员工评估表( 英文).doc
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Human Resources
日期: Date
2 of 2
Group Skills 分 De配leg工at作ing和a控nd制能力 C对o员ntr工ol的lin招g 聘、培训 与 Sta发ffi展ng, Coaching and Developing 2 人际关系/沟通
Interpersonal Skills 人 Hu际ma关n 系Re技la巧tions Skills 对待客户
所取得的 成 Pe绩 rfo达rm到anc esuwchhich requiremen
所取得的 成 Pe绩 rfo能rmo稍rm低anc eanwdhnicehed more
所取得的 成 Pe绩 rfo很rm少anc e which
1 ) Pass the probation
Administrative Skills 计划
Planning 组织能力
Organising 人 Pe事 rso组na织l O和rg时an间isa控tio制n and Time
1 of 2
员工周期绩效考核表(经理及以上级) APPRAISAL REPORT FOR MANAGERIAL STAFF(Section Head & Above)
工 Em号pl:oyee NO. 评估期: 从 Period of Review:
部门/职位: Dept./ Position
P考e核rfo项rm目ance Contents
Staff Comprehensive Assessment Form员工综合评定表中英
Grade:(A Excellent:K>=90;B Good:90>K>=80; C Qualified: 80>K>=70; D Fail: K<70)
Basically can finish own work, but not willing to share working experience, not willing to explain the problem to staff, find excuse for some other work
Basically follow the company policy, follow the arrange of superior, mostly passivity bear the working responsibility
Basically meet the requirement of position quality, knowledge and skill
Position capability is not sufficient, but possess some major
Weak discipline notion, sometimes fail to follow company policy, come to work late and leave early. Sometimes fail to follow the arrange of superior, weak responsibility sense or pass the buck
excellent in all aspects of the work area
comprehensive and sufficient understanding in work area 10 considerable understanding in work area
never ask for leave, be late or leave early
seldom ask for leave, be late or leave early ecsept for reas10 ask for leave, be late or leave early occasionally
delay the main work for personal reasons
great innovation ability and play a significiant role
with innovation abilty and can cope with the job
work only follow the instruction and need monitor
effective cooperation with workmates or supervisor, ready to accept new 9-10
good cooperation, willing to accept new methods
1 work quality
20 generally good with little errors some time
员工年终表现考核表(英文Performance Appraisal Form)
Personal working characteristics
1)Work attitude/ initiative
2)Acceptance of responsibility
4)Independence and impartiality of mind
4)Ability to express self writing
Organization and leadership
1)Ability to plan/ organize and complete work within time schedule
2)Ability to evaluate sub ordinates
State your understanding of your main duties and responsibilities
Sales Support
Research & Analysis
Project assistance
Exhibition preparation
1-3 = poor, 4-6 = satisfactory, 7-9 = good, 10 =excellent
What tasks, jobs and areas would you be interested in and focus on in the next year?
Are you to makecommitmentto the company in the next 12 months?
