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• the heavy/busy traffic • make an excuse • answer the phone • be entitled to free medical care • do harm to one’s health • take medicine • form/fall into/develop the habit of • beat somebody • lead an idle life • It is no use/There is no use • be punctual • stay up late • wear ready-made clothes • broaden one’s vision/horizon
• What is wrong with the following sentence?
• At college, we should learn as much knowledge as possible so that we can be well prepared for our future career.
• 农民缺乏训练,许多农场生产率很低,这就使得 大多数农民处于贫穷的困境。
• Farmers lack training , and the productivity in farms is very low. This may place them in a disadvantageous position.
find the former is superior to the latter. • Careful comparison of two ways of life will show
the superiority of the former over the latter. •
• 汉语是动态的,语言中动词使用频率高; 英语是静态的,与汉语相比呈现出较少使 用动词的倾向,而英语的抽象表达法则表 现为大量使用抽象名词和介词。中国学生 受汉语思维的影响,没有注意到两种语言 的差异,导致在英语写作中出现失误,或 很少想到用介词词组表达的句式,或用抽 象名词来表达动作意义。
• (1)a.The doctor arrived extremely quickly and examined the patient uncommonly carefully; the result was that he recovered very quickly.
• b. The doctor’s extremely quick arrival and uncommonly careful examination of the patient brought about his very speedy recovery.
• 拥挤的交通 the crowded traffic • 找借口 find an excuse • 接电话 receive the phone • 享受公费医疗enjoy free medical care • 对身体有害 do harm to one’s body • 吃药 eat medicine • 培养…的习惯 train the habit of • 赢某人 win somebody • 吃现成饭 eat finished meals • 没有用 have no use • 遵守时间 obey the time • 睡得很晚 sleep late • 穿现成的衣服 wear bought clothes • 拓宽视野 widen one’s eyesight
• He is able to eat and sleep. • He is a good eater and sleeper. • The book is too difficult for me to understand. • The book is totally beyond me. • If you compare two ways of life carefully, you will
• 词汇是写作的基本要素,英汉思维模式的 差异会造成选择词语上的差异。
• a)动词、名词和介词使用频率上的差异 • b) 词语搭配差异 • c) 动词表述差异 • d) 英汉词语的文化差异
• Which sentence is more likely to be real English?
Chinglish vs. real English
有着不同的思维方式、思维特征和思维风格,即 存在着思维差异。英汉思维方式之间存在着很大 差异,这种差异不仅反映在语言本身的特点上, 而且反映在语言的使用上。中国学生在英语写作 时会不可避免地受到母语思维方式的干扰和影响, 即学生在用英语写作时离不开母语的参与。学生 英语写作中在词汇选择、句子以及段落语篇构建 三方面受到英汉思维差异的影响。
• Inadequate training for farmers and low productivity of many farms place the majority of country dwellers in a disadvantageous position in their own countries.
• At college, we should acquire as much knowledge as possible so that we can be well prepared for our future career.
• (2)a.He is reading booຫໍສະໝຸດ Baidus.
• b. He is at his books.
b) 词语搭配差异
•中国学生由于缺乏英语抽象思维的能力,汉语的干扰又根深蒂固,很难在英语写作中准 确地表述思想。在处理汉英词组转换的时候,经常沿袭汉语的形象思维方式,根据汉语意 思选用英语单词,因而不可避免地造成失误,这种失误在学生作文中大量存在。如: