

Atlas Copco SF SF+ 类型螺旋压力膨胀器产品说明书

Atlas Copco SF SF+ 类型螺旋压力膨胀器产品说明书

COMPRESSEURS DE TYPE À SPIRALE SF 1-6 (1,5-5,5 kW/2-7,5 ch) / SF+ 2-22 (2,2-22 kW/3-30 ch)UN AIR ÉCONOMIQUE ET DE HAUTE QUALITÉGrâce à ses technologies innovantes de compresseurs exempts d'huile (à vis, à lobes, centrifuges, à piston et à spirales), Atlas Copco propose des solutions adaptées à vos besoins. L'air comprimé exempt d'huile est nécessaire pour de nombreux processus de fabrication, aussi nous assurons en permanence la pureté de l'air en empêchant toute admission d'huile dans votre système d'air comprimé.Les gammes SF et SF+ (compresseurs d'air exempt d'huile à spirales) réunissent toutes les compétences et l'expertise d'Atlas Copco. Alors que la gamme SF intègre une commande pneumatique de série, la SF+ est quant à elle équipée du régulateur Elektronikon®. Fiables et compacts, elles répondent toutes deux à vos attentes en utilisant des technologies innovantes qui allient efficacité énergétique et qualité.AIR TOTALEMENT EXEMPT D'HUILEGrâce à l'absence de contact métallique entre les spirales,il n'est pas nécessaire de lubrifier la chambre de compression. L'air comprimé produit est donc certifié 100% exempt d'huile. EFFICACITÉ ÉNERGÉTIQUELes compresseurs de type spirales SF, équipés de série d'un moteur haut de gamme IE3, sont adaptés aux applications les plus sensibles pour lesquelles flexibilité et efficacité énergétique sont essentielles. La commande marche/arrêt permet d'éviter toute consommation à vide. La technologie à spirales garantit un débit d'air optimal et des cycles de fonctionnement adaptés aux applications.DISCRÉTION SONORELes éléments des compresseurs de type à spirale SF fonctionnent à vitesse réduite ce qui permet un faible niveau sonore (53 dB(A)). Le SF est donc la solution idéale pour les environnements sensibles.SIMPLICITÉ ET FIABILITÉSimplicité et fiabilité constituent la raison d'être des compresseurs de type à spirale SF. Ces compresseurs sontconçus avec un minimum de pièces mobiles, ce qui garantit une durée d'exploitation étendue pour des interventionsd'entretien réduites. Grâce à leur conception intégrée,les compresseurs de type à spirale SF d'Atlas Copco sonttrès compacts et faciles à entretenir.SÉRÉNITÉGrâce à son savoir-faire reconnu et à ses innovations technologiques permanentes, Atlas Copco est l'un des leaders des technologies d'air comprimé exempt d'huile depuis plusde soixante ans. Vous pouvez rester serein : nous appliquons des procédures de tests et de certifications très rigoureuses pour nous assurer que l'air produit est conforme aux normesde contrôle qualité les plus stricts.11043 Filtre d'entrée d'airFiltre d'entrée d'air à cartouche de papier haute efficacitééliminant la poussière et les particules jusqu'à 1 µm.1Régulation automatiqueArrêt automatique lorsque la pression de service requise estatteinte, évitant ainsi les dépenses d'énergie superflues.2Élément à spirales très efficaceÉlément compresseur à spirales refroidi par air,offrant durabilité, fiabilité et efficacité.Moteur IP55, classe F/IE3Moteur refroidi par air IP55, classe F totalement fermé,conforme aux normes haut de gamme IE3 et NEMA.Sécheur de réfrigérantUn sécheur de réfrigérant intégré, compact etoptimisé, qui assure un débit d'air sec, empêchantainsi la formation de rouille et la corrosiondans votre réseau d'air comprimé.58296Réservoir intégréSolution prête à l'emploi, coûts d'installation bas avec options de montage sur réservoir de 30 l, 270 l et 500 l.7Elektronikon ® (SF +)Les fonctions de surveillance comprennent des indications d'alarmes, une planification de la maintenance et une visualisation des conditions d'utilisation.8Conception innovanteLa nouvelle configuration verticale compacte permet un accès aisé aux points d'entretien, améliore le refroidissement grâce à des températures de service plus basses et offre un amortissement des vibrations.9SF-Skid/T • Conçu pour garantir une simplicité d'utilisation totale : peut être installé au point d’utilisation ou intégré dans un réseau d’air existant.Refroidisseur et tuyauterie• Un refroidisseur surdimensionné optimise les performances de l'unité. • Les tuyaux en aluminium et le clapet anti-retour vertical surdimensionné améliorent la fiabilité sur le long-terme et garantissent la qualité de l'air comprimé.10Capot d'insonorisationLe capot insonorisant offre des niveaux de bruit extrêmement bas,pouvant atteindre 53 dB(A). L'unité peut donc être installée à proximité du point d'utilisation.676452 Filtre d'entrée d'airFiltre d'entrée d'air à cartouche de papier haute efficacitééliminant la poussière et les particules jusqu'à 1 µm.1Élément à spiralestrès efficaceÉléments compresseurs à spirales refroidispar air, disponibles en version 8 et 10 bar,offrant durabilité, fiabilité et efficacité.3Moteur IP55, classe F/IE3Moteurs refroidis par air IP55, classe F totalementfermés, conformes aux normes haut de gamme IE3.2Sécheur de réfrigérantUn sécheur de réfrigérant intégré, compactet optimisé, qui assure un débit d'air sec,empêchant ainsi la formation de rouille et lacorrosion dans le réseau d'air comprimé installé.4Capot d'insonorisationLes niveaux de bruit obtenus sont les plus bas grâce à l'élémentà spirale silencieux, au ventilateur optimisé super-silencieux etau capot insonorisant.5381® Mk5 Refroidisseur et tuyauterie optimisésLe refroidisseur d'air est réglé avec précision pour desperformances optimisées, tandis que la tuyauterie en aluminium et acier inoxydable améliore la fiabilité sur le long terme et garantit la qualité de l'air comprimé.7Conception intelligenteConvivialité d'utilisation optimale, conçue pour une utilisation sûre et une maintenance simple à exécuter.8SF Duplex• Duplex configuré avec deux armoires, un/deux modules principaux et un/deux modules de secours.• Elektronikon ® régule chaque ensemble de modules de compresseur par le biais d'un système de contrôle central intégré.• Installé dans uncapotage insonorisant.123456784 modules3 modules2 modules1 moduleTECHNOLOGIE À SPIRALES AVANCÉELa série SF d'Atlas Copco a la particularité d'offrir une efficacité élevée grâce au principe de fonctionnement unique de la technologie à spirales. La compression de l'air résulte de l'interaction entre une spirale fixe et une spirale mobile. L'air à la pression atmosphérique pénètre dans la chambre de compression, au niveau du côté extérieur de l'élément à spirale. Une fois l'air aspiré, l'entrée est fermée hermétiquement par la spirale mobile. Celle-ci poursuit sa rotation, comprimant progressivement l'air en une « poche » de plus en plus petite. Un débit continu d'air comprimé quitte alors l'élément à spirale en passant par la sortie située au centre de la spirale fixe. Ce processus ne s'interrompt jamais, ce qui permet de fournir de l'air comprimé sans pulsation.T echnologie à débit variable (VFT)Tous les compresseurs de type à spiralemultiple SF + 8-22 sont équipés du système de contrôle VFT exclusif, qui assure une flexibilité maximale du débit d’air. Ce système, qui fait partie intégrante du régulateur Elektronikon ®, assure automatiquement le démarrage et l’arrêt des éléments à spirale, de façon à répondre avec précision aux besoinsspécifiques de votre système d’air comprimé. L ’algorithme de contrôle de l’Elektronikon permet de maintenir un différentiel de pression minimal dans le réseau.Compresseurs WorkPlace Air System™ : pour le plus grand silenceLes compresseurs Full Feature d'Atlas Copco sont des compresseurs extrêmement discrets, dotés d'équipements de traitement de l'air intégrés. Conçus pour fournir l'air comprimé là où vous en avez besoin, ils permettent de réaliser des économies, notamment en matière d'énergie.VentilateurChambre d'aspiration Entrée Sortie Spirale fixe Spirale mobileCapteur de température à sûretéintégrée assurant la protection de l'unitéChambre de compression12345678CLASSE 0 : LA NORME DE L'INDUSTRIEL'air exempt d'huile est requis lorsque l'absence de polluants est essentielle pour le process et le produit final. C'est le cas notamment dansl'agroalimentaire, l'industrie pharmaceutique, le traitement des produits chimiques et pétrochimiques, la fermentation, le traitement des eauxusées, le transport pneumatique et la fabrication de textiles non tissés. Dans ces environnements stratégiques, des traces d'huile, même infimes, peuvent avoir des conséquences graves : arrêts de production coûteux et mise au rebut des produits fabriqués entraînant des rappels de produits et pouvant affecter votre image de marque.Pionnier des technologies de production d'air exempt d'huileAu cours des soixante dernières années, Atlas Copco s'est affirmé comme le leader du développement de la technologie de l'air exempt d'huile, mettant au point une gamme de compresseurs et de surpresseurs d'air qui fournissent de l'air 100 % exempt d'huile. Grâce à la recherche et au développement, Atlas Copco vient de franchir une nouvelle étape cruciale : c'est le premier fabricant à obtenir la certification ISO 8573-1 Classe 0, nouvelle référence en matière de pureté de l'air.Élimination de tous les risquesPour répondre aux attentes de ses clients les plus exigeants, Atlas Copco a demandé au célèbre institut TÜV, association allemande du contrôle technique, d'évaluer la qualité de l'air produit par sa gamme de compresseurs et de surpresseurs exempts d'huile. Les méthodes de test les plus strictes à l'heure actuelle ont été utilisées pour détecter l'huile sous toutes ses formes possibles sur une large plage de températures et de pressions. Le TÜV n'a trouvé aucune trace d'huile dans l'air produit. Atlas Copco est ainsi le premier fabricant de compresseurs et de surpresseurs à obtenir la certification Classe 0, conformément auxspécifications de la norme ISO 8573-1 Classe 0 Édition 3 2010.Elektronikon® Graphic avancé.Convivialité maximale• Écran couleur haute résolution de 3,5 pouces avec pictogrammes clairs et 4 voyants DEL d'entretien.• Affichage graphique des paramètres clés(jour, semaine, mois) et disponible en 32 langues.• Télévisualisation du compresseur grâce à une simple connexion Ethernet.• Indication graphique du plan de maintenance, fonctions de contrôle à distance et de connectivité.• Mise à niveau logicielle disponible pour contrôler jusqu'à 6 compresseurs en installant le contrôleur multicompresseur intégré en option.Classes ISO 8573-1 (2010) actuelles (les cinq principales classes et la concentration d'huile maximale associée).CARACTÉRISTIQUES TECHNIQUES* Performances de l'unité mesurées selon la norme ISO 1217, annexe C, dernière édition.** Niveau de bruit moyen mesuré à une distance de 1 m conformément à la norme ISO 2151, tolérance de 3 dB(A).Les poids des unités Pack et sur châssis sont indiqués dans le tableau.DIMENSIONSLIHL IHL IHL IH•: En option- : Non disponibleAU SERVICE D'UNEPRODUCTIVITÉ RESPONSABLENous nous engageons en faveur de nos clients, de l'environnement et de nos ressources humaines. Les performances de nos équipements résistent à l'épreuve du temps. C'est ce que nous appelons la productivité durable./sf2935 2844 48 © 2014, A t l a s C o p c o A i r p o w e r N V , B e l g i q u e . T o u s d r o i t s r V e u i l l e z l i r e t o u t e s l e s i n s t r u c t i o n s d e s éc u r i t é d u m a n u e l a v a n t u t i l i s a t i。



