



东师《英汉翻译》15春在线作业22一、单选题(共10 道试题,共40 分。

)V 1. 茅盾先生说过:翻译文学作品,很重要的一点是A. 能将它的风格翻译出来B. 能将它的一部分风格翻译出来C. 译者要有自己的风格D. 风格是无法翻译的满分:4 分2. 他尽管有点老,但还能胜任这项工作。

A. Though a bit old, he is still fit for the work.B. Although a bit old, he is fitful of this work.C. Though a bit old, his is competent in the work yet.D. Although being a bit old, he is suitable to the job.满分:4 分3. 中国作为疆域辽阔、人口众多、历史悠久的国家,应该对人类有较大的贡献。

A. A country with a vast territory, a big population and a long history,B. China is a country with a vast territory, a big population and a long history, should make greater contributions to humanity.C. China has a vast territory, a big population and a long history, and thus makes greater contributions to humanity.D. As a country, China has not only a vast territory, a big population but also a long history. Therefore, China should make greater contributions to humanity.满分:4 分4. I remember my childhood names for grasses and secret flowers.A. 我记得儿时的名字、小草和秘密的小花。



东北师范大学东师中国现当代文学史(三)16秋在线作业2一、单选题(共10 道试题,共30 分。

)1. "有生必有死,早终非命促","亲戚或余悲,他人亦已歌","死去何所道,托体同山阿",这几句诗出之于教材中的哪一篇作品()A. 《记波外翁》B. 《怀念萧珊》C. 《游园惊梦》D. 《陶渊明写挽歌》正确答案:2. 小说《受戒》描写了和尚娶妻生子、杀猪吃荤、赌钱等行为,以及小和尚明子和小英子的爱情故事,作品通过这些描写,表达了()A. 对违背佛门清规的出格行为的批判B. 超脱世俗欲求的虔诚信仰的赞美C. 把出家做和尚看作是一种谋生职业的否定D. 对原始淳朴的民间日常生活的肯定与赞美正确答案:3. 《〈圣经〉拟作》是一篇( )A. 文化随笔B. 小品C. 杂文D. 小说正确答案:4. 以动物为主要描写对象,采用儿童视角,运用拟人化手法的小说作品是( )A. 《巩乃斯的马》B. 《邢老汉和狗的故事》C. 《父亲,树林和鸟》D. 《鲁鲁》正确答案:5. 《将军族》的背景是()A. 抗日战争时期的重庆B. 解放战争时期的南京C. 新中国建立后的台湾D. 第二次国内革命战争时期的南昌正确答案:6. 叙写"文革"期间知青题材的作品是()A. 《青春之歌》B. 《我的第一个上级》C. 《棋王》D. 《春天》正确答案:7. 《关汉卿》一剧的中心线索是()A. 以关汉卿与朱帘秀的爱情为中心线索B. 以关汉卿的生平事迹为中心线索C. 以关汉卿的剧本《窦娥冤》的创作和演出为中心线索D. 以王著刺杀权奸阿合马为中心线索正确答案:8. 反映社会主义制度下人民内部矛盾的作品是()A. 《我的第一个上级》B. 《在山区收购站》C. 《组部来了个年轻人》D. 《“锻炼锻炼”》正确答案:9. 陈翔鹤的小说是()A. 《将军族》B. 《陶渊明写挽歌》C. 《红旗谱》D. 《透明的红萝卜》正确答案:10. 洛夫是哪个诗社的诗人()A. 台湾蓝星诗社B. 台湾创世纪诗社C. 创造社D. 新月社正确答案:中国现当代文学史(三)16秋在线作业2二、多选题(共10 道试题,共30 分。



东师16春《古代汉语(一)》在线作业满分答案东师16春《古代汉语(一)》在线作业满分答案一、单选题(共 10 道试题,共 30 分。

)1. 《战国策》属于国别体,它分为东周、西周、秦、齐等多少国()A. 10B. 11C. 12D. 132. 下列句子中,“者”字用在时间词后面,是助词的是()A. 彼秦者,弃礼义而上首功之国也B. 老臣今者殊不欲食C. 视吾家所寡有者D. 使吏召诸民当偿者3. 若用“六书”理论分析汉字的结构,“牛、瓜、象、羊”属于()A. 指事B. 形声C. 会意D. 象形4. “亡羊而补牢,未为迟也。

”中“牢”的词义是()A. 水牢B. 关牲畜的圈C. 牢固D. 监狱5. “是皆率民而出于孝情者也”中“是”的词性和意义是()A. 系词,是B. 形容词,正确C. 代词,这些D. 词尾,……样子6. 传统的“六书”包括:象形、指事、会意、形声、假借和()A. 象意B. 指示C. 谐声D. 转注7. “群、羣”的关系是()A. 繁简字B. 古今字C. 通假字D. 异体字8. “姜氏欲之,焉辟害?”中“焉”的词性和意义是()A. 助词,哪里B. 助词,怎样C. 代词,哪里D. 代词,怎样9. “长驱到齐,晨而相见”中“而”的词性与用法是()A. 连词,表修饰B. 代词,你C. 助词,表顺承D. 介词,在10. “齐王使使者问赵威后,书未发”中“发”的文中义是()A. 开仓赈济B. 发射C. 发送D. 打开古代汉语(一)16春在线作业1二、多选题(共 10 道试题,共 30 分。

