











中 国 石 油 兰 州 润 滑 油 研 发 中 心
PetroChina Lanzhou Lubricant R&D Institute
汽油、柴油铜片腐蚀试验法 快速法
6 试验步骤
把完全清澈、无悬浮水的试样倒入清洁、干燥的试管中30 mL刻
线处,并将经过最后磨光、干净的铜片在1min内浸入该试管的试样中。 将该试管小心地滑入试验钢弹中,并把弹盖旋紧,然后将试验钢弹完 全浸入已维持在90℃±1℃的恒温浴中恒温。 6.2 恒温30min后,小心地取出试验钢弹,并用自来水冲洗试验钢弹
中 国 石 油 兰 州 润 滑 油 研 发 中 心
PetroChina Lanzhou Lubricant R&D Institute
汽油、柴油铜片腐蚀试验法 快速法

打磨合格的铜片对试验结果至关重要 磨光后的铜片禁止用手接触 浴温要保持在90℃±1℃范围内 所用试剂应经铜片试验合格后使用 试管小心滑入试验弹后,必须旋紧弹盖 从恒温浴中取出的试验弹用自来水冷却到 室温并擦干后再打开
ASTM D4814 汽油 ASTM D975 柴油 EN 228 汽油 EN 590 柴油 JIS K2202 汽油 JIS K2204 柴油 汽油 柴油 GB 1793 车用汽油 GB 252 轻柴油 GB 19147 车用柴油
中 国 石 油 兰 州 润 滑 油 研 发 中 心
PetroChina Lanzhou Lubricant R&D Institute
汽油、柴油铜片腐蚀 快速试验法介绍
兰州润滑油研究开发中心 2011年5月
石油产品的腐蚀性 石油产品的腐蚀性



铜片腐蚀标准色板的分级[GB/T 5096]
级别 (新磨光的铜片)
a 淡橙色,几乎与新磨光的铜片一样
b 深橙色
a 紫红色
b 淡紫色
c 带有淡紫蓝色或银色,或两种都有,并分别覆盖在紫红色上的多彩色
d 银色
e 黄铜色或金黄色
a 洋红色覆盖在黄铜色上的多彩色



点 【重点】油品铜片腐蚀的概念、测定原理和方法,汽油等油品铜片腐蚀的测定。
难 【难点】测定汽油等油品的铜片腐蚀试验。

学 分析兴趣不大;面临大量专业课程同时开课;专业基础薄弱,但实践意识强,学习态度倾向于
表 部分油品腐蚀级别和试验条件及方法
车用汽油 (GB 17930) 喷气燃料(3 号) (GB 6537)
b 有红和绿显示的多彩色(孔雀绿),但不带灰色
a 透明的黑色、深灰色或仅带有孔雀绿的棕色
b 石墨黑色或无光泽的黑色
c 有光泽的黑色或乌黑发亮的黑色