H2.0-3.5FT SERIES TECHNICAL GUIDETRUCK DIMENSIONSMaximum fork height h 3 + s (mm)Back tilt (°)Lowered height h 1 (mm)Extended height h 4 (mm) (1)Free lift height h 2 + s (m) (2)Pneumatic shaped solid tyresPneumatic radialtyresWithout sideshift (kg)With ISS & FP (kg)Without sideshift (kg)With ISS & FP (kg)H2.0FT H2.5FT H2.0FT H2.5FT H2.0FT H2.5FT H2.0FT H2.5FT 2-S T A G E L I M I T E D F R E E L I F T32905°217045151401920237018402280192023701840228037905°242050151401910236018302270191023601830227043305°277055551401890235018102250189023501810225048305°30206055140180022401720215017902240 (3)17202150 (3)2-S T A G E F U L L F R E E L I F T 33005°217045251555192023801840228019202380184022803-S T A G E F U L L F R E E L I F T 43505°197055701380188023801790228018802380 (3)17902280 (3)49505°21706170158017602250169021601760 (3)2250 (3)1680 (3)2150 (3)55505°24206770183016302110 (3)15702020 (3)1630 (3)2110 (4)1560 (3)2020 (4)60005°26207220203015301990 (3)14601900 (3)1520 (3)1990 (4)1450 (3)1910 (4)Maximum fork height h 3 + s (mm)Back tilt (°)Lowered height h 1 (mm)Extended height h 4 (mm) (1)Free lift height h 2 + s (m) (2)Pneumatic shaped solid tyresPneumatic radialtyresWithout sideshift (kg)With ISS & FP (kg)Without sideshift (kg)With ISS & FP (kg)H3.0FT H3.5FT H3.0FT H3.5FT H3.0FT H3.5FT H3.0FT H3.5FT 2-S T A G E L I M I T E D F R E E L I F T31055°219543351503000350029703490300035002970349036055°244548351503000350029503480300035002950348041055°279553351503000350029403460300035002940346046055°30455835150289033902830334028903340282033402-S T A G E F U L L F R E E L I F T 33005°219543351495300035003000350030003500300035003-S T A G E F U L L F R E E L I F T 40155°199552451315300035002930346030003500 (3)2930343046155°21955845151529003400283033502900 (3)3400 (3)2830 (3)3350 (3)49155°23456145166528403320 (3)276032602830 (3)3330 (4)2750 (3)3270 (4)52155°24456445176527403250 (3)26803180 (3)2760 (3)3250 (4)2680 (3)3190 (4)58155°2695704520152610 (3)2950 (3)2510 (3)2970 (3)2610 (4)3080 (4)2510 (4)3000 (4)Maximum fork height h 3 + s (mm)Back tilt (°)Lowered height h 1 (mm)Extended height h 4 (mm) (1)Free lift height h 2 + s (m) (2)Pneumatic shaped solid tyresPneumatic radialtyresWithout sideshift (kg)With ISS & FP (kg)Without sideshift (kg)With ISS & FP (kg)H3.0FT H3.5FT H3.0FT H3.5FT H3.0FT H3.5FT H3.0FT H3.5FT 2-S T A G E L I M I T E D F R E E L I F T31055°219543351502820331027003180282033102700318036055°244548351502810330026903170281033002690317041055°279553351502790329026703150279032902670315046055°30455835150269031702570304026903170257030402-S T A G E F U L L F R E E L I F T 33005°219543351495282033102700318028203310270031803-S T A G E F U L L F R E E L I F T 40155°199552451315280032902670315028003290 (3)2670315046155°21955845151527003190258030502700 (3)3190 (3)2580 (3)3050 (3)49155°23456145166526303110 (3)251029802630 (3)3110 (4)2510 (3)2980 (4)52155°24456445176525603030 (3)24402900 (3)2550 (3)3040 (4)2440 (3)2900 (4)58155°2695704520152400 (3)2860 (3)2290 (3)2730 (3)2400 (4)2860 (4)2290 (4)2740 (4)H2.0FT FORTENS / FORTENS ADVANCE1-11-2H3.0FT FORTENS / FORTENS ADVANCE1-11-2MODEL TABLE NOTES:Specifications are affected by the condition of the vehicle and how it is equipped, as well as the nature and condition of the operating area. Inform your dealer of the nature and condition of the intended operating area when purchasing your Hyster ® truck.(1) T op of forks(2) Without load backrest(3) h 6 subject to +/- 5 mm tolerance. H2.0FT - H2.5FT add 25mmwhen front tyre size 28X9-15 is selected (4) Full suspension seat in depressed position.(5) Standard/Wide/Dual. When wet axle selected values are(1186 / 1321 / 1601) for all capacities (6) add 32mm with load backrest (7) At 1.6km/h (8) At 4.8km/h(9) With Load Sensing Hydraulics (10) Variable(11) L PAZ , measured according to the test cycles and basedon the weighting values contained in EN12053Safety: This truck conforms to the current EU requirements.MAST CAPACITY TABLE NOTES:(1) With load backrest (2) Without load backrest(3) Wide tread or Dual Drive Wheels required for this rating (4)Dual Drive Wheels required for this ratingNOTICE:Care must be exercised when handling elevated loads. Operators must be trained and must read, understandand follow the instructions contained in the Operating Manual.All values are nominal values and they are subject to tolerances. For further information, please contact the manufacturer.Hyster products are subject to change without notice.Lift trucks illustrated may feature optional equipment. Values may vary with alternative configurations.Specification data is based on VDI 2198.G E N E R A L1-1Manufacturer HYSTER HYSTER 1-2Model designation H2.0-3.5FT H2.0-3.5FT 1-3Powertrain / drivetrain Diesel Diesel E N G I N E7-1Engine manufacturer / modelYanmar / 4TNE92Yanmar / 4TNE987-2Engine power output according to ISO 1585kW 33.943.07-3Rated speedrpm 270026007-3-1Engine torque @rpm (1/min)N-m 143 @ 1400189 @ 17007-4Number of cylinders / displacement # / cm 3 4 / 2659 4 / 33197-8Alternator outputA 1201207-10Battery voltage, rated capacity V / Ah 24 / 20024 / 200D R I V E 8-1Drive control / transmission Type / #Automatic Powershift Automatic Powershift 8-11Service brake Type Drum or Oil immersedDrum or Oil immersed8-12Parking brakeType MechanicalMechanicalM I S C10-1Operating pressure for attachments bar 0 - 1550 - 15510-2Oil volume for attachments (10)l/min 757510-3Hydraulic oil tank, capacity l 45.845.810-4Fuel tank, capacityl52.852.810-7Sound pressure level at the driver’s seat (11)Lpaz dB(A)797910-7-1Guaranteed sound power 2001/14/EC LwazdB10210210-8Towing coupling, type DIN 15170Yes/PinYes/PinPOWERTRAINSPERFORMANCESTD OPTHyster FortensXHyster Fortens Advance X Yanmar 2.6L diesel engine X Yanmar 3.3L desel engine X Anti-Clog Radiator XRadiator Screen X Upswept Exhaust XHorizontal Exhaust X Exhaust WrapsX Powertrain Protection System with Engine Shutdown X High Air IntakeXHigh Air Intake with Precleaner X Heavy Duty Air FilterX Electronic Powershift - 1 Speed Transmission XDuraMatch™ - 1 Speed Transmission X Drum brakesXOilimmersed brakes X DRIVETraction Speed Limiter pre-set to 13km/h (Adjustable)*XMultiple Traction Speed Limit 13/6 km/h (Adjustable)*X Indoor Speed Reduction*X Standard Tread XWide Tread X Dual TreadX 7.00 x 12 Pneumatic Shaped Solid Drive Tyres - H2.0-2.5FTX DRIVE (continued)7.00 x 12 Non-Marking Pneumatic Shaped Solid Drive Tyres X 7.00 R12 Pneumatic Radial Drive TyresX 28 x 9 Pneumatic Shaped Solid Drive Tyres - H3.0-3.5FT X28 x 9 Non-Marking Pneumatic Shaped Solid Drive TyresX 28 x 9-15 Pneumatic Shaped Solid Special Wide Rim Drive Tyres X 225/75 R15 Pneumatic Radial Drive TyresX 6.00 x 9 Pneumatic Shaped Solid Steer Tyres - H2.0-2.5FT X6.00 x 9 Pneumatic Radial Steer TyresX 6.00 x 9 Non-Marking Pneumatic Shaped Solid Steer Tyres X 6.50 x 10 Pneumatic Shaped Solid Steer Tyres - H3.0-3.5FT X6.50 x 10 Pneumatic Radial Steer TyresX 6.50 x 10 Non-Marking Pneumatic Shaped Solid Steer Tyres XLIFTSTD OPT2 Stage Limited Free Lift X2 Stage Full Free Lift X3 Stage Full Free Lift X4 Stage Full Free LiftX Lift Height - 3290mm (2170mm Lowered Height) - H2.0-2.5FT X Lift Height - 3105mm (2195mm Lowered Height) - H3.0-3.5FT XVarious other Lift HeightsX Mast tilt - 10° Forward / 6° Back X Mast tilt - 6° Forward / 10° Back X Mast tilt - 6° Forward / 6° Back X Mast tilt - 6° Forward / 5° Back XMast tilt - 6° Forward / 4° BackX STANDARD AND OPTIONAL EQUIPMENTLIF T (continued)OPT Mast tilt - 10° Forward / 5° BackOPTOPTOPT Raised Operator Compartment X Load Weight Display X Operator Password X Operator Pre-Shift Electronic Checklist X Panoramic Mirror X Dual Mirrors Side View X Rear Drive Handle with Horn Button X Semi Suspension Vinyl X Semi Suspension Cloth X Full Suspension Vinyl Seat X Full Suspension Cloth X Full Suspension Swivel Vinyl X Full Suspension Swivel Cloth X Air Ride Full Suspension Vinyl XAir Ride Full Suspension Cloth X Heated Full Suspension Cloth X High Backrest Lumbar Support Vinyl X High Backrest Lumbar Support Cloth X Grammer Air Suspension Vinyl X Grammer Air Suspension Cloth X Air-Suspension Seat FLA Vinyl X Air-Suspension Seat FLA Cloth X Standard Seat Belt XHi-Vis Red Seat Belt X Hi-Vis Red Seat Belt with Sequential Interlock X Manual lever hydraulic controls X TouchPoint™, mini lever hydraulic controls X Joystick hydraulic controls X Steering wheel with spinner knob X Directional Lever X Monotrol X Directional Control Switch (Integrated in Arm rest)X Dash Mounted 12V Auxiliary Power Outlet X VISIBILITY STD OPT Work Light Package - 2 Front and 1 Rear LED Work Lights withSide, Stop, Tail, Indicator & Reverse Lights - H3.0-3.5FT X Work Light Package - 2 Front and 1 Rear Halogen Work Lightswith Side, Stop, Tail, Indicator & Reverse Lights - H2.0-2.5FT X Automatic Lights X Mast Mounted LED Lights X LED Work Light Protection X OPERATION STD OPT Impact Monitor with 30 Second Shutdown X Impact Monitor with Immediate Shutdown X System Monitoring Package X Premium Monitoring Package X Vented Hood X Non-Vented Hood XBelly Pan X Full underbody mesh belly pan X Visible alarm – Amber strobe light X Audible alarm – Reverse direction activated X Audible alarm – Reverse direction white noise X Audible alarm – Motion Alarm X Hazard Warning Lights - Switch Activated X Pedestrian Awareness Light (P.A.L.)X Front Pedestrian Awareness Light (P.A.L.)X Red Line (Side) Pedestrian Awareness Lights (P.A.L.)X Seat Switch Activated Engine, Lights and Display ShutdownSystem X Signal Activated Engine Shutdown System X Battery Disconnect XSTANDARD AND OPTIONAL EQUIPMENTOPTPACKAGESSTD OPT Cool Truck Package which includes High Air Intake withPrecleaner, Exhaust Wraps, Powertain Protection System with Engine Shutdown, Premium Monitoring, Hydraulic Accumulator, High Temperature Hydraulic Fluid and Vented Hood X Paper Applications Kit X SUPPLEMENTALSTD OPTLiterature packageX Warranty: 24 Months / 4,000 Hours manufacturer's warranty XWarranty: 36 Months / 6,000 Hours extended warranty XOther options available through Special Products Engineering Department (SPED). Contact Hyster for details.PRODUCT FEATURESProtected PowertrainThe durable powertrain is computer controlled, protected and managed by the Pacesetter™ VSM electronic management system, featuring a CANbus communications network. The VSM ensures maximum uptime and dependability, as it allows for fast and accurate trouble-shooting, facilitates first-time fixes and can help to minimise costly “parts swapping”.DuraMatch TM - The World’s Most Advanced Powershift Transmission The electronically controlledDuraMatch™ transmissions provide smoother directional changes to eliminate shock loading and extend the life of the clutch packs. These transmissions offer unique and patented features, managed by the VSM, such as the Auto Deceleration System, which contributes toextending brake and tyre life and so reduces the frequency of required changes and ultimately your overall operating costs.Autospeed HydraulicsIf the Autospeed Hydraulics option is selected when lifting a load the engine speed is automatically increased to provide full hydraulic power. The Pacesetter VSM maintains the current travel speed (or prevents travel) until the operator steps on the accelerator.No operator inching is required and productivity and efficiency is increased by simplifying operator actions.Hassle-Free Electrical & Hydraulic SystemsThe CANbus system ensures reliable operation of the truck, providing reduced wiring complexity andkeeps them away from heat sources. Nonmechanical, Hall-Effect sensors and switches are environmentally sealed to IP66 standards to keep out water and debris (allowing the truck to be pressure washable) and are designed to outlast the life of the truck. The Hyster Fortens TM is equipped with hassle-free hydraulic systems, featuring Leak-free O-ring face seal fittings which reduce leaks for enhanced reliability.More Dependable inDemanding ApplicationsA choice of aluminium core radiators and a superior counterweight tunnel design coupled with a “pusher” type fan provide the industry’s best cooling, ensuring that the truck operates at lower temperatures, which results in increased component life and limits the risk of overheating, particularly in heavy duty applications. In addition, the long term durability of the truck is enhanced by the available powertrain protection systems.High-performance In-tank Hydraulic FilterSuperior filtration system increases life span of all hydraulic components such as hoses and pumps.Significant savings in ownership costs per lift truck – each yea r The Hyster Fortens TM has been designed to help you lower your ownership costs in all types ofapplications, through offering a wide range of engine and transmission options to suit the application need.In head-to-head comparisons with the leading competitors’ comparable trucks, the Fortens TM range was shown to offer significant annual savings in operating consumable costs, such as fuel efficiency, longer tyre life, reduced brake wear and decreased service time, which results in the lowest cost per load moved.As the first choice materials handling partner for the world’s demanding operations, Hyster delivers value added solutions and dependable products through the strongest distribution network in the industry.The Fortens TM range offers a highly configurable truck from the dependable Fortens with a Powershift transmission to the extremely productive Fortens TM Advance+ truck which combines the unique and patented DuraMatch TM transmission with quiet and efficient Kubota engines. Quiet roomy cabs with air suspension seats, TouchPoint TM mini levers and a host ofoperator support features make Fortens the right choice to keep operators comfortable and productive over long shifts, its low fuel consumption, reliability and serviceability make it the right business choice. Hyster Fortens TM - the solution to your application needs.www.hyster.eu*********************/HysterEurope@HysterEurope/HysterEuropeSTRONG PARTNERS. TOUGH TRUCKS.TMFOR DEMANDING OPERATIONS, EVERYWHERE.Hyster ® supplies a complete range of warehouse equipment, IC and electric counterbalanced trucks, container handlers and reach stackers. Hyster ® is committed to being much more than a lift truck supplier.Our aim is to offer a complete partnership capable ofresponding to the full spectrum of material handling issues: whether you need professional consultancy on your fleet management, fully qualified service support, or reliable parts supply, you can depend on Hyster ®.Our network of highly trained dealers provides expert, responsive local support. They can offer cost-effective finance packages and introduce effectively managedmaintenance programmes to ensure that you get the best possible value. Our business is dealing with your material handling needs so you can focus on the success of your business today and in the future.HYSTER-YALE UK LIMITED trading as Hyster Europe. Registered Address: Centennial House, Building 4.5, Frimley Business Park, Frimley, Surrey GU16 7SG, United Kingdom.Registered in England and Wales. Company Registration Number: 02636775.©2018 HYSTER-YALE UK LIMITED, all rights reserved. HYSTER, , STRONG PARTNERS. TOUGH TRUCKS., FORTENS, DURAMATCH, TOUCHPOINT and MONOTROL are trademarks ofHYSTER-YALE Group, Inc. Yanmar is a trademark of Yanmar Co. Ltd. Kubota is a trademark of Kubota Corporation. Grammer is a trademark of Grammer Seating Systems Ltd. BOLZONI is a trademark of Bolzoni SpA. AURAMO is a trademark of Auramo Oy. MEYER is a trademark of Hans H. Meyer, GmbH.Hyster products are subject to change without notice. Forklift trucks illustrated may feature optional equipment.Printed in EU. Part number: 3990285 Rev. 01-10/18-TLCHYSTER EUROPECentennial House, Frimley Business Park, Frimley, Surrey, GU16 7SG, England.Tel: +44 (0) 1276 538500。

