finalterm review公司理财复习题
公司理财试题及答案解析一、单项选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 公司理财的主要目标是()。
A. 利润最大化B. 股东财富最大化C. 企业价值最大化D. 市场份额最大化答案:B解析:公司理财的主要目标是股东财富最大化,即通过合理配置资源、降低成本、提高效率等方式,使股东的财富得到最大化的增长。
2. 公司理财的基本原则包括()。
A. 风险与收益相匹配B. 资金的时间价值C. 投资组合多元化D. 以上都是答案:D解析:公司理财的基本原则包括风险与收益相匹配、资金的时间价值和投资组合多元化。
3. 以下哪项不是公司理财的主要活动?()A. 投资决策B. 融资决策C. 营运资金管理D. 人力资源管理答案:D解析:公司理财的主要活动包括投资决策、融资决策和营运资金管理。
4. 以下哪项不是公司理财中的风险类型?()A. 市场风险B. 信用风险C. 操作风险D. 人力资源风险答案:D解析:公司理财中的风险类型包括市场风险、信用风险和操作风险。
5. 以下哪项不是公司理财中的投资决策?()A. 资本预算B. 证券投资C. 营运资金管理D. 项目评估答案:C解析:公司理财中的投资决策包括资本预算、证券投资和项目评估。
6. 以下哪项不是公司理财中的融资决策?()A. 股权融资B. 债务融资C. 营运资金管理D. 资本结构决策答案:C解析:公司理财中的融资决策包括股权融资、债务融资和资本结构决策。
7. 以下哪项不是公司理财中的营运资金管理?()A. 现金管理B. 存货管理C. 应收账款管理D. 人力资源管理答案:D解析:公司理财中的营运资金管理包括现金管理、存货管理和应收账款管理。
1)单选题,共20题,每题5.0分,共100.0分1 单选题 (5.0分)资产未来创造的现金流入现值称为?A. 资产的价格B. 资产的分配C. 资产的价值D. 资产的体量2 单选题 (5.0分)谁承担了公司运营的最后风险?A. 债权人B. 股东C. 管理层D. 委托人3 单选题 (5.0分)金融市场有哪些类型?A. 货币市场B. 资本市场C. 期货市场D. 以上都是4 单选题 (5.0分)以下哪项是债券价值评估方式?A. 现值估价模型B. 到期收益率C. 债券收益率D. 以上都是5 单选题 (5.0分)融资直接与间接的划分方式取决于?A. 融资的受益方B. 金融凭证的设计方C. 融资来源D. 融资规模6 单选题 (5.0分)以下哪种不是财务分析方法?A. 比较分析B. 对比分析C. 趋势百分比分析D. 财务比例分析7 单选题 (5.0分)以下哪个不是价值的构成?A. 现金流量B. 现值C. 期限D. 折现率8 单选题 (5.0分)比率分析的目的是为了?A. 了解项目之间的关系B. 了解金融发展变化C. 分析资金流动趋势D. 分析金融风险9 单选题 (5.0分)影响公司价值的主要因素是?A. 市场B. 政策C. 信息D. 时间10 单选题 (5.0分)以下哪种是内部融资方式?A. 留存收益B. 股票C. 债券D. 借款11 单选题 (5.0分)什么是营运资本?A. 流动资产-流动负债B. 流动资产+流动负债C. 流动资产*流动负债D. 流动资产/流动负债12 单选题 (5.0分)PMT所代表的含义是?A. 现值B. 终值C. 年金D. 利率13 单选题 (5.0分)金融市场的作用是什么?A. 资金的筹措与投放B. 分散风险C. 降低交易成本D. 以上都是14 单选题 (5.0分)以下哪项不是财务管理的内容?A. 筹资B. 融资C. 信贷D. 营运资本管理15 单选题 (5.0分)微观金融的研究对象是什么?A. 机构财政B. 账目管理C. 股市投资D. 公司理财16 单选题 (5.0分)计划经济时代企业的资金来源是?A. 个人B. 公司C. 银行D. 财政17 单选题 (5.0分)宏观金融的研究对象是什么?A. 货币流通B. 资产分配C. 货币政策D. 金融历史18 单选题 (5.0分)以下哪项不是以资产或股权为基础的收益率指标?A. 投入资本收益率B. 总资产收益率C. 净资产收益率D. 销售毛利率19 单选题 (5.0分)我国资本市场的开启最初是为了?A. 为国企解困B. 与国外市场同步C. 发展经济D. 发展教育20 单选题 (5.0分)财务分析首要解决的问题是?A. 报表数据的真实性B. 报表数据的丰富性C. 报表数据的相关性D. 报表数据的完整性答案:1-5CBDDB6-10BBACA 11-15ACDCD16-20DCDAA。
第 1 页 共 4 页《公司理财》期末考试题(A 卷)一、判断题(共10分,每小题1分)1. 在终值与利率一定的情况下,计息期越多,复利现值就越小。
( )2. 在企业财务关系中最为重要的关系是指企业与作为社会管理者的政府有关部门、社会公众之间的关系。
( 对 )3. 单利与复利是两种不同的计息方法,单利终值与复利终值在任何时候都不可能相等。
( )4. 发行普通股股票可以按票面金额等价发行,也可以偏离票面金额按溢价、折价发行。
( 对 )5. 在个别资本成本一定的情况下,企业综合资本成本的高低取决于资金总额。
( )6. 某一投资方案按10%的贴现率计算的净现值大于零,那么,该方案的内含报酬率大于10%。
( 对)7. 就风险而言,从大到小的排列顺序为:金融证券、公司证券、政府证券。
( 对 )8. 存货ABC 控制法中,C 类物资是指数量少、价值低的物质。
( ) 9. 只要公司拥有足够现金,就可以发放现金股利。
( 错 ) 10.利润中心必然是成本中心,投资中心必然是利润中心,所以投资中心首先是成本中心,但利润中心并不一定都是投资中心。
( )二、单项选择题(共15分,每小题1分)1. 作为企业财务管理目标,每股利润最大化目标较之利润最大化目标的优点在于( b )。
A 考虑了资金的时间价值B 考虑了投资风险价值C 反映了创造利润与投入资本之间的关系D 能够避免企业的短期行为 2. 随单价的变动而同方向变动的是( )。
A 保本量B 保利量C 变动成本率D 单位边际贡献 3. 在期望值不同时,比较风险的大小,可采用( b )。
A 标准差 B 标准差系数 C期望值 D 概率 4. 普通股每股净资产反映了普通股的( c )。
A 票面价值B 市场价值C 投资价值D 账面价值5. 债券的资金成本率一般低于股票的资本成本率,其主要原因是( d )。
A 债券的筹资费用较少 B 债券的发行量少 C 债券的利息率固定 D 债券利息在税前支付6.在计算资本成本时,与所得税有关的资金来源是下述情况中的( a )。
《公司理财》复习题附答案《公司理财》复习题附答案一、单项选择题1、公司理财产生于B、19世纪末期2、在筹资理财阶段,公司理财得重点内容就是B、如何设法筹集到所需资金3、把如何有效地运用资金作为公司理财重点内容得理财阶段就是B B、内部控制理财阶段4、以往被西方经济学家与企业家作为公司得经营目标与理财目标得就是A、利润最大化5、现代公司理财得目标就是C、股东财富最大化6、对股份有限公司而言,可以代表股东财富得就是A、股票市价7、资金运动得起点与终点都就是A、货币资金8、由于生产经营不断地进行而引起资金不断地循环称为C、资金周转9、资产负债表就是B、静态报表10、资产负债表中所有项目得“期末数”一栏填列得依据就是本期有关账户得A、期末余额11、属于流动负债得就是D、应交税金12、属于长期负债得就是D、应付债券13、公司流动性最强得资产就是A、货币资金14、不属于固定资产计价标准得就是D、账面价值15、资本公积可按法定程序经批准后A、转增资本16、公司得法定盈余公积在转增资本后,一般不得低于注册资金C、25%17、利润表就是A、动态报表18、利润表中得收入得确认就是基于B、权责发生制19、属于营业费用得就是C、广告费20、属于管理费用得就是B、业务招待费21、属于财务费用得就是C、利息支出22、在阅读与分析现金流量表时,最重要得数据就是A、现金及现金等价物净增加额23、企业比较适宜得资产负债率就是C、50%24、反映公司所得与所占用得比例关系得财务指标就是B、资产利润率25、通常被用来描述一个公司经济效益高低得代表性指标就是C资产利润率26、反映公司所得与所费得比例关系得财务指标就是D、成本费用利润率27、我国得中央银行就是A、中国人民银行28、属于政策性银行得就是C、中国农业发展银行29、金融市场最重要得参与者就是A、金融机构30、金融市场最积极得参与者就是C、企业31、每期期末收付得等额款项称为A、普通年金32、每期期初收付得等额款项称为B、即付年金33、一般情况下股份有限公司只发行B、普通股股票34、国内公司在香港发行并上市得股票被称为C、H股35、国内公司在美国纽约证券交易所发行并上市得股票被称为D、N股36、以超过票面金额发行股票所得溢价款列入公司得A、资本公积金37、公司股利政策得重要基础就是D、能否获得长期稳定得利润38、将公司得盈余首先用于良好得投资项目,然后将剩余得盈余作为股利进行分配得政策就是A、剩余股利政策39、公司各年支付得股利额随公司获得盈利得多少而上下波动得股利政策为C、固定股利支付率政策40、公司最常见得一种股利发放形式就是A、现金股利41、不会影响公司与股东资产价值得股利形式就是B、股票股利42、公司筹措短期资金得重要方式就是D、短期借款43、短期银行借款属于A、流动资金借款44、临时借款得期限一般不超过C、6个月45、企业以托收承付结算凭证为保证向银行取得得借款就是A、结算借款46、不属于短期借款信用条件得就是A、担保能力47、在我国,公司在托收承付方式下得银行办理得结算借款属于B、应收账款担保借款48、名义利率等于实际利率得短期借款利息计算方法就是A、单利计算法49、股份有限公司发行公司债券其净资产额不得低于人民币C、3000万元50、公司发行债券时其累计债券总额不得超过公司净资产额得B、40% 51、融资租赁得具体形式主要有(直接租赁)、(返回租赁)与(杠杆租赁)。
( )2.解聘是一种通过市场约束经营者的办法。
( )3.终值系数和现值系数互为倒数,因此,年金终值系数与年金现值系数也互为倒数。
( )4.经营性租赁和融资性租赁都是租赁,它们在会计处理上是没有区别的。
( )5.留存收益是企业经营中的内部积累,这种资金不是向外界筹措的,因而它不存在资本成本。
( )6.多个互斥方案比较,一般应选择净现值大的方案。
()二、单项选择题(共15分,每小题1分)1.财务管理目标是( )。
……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………页脚内容1A 现金流量最大化B 市场份额最大化C预期盈利最大化D股价最大化2.企业财务关系中最为重要的关系是( )。
A 股东与经营者之间的关系B 股东与债权人之间的关系C 股东、经营者与债权人之间的关系D 企业与作为社会管理者的政府有关部门、社会公众之间的关系3.边际贡献率和变动成本率( )。
A 反方向变化B 同方向变化C 同比例变化D 反比例变化4.安全边际越小,保本点就越太、利润就( )。
A 越大B 不变C 不一定D 越小5.融资性租赁实质上是由出租人提供给承租人使用固定资产的一种( )。
A 信用业务B 买卖活动C 租借业务D 服务活动6.在计算资本成本时,与所得税有关的资金来源是下述情况中的( )。
A 普通股B 优先股C 银行借款 D 留存收益7.当经营杠杆系数是5,财务杠杆系数是1.1,财综合杠杆系数是( )。
公司理财练习题一、单项选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 公司理财的主要目标是:A. 最大化利润B. 最大化股东财富C. 最小化成本D. 最大化市场份额2. 以下哪项不是公司理财的基本原则?A. 风险与收益权衡原则B. 资本结构原则C. 利润最大化原则D. 资本预算原则3. 资本资产定价模型(CAPM)主要用于:A. 确定公司的资本成本B. 评估公司的财务状况C. 计算公司的现金流量D. 预测公司的市场表现4. 以下哪项不是公司财务报表的一部分?A. 资产负债表B. 利润表C. 现金流量表D. 产品目录5. 公司进行资本预算时,通常采用哪种方法来评估投资项目的可行性?A. 净现值法B. 总成本法C. 销售增长率法D. 市场份额法6. 以下哪种融资方式不涉及债务?A. 发行债券B. 发行股票C. 银行贷款D. 租赁融资7. 公司进行财务分析时,常用的比率分析不包括:A. 流动比率B. 速动比率C. 市盈率D. 存货周转率8. 以下哪种风险管理策略不涉及对冲?A. 期货合约B. 期权合约C. 保险D. 直接投资9. 公司进行现金管理时,主要关注:A. 存货水平B. 应收账款C. 现金及现金等价物D. 长期投资10. 以下哪种不是公司并购的动机?A. 市场扩张B. 技术获取C. 减少竞争D. 提高成本二、多项选择题(每题3分,共15分)11. 公司进行财务规划时,需要考虑的因素包括:A. 市场环境B. 竞争对手C. 法律法规D. 内部资源12. 以下哪些属于公司理财中的长期融资方式?A. 发行债券B. 银行贷款C. 发行股票D. 短期借款13. 在进行资本预算时,以下哪些现金流是公司需要考虑的?A. 初始投资B. 运营现金流C. 税收影响D. 残值14. 以下哪些是公司进行风险评估时需要考虑的因素?A. 市场风险B. 信用风险C. 操作风险D. 政治风险15. 公司进行国际财务管理时,需要关注哪些汇率风险?A. 交易风险B. 经济风险C. 会计风险D. 翻译风险三、简答题(每题10分,共30分)16. 简述公司理财的三个主要目标,并解释它们之间的关系。
《公司理财》期末试题一、名词解释(3*10=30)1、公司理财2、资金时间价值3、年金4、财务风险5、权益资金6、资金成本7、经营杠杆8、证券9、财务杠杆 10、财务分析二、简答题(15*2=30)1、简述最具有代表性的公司理财目标的两种观点,并对其进行简要评述。
市场预测和预期收益概率分布表市场情况年收益Xi 概率Pi销量很好 5 0、1销量较好 4 0、2销量一般 3 0、4销量较差 2 0、2销量很差 1 0、1要求:根据上述业务计算期望值、标准离差、标准离差率。
公司理财复习题答案Last revision on 21 December 2020公司理财复习题答案第一章公司理财概述四名词解释1公司理财是指有关公司资金的筹集、投放与使用、分配的管理活动。
预祝同学们考试顺利!一、单项选择题(每小题2分)1、下列哪个恒等式是不成立的? CA. 资产=负债+股东权益B. 资产-负债=股东权益C. 资产+负债=股东权益D. 资产-股东权益=负债2、从税收角度考虑,以下哪项是可抵扣所得税的费用? AA. 利息费用B. 股利支付C. A和BD. 以上都不对3、现金流量表的信息来自于 CA. 损益表B. 资产负债表C. 资产负债表和损益表D. 以上都不对4、以下哪项会发生资本利得/损失,从而对公司纳税有影响? CA.买入资产B.出售资产C.资产的市场价值增加D.资产的账面价值增加5、沉没成本是增量成本。
BA. 正确B. 不对6、期限越短,债券的利率风险就越大。
公司理财期末考试试题b# 公司理财期末考试试题B## 一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 公司理财中,下列哪项不是企业的主要财务目标?- A. 利润最大化- B. 股东财富最大化- C. 企业价值最大化- D. 市场份额最大化2. 根据现代投资组合理论,下列哪项不是投资组合风险的来源? - A. 系统性风险- B. 非系统性风险- C. 利率风险- D. 通货膨胀风险3. 以下哪个财务比率是衡量公司偿债能力的指标?- A. 流动比率- B. 资产负债率- C. 利润率- D. 存货周转率4. 资本资产定价模型(CAPM)中,β系数代表的是:- A. 投资组合的期望收益率- B. 投资组合的系统性风险- C. 投资组合的非系统性风险- D. 投资组合的总风险5. 以下哪种融资方式不会增加公司的财务杠杆?- A. 发行债券- B. 发行股票- C. 银行贷款- D. 租赁融资## 二、简答题(每题10分,共30分)1. 简述公司理财中现金管理的重要性,并说明如何进行有效的现金管理。