DEFINITIONS OF PERFORMANCE RATING CATEGORIESOUTSTANDING * – The employee has exceeded all of the performance expectations for this factor and has made many significant contributions to the efficiency and economy of this organization through such performance.EXCEEDS EXPECTATIONS – The employee regularly works beyond a majority of the performance expectations of this factor and has made many significant contributions to the efficiency and economy of this organization through such performance. MEETS EXPECTATIONS – The employee has met the performance expectations for this factor and has contributed to the efficiency and economy of this organization.NEEDS IMPROVEMENT – The employee has failed to meet one or more of the significant performance expectations for this factor.UNSATISFACTORY * – The employee has failed to meet the performance expectations for this factor.* Give specific examples of this employee’s performance.7. SPECIFIC ACHIEVEMENTS (Attach additional sheets if necessary)8. PERFORMANCE GOALS FOR THE NEXT EVALUATION PERIOD9. TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT SUGGESTIONS10. ATTENDANCE (Supervisors Comments)RATER’S NAME RATER’S TITLE RATER’S SIGNATURE DATE RATED EMPLOYEE’S COMMENTS -EMPLOYEE’S SIGNATURE DATE SIGNED This performance evaluation was discussed with me on the date noted above. I understand that my signatureattests only that a personal interview was held with me; it does not necessarily indicate that I agree with theevaluation.REVIEWER’S COMMENTS -REVIEWER’S NAME REVIEWER’S TITLE REVIEWER’S SIGNATURE * DATE RATED。
员工表现和发展评估表PERFORMANCE & DEVELOPMENT REVIEW FORM(For Grades 5 & above)评估日期评估期限自至Date of Review: __________________ for Period: __________to__________团队成员姓名NAME OF TEAM MEMBER: ________________________________________ 职位JOB TITLE: ______________________________________________________ 主管SUPERVISOR: ___________________________________________________ 职位JOB TITLE: ______________________________________________________ 部门/单位/团队DEPARTMENT / UNIT / TEAM: ______________________________________本文件为五级及其以上专业/技术团队成员及主管共同计划并评估团队成员每半年中的表现和发展的指南。
This document serves as a guide for professional/technical team members and supervisors from Grade 5 upwards to jointly plan and review on a bi-annual basis, the team member’s personal performance and development. Direct and open communication about all aspects of the team member’s current job performance against specific objectives, projects and tasks is essential to make this discussion mutually beneficial. This form is intended for confidential use by professional/technical team members and their respective supervisors.请先完成第一部分。
STAFF PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL员工表现评价表C O N F IDE N T I A L 机密Appearance Period From: To:评估日期从:到: .Comment on the following and fill in the appropriate rating into the boxes. 总体评价并打上相应分数RATING KEY: 5-EXCELLENT 优 4-GOOD良好 3-A VERA GE一般 2-FAIR较差 1-POOR差PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL 表现评估1、Service consciousne ss-Towards colleagues and guests. 服务意识-对同事和对客人。
a. Very courteous and warmly. A lways offer the good service for the guests and colleagues.任何时候都非常礼貌、热情,总是能够及时为同事或客人提供周到的服务。
b. General good in towards colleagues and guests.礼貌、热情,总是能够及时为同事或客人提供周到的服务。
c. Usually remains propriety and fervor. 基本上能保持礼貌和热情。
d. Must be reminded. Requires average supervision. 须经常提醒。
e. Lack warmly , anytime 任何时候都缺乏热情。
COMMENTS评论2、APPEARANCE-Is he/she well groomed and neat? 仪表-穿着规范整洁。
a. Takes exceptional care in personal cleanliness and proper grooming at all times.始终保持个人卫生和规范的岗位着装。
表1现U。nacceptable Performance: The employee does not meet expectations for Key Job
Combined Key Job Responsibilities Rating 主要工作职责总体得分
(whole numbers must be used须用整数)
Staff Comments & Examples 员工本人意见及举例
Overall KJR Rating by Employee 主要工作职责员工自评总体得分
Employee Signature员工签名:
Date日期: Date日期: Date日期:
Section2-Assessment of Key Job Responsibilities 第二部分 主要工作职责评估
Job Knowledge: Understands and performs all elements of the job. Easily applies knowledge and abilities to new tasks. Work product is 业co务ns知ist识en:tly理ac解cu并ra能te完an成d工re作lia的bl各e.个方面。能在新任务中轻松应用所具备的知识和能力。工作成果始终正确、可靠。 Work Quantity and Quality: Meets established deadlines & assumes personal responsibility for work product. Continually strives to improve 工eff作ici数en量cy和. C质om量p:let达es到al预l e定le的me完nt成s 期of 限job,r对eq工ui作rem成e果nt承s.担个人责任。不断努力提高工作效率。工作的完成符合各项要求。 Initiative/Judgement: Identifies and appropriately solves or refers problems. Takes responsibility for independent action. 主动性 / 判断力:确定问题所在,并能正确地解决或转交问题。对独立行动承担责任 Conduct: Follows company’s rules and policies and is a good example for co-workers to follow. Displays professional behaviour. 行为:遵循公司规章和政策,是同事们的行为典范。行为体现专业水准。 Communications: Verbal communication: expresses self clearly and professionally. Maintains open communication with manager. 沟通:口头沟通:清晰而专业的表达自己的意见。与经理保持开放的沟通。 Adaptability: Shows support for organizational changes. 适应性:支持组织实施的各种变化。 Attendance: Demonstrates reliability by maintaining consistent work attendance. Displays flexibility and provides additional support when 出ne勤ed:ed始. 终保持一贯可靠的出勤。需要时能够灵活机动,提供额外的支持。
姓名/Name: 部门/Dept:
职位/Position: 入职日期/Starting Date:
上次评估日期/ Last Appraisal Date :_____________ 口 试用期满Probation Completion 口 年终评定 Annual
Part B 乙部
Recommendation 评核结果
正式受雇为长期员工/合同工 薪金调整为每月人民币
Monthly salary adjusted to RMB ____________________ 延长试用期起止日期 终止雇员关系的生效日期
Extension of probation from to Termination of employment with effect from ___________
评估人签署/日期 员工签署/日期
Appraised by Date: ____________________________________ Employee’s Signature /Date: _______________________
部门主管确认/日期 人力资源部签署/日期 Reviewed by Department Head/ Date:____________________ Director of HR /Date: _______________________
For Human Resources Department only 人力资源部专用 定职信已准备妥当 档案已更新
Letter of Confirmation prepared Record Updated
经手人签署 Handled by。
酒店员工评估表 精品
员工操行评估表* For supervisor only 总门主管适用The minimum score to meet standard is 33 for junior staff 42 for supervisors.合格的最低分数标准为普通员工33分,部门主管42分。
OVERALL COMMENTS 总体评价:1.Based on the above,what is the overall performance rating 根据上述判断,该员工总体表现为:Outstanding 杰出Good 优良Meet Standard 一般 Below Standard 不合格 Unacceptable Below Standard 不能接受2.Your suggestion 审评人建述:Pass probation 通过试用期 Adjustment of salary 从___to 至_____工资调整Extend probation __________month 延长试用期_____月Performance not up standard ,termination should be taken place不符合要求,必须终止其工作Promotion 是提升 No 否In what Position 安排职务_______ Remarks:Confidential ,fill in after the interview 注:机密,面谈以后在填写3.Improvement r recommendation:改进及提高建议________________________________________________________________4.Training developments and recommended actions 培训及发展建议________________________________________________________________5.Other remarks and comments 其它:Appraiser 审评人:_____ Staff Signature 职员签名:______Position 职务_____ Date 日期:___Yr 年_____Mo 月___Do 日Date 日期:______Yr 年______Mo 月______Da 日Next Appraisal 下期审评:____Yr 年_____Mo 月___Do 日Div\Dept.Heads:__________ Dept.Manager_________ *房务部员工评估表 Housekeeping Staff Appraisal。
员工表现评估表 Performance_Review_(中英双语)
Requiredand likely有待改善
and unlikely
Safe work(Tier 3 or job related Safety induction test resultshould be attachedifit is forprobation.)安全生产,如试用期评估需附第三级或相关岗位要求的安全培训考试成绩)
Other Adjustment其他调整: From从to到.
