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Chapter 11 Second language acquisition第二语言习得


1.*Definition: second language acquisition; overgeneralization; interlanguage

2.Connections between first and second language acquisition

3.Contrastive analysis

4.*Error analysis

5.Characteristics of interlanguage

6.*Krashen’s Input Hypothesis

7.Individual Differences in second language acquisition: language aptitude; motivation;

#learning strategies


识记:Definition: second language acquisition; overgeneralization; interlanguage

领会:Connections between first and second language acquisition; Contrastive analysis; Error analysis; Characteristics of interlanguage; Individual Differences in second language acquisition

简单应用:Krashen’s Input Hypothesis


1. Second Language Acquisition(SLA)第二语言习得:refers to the systematic study of how one person acquires a second language subsequent to his native language. 指一个人在习得其母语之后是如何习得一门第二语言系统的研究。

2.over generalization过度概括: the use of previously available strategies in new situations. 将以前适用的策略运用于新的场合。

3. interlanguage中介语:learners’independent system of the second language which is of neither the native language nor the second language, but a continuum or approximation from his native language to the target language. 它既不是本族语,也不是第二语言,而是一个处于本族语和目的语之间的连续体或临界体。


11.2 Connections between first language acquisition and second language acquisition第一语言习得与第二语言习得之间的联系

1. While the L1 is acquired subcon sciously, the L2 or FL is more commonly learned consciously.

2. In acquiring their L1 children always concentrate on meaning. The L2 learners concentrate on code structure.

3. One learners his directly from reality. The L2 is learnt in manageable sequence

4. In L1 a children apply the rules subconsciously while the L2 learners, after a period of training are able to verbalize the rules.


11.3Contrastive analysis (CA)对比分析(1960s)

native language本族语被认为是造成在学习第二语言或外语中缺乏成功的主要原因,人们在迁移和负迁移之间做出了区分:

Positive transfer迁移----facilitate target language learning促进目的语的学习Negative transfer负迁移----interfere or hinder target language learning干扰目的语的学习

It is believed that differences between the native language and the target language would pose difficulties in second/foreign language learning and teaching, 本族语和目的语之间的区别会为第二语言(外语)的学习造成困难

e.g. *To touch the society .

*There are more people come to study in the states.

*I wait you at the gate of the school.

Shortcomings of CA:

The CA was soon found problematic, for many of the predictions of the target language learning difficulty formulated on the basis of contrastive analysis turned out to be either uninformative or inaccurate. Predicted errors did not materialize in learner language while errors did show up that the contrastive analysis had not predicted. “differences”and “difficulties”are not identical concepts. 没过多久人们就发现对比分析有问题,因为许多基于对比分析作出的目的语的学习困难的预见,要么是不准确的,要么就是没有信息意义。(预见的的错误在学习者的语言中没有实现,而对比分析贸易预见的错误却出现了。)人们开始意识到“差异”和“困难”并不是同一概念。(盛行一时的CA逐渐被EA所取代。)