2. 描述资本结构理论,并解释为什么不同公司的资本结构会有所不同。
3. 解释什么是财务杠杆,并说明财务杠杆对公司风险和收益的影响。
## 三、计算题(每题25分,共50分)1. 某公司计划进行一项新项目投资,该项目的初始投资为500万元,预计未来五年的净现金流量分别为100万元、120万元、150万元、180万元和200万元。
2. 某公司当前的股票价格为每股50元,预期未来一年的股息为每股2元,市场预期该公司的股息增长率为5%。
## 四、案例分析题(共30分)某制造企业近年来面临激烈的市场竞争,为了提高竞争力,公司管理层计划进行一项新的生产线投资。
公司理财试题及答案一、单项选择题(每题2分,共10分)1. 公司理财的主要目标是()。
A. 利润最大化B. 股东财富最大化C. 企业价值最大化D. 销售收入最大化答案:C2. 以下哪项不是公司理财的基本原则?()A. 风险与收益权衡原则B. 分散投资原则C. 资本成本原则D. 利润最大化原则答案:D3. 公司财务杠杆的计算不包括以下哪项?()A. 财务杠杆系数B. 权益乘数C. 资产负债率D. 流动比率答案:D4. 以下哪项不是公司理财中的资本预算方法?()A. 净现值法B. 内部收益率法C. 投资回收期法D. 盈亏平衡点法答案:D5. 在公司理财中,以下哪项不是资本结构决策的影响因素?()A. 公司所得税B. 财务风险C. 公司规模D. 通货膨胀率答案:D二、多项选择题(每题3分,共15分)1. 公司理财中,以下哪些因素会影响公司的资本成本?()A. 无风险利率B. 市场风险溢价C. 公司财务杠杆D. 通货膨胀率答案:A, B, C2. 以下哪些是公司理财中的风险管理工具?()A. 期货合约B. 期权合约C. 保险D. 股票答案:A, B, C3. 公司理财中,以下哪些是资本预算的步骤?()A. 确定投资项目的现金流量B. 计算项目的净现值C. 进行项目风险评估D. 确定项目的折现率答案:A, B, C, D4. 以下哪些是公司理财中常用的财务比率分析?()A. 流动比率B. 资产负债率C. 净资产收益率D. 市盈率答案:A, B, C5. 公司理财中,以下哪些是影响公司资本结构的因素?()A. 公司所得税B. 公司规模C. 行业特性D. 通货膨胀率答案:A, B, C三、判断题(每题2分,共10分)1. 公司理财的目标是股东财富最大化。
()答案:正确2. 公司理财中,财务杠杆越高,公司的财务风险越大。
()答案:正确3. 在公司理财中,资本成本是指公司为获得资金所支付的成本。
()答案:正确4. 公司理财中,通货膨胀率的提高会降低公司的资本成本。
公司理财试题及答案### 公司理财试题及答案#### 一、选择题1. 公司理财的主要目标是()A. 最大化利润B. 最大化股东财富C. 最大化市场份额D. 最大化销售收入答案:B2. 以下哪项不是公司理财的基本原则?()A. 风险与回报权衡原则B. 市场效率原则C. 资本结构无关原则D. 利润最大化原则答案:D#### 二、判断题1. 公司的财务杠杆越高,其财务风险越大。
()答案:√2. 股票回购可以提高公司的每股收益。
()答案:√#### 三、简答题1. 简述公司理财中的资本结构理论。
主要理论包括:- 传统理论:认为公司应选择使加权平均资本成本最低的资本结构。
- 现代资本结构理论:包括莫迪利亚尼-米勒定理,指出在没有税收和破产成本的情况下,公司的资本结构不影响其总价值。
- 权衡理论:认为公司在决定资本结构时,需要权衡债务融资的税收优势和破产成本。
2. 什么是现金流量表,它在公司理财中的作用是什么?答案:现金流量表是一份财务报表,记录了公司在一定时期内现金和现金等价物的流入和流出情况。
它的作用包括:- 显示公司的流动性状况,即短期内偿还债务的能力。
- 反映公司的经营、投资和融资活动对现金流的影响。
- 帮助投资者和管理层评估公司的长期财务健康状况。
#### 四、计算题1. 某公司计划进行一项投资,初始投资额为500万元,预期该项目的年现金流量为100万元,项目期限为5年。
答案:净现值(NPV)计算公式为:\[ NPV = \sum_{t=1}^{n} \frac{CF_t}{(1+WACC)^t} - I_0 \] 其中,\( CF_t \) 是第t年的现金流量,\( WACC \) 是加权平均资本成本,\( I_0 \) 是初始投资额。
根据题目数据,计算如下:\[ NPV = \frac{100}{(1+0.1)^1} + \frac{100}{(1+0.1)^2} +\frac{100}{(1+0.1)^3} + \frac{100}{(1+0.1)^4} +\frac{100}{(1+0.1)^5} - 500 \]\[ NPV = 90.909 + 82.645 + 75.133 + 68.355 + 62.289 - 500 \]\[ NPV = 379.371 - 500 = -120.629 \]该项目的净现值为负,表明按当前的资本成本,该项目不具有投资价值。
finalterm review公司理财复习题
finalterm review公司理财复习题一、Multiple choices1. Your grandfather placed $5,000 in a trust fund for you. In 12 years the fund will be worth $10,000. What is the rate of return on the trust fund?A) 3.70% B) 4.16% C) 5.95% D) 6.90% E) 8.42%2. You are supposed to receive $3,000 four years from now. At an interest rate of 8%, what is that $3,000 worth today?A) $1,591.97 B) $1,892.43 C) $2,205.09 D) $2,497.91 E) $2,699.013. The company you work for will deposit $150 at the end of each monthinto your retirement fund. Interest is compounded monthly. You plan to retire 25 years from now and estimate that you will need $2,000 per month out of the account for the ensuing 20 years. If the account pays 10% compounded monthly, how much do you need to put into the account each month, in addition to your company's deposit, in order to meet your objective?A) $ 0.00; the company's deposit fully funds your retirements objective B) $105.42 C) $ 6.20 D) $21.96E) $34.334. Given the following information, what is the firm's weighted averagecost of capital? Market value of equity = $30 million; market value of debt = $20 million; cost of equity = 15%; cost of debt = 9%; equity beta = 1.4; tax rate = 35%.A) 11.34%B) 12.60% C) 12.97% D) 13.32% E) 14.08%5. What is the future value in 12 years of $800 payments received at the- 1 -beginning of each year for the next 12 years? Assume an interest rate of8.25%.A) $14,259.63 B) $15,408.65 C) $16,679.86 D) $18,495.48 E) $20,782.156. At the end of each year for the next 8 years you will receive cash flows of $500. If the appropriate discount rate is7.5%, how much would you pay for this annuity?A) $4,000.00 B) $5,841.22 C) $1,259.47 D) $2,928.65 E) $3,148.307. Your parents agree to pay half of the purchase price of a new car when you graduate from college. You will graduate and buy the car two years from now. You have $9,000 to invest today and can earn 12% on invested funds. If your parents match the amount of money you have in two years, what is the maximum you can spend on the new car?A) $ 7,260 B) $11,290 C) $15,000 D) $19,250 E) $22,5798. You need $3,000 to buy a new stereo for your car. If you have $1,200 to invest at 6% compounded annually, how long will you have to wait to buy the stereo?A) 6.58 years B) 8.42 years C) 11.60 years D) 14.58 years E) 15.73 years9. Cornerstone Industries has a bond outstanding with an 8% coupon rate and a market price of $874.68. If the bond matures in 6 years and interest is- 2 -paid semiannually, what is the YTM?A) 4.9% B) 6.9% C) 8.9% D) 10.9% E) 12.9%Use the following to answer questions 10-14:A firm has an expected perpetual EBIT = $4,000. The unlevered cost of capital = 15% and there are 20,000 shares of stock outstanding. The firm is considering issuing bonds of $8,800 to add financial leverage to the firm. The cost of debt = 10%, and the tax rate = 34%. There are no flotation costs. 10. What is the value of the firm before the restructuring? Assume there are no taxes.A) $15,930 B) $17,600 C) $18,519 D) $26,667 E) $30,00011. Considering taxes, what is the value of the firm before the restructuring?A) $15,930 B) $17,600 C) $18,519 D) $26,667 E) $30,00012. What is the value of the firm after the restructuring? Taxes are considered.A) $15,930 B) $17,600 C) $18,519 D) $20,592 E) $22,46113. What is the value of the equity after the restructuring?A) $11,792 B) $12,600 C) $12,819 D) $13,592 E) $16,46114. What is the cost of equity after the restructuring?A) 14.8% B) 17.5% C) 18.4% D) 20.0% E) 22.5%Use the following to answer questions 15-17:Rob and Laura wish to buy a new home. The price is $387,500 and they plan to pay 20% of it as down payment. New Rochelle Savings and Loan will lend them the remainder at a 9% fixed APR for 30 years, with monthly payments to begin- 3 -in one month. (Ignore taxes.)15. How much will their monthly payments be?A) $2,494.33 B) $2,825.99 C) $3,512.56 D) $3,645.45 E) $3,760.4516. What will the outstanding balance of the loan be after ten years assuming you make the first 120 payments exactly on time?A) $ 99,610 B) $135,467 C) $277,232 D) $239,144 E) $170,50917. Suppose Rob wants to pay off the loan in 15 years. How much extra must he pay each month to do so?A) $311.25 B) $501.19 C) $649.90 D) $811.35 E) $914.4718. Given the following cash flows, what is the present value if the discount rate is 8%?YearCash Flow1$4002$2503$9004$1925A) $1,415.07 B) $2,714.09 C) $2,865.70 D) $3,058.96 E)$3,222.6219. King Noodles' bonds have a 9% coupon rate. Interest is paid quarterly and the bonds have a maturity of 10 years. If the appropriate discount rate is 10% on similar bonds, what is the price of King Noodles' bonds?A) $937.24 B) $938.55 C) $971.27 D) $989.63 E) $991.2720. The bonds of Microhard, Inc. carry a 12% annual coupon, have a $1,000 face value, and mature in 5 years. Bonds of equivalent risk yield 9%. What is the market value of Microhard's bonds?- 4 -A) $1,011.20 B) $1,087.25 C) $1,095.66 D) $1,116.69 E) $1,160.2521. A firm's stock has a required return of 12%. The stock's dividendyield is 5%. What dividend did the firm just pay if the current stock price is $50?A) $2.18 B) $2.34 C) $2.50 D) $2.87 E) $3.6022. Etling Inc.'s dividend is expected to grow at 5% for the next 2 years and then at 3% forever. If the current dividend is $2 and the required return is 14%, what is the price of the stock?A) $19.43 B) $23.82C) $25.15D) $27.58E) $29.7023. Asset A has an expected return of 10%. The expected market return is 14% and the risk-free rate is 5%. What is asset A's beta?A) 0.33B) 0.56 C) 0.67 D) 0.88 E) 1.15Use the following to answer questions 24-25A firm needs to purchase equipment for a new project. The total cost of the equipment is $2 million. It is estimated that the aftertax cash inflows from the project will be $210,000 annually in perpetuity. The market value debt-to-assets ratio is 40%. The firm's cost of equity is 13% and its pretaxcost of debt is 8%. The tax rate is 34%. Assume the project is of similar risk to the firm's existing operations.24. What is the weighted average cost of capital?A) 6.09% B) 8.73% C) 8.95% D) 9.05% E) 9.91%25. What is the NPV of the proposed project?- 5 -感谢您的阅读,祝您生活愉快。
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一、Multiple choices1.Your grandfather placed $5,000 in a trust fund for you. In 12 years the fundwill be worth $10,000. What is the rate of return on the trust fund?A) 3.70% B) 4.16% C) 5.95% D) 6.90% E) 8.42%2.You are supposed to receive $3,000 four years from now. At an interest rateof 8%, what is that $3,000 worth today?A) $1,591.97 B) $1,892.43 C) $2,205.09 D) $2,497.91 E)$2,699.013.The company you work for will deposit $150 at the end of each month intoyour retirement fund. Interest is compounded monthly. You plan to retire 25 years from now and estimate that you will need $2,000 per month out of the account for the ensuing 20 years. If the account pays 10% compounded monthly, how much do you need to put into the account each month, in addition to your company's deposit, in order to meet your objective?A) $ 0.00; the company's deposit fully funds your retirements objectiveB) $105.42 C) $ 6.20 D) $21.96 E) $34.334.Given the following information, what is the firm's weighted average cost ofcapital? Market value of equity = $30 million; market value of debt = $20 million; cost of equity = 15%; cost of debt = 9%; equity beta = 1.4; tax rate = 35%.A) 11.34% B) 12.60% C) 12.97% D) 13.32% E) 14.08%5.What is the future value in 12 years of $800 payments received at thebeginning of each year for the next 12 years? Assume an interest rate of8.25%.A) $14,259.63 B) $15,408.65 C) $16,679.86 D) $18,495.48 E)$20,782.156.At the end of each year for the next 8 years you will receive cash flows of$500. If the appropriate discount rate is 7.5%, how much would you pay for this annuity?A) $4,000.00 B) $5,841.22 C) $1,259.47 D) $2,928.65 E)$3,148.307.Your parents agree to pay half of the purchase price of a new car when yougraduate from college. You will graduate and buy the car two years from now. You have $9,000 to invest today and can earn 12% on invested funds.If your parents match the amount of money you have in two years, what is the maximum you can spend on the new car?A) $ 7,260 B) $11,290 C) $15,000 D) $19,250 E) $22,5798.You need $3,000 to buy a new stereo for your car. If you have $1,200 toinvest at 6% compounded annually, how long will you have to wait to buy the stereo?A) 6.58 years B) 8.42 years C) 11.60 years D) 14.58 years E)15.73 years9.Cornerstone Industries has a bond outstanding with an 8% coupon rate anda market price of $874.68. If the bond matures in 6 years and interest ispaid semiannually, what is the YTM?A) 4.9% B) 6.9% C) 8.9% D) 10.9% E) 12.9%Use the following to answer questions 10-14:A firm has an expected perpetual EBIT = $4,000. The unlevered cost of capital = 15% and there are 20,000 shares of stock outstanding. The firm is considering issuing bonds of $8,800 to add financial leverage to the firm. The cost of debt = 10%, and the tax rate = 34%. There are no flotation costs. 10.What is the value of the firm before the restructuring? Assume there are notaxes.A) $15,930 B) $17,600 C) $18,519 D) $26,667 E) $30,00011.Considering taxes, what is the value of the firm before the restructuring?A) $15,930 B) $17,600 C) $18,519 D) $26,667 E) $30,00012.What is the value of the firm after the restructuring? Taxes are considered.A) $15,930 B) $17,600 C) $18,519 D) $20,592 E) $22,46113.What is the value of the equity after the restructuring?A) $11,792 B) $12,600 C) $12,819 D) $13,592 E) $16,46114.What is the cost of equity after the restructuring?A) 14.8% B) 17.5% C) 18.4% D) 20.0% E) 22.5%Use the following to answer questions 15-17:Rob and Laura wish to buy a new home. The price is $387,500 and they plan to pay 20% of it as down payment. New Rochelle Savings and Loan will lend them the remainder at a 9% fixed APR for 30 years, with monthly payments to beginin one month. (Ignore taxes.)15.How much will their monthly payments be?A) $2,494.33 B) $2,825.99 C) $3,512.56 D) $3,645.45 E)$3,760.4516.What will the outstanding balance of the loan be after ten years assumingyou make the first 120 payments exactly on time?A) $ 99,610 B) $135,467 C) $277,232 D) $239,144 E) $170,50917.Suppose Rob wants to pay off the loan in 15 years. How much extra musthe pay each month to do so?A) $311.25 B) $501.19 C) $649.90 D) $811.35 E) $914.4718.Given the following cash flows, what is the present value if the discountrate is 8%?Y ear1234Cash Flow$400$250$900$1925A) $1,415.07 B) $2,714.09 C) $2,865.70 D) $3,058.96 E)$3,222.6219.King Noodles' bonds have a 9% coupon rate. Interest is paid quarterly andthe bonds have a maturity of 10 years. If the appropriate discount rate is 10% on similar bonds, what is the price of King Noodles' bonds?A) $937.24 B) $938.55 C) $971.27 D) $989.63 E) $991.2720.The bonds of Microhard, Inc. carry a 12% annual coupon, have a $1,000face value, and mature in 5 years. Bonds of equivalent risk yield 9%. What is the market value of Microhard's bonds?A) $1,011.20 B) $1,087.25 C) $1,095.66 D) $1,116.69 E)$1,160.2521.A firm's stock has a required return of 12%. The stock's dividend yield is5%. What dividend did the firm just pay if the current stock price is $50?A) $2.18 B) $2.34 C) $2.50 D) $2.87 E) $3.6022.Etling Inc.'s dividend is expected to grow at 5% for the next 2 years andthen at 3% forever. If the current dividend is $2 and the required return is 14%, what is the price of the stock?A) $19.43 B) $23.82 C) $25.15 D) $27.58 E) $29.7023.Asset A has an expected return of 10%. The expected market return is14% and the risk-free rate is 5%. What is asset A's beta?A) 0.33 B) 0.56 C) 0.67 