Effective Date生效日期:Date日month月year年
Please tickaccordingly
Exceeds job
Employee Comments:
InterviewerDate:Department HeadDate
HR Manager DateGM/DGM Date
Attendance and discipline考勤和遵守纪律
Cooperationand customerservice合作与服务意识
Overall Comments by interviewer:
- Targeted action- Organization, priority management - Independence - Commitment - Adaptability- Foucs on customers O i z n- Innovation - Initiative - Continuous improvement- - Building Relationships- Communication - Health, Safety and Environment R s- Leadership - Strategic Thinking绩效评估使用指南PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL GUIDE公司政策规定每位员工都有机会每年至少一次与主管讨论其每年的业绩。
It is our policy to provide every employee the opportunity to discuss performance with his/her supervisor at least once a year. The annual appraisal ensures that opportunity.此年度评估是员工和管理人员的直接对话,是双方有效沟通的一部分。
The annual appraisal is a dialogue between employees and management. It is part of the ongoing communication process between the two parties. 基本评估原则Basic appraisal principles∙此评估必须建立在双方相互尊重和聆听基础上,以达成一致。
The appraisal must be conducted in a spirit of mutual respect and listening, with a view to reaching a consensus.∙此评估的目标是根据事实评定一段时期内员工的表现,而不是根据对员工的印象,看法或个性而做出评定。
PERFORMANCE REVIEW FORM转正职员业绩评估表(For Probationary Staff)(用于试用期员工)1. The main purpose of this form is to enable the supervisor of the probationary staff to utilise thegeneral factors drawn out as a guide in assessing the performance of the staff during his/her probation.此表主要目的是使主管对员工试用期内的表现按以下各方面进行评估,并考核其是否有资格转正。
2. When completing this form it is critical to bear in mind the performance of the employee underprobation in relation to his/her qualifications and experience.在填表时,必须结合试用期员工的资历和经验,以考察其表现如何。
3. This form should also be used as a tool to provide performance feedback to the employee underprobation. This is a COMPULSORY step for the supervisors. Notes of the feedback should be recorded in Section IV.此表格同时也是员工对其评估意见进行反馈的工具。
Name of Employee员工姓名 :Department / Position部门/职位 :Period under review 评估期限 :Name of Immediate Superior 直接上级姓名/职位 :GUIDE 指南:A - Performance is beyond expectations表现超过期望B - Performance meets expectations 表现符合期望C - Performance is below expectations 表现低于期望杰出:表现一贯超过期望4- Highly Satisfactory : Performance is beyond expectations in some aspects非常满意:表现在某些方面超过期望3- Satisfactory : Performance is meeting expectations 满意:表现符合期望2- Unsatisfactory: Performance is not meeting the minimum expectations in many aspects不满意:表现在许多方面不符合期望1- Unacceptable : Performance is not meeting the minimum expectations in most aspects 不能接受:表现在绝大多数方面不符合期望General Comments 综合评语:I recommend that the probationer’s appointment be: 我对此员工的聘用作出如下判定: 转正确定延长试用期至____ _________(最多延长3个月)- Terminate effective _______________ (date must be before regularization终止聘用于 (终止日期必须早于法定日期)Immediate Superior 直接主管签字Date 日期Signature of Employee 员工签字Date 日期I recommend an increase of ________________ % or Ps. ___________________. 我建议增薪 %,即 。
Below Average
Quality of Work
Very thorough in work, work output exceeds requirements
Follow general guidance in delegate work
Sometimes fails to follow supervisors’guidance
Never listen to any instructions/guidance
Sufficient knowledge to perform routine work
Has some job knowledge but requires close supervision most of the time
Lacks basic knowledge and skills
Instruction from supervisor
Initially follow instructions & achieve targets
Totally follow instructions to assume responsibilities
Yearend Appraisal Form 英文年度员工评估表
PRIVATE & CONFIDENTIALManager/Executive/Supervisor/SecretaryPERFORMANCE APPRAISALTYPE : ❑ Annual Yearend ❑ ConfirmationNAME : DESIGNATION :COMPANY : DATE JOINED :DEPARTMENT : PERIOD OF ASSESSMENT :OBJECTIVEThis exercise is carried out annually at the end of the year or prior to expiry of probation period to provide an avenue for both the Immediate Superior and Staff to:1. Review past progresses, establish and clarify future goals and expectations for a clearerdirection in the following year;2. Discuss and provide feedback on how well the work expectations have been accomplished;3. Recognise staff’s achievements and effort;4. Identify high achievers for recommendation of promotion, or poor performers to determineareas of improvement and the next course of action/s;5. Identify Training and Development Needs for planning and developing of the staff’s careerpath and development.STEPS TO A GOOD PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL1. The job holder’s performance should be rated against the key duties and responsibilities;2. Both the superior and staff should examine the goals and standards agreed upon in theirprevious appraisal exercise, and determine the degree to which they were accomplished and solutions for any setback encountered;3. Both parties should set new goals and standards which are measurable for the new appraisalperiod that lies ahead;4. The job holder’s strengths and weaknesses should be discussed tactfully and objectively toreach a common platform on areas for improvement;5. A job holder who reports to more than one superior during the year should be appraisedjointly by all the superiors.6. Most importantly, prepare for the performance discussion.7. Both the superior and job holder are required to sign on the appraisal at the end of it. It isequally important that both parties signed on PART 2 in order to get commitment on the future targets which they will be appraised on later.“ ONE OF THE BEST THINGS YOU CAN DO FOR OTHER PEOPLEIS HELP THEM RECOGNISE HOW THEY CAN IMPROVE ”Nov 2006 Page 1 of 6Key Result Areas (KRAs) for 2008Name of Employee : __ _____________________2 of 6Key Result Areas PlanningFor Next Year (2009)Name of Employee : Supervising Superior :Date :Agreed by Appraiser : Agreed by Appraisee :Name & Signature : Name & Signature :Date : _____________________________ Date : ____________________________3 of 6Competencies Review for 20084 of 6PRIVATE & CONFIDENTIALExecutive/Manager LevelPART CSummary of Review for 2008Name of Employee : ___________________________________5 of 6PRIVATE & CONFIDENTIAL Executive/Manager Level6 of 6。