Power Jacks S-Series 高负荷机械螺栓机产品说明书

Power Jacks S-Series 高负荷机械螺栓机产品说明书

S-SERIESHIGH DUTY MACHINESCREW JACKSPARES LIST &MAINTENANCEINSTRUCTIONSMANUAL : MM-SMS-E-02c SUPPLIED BY: POWER JACKS LIMITEDS-Series – Screw JacksCONTENTS1 UNIT DETAILS .......................................................................................................................................................................2 2 PERFORMANCE RATINGS .................................................................................................................................................3 3 GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS .................................................................................................................................................4 4 RECOMMENDED LUBRICANTS ........................................................................................................................................ 45 GENERAL ASSEMBLY & PARTS LIST ............................................................................................................................. 56 DISASSEMBLY / ASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS (D.A.I.) .................................................................................................7 7WARRANTY INFORMATION (9)1 Unit DetailsSerial Number Model NumberPower Jacks Sales Order NumberTranslating Screw (Upright and Inverted) Rotating Screw (Upright and Inverted)S-Series – Screw Jacks2 Performance Ratings2.1 Performance of Standard S-Series Screw JacksModel ST025 ST050 ST100 ST200 Capacity (kN) 25 50 100 200Lifting Screw Diameter Ø30 Ø40 Ø50 Ø65 Pitch 6 mm 9 mm 12 mm 12 mm No of Starts* 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2Worm Gear Ratios Standard 6:1 6:1 8:1 8:1 Option 1 8:1 8:1 6:1 6:1 Option 2 24:1 24:1 24:1 24:1Turn of worm for raise of lifting screw 1 Turn Standard 1mm 2mm 1.5mm 3mm 1.5mm 3mm 1.5mm 3mm 4 Turn Option 1 3mm 6mm 4.5mm 9mm 8mm 16mm 8mm 16mm 4 Turn Option 2 1mm 2mm 1.5mm 3mm 2mm 4mm 2mm 4mmMaximum Input Power per Screw Jack (kW) Standard 1.5 3.0 3.75 3.75 Option 1 1.5 3.0 3.75 3.75 Option 2 0.375 0.550 1.125 1.125Start-Up Torque at full Load (Nm) † Standard 19 26 54 73 111 151 252 330 Option 1 15 20 44 59 140 190 317 416 Option 2 8 11 24 33 57 77 129 168Weight with base raise of 150mm (kg) 13 25 41 70 Weight for each additional 25mm raise (kg) 0.21 0.32 0.57 0.86 * Single start lifting screw is standard.† For loads of 25% to 100% of Screw Jack capacity, torque requirements are approximately proportional to the load.2.2 S-Series Screw Jack EfficienciesModel Gear Ratio LiftingScrew Start Static Input SpeedZero rpmDynamic Input Speed (rpm)50 750 1000 1500ST025 6:11 0.209 0.262 0.299 0.302 0.3092 0.314 0.379 0.434 0.438 0.448 8:11 0.194 0.247 0.288 0.293 0.3012 0.293 0.358 0.418 0.424 0.436 24:11 0.121 0.164 0.220 0.226 0.2392 0.183 0.238 0.320 0.328 0.347ST050 6:11 0.222 0.281 0.324 0.329 0.3372 0.325 0.398 0.460 0.466 0.477 8:11 0.206 0.264 0.312 0.318 0.3282 0.302 0.374 0.442 0.451 0.465 24:11 0.125 0.171 0.238 0.246 0.2632 0.184 0.242 0.337 0.349 0.372ST100 6:11 0.227 0.285 0.324 0.329 0.3362 0.336 0.407 0.462 0.469 0.479 8:11 0.214 0.272 0.315 0.320 0.3282 0.317 0.389 0.450 0.456 0.468 24:11 0.140 0.188 0.252 0.260 0.2742 0.207 0.269 0.359 0.370 0.391ST200 6:11 0.201 0.255 0.289 0.294 0.3002 0.307 0.375 0.426 0.432 0.442 8:11 0.190 0.243 0.282 0.286 0.2932 0.290 0.358 0.415 0.421 0.431 24:11 0.124 0.168 0.225 0.232 0.2452 0.189 0.248 0.331 0.341 0.361Note Values for standard oil lubricated S-Series Screw Jacks only, ref: BS 721 part 2. with grease lubricated lifting screwS-Screw Jacks3 General Instructions3.1 Maintenance and Installation recommendations.I n order to ensure that the Screw Jacks give good service over a period of years the following precautions should be taken3.1.1 Select an Screw Jack which has a rated capacity greater than the maximum load that may be imposedon it.3.1.2 The structure on which the Screw Jacks are mounted have ample strength to carry the maximum load,and should be rigid enough to prevent undue deflection or distortion of the Screw Jack supportingmembers.3.1.3 It is essential that the Screw Jacks be carefully aligned during installation so that the lifting screws arevertically true and the connecting shafts are exactly in line with the worm shafts. After the Screw Jacks, shafting, gearboxes, etc., are coupled together it should be possible to turn the main drive by hand. Ifthere are no signs of binding or misalignment, the Screw Jack system is then ready for normal operation.3.1.4 The Screw Jacks should have a greater raise than is needed in the actual installation. Should it benecessary to operate the Screw Jacks at the extreme limits of travel it should be done cautiously.3.1.5 It is important that the lifting screws should not be closed below the specified closed height dimension ofthe Screw Jacks, otherwise serious damage may result to the worm gear. Lifting screw end stops are to prevent over-travel or loss of screw. These are not load supporting and should be treated as anemergency device only and must not be allowed to come into contact with the worm gears during normal working cycles otherwise serious damage will result to worm gears and bearings.3.1.6 The maximum worm shaft speed for these Screw Jacks should not exceed 500 R.P.M. for heavy loads.Refer to Power Jacks Limited for higher worm shaft speeds for lighter loads. Absolute maximum is3000rpm provided Power Jacks have advised acceptable.3.1.7 The lifting screws should not be permitted to accumulate dust and grit on the threads. If possible, liftingscrews should be returned to the closed height position when not in use.3.1.8 A periodic check of backlash between lifting screw and worm gear is recommended to check wearon internal threads of worm gear. Backlash in excess of 50% thread thickness indicates that areplacement will be necessary to replace the worm gear and nut assembly.3.1.9 The Screw Jacks are shipped with the gearbox housing oil filled (unless otherwise required) to thecorrect level and with the lifting screw packed with grease. This should be sufficient for normal operation.For normal operation the oil level should be checked to read the correct level and the lifting screwlubricated with grease once a month. For lubrication use one of the recommended lubricants (referTables1 & 2)3.1.10 For severe service conditions the Screw Jack should be lubricated with a molybdenium disulphide typeof grease daily or weekly depending on the conditions. If duty is heavy, an automatic lubrication system is strongly recommended. If ambient temperature exceeds 90°C (194°F) consult Power Jacks.4 Recommended LubricantsTABLE 1 – GEARBOX OIL TABLE 2 – LIFTING SCREW GREASEManufacturer Lubricant Manufacturer LubricantBP Energol GR-XP150 Shell Gadus S2V220AC2(Alvania WR2) Shell Omala Oil 150 PowerBP Energrease LC2PetroleumCastrol Alpha SP150 Castrol Spheerol EPL2Mobil Gear Oil 629 Mobil Mobilux EP2S-Screw Jacks5 General Assembly & Parts List5.1 General Arrangement – Part ATranslating ScrewRotating Screw121371921382213138624 24261252322 32 13862517171668 166 8 164016411611631141514142728 302931239S-Series – Screw Jacks5.2 General Arrangement – Part B5.3 Parts ListItem No DescriptionQty Item No DescriptionQty 1 Shell1 22Worm Gear (6:1 Ratio-Anti-backlash) Double Start 1 2 Shell Cap1 Worm Gear (8:1 Ratio-Anti-backlash) Double Start 1 Shell Cap Anti-backlash 1 Worm Gear (24:1 Ratio-Anti-backlash) Double Start 1 3 Guide Bushing1 23 Anti-backlash Nut1 4Worm Shaft (6:1 Ratio) 1 Anti-backlash Nut (Double Start) 1 Worm Shaft (8:1 Ratio) 1 24 Dowels4 Worm Shaft (24:1 Ratio) 1 25Worm Gear (6:1 Ratio - Rotating) 1 5Worm Gear (6:1 Ratio) 1 Worm Gear (8:1 Ratio – Rotating) 1 Worm Gear (8:1 Ratio) 1 Worm Gear (24:1 Ratio – Rotating)1 Worm Gear (24:1 Ratio)1 Worm Gear (6:1 Ratio- Rotating) Double Start 1 Worm Gear (6:1 Ratio) Double Start 1 Worm Gear (8:1 Ratio- Rotating) Double Start 1 Worm Gear (8:1 Ratio) Double Start 1 Worm Gear (24:1 Ratio- Rotating) Double Start 1 Worm Gear (24:1 Ratio) 1 26 ‘O’ Ring Anti-backlash Nut) 1 6 Load Bearing2 27 Key Adaptor1 7 Worm Shaft Bearing2 Key Adaptor (Anti-backlash) * 1 8 Seal2 28 Key (Lifting Screw) 1 9 Seal (Worm Shaft) 2 29 Cap Screw 1 10 Circlip2 30 Lock Washer1 11 Key (Worm Shaft)2 31 Secondary Guide Bushing1 12 Lifting Screw1 32 Name Plate (includes fixing screws) 1 Lifting Screw (Keyed)1 33Bellows Boot Kit 1 Lifting Screw (Double Start) 1 includes Bellows Boot 1 Lifting Screw (Rotating) 1 End Plate 1 13 O Ring (Shell Cap) 1 End Plate Gasket 2 14 Bottom Pipe1 34 Hex Headbolt 4 15 Bottom Pipe Cap 1 35 Washer4 16 Plug3 36 Locking Plug1 17 Breather Plug1 37 Lifting Nut – Single Start 1 18 Set Screw (M8 x 20mm) 1 Lifting Nut – Double Start 1 19 Clevis End 1 38 Drive Key (Lifting Screw) 1 20 Top Plate1 39 Lock Nut (Lifting Screw1 21 Set Screw (M8 x 12mm4 40 Grubscrew (Lifting Screw Locknut) 1 22Worm Gear (6:1 Ratio – Anti-backlash) 1 41 Bottom Cap 1 Worm Gear (8:1 Ratio – Anti-backlash) 1 Worm Gear (24:1 Ratio – Anti-backlash)1* For anti-backlash keyed inverted screw there is no internal thread on key adaptor.3334 353534 329107183618910114111291036S-Series – Screw Jacks6 Disassembly / Assembly Instructions (D.A.I.)6.1 Translating Screw D.A.I6.1.1 Main Unit6.1.1.1 Ensure that shell cap grub screw and plug (18) are slackened back clear of the thread grip (36) inshell (1) before unscrewing the shell cap (It may be necessary to tap shell cap loose). On some models it will be necessary to remove the worm shaft (4) before the worm gear assemblycan be pulled clear of the shell. Check all parts for damage or excessive wear and replace where necessary paying specialattention to “O” rings (13) & oil seals (8 & 9). After re-assembly of the worm shaft assembly, strike each end of worm sharply with a wooden orfibre mallet to seat bearings properly. (Bearings must be assembled with the shield facing outwards). Press oil seals (9) into worm recesses in shell housing (1) with the sealing members pointinginwards. When re-assembling the worm gear and load bearings ensure that the bearings are fitted so thatthe plate with the smallest bore size fits over the worm gear spigot. The shell cap should be fitted after the worm shaft assembly has been securely clamped and withthe worm gear assembly in position. Tighten the shell cap until a slight drag is felt on rotating the worm shaft by hand. For anti-backlash Screw Jacks the shell cap must be screwed up with the lifting screw insertedand only as tight as to allow the required backlash and lifting screw and worm gear. For normal screw jack operation the recommended backlash is 0.05mm (0.002”). Tighten shell cap grub screw (18). It may be necessary to fit a new thread grip if it has becomeworn due to numerous adjustments. For keyed Screw Jacks it is recommended that the lifting screw be threaded into the worm gear asfar as required before fitting the key (28). It is important that the detachable ends are securely fixed to the lifting screws and the followingprocedure should be adhered to.6.1.2 Instructions for fitting detachable ends on lifting screws. Thread the detachable end on to the lifting screw and tighten up as hard as possible withoutdamaging the components. Select a twist drill, which is a free fit in the tapped holes of thedetachable end. Using these holes as a drill guide, drill dimple only into the lifting screw. Clean out swarf and remove detachable end. Select another drill which matches the set screw diameter and, using the drill dimples as a guide, drill into the lifting screw a full diameter depth of 1mm below the root diameter of the threads. Refit detachable end. Fit the knurled point set screws (supplied with detachable ends) firmly inplace ensuring that point of set screws make contact with bottom of drill dimples. Secure the set screws with Loctite. If Screw Jacks with keyed lifting screws are involved, and it is required to line up the clevis flats ortop plate holes, etc. in a fixed relationship to the worm shaft centreline, it will be necessary to face the underside of the detachable end to obtain the required relationship. This operation should be done carefully as only a few hundredths of a mm (thousands of an inch) removed from the attachment is equivalent to a fair amount of rotational movement.1mm deep drill holesS-Series – Screw Jacks6.2 Rotating Screw D.A.I.6.2.1 Main Unit6.2.1.1 Ensure that shell cap grub screw and plug (18) are slackened back clear of the thread grip (36) inshell (1) before unscrewing the shell cap (It may be necessary to tap shell cap loose). On some models it will be necessary to remove the worm shaft (4) before the worm gear assemblycan be pulled clear of the shell. Check all parts for damage or excessive wear and replace where necessary paying specialattention to “O” rings (13) & oil seals (8 & 9). After re-assembly of the worm shaft assembly, strike each end of worm sharply with a wooden orfibre mallet to seat bearings properly. (Bearings must be assembled with the shield facingoutwards). Press oil seals (9) into worm recesses in shell housing (1) with the sealing members pointinginwards. When re-assembling the worm gear and load bearings ensure that the bearings are fitted so thatthe plate with the smallest bore size fits over the worm gear spigot. The shell cap should be fitted after the worm shaft assembly has been securely clamped and withthe worm gear assembly in position. Tighten the shell cap until a slight drag is felt on rotating theworm shaft by hand. Tighten shell cap grub screw (18). It may be necessary to fit a new thread grip if it has becomeworn due to numerous adjustments.S-Series – Screw Jacks7 Warranty Information7.1 Limitation of ResponsibilityThe ratings given in this manual were compiled using standard engineering procedures. The ratings are designed to guide the customer in the selection and use of a unit. We do not guarantee the ratings in specific applications. Prototype testing of every application is recommended before production. Our engineering facilities are available for consultation at all times. Please ask us for assistance with linear motion and drive application problems. This manual is designed to assist in the selection of a suitable linear motion or power transmission product for economical. long and trouble free service.Due to Power Jacks policy of continuous improvement designs may be subject to change without notice. Please ask for certified drawings.7.2 WarrantySubject to the condition stated herein, Power Jacks will repair or replace, without charge, any parts proven to Power Jacks satisfaction to have been defective in material or workmanship. Claims must be made within one year after date of shipment. Power Jacks will not repair or replace any parts that have become inoperative because of improper maintenance, eccentric loading, overloading, chemical or abrasive action, excessive hear, or other abuse. Equipment which has been altered or modified by anyone without Power Jacks authorisation, is not warranted by Power Jacks, EXCEPT AS STATED HEREIN, POWER JACKS MAKES NO OTHER WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED INCLUDING WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.WARNING: The equipment shown in this manual is intended for industrial use only and should not be used to lift support, or otherwise transport people unless you have a written statement from Power Jacks Limited which authorises the specific unit as used in your application suitable for moving people.© Power Jacks Limited 2020, Aberdeenshire, Scotland, United Kingdom.。