D) 0.88 E) 1.15Use the following to answer questions 24-25A firm needs to purchase equipment for a new project. The total cost of the equipment is $2 million. It is estimated that the aftertax cash inflows from the project will be $210,000 annually in perpetuity. The market value debt-to-assets ratio is 40%. The firm's cost of equity is 13% and its pretax cost of debt is 8%. The tax rate is 34%. Assume the project is of similar risk to the firm's existing operations.24.What is the weighted average cost of capital?A) 6.09% B) 8.73% C) 8.95% D) 9.05% E) 9.91%25.What is the NPV of the proposed project?A) $ 33,966 B) $ 65,990 C) $ 98,542 D) $119,072 E) $128,03426.J&J Manufacturing just issued a bond with a $1,000 face value and a coupon rate of 8%. If the bond has a life of 20 years, pays annual coupons, and the yield to maturity is 7.5%, what is the present value of the bond's face value?A) $ 235.41 B) $ 341.15 C) $ 815.56 D) $1,000.00E) $1,050.9727.A stock that pays a constant dividend of $1.50 forever currently sells for $10.71. What is the required rate of return?A) 10% B) 12% C) 13% D) 14% E) 15%28.Given the following information, what is the firm's weighted average cost of capital? Market value of equity = $30 million; market value of debt = $20 million; cost of equity = 15%; cost of debt = 9%; equity beta = 1.4; tax rate = 35%.A) 11.34% B) 12.60% C) 12.97% D) 13.32% E) 14.08%Use the following to answer questions 4-5A firm needs to purchase equipment for a new project. The total cost of the equipment is $2 million. It is estimated that the aftertax cash inflows from the project will be $210,000 annually in perpetuity. The market value debt-to-assets ratio is 40%. The firm's cost of equity is 13% and its pretax cost of debt is 8%. The tax rate is 34%. Assume the project is of similar risk to the firm's existing operations.29.What is the weighted average cost of capital?A) 6.09%C) 8.95%D) 9.05%E) 9.91%30.What is the NPV of the proposed project?A) $ 33,966B) $ 65,990C) $ 98,542D) $119,072E) $128,03431.You need $3,000 to buy a new stereo for your car. If you have $1,200 to invest at 6% compounded annually, how long will you have to wait to buy the stereo?A) 6.58 yearsB) 8.42 yearsC) 11.60 yearsD) 14.58 yearsE) 15.73 years32.An insurance company promises to pay Jane $1 million on her 65th birthday in return for a one-time payment of $125,000 today. (Jane is 30 now.) At what rate of interest would Jane be indifferent between accepting the company's offer and investing the premium on her own?B) 4.5%C) 5.1%D) 6.1%E) 7.2%33.An account was opened with an investment of $2,000 10 years ago. The ending balance in the account is $3,500. If interest was compounded annually, what rate was earned on the account?A) 2.66%B) 3.22%C) 3.95%D) 4.81%E) 5.76%34.What is the future value in 12 years of $800 payments received at the beginning of each year for the next 12 years? Assume an interest rate of8.25%.A) $14,259.63B) $15,408.65C) $16,679.86D) $18,495.48E) $20,782.1535.At the end of each year for the next 8 years you will receive cash flows of$500. The initial investment is $2,500. What rate of return are you expecting from this investment?A) 11.81%B) 10.27%C) 9.01%D) 8.28%E) 7.21%36.You agree to loan your parents $32,000 to buy a new van. They agree to pay you $650 a month for 5 years. The ________________.A) interest rate on the loan is 0.75% per monthB) APR on the loan is 7.87%C) EAR on the loan is 8.08%D) APR on the loan