)1. 下列各句中,属于判断句的是()()()()A. 夫战,勇气也B. 百乘,显使也C. 制,岩邑也D. 其北陵,文王之所避风雨也2. 下面句子中含双宾语的是()()()()A. 不如早为之所B. 生庄公及公叔段C. 公赐之食D. 人不难以死免其君3. “四体二用”说中的“二用”包括()()()()A. 转注B. 指事C. 象形D. 假借4. 下列各句中,“走”词义相同的是()()()()A. 观百兽之见我而敢不走乎?B. 虎以为然,故遂与之行,兽见之皆走C. 虎不知兽畏己而走也D. 老臣病足,曾不能疾走5. 下列各句中,有介词“以”宾语省略情况的是 ()()()()A. 以何市而反B. 食以草具C. 窃以为君市义也D. 臣以媪为长安君计短也E. 老臣窃以为媪之爱燕后贤于长安君6. 下面句子中,“为”是介词的有()()()()A. 先生所为文市义者,乃今日见之!B. 能为文收责于薛者乎C. 无以为家D. 老臣以媪为长安君计短也7. 下列句子是被动句的是()()()()A. 蔓草犹不可除B. 父母宗族,皆为戳没C. 信而见疑,忠而被谤D. 卻克伤于矢8. 下列句子中的“乎”相当介词“于”的是()()()()A. 南游乎高陂,北陵乎巫山B. 与之驰骋乎高蔡之中C. 不知夫子发方受命乎灵王D. 飘摇乎高翔9. 关于“入而徐趋,至而自谢曰:‘老夫病足,曾不能疾走’”,说法正确的有()()()()A. “趋”是“小步快走”的意思B. “谢”是“道歉”的意思C. 疾是快的意思D. “走”是“行走”的意思。



东北师⼤⼤学英语(⼀)⾼起专16春在线作业3东北师⼤⼤学英语(⼀)⾼起专16春在线作业3⼀、单选题(共 40 道试题,共 100 分。

)1. The management urged that the cost of production ___C___.A. to be further reducedB. was further reducedC. be further reducedD. should further reduced2. For too long, European can makers have fought to ___A___ old ways and old privileges.A. hang on toB. have access toC. refer toD. see to3. Children with parents whose guidance is firm, consistent, and rational are inclined ___C___ high levels of self-confidence.A. possessB. have possessedC. to possessD. possessing4. He works ___C___.A. loneB. lonelyC. aloneD. lonesome5. “How did you pay the workers?”“As a rule, they are paid ___B___.”A. by an yourB. by the hourC. by a hourD. by hours6. although the medicine tastes ___A___, it seems to help my condition.B. badlyC. too much badD. too badly7. They must have stayed at hotel last night, ___C___?A. mustn’t theyD. hadn’t they8. We’re safer in a train than we would be if we ___A___ any other way.A. traveledB. had traveledC. travelD. have traveled9. The family never agree about ___C___ shares of the property.A. herB. itsC. theirD. his10. Henry ___A___ a rich man today if he had been more frugal in the past.A. would beB. isC. will beD. was11. Paris is ___C___ that we can hardly visit all the beautiful parks in two or three days.A. such large a cityB. so a large cityC. such a large cityD. a such large city12. We sent the horses to a considerable distance, ___B___ they should disturb the children.A. lessB. lestC. lastD. least13. Business picked up in the stores during December, but ___A___ again after Christmas.A. dropped offB. dropped outC. dropped overD. dropped on14. You had better ___B___ your hair cut.B. haveC. to get15. Albert said he met the girl ___B___A. at his uncle’s Smith roomB. at Smith’s his uncle’s roomC. at his uncle Smith’s roomD. at the room of his uncle’s Smith’s16. Have you got a ticket? Yes, I’ve got __B____.A. itB. the oneC. oneD. the ones17. She was so stubborn that she never listens to the advice ___B___.A. that I give it to herB. which I give to herC. what I give to herD. I give it to her18. There are several pretty girls standing under the tree, but ____B__ are known to me.A. neitherB. noneC. no oneD. all19. ___C____ focus on cultural differences between Chinese and Western societies.A. The below text and dialoguesB. Below the text and dialoguesC. The text and dialogues belowD. Text and dialogues the below20. ___B___ he was in error will scarcely be disputed by his warmest friends.A. WhatB. ThatC. WhichD. Though21. Most of his savings __D____ in the Xin Hua Bank.A. has been keptB. is being keptC. have keptD. have been kept22. The DMZ extends about two hundred kilometers ___C___.A. from east to westB. from the east to westC. from the east to the westD. from eastern to western23. Earth-like planets are extremely common in the Universe, ___A___ the latest computer simulation of the formation of the Solar System.A. according toB. in addition toC. in regard toD. thanks to24. One of the properties of light is ___C___ traveling in wave form as it goes from one place to another.A. itB. it’sC. itsD. their25. ____D__ you think he ______ back by dinner time?A. Do/have comeB. Did/will have comeC. Does/will comeD. Do/will have come26. Her voice is __A____.A. loudB. aloudC. loudlyD. loudness27. When the three boys met one another, they found they looked very much ___B___. Then they knew they were triplet.A. likeB. alikeC. likelyD. liked28. My mother cut the cloth with __D____ scissors.A. aB. two29. It’s wonderful that you ___C___ have achieved so much in these years.A. mayB. canC. shouldD. would30. Beginning in the late 19th century, the ____C___ rise in the productivity of England was just ______ less than Germany and the U.S.A. year…slightlyB. yearly…slightC. yearly…slightlyD. year…slightly31. Why did you speak to Peter that way? Don’t you know he is an old friend of __C____?A. my brotherB. my brothersC. my brother’sD. my brother’s friend32. By no means ___D___ their own language well.A. it is true that all English people knowB. is it true that do all English people knowC. it is true that do all English people knowD. is it true that all English people know33. This is one of ___A___ interesting books on your subject.A. the mostB. the most of theC. mostD. most of the34. One common family name is Black,___A___ is Anderson.A. anotherB. the otherC. othersD. none other35. Only when you have obtained sufficient data ____A__ come to a sound conclusion.A. can youB. you can36. ___B___ that this region was so rich in natural resources.A. Little he knewB. Little did he knowC. Little he did knowD. Little he had known37. The United States is a major consumer of coffee, yet it does not have the climate to grow any ___C___ its own.A. onB. forC. ofD. to38. I cannot invited ___B___ of you, since I’ve got only one extra ticket.A. eitherB. bothC. someD. one39. There’s the doorbell; I hope ___B___ Tom.A. itsB. it’sC. isD. he’s40. He ___B___ still be thinking about the question you raised.A. mayB. mightC. mustD. should。