海斯特器盒Hyster H40-60XT系列技术指南说明书

海斯特器盒Hyster H40-60XT系列技术指南说明书

H40-60XT SERIESTECHNICAL GUIDE15151011372235C38E7XWDT HEAD CLEARANCESEE CHART 182019H40-50XT 44.4 (1129)H60XT 45.2 (1149)17b 2116Circled dimensions correspond to the line numbers on the tabulated chart inside the Technical Guide. Dimensions are in inches (mm).DIMENSIONS151011372235C 38E 7XWDTHEAD CLEARANCESEE CHART182019H40-50XT 44.4 (1129)H60XT 45.2 (1149)17a17b2116TRUCKMODEL C D E TW X in (mm)percentpercentin (mm)in (mm)in (mm)H40XT 17.1 (434)7053 6.6 (168)13.7 (349)27.6 (702)H50XT 19.5 (495)5553 6.6 (168)13.7 (349)27.6 (702)H60XT20.4 (518)58587.4 (168)14.5 (369)28.4 (722)HEAD CLEARANCESeat TypeStandard OHG*Optional OHG*Non-Suspension 46.9 (1192)43.0 (1092)36.9 (939)Full-Suspension46.9 (1192)N/AN/A* Seat in depressed position* This model may be equipped with an optional load weight system with an auxiliary display. The system must be calibrated for best results. The mast must be vertical and the forks at 350mm (14”). If these procedures are met the weight indicated on the display will be +/- 8%.CERTIFICATION: Hyster lift trucks meet the design and construction requirements of B56.1-1969, per OSHA Section 1910.178(a)(2), and also comply with the B56.1 revision in effect at time of manufacture. Certification of compliance with the applicable ANSI standards appears on the lift truck.Performance specifications / ratings are for truck equipped as described under Standard Equipment in this Technical Guide. Performance specifications are affected by the condition of the vehicle and how it is equipped, as well as by the nature and condition of the operating area. Specifications are subject to change and the proposed application should be discussed with your authorized Hyster Company Dealer.Limited by traction. For further information on this dimension, please contact your local Hyster ® dealer.G E N E R A L1Manufacturer Name Hyster Company 2Model H40XT*H50XT*H60XT*EnginePSI 2.4L 3Rated Capacitylb (kg)4000 (1814)5000 (2268)6000 (2722)4Load Center, Distance in (mm)24 (610)5Power Type - LPG, Dual Fuel LPGDual FuelLPG Dual FuelLPGDual Fuel6Operator Type Sit-Down Rider7Step Heightin (mm)16.3 (415)17.1 (435)8Tire Type - Cushion, Solid, Pneumatic Pneumatic 9Wheels, Number - Front/ Rear 2x/2D I ME N S I O N S 10Lift Height, Top of Fork (TOF)in (mm)129 (3292)126 (3209)11Lift Heights, Standard Limited Free Lift (LFL) w/LBR (TOF)in (mm) 5 (140)Lift Heights, Optional Full Free Lift (FFL) with LBR (TOF)in (mm)58 (1490)12Standard Carriage Widthin (mm)42 (1067)13Forks, Thickness x Width x Length in (mm) 1.6 X 3.9 X 42 (40 X 100 X 1067)15Mast Tilt Angles, Forward/Backward degrees 6/616Length To Face of Forksin (mm)99.5 (2528)101.9 (2589)106.3 (2701)17a Overall Width, Standard Tread in (mm)45.7 (1162)46.9 (1191)17b Overall Width, Wide Treadin (mm)52 (1322)52.2 (1326)18Height, Standard Mast - Loweredin (mm)86 (2170)89 (2245)19Height, Standard Mast - Extended with LBRin (mm)147 (3715)175 (4330)Height, Standard Mast - Extended without LBR in (mm)154 (3904)154 (3905)20Height, Standard Overhead Guardin (mm)87.7 (2228)88.6 (2250)Height, Optional Overhead Guard in (mm)83.8 (2128)84.6 (2150)21Turning Radius, Minimum Outside (OTR)in (mm)85.7 (2178)88 (2236)91.5 (2324)22Length, Center of Wheel to Face of Forksin (mm)18.5 (471)19 (483)23Aisle Width, Right Angle Stack (Add Length of Load) in (mm)104.3 (2649)106.6 (2707)110.3 (2802)24Equal Aisle, 90-Degree Intersecting Aisle in (mm)79.9 (2030)80.9 (2056)83 (2108)P E R F O R M A N C E25Travel Speed, Powershift Transmission RL/NL mph (km/h)11.4/11.6 (18.4/18.6)12.3/12.4 (19.8/20)26Lift Speed, Standard 2-Stage LFL RL/NLft/min (m/s)128/134 (0.65/0.68)112/118 (0.57/0.60)Lift Speed, Optional 3-Stage FFL RL/NLft/min (m/s)120/126 (0.61/0.64)106/112 (0.54/0.57)27Lowering Speed, Standard 2-Stage LFL RL/NLft/min (m/s)114/98 (0.58/0.50)Lowering Speed, Optional 3-Stage FFL RL/NL ft/min (m/s)114/98 (0.58/0.50)28Maximum drawbar pull RL/NLlb (kg)4947/2282 (2244/1035)4916/2217 (2230/1006)4438/2534 (2013/1149)Drawbar Pull, Standard Transmission @ 1 mph RL/NL lb (kg)4186/2282 (1899/1035)4154/2217 (1884/1006)3792/2534 (1720/1149)29Gradeability, Standard Transmission @ 1 mph RL/NL Percent 35.9/31.530.2/27.623.5/27.6W T .31Weight, Standard Truck (2-Stg. LFL 84/127) NLlb (kg)8170 (3705)8910 (4040)10300 (4671)Weight, Standard Truck (2-Stg. LFL 84/127) RL lb (kg)12170 (5520)13910 (6308)16300 (7392)32Axle Loading, Static Front/Rear NLlb (kg)3855/4311 (1748/1955)3695/5210 (1676/2363)4207/6089 (1908/2761)Axle Loading, Static Front/Rear RL lb (kg)10518/1648 (4770/747)12024/1881 (5453/853)14064/2232 (6378/1012)T I R E S & W H E E L S33Tire Size, Front 7.00 x 12 - 1228 x 9 - 1534Tire Size, Rear 6.00 x 9 6.50 x 1035Wheelbasein (mm) 63.9 (1623)66.9 (1700)37Ground Clearance, Lowest Point NL (w/RL subtract-6mm)in (mm) 3.3 (84) 4.1 (104)38Ground Clearance, Center of Wheelbase NL in (mm)7.5 (190)8.3 (210)39Service Brake - Method of Control/Operation Foot/Hydraulic 40Parking Brake - Method of Control/Operation Hand/Mechanical P O W E R T R A I N41Battery TypeMaintenance Free42Volts/Cold Cranking Amps v/cca 12/47543Engine, Manufacturer/Model PSI 2.4L44Permanent Output @ Rated RPM hp (kw)62 (46) @ 2700 RPM 45Torque @ Rated RPMft/lbs (kg/m)124 (17.1) @ 1600 RPM46Number of Cylinders/Displacement No/cc (ci)4/2351 (143)47Transmission Type, StandardElectronic PowershiftStandard Speeds, Forward - Reverse 1-149Hydraulic Tank Capacity (Drain and Refill)gal (liter)11.1 (42)50Fuel Tank Capacity (LPG & Duel Fuel Powered Units Only)gal (liter)18.2 (69)51Auxiliary Hydraulic Pressure Relief for AttachmentsPSI (Mpa)2550 (17.6)SPECIFICATIONSMAST SPECIFICATIONSH40-50XT MAST SPECIFICATIONSMaximum Fork Height (TOF) †OverallLoweredHeightOverall Extended Height Free-Lift (TOF)Approximate Total Weight ofStandard Equipped Truck* w/ Load Backrest w/o Load Backrest w/ Load Backrest w/o Load Backrest H40XT H50XTin (mm)in (mm)in (mm)in (mm)in (mm)in (mm)lbs (kg)lbs (kg) 2-STAGE LIMITED FREE-LIFT (LFL) VISTA™PLUS MAST129 (3290)86 (2170)178 (4515)154 (3904) 5 (140) 5 (140)7990 (3624)8720 (3955) 3-STAGE FULL FREE-LIFT (FFL) VISTA™PLUS MAST171 (4350)78 (1970)220 (5570)195 (4935)29 (750)54 (1390)8270 (3751)9000 (4082) 189 (4800)84 (2120)237 (6020)213 (5385)35 (900)60 (1540)8340 (3783)9080 (4119) 194 (4950)86 (2170)243 (6170)218 (5535)37 (950)62 (1590)8370 (3797)9110 (4132) 200 (5100)90 (2270)249 (6320)224 (5685)41 (1050)66 (1690)8410 (3815)9150 (4150) 218 (5550)96 (2420)267 (6770)242 (6135)47 (1200)72 (1840)8500 (3856)9240 (4191)†Lift heights over 171.5” (4356 mm) max. fork height are considered highlifts and require reduced capacity and restricted back tilt.* Total approximate weights listed include mast, standard carriage, load backrest extension, pneumatic tires and 70 lbs. LP tank and tank bracket.RL = Rated Load NL = No LoadH60XT MAST SPECIFICATIONSMaximum Fork Height (TOF) †OverallLoweredHeightOverall Extended Height Free-Lift (TOF)Approximate Total Weight ofStandard Equipped Truck* w/ Load Backrest w/o Load Backrest w/ Load Backrest w/o Load Backrest H60XTin (mm)in (mm)in (mm)in (mm)in (mm)in (mm)lbs (kg) 2-STAGE LIMITED FREE-LIFT (LFL) VISTA™PLUS MAST126 (3209)89 (2245)175 (4430)154 (3905) 5 (150) 5 (150)10050 (4559) 3-STAGE FULL FREE-LIFT (FFL) VISTA™PLUS MAST181 (4615)87 (2195)230 (5840)208 (5260)37 (965)63 (1600)10410 (4722) 187 (4768)91 (2295)236 (5990)213 (5410)41 (1065)65 (1655)10460 (4745) 211 (5368)101 (2545)260 (6590)237 (6010)51 (1315)75 (1905)10590 (4804) 228 (5815)107 (2695)278 (7040)256 (6495)57 (1465)80 (2055)10770 (4885)†Lift heights over 171.5” (4356 mm) max. fork height are considered highlifts and require reduced capacity and restricted back tilt.* Total approximate weights listed include mast, standard carriage, load backrest extension, pneumatic tires and 70 lbs. LP tank and tank bracket.RL = Rated Load NL = No LoadPSI 2.4L LPG engineElectronic powershift transmissionMonotrol® pedal directional control2-stage LFL VISTA TM PLUS mast42" wide hook-type carriage with 48" tall load backrest 42" forks6° forward / 6° back tilt3-function hydraulic control valveIntegrated dashboard displayHydrostatic power steeringNon-suspension vinyl seat with non-cinch seat belt Electronic hornKeyswitch startAdjustable steer columnPSI 2.4L dual fuel engineColumn-mounted directional shift leverHigh air intake with pre-cleanerAccumulatorKeyless start (with auxiliary key switch)Front and rear halogen or LED work lightsAnti-clog plus radiatorFire extinguisherLoad weight displaySwing-out LPG tank bracketTouchPoint mini-lever hydraulic controlsReturn-to-set-tilt (cowl mounted mechanical levers only) Rear drive handle with horn button10° forward / 6° back tiltClamping hydraulic control with detent4-function hydraulic control valve84" overhead guardOperator cab kit with heater12-volt power supplyBelly screenFrame mounted external tie downs Rubber floor matHigh air intakeIntegral tie downsOperator restraint systemAluminum core, anti-clog radiatorSingle pedal inch brakeHyster Stability System (HSS®)Cowl-mounted mechanical hydraulic control levers Fixed LPG tank bracket88" overhead guardUL classification LPCounterweight exhaust1 year / 2,000 hour full truck warranty3 years / 6,000 hour powertrain warrantySTANDARD EQUIPMENTOPTIONAL EQUIPMENTFull suspension seat – vinyl or clothRed, high-visibility, non-cinch seat beltGlass or polycarbonate overhead guard rain topIntegral sideshifterIntegral sideshifting fork positionerDual inch brake pedalsDual side view mirrorsAudible alarm – reverse activatedVisible alarm – amber strobeVisible alarm – blue spot lightVarious light packagesOverhead exhaustPneumatic shaped solid tiresNon-marking pneumatic shaped solid tiresWide treadTilt cylinder bootsTraction speed limiterTelemetry (3 levels)L1: Wireless monitoring (cellular or WiFi)L2: Wireless access (for use with operator swipe cards)L3: Wireless verification (facilitates operator checklistfunctionality)FEATURES AND OPTIONSHyster Company P .O. Box 7006Greenville, North Carolina 27835-7006Part No. H40-60XT/TG 2/2018 Litho in U.S.A.Trucks may be shown with optional equipment. © 2018 Hyster Company. All rights reserved.Hyster, , and STRONG PARTNERS. TOUGH TRUCKS. and MONOTROL are registered trademarks in the United States and certain other jurisdictions. Hyster products are subject to change without notice.Visit us online at or call us at 1-800-HYSTER-1.。




