺水故障指示灯(长亮)红色冷凝温度故障指示灯(长亮)/ 开机延时指示灯(闪烁)黄色电机转速故障指示灯(长亮)/ 蒸发温度故障指示灯(闪烁)*当电源频率低于45HZ/S超过5秒时,全部的指示灯同时闪烁图2-1三.拨码开关1.八位拨码开关(注意:重新设定拨码位置后要按复位键复位)开启开机延时检测取消蜂鸣器报警取消开机延时检测开启蜂鸣器报警选择1440RPM机型取消检验参数检测选择960RPM机型开启检验参数检测选择雪花机冰满传感器选择片冰机冰满传感器图3-1PC板上的中心位置上的八位拨码开关(图3-1)从左到右顺序。



Oceanpower Soft Ice Cream Machine Operating ManualShenzhen Oceanpower Ecological Food Technology Co., Ltd.Toll Free:400-888-2683Shenzhen, Guangdong, ChinaPostal Code:518040Tel:+86-755-83300666(100 Lines)Fax:+86-755-83300728E-mail:*******************Web:2457101516172122ContentChapter1 Safety InstructionChapter2 Product IntroductionChapter3 Installation and CommissioningChapter4 Operation InstructionChapter5 Operation ProceduresChapter6 Cleaning InstructionChapter7 Daily MaintenanceChapter8 Common Malfunction HandlingChapter9 Maintenance TreatmentEquipment Maintenance Service Guarantee CardDear Oceanpower customers:Thank you for using our products, Oceanpower products will bring to you excellent quality and good performance. For your convenience, please read this manual carefully.Please follow instructions at each step from the beginning to end. Oceanpower brand also means excellent service that will accompany you regardless of your questions and needs. Please refer to warranty card or your localrepresentative for service contact information.With continuous product improvement, the piece of equipment you have received may not match exact description in the manual; we apologize for any inconvenience if it should occur.Oceanpower ice cream machines are manufactured with integration of advanced refrigeration and electronic control technologies and application of a good number of patents, and thus ne craftsmanship. The company's soft ice cream machines feature prominent look, high refrigeration ef ciency, goodoperating performance and ease of operation.Equipped with hermetic compressor and Oceanpower’s patented evaporator, the machine freezes while beating the product until the product forms semi-solid shape and reaches to a certain temperature.In order to better understand this manual and to use the machine, please follow the explanation of the icons in Any action marked with this symbol is prohibited. Otherwise, the productmay be damaged and/or the user safety is at risk.ForbiddenAny action marked with this symbol is related to machine and user safety. The warnings must be strictly followed. Otherwise, the product maybe damaged and/or the user safety is at risk.Warning The user must pay attention to the parts with caution sign marked; otherwiseit may result in product damage or other losses due to improper operation.Caution Forewordthe manual:23(Fit for air pump model)Note:T his machine does not have thawing function.(Figure 10)(Figure 11)(Figure 12)(Figure 13)(Figure 14)(Figure 15)(Figure 16)(Figure 16)Pour the ice cream ingredient into hopper.4NOTE :1)、2)Fit for air pumpless model;1)、3)、4)Fit for air pump model323232(Figure 17)(Figure 18)(Figure 19)Figure 17(Figure 18)(Figure 19)Make sure the ice cream ingredient's level is higher than low level indicator in the hopperChapter8 Common Malfunction Handling Table One:High-Pressure Protection Motor Belt SlipMotor Malfunction(Figure 22)(Figure 23) (Figure 24)Discharge Valve Misplaced Refridgeration Timeout Low Voltage Alarm LOW High Voltage AlarmHIGH Power Phase Sequence Error Incorrect Power Phase(Figure 26)Please fill in and properly keep the equipment maintenance Service guarantee Card.。