2016年东北师范大学英语翻译基础真题试卷(总分:70.00,做题时间:90分钟)一、词语翻译(总题数:32,分数:60.00)1.英译汉__________________________________________________________________________________________ 2.international reserve currencies(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 3.contaminate(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 4.orphanage(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 5.multilateral cooperation(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 6.external-affairs commissioner(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 7.terrorist attack(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 8.open ports to foreign trade(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 9.vehicle exhaust(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 10.live TV broadcast(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 11.insurance policy(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 12.put oneself in someone's shoes(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 13.jeopardize(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 14.intercultural communication(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 15.foreign exchange dealing(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 16.APEC(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 17.汉译英__________________________________________________________________________________________ 18.友好合作的伙伴关系(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 19.和平共处(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 20.全民奥运(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 21.不平等条约(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 22.小康社会(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________23.全球化(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 24.感恩节(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________农历__________________________________________________________________________________________ 26.紧急出口(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________关税__________________________________________________________________________________________ 28.财政部(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 29.通货膨胀(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 30.防御性策略(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________国债__________________________________________________________________________________________ 32.欧洲联盟(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________二、英汉互译(总题数:7,分数:10.00)33.英译汉__________________________________________________________________________________________ 34.The manufacture of plastics requires a large quantity of heavy machines as well as knowledge of science. Today the greater part of plastics is manufactured by the world's great oil refineries and chemical works. Chemical works are factories which produce chemicals—a manmade liquids, gases and solid materials. The refineries and chemical works produce many different kinds of raw plastics, which are then taken to the tens of thousands of factories which made plastic products. Machines for making plastic objects are very different from those used for manufacturing articles of wood or metal or other natural materials. For raw plastics must first be softened by heat and then pressed into moulds. It is the moulds which give plastic objects their shapes. These moulds can be of any shape or size. And the same mould can be used over and over again. In fact one mould can produce many thousands of articles before it wears out. This is one of the reasons why plastic things are so cheap.(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 35.There is a difference between knowledge and wisdom, but without the one the other cannot be gained. We cannot have a harvest of wheat without seed and skill of cultivation. Knowledge is the root of wisdom; wisdom is the ripe fruit of knowledge. The love of knowledge has been characteristic of most great men. They not only loved knowledge but they were willing to work hard to attain it. When a man wins success, people say, "He is a genius." But the real cause for his success was that the love of knowledge led to the effort to obtain it. Useful knowledge is the knowledge which is of benefit to ourselves and to others, and that is the most important which is the most useful. It is the belief of many people that knowledge is better than riches, and that its possession brings more comfort to the owner than anything else. The power of intellectual knowledge, without the owner of moral principle, often tends to evil. Character is the criterion of knowledge. Not what a man has, but what he is, is the question. The quality of soul is more than the quantity of information. If we have noble purpose, our intellectual attainments will naturally turn to the loftiest uses. (From On Knowledge by W. F. Mark-wick and W. A. Smith)(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 36.The mighty Pacific washes the shores of the continents—North America, South America, Asia, Australia, and Antarctica. Its waters mingle in the southeast with the Atlantic Ocean and in the southwest with the Indian Ocean. It is not on the shores of continents or in the coastal islands, however, that the soul of the great Pacific is found. It lies far out where the fabled South Sea Islands are scattered over the huge ocean like stars in the sky. When white men first came to the Pacific islands, they found that the people living there were like happy children. They were tall men and beautiful women who seemed not to have a care in the world. Coconut palms and breadfruit trees grew at the doors of their huts. The ocean was filled with turtles and fish, ready for the net. (From Pacific Ocean)(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 37.汉译英__________________________________________________________________________________________ 38.国与国之间的交往,特别是经贸互动,既存在着合作,又存在着竞争。