ASTM 铜片腐蚀测定法

ASTM 铜片腐蚀测定法

Designation:D130–94(Reapproved2000)e1(21262°F),or both,and having suitable supports to hold the test tubes in a vertical position and immersed to a depth of about 100mm (4in.).Either water,oil,or aluminum block baths are suitable.5.2Copper Strip Corrosion Test Bomb ,constructed of stainless steel according to the dimensions as given in Fig.1,and capable of withstanding a test pressure of 100psi (689kPa).Alternative designs for the bomb cap and synthetic rubber gasket may be used provided that the internal dimen-sions of the bomb are the same as those shown in Fig.1.Provide a 25by 150-mm test tube as a liner for holding the sample.5.2.1Provide liquid baths capable of being maintained at 4061°C (10462°F)or 10061°C (21262°F),or both,and having suitable supports to hold the test bomb in a vertical position.The bath must be deep enough so that the entire bomb will be submerged during the test.As the bath medium,use water or any other liquid which can be satisfactorily controlled at the specified test temperature.5.3Thermometers ,total immersion,for indicating the re-quired test temperature,with smallest graduations of 1°C (2°F)or less.No more than 25mm (1in.)of the mercury thread should extend above the surface of the bath at the test temperature.The ASTM 12C (12F)or IP 64C (64F)thermom-eter is suitable.5.4Polishing Vise ,for holding the copper strip firmly without marring the edges while polishing.Any convenient type of holder (see Appendix)may be used provided that the strip is held tightly and that the surface of the strip being polished is supported above the surface of the holder.5.5Viewing Test Tubes ,flat glass test tubes,are convenient for protecting corroded strip for close inspection or storage (see Appendix).6.Materials6.1Wash Solvent —Any volatile,sulfur-free hydrocarbon solvent may be used provided that it shows no tarnish at allwhen tested at 50°C (122°F).Knock test grade iso octane is a suitable solvent and should be used in case of dispute.(Warning —Extremely flammable,see A2.1.)6.2Polishing Materials —Silicon carbide grit paper of vary-ing degrees of fineness including 65-µm (240-grit)paper or cloth;also a supply of 105-µm (150-mesh)silicon carbide grain and pharmaceutical grade absorbent cotton (cotton wool).6.3Copper Strips :6.3.1Specification —Use strips 12.5mm (1⁄2in.)wide,1.5to 3.0mm (1⁄16to 1⁄8in.)thick,cut 75mm (3in.)long from smooth-surfaced,hard-temper,cold-finished copper of 99.9+%purity;electrical bus bar stock is generally suitable (see Appendix).The strips may be used repeatedly but should be discarded when the surfaces become deformed on handling.6.3.2Surface Preparation —Remove all surface blemishes from all six sides of the strip with silicon carbide paper of such degrees of fineness as are needed to accomplish the desired results efficiently.Finish with 65-µm (240-grit)silicon carbide paper or cloth,removing all marks that may have been made by other grades of paper used previously.Immerse the strip in wash solvent from which it can be withdrawn immediately for final preparation (polishing)or in which it can be stored for future use. a practical manual procedure for surface prepa-ration,place a sheet of the paper on a flat surface,moisten it with kerosine or wash solvent,and rub the strip against the paper with a rotary motion,protecting the strip from contact with the fingers with an ashless filter paper.Alternatively,the surface of the strip can be prepared by use of motor-driven machines using appropriate grades of dry paper or cloth.6.3.3Final Preparation —Remove a strip from the wash solvent.Holding it in the fingers protected with ashless filter paper,polish first the ends and then the sides with the 105-µm (150-mesh)silicon carbide grains picked up from a clean glass plate with a pad of cotton (cotton wool)moistened with a drop of wash solvent.Wipe vigorously with fresh pads of cotton (cotton wool)and subsequently handle only with stainless steel forceps;do not touch with the fingers.Clamp in a vise and polish the main surfaces with silicon-carbide grains on absor-bent cotton.Do not polish in a circular motion.Rub in the direction of the long axis of the strip,carrying the stroke beyond the end of the strip before reversing the direction.Clean all metal dust from the strip by rubbing vigorously with clean pads of absorbent cotton until a fresh pad remains unsoiled.When the strip is clean,immediately immerse it in the prepared sample. is important to polish the whole surface of the strip uniformly to obtain a uniformly stained strip.If the edges show wear (surface elliptical)they will likely show more corrosion than the center.The use of a vise (see Appendix)will facilitate uniform polishing. is important to follow the order of preparation with the correctly sized silicon carbide material as described in 6.3.2and 6.3.3.The final preparation is with 105-µm silicon carbide grains.This is a larger grain size than the 65micron paper used in the surface preparation stage.The reason for this use of larger silicon carbide grains in the final preparation is to produce asperities (controlled roughness)on the surface oftheFIG.1Copper Strip Corrosion TestBombcopper which acts as sites for the initiation of corrosion reactions.7.Corrosion Standards7.1ASTM Copper Strip Corrosion Standards 4consist of reproductions in color of typical test strips representing in-creasing degrees of tarnish and corrosion,the reproductions being encased in plastic in the form of a plaque.7.1.1Keep the plastic-encased printed ASTM Copper Strip Corrosion Standards protected from light to avoid the possi-bility of fading.Inspect for fading by comparing two different plaques,one of which has been carefully protected from light (new).Observe both sets in diffused daylight (or equivalent)first from a point directly above and then from an angle of 45°.When any evidence of fading is observed,particularly at the left-hand end of the plaque,it is suggested that the one that is the more faded with respect to the other be discarded.,place a 20-mm (3⁄4-in.)opaque strip (masking tape)across the top of the colored portion of the plaque when initially purchased.At intervals remove the opaque strip and observe.When there is any evidence of fading of the exposed portion,it is suggested that the standards be replaced. plaques are full-color reproductions of typical strips.They have been printed on aluminum sheets by a 4-color process and are encased in plastic for protection.Directions for their use are given on the reverse side of each plaque.7.1.2If the surface of the plastic cover shows excessive scratching it is suggested that the plaque be replaced.8.Samples8.1It is particularly important that all types of fuel samples,which pass a low-tarnish strip classification,be collected in clean,dark glass bottles,plastic bottles,or other suitable containers that will not affect the corrosive properties of the fuel.Avoid the use of tin plate containers for collection of samples,since experience has shown that they may contribute to the corrosiveness of the sample.8.2Fill the containers as completely as possible and close them immediately after taking the sample.Take care during sampling to protect the samples from exposure to direct sunlight or even diffused daylight.Make the test as soon as possible after receipt in the laboratory and immediately after opening the container.8.3When suspended water (haze)is observed in the sample,dry by filtering a sufficient volume of sample through a medium rapid qualitative filter,into the prescribed clean,dry test tube.Carry out this operation in a darkened room or under a light-protected shield.8.3.1Contact of the copper strip with water before,during,or after the completion of the test run,will cause staining,making it difficult to evaluate the strips.9.Procedure9.1Those product classes,to which given procedural varia-tions are intended to be applied,are listed below.Some productclasses,being quite broad,may be tested by more than one set of conditions;in such cases the copper strip quality require-ment for a given product should be limited to a single set of conditions.The conditions of time and temperature given below are those most commonly used and are quoted in the ASTM specifications for these products where such specifica-tions exist.However,other conditions can also be used as and when required by specifications or by agreement between parties.9.1.1For aviation gasoline,and aviation turbine fuel —Place 30mL of sample,completely clear and free of any suspended or entrained water (see 8.3)into a chemically clean,dry 25by 150-mm test tube,and within 1min after completing the final preparation (polishing),slide the copper strip into the sample tube.Carefully slide the sample tube into the test bomb (Fig.1)and screw the lid on pletely immerse the bomb in a boiling water bath at 10061°C (21262°F).After 2h 65min in the bath,withdraw the bomb and immerse for a few minutes in tap water.Open the bomb,withdraw the test tube and examine the strip as described in natural gasoline —Carry out the test exactly as described in 9.1.1but at 40°C (104°F)and for 3h 65min.9.1.3For diesel fuel,fuel oil,automotive gasoline —Place 30mL of sample,completely clear and free of any suspended or entrained water (see 8.3),into a chemically clean,dry 25by 150-mm test tube and,within 1min after completing the final preparation (polishing),slide the copper strip into the sample tube.Stopper with a vented cork and place in a bath maintained at 5061°C (12262°F)(see 5.1.1).Protect the contents of the test tube from strong light during the test.After 3h 65min in the bath,examine the strip as described in 9.2.For tests on fuel oil and diesel fuel,to specifications other than Specifications D 396and D 975,a temperature of 100°C (212°F)for 3h is often used as an alternative set of conditions.9.1.4For cleaners (Stoddard)solvent and kerosine —Carry out the test exactly as described in 9.1.3but at 10061°C (21262°F).9.1.5For lubricating oil —Tests can be carried out for varying times and at elevated temperatures other than 100°C (212°F).For the sake of uniformity,it is suggested that even increments of 50°F beginning with 250°F (or Celsius equiva-lents to the nearest whole degree)be used.9.2Strip Examination :9.2.1Empty the contents of the test tube into a 150-mL tall-form beaker,letting the strip slide in gently so as to avoid breaking the beaker.Immediately withdraw the strip with stainless steel forceps and immerse in wash solvent.Withdraw the strip at once,dry with quantitative filter paper (by blotting and not by wiping),and inspect for evidences of tarnishing or corrosion by comparison with the Copper Strip Corrosion Standards.Hold both the test strip and the standard strip plaque in such a manner that light reflected from them at an angle of approximately 45°will be observed.9.2.2In handling the test strip during the inspection and comparison,the danger of marking or staining can be avoided if it is inserted in a flat glass tube (see Appendix X1)which can be stoppered with absorbent cotton.4Conforming to Copper Development Assn.(CDA),United States of America No.110,or to British Standard (BS)1036:1952,which have properquality.10.Interpretation10.1Interpret the corrosiveness of the sample accordingly as the appearance of the test strip agrees with one of the strips of the ASTM Copper Strip Corrosion Standards.10.1.1When a strip is in the obvious transition state between that indicated by any two adjacent standard strips,judge the sample by the more tarnished Standard Strip.Should a strip appear to have a darker orange color than Standard Strip 1b ,consider the observed strip as still belonging in Classifica-tion 1;however,if any evidence of red color is observed,the observed strip belongs in Classification claret red strip in Classification 2can be mistaken for a magenta overcast on brassy strip in Classification 3if the brassy underlay of the latter is completely masked by a magenta overtone.To distinguish,immerse the strip in wash solvent;the former will appear as a dark orange strip while the latter will not change.10.1.3To distinguish multicolored strips in Classifications 2and 3,place a test strip in a 20by 150-mm test tube and bring to a temperature of 315to 370°C (600to 700°F)in 4to 6min with the tube lying on a hot plate.Adjust to temperature by observing a high distillation thermometer inserted into a second test tube.If the strip belongs in Classification 2,it willassume the color of a silver and then a gold strip,if in Classification 3it will take on the appearance of a transparent black,etc.,as described in Classification the test if blemishes due to finger prints are observed,or due to spots from any particles of water droplets that may have touched the test strip during the digestion period.10.1.5Repeat the test also if the sharp edges along the flat faces of the strip appear to be in a classification higher than the greater portion of the strip;in this case it is likely that the edges were burnished during preparation (polishing).11.Report11.1Report the corrosiveness in accordance with one of the classifications listed in Table 1.State the duration of the test and the test temperature.12.Precision and Bias12.1In the case of pass/fail data no generally accepted method for determining precision or bias is currently available.13.Keywords13.1automotive gasoline;aviation gasoline;aviation tur-bine fuel;copper corrosion;copper strip finish;corrosiveness to copper;natural gasolineTABLE 1Copper Strip ClassificationsClassification Designation Description AFreshly polished strip ...B1slight tarnisha.Light orange,almost the same as freshly polished stripb.Dark orange 2moderate tarnish a.Claret red ... vender... c.Multicolored with lavender blue or silver,or both,overlaid on claret red ... d.Silvery...e.Brassy or gold3dark tarnish a.Magenta overcast on brassy strip... b.Multicolored with red and green showing (peacock),but no gray4corrosion a.Transparent black,dark gray or brown with peacock green barely showing ... b.Graphite or lusterless black ...c.Glossy or jet blackAThe ASTM Copper Strip Corrosion Standard is a colored reproduction of strips characteristic of these descriptions.BThe freshly polished strip is included in the series only as an indication of the appearance of a properly polished strip before a test run;it is not possible to duplicate this appearance after a test even with a completely noncorrosivesample.ANNEXES(Mandatory Information)A1.COPPER QUALITYA1.1Copper QualityA1.1.1Hard-temper,cold-finished type-(ETP)electrolytic tough pitch copper.4A2.PRECAUTIONARY STATEMENTA2.1IsooctaneHarmful if inhaled.Vapors may cause flash fire.Keep away from heat,sparks,and open flame.Keep container closed.Use with adequate ventilation.Avoid build-up of vapors and eliminate all sources of ignition,especially nonexplosion proof electrical apparatus and heaters.Avoid prolonged breathing of vapor or spray mist.Avoid prolonged or repeated skin contact.A2.2Aviation Turbine Fuel (Jet A or A-1,seeSpecification D 1655)Keep away from heat,sparks,and open flames.Keep container closed.Use with adequate ventilation.Avoid breathing vapor or spray mist.Avoid prolonged or repeated contact with skin.A2.3Gasoline (Containing Lead)Keep away from heat,sparks,and open flame.Keep container closed.Use with adequate ventilation.Avoid build-up of vapors and eliminate all sources of ignition,especially nonexplosion-proof electrical apparatus and heaters.Avoid prolonged breathing of vapor or spray mist.Avoid prolonged or repeated skin contact.A2.4Gasoline (White or Unleaded)Keep away from heat,sparks,and open flame.Keep container closed.Use with adequate ventilation.Avoid build-up of vapors and eliminate all sources of ignition,especially nonexplosion-proof electrical apparatus and heaters.Avoid prolonged breathing of vapor or spray mist.Avoid prolonged or repeated skin contact.A2.5KerosineKeep away from heat,sparks,and open flame.Keep container closed.Use with adequate ventilation.Avoid breathing vapor or spray mist.Avoid prolonged or repeated contact with skin.A2.6Stoddard SolventKeep away from heat,sparks,and open flame.Keep container closed.Use with adequate ventilation.Avoid breathing vapor or spray mist.Avoid prolonged or repeated contact with skin.APPENDIX(Nonmandatory Information)X1.OPTIONAL USEFUL EQUIPMENTX1.1Viewing TubeX1.1.1A useful flat glass test tube for holding tarnished copper strips for inspection or for storage for later inspection is illustrated and dimensioned in Fig.X1.1.X1.2Strip ViseX1.2.1A useful and convenient vise for holding up to four copper strips during final polishing is illustrated and dimen-sioned in Fig.X1.2.FIG.X1.1Flat Glass Test TubeFIG.X1.2Multistrip ViseASTM International takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any item mentioned in this ers of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights,and the risk of infringement of such rights,are entirely their own responsibility.This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed everyfive years and if not revised,either reapproved or withdrawn.Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters.Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the responsible technical committee,which you may attend.If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards,at the address shown below.This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International,100Barr Harbor Drive,PO Box C700,West Conshohocken,PA19428-2959, United States.Individual reprints(single or multiple copies)of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the above address or at610-832-9585(phone),610-832-9555(fax),or service@(e-mail);or through the ASTM website ().。