is 8.22%E) EAR on the loan is 8.38%37.The stock of MTY Golf World currently sells for $90 per share. The firm has a constant dividend growth rate of 6% and just paid a dividend of $5.09. If the required rate of return is 12%, what will the stock sell for one year from now?A) $ 90.00B) $ 93.52C) $ 95.40D) $ 99.80E) $112.7838.Llano's stock is currently selling for $40 per share. The expected dividend one year from now is $2 per share and the required return is 13%. What is this firm's dividend growth rate assuming the constant dividend growth model is appropriate?A) 8%B) 9%C) 10%D) 11%39.Asset A has an expected return of 20.4% and a beta of 1.6. The expected market return is 15%. What is the risk-free rate?A) 2%B) 4%C) 5%D) 6%E) 8%40.The market price of a bond is $1,236.94, it has 14 years to maturity, a $1,000 face value, and pays an annual coupon of $100 in semiannual installments. What is the yield to maturity?A) 3.18%B) 4.26%C) 5.37%D) 6.11%E) 7.27%41.King Noodles' bonds have a 9% coupon rate. Interest is paid quarterlyand the bonds have a maturity of 10 years. If the appropriate discount rate is 10% on similar bonds, what is the price of King Noodles' bonds?A) $937.24B) $938.55C) $971.27D) $989.63E) $991.27Use the following to answer questions 17-19:Rob and Laura wish to buy a new home. The price is $387,500 and they plan to pay 20% of it as down payment. New Rochelle Savings and Loan will lend them the remainder at a 9% fixed APR for 30 years, with monthly payments to begin in one month. (Ignore taxes.)42.How much will their monthly payments be?A) $2,494.33B) $2,825.99C) $3,512.56D) $3,645.45E) $3,760.4543.What will the outstanding balance of the loan be after ten yearsassuming you make the first 120 payments exactly on time?A) $ 99,610B) $135,467C) $277,232D) $239,144E) $170,50944.Suppose Rob wants to pay off the loan in 15 years. How much extra must he pay each month to do so?A) $311.25 B) $501.19 C) $649.90 D) $811.35 E) $914.4745.Etling Inc.'s dividend is expected to grow at 5% for the next 2 years and then at 3% forever. If the current dividend is $2 and the required return is 14%, what is the price of the stock?A) $19.43 B) $23.82 C) $25.15 D) $27.58 E) $29.7046.Given the following cash flows, what is the present value if the discount rate is 8%?Y ear1234Cash Flow$400$250$900$1925A) $1,415.07B) $2,714.09C) $2,865.70D) $3,058.96E) $3,222.6247.If the following bonds are identical except for coupon, what is the priceof bond B?Bond A Bond BFace value$1,000$1,000Semiannual Coupon$50$40Years to maturity2525Price$1,150.00?A) $944.58B) $ 975.31C) $1,037.86D) $1,150.00E) $1,279.4748.You have $100,000 to invest. Your bank offers one-year certificates of deposit with a stated rate of 3.50% compounded quarterly. What rate compounded semiannually would provide you with the same amount of money at the end of one year?A) 3.485%B) 3.500%C) 3.505%D) 3.510%E) 3.515%49.Fast Eddie's Used Cars will sell you a Mazda Miata for $5,000. You agree to make weekly payments of $60 for 2 years, beginning one week after you buy the car. What is the EAR of this loan?A) 20.04%B) 22.85%C) 25.61%D) 32.34%E) 43.01%50.Bonds will be issued for a new project. Bonds in the same risk class issued by another firm are currently priced at $1,068.55, have 15 years remaining to maturity, and pay coupons of $90 every year. If this firm's marginal tax rate is 35%, what is the project's pretax cost of debt?A) 8.19%B) 7.47%C) 5.32%D) 6.12%E) 9.00%。