霍尼韦尔产品全部资料目录技术部分 (1)一、霍尼韦尔安防(Honeywell Security)简介 (1)1、霍尼韦尔公司简介 (1)2、霍尼韦尔安防(Honeywell Security)发展历程 (2)3、典型项目案例 (3)二、门禁控制系统设计 (7)1、门禁系统构成 (7)2、门禁控制管理软件(Winpak Pro) (10)3、门禁设备参数 (14)1.1 门禁控制功能? 控制所有出入通道控制点的电锁开/关,实行授权安全管理,并实时地将每道门的状态向控制中心报告。
? 通过管理电脑预先编程设置,系统能对持卡人的通行卡进行有效性授权(进/出等级设置),设置卡的有效使用时间和范围(允许进入的区域),便于内部统一管理。
? 系统自动识别进出人员身份,防止外来人员的闯入。
? 全部采用非接触读卡识别方式,系统使用者持有效卡才可以在授权的范围内进出。
? 在重要通道口设置成出入双向监控管理(进/出均需刷卡)。
? 系统可探测到异常开门情况,具有报警功能。
1.2 编程管理功能? 有编程权限的管理人员可通过监控终端和管理主机对所发感应卡设定限、取消和重置使用,并可设置门锁的方式。
? 在发生意外时,可由中央控制室控制部分或全部门锁的开闭。
1.3 卡片及持卡人管理功能? 总控中心统一发卡,可将卡制作成工作证、出入证、贵宾卡、临时卡等,并可对不同的卡进行不同的授权。
? 可以设定卡的生效和截止日期。
? 具有批添加和批删除卡,以及卡查询功能。
? 总控中心发行授权后的IC卡,作为电子钥匙,在卡接近读卡器前,读卡器内指示灯由红变绿,门锁便自动打开。
霍尼韦尔 RT10A 加密平板电脑商品说明书
此外,RT10A基于霍尼韦尔Mobility E dge™平台,能向后兼容至Android™ R甚至更高版本,保护您的投资不会过时,保障您的投资永不过时,同时还能快速部署,尽快实现价值。
借助R T10A和霍尼韦尔O p e r a t i o n a lIntelligence软件能将数据转化可行性行动建议,进而查找并修复设备滥用、无法整夜充电等问题。
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品牌:Honeywell 产品名:HMR3000 型号:HHMR3000 品牌型号说明书
Digital Compass Solution HMR3000The Honeywell HMR3000 is a digital compass module that provides heading, pitch, and roll outputs for navigation. Three Honeywell’s magneto -resistive sensors are oriented in orthogonal directions to measure the vector components of earth’s magnetic field. A fluid tilt sensor is employed to determine a gravitational reference. These solid-state sensors create a strapdown compass that is both rugged and reliable. The data output is serial full-duplex RS-232 or half-duplex RS-485 with