1. 选择合适的螺栓拉伸器型号和规格,确保与被拉伸的螺栓和螺母相匹配。

2. 检查螺栓拉伸器的完好性,确保没有损坏或磨损。

3. 将螺栓拉伸器安装在需要拆装的螺栓或螺母上,确保安装牢固。

4. 使用合适的动力源,如液压泵或气瓶,将螺栓拉伸器拉伸到所需长度。

5. 保持螺栓拉伸器的拉伸状态,使用合适的工具将螺栓或螺母拆下或装上。

6. 完成拆装后,将螺栓拉伸器释放回原状,并从螺栓或螺母上取下。



Harbor Freight Tools 1 2 吨双阶传动螺栓说明书

Harbor Freight Tools 1 2 吨双阶传动螺栓说明书

Transmission JackASSEMBLY AND OPERATING INSTRUCTIONSDiagrams within this manual may not be drawn proportionally.Due to continuing improvements, actual product may differ slightly from the product described herein.Distributed exclusively by Harbor Freight Tools®.3491 Mission Oaks Blvd., Camarillo, CA 93011Visit our website at: Read this material before using this product. Failureto do so can result in serious injury.SaVe THiS manual.Copyright©2004 by Harbor Freight Tools®. All rightsreserved. No portion of this manual or any artwork containedherein may be reproduced in any shape or form without theexpress written consent of Harbor Freight Tools.SpecificationsSave This ManualY ou will need the manual for the safety warnings and precautions, assemblyinstructions, operating and maintenance procedures, parts list and diagram. Keep your invoice with this manual. Write the invoice number on the inside of the front cover. Keep the manual and invoice in a safe and dry place for future reference.Safety Warnings and PrecautionsWARNING: When using tool, basic safety precautions should always be fol-lowed to reduce the risk of personal injury and damage to equipment.Read all instructions before using this tool!1. Keep work area clean . Cluttered areas invite injuries.2. Observe work area conditions . Do not use machines or power tools in damp or wet locations. Don’t expose to rain. Keep work area well lighted.3. Keep children away . Children must never be allowed in the work area. Do not let them handle machines, tools, or extension cords.4.Store idle equipment . When not in use, tools must be stored in a dry location to inhibit rust. Always lock up tools and keep out of reach of children.5.Use the right tool for the job . Do not attempt to force a small tool or attachment to do the work of a larger industrial tool. There are certain applications for which this tool was designed. It will do the job better and more safely at the rate for which it was intended. Do not modify this tool and do not use this tool for a purpose for which it was not intended.6.Dress properly . Do not wear loose clothing or jewelry as they can beBase Height 36”Base Dimensions 35” x 31-1/2”Saddle Size 13-3/8” x 9-1/2”Saddle Thickness .330”Lifiting Capacity 1/2 Ton (1000 Lbs.)Extended Height 76-1/4”Controls Foot Pedal Type Swivel Casters Ball Bearing Type Construction SteelNet Weight158 Lbs.Saddle TiltForward 53°Backward 13°Side to Side 10°-30°caught in moving parts. Protective, clothes and non-skid footwear arerecommended when working. Wear restrictive hair covering to contain long hair.7. Use eye and ear protection. Always wear ANSI approved impact safetygoggles. Wear an ANSI approved dust mask or respirator when workingaround metal, wood, and chemical dusts and mists.8. Do not overreach. Keep proper footing and balance at all times. Do notreach over or across running machines.9. Maintain tools with care. Keep tools sharp and clean for better and saferperformance. Follow instructions for lubricating and changing accessories.The handles must be kept clean, dry, and free from oil and grease at alltimes.10. Remove adjusting keys and wrenches. Check that keys and adjustingwrenches are removed from the tool or machine work surface beforeoperating.11. Avoid unintentional lowering. Keep feet and hands away from the pumppedal and release pedal when you are not prepared to raise or lower thejack.12. Stay alert. Watch what you are doing, use common sense. Do not operateany tool when you are tired.13. Check for damaged parts. Before using any tool, any part that appearsdamaged should be carefully checked to determine that it will operateproperly and perform its intended function. Check for alignment and binding of moving parts; any broken parts or mounting fixtures; and any othercondition that may affect proper operation. Any part that is damaged should be properly repaired or replaced by a qualified technician.14. Replacement parts and accessories. When servicing, use only identicalreplacement parts. Use of any other parts will void the warranty. Only use accessories intended for use with this tool. Approved accessories areavailable from Harbor Freight Tools.15. Do not operate tool if under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Readwarning labels on prescriptions to determine if your judgment or reflexes are impaired while taking drugs. If there is any doubt, do not operate the tool. 16. Maintenance. For your safety, service and maintenance should beperformed regularly by a qualified technician.17. Do not exceed the weight limit of this jack. Overloading the jack mayresult in unexpected, rapid lowering of the object being held, as well asdamage to the jack itself. Serious injury and property damage may result.18. Assure that any load being supported by this jack is well balancedon the Jack. Unbalanced loads may cause the jack to fall over potentially causing serious personal injury or property damage.19. This jack is not to be used for any aircraft purposes.20. Only use the Jack on a flat level solid surface that is capable ofsupporting the weight of the Jack, the vehicle and all lifting equipment.21. DO NOT EXCEED THE MANUFACTURER’S RECOMMENDED PRODUCTWEIGHT CAPACITY. Doing so can result in personal injury and/or damage to the product. Caution: Always be aware of Dynamic Loading. If you drop a weight on the Jack, it may create for a brief instant, an excess load, which may result in damage to the Jack and/or personal injury. Warning: T he warnings, cautions, and instructions discussed in this instruction manual cannot cover all possible conditions and situations that may occur. It must be understood by the operator that common sense and caution are factors which cannot be built into this product, but must be supplied by the operator.UnpackingWhen unpacking, check to make sure the following parts are included. (1) Jack Cylinder Set (4) Caster Wheel Sets with hardware (2) Leg Sets with hardware (2) Angle Plate Sets with hardware (1) Saddle Set with hardware (1) Handle Set(1) Round Handle SetIf any parts are missing or broken, please call Harbor Freight Tools at the number on the cover of this manual.AssemblyPrepare for assembly by having a clean, well lighted location. Y ou will probably assemble the jack on the floor, but a work table will be helpful for some sub-assembly. Y ou will need several small open-end or adjustable wrenches (not included) to complete assembly.1) Locate the two Leg Assemblies (90) and (91).Assemble them to each other, and to the Base (01) of the Cylinder Set using the Bolts (93) and (98),Spring Washers (99), and Nuts (100) as shown in the Assembly Diagram. Tighten all fasteners securely.2) Locate the four Caster Assemblies (94), four Nuts (96) and four Spring Washers(95). Attach a Caster to each of the legs in the Leg Sets (90) and (91) using a Spring Washer (95) and Nut (96) as shown in the Assembly Diagram. TightenShipping PlugOil Filler Plug3) Locate the round Handle (107). Install it on the side of the Reservoir (03) usingthe Pin (103) and Snap Pin (104) as in the photo.4) Remove the “shipping plug” from the oil filler hole on the side of the Reservoir(03). Replace it with the Oil Filler Plug (105) as in the photo. Do not over tighten.5) Locate the Saddle Set. Position it on top of the Ram (19), as indicated by “A”in the Assembly Diagram. Install Nut (62) to secure the Saddle Set in place. Tighten securely.6) Locate the two Round Handles (107). Position them around the Reservoir (03) as shown in the photo. Secure in place with the four Bolts (98), Spring Washers (99) and Nuts (100). Tighten securely.7) Locate the two Angle PlateAssemblies (77). Attach them to the Saddle Kit (68) as shown in the Assembly Diagram, using Bolts(78), Washers (79), and Nuts (80). Tighten securely.NOTE: The Jack Cylinder is prefilled with hydraulic oil, and does not require filling. However, the “shipping plug” must be replaced with the Oil Filler Plug (105) before first use of the jack.WARNING: Before using this jack, you must remove the “shipping plug” and in-stall the Oil Filler Plug (105). Do not damage the Seal (106) by overtightening.WARNING: Do not overload this jack, which has a 1/2 T on (1000 Lbs. capacity). The jack may be damaged, and you may experience unplanned, rapid lowering of the load. This may cause severe personal injury or property damage.WARNING: Do not carry an unbalanced load, or a load not appropriate to the de-signed use of this jack. The jack may topple over causing serious personal injury or property damage.Hook Screw (85)WIng Bolt (83)Saddle Kit (68)Angle Plate (77)Grips (70)Round Handles (107) Pin (103) & Snap Pin (104)OperationWARNING: Before standing or working underneath any elevated vehicle or other object, be sure that the vehicle is properly and safely secured following recom-mendations of the lift manufacturer. For your safety and the safety of others, use good professional practice and common sense.1) The jack may easily be moved by gripping the Handle (101) and rolling it onits casters. Locate the jack under the transmission. Repeatedly press thePump Pedal (53) with your foot to raise the jack until the Saddle Set nearly contacts the underside of the transmission. Adjust the position of the jack so that it is centered directly under the center of gravity of the transmission.2) It is important for your safety to get a good contact between the SaddleSet and the transmission. This will assure that the transmission is properly supported and balanced once removed from the vehicle and on the jack.Using the Grips (70), adjust the angle of the Saddle (68) so that it is bestaligned with the transmission. Press the Pump Pedal (53) again until theSaddle (68) contacts and will support the weight of the transmission.3) The positions of the Chains and Hook Screws can be adjusted using theWing Bolts (83). Secure the transmission to the Saddle (68) by passing the chains (88) over the top of the transmission, and securing them to the Hook Screws (85). Tighten the chains by tightening the Wing Nuts (75). Double check that the transmission is safely and securely attached to theSaddle Set.4) Remove the bolts and fittings attaching the transmission to the vehicle andseparate the transmission, as recommended by the vehicle shop manual. 5) Lower the transmission slightly by briefly pressing the Pedal Release (39).Recheck the transmission to assure that it is securely and safely attached to the Saddle (68). Make any necessary adjustments. When it is safe to do so, lower the transmission all the way by pressing the Pedal Release.6) Using the Handle (101), and stabilizing the transmission on the jack, roll thetransmission out from under the vehicle to the work location where it will be repaired. It is a good idea to have an assistant help you lower and move the transmission.WARNING:The use of this jack is limited to the removal, installation, and transportation in the lowest position, of transmissions and differentials. It is not designed to store transmissions or other parts. No transmission or other part should be left on the jack for an extended period of time.Do not overload. The capacity of this jack is 1/2 T on (1000 Lbs.). Overloading can cause damage to the jack and cause consequential personal or property in-jury. This jack is designed to use only on hard, level surfaces capable of support-ing the load. Use on other surfaces may cause instability and possible property damage or personal injury.Maintenance1) The hydraulic system is closed and will normally require no maintenance.2) The mechanical parts of the jack, such as the pedal and release should beoccasionally lubricated with heavy oil or grease.3) Protect the jack cylinder from dirt or grit, when in the raised position. If itbecomes dirty, wipe it off with a clean cloth.4) Maintain and store the jack in a reasonably protected environment. Do notexpose to rain or excess moisture. Protect from salt water or other corrosive materials. If it becomes dirty or contaminated, clean it promptly with cleanwater or a suitable detergent. If using a pressure washer, be aware that you may remove some paint from the outer surface. Never apply a pressurewasher to the seal areas near the pistons or valves. Be sure to lubricateexternal moving parts after cleaning.5) If the jack “fades”, allowing a load to slowly lower on its own, you may havedamaged seals or insufficient jack oil. First check the oil level. If the level is OK, take the jack to a qualified repair person for seal replacement. Damaged seals may be caused by overloading, or exposure to harmful conditions or inappropriate use of a pressure washer. NOTE: If the jack can be pumped up to its highest position, it indicates that there is enough oil. If the jack fades from this position, it indicates that the problem is likely with the seals.6) To check the oil level, be sure the jack is in its lowest position. Remove theOil Filler Plug (105). The oil level should be at the bottom of the filler plughole. Y ou can visually see the oil, or test with your finger. If the oil level islow, add any good hydraulic oil of 15/40 viscosity. Do not use any other oil or brake fluid, which will damage the seals.NOTE: Some parts are listed and shown for illustration purposes only and are not available individually as replacement parts.PLEASE READ THE FOLLOWING CAREFULLYTHE MANUFACTURER AND/OR DISTRIBUTOR HAS PROVIDED THE PARTS DIAGRAMIN THIS MANUAL AS A REFERENCE TOOL ONL Y. NEITHER THE MANUFACTURERNOR DISTRIBUTOR MAKES ANY REPRESENTATION OR WARRANTY OF ANY KIND TOTHE BUYER THAT HE OR SHE IS QUALIFIED TO MAKE ANY REPAIRS TO THE PROD-UCT OR THAT HE OR SHE IS QUALIFIED TO REPLACE ANY PARTS OF THE PRODUCT.IN FACT, THE MANUFACTURER AND/OR DISTRIBUTOR EXPRESSL Y ST ATES THatALL REPAIRS AND PARTS REPLACEMENTS SHOULD BE UNDERT AKEN BY CERTI-FIED AND LICENSED TECHNICIANS AND NOT BY THE BUYER. THE BUYER ASSUMESALL RISK AND LIABILITY ARISING OUT OF HIS OR HER REPAIRS TO THE ORIGINALPRODUCT OR REPLACEMENT PARTS THERETO, OR ARISING OUT OF HIS OR HERINSTALLATION OF REPLACEMENT PARTS THERETO.Parts ListPart Description Qty Part Description Qty Cylinder Set01Base129Dust Seal1 02Cylinder130Pump Piston1 03Reservoir131Spring1 06Snap Ring132Washer1 07Retainer, Ram133Bolt, Check Valve1 08Ram144“O” Ring2 10Top Nut145Hex Head Cap Screw4 11Packing148Spring Retainer1 12“O” Ring149Spring1 13Flange150Spring Retainer1 14Seal151Connecting Rod1 15Dust Seal152Set Screw1 16Spring Washer1Release Valve Set17Bolt134“O” Ring1 18Retainer, Ram135Release Valve1 19Ram136Spring1 20“O” Ring137Base, Release Valve1 21Top Nut138Pin1 22Seal139Pedal, Release Valve123Dust Seal140Pin1 46“O” Ring141Snap Ring2 47Air Vent Valve Ass’y142Spring Washer4 105Oil Filler Plug143Hex Head Cap Screw4 106Seal1108Steel Ball1 Pump Set Pump Pedal Set24Pump Base153Pedal, Pump PIston1 25Steel Ball154Link2 26Washer255Cotter, Link2 27Pump Cylinder156Washer4 28Seal157Snap Pin2Part Description Qty Part Description Qty Pump Pedal Set53Pedal, Pump PIston1angle Plate Set54Link277Angle Plate2 55Cotter, Link278Bolt2 56Washer479Washer2 57Snap Pin280Nut2 58Connecting Rod181Stationary Plate2 109Bolt482Stationary Plate2 110Washer283Wing Bolt4 Saddle Set84Hook Pin2 61Bottom Plate Ass’y185Hook Screw2 62Nut186Eye Bolt2 63Stationary Rod187Shackle2 64Bolt488Chain2 65Tilting Saddle Ass’y189Shackle Bolt2 66Stationary Rod1leg Set67Connecting Rod190Leg Ass’)1 68Saddle Kit191Leg Ass’y1 69Adjustable Screw192Spring Washer3 70Grip293Bolt3 71Spring Pin298Bolt372Spacing Collar199Spring Washer3 73Thrust Bearing4100Nut3 74Washer10Caster Wheel Set75Nut1294Caster Ass’y4 76Adjustable Screw195Spring Washer4 111Snap Ring “C”296Nut4 Round HandleSet Handle Set107Handle2101Handle1 98Bolt4102Grip1 99Spring Washer4103Pin1 100Nut4104Snap Pin1Assembly DrawingNote: Round Handle (107) - not shown.limiTeD 90 DaY WaRRanTYHarbor Freight Tools Co. makes every effort to assure that its products meet high quality and durability standards, and warrants to the original purchaser that this product is free from defects in materials and workmanship for the period of 90 days from the date of purchase. This warranty does not apply to damage due directly or indirectly, to misuse, abuse, negligence or accidents, repairs or alterations outside our facilities, criminal activity, improper installation, normal wear and tear, or to lack of maintenance. We shall in no event be liable for death, injuries to persons or property, or for incidental, contingent, special or consequential damages arising from the use of our product. Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or conse-quential damages, so the above limitation of exclusion may not apply to you. THIS WARRANTy IS ExPRESSLy IN LIEu OF ALL OTHER WARRANTIES, ExPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLuDING THE WAR-RANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITy AND FITNESS.To take advantage of this warranty, the product or part must be returned to us with transportation charges prepaid. Proof of pur-chase date and an explanation of the complaint must accompany the merchandise. If our inspection verifies the defect, we will either repair or replace the product at our election or we may elect to refund the purchase price if we cannot readily and quickly provide you with a re-placement. We will return repaired products at our expense, but if we determine there is no defect, or that the defect resulted from causes not within the scope of our warranty, then you must bear the cost of returning the product.This warranty gives you specific legal rights and you may also have other rights which vary from state to state.3491 Mission Oaks Blvd. • PO Box 6009 • Camarillo, CA 93011 •(800) 444-3353。