ASTM D130-12译文

ASTM D130-12译文

ASTM D 130-12译文石油产品铜片腐蚀标准试验方法1 范围1.1本方法适用于测定航空汽油、喷气燃料、车用汽油、清洗溶剂油、煤油、柴油、馏分燃料油、润滑油、天然汽油或其他具有37.8℃雷德蒸气压不大于124干帕斯卡(18磅/平方英尺)的其他石油烃类产品对铜的腐蚀。



雷德蒸气压超过124干帕斯卡(18磅/平方英寸)的试样要采用D 1838试验法来测定1.2 本标准采用国际单位制SI单位。





2 参考文件2.1 ASTM标准ASTM D 396燃料油规格ASTM D 975柴油规格ASTM D 1655 航空喷气燃料规格ASTM D 1838 液化石油气铜片腐蚀测定法ASTM D 4057石油和石油产品的手工取样用标准实施规程ASTM D 4177石油和石油产品自动抽样的标准实施规程ASTM D 6300石油产品和润滑剂试验方法中使用的精确度和偏差数据测定的标准实施规程ASTM E 1 ASTM玻璃液体热力计规格2.2 ASTM标准附件ASTM铜片腐蚀标准色板3 术语3.1首字母缩略词3.1.1 CAMI:表明覆盖磨料制造者协会3.1.2 FEPA:欧共体生产者协会4方法概要4.1把一块已抛光好的铜片浸没在一定里的试样中,并按产品标准要求加热到指定的温度,保持一定的时间。


5 意义和用途5.1原油中的大部分硫化物在精制的过程中被除去,但是,残留在油品中的某些硫化物会对各种金属产生腐蚀。



石油产品铜片腐蚀测定方法步骤仪器、材料、试剂准备1.铜片腐蚀测定仪2.带胶塞的试管3.比色试管:扁平型,实验结束供检验,或储存期间供盛放腐蚀的铜片用4.夹具:供磨片时夹住铜片而不损坏边缘用5.温度计6.磨光材料:碳化硅或氧化铝砂纸7.不锈钢试验弹8.铜片:纯度大于99.99%的电解铜9.定量滤纸:吸干滤纸上的洗涤溶剂10.不锈钢镊子11.洗涤溶剂:分析纯异辛烷或标准异辛烷12.高型烧杯13.腐蚀标准色板:避光存放实验准备1.铜片处理:用碳化硅或氧化铝砂纸把铜片六面瑕疵去掉,经过打磨后的铜片要求无瑕疵、无污斑、无金属屑,颜色均匀;2.用定量滤纸擦去铜片上的金属屑后,将铜片浸泡在洗涤溶剂中;3.从洗涤溶剂中取出铜片,用一滴洗涤剂湿润铜片,并用一块脱脂棉擦铜片,以除去所有金属屑;4.铜片腐蚀仪器设备检查(1)检查仪器电源、机壳是否接地良好;(2)检查水浴是否达到试验操作要求水位;(3)检查浴内温度传感器是否正常;实验步骤1.将试验仪器放置平稳,接通电源,使水浴温度维持在50O C±1O C;2.把被测油样倒入清洁、干燥的试管中;3.将经过最后磨光、干净的铜片在1分钟内浸入该试管的试样中;4.把该试管放到温度维持在50O C±1O C的水浴中,记录实验开始时间;5.在水浴中放置3小时±5分钟后,从仪器中取出装有铜片的试管;6.用不锈钢镊子立即将铜片从试管中取出,浸入放有洗涤溶剂的高烧杯中,洗去试样;7.立即取出铜片,用定量滤纸吸干铜片上的洗涤溶剂;8.把铜片与腐蚀标准色板比较,来检查变色或腐蚀迹象,比较时,可将铜片放在扁平试管中,将铜片和腐蚀标准色板对光线成45O角折射的方式拿持,进行观察实验结果。

ASTM D130-2004石油产品铜片腐蚀测定

ASTM D130-2004石油产品铜片腐蚀测定

Designation:D130–04e1Designation:154/93An American National StandardFederation of Societies for Paint Technology Standard No.Dt-28-65British Standard4351Standard Test Method forCorrosiveness to Copper from Petroleum Products by Copper Strip Test1This standard is issued under thefixed designation D130;the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of original adoption or,in the case of revision,the year of last revision.A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval.A superscript epsilon(e)indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.This standard has been approved for use by agencies of the Department of Defense.e1N OTE—Paragraphs11.1.2and11.1.3were editorially corrected to match Table1and ADJD0130.1.Scope1.1This test method covers the determination of the corro-siveness to copper of aviation gasoline,aviation turbine fuel, automotive gasoline,cleaners(Stoddard)solvent,kerosine, diesel fuel,distillate fuel oil,lubricating oil,and natural gasoline or other hydrocarbons having a vapor pressure no greater than124kPa(18psi)at37.8°C.(Warning—Some products,particularly natural gasoline,may have a much higher vapor pressure than would normally be characteristic of automotive or aviation gasolines.For this reason,exercise extreme caution to ensure that the pressure vessel used in this test method and containing natural gasoline or other products of high vapor pressure is not placed in the100°C(212°F)bath. Samples having vapor pressures in excess of124kPa(18psi) may develop sufficient pressures at100°C to rupture the pressure vessel.For any sample having a vapor pressure above 124kPa(18psi),use Test Method D1838.)1.2The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as the standard.The values in parentheses are for information only.1.3This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns,if any,associated with its use.It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-priate safety and health practices and determine the applica-bility of regulatory requirements prior to use.For specific warning statements,see1.1,6.1,and Annex A2.2.Referenced Documents2.1ASTM Standards:2D396Specification for Fuel OilsD975Specification for Diesel Fuel OilsD1655Specification for Aviation Turbine FuelsD1838Test Method for Copper Strip Corrosion by Lique-fied Petroleum(LP)GasesD4057Practice for Manual Sampling of Petroleum and Petroleum ProductsD4177Practice for Automatic Sampling of Petroleum and Petroleum ProductsE1Specification for ASTM Liquid-in-Glass Thermometers 2.2ASTM Adjuncts:ASTM Copper Strip Corrosion Standard33.Summary of Test Method3.1A polished copper strip is immersed in a specific volume of the sample being tested and heated under conditions of temperature and time that are specific to the class of material being tested.At the end of the heating period,the copper strip is removed,washed and the color and tarnish level assessed against the ASTM Copper Strip Corrosion Standard.4.Significance and Use4.1Crude petroleum contains sulfur compounds,most of which are removed during refining.However,of the sulfur compounds remaining in the petroleum product,some can have a corroding action on various metals and this corrosivity is not1This test method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D02on Petroleum Products and Lubricants and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee D02.05on Properties of Fuels,Petroleum Coke and Carbon Material.Current edition approved May1,2004.Published June2004.Originally approved in1922,replacing former st previous edition approved in2000as D130–94(2000)e1.In the IP,this test method is under the jurisdiction of the Standardization Committee.It is issued under thefixed designation IP154.Thefinal number indicates the year of last revision.This test method has been approved by the sponsoring committees and accepted by the cooperating societies in accordance with established procedures.2For referenced ASTM standards,visit the ASTM website,,or contact ASTM Customer Service at service@.For Annual Book of ASTM Standards volume information,refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on the ASTM website.3Available from ASTM International Headquarters.Order Adjunct No. s of suppliers in the United Kingdom can be obtained from Energy Institute,61New Cavendish St.,London,WIG7AR,U.K.Two master standards are held by the IP for reference.Copyright©ASTM International,100Barr Harbor Drive,PO Box C700,West Conshohocken,PA19428-2959,United States.necessarily related directly to the total sulfur content.Theeffect can vary according to the chemical types of sulfur compounds present.The copper strip corrosion test is designed to assess the relative degree of corrosivity of a petroleum product.5.Apparatus5.1Copper Strip Corrosion Pressure Vessel,constructed from stainless steel according to the dimensions as given in Fig.1.The vessel shall be capable of withstanding a test pressure of700kPa gage(100psi).Alternative designs for the vessel’s cap and synthetic rubber gasket may be used provided that the internal dimensions of the vessel are the same as those shown in Fig.1.The internal dimensions of the pressure vessel are such that a nominal25-mm by150-mm test tube can be placed inside the pressure vessel.5.2Test Tubes,of borosilicate glass of nominal25-mm by 150-mm dimensions.The internal dimensions shall be checked as acceptable by use of a copper strip(see6.3).When30mL of liquid is added to the test tube with the copper strip in it,a minimum of5-mm of liquid shall be above the top surface of the strip.5.3Test Baths:5.3.1General—All test baths shall be able to maintain the test temperature to within61°C(2°F)of the required test temperature.5.3.2Liquid Bath Used for Submerging Pressure Vessel(s)—The bath shall be deep enough to submerge one or more pressure vessels(see5.1)completely during the test.As the bath medium,use water or any liquid that can be satisfac-torily controlled to the sample test temperature.The bath shall befitted with suitable supports to hold each pressure vessel ina vertical position when submerged.5.3.3Bath(s)Used for Test Tubes—Liquid baths shall be fitted with suitable supports to hold each test tube(see5.2)in a vertical position to a depth of about100-mm(4-in.)as measured from the bottom of the test tube to the bath surface. As a liquid bath medium,water and oil have been found satisfactory and controllable at the specified test temperature. Solid block baths shall meet the same temperature control and immersion conditions and shall be checked for temperature measurement(heat transfer)for each product class by running tests on tubesfilled with30mL of product plus a metal strip of the nominal dimensions given,plus a temperature sensor. 5.4Temperature Sensing Device(TSD),capable of monitor-ing the desired test temperature in the bath to within an accuracy of61°C or better.The ASTM12C(12F)(see Specification E1)or IP64C(64F)total immersion thermom-eters have been found suitable to use in the test.If used,no more than10-mm(0.4-in.)of the mercury should extend above the surface of the bath at the test temperature.5.5Polishing Vise,for holding the copper stripfirmly without marring the edges while polishing.Any convenient type of holder(see Appendix X1)may be used provided that the strip is held tightly and that the surface of the strip being polished is supported above the surface of the holder.5.6Viewing Test Tubes,flat glass test tubes,are convenient for protecting corroded copper strips for close inspection or storage(see Appendix X1for the description of aflat-glass Key:1Lifting eye2Wide groove for pressure relief3Knurled cap4Twelve threads per inch NF thread or equivalent5Camber inside cap to protect“O”ring when closing pressure vessel6Synthetic rubber“O”ring without free sulfur7Seamless tubeMaterial:stainless steelWelded constructionMaximum test gage pressure:700kPaN OTE1—Dimensions in millimetres.N OTE2—All dimensions without tolerance limits are nominal values.FIG.1Pressure Vessel for Copper Strip CorrosionTestviewing tube).The viewing test tube shall be of such dimen-sions as to allow the introduction of a copper strip(see6.3)and made of glass free of striae or similar defects.5.7Forceps,with either stainless steel or polytetrafluoroet-hylene(PTFE)tips,for use in handling the copper strips,have been found suitable to use.5.8Timing Device,electronic or manual,capable of accu-rately measuring the test duration within the allowable toler-ance.6.Reagents and Materials6.1Wash Solvent—Any volatile,less than5mg/kg sulfur hydrocarbon solvent may be used provided that it shows no tarnish at all when tested for3h at50°C(122°F).2,2,4-trimethylpentane(isooctane)of minimum99.75%purity is the referee solvent and should be used in case of dispute. (Warning—extremelyflammable,see A2.1.)6.2Surface Preparation/Polishing Materials,00grade or finer steel wool or silicon carbide grit paper or cloth of varying degrees offineness including65-µm(240-grit)grade;also a supply of105-µm(150-mesh)size silicon carbide grain or powder and absorbent cotton(cotton wool).A commercial grade is suitable,but pharmaceutical grade is