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(一)并列连词有and, or, but, for, both, either, etc.


Sam enjoys tennis, table tennis and basketball.

The weather became colder and colder.

He stood up and went out of the classroom.


Go straight on, and you'll see the library.=If you go straight on, you'll see the library.

2.表示选择关系,有:or, either…or…,whether… or…等。(“or”作“或、否则”之意)

1)祁使句后连接or ,表“如果…,否则…”,有转折的意思,此时or =if you don’t …,you’ll …

Hurry up, or you’ll be late.=If you don’t hurry up, you’ll be late.

2)either…or…:或者…或者…; 不是…就是…;要么…要么…

a.either…or…连接两个并列主语时,谓语动词靠近哪个主语就与哪个主语保持“人称”和“数”的一致,即就近原则。Either you or I am right.

b.由either…or…引导的否定句是完全否定。She isn’t either a student or a teacher.


She is always cheerful, whether at home or at school.

3.表示转折关系,有:but, however, yet, still,while等。but表示转折,while表示对比。

(1.although、though 不可以与but 连用,但是可以与yet和still连用, 2. not … but 不是…而是)

Mary was a nice girl, but she had one shortcoming.

Tom got up early, yet he failed to catch the train.

He was very tired, still he kept on walking.

Your composition is fairly good, however, there is still some room for improvement.

Jane is hard working ,while her sister is quite lazy.

4.both… and : 既…又(连接主语为复数)

neither…nor: 既不…也不

either…or: 或者…或者连接两主语后者决定单、复

not only … but also:不但…而且


He is not at school today, for he has a bad cold.

It was late, so I went home.


1.引导时间状语从句,有:before, after, when, while, as, till, until, since, as soon as等。

After they had planted their crops, they took a rest.

We have learned six lessons since he began to teach us.

As soon as he gets to Beijing, he’ll call me.

1) w hen, while, as 都表示“当……时”,when从句谓语动词既可以是瞬间动词也可以是延续性动词,可用于主从句动作同时发生或从句动作先于主句动作发生。while从句谓语动词只能是延续性动词,侧重主从句动作同时发生。as引导一个持续性动作,多用于主从句动作同时发生,强调“一边……一边”。

When I came in, my father was cooking.

I came in when/while my father was cooking.

He sang as he walked.

2)until用法:1.当主句谓语动词是延续性动词时,主从句都用肯定式,译为“直到……为止”(do sth until...);当主句谓语动词是瞬间时,主句用否定式,从句用肯定式,即not…..until, 译为“直到……才”。Until=till (till不能放在句首)Mr. Green waited until his children came back.(格林先生一直等到他的孩子们回来)

Mr. Green didn’t go to bed until his children came back. (格林先生直到他的孩子们回来才睡觉)

2. 引导条件状语从句,有:if(如果), unless(除非,如果……不)等。

If you don’t go soon, you’ll be late.=Unless you go soon, you’ll be late.

3.引导原因状语从句,有because, as, since等。


He didn’t go to school because he was ill.

As it was raining, we went there by bus.

Since everybody is here, let’s begin.

It must have rained last night, for the ground is wet.


8.引导让步状语从句,有:although/though(虽然,尽管), even though/if (即使)

Although/ Though it is a very young country, it is very rich.

Even if/ though you were here yesterday, you couldn’t help him.

注意:although/though 引导的从句不能与but连用,但可与yet, still连用。

9.引导目的状语从句,有so that和in order that(以便,为了)等。

The teacher spoke loudly so that /in order that we could hear him clearly.