海斯奎纳A600 A1200螺纹管吸引器说明书

海斯奎纳A600 A1200螺纹管吸引器说明书

Operator s manualPlease read the operator’s manual carefully and make sure you understand the instructions before usingthe A 600, A 1200IntroductionNotice!These instructions are only for the air scrubber type Husqvarna A 600 / A 1200.The air scrubber, Husqvarna A 600 / A 1200 can only be used with dry, non-explosive materials. Husqvarna not be held responsible if the air scrubber is used for other applications or has been used in ways other than those outlined in this instruction manual.Before using the machine, please read the safety regulations carefully.Read the complete instruction manual before using the Husqvarna A 600 / A 1200.All spare parts used for the Husqvarna A 600 / A 1200 must those specified by Husqvarna Construction Products.Type plateCHINA CHINAUnpackingWhen unpacking the machine, please check that the air scrubber has not been damaged in transport.Product overview A 600A 1200Safety InstructionsHandlingWarning•Make sure that you read and understand the instructions for the main product to ensure that you know what personal equipment to wear, what safety equipment to use and how to work ina safe mode.Warning•Cables damaged through crushing or splitting can be dangerous if used and should be replaced immediately. Risk of personal injury.Warning•Do not connect the machine to an unearthed socket. Risk of personal injury.Warning•Make sure the assembly area is firm, so the air scrubber does not tip over. Risk of personal and material injury.Stop buttonStop buttonWarning•Risk of pinching when handling the toggle fastener.Warning•The machine must not be used in environments where explosive gases may be present. Serious risk of explosionWarning•The machine should be turned off at the switch before releasing the power lead from the wall outlet. If the switch is in the on position, a spark can occur between the contact on the powerlead contact.ServiceWarning•Remove the plug from the wall socket when carrying out maintenance work. Risk of personal injury.Warning•Dust that is hazardous to health can be spread when the coarse filter and the absolute filter are replaced. Accordingly, the user should wear protective glasses, protective gloves, and abreathing mask conforming to protection class FFP2Warning•Do not puncture the absolute filer. Risk of dust dispersion.FunctionConnect the lead to the power outlet, attach the outlet hose if available. Start the machine by pressing the start knob. The air scrubber has two speeds.The air scrubber separates material in two stages:The first stage uses a coarse filter. This traps the bigger particles and acts as protection for the main filter. The coarse filter should be changed on a daily basis.The second absolute filter separates the unhealthy dust that is invisible to the eye.Coarse filter characteristicsThe coarse filter is strong and easy to change. It has low pressure drop and good separation capability. The coarse filter takes care of big particles and acts as protection for the absolute filter.Main filter characteristicsThe main filter is an absolute filter with class HEPA H13 that is dimensioned for fine, dry dust and should be preceded by a pre-filter.Caution•The operating life of the absolute filter decreases and can be completely destroyed if exposed to water.Caution•The absolute filters cannot be cleaned and must be replaced when full.Filter indicatorA 600 / A 1200 has two filter indicators connected to a warning light which measures the pressure drop over the filter. If the pressure drop is too high, a yellow lamp light up, indicating that the pre-filter should be changed. When the Yellow light stays on even after a pre-filter change. It is time to Change the HEPA filter. Using the air scrubber when light is showing will reduce the effectiveness of the machine. When the pressuredrop is too low, a red lamp will light up, indicating that the Hepa filter is leaking/damaged and needs to be replaced immediately.Please note that the filter indicators only does work at full speed.Recommended intervals for filter change: Socks filter every 6 months and Hepa filter every 12 month. FanThe air scrubber is equipped with a single, 1 phase fan.Risk of dust dispersion - Use of personal safety equipmentUnhealthy dust can be spread when cleaning the coarse filter and during filter change. Accordingly, the user should wear protective glasses, protective gloves, and a breathing mask conforming to protection class FFP2.AccessoriesPART NO. DESCRIPTION No./machine Machine 590430001 Pre-filter 20-pcs 1 ea A 600 590460801 HEPA filter 1 ea A 600 590430002 Pre-filter 20-pcs 1 ea A 1200 590463201 HEPA filter 1 ea A 1200 Contact your local representative for other spare parts.WarrantyAll Husqvarna devices and accessories have a 12-month factory warranty from the date of purchase for material and manufacturing defects. Do not attempt to repair the suction apparatus without the consent of the manufacturer.The warranty does not cover defects which are the result of normal wear and tear, negligence, defective use, unauthorised repair or the suction apparatus being connected to the incorrect voltage.In the event of any complaint, the suction apparatus or an agreed part of it must be returned to us or our authorised representative for warranty examination and for any warranty repair or replacement.PROBLEM SOLVINGThe A 600 / A 1200 is designed and manufactured for severe environments and tasks, but the user must note that the machine components must be protected from knocks and blows. Filter and sealing connections are carefully chosen to serve the operator. Therefore, the machine must be handled with care if it is to work correctly for many years.Problem Cause ProcedureThe fan does not start No power Connect the machineCable defective ChangeSwitch defective ChangeThe fan stops immediately Wrong fuse Connect the correct fuseThe fan runs, Blocked filter Change filterbut suction is poor Cover loose AdjustSealing defect Change current sealDust blows from unit Defective or loose filter Adjust or changeAbnormal noise Order serviceKeep these instructions!TECHNICAL DATAAir scrubber A 600 A 1200Power 0,385 kW / 0,5 HP 0,585 kW / 0,8 HPVoltage 120 120 VCurrent 3,2 A 4,9 APower supply 1-phase 1-phaseAirflow 500/1000 m3/h / 300-600 CFM 1000/2000 m3/h / 600/1200 CFM HEPA FILTER Filter classification: H13 Filter classification: H13Filter Area 3,5 m2 / 60 ft210,5 m2 / 150 ft2Dimension LxWxH mm: 465x385x466 mm: 724x424x810in: 18,3x15,1x18,3 in: 28,5x16,7x31,9Weight 20 kg / 44 lbs 38 kg / 84 lbsNotes______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ Original instructions1158768-95。



iForce系列高强度螺栓液压拉伸器使用说明书2008.9目录iForce系列高强度螺栓液压拉伸器简介 .............................................. - 1 -一、液压基础知识................................................................................... - 5 -1、泵、软管和液压缸常用连接方式 (5)2、液压基础知识及原理 (6)二、操作指南........................................................................................... - 8 -1、拉伸器工作基本原理..................................................................... - 8 -2、标准型(I系列)、轻便型(II系列) ......................................... - 8 -3、台位型(III系列)...................................................................... - 10 -4、多组拉伸器级联方法................................................................... - 11 -三、注意事项及声明............................................................................. - 14 -四、拉力对照表..................................................................................... - 15 -五、故障与排除..................................................................................... - 16 -六、检修与保养..................................................................................... - 18 -七、保修与维护..................................................................................... - 18 -iForce系列高强度螺栓液压拉伸器简介iForce系列高强度螺栓液压拉伸器是用于高强度螺栓锁紧的专用工具,针对中国产大功率内燃发动机设计。



风机专用液压螺栓拉伸器操作和维护指南中国区域技术支持及服务:海泰斯(北京)有限公司电话:010-********传真:010-********网址:目录安全须知第 3 页螺杆突出长度第 4 页拉伸器的安装第 5 页液压管线的安装第 7 页拉伸器的操作第 8 页拉伸器的拆卸第 10页拉伸器的存放第 10页安全须知1.现场使用设备时必须遵守安全规定2.建议所有操作人员必须在接受安全操作培训后使用本设备3.若对设备安装或使用有任何疑问,请勿尝试操作设备4.不要站在正对拉伸器轴线方向,预料外的螺栓失效高度危险5.确保使用HTS提供的设备,且确保设备运转正常6.严格禁止使用其他设备代替7.严禁使用非HTS公司修改或加工的螺栓拉伸设备8.随时佩带保护镜、保护手套和安全靴9.作业时,非必要施工人员立即撤离现场10.确保施工现场附近人员都已意识到正在进行高压作业11.确保压力表显示压力已稳定时才能靠近已加压的拉伸器12.加压时决不要解决泄露问题。




若您所需的拉伸器未包含在下表,请及时与HTS 公司联系。











iforce系列高强度螺栓液压拉伸器使用说明书新iForce系列高强度螺栓液压拉伸器使用说明书2008,9目录iForce系列高强度螺栓液压拉伸器简介 .............................................. - 1 - 一、液压基础知识 ..................................................................... ............... - 4 - 1、泵、软管和液压缸常用连接方式 ..........................................- 4 - 2、液压基础知识及原理.................................................................- 5 - 二、操作指南 ..................................................................... ....................... - 7 - 1、拉伸器工作基本原理 ......................................................................- 7 - 2、标准型(I系列)、轻便型(II系列) .......................................... - 7 - 3、台位型(III系列) .................................................................... ..... - 9 - 4、多组拉伸器级联方法 .................................................................... - 10 -三、注意事项及声明 ..................................................................... ......... - 13 -四、拉力对照表 ..................................................................... ................. - 14 - 五、故障与排除 ..................................................................... ................. - 15 - 六、检修与保养 ..................................................................... ................. - 17 - 七、保修与维护 ..................................................................... ................. - 17 -iForce系列高强度螺栓液压拉伸器简介iForce系列高强度螺栓液压拉伸器是用于高强度螺栓锁紧的专用工具,针对中国产大功率内燃发动机设计。