most commonly available and is acceptable.6.3Copper Strips Specification—Use strips approximately 12.5-mm(1⁄2-in.)wide,1.5to3.0-mm(1⁄16to1⁄8-in.)thick,cut approximately75-mm(3-in.)long from smooth-surfaced, hard-temper,cold-finished copper of99.9+%purity;electrical bus bar stock is generally suitable(see Annex A1).The strips may be used repeatedly but should be discarded when the strip’s surface shows pitting or deep scratches that cannot be removed by the specified polishing procedure,or when the surface becomes deformed.6.4Ashless Filter Paper or Disposable Gloves,for use in protecting the copper strip from coming in contact with the individual duringfinal polishing.7.ASTM Copper Strip Corrosion Standards37.1These consist of reproductions in color of typical test strips representing increasing degrees of tarnish and corrosion, the reproductions being encased for protection in plastic and made up in the form of a plaque.7.1.1Keep the plastic-encased ASTM Copper Strip Corro-sion Standards protected from light to avoid the possibility of fading.Inspect for fading by comparing two different plaques, one of which has been carefully protected from light(for example,new plaque).Observe both sets in diffused daylight (or equivalent)first from a point directly above and then from an angle of45°.If any evidence of fading is observed, particularly at the left-hand end of the plaque,it is suggested that the one that is the more faded with respect to the other be discarded.,place a suitably sized opaque strip(for example,20-mm(3⁄4-in.)black electrical tape)across the top of the colored portion of the plaque when initially purchased.At intervals remove the opaque strip and observe.When there is any evidence of fading of the exposed portion,the standards shall be replaced. plaques are full-color reproductions of typical strips.They have been printed on aluminum sheets by a4-color process and are encased in plastic for protection.Directions for their use are given on the reverse side of each plaque.7.1.2If the surface of the plastic cover shows excessive scratching,it is suggested that the plaque be replaced.8.Samples8.1In accordance with D4057or D4177,or both,it is particularly important that all types of fuel samples,that pass a low-tarnish strip classification,be collected in clean,dark glass bottles,plastic bottles,or other suitable containers that will not affect the corrosive properties of the fuel.Avoid the use of tin plate containers for collection of samples,since experience has shown that they may contribute to the corrosiveness of the sample.8.2Fill the containers as completely as possible and close them immediately after taking the sample.Adequate headspace in the container is necessary to provide room for possible thermal expansion during transport.It is recommended that volatile samples befilled between70and80%of the contain-er’s capacity.Take care during sampling to protect the samples from exposure to direct sunlight or even diffused daylight. Carry out the test as soon as possible after receipt in the laboratory and immediately after opening the container.8.3If suspended water(that is,haze)is observed in the sample,dry byfiltering a sufficient volume of sample through a medium rapid qualitativefilter,into the prescribed clean,dry test tube.Carry out this operation in a darkened room or undera light-protected shield.8.3.1Contact of the copper strip with water before,during or after completion of the test run will cause staining,making it difficult to evaluate the strips.9.Preparation of Test Strips9.1Surface Preparation—Remove all surface blemishes from all six sides of the strip obtained from a previous analysis (see Note1).One way to accomplish this is to use00grade or finer steel wool or silicon carbide paper or cloth of such degrees offineness as are needed to accomplish the desired results efficiently.Finish with65-µm(240-grit)silicon carbide paper or cloth,removing all marks that may have been made by other grades of paper used previously.Ensure the prepared copper strip is protected from oxidation prior tofinal prepara-tion,such as by immersing the strip in wash solvent from which it can be withdrawn immediately forfinal preparation (polishing)or in which it can be stored for future use.N OTE1—Onlyfinal preparation(9.2)is necessary for commercially purchased pre-polished strips.9.1.1As a practical manual procedure for surface prepara-tion,place a sheet of silicon carbide paper or cloth on aflat surface and moisten it with kerosine or wash solvent.Rub the strip against the silicon carbide paper or cloth with a circular motion,protecting the strip from contact with thefingers by using ashlessfilter paper or wearing disposable gloves.Alter-natively,the surface of the strip can be prepared by use of motor-driven machines using appropriate grades of dry paper orcloth.9.2Final Preparation—For strips prepared in9.1or new strips being used for thefirst time,remove a strip from its protected location,such as by removing it from the wash solvent.To prevent possible surface contamination duringfinal preparation,do not allowfingers to come in direct contact with the copper strips,such as by wearing disposable gloves or holding the strips in thefingers protected with ashlessfilter paper.Polishfirst the ends and then the sides with the105-mm (150-mesh)silicon carbide grains picked up with a pad of cotton(cotton wool)moistened with wash solvent.Wipe vigorously with fresh pads of cotton(cotton wool)and subse-quently handle without touching the surface of the strip with thefingers.Forceps have been found suitable to use.Clamp in a vise and polish the main surfaces with silicon-carbide grains on absorbent cotton.Do not polish in a circular motion.Rub in the direction of the long axis of the strip,carrying the stroke beyond the end of the strip before reversing the direction. Clean all metal dust from the strip by rubbing vigorously with clean pads of absorbent cotton until a fresh pad remains unsoiled.When the strip is clean,immediately immerse it in the prepared sample.9.2.1It is important to polish the whole surface of the strip uniformly to obtain a uniformly stained strip.If the edges show wear(surface elliptical),they will likely show more corrosion than the center.The use of a vise(see Appendix X1)will facilitate uniform polishing.9.2.2It is important to follow the order of preparation with the correctly sized silicon carbide material as described in9.1 and9.2.Thefinal preparation is with105-µm silicon carbide powder.This is a larger grain size than the65-µm paper used in the surface preparation stage.The reason for this use of larger silicon carbide grains in thefinal preparation is to produce asperities(controlled roughness)on the surface of the copper,which act as sites for the initiation of corrosion reactions.10.Procedure10.1General—There are a variety of test conditions,which are broadly specific to given classes of product but,within certain classes,more than one set of test conditions of time or temperature,or both,may apply.In general,aviation gasoline shall be tested in a pressure vessel at100°C and other high vapor pressure fuels,like natural gasoline,at40°C.Other liquid products shall be tested in a test tube at50°C,100°C or even higher temperatures.The conditions of time and tempera-ture given below are commonly used and are quoted in the ASTM specifications for these products where such specifica-tions exist.They are,however,guides only.Other conditions can also be used when required by specifications or by agreement between parties.The test conditions of time and temperature shall be recorded as part of the result(see12.1).10.2Pressure Vessel Procedure—For use with aviation gasoline and higher vapor pressure samples.10.2.1For Aviation Gasoline and Aviation Turbine Fuel—Place30mL of sample,completely clear and free of any suspended or entrained water(see8.3)into a chemically clean and dry25-mm by150-mm test tube.Within1min after completing thefinal preparation(polishing),slide the copper strip into the sample tube.Place the sample tube into the pressure vessel(Fig.1)and screw the lid on tightly.If more than one sample is to be analyzed at essentially the same time, it is permissible to prepare each pressure vessel in the batch before completely immersing each pressure vessel in the liquid bath at10061°C(21262°F),provided the elapsed time between thefirst and last samples is kept to a minimum.After 2h65min in the bath,withdraw the pressure vessel and immerse for a few minutes in cool water(tap water).Open the pressure vessel,withdraw the test tube and examine the strip as described in10. Natural Gasoline—Carry out the test exactly as described in10.2.1but at40°C(104°F)and for3h65min.10.3Test Tube Procedure—For use with most liquid prod-ucts.10.3.1For Diesel Fuel,Fuel Oil,Automotive Gasoline—Place30mL of sample,completely clear and free of any suspended or entrained water(see8.3),into a chemically clean, dry25-mm by150-mm test tube and,within1min after completing thefinal preparation(polishing),slide the copper strip into the sample tube.If more than one sample is to be analyzed at essentially the same time,it is permissible to prepare