L Can not implement all job/product knowledge, didn't attend 100% required job/technical training
Customer Satisfaction:
Be selected as the annual Best
Key responsibilities:
E Frequently exceed targets(e.g. sales target above 110%, margin above 115%)
G Occasionally exceed, but consistently meet targets(e.g. sales target reach 95%-110%, margin 100%-115%)
Rating L M G E
G Proficient in job/product knowledge implementation/ pass the test of Dept. Expert
M Meet all job/product knowledge requirements, good at applying knowledge into work, attend all required training
Performance Appraisal Form-Store Staff
For all store employee use
Employee Name
Direct Supervisor
Store name
Cover period
Байду номын сангаас
员工评走表(翻译稿)一.一般资料:上司:员工:姓名:姓名:职务:部门 /车间:二.对达到目标和完成任务的评估:三.对工作和领导行为的评估请您估测,您的同事在接受任务时在多大程度上应用了下述行为方式和能力,他是如何实施单个标准以完成目标。
1.1.1专业知识可表现为1掌握并能运用自己专业领域的相关知识1不断实践和拓展专业知识1时刻准备着获取与自身领域相关的知识和技能1能运用专业方法和技术组织自己的工作1能专业地评价同事的工作任务要求1 (低)2345 (高)任务完成1(低)2345 (高)备注:*) 1二没有达到要求2二基本达到要求3二完全达到要求4二超出要求5二远远超出要求1.2交往能力可表现为1能口头和书面清晰地.有效地,并在合适时间通知他人1能传达影响决策过程的信息1能较好地倾听1知道正确地评估信息需求任务要求1 (低)2345 (高)任务完成1 (低)2345(高)备注:1.3问题意识和解决可表现为1能及早认识问题,使Z具体化并进行定义1很好地分析问题1对不同解决问题的方法进行可行性评价,实际估计风险性1能将问题进行分解,开发其它现实的可能性,寻找解决的方法1能用通常方法解决问题,并设计新方案1适时作出决定,进行实施并对结果进行检查任务要求1 (低)2345 (高)任务完成1 (低)2345 (高)备注:*)1二没有达到要求2二基本达到要求3二完全达到要求4二超岀要求5二远远超出要求1.4团队工作/合作行为表现为1能发展并促进同事•员工和上司之间积极的工作关系1能提供支持,接受他人的意见,对矛盾的解决和创造一个有利于达到目标的环境作出贡献1对企业和上司忠诚,即使个人利益受到影响任务要求1 (低)2345 (高)任务完成1 (低)2345 (高)备注: 1.5创造性/创新能力表现为1富有想象力的,能实现新思想/新想法1开创产品.技术和工作组织革新的新想法1组织革新的新想法1很快拥有关于解决问题的革新.改进和更新的新想法1能将认识推广到其它领域1任务要求1 (低)2345 (高)任务完成 1 (低)2345 (高)备注:*)1二没有达到要求2二基本达到要求3二完全达到要求4二超出要求5二远远超出要求1. 6主动性和实施能力表现为1寻求改进需求,寻找并实施合适的新的及更好的可能性1将其它部门吸收到该过程中,为实施出力1即使在困难情况下,仍具说服力任务要求1 (低)2345 (高)任务完成1(低)2345 (高)备注:1.7未来和目标导向表现为1及早认识到公司.组织或自身工作该如何进一步发展,并将它作为目标实施1及早考虑让同事.其它企业部门或客户参加目标定义1独立制订改善成绩措施1在报告屮不掩饰与目标的偏差任务要求1(低)2345 (高)任务完成1(低)2345 (高)备注:*)1二没有达到要求2二基本达到要求3二完全达到要求4二超出要求5二远远超出要求L 8承受能力和稳定性表现为1能集屮注意力,持久地完成任务1努力完成约定的任务,即使在困难的条件下,如不断地去国外出差1关键或紧急情况下能纵观全局1能拉受批评并改正1能够并准备在国外工作任务要求1 (低)2345 (高)任务完成1 (低)2345 (高)备注:2.领导行为的标准2.1领导能力表现为1认识到客户导向和质量的必要性,并将这一要求贯彻到组织屮1创造开放和高效的氛围1自我批评,要求同事提出批评,并以此为行为准则1在组织中促进独立思考和行动1促进不断的改进过程1遵守健康和环境保护标准1广为同事们接受任务要求1 (低)2345 (高)任务完成1 (低)2345(高)备注:*) 1二没有达到要求2二基本达到要求3二完全达到要求4二超出要求5二远远超出要求2. 2统一目标,和员工谈话表现为1告诉员工应达到什么目标,以及他们对此应做些什么1 对目标进行清晰地书面约定,并经常了解完成状况1支持员.同事达到目标1经常进行员工谈话,对他们的行为和成绩表达看法任务要求1 (低)2345 (高)任务完成1 (低)2345 (高)备注:2.3表现为1经常运用目标约定以及和员工谈话等方法1 给员工配备必需的职权1制造并实施个人发展和培训计划(在谈知和未来要求的基础上)1使其组织时刻都能满足必需的要求1 选择合适的员工任务要求1 (低)2345 (高)任务完成1 (低)2345 (高)备注:结论:关于其领导行为和成绩可作如下评价*) 1二没有达到要求2二基本达到要求3二完全达到要求4二超出要求5二远远超出要求3.主要任务的更改a. b. c. d. e. f. g. 4.发展措施4.1期望从上司得到的帮助4. 2采取何种措施提高员工的专业和个人素质?4. 3该员工还可执行哪些国内.国外任务什么时候该员工能具备完成上述任务所需的才干?马上大约年后4. 4该员工对他将来职业发展有何设想和兴趣?备注:日期:日期:日期:上司签名:员工签名:获悉此事:(上一级领导)主要思想系统本系统介绍了人事和管理发展的一个该系统主线是向员们介绍目标约定重要基础。
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Grooming and Appearance仪容外表
Maintain neat & tidy professional appearance & grooming. Keep a smiling and confident posture. Meet the hotel policy and requirement completely.