奥鹏东师 课程与教学论 16春在线作业2

奥鹏东师 课程与教学论 16春在线作业2

奥鹏东师课程与教学论 16春在线作业2奥鹏东师课程与教学论16春在线作业2一、单选题(共20题,总分60分)五、1.以引导探究为主的教学方法包括讨论法和.a.实验法b.实践法c.研究法d.练习法满分:3分2.对评估对象在一定时期内的较全面状况所进行的价值判断的评估是a.绝对评估b.形成性评估c.终结性评估d.定量评估满分:3分3.一种观点认为“教育就是从外部对心灵进行塑造”,教学须依靠从外部提示的教材,通过建立内容的种种联合或联结从外部构造心灵。







A. After World WarⅠ, the imperialists stepped up their aggression against China while the Northern Warlord Government resorted to compromise and capitulation externally and to ruthless oppression of the people internally, thus landing China in a grave national crisis.
A.设成为社会主义现代化强国。We will turn China into a modern strong socialist country.
4.他们意识到学习知识的重要性。They are aware of the importance of acquiring knowledge
D. imitation
A. He is always plainly dressed.
B. He always wears plainly.
C. He always wears plain clothes.
D. He always put on plain clothes.
5.我们现在就去,怎么样?Let’s go at once, don’t we?
6. There had been a meeting of the minds.头脑里曾举行过一次会议。



东师16春《古代汉语(1)》在线作业满分答案一、单选题(共 10 道试题,共 25 分。

)1. 谓语与宾语的关系需要译为“把……看作”、“认为……怎样”,有主观上认为“宾语怎样”或“把宾语当作什么”的意思,这种用法是A. 意动用法B. 对动用法C. 为动用法D. 使动用法2. 下列句子中属于名词用作状语的是A. 过而不改,是谓过矣.B. 于予与何诛!C. 舍瑟而作。

D. 权使其士,虏使其民。

3. 四体二用说是谁首先提出来的A. 段玉裁B. 许慎C. 班固D. 戴震4. “子路问:‘闻斯行诸?’”中“诸”字的词性为A. 语气词B. 代词C. 兼词D. 词尾5. 下列句子中存在使动用法的是()A. 有好事者船载以入B. 刻削之道:鼻莫加大,目莫如小,鼻大可小,小不可大也;目小可大,大不可小也C. 甘其食,美其服D. 一狼洞其中6. 下列句子中“朝”是使动用法的是A. 武丁朝诸侯。

B. 使妇人载以过朝。

C. 太史书曰: “赵盾弑其君。


D. 盛服将朝。

7. 下面句子中,有名词用如动词现象的是A. 吾道一以贯之。

B. 左右以君贱之也,食以草具。

C. 孟尝君客我。

D. “许子冠乎”曰:“冠。


”8. 下列句子中,“ 然”不是代词的是A. 赵威后曰:“不然。

苟无岁,何以有民?”B. 夫子怃然。

C. 河内凶,则移其民于河东,移其粟于河内;河东凶亦然。

D. 故事半古之人,功必倍之。


9. 有些词在句子中临时改变它的词性和基本的语法功能,具备了另一类词的功能,这种用法是A. 使动用法B. 宾语前置C. 词类活用D. 意动用法10. “歌、謌”的关系是A. 繁简字B. 古今字C. 通假字D. 异体字古代汉语(1)16春在线作业1二、多选题(共 10 道试题,共 25 分。

)1. 从结构上,判定名词用作动词,注意在句中的语法地位,包括()()()()A. 看此名词是否受否定副词修饰B. 看此名词后边是否带宾语C. 看此名词的文中义D. 看此名词是否有补语2. 关于“擐甲执兵,固即死也。



东师16春《古代汉语(2)》在线作业满分答案一、单选题(共 10 道试题,共 25 分。

)1. “怒而飞,其翼若垂天之云。

”其中“怒”的意思是( )A. 振奋B. 奋发C. 愤怒D. 怨愤2. “奚以之九万里而南为”中“ 之”的词性是( )A. 代词B. 助词C. 动词D. 语气词3. 根据字形和词义的联系,歸的本义是A. 回来B. 打扫C. 女子出嫁D. 赠送4. “而彭祖乃今以久特闻”中“ 特”的词义为( )A. 独B. 特别C. 特殊D. 公牛5. “使民重死而不远徙。