each sample in the batch by stoppering each tube with a vented stopper,such as a vented cork before placing each tube in a bath maintained at5061°C(12262°F),provided the elapsed time between thefirst and last sample prepared is kept to a minimum.Protect the contents of the test tube from strong light during the test.After3h65min in the bath, examine the strip as described in10.4.For tests on fuel oil and diesel fuel,to specifications other than Specifications D396 and D975,a temperature of100°C(212°F)for3h is often used as an alternative set of conditions.Some automotive gasolines with vapor pressure above80kPa at37.8°C have exhibited evaporation losses in excess of10%of their volume. If such evaporation losses are apparent,it is recommended that the Pressure Vessel Procedure(see10.2)be used.10.3.2For Cleaners(Stoddard)Solvent and Kerosine—Carry out the test exactly as described in10.3.1but at1006 1°C(21262°F).10.3.3For Lubricating Oil—Carry out the test exactly as described in10.3.1,but the tests can be carried out for varying times and at elevated temperatures other than100°C(212°F). For the sake of uniformity,it is suggested that even increments of5°C,beginning with150°C,be used.10.4Strip Examination:10.4.1Empty the contents of the test tube into a suitably sized receiver.If a receiver made out of glass is used,such as a150-mL tall-form beaker,let the strip slide in gently so as to avoid breaking the glass.Immediately withdraw the strip with forceps and immerse in wash solvent.Withdraw the strip at once,dry and inspect for evidence of tarnishing or corrosion by comparison with the Copper Strip Corrosion Standards.The step of drying the strip may be done by blotting withfilter paper,air drying,or by other suitable means.Hold both the test strip and the standard strip plaque in such a manner that light reflected from them at an angle of approximately45°will be observed.10.4.2In handling the test strip during the inspection and comparison,the danger of marking or staining can beavoidedif it is inserted in a flat glass tube (see Appendix X1),which can be stoppered with absorbent cotton.11.Interpretation of Results11.1Interpret the corrosiveness of the sample in accordance with one of the classifications of the ASTM Copper Strip Corrosion Standard as listed in Table a strip is in the obvious transition state between that indicated by any two adjacent standard strips,rate the sample at the more tarnished classification.Should a strip appear to have a darker orange color than Standard Strip 1b,consider the observed strip as still belonging in Classification 1;however,if any evidence of red color is observed,the observed strip belongs in Classification 2a strip can be mistaken for a 3a strip if the brassy underlay of the 3a strip is completely masked by a magenta overtone.To distinguish,immerse the strip in wash solvent;a 2a strip will appear as a 1b strip,while a 3a strip will not change.11.1.3To distinguish a 2c strip from a 3b strip,place a test strip in a 25-mm by 150-mm test tube and bring to a temperature of 340630°C in 4to 6min with the tube lying on a hot plate.Adjust to temperature by observing a high distillation thermometer inserted into a second test tube.Thus,a 2c strip will assume the color of a 2d strip and successive stages of tarnish;a 3b strip will take on the appearance of a 4a strip.11.1.4Repeat the test if blemishes due to fingerprints are observed,or due to spots from any particles or water droplets that may have touched the test strip during the digestion period.11.1.5Repeat the test also if the sharp edges along the flat faces of the strip appear to be in a classification higher than the greater portion of the strip;in this case,it is likely that the edges were burnished during preparation (polishing).12.Report12.1Report the corrosiveness in accordance with one of the classifications listed in Table 1.State the duration of the test and the test temperature in the following format:Corrosion copper strip ~X h /Y °C !,Classification Zpwhere:X =test duration,in hours,Y =test temperature,°C,Z =classification category (that is,1,2,3,or 4),and p =classification description for the corresponding Z (forexample,a,b).13.Precision and Bias13.1In the case of pass/fail data,no generally accepted method for determining precision or bias is currently available.14.Keywords14.1automotive gasoline;aviation gasoline;aviation tur-bine fuel;copper corrosion;copper strip;corrosiveness to copper;natural gasolineTABLE 1Copper Strip ClassificationsClassification Designation Description AFreshly polished strip...B1slight tarnisha.Light orange,almost the same as freshly polished stripb.Dark orange 2moderate tarnish a.Claret red ... vender... c.Multicolored with lavender blue or silver,or both,overlaid on claret red ... d.Silvery...e.Brassy or gold3dark tarnish a.Magenta overcast on brassy strip... b.Multicolored with red and green showing (peacock),but no gray4corrosion a.Transparent black,dark gray or brown with peacock green barely showing ... b.Graphite or lusterless black ...c.Glossy or jet blackAThe ASTM Copper Strip Corrosion Standard is a colored reproduction of strips characteristic of these descriptions.BThe freshly polished strip is included in the series only as an indication of the appearance of a properly polished strip before a test run;it is not possible to duplicate this appearance after a test even with a completely noncorrosivesample.ANNEXES(Mandatory Information)A1.COPPER QUALITYA1.1Copper QualityA1.1.1Hard-temper,cold-finished type-(ETP)electrolytic tough pitch copper.4A2.WARNING STATEMENTSA2.1IsooctaneHarmful if inhaled.Vapors may cause flash fire.Keep away from heat,sparks,and open flame.Keep container closed.Use with adequate ventilation.Avoid build-up of vapors and eliminate all sources of ignition,especially nonexplosion-proof electrical apparatus and heaters.Avoid prolonged breathing of vapor or spray mist.Avoid prolonged or repeated skin contact.A2.2Aviation Turbine Fuel (Jet A or A-1,seeSpecification D 1655)Keep away from heat,sparks,and open flames.Keep container closed.Use with adequate ventilation.Avoid breathing vapor or spray mist.Avoid prolonged or repeated contact with skin.A2.3Gasoline (Containing Lead)Keep away from heat,sparks,and open flame.Keep container closed.Use with adequate ventilation.Avoid build-up of vapors and eliminate all sources of ignition,especially nonexplosion-proof electrical apparatus and heaters.Avoid prolonged breathing of vapor or spray mist.Avoid prolonged or repeated skin contact.A2.4Gasoline (White or Unleaded)Keep away from heat,sparks,and open flame.Keep container closed.Use with adequate ventilation.Avoid build-up of vapors and eliminate all sources of ignition,especially nonexplosion-proof electrical apparatus and heaters.Avoid prolonged breathing of vapor or spray mist.Avoid prolonged or repeated skin contact.A2.5KerosineKeep away from heat,sparks,and open flame.Keep container closed.Use with adequate ventilation.Avoid breathing vapor or spray mist.Avoid prolonged or repeated contact with skin.A2.6Stoddard SolventKeep away from heat,sparks,and open flame.Keep container closed.Use with adequate ventilation.Avoid prolonged breathing of vapor or spray mist.Avoid prolonged or repeated skin contact.4Conforming to Copper Development Association (CDA),United States of America No.110,or to British Standard (BS)EN 1652or BS 4608,which have properquality.APPENDIX(Nonmandatory Information)X1.OPTIONAL USEFUL EQUIPMENTX1.1Viewing TubeX1.1.1A usefulflat glass test tube for holding tarnishedcopper strips for inspection or for storage for later inspection isillustrated and dimensioned in Fig.X1.1.X1.2Strip ViseX1.2.1A useful and convenient vise for holding up to fourcopper strips duringfinal polishing is illustrated and dimen-sioned in Fig.X1.2.N OTE1—Dimensions in millimetres.N OTE2—The dimensions are the minimum dimensions that shall allowthe introduction of a copper strip.N OTE3—The tube shall be free of striae or similar defects.FIG.X1.1Flat Glass Viewing Test TubeKey:1Material:Plastic2Material:Brass3Wing nut4Ø5-mm metric thread or equivalentN OTE—Dimensions in millimetres.FIG.X1.2Multistrip ViseASTM International takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any item mentioned in this ers of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights,and the risk of infringement of such rights,are entirely their own responsibility.This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed everyfive years and if not revised,either reapproved or withdrawn.Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters.Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the responsible technical committee,which you may attend.If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards,at the address shown below.This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International,100Barr Harbor Drive,PO Box C700,West Conshohocken,PA19428-2959, United States.Individual reprints(single or multiple copies)of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the above address or at610-832-9585(phone),610-832-9555(fax),or service@(e-mail);or through the ASTM website ().。

