海港自由工具 锚链拉伸器说明书

海港自由工具 锚链拉伸器说明书

Visit our website at: Emailourtechnicalsupportat:**********************Read this material before using this product. Failure to do so can result in serious injury. SaVE thiS manual.Copyright © 2011 by Harbor Freight T ools ®. All rights reserved. No portion of this manual or any artwork contained herein may be reproduced in any shape or form without the express written consent of Harbor Freight T ools. Diagramswithin this manual may not be drawn proportionally. Due to continuing improvements, actual product may differ slightly from the product described When unpacking, make sure that the product is intact and undamaged. If any parts are missing or broken, please call 1-800-444-3353 as soon as possible.ITEM 68892MOTORCYCLE LIFT• Heavy-duty hydraulic pump with hands-free foot pedal operation • Diamond plate steel platform and ramp• Retractable casters and integrated leg-lock for safe operation • Three position tire vise opens to 6-1/8"• 7" wide tire stop• Removable steel ramp with dual mount pins for security • Access panel for easy pump servicing in lowered positionFailuRE to hEEd thESE inStRuctionSmay RESult in pERSonal injuRyand/oR pRopERty damagE.REad all inStRuctionS1. Study, understand, and follow all instructionsbefore operating this device.2. do not exceed rated capacity. Be awareof dynamic loading! Bouncing or droppingthe load suddenly may briefly createexcess load causing product failure.3. use only on hard, level surfaces.4. center load on lift platform.5. immediately after lifting load, ensurethat the locking Bar is in place.6. Before moving, lower the load tothe lowest possible point.7. Secure load with appropriate restraint device.8. do not adjust safety valve.9. Wear anSi-approved safety goggles, heavy-dutywork gloves and safety shoes during use.10. Keep clear of load while lifting,moving and lowering.11. lower load slowly.12. do not use for aircraft purposes.13. inspect before every use; do not useif parts are loose or damaged.14. Keep work area clean and well lit.Cluttered or dark areas invite accidents.15. Keep children and bystanders awaywhile operating. distractions cancause you to lose control.16. Stay alert. Watch what you are doing, and usecommon sense when operating. Do not use while tired or under the influence of drugs, alcohol,or medication. A moment of inattention whileoperating may result in serious personal injury. 17. Store idle lifts out of the reach of childrenand do not allow persons unfamiliar withthe lift or these instructions to operate it.Lifts are dangerous in the hands of untrained users.18. Have your lift serviced by a qualifiedrepair person using only identicalreplacement parts. This will ensure thatthe safety of the lift is maintained.table of contentsImportant Safety Instructions (2)Specifications (3)Assembly Instructions (3)Operating Instructions................................. 5Maintenance and Servicing.. (7)Parts List............................................................ 8,10 Assembly Diagram............................................. 9,10 Warranty. (11)impoRtant SaFEty inStRuctionS19. maintain labels and nameplates on the lift. Thesecarry important information. If unreadable or missing, contact Harbor Freight Tools for a replacement.20. Read lifting requirements in servicemanual of the motorcycle being lifted.21. industrial applications mustfollow oSha requirements.22. do not allow anyone on the lift or themotorcycle/atV while on the lift.23. Raise casters off the ground toprevent movement before loading,unloading, raising, or lowering.24. Before lowering, remove all toolsand equipment from under lift.25. WaRning: The brass components ofthis product contain lead, a chemicalknown to the State of California to causebirth defects (or other reproductive harm).(California Health & Safety code § 25249.5, et seq.)26. only use this lift to raise a motorcycle or anatV to perform maintenance. Do not attempt totransport or relocate motorcycle/ATV while on the Lift.27. the warnings, cautions, and instructionsdiscussed in this instruction manual cannotcover all possible conditions and situationsthat may occur. It must be understood by theoperator that common sense and caution arefactors which cannot be built into this product,but must be supplied by the operator.SaVE thESEinStRuctionS.Max. Load Capacity1000 LBS.Max Lift Height29-1/2 IN.Min Lift Height 7 IN.Ram Travel3-7/8 IN.Platform Dimensions86-1/2 IN. L x 26-3/4 IN. WRead the EntiRE impoRtant SaFEty inStRuctionS section at the beginning of this manual including all text under subheadings therein before set up or use of this product.When unpacking, make sure thefollowing parts are included:1. Main Lift Assembly2. Hardware Kit3. Lift Foot Pedal4. Release Foot Pedal5. Access Panel6. Vise Assembly7. Locking Bar8. RampunpackingWasher (13)Nut (21)Lifting Screw (18)Lock Washer (20)Caster (14)Washer (13)Bolt (12)F r a m e A s s e m b ly3. Lower the Frame Assembly off the blocks.4. Turn the Lifting Screws (18) clockwise to raise theopposite end of the Frame Assembly. 5. Install the Casters (14) to the Frame usingBolts (12), Washers (13), Lock Washers (20), and Nuts (21). See Figure 2, right.6. Turn the Lifting Screws counterclockwise to lower thelift onto the Casters. 7. Place the Access Panel (36) into the Platform (35).8. Insert the pins under the Ramp (37) into the holesin the end of the Platform (35). Secure the pins using Washers (23) and R-Pins (04).1. Raise the end of the Frame Assembly near theAccess Panel (36), and support it on blocks. 2. Place a Front Wheel (44) and Washer (43) on theFrame Assembly. Insert a Cotter Pin (47) through the hole in the Axle, and bend it to secure the Wheel in place. Repeat for the other Front Wheel (44). See Figure 1, right.motorcycle lift assemblyBase plate (49a)cotter pin (47)Front Wheel (44)Washer (43)R-pins (04)Washers (23)p la t f o r m (35)access panel (36)Ramp (37)Figure 1Figure 2Figure 39. Fit the Vise (34) to the front of the Platform usingBolts (33), Washers (23), Lock Washers (31),and Nuts (30). Adjust to suit the motorcycle. note: Location of Front Wheel Vise Assembly in relation to the Stop Plate (32) is adjustable by means of removing Fasteners 30, 31, 23 and 33. Tighten Nuts and Bolts only after determining the proper tire mounting position. See Figure 4, right.10. Attach the Stop Plate to the Platform usingBolts (33) and Washers (23). Do not tighten yet. 11. Fit the Lift Foot Pedal (11) over thePump Piston Spindle (09).12. Fit the Release Foot Pedal (10) overthe Release Valve Spindle (05).motorcycle lift assembly (continued)1. Check and fill oil as needed. See checking andFilling hydraulic Fluid instructions on page 7.2. Bleed the Lift Jack according to theBleeding instructions on page 7.3. Test the Lift several times for proper operation beforeattempting to lift a load. if, after bleeding twice, the lift still does not appear to be working properly, do not use the lift until it has been repaired by a qualified service technician.Before First use1. Position the lift on a flat, level, hard surfaceable to support at least 1350 lb.2. Turn the Lifting Screws (18) clockwise to evenly raisethe Casters (14) off the ground and limit movement.3. With the Access Panel (36) in place, roll themotorcycle onto the lift. Kick the center stand ofthe motorcycle down to stabilize it on the lift.4. Clamp the front wheel of the motorcycle into theVise Assembly to prevent movement of the wheel. note: When properly set, front tire of motorcycle should rest against Stop Plate (32) with the axle centered over the Front Wheel Vise Assembly.If not, slide Stop Plate and/or re-position wheel vise.5. Once the Stop Plate (32) is adjustedagainst the motorcycle tire, tighten theBolts (33) that hold it in place.6. Secure the motorcycle to the lift using tie-downstraps (not included). See motorcycle’s owner manual for locations of strap attachments.7. Pump the Lift Foot Pedal (11)repeatedly to raise the lift.lifting1. Remove all tools, parts, etc. from under the vehicle.2. Slightly raise the platform to free the Locking Bar.3. Remove the Locking Bar (22), then slowly press theRelease Foot Pedal (10) to ease down the unit.notE: The speed of lowering is controlled by the Release Foot Pedal (10). Operate this pedal slowly in a controlled and safe manner.4. After lowering, open the vise jaws andremove the motorcycle from the lift.5. Turn the Lifting Screws (18) counterclockwiseto lower the lift onto the Casters (14).6. Store in a safe, dry location out of reach of children.loweringSmall atV application1. The Lift can be used to support small ATV’s undercertain conditions. A small ATV can be rolled onto the Lift if the wheel width of the ATV falls within the 26-3/4 IN. width of the Lift’s platform. Never attempt to ride an ATV onto the platform. The Lift should not be used to support an ATV unless all 4 tires of the ATV can completely rest on the platform.2. Always use at least 2 wheel chocks (one for afront ATV wheel and one for a back ATV wheel) to prevent movement of the ATV while it is being worked on. Wheel chocks are not included, but are available from Harbor Freight Tools.3. Before lifting, secure the ATV to the Liftusing tie down straps (not included).7. When the platform has been raised to the workingheight, pass the Locking Bar (22) through the holes in the Front Lifting Arm (38) so the lift cannot be accidentally lowered. 8. Gently press Release Foot Pedal (10) to lower theplatform to rest the load on Locking Bar (22) and not on the lift jack.lifting (continued)Figure 5Procedures not specifically explained in this manual mustbe performed only by a qualified technician.to pREVEnt SERiouS injuRy FRom tool FailuRE:do not use damaged equipment. if abnormal noise or vibration occurs, have the problem corrected before further use. lock the lift with the locking Bar (22) before servicing in the raised position.1. Lower the lift completely. Remove the AccessPanel (36) and the Oil Plug (P23) underneath.2. The oil level should be even with the bottom of thefiller plug hole. You should be able to see the oil.3. If the oil level is low, add SAE Hydraulic Jackfluid only. Avoid mixing different brands of oils.Do not use any other fluid or brake fluid.1. Before each use, inspect the general conditionof the Lift. Check for broken, cracked, or bentparts, loose or missing parts, and any conditionthat may affect the proper operation of the product.If a problem occurs, have the problem correctedbefore further use.do not use damaged equipment.2. if the lift appears not to be workingproperly, follow Bleeding instructions.3. The mechanical parts of the Lift, such asthe pedal lift and release shafts should beoccasionally lubricated with heavy oil or grease. 4. Protect the Lift Cylinder from dirt or grit whenin the raised position. If it becomes dirty, wipeit off with a clean cloth before lowering.5. Maintain and store the Lift in a reasonablyprotected environment. Do not expose to rainor excess moisture. Protect from salt water orother corrosive materials. If it becomes dirty orcontaminated, clean it promptly with clean water ora suitable detergent. If using a pressure washer,be aware that you may remove some paint fromthe outer surface. Never spray a pressure washer at the seal areas near the pistons or valves.Lubricate external moving parts after cleaning.6. If the lift slowly lowers on its own, it mayhave damaged seals or insufficient oil.First check the oil level. If the level is OK, takethe lift to a qualified service technician for sealreplacement. Damaged seals may be caused byoverloading, or exposure to harmful conditionsor inappropriate use of a pressure washer. notE: If the lift can be raised to its highest position, it indicates that there is enough oil.If the lift slowly lowers from this position, it indicates that the problem is likely with the seals.notE: Do not tamper with the check valves. Any repairs should be performed by a qualified technician.checking and Filling hydraulic Fluidnote: if the lift appears not to be working properly, it may be necessary to bleed trapped air from its hydraulic system.1. Check oil level. Replace plug.2. Depress Release Foot Pedal (10).3. Pump the Foot Pedal (11) several times.4. Let up on Release Foot Pedal (10).5. Pump Lift Pedal (11). If the motorcycle lift doesnot elevate smoothly or Pedal (11) feels “spongy”, repeat steps 2 - 5.BleedingplEaSE REad thE FolloWing caREFullyThe mAnufACTurer And/or diSTribuTor hAS Provided The PArTS liST And ASSemblY diAgrAm in ThiS mAnuAl AS A referenCe Tool onlY . neiTher The mAnufACTurer or diSTribuTor mAkeS AnY rePreSenTATion or wArrAnTY of AnY kind To The buYer ThAT he or She iSquAlified To mAke AnY rePAirS To The ProduCT, or ThAT he or She iS quAlified To rePlACe AnY PArTS of The ProduCT. in fACT, The mAnufACTurer And/or diSTribuTor exPreSSlYSTATeS ThAT All rePAirS And PArTS rePlACemenTS Should be underTAken bY CerTified And liCenSed TeChniCiAnS, And noT bY The buYer. The buYer ASSumeS All riSk And liAbiliTY ARISING OUT OF HIS OR HER REPAIRS TO THE ORIGINAL PRODUCT OR REPLACEMENT PARTS THERETO, OR ARISING OUT OF HIS OR HER INSTALLATION OF REPLACEMENT PARTS THERETO.partdescription Qty01a Hydraulic Pump 102Link 103Pin 104R-Pin505Release Valve Spindle 106Link 107Pin209Pump Piston Spindle 110Release Foot Pedal 111Lift Foot Pedal 112Bolt M6*16813Washer 61714Caster215Bolt M12*70416Washer 12817Bushing418Lifting Screws 220Lock Washer 6921Nut M6922Locking Bar 123Washer 10625Lock Washer 12826Nut M12827Spring 128Bushing4partdescription Qty29Bolt M12*65430Nut M10431Lock Washer 10432Stop Plate 133Bolt M10*25434Vise 135Platform136Access Panel 137Ramp138Front Lifting Arm 139Rear Lifting Arm 140Lifting Arm Spindle 141Bolt M8*12143Washer 13.5244Front Wheel 247Cotter Pin 248T-Connector 149a Base Plate 153Bolt M6*30154Set Screw M8*12155U-Clamp 256Nut M8857Grease Fitting 758Pump Shaft259Set Screw (M6*10)2Record product’s Serial number here:note: If product has no serial number, record month and year of purchase instead.note: Some parts are listed and shown for illustration purposes only, and are not available individually as replacement parts.part description Qty P01a Base1 P02Steel Ball2 P03Spring1 P04Screw2 P05Copper Washer1 P06Regulating Plug1 P07Sealing Ring1 P08Pump Piston1 P09Union Nut1 P10Union Nut1 P11Screw1 P12Spring1 P13Release Valve1 P14O-Ring1 P15Steel Ball1 P16Steel Ball1 P17Ball Cup1 P18Spring1part description Qty P19Screw1 P20O-Ring1 P21Screw1 P22Screw Protector1 P23Oil Plug1 P24Sealing Ring1 P25Set Nut1 P27Nylon Ring1 P28Reservoir1 P29Nylon Ring1 P30Cylinder1 P31O-Ring1 P32Nylon Ring1 P33Piston Rod1 P34Nylon Ring1 P35Top Nut1 P36O-Ring1Harbor Freight Tools Co. makes every effort to assure that its products meet high quality and durability standards, and warrants to the original purchaser that this product is free from defects in materials and workmanship for the period of 90 days from the date of purchase. This warranty does not apply to damage due directly or indirectly,to misuse, abuse, negligence or accidents, repairs or alterations outside our facilities, criminal activity, improper installation, normal wear and tear, or to lack of maintenance. We shall in no event be liable for death, injuriesto persons or property, or for incidental, contingent, special or consequential damages arising from the use ofour product. Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitation of exclusion may not apply to you. ThiS wArrAnTY iS exPreSSlY in lieu of All oTher wArrAnTieS, exPreSS or imPlied, inCluding The wArrAnTieS of merChAnTAbiliTY And fiTneSS. To take advantage of this warranty, the product or part must be returned to us with transportation charges prepaid. Proof of purchase date and an explanation of the complaint must accompany the merchandise.if our inspection verifies the defect, we will either repair or replace the product at our election or we mayelect to refund the purchase price if we cannot readily and quickly provide you with a replacement. We willreturn repaired products at our expense, but if we determine there is no defect, or that the defect resultedfrom causes not within the scope of our warranty, then you must bear the cost of returning the product.This warranty gives you specific legal rights and you may also have other rights which vary from state to state.SKU 68892Page 11For technical questions, please call 1-800-444-3353.3491 Mission Oaks Blvd. • PO Box 6009 • Camarillo, CA 93011 • (800) 444-3353。