”中“重”字存在的语法现象是( )A. 宾语前置B. 名词用作动词C. 使动用法D. 意动用法6. 《礼记?月令》:“鹰乃学习。

”句中“习”用的是它的( )A. 本义B. 引申义C. 假借义D. 变义7. 古韵学家按韵尾的不同把韵分为三类,其中一类是无韵尾或以元音收尾的称作( )A. 阴声韵B. 阳声韵C. 上声韵D. 入声韵8. “子”的词义由“子女”发展为今义“儿子”,它的词义范围的变化属于A. 扩大了B. 缩小了C. 转移了D. 偏离了9. 首鼠属于复音词中的A. 连绵词B. 叠音词C. 附音词D. 合成词10. “斗”的词义由“酌酒器”引申为“北斗星”,引申义与本义的联系是A. 引申义与本义所指称的对象有相似之处B. 引申义与本义所指称的对象相互关联,彼此牵涉。

C. 引申义与本义之间有因果关系。

D. 引申义与本义之间有条件关系古代汉语(2)16春在线作业1二、多选题(共 10 道试题,共 25 分。

)1. 下列句子中,括号里的字是一个复音词的是( ) ( )( ) ( )A. (虽然),臣之质死久矣B. 于是焉河伯始旋其面目,(望洋)向若而叹曰C. 今有一人,入人(园圃),窃其桃李。

D. 技经(肯綮)之未尝2. “ 燕王好微巧,卫人请以棘刺之端为母猴。

燕王说之,养之以五乘之奉”,关于此句,理解正确的是( )( )( )( )A. 好是喜好的意思B. 说理解为“悦”C. 乘读为shèngD. 奉是俸禄的意思3. 古汉语中的复音词可分为A. 连绵词B. 叠音词C. 附音词D. 合成词4. 关于“天之苍苍,其正色邪?”中“苍苍”,说法正确的是A. 是个叠音词B. 是个复音词C. 深蓝色的意思D. 苍白的意思5. 七言律诗两种首句不入韵的平仄格律格式是 ( )( )( )( )A. 平平仄仄平平仄,仄仄平平仄仄平。



东师16春《古代汉语(1)》在线作业满分答案一、单选题(共 10 道试题,共 25 分。

)1. 谓语与宾语的关系需要译为“把……看作”、“认为……怎样”,有主观上认为“宾语怎样”或“把宾语当作什么”的意思,这种用法是A. 意动用法B. 对动用法C. 为动用法D. 使动用法2. 下列句子中属于名词用作状语的是A. 过而不改,是谓过矣.B. 于予与何诛!C. 舍瑟而作。

D. 权使其士,虏使其民。

3. 四体二用说是谁首先提出来的A. 段玉裁B. 许慎C. 班固D. 戴震4. “子路问:‘闻斯行诸?’”中“诸”字的词性为A. 语气词B. 代词C. 兼词D. 词尾5. 下列句子中存在使动用法的是()A. 有好事者船载以入B. 刻削之道:鼻莫加大,目莫如小,鼻大可小,小不可大也;目小可大,大不可小也C. 甘其食,美其服D. 一狼洞其中6. 下列句子中“朝”是使动用法的是A. 武丁朝诸侯。

B. 使妇人载以过朝。

C. 太史书曰: “赵盾弑其君。


D. 盛服将朝。

7. 下面句子中,有名词用如动词现象的是A. 吾道一以贯之。

B. 左右以君贱之也,食以草具。

C. 孟尝君客我。

D. “许子冠乎”曰:“冠。


”8. 下列句子中,“ 然”不是代词的是A. 赵威后曰:“不然。

苟无岁,何以有民?”B. 夫子怃然。

C. 河内凶,则移其民于河东,移其粟于河内;河东凶亦然。

D. 故事半古之人,功必倍之。


9. 有些词在句子中临时改变它的词性和基本的语法功能,具备了另一类词的功能,这种用法是A. 使动用法B. 宾语前置C. 词类活用D. 意动用法10. “歌、謌”的关系是A. 繁简字B. 古今字C. 通假字D. 异体字古代汉语(1)16春在线作业1二、多选题(共 10 道试题,共 25 分。

)1. 从结构上,判定名词用作动词,注意在句中的语法地位,包括()()()()A. 看此名词是否受否定副词修饰B. 看此名词后边是否带宾语C. 看此名词的文中义D. 看此名词是否有补语2. 关于“擐甲执兵,固即死也。



【奥鹏】-[东北师范大学]英汉翻译20春在线作业2试卷总分:100 得分:100第1题,Being a metal,mercury is not a solid.A、作为一种金属,水银不是固体。






A、Rome was located on seven hills with 500 churches, big and small, and I visited nearly all of them.B、Rome was built on seven hills, and it owed 500 big and small churches. I visited nearly every one.C、Rome is a city which was built on seven hills and owed 500 big and small churches, and I have visited nearly all of them.D、Rome was located on seven hills with 500 big or small churches. I have visited nearly every one.正确答案:A第4题,中国饮茶的风尚,到了第七世纪的唐代,已经相当盛行了。