工业芳烃铜片腐蚀实验法GB/T11138-94代替GB/T11138-891 主要内容与适用范围本标准规定了试样在加热回流条件下,对铜片腐蚀性定性试验的方法。



2 引用标准GB 466 铜分类GB/T 5096 石油产品铜片腐蚀实验法GB 5231 加工铜化学成分和产品形状GB/T 11117.1 爆震试验参比燃料参比燃料异辛烷SH 0004 橡胶工业用溶剂油3 意义本标准可作为规格调整和质量控制的手段,也可用于工业芳烃和有关材料的开发和研究工作。


4 方法概要将一块磨光的铜片浸入带冷凝器烧瓶的200mL试样中。


5 仪器与材料5.1 仪器5.1.1 烧瓶:250mL,平底,用耐化学腐蚀的玻璃制成。

5.1.2 玻璃冷凝器:长300mm,冷凝管的内经不小于10mm。

5.1.3 恒温浴:温度能保持100±1℃,任何适当大小和形状的水浴或油浴。

5.1.4 磨片夹钳:符合GB/T 5096要求。

5.2 材料5.2.1 铜片:材质符合GB 5231中T2要求。



5.2.2 铜丝:符合GB 466中Cu2,直径约为0.3mm,长约150mm的软铜丝。

5.2.3 魔光材料:65μm(240粒度)的碳化硅(或氧化硅)砂纸(砂布);105μm(150目)的碳化硅(或氧化硅)砂粒,以及药用脱脂棉。


5.2.4 腐蚀标准色板:符合GB/T 5096要求。







我国现行的液化石油气铜片腐蚀试验法是采用SH/T 0232《液化石油气铜片腐蚀试验法》,该方法等效采用ISO 6521-1982《液化石油气铜片试验法》。








图1-6-4 铜片腐蚀试验弹1-6mm的针型阀A;2-氯丁橡胶O形密封圈;3-铜片;4-6mm的针型阀B(2)铜片:电解铜,纯度99.9%以上,长7.5cm,宽1.25cm,厚0.15~0.30cm,表面光滑经冷轧淬硬,且在一端中心3.0mm 处钻一直径为3.0mm的小孔。























铜片腐蚀 标准

铜片腐蚀 标准



铜片腐蚀的标准主要依据中华人民共和国石油化工行业标准SH/T 0232《液化石油气铜片腐蚀试验法》进行。



主要性能特点包括:不锈钢浴槽,数显控温,温控表控制温度,四孔,可悬挂四弹或12 支试管,带计时器,计时结束自动报警等。


常见的铜片腐蚀等级包括:1a、1b、2a、2b、2c 等。

GBT5096 铜片腐蚀实验法

GBT5096 铜片腐蚀实验法
可以判定油品中是否含有活性硫化物等杂质,可以预知燃料在储存、运 输和使用过程中,对金属产生腐蚀的可能性。
概况 实验准备
“ GB17930-2016 车用汽油(Ⅵ)
GB19147-2016 车用柴油(Ⅵ)
铜片腐蚀(50℃,3h) GB252-2015 普通柴油
论论文概文绪况绪论论 研研究究实背验背景设景备 研研究究方方法试法验 研步研究骤究结结果果 结问问果题题评讨讨定论论 论论文文试总总验结结总 结
1、表面磨光 先用粗砂出去上次实验所残留的瑕疵和蚀污。然后用P220(65um)砂 纸处理,除去打磨痕迹,用滤纸擦去铜片表面的金属屑,将铜片浸泡在 洗涤溶剂中随后取出做最后磨光或贮存于洗涤剂中备用。
2、方法概要 把一块已磨光好的铜片浸没在一定体积的试样中,根据产品
的类别加热到规定定的温度,并保持一定的时间。待加热周期 结束时,取出铜片,经洗涤后,将其与铜片腐蚀标准色板进行 比较,确定腐蚀级别。 车用汽油、柴油常用实验条件为50℃,3h 工业润滑油常用的试验条件为100℃(或120℃),3h。
论 文概绪况论 研实验究准背备景 研试究备方样法制 研试究验结步果骤 问结题果讨计论算 与论评文定总 结试 验 总 结
2.5 样品准备
2.5.1取样 按照GB/T4756标准方法进行取样,样品应贮存于深色样品瓶,镀锡容器
会影响样品的腐蚀性,因此不能使用镀锡容器盛装样品。 挥发性样品建议充满至容器容量70~80%即可,取样要小心,要避免将样
品暴露在阳光下。 2.5.2 样品准备
取回的样品应尽快进行实验 如果观察到样品有悬浮水(浑浊),要先用中速定量滤纸过滤干燥足够 实验的样品。过滤操作要避光,最好在暗室中进行。



博士实验博士实验是在升华硫存在下,用亚铅酸钠和轻质石油产品作用,以检查油中硫醇或硫化氢的试验,铜片腐蚀:GB/T 5096石油产品铜片腐蚀试验,这是目前工业润滑油最主要的腐蚀性测定法,本方法与ASTM D130-83方法等效。






2.指标为在100℃+1,3h条件下将铜片置于被测溶液中,试验过程中铜片表面受待测式样的侵蚀程度,腐蚀程度共分四级;1:轻度变色---------- 淡橙色,几乎与新麽的铜片一样;深橙色2:中度变色 ------------- 紫红色;淡红色;带有淡紫色或银色,或两种都有,并分别覆盖在紫红色上的多彩色;银色;黄铜色或金黄色3:深度变色--------------洋红色覆盖在黄铜色上的多彩色;有红和绿显示的多彩色(孔雀绿),但不带灰色4腐蚀-----------透明的黑色,深灰色或仅带有孔雀绿的棕色;石墨黑色或无光泽的黑色;有光泽的黑色或乌黑发亮的黑色银片腐蚀:没见过,好像是测量喷气燃料油品的,测量方法可能与铜片腐蚀差不多。