一、工艺流程1. 原料准备:首先,确保所有使用的原材料新鲜、干净、无异味。



2. 杀菌和预处理:将原料倒入冰淇淋机的容器中,启动机器的杀菌功能,确保原料充分杀菌和清洁。


3. 搅拌和冷冻:开启机器的搅拌和冷冻功能,将原料充分搅拌,并在同时冷冻,使其变为膏状。


4. 添加调味料:在搅拌和冷冻过程中,根据需要添加相应的调味料,如香精、巧克力碎片、坚果等。


5. 成型和包装:搅拌和冷冻完成后,根据需要将冰淇淋转移到容器或冰淇淋筒中,进行成型。



二、操作规范1. 工作环境和设备要求:确保工作环境整洁、无异味,并且符合食品卫生要求。


2. 原料的存储和处理:原料应存放在干燥、通风、无异味的地方,防止受潮和污染。


3. 杀菌和清洁操作:启动冰淇淋机的杀菌功能前,应先进行外部清洁和除菌处理。


4. 搅拌和冷冻操作:根据冰淇淋的配方,精确控制搅拌时间和冷冻温度。


5. 调味料添加操作:调味料的添加应根据冰淇淋机的要求和调配表进行。

经典冰淇淋制作机模型:008965741 说明书

经典冰淇淋制作机模型:008965741 说明书

*Toutes les recettes sont disponibles sur CRÈME GLACÉE AU CHOCOLAT - Recette de base de crème5 JAUNES D'OEUFS 1 PINTE (500ML) DE LAIT1/2 PINTE (250ML) DE CRÈME DOUBLE/LOURDE 2 OZ (50G) DE SUCRE3 CUILLÈRES À SOUPE DE POUDRE DE COCOA- Veuillez préparer une base de crème onctueuse avec tous les ingrédients, sauf la poudre de cacao.- Tout d'abord, veuillez battre et mélanger les jaunes d'œufs et le sucre jusqu'à l’état épais. Veuillez verser le lait dans une casserole et faire chauffer (monter lentement au pointd’ébullition). Veuillez verser le lait chaud dans le mélange de jaunes d'œufs et de sucre tout en mélangeant continuellement. Ensuite, veuillez verser le mélange dans la casserole et faire chauffer doucement en mélangeant jusqu’à l’état onctueux - NE PAS FAIRE BOUILLIR, CAR LE MÉLANGE RISQUE DE COAGULER. Quand vous pouvez voir un film se former au dos de votre cuillère, il est temps de retirer la casserole du feu. Laissez-la refroidir.- Au moment où vous retirez la casserole du feu pour laisser refroidir le mélange, veuillez ajouter le cacao. Ensuite, laissez refroidir la crème jusqu'à ce qu'elle soit bien froide. Une fois qu’elle aura refroidi, mélangez-la jusqu’à l’état de bouillie. Ajoutez la crème (fouettée) et veillez à ce qu'elle se mélange bien. Puis transférez le mélange dans la machine à crème glacée et congelez-le conformément auxinstructions.CRÈME GLACÉE AUX PÉPITES DE CHOCOLAT1/2 PINTE (250ML) DE LAIT 1/2 PINTE (250ML) DE CRÈME DOUBLE/LOURDE 3OZ (75G) DE SUCRE 5OZ(125G) DE CHOCOLAT PUR (RÂPÉ) Veuillez mettre le lait et le sucre dans une casserole et faire chauffer doucement pour dissoudre le sucre. Veuillez mettre du lait à l’autre côté pour qu'il refroidisse. Lorsqu'il est froid, ajoutez-le dans la crème en remuant. Puis transférez le mélange entier dans la machine à crème glacée et effectuez la congélation conformément aux instructions. MAIS ne pas oublier d’ajouter le chocolat râpé quand la crème glacée commence à épaissir.CRÈME GLACÉE À LA FRAISE3 JAUNES D'OEUFS (BATTUS) 1/2 (250ML) PINTE DE LAIT1 PINTE (500ML) DE CRÈME DOUBLE/LOURDE 4 OZ (100G) DE SUCRE2 TASSES DE FRAISES 1 CUILLÈRE À SOUPE DE VANILLE 1/4 CUILLÈRE À THÉ DE SELVeuillez prendre les fraises et les écraser dans un bol avec la moitié du sucre (c'est-à-dire 2oz ou 50 g). Veuillez les mettre au frigo pendant que vous préparez le reste de la recette. Veuillezmélanger les jaunes d'œufs avec le lait, le sel et le sucre restant dans une autre casserole séparée. Placez le mélange sur un feu moyen jusqu'au point d’ébullition (en remuant constamment). VEILLEZ À NE PAS LAISSER BOUILLIR.Veuillez transférer le mélange dans un bol refroidi pour le refroidissement. Une fois que lemélange aura refroidi, placez-le au frigo pendant 3 heures maximum. Ne pas oublier de remuer le mélange de temps en temps. Puis ajoutez la crème et l’essence de vanille dans le mélange, puis ajoutez-le dans le mélange fraise/sucre en remuant.Veuillez transférer le mélange entier dans la machine à crème glacée et suivre les instructions.19 CRÈME GLACÉE AUX NOIX DE PÉCAN ET AU SIROP D'ÉRABLE4OS(100 G) DE NOIX DE PÉCAN HACHÉES 2OZ(50 G ) DE BEURRE2 CUILLÈRE À SOUPE DE SUCRE BRU 2 CUILLÈRES À SOUPE DE SIROP D'ÉRABLE 3/4 (375ML) PINTE DE LAIT3/4 PINTE (375ML) DE CRÈME DOUBLE/LOURDEVeuillez faire fondre lentement le beurre à l'aide d'une poêle à frire puis ajouter les noix depécan hachées. Veuillez saupoudrer de sucre, remuer et faire cuire à feu moyen pendant environ 3-4 minutes jusqu'à ce que les noix soient croustillantes. REMARQUE: Une cuisson à feu trop vif brûlera les noix de pécan en donnant un goût amer.Veuillez retirer le mélange de la poêle et le mettre de côté pour laisser refroidir. Veuillez verser le lait dans l’autre bol puis l’ajouter dans la crème en remuant et ajouter ensuite les noix depécan frites et hachées. Ajoutez le sirop d'érable dedans en remuant jusqu'à ce que le mélange entier soit bien mélangé. Veuillez transférer le mélange entier dans la machine à crème glacée et suivre les instructions.CRÈME GLACÉE À LA BANANE3/4 PINTE (375ML) DE LAIT OU DE CRÈME OU UN MÉLANGE DES DEUX(SELON LES GOÛTS)40OZ(100 G) DE SUCRE3 BANANES MÛRES (PURÉE)Veuillez transformer les bananes en purée dans un bol à mélanger. Veuillez verser le lait/crème et le sucre en mélangeant uniformément. Puis transférez le mélange dans la machine à crème glacée et congelez-le conformément aux instructions.CRÈME GLACÉE AU BEURRE ET AUX NOIX DE PÉCAN1/2 PINTE (500ML) DE CRÈME LÉGÈRE/LIQUIDE1/2 PINTE (500ML) DE CRÈME ÉPAISSE/DOUBLE2OZ(100 G) DE SUCRE BRUN1 CUILLÈRE À SOUPE DE BEURRE1/4 TASSE DE NOIX DE PÉCAN (HACHÉES)1/2 CUILLÈRE À CAFÉ D'EXTRAIT DE VANILLE (OU SELON LE GOÛT)Veuillez mettre la crème liquide, le sucre et le beurre dans une casserole et mélanger le mélange entier à feu doux. Veuillez remuer jusqu'à ce que le mélange commence à bouillonner sur les bords. Veuillez retirer la casserole du feu et laisser refroidir.Lorsque le mélange est froid, veuillez le transférer dans la machine à crème glacée et ajouter la crème double et l'extrait de vanille en remuant. Veuillez congeler le mélange conformément aux instructions, mais ne pas oublier d’ajouter les noix de pécan quand la crème glacée commence àdurcir.CRÈME GLACÉE AU MIEL5 JAUNES D'OEUFS 1 PINTE (500ML) DE LAIT1/2 PINTE (250ML) DE CRÈME DOUBLE/LOURDE 1/2 TASSE DE MIEL1 CUILLÈRE À THÉ D'ESSENCE DE VANILLEVeuillez battre les jaunes d'œufs et le miel ens emble dans un bol de mélange. Veuillez faire chauffer le lait dans une casserole jusqu'au point d'ébullition, puis laisser mijoter. Pendant que le lait mijote, veuillez ajouter le