A、In the 7th century of the Tang Dynasty, the Chinese prevailing custom of drinking tea was in vogue.B、By the Tang dynasty in the seventh century, tea-drinking had become very popular in ChinaC、During the Tang dynasty in the 7th century, the custom of drinking tea was prevailedD、The custom of Chinese drinking tea was very popular in the 7th century of Tang dynasty.正确答案:B第5题,The great use of school education is not so much to teach you things as to teach you the art of learning.A、学校教育的最大用途在于不但教你东西,还教你学习的艺术。


D. 18世纪上半叶,是牛顿的晚年,皇家学会衰落的时代,农村手工业和商人冒险家从事的海外贸易使英国沐浴在余晖之中。
9. On the afternoon of that eventful day, I stood on the porch,dumb,expectant.下面哪一个翻译欠妥?
2. I have seventy-two grandchildren, and if I was sad each time I parted from one of them, I should have a dismal existence!
16.该怎么办呢? What is there to do?
17.边防战士迫使敌人后退。The frontier guards forced the enemy back.
18. The oceans do not so much divide the world as unite it.与其说海洋把世界分隔开来,不如说把它连接起来。
C. 18世纪上半叶,也就是牛顿的晚年,皇家学会衰落的那个时代,英国沐浴在农村手工业和商人冒险家从事的海外贸易交织的余晖中。



东北师范大学东师俄语经贸翻译(2)16秋在线作业1一、单选题(共10 道试题,共25 分。

)1. 电子信箱A. электронный ящикB. электронная адрес正确答案:2. Этопросто(好极了).A. чудноB. хорошо正确答案:3. 开发银行A. банк открытияB. банк развития正确答案:4. 网络电话A. телефон по интернетуB. видеотелефон по интернету正确答案:5. Уменянет(外汇) дляпоследующеговывозаизРоссии.A. иностранной валютыB. иностранных денег正确答案:6. 仲裁决定是最终的A. решение арбитража является окончательнымB. решение арбитража является последним正确答案:7. Читайте, пожалуйста, ФедеральныйзаконРФ(国境法).A. ?О государственной границе?B. ?О границе страны?正确答案:8. Общийвесмоего(行李) непревышает50 кгвключительно.A. багажаB. постели正确答案:9. Очень(珍贵的) подаркидлянас.B. дорогие正确答案:10. Паспорт, дипломатическийпаспорт, (公务护照), паспортморяка, свидетельствонавозвращениевРоссию.A. служебный паспортB. официальный паспорт正确答案:俄语经贸翻译(2)16秋在线作业1二、判断题(共30 道试题,共75 分。



东北师范古代汉语(1)16秋在线作业1古代汉语(1)16秋在线作业1一、单选题(共 10 道试题,共 25 分。

)1. “夫以百亩之不易为己忧者,农夫也。

”中的第一个“夫”的词性是. 语气词. 副词. 连词. 代词正确答案:2. “从左右,皆肘之。

”中“肘”字的特殊用法是. 名词用作动词. 名词的意动用法. 动词的使动用法. 名词做状语正确答案:3. 有些词在句子中临时改变它的词性和基本的语法功能,具有了另一类词的功能,这种用法是. 使动用法. 宾语前置. 词类活用. 意动用法正确答案:4. “宣子田于首山,舍于翳桑。

”中“舍”的文中义是. 停留. 舍弃. 住宿. 房舍正确答案:5. “君子不以言举人,不以人废言。

”里的“以”字的词性和意义是. 连词,为了. 连词,因为. 介词,因为. 介词,为了正确答案:6. 若用“六书”理论分析汉字的结构,“本、甘、末”当属于. 指事. 形声. 象形. 会意正确答案:7. “故远人不服,则修文德以来之”中的“来”的特殊用法是. 为动用法. 使动用法. 意动用法. 对动用法正确答案:8. 西汉后期古文经学家认为《左传》解释(). 《春秋》. 《谷梁传》. 《国语》. 《公羊传》正确答案:9. “四体不勤,五谷不分,孰为夫子?”中“勤”的文中义是. 勤劳. 劳苦. 安逸. 勤奋正确答案:10. “或谓之曰:‘是非君子之道也。

’”中“或”的词性是. 选择连词. 肯定性无定代词. 否定性无定代词. 副词正确答案:古代汉语(1)16秋在线作业1二、多选题(共 10 道试题,共 25 分。

)1. 古汉语中可以用作状语的名词有()()()(). 普通名词. 专有名词. 方位名词. 时间名词正确答案:2. 下列各句中,介词“以”的宾语前置的有. 大人世及以为礼,城郭沟池以为固。

. 君子不以言举人,不以人废言。

. 吾道一以贯之。

. 斧斤以时入山林。

正确答案:3. 下列句子中的“然”是词尾的是()()()(). 虎以为然. 臣诚见其必然者也. 威王勃然怒曰. 梁王安得晏然而已乎正确答案:4. 下列句子中,有倒装情况的是. 王曰:“若是其甚与?”. “亦太甚矣,先生之言也!”. 孟尝君就国于薛。