Quality and Quantity of Work工作质量、数量
Follow standard & procedure to do the job task in an accurate, quick way. The staff can meet or exceeds the expectations for the normal production within scheduled time.
Job skills & Knowledge专业知识和技能:
Grasp the procedures and methods of operation and equipment involved on the job related. Possess knowledge necessary for the present position. Active in participating various training to improve job skills and enrich the job knowledge.具有从事本职工作必备的专业知识和技能,掌控一定工作程序并积极参加各种专业培训,提高相关的工作技能,增长专业知识,提高工作效率。
Performance Appraisal Form
ID NO.工号:
Hire Date入职日期:
Present Position Date任现职日期:
Direct Report直属上司:
Review Period评估期限:
3-4 Did Not Meet Expectations未到达标准
1-2 Unsatisfactory不中意
Employee’s Comments员工意见:
Take Initiatives创新精神
Degree to which staff is a self-starter, can work with minimum guidance. Continue to seek new and creative methods to do the job. Easy to absorb new thins with open mind and dare to face the challenge.员工是否能不断寻求更好的工作方法,并付诸于实践。容易接受新事物,敢于接受不同的挑战。
Exceed Customer Expectation服务意识
Anticipate and take positive actions to meet and exceed internal & external customer’s needs and expectations. Maintain to continue searching for various ways to solve customer’s problems to increase their satisfaction.估计客人的需要,主动帮助客人解决问题,不断寻求各种方式以提高客人的中意程度,不论对客人还是对员工都能保持相同的服务标准。
Attitude & Responsibility工作态度及责任心
Strong sense of responsibility, maintain a positive, optimistic and enthusiastic attitude towards work. High accountability and reliability. Take ownership of both positive and negative outcomes of work performance.是否具有很强的工作责任意识和责任心,保持积极向上,乐观热情的工作态度。具有高度的责任心和信任感,对工作不管正面、负面都敢于承当相应的责任。
Speaking clearly and listen effectively with co-workers in one-on-one or small group settings. Possess necessary writing skills and non-verbal communications skills.表达清楚,逻辑思维能力强,积极聆听,公道的采取一对一和小组的沟通方式,具有良好的书面和非语言表达能力。
Team Spirit and Cooperation团队精神与合作
How well the staff gets along with co-workers as well as customers and other people contacted in the course of the job. Volunteer as needed to help ensure team successScore
9-10 Outstanding杰出表现
Remark:Thesesignatures indicate the reviewer& associate have discussed this Appraisal Form.
7-8 Exceeded Expectations超出期望
5-6 Meet Expectations到达基本要求
Willing to Learn & adapt to Change适应环境变化的能力
Actively pursue self-development, and modify the behavior due to the changing situation. Demonstrate the flexibility in handling the changes. Eager to attend the training program.
Work Independently & Manage Time独立工作/公道安排时间
Work without close supervision, use good judgment to anticipate workload and prioritize work task based on the time needed to completion. Able to think logically and distinguish between right and wrong..工作无需他人监督,判定准确,能独立分析问题和处理特别情形。是否能够公道安排各项工作,确保工作按时完成。具有较强的逻辑思维能力.
Punctuality and Attendance纪律及出勤
Ability to follow given schedule and commitment to the work task. Observe all items of hotel rules and regulations. No late arriving or early leaving for work.是否按时上下班并在规定的时间安排内完成各项工作任务,是否能遵照酒店及部门的各项规章制度。
Multitask Skills同时担当多项工作
Shift back and forth efficiently two or more tasks, balancing priorities take more responsibilities at the same time.掌控多种工作技能,能同时承当多项工作任务并能处理好先后顺序,有效地安稳工作重点和轻重缓急。