mélange de jaune d'œuf/miel en remuant. Veuillez continuer à remuer jusqu'à ce que le mélange épaississe.Veuillez retirer le mélange du feu, filtrer et laisser refroidir.Veuillez ajouter la crème et l'essence de vanille dans le mélange en remuant, puis transférer le mélange entier dans la machine à crème glacée. Veuillez le congeler conformément aux instructions.20CRÈME GLACÉE À LA MENTHE ET AUX PÉPITES DE CHOCOLAT1/2 PINTE (250ML) DE LAIT 1/2 PINTE (250ML) DE CRÈME DOUBLE/LOURDE 3OZ (75 G) DE POUDRE DE SUCRE 5OZ ( 125 G) DE CHOCOLAT NOIR (RÂPÉ)1 CUILLÈRE À THÉ D'ESSENCE DE MENTHE POIVRÉEOPTIONNEL: DEUX OU TROIS GOUTTES DE COLORANT ALIMENTAIRE VERTVeuillez mettre le lait et le sucre dans une casserole et faire chauffer doucement pour dissoudre le sucre. Veuillez mettre le lait de côté pour laisser refroidir. Lorsqu'il est froid, ajoutez la crème et l'essence de menthe poivrée en remuant (et le colorant alimentaire vert à votre volonté).Puis transférez le mélange entier dans la machine à crème glacée et congelez-le conformément aux instructions , MAIS ne pas oublier d’ajouter le chocolat râpé quand la crème glacée commence à épaissir.21RECETTES DU SORBETSORBETÀ L’ORANGE8OZ (200G) DE SUCRE1/2 PINTE (250ML) DE JUS D'ORANGE FRAIS3/4 PINTE (375ML) D'EAUZESTE DE 2 ORANGESJUS D'UN CITRON ENTIERVeuillez mélanger le sucre, l'eau et le zeste d'orange dans une casserole et faire chauffer doucement en remuant en continu jusqu'à ce que le sucre soit dissous. Au point d’ébullition, veuillez faire bouillir le mélange pendant environ 5-8 minutes jusqu'à ce que vous ayez un sirop.Veuillez retirer le mélange du feu et laisser refroidir. Une fois que le mélange aura refroidi, veuillez ajouter les jus d'orange et de citron, puis transférer le mélange entier dans la machine à crème glacée et suivre les instructions.SORBET À LA FRAISE4OZ (100G) DE SUCRE1/2 PINTE (250ML) D'EAU1LB (500G) DE FRAISES FRAÎCHESJUS D'UN DEMI-CITRON1/2 DE PAQUET DE POUDRE DE GÉLATINEPréparez un sirop avec le sucre et l'eau. Lorsqu'il refroidit, veuillez écraser ou réduire les fraises en purée et les passer au tamis pour en retirer les pépins.Veuillez faire fondre la gélatine en la mélangeant avec 2 cuillères à soupe d'eau dans une casserole bouillante, puis ajoutez la purée et le jus de citron au mélange de sirop. Une fois que lemélange aura refroidi, veuillez transférer le mélange entier dans la machine à crème glacée et suivre les instructions.SORBET AUX POMMES3/4 PINTE (1 LTR) DE JUS DE POMME14 OZ (410G) DE PURÉE DE POMMES EN BOÎTE2 BLANCS D'OEUFSVeuillez mélanger la purée de pommes avec le jus de pomme. Veuillez verser le mélange dans un plateau de cuisson (en métal) et le mettre au congélateur. Une fois que le mélange aura congelé, transférez-le dans unmélangeur ou un robot culinaire pour malaxage jusqu'à obtention d'une consistance lisse. Veuillez battre les blancs d'œufs. Lorsqu'ils sont bien fermes, veuillez les ajouter au mélange de pommes. Veuillez transférer le mélangeentier dans la machine à crème glacée et suivre les instructions.22。