东师16春《翻译》在线作业一、单选题(共 10 道试题,共 40 分。

)1. The Art of Translation is written by _____.A. Charles R.TaberB. George SteinerC. Theodore SavoryD. Eugene A.Nida2. “____”is the idea of Saint Jerome.A. It isn’t necessary to translate word for word.B. I have always aimed at translating sense,not words.C. The translati013 should have all the ease 0f 0riginal composition.D. The style and manner of writing should be of the same character with that 0f the original.3. A truly extraordinary variety of alternatives to the chemical control of insects is available.A. 使用化学方法控制昆虫除外,其它有效方法也可使用。

B. 除了不用化学方法控制昆虫外,应该还有其它方法可以使用。

C. 除了使用化学方法控制昆虫以外,还有其它各种奇妙的方法可以使用。

D. 控制昆虫的方法很多,使用化学方法只不过是其中之一也可使用。

4. Ignoring the chair offered him,Chu Teh stood squarely before this youth more than ten years his junior and in a level voice told him who he was, what he had done in the past.A. 朱德不理睬递过来的椅子,端端正正地站在这个比他年轻十几岁的年轻人面前,用平稳的语调讲述了自己的身份经历。



东北师范大学东师翻译16秋在线作业1一、单选题(共10 道试题,共40 分。

)1. 不搞改革,不坚持开放政策,我们确定的战略目标就不能实现。

A. If we do not carry out reforms and adhere to the opening-up policy, the strategic goals we have determined can not be achieved.B. Without carrying out reforms and following the opening-up policy, our strategic goals can not be reached.C. We can not achieve our strategic goals unless we carry out reforms and adhere to the opening-up policy.D. Without carrying out reforms and following the opening-up policy, it is impossible for us to reach our strategic goals.正确答案:2. 《心目中的河流》写出了他对于小河流水的深情,这使我回忆起我所热爱的无边无际的大海。

A. “A River at Heart”wrote out his deep feelings towards the small flowing river,which reminded me of my love for the boundless.vast sea.B. His deep feelings towards the small flowing river in “A River at Heart”reminded me Of my love for the vast sea.C. In“A River at Heart".he expressed his deep feelings towards the flowing water of a creek,which reminded me of my own love for the boundless,vast sea.D. He expressed his deep feeling towards the flowing water of a creek in“A River at Heart”and reminded me of my own love for the boundless sea.正确答案:3. 第一次世界大战后,帝国主义对中国加紧侵略,北洋军阀政府对外妥协投降,对内残酷压迫人民,给中国带来了深重的民族危机。

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东师16春《翻译》在线作业一、单选题(共 10 道试题,共 40 分。

)1. The Art of Translation is written by _____.A. Charles R.TaberB. George SteinerC. Theodore SavoryD. Eugene A.Nida2. “____”is the idea of Saint Jerome.A. It isn’t necessary to translate word for word.B. I have always aimed at translating sense,not words.C. The translati013 should have all the ease 0f 0riginal composition.D. The style and manner of writing should be of the same character with that 0f the original.3. A truly extraordinary variety of alternatives to the chemical control of insects is available.A. 使用化学方法控制昆虫除外,其它有效方法也可使用。

B. 除了不用化学方法控制昆虫外,应该还有其它方法可以使用。

C. 除了使用化学方法控制昆虫以外,还有其它各种奇妙的方法可以使用。

D. 控制昆虫的方法很多,使用化学方法只不过是其中之一也可使用。

4. Ignoring the chair offered him,Chu Teh stood squarely before this youth more than ten years his junior and in a level voice told him who he was, what he had done in the past.A. 朱德不理睬递过来的椅子,端端正正地站在这个比他年轻十几岁的年轻人面前,用平稳的语调讲述了自己的身份经历。

B. 朱德无视递给他的椅子,端端正正地站在这个年轻十岁的小伙子面前,告诉他自己的身份和经历。

C. 朱德顾不上接过递给他的椅子,端端正正地站在这个比他年轻十几岁的小伙子面前,平静地向他讲述自己的身份和经历。

D. 朱德没有接过递给他的椅子,端端正正地站在这个比他年轻十岁的小伙子面前,告诉他自己是谁,过去干过些什么。

5. 近年来,就业问题日益严重。

A. In recent years,unemployment has become all the more serious.B. In recent years,employment problem has been getting severe.C. Employment problem has become severer and severer.D. Employment problem has become severe in recent years.6. 祝你考试取得好成绩!A. I wish you success in your examination.B. I wish you’ll do a good job in your examination.C. I hope you do a good job in the forthcoming examination.D. I hope you success in the forthcoming examination.7. Men are much better than their ordinary life allows them to be.A. 人们比他们的平常生活所准许他们的更好。

