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审核并认可本地危机管理预案 Review and endorse local crisis management plans 将预案交给公司危机管理小组协调员复查 Submit the plan to the coordinator of the company's crisis management team for review 与美国领事馆的区域安全官协商预案的执行 Implementation of the consultation plan with the regional security officer of the U.S. consulate 每年要对预案进行复查,以确保预案的及时有效 The plan should be reviewed every year to ensure the timely and effective plan 演练预案内容并对小组应对工作进行评估 Rehearse the content of the plan and evaluate the team's response 在需要时实施预案 Implement the plan when needed
Safety and Security Committee Organization Structure Responsibilities
Owner’s GM 业主总经理: 筹划本地危机管理预案 Planning of local crisis management plans 和当地政府、旅游局及业主保持沟通 Maintain communication with local government, tourist board and owners 和危机管理小组协调行动 Coordinated action with the crisis management Group DOE 工程总监 确保有充足的基础设施,并保护好这些设施 Ensure that adequate infrastructure is in place and that these facilities are protected 按工程部应急方案切断相应的电、气供应。 Cut off the corresponding electricity and gas supply according to the engineering department's emergency plan. 积极配合危机管理小组工作 Actively cooperate with the crisis management team
Safety and Security Committee Organization Structure Responsibilities
DOF&B餐饮总监 定期对所有的工作区域和设施设备进行安全检查 Perform regular security checks on all work areas and facility equipment 确保所有的灯,电器设备的正常运转 Ensure the normal operation of all lights and electrical equipment 清晰所有的餐饮器皿,设施设备,并进行消毒,盘点 Clear all food and beverage utensils, facilities and equipment, and carry out disinfection, inventory DOR 房务部总监 与楼层服务员做好客人遗留物品的交接工作,并做好登记,以备后查 Make the handover of the items left by the guests with the floor attendant, and do a good job of registering for later inspection 负责传递楼层及其他部门的信息和通知要求,并及时递交有关负责人 Responsible for the delivery of floor and other department information and notification requirements, and timely submission to the relevant person in charge 与所有部门做好沟通联系工作,使酒店高效运作 Communicate with all departments to make the hotel work efficiently
Vice Director: Sec Manager 执行副主任: 保安部经理
FC 财务总监
DOM 市场传讯 总监
DOSM 市场营销 总监
HRD 人力资源 总监
DOFB 餐饮总监
Ex Chef 行Leabharlann Baidu总厨
DOR 房务部总 监
FOM 前厅经理
REC 康体部经 理
Safety and Security Committee Organization Structure Responsibilities GM 总经理:
Hotel monthly Safety works 月度酒店安全工作
Fire safety reform
Engineering maintenance
Case sharing and analysis 治安案例分享与分析
治安案例分析 Case Reflection
Case sharing and analysis 消防案例分享
Safety and Security Committee Organization Structure Responsibilities
Front office Manager 前厅经理 负责前厅部的全面工作,协助安抚客人情绪 Responsible for the overall work of the front Office department to help appease guests 负责传递上级及其他部门的信息和通知要求,落实到个人 Responsible for transmitting the information and notification requirements of superiors and other departments, and implementing them to individual 积极配合危机管理小组工作 Actively cooperate with the crisis management team Recreation Manager 康体部经理 与部门员工做好客人的沟通工作,安抚客人情绪 Do a good job of communicating with department staff to soothe guests ' emotions 负责传递上级及其他部门的信息和通知要求,落实到个人 Responsible for transmitting the information and notification requirements of superiors and other departments, and implementing them to individual 与所有部门做好沟通联系工作,使酒店高效运作 Communicate with all departments to make the hotel work efficiently
Monthly Safety Meeting 月度安全例会
安全管理委员会结构图和职责 Safety and Security Committee Organization Structure Charts and Responsibilities 月度酒店安全工作 Hotel monthly Safety works 治安案例分享与分析 Security Case sharing and analysis 消防案例分析 Fire Case sharing and analysis 酒店内部情况 Hotel internal situation 安全小常识 Security knowledge
Safety and Security Committee Organization Structure
Chair :GM 主任:总经理
Vice Coordination Director :Owner’s GM 副主任:业主总经理
Equipment Director: DOENG 技术副主任: 工程总监
积极配合危机管理小组工作 Actively cooperate with the crisis management team
Safety and Security Committee Organization Structure Responsibilities
DOS 市场销售总监 与媒体保持良好关系 Maintain good relationship with the media 审阅新闻报道 Review news reports DOHR人力资源总监 从美国或其他国家的领事馆处索取各国外籍员工负责人的名单 Obtain a list of heads of foreign employees from the consulates of the United States or other countries 将有关人员及药物记录在案 Recording of the persons and drugs concerned 负责在紧急情况下与员工联系 Responsible for contacting employees in case of emergency 负责在紧急情况下协助受影响的员工 Responsible for assisting affected employees in emergency situations
Safety and Security Committee Organization Structure Responsibilities
Security Manager 保安经理 和当地执法机关建立良好关系 Establish good relations with local law enforcement agencies 积极收集有关破坏团体和活动的信息 Actively collect information on the destruction of groups and activities 通知酒店总经理和危机管理小组协调员最新的情况发展 Inform the general manager of the hotel and the coordinator of the crisis management team of the latest developments DOF 财务总监 为员工制定安全操作流程和警告 Develop safe operating procedures and warnings for employees 向银行进行融资 制定预案来保护酒店资产 Financing of Banks Develop a plan to protect hotel assets 筹划短期融资方案 确保酒店义务消防队随时待命 Planning short-term financing options Make sure the hotel's volunteer fire brigade is on standby