高温航空润滑油及燃料油还要求按GJB496-88进行试验,将铜片和银片分别浸入试样中,置于232℃下50小时后,测定其重量损失90号、93号车作汽油符合 GB 484—93项目质量指标质量指标实验方法90 号93 号抗爆性研究法辛烷值(RON)不小于抗爆指数(RON+MON)/ 2 不小于9085 9389GB/T 5487 GB/T503 GB/T 5487铅含量1) g/L 不大于0.35 0.45 GB/T 6535馏程 10%蒸发温度℃不高于 50%蒸发温度℃不高于 9 0%蒸发温度℃不高于终馏点℃不高于残留量 %(V/V)不大于701201902052701201902052GB/T 6536蒸气压 kPa 从9月1日至2月29日不大于从3月1日至888 74 88 74 GB/T8017月31日不大于实际胶质2) mg/100mL 不大于 5 5 GB/T 8019 诱导期3) min 不小于480 480 GB/T 8018 硫含量 %(m/m) 不大于0.15 0.15 GB/T 380 铜片腐蚀(50℃,3h)级不大于 1 1 GB/T 5096 水溶性酸或碱无无GB/T 259 机械杂质及水分4)无无酸度 mgKOH/100mL 不大于 3 3 SH/T 0116硫醇(需满足下列要求之一):博士试验硫醇硫含量 %(m/m) 不大于通过 0.001通过 0.001SH/T 0174 GB/T1792。



GB/T 5096-1985
n 夹具:供磨片时夹住铜片而不损坏边缘用。
GB/T 5096-1985
n 温度计:0~50℃(全浸),最小分度值1℃或小于 1℃。
GB/T 5096-1985
快速法 (Q/SY1438-2011)
试验时间(分 钟)
GB/T 5096-1985
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
GB/T 5096-1985
测定意义 仪器、材料、试剂准备
实验 结果的表示及判断
结果报告 国家标准与快速法的比较
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
GB/T 5096-1985
测定意义 仪器、材料、试剂准备
实验 结果的表示及判断
结果报告 国家标准与快速法的比较
五、结果的表示及判断( 附表)
分级 1
名称 轻度 变色
中度 变色
a 淡橙色,几乎与新磨光的铜片一样 b 深橙色
a 紫红色 b 淡紫色 c 带有淡紫蓝色,或银色,或两种都有,并分别覆盖 在紫红色上的多彩色 d 银色 e 黄铜色或金黄色
n 把被测油样,倒入清洁、干燥的试管中30mL刻线 处。(铜片腐蚀按国标需做平行试验,需两个试样)
GB/T 5096-1985



• 把试管的内容物倒入150毫升高型烧杯中,倒时 要让铜片轻轻地滑入,以避免碰破烧杯。用不锈 钢镊子立即将铜片取出,浸入洗涤溶剂中,洗去 试样。立即取出铜片,用定量滤纸吸干铜片上的 洗涤溶剂。把铜片与腐蚀标准色板比较来检查变 色或腐蚀迹象。比较时,把铜片和腐蚀标准色板 对光线成45度角折射的方式拿持,进行观察。
注:①铜片腐蚀标准色板是由表中这些说明所表示的色板组成的。 ② 此系列中所包括的新磨光铜片,仅作为试验前磨光铜片的外碑标志。 使一个完全不腐蚀的试样经试验后也不可能重现这种外观。

• 表面准备:为了有效地达到预期的结果,需先用碳化硅或氧化铝砂纸 把铜片六个面上的瑕疵去掉。再用65微米(240粒度)的碳化硅或氧化 铝砂纸处理,以除去在此以前用其他等级砂纸留下的打磨痕迹。用定 量滤纸擦去铜片上的金属屑后,把铜片浸没在洗涤溶剂中。铜片从洗 涤溶剂中取出后,可直接进行最后磨光,或贮存在洗涤溶剂中备用。 • 最后磨光:从洗涤溶剂中取出铜片,用无灰滤纸保护手指来夹拿铜片。 取一些105微米的碳化硅或氧化铝砂粒放在玻璃板上,用l滴洗涤溶剂 湿润,并用一块脱脂棉,蘸取砂粒。用不锈钢镊子夹持铜片,千万不 能接触手指。先摩擦铜片各端边,然后将铜片夹在夹钳上,用沾在脱 脂棉上的砂粒磨光主要表面。磨时要沿铜片的长轴力向,在返回来磨 以前,使动程越出铜片的末端。用一块干净的脱脂棉使劲地摩擦铜片, 以除去所有的金属屑,直到用一块新的脱脂棉擦拭时不再留下污斑为 止。当铜片擦净后,马上浸入已准备好的试样中。
• 按前表中所列的腐蚀标准色板的分级中,某一个腐蚀级表 示试样的腐蚀性。 • 当铜片是介于两种相邻的标准色板之间的腐蚀级时,则按 其变色严重的腐蚀级判断试样。当铜片出现有比标准色板 中l b还深的橙色时,则认为铜片仍属1级;但是,如果观 察到有红颜色时,则所观察的铜片判断为2 级。 • 2级中紫红色铜片可能被误认为黄铜色完全被洋红色的色 彩所覆盖的3级。为了区别这两个级别,可以把铜片浸没 在洗涤溶剂中。2级会出现一个深橙色,而3级不变色。
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铜片腐蚀设备用于测定柴油、汽油、润滑油或其他石油产品对铜的腐蚀性程度,本方法涉及到易燃材料,操作前要注意试样的燃点、闪点,操作时要注意安全. 铜片的准备:



1、取样:取30 毫升的试样倒入试验试管中,试样尽量保存在干净、深色的玻璃瓶内,试管要干燥、清洁。

A、润滑油、溶剂油、煤油:量取30 毫升完全清澈、无悬浮水或内含水的试样倒入清洁、干燥并带有试管夹的试管中,将最后磨光、干净的铜片放入该试管的试样中,把带有试管夹的试管放到已维持在100±1℃的浴中,在浴中放置3±5 小时后取出试管,检查铜片。

B、航空汽油、喷气燃料:量取30 毫升完全清澈、无悬浮水或内含水的试样
倒入清洁、干燥的试管中,把该试管小心的滑入试验弹中,把弹盖旋紧,把试验弹完全放入已维持在100±1℃的浴中,在浴中放置2±5 小时后取出试验弹,用自来水冲几分钟,打开试验弹,取出试管,检查铜片。

C、天然汽油: 量取30 毫升完全清澈、无悬浮水或内含水的试样倒入清洁、干燥的试管中,把该试管小心的滑入试验弹中,把弹盖旋紧,把试验弹完全放入已维持在40±1℃的浴中,在浴中放置2±5 小时后取出试验弹,用自来水冲几分钟,打开试验弹,取出试管,检查铜片
D、柴油、燃料油、车用汽油: 量取30 毫升完全清澈、无悬浮水或内含水的试样倒入清洁、干燥并带有试管夹的试管中,将最后磨光、干净的铜片放入该试管的试样中,把带有试管夹的试管放到已维持在50±1℃的浴中,在浴中放置3±5 小时后取出试管,检查铜片
2、当铜片出现有比标准色板中1b 还深的橙色时,认为铜片仍属1级,但是如果观察到有红色时,则铜片判断为 2 级
3、 2 级中紫色铜片可能被误认为黄铜色完全被洋红色的色彩所覆盖的 3 级,为了区别这两个级别,可以把铜片浸在洗涤溶剂中,2 级会出现一个深橙色,3 级不变色