B. 人的本性比他们的日常生活准许他们表现的更好。

C. 人性自有其优良高贵处,只是日常生活不给他一个表现的机会罢了。

D. 忠贞仁爱之美德,人所共具,特寻常烦琐,无由表露耳。

8. 就英汉语言特点而言,下列选项中不正确的一项是______。

A. 英语主从结构多,汉语并列结构多。

B. 英语被动态多,汉语被动式少。

C. 英语抽象名词多,汉语抽象名词少。

D. 英语成语多,汉语成语少。

9. 他的不合作态度使这个项目进展十分缓慢。

A. His incooperation makes the project progress very slowly.B. The project is making slow progress due to his lack of cooperation.C. The project makes less progress because of his uncooperation.D. The slowdown of the project is caused by his uncooprativeness.10. 法律文件在翻译时没有多少灵活处理的余地,但对于_______问题,有不少需要考虑的问题。

A. 定语从句B. 主谓搭配C. 逻辑顺序D. 断句与并句翻译16春在线作业1二、判断题(共 20 道试题,共 60 分。

)1. 要提倡科学,靠科学才有希望。

We must promote science, for that is where our hopes lie.A. 错误B. 正确2. 你付钱了吗? Have you paid yet?A. 错误B. 正确3. 革命是解放生产力,改革也是解放生产力。

Revolution means the emancipation of the productive force, and so does reform.A. 错误B. 正确4. 老师要我们把这个句子用自己的话说出来。

The teacher wanted us to paraphrase the sentence in our own word.A. 错误B. 正确5. 英语名词、介词用得多,而汉语动词用得多。

A. 错误B. 正确6. He is the last person I want to see in the world. 他是这个世界上我最不想见到的人。

A. 错误B. 正确翻译16春在线作业2一、单选题(共 10 道试题,共 40 分。

)1. 你明明写了那么多的作品,怎么说不是文学家呢?A. You’ve written so many books, how can you say you’re not man of letter?B. You’ve written many, many books. How can you say you’re not a man of letter?C. You’ve written so many books. How can you say you’re not man of letters?D. You’ve written many, many books. How can you say you’re not a ma n of letters?2. Ignoring the chair offered him,Chu Teh stood squarely before this youth more than ten years his junior and in a level voice told him who he was, what he had done in the past.A. 朱德不理睬递过来的椅子,端端正正地站在这个比他年轻十几岁的年轻人面前,用平稳的语调讲述了自己的身份经历。

B. 朱德无视递给他的椅子,端端正正地站在这个年轻十岁的小伙子面前,告诉他自己的身份和经历。

C. 朱德顾不上接过递给他的椅子,端端正正地站在这个比他年轻十几岁的小伙子面前,平静地向他讲述自己的身份和经历。

D. 朱德没有接过递给他的椅子,端端正正地站在这个比他年轻十岁的小伙子面前,告诉他自己是谁,过去干过些什么。

3. The computers calculate from the given factors such as weight, height, speed, engine power—the efficiency of a new aeroplane.A. 电子计算机能够根据各项已知的数据,计算出诸如重量、高度、速度、引擎功率等新型飞机的效能。

B. 电子计算机能够根据各项已知的数据,诸如重量、高度、速度、引擎功率等计算出新型飞机的效能。

C. 电子计算机能够根据各项已知的因素,计算出新型飞机的重量、高度、速度、引擎功率以及效能。

D. 电脑能够根据各项已知的数据,计算出诸如重量、高度、速度、引擎功率——新型飞机的效能。

4. Brindley worked, for example, to improve the grinding of flints, which were used in the rising pottery industry.A. 为了改进例如燧石的研磨过程,布林德雷努力工作着,燧石是新兴陶瓷工业的常用材料。

B. 例如,布林德雷努力改进新兴陶瓷工业常用材料的研磨过程——燧石。

C. 例如,布林德雷努力改进燧石的研磨过程,燧石是新兴陶瓷工业使用的材料。

D. 布林德雷努力改进例如燧石的研磨过程,燧石是新兴陶瓷工业使用的材料。

5. The Art of Translation is written by _____.A. Charles R.TaberB. George SteinerC. Theodore SavoryD. Eugene A.Nida6. 最初提出“重神似不重形似”这一观点的人是。

A. 鲁迅B. 郭沫若C. 茅盾D. 傅雷7. On the afternoon of that eventful day, I stood on the porch, dumb, expectant.下面哪一个翻译欠妥?A. 在那个重要日子的下午,我站在门廊里,一言不发,心中满怀期待。

B. 在那个重要日子的下午,我满怀期待,一言不发地站在门廊里。

C. 在那个重要日子的下午,我默不作声,满怀期待,站在门廊里。

D. 在那个重要日子的午后,我期待地一言不发地站在门廊里。

8. 中国作为疆域辽阔、人口众多、历史悠久的国家,应该对人类有较大的贡献。

A. A country with a vast territory, a big population and a long history, China should make greater contributions to humanity.B. China is a country with a vast territory, a big population and a long history, should make greater contributions to humanity.C. China has a vast territory, a big population and a long history, and thus makes greater contributions to humanity.D. As a country, China has not only a vast territory, a big population but also a long history. Therefore, China should make greater contributions to humanity.9. 翻译过程中,如果忠实和通顺不能两全,那就______。