内蒙古金海新能源科技股份有限公司风力发电机组预应力锚栓和反向平衡法兰螺栓拉伸设备使用说明书内蒙古金海新能源科技股份有限公司目录1.使用前的准备工作 (2)2.连接气动液压站 (3)3.启动气动液压站 (3)4.使用结束 (3)5.技术参数 (4)6.备件 (4)7.常见故障处理 (5)8.电气原理图 (7)9. 自动复位液压螺栓拉伸器使用说明书 (8)10. 手动复位液压螺栓拉伸器使用说明书 (9)11. 双缸液压螺栓拉伸器使用说明书 (10)超高压气动液压站(1)、油箱盖(含过滤网)(2)、空气压力调节阀(3)、油雾装置注油标(含水气分离)(4)、温度控制表头(加热系统,选配)(5)、电源插口(选配)(6)、气源压力表(7)、外箱壳体(8)、液压系统压力表(9)、压缩空气进气口(10)、空气开关阀(11)、液压截止阀(12)、高压油出口一、使用前的准备工作:1.1按逆时针方向旋开油箱盖(1),给油箱加油(使用环境气温在25摄氏度以上时,使用46#抗磨液压油;10~25摄氏度时使用32#抗磨液压油;-5~10摄氏度时使用20#抗磨液压油;-5摄氏度以下时使用8#抗磨液压油),油位加至油箱油标显示满刻度为止,并按顺时针方向旋紧油箱盖(1)。







iForce系列高强度螺栓液压拉伸器使用说明书2008.9目录iForce系列高强度螺栓液压拉伸器简介................................................ - 1 -一、液压基础知识................................................................................... - 4 -1、泵、软管和液压缸常用连接方式 (4)2、液压基础知识及原理 (5)二、操作指南........................................................................................... - 7 -1、拉伸器工作基本原理..................................................................... - 7 -2、标准型(I系列)、轻便型(II系列) ......................................... - 7 -3、台位型(III系列)........................................................................ - 9 -4、多组拉伸器级联方法................................................................... - 10 -三、注意事项及声明............................................................................. - 13 -四、拉力对照表..................................................................................... - 14 -五、故障与排除..................................................................................... - 15 -六、检修与保养..................................................................................... - 17 -七、保修与维护..................................................................................... - 17 -iForce系列高强度螺栓液压拉伸器简介iForce系列高强度螺栓液压拉伸器是用于高强度螺栓锁紧的专用工具,针对中国产大功率内燃发动机设计。



GUIDE TECHNIQUE SÉRIE S1.0-1.5CDIMENSIONS DU CHARIOTW al 1h 14max.l 2h 2h 3h 4h 1y xm 2m 1Qs4o2ocb 5b 3b 1b 2b 2b 11l 6leRa 2a 2AstAst = Wa + R + a R = (l 6 + x)2 + (b 12)22a = 200 mml 6 = longueur de la charge230h 14 min. A R A C T ÉR I S T I Q U E S D I S T I N C T I V E SP O I D SR O U E SD I ME N S I O N SP E R F O R M A N C EM O T E U R ÉL E C T R I Q U EConstructeur (abréviation)Désignation constructeurMoteur : électrique (batterie ou réseau), diesel, essence, GPL Type d’opérateur : manuel, à conducteur accompagnant, debout, assis, préparateur de commande Capacité nominale/charge nominale Distance du centre de chargeDistance de la charge, entre le centre du pont moteur et les fourches Empattement Poids en service (3)Charge par essieu, en charge, avant/arrière Charge par essieu à vide, avant/arrièrePneus : polyuréthane, topthane, NDIIThane avant/arrière Dimensions des pneus avant Dimensions des pneus arrièreNombre de roues, avant, arrière (x = motrices)Voie, arrièreHauteur, mât abaissé (7)Levée libre LevageHauteur, mât déployé (8)Hauteur du protège-conducteur (cabine)Hauteur du timon en position de conduite mini./maxi. (4)Hauteur, fourches abaissées Longueur hors-toutLongueur jusqu’à la face avant des fourches Largeur hors-toutDimensions des fourches ISO 2331 (1)Largeur fourches-tablier Largeur entre les fourches-brasGarde au sol, en charge, en dessous du mât Garde au sol au milieu de l’empattementDimensions de la charge b12 × l6 dans le sens transversal Largeur d’allée pour palettes 1000 x 1 200 dans le sens transversal Largeur d’allée pour palettes 800 x 1 200 dans le sens en longueur Rayon de braquageVitesse de déplacement, en charge/à videVitesse de déplacement en charge/à vide, vers l’arrière Vitesse de levage, en charge/à vide Vitesse de descente, en charge/à vide Pente maxi. surmontable en charge/à vide Frein de serviceSpécifications du moteur de traction S2 60 min Spécifications du moteur de levage à S3 15 % (2)Batterie selon DIN 43531/35/36 A, B, C, non Tension batterie/capacité nominale K5Poids de la batterie (3)Consommation d’énergie selon le cycle VDI Productivité maximaleConsommation d’énergie en conditions de productivité maximale Hyster S1.0C Batterieà conducteur accompagnant 1.050021113002180520 / 26601175 / 1005NDIIThane / NDIIThane 254 x 125200 x 1001x/283723251003372396123121180 / 14853527421742788 / 93935 / 100 / 1000700240 / 6725976800 x 12003111322715606 / 66 / 60,18 / 0,270,33 / 0,2711 / 11Électrique / Électromagn 43no24 / 300 (4) (5)2331,533831Hyster S1.2C Batterieà conducteur accompagnant 1.250021114502280545 / 29351290 / 990NDIIThane / NDIIThane 254 x 125200 x 1001x/283723251003372396123121180 / 14853528921892788 / 93935 / 100 / 1000700240 / 6725976800 x 12003258337417076 / 66 / 60,14 / 0,270,33 / 0,2710 / 10Électrique / Électromagn 43no 24 / 400 (6)3031,9745.631Hyster S1.5C Batterieà conducteur accompagnant1.550021116002360515 / 33451420 / 940NDIIThane / NDIIThane254 x 125200 x 1001x/283723251003372396123121180 / 14853530422042788 / 93935 / 100 / 1000700240 / 6725976800 x 12003406352218556 / 66 / 60,13 / 0,270,33 / 0,279 / 9Électrique / Électromagn43no 24 / 400 (6)3032,45731Q cx yb 11h 1h 3h 4h 6h 14h 13l 1 l 2 b 1/ b 2s/e/l b 3 b 5m 1m 2b 12 × l 6Ast Ast Wa t mm mm mm kg kg kgø (mm x mm)ø (mm x mm)(mm)(mm)(mm)(mm)(mm)(mm)(mm)(mm)(mm)(mm)(mm)II A (mm)(mm)(mm)(mm)(mm)(mm)(mm)(mm)km/h km/h m/s m/s %kW kWV/Ah kg kWh/h t/h4REMARQUE :Specifications are affected by the condition of the vehicle and how it is equipped, as well as the nature and condition of the operating area. Inform your dealer of the nature and condi-tion of the intended operating area when purchasing your Hyster truck.NOTES RELATIVES AUX TABLEAUX DES MODÈLES :(1) L es option 35/100/1200(2) Valeur mentionnée S3 10%(3) Ces valeurs peuvent varier de +/- 5 %(4) Batterie disponible 24V / 400Ah (303 kg)(5) Batterie disponible Li-Ion 24V / 180Ah (208 kg + le ballast 24 kg); Li-Ion battery 24V / 240Ah (214 kg + le ballast 24 kg(6) Batterie disponible Li-Ion 24V / 180Ah (208 kg + le ballast 86 kg); Li-Ion battery 24V / 240Ah (214 kg + le ballast 86 kg(7) Avec 100 mm de levée libre (2 étages LFL seulement)(8) Avec dosseret d’appui de charge pour tablier h4 + 461 mmSécurité : ce chariot est conforme aux normes européennes en vigueurMODEL TABLE NOTES:(1) Avec 100 mm de levée libre(2) Avec dosseret d’appui de charge pour tablier h4 + 461 mm.(3) Tous les poids indiqués comprennent les structures du mât (cadre, vérins, chaîne, poulie) + l’huile. Ils ne comprennent pas les fourches ni les accessoires.ATTENTION :La manutention des charges à grandes hauteurs exige une attention particulière.Les opérateurs devront recevoir la formation nécessaire ; ils devront avoir lu et compris les instructions figurant dans le Manuel d’utilisation et les respecter.Toutes les valeurs sont des valeurs nominales auxquelles peuvent s’appliquer des tolérances. Pour de plus amples informations, contactez le société Hyster se réserve le droit de modifier ses produits sans préavis.Certains des chariots élévateurs illustrés peuvent présenter des équipements en option.Ces valeurs peuvent varier selon les diverses configurations.Caractéristiques basées sur la norme VDI 21982 ÉT A G E S L F L3 ÉT A G E S F F LM ÂTINFORMATIONS RELATIVES AU MÂTHauteur mât abaisséh 1 (1) (mm)Levée libre h 2 (mm)Levée h 3 (mm)Hauteur mât déployéh 4 (2) (mm)Hauteur, protègeconducteurguard h 6 (mm)Poid (3)(kg)192521252325247526751875197521252275100100100100100130514051555170525722972337236724072 387641764626507631613561396142614661 4451475152015651-2262231224122612 --23122312595618640657691 7257407657925CARACTÉRISTIQUES DU PRODUITFIABILITÉn U n vaste choix de configurations de mâts.n L es options spéciales disponibles permettent d‘adapterparfaitement ces gerbeurs à des applications spécifiques, par exemple : dosseret d‘appui de charge, fourches et tabliers FEM.n L ‘électronique du CANbus permet de réduire la complexitédes câblages, pour une plus grande fiabilité.n L e positionneur de fourches à déplacement latéral intégréassure un positionnement optimal des fourches, quelle que soit l‘application.PRODUCTIVITÉn C ommandes du timon très pratiques, pour une meilleuremanutention des charges.n Direction électrique disponible.n L e châssis compact offre une meilleure maîtrise dans lesespaces confinés.n F reinage automatique lorsque les commandes dedéplacement sont relâchées.n F reinage par régénération et anti-recul disponibles de série.n M odes de fonctionnement réglables en fonction desconditions de fonctionnement spécifiques.ERGONOMICSn T imon ergonomique, pour un confort optimal del‘opérateur.n C ommandes positionnées de manière à permettre uneutilisation avec l‘une ou l‘autre main.n S ystème de direction électrique offrant une maîtrise deconduite optimale.n Réduction de la vitesse en virages gérée par ordinateur.n Fonctions auxiliaires pouvant être activées ou désactivées pour l’inclinaison et le déplacement latéral.n Moteur de levage monté verticalement et doté d’amortisseurs, pour réduire le niveau sonore et les vibrations.COÛT D’EXPLOITATIONn L e puissant moteur de traction à courant alternatif offredes performances supérieures et augmente le nombre de charges déplacées par heure.n L ‘augmentation du nombre de charges déplacées parheure permet de réduire le coût d‘exploitation.n L a traction et l‘hydraulique sont contrôlées par le variateurhaute fréquence Combi MOSFET.n L e gestionnaire intelligent optimise l‘efficacité énergétique.n L ‘accès par clavier permet une meilleure maîtrise de lagestion.FACILITÉ D’ENTRETIENn T émoins de diagnostic permettant d‘anticiper lesinterventions de maintenance.n L e système d‘autodiagnostic intégré, utilisé pour lacommunication relative à la maintenance préventive, permet de réduire les temps d‘immobilisation.n L es éléments plus performants contribuent àl‘allongement des intervalles de maintenance.n L ‘interface de diagnostic opérateur (DDI) renseignel‘opérateur sur l‘état du chariot en temps réel.n H oramètre et indicateur de décharge de batterie aveccoupure du levage de série.DES PARTENAIRES PUISSANTS. DES CHARIOTS SOLIDES.TMPOUR LES APPLICATIONS LES PLUS EXIGEANTES, PARTOUT DANS LE MONDEHYSTER-YALE UK LIMITED opérant sous la dénomination Hyster Europe. Siège social : Centennial House, Building 4.5, Frimley Business Park, Frimley, Surrey GU16 7SG, Royaume-Uni. Immatriculée en Angleterre et au Pays de Galles. Numéro d’immatriculation de la société : 02636775. ©2021 HYSTER-YALE UK LIMITED, tous droits réservés.HYSTER, le logo et le slogan DES PARTENAIRES PUISSANTS. DES CHARIOTS SOLIDES. sont des marques d’HYSTER-YALE Group, société Hyster se réserve le droit de modifier ses produits sans préavis.Les chariots élévateurs illustrés peuvent être présentés avec des équipements en option.Imprimé dans l’UE. Référence : 3990202 Rév. 07-12/21-HGHYSTER EUROPECentennial House, Frimley Business Park, Frimley, Surrey, GU16 7SG, Angleterre.Tél: +44 (0) 1276 538500www.hyster.eu*********************/HysterEurope@HysterEurope/HysterEurope。

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安全须知第 3 页螺杆突出长度第 4 页拉伸器的安装第 5 页液压管线的安装第 7 页拉伸器的操作第 8 页拉伸器的拆卸第 10页拉伸器的存放第 10页




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