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3.6.1 清洗…………………………………………………………………17 3.6.2 消毒…………………………………………………………………………19 3.6.3 卫生…………………………………………………………………………19 3.7 启动机器……………………………………………………………………20 3.7.1 启动带泵的机器…………………………………………………………………20 3.7.2 启动自流式的机器………………………………………………………………20 3.8 制造冰淇淋……………………………………………………………………20 3.9 警示……………………………………………………………………21 3.9.1 断电……………………………………………………………………22 3.10 用户使用设定……………………………………………………………………22
三、 操作说明 3.1 机器配置………………………………………………………………………13
243 N'软冰淇淋机_G - 08/02 - ed. 3
3.2 电气控制面板和按键说明……………………………………………………………13 3.3 出料手柄……………………………………………………………………………15 3.4 进料泵 - "R" 泵…………………………………………………………………15 3.5 自流式进料管…………………………………………………………………………16 3.6 准备工作:清洗和消毒…………………………………………………………………17
CARPIGIANI Via Emilia, 45 - 40011 Anzola Emilia (Bologna) - Italy Tel. 051-6505111 - Fax 051-732178
此手册不得翻版、转让或在检索系统里登记注册。在获得CARPIGIANI公司的同意前,该手 册不得被翻译成其他的语言。 用户可以将此手册复印做为己用。 由于产品的不断研发和改进,CARPIGIANI公司有权在不通知用户的情况下对此手册进行 更改。
2.4.1 更换电源线………………………………………………………………12 2.5 机器的摆放…………………………………………………………………………12 2.6 添加润滑剂及冷媒…………………………………………………………………12 2.7 机器的出厂检测…………………………………………………………………………12
七、 常见故障及检修指南 常见故障及检修指南…………………………………………………………………………34
243 N'软冰淇淋机_G - 08/02 - ed. 3
手册说明 编写本手册是基于欧洲共同市场关于安全标准以及其范围内工业产品的自由流通的指 导。
目的 本手册为机器操作员所需,关于如何正确操作,以使质量稳定的 CARPIGIANI 机器普及。 本手册重要的部分是关于机器使用的必要环境,清洗的步骤,以及日常和特殊的维护。 本手册未列出所有细节,如有疑问请垂询:
要做到以上几点,请留意如下措施: - 在本机使用场所应有一本操作使用手册 - 必须熟读本操作手册并确保所有相关要求得以满足 - 确保技工人员只进行其知识及责任范围内的维修。 - 只有技术熟练的人员可进行电子设备的维修。
操作人员资格: 操作和接触机器的人需要具备一下素质: 操作员: -不需具备很高的专业知识,只需经过专业的培训懂得一般的操作即可,例如:开机,关 机,填料,基本的维护(如清洁,测量检测)等。 技术工程师: 能够从事更复杂的操作例如安装,维护和保养以及维修机器的工作。 重要的是员工都能互相监督和照看,避免操作出现误差。
二、 安装 2.1 机器安装空间要求……………………………………………………………11 2.2 风冷机器……………………………………………………………11
2.2.1 空气流动示意………………………………………………………………11 2.3 水冷机器……………………………………………………………12
2.3.1 水阀调节………………………………………………………………12 2.4 电气连接……………………………………………………………………………12
四、 安全装置 4.1 机器上的安全装置………………………………………………………………………22
五、 与奶浆接触部件的清洗、拆卸、及装配 5.1 日常清洁操作………………………………………………………………………23 5.2 排料和清洗……………………………………………………………………………23 5.3 带进料泵机器 – 拆卸泵…………………………………………………………24 5.4 自流式进料机器 –拆卸进料管…………………………………………………………24 5.5 拆卸前出料盖……………………………………………………………………………25 5.6 带进料泵机器-拆卸搅拌器……………………………………………………………25 5.7 自流式进料机器-拆卸搅拌器……………………………………………………………25 5.8 清洗和消毒部件………………………………………………………………………26 5.9 带进料泵机器-安装进料泵………………………………………………………………27 5.10 自流式进料机器-安装进料管…………………………………………………………27 5.11 带进料泵机器-安装搅拌器……………………………………………………………28 5.12 自流式进料机器-安装搅拌器………………………………………………………28 5.13 安装前出料盖……………………………………………………………28 5.14 整机消毒……………………………………………………………………29 5.15 倒入奶浆………………………………………………………………………………29
手册结构 本手册分为部,章,节便于查询。
部 手册的每一个部分都详细说明一个机器的具体部件。 章 部分中的章节描述了相关部件的安装或概念。 节 章中的小节具体说明了机器部件的零件。 每个操作人员必须仔细阅读和清楚理解与其操作有关的部分,特别是: 机器安装及机器零部件的操作。 参与安装,维护,维修的熟练技术人员需阅读本手册全部内容。
警告: 安装本机时, 在电线的所有端口插入一个热磁保护开关,并为显示输入电流的 机器数据铭牌留下足够的空间(至少3MM)。 - 请不要把手伸入机内,特别是在正常工作及清洁期间,在进行任何的维修 操作前务必把机器设置在“STOP”的状态并切断主开关电源。 - 请不要用水冲洗本机 - 切断电源前不要打开本机面板。 - 本公司对违反上述操作而可能造成的意外恕不负责。
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一: 综述
1.1 综述 1.1.1 机器铭牌
本机身背后有一块标明机器型号、系列号、等其它技术参数的铭牌 (如下所示)。在随机 附送的操作手册上有此铭牌的复印件
243 N'软冰淇淋机操作手册
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为了给客户提供最好的产品,Carpigiani公司从1933开始就依据国际标准ISO 9001-94. 建立了自己的质量管理体系和认证。
除此之外,Carpigiani冰淇淋机还符合以下欧盟指令和标准: - 机械指令 98/37/EC, - 低电压指令 73/23/EEC, - 电磁兼容指令 89/336/EEC, - 承压设备指令 97/23/EC, - 2004/1935/EC有关与食品接触的材料和物品的规定
维护工程师 能在正常条件下操作机器;并调节,维护,维修机器部件。对电子及冷冻系 统部件有经验。
CARPIGIANI 工程师 生产厂委派的工程师或与生产厂签订协议的服务商到指定区域维修复杂的 机器。
243 N'软冰淇淋机_G - 08/02 - ed. 3
安全指引 在使用工业设备时,操作人员必须清楚任何活动机件(转动设置)、高压元件以 及任何有可能达到高温的元件均可导致对人或机器的损害。 安全负责人员必须确保: - 避免不正确使用或处理本机器 - 安全设施不能被移走或意图移走 - 只使用原厂零备件,特别是涉及到安全功能的元件,例如微动保护开关、热感开关等。
注意 危险 用于警告相关人员如不遵守所描述的操作安全规则将导致人身伤害。
注意: 用于提示相关人员有关本机器的重要信息。 小心 用于警告相关人员如不遵守所描述的操作安全规则将导致机器数据的损失或损坏。
防护 提醒相关人员操作时采取个人防护预防可能的危险及事故。
操作人员资质 机器操作员:不熟练工人,没有专门的技术只能做简单操作。象通过控制面 板操作机器,充填产品,简单维护(清洁,处理简单的阻塞,检查系统等)
六、 维护保养 6.1 维护类型……………………………………………………………………………30 6.2 水冷机………………………………………………………………………………32 6.3 风冷机…………………………………………………………………………………32 6.4 零配件列表…………………………………………………………………………33
版本: 3 编制: AM
日期: 08/02 审核: SB
修订: Sez. 3.2, Sez. 3.9, Sez. 3.10 确认: RV
243 N'软冰淇淋机_G - 08/02 - ed. 3
前言…………………………………………………………………………………………5 手册说明……………………………………………………………………………………5 目的……………………………………………………………………………………5 手册结构……………………………………………………………………………………5 附件……………………………………………………………………………………5 常用符号……………………………………………………………………………………6 安全指引…………………………………………………………………………………………7 操作员资格…………………………………………………………………………………7 警告…………………………………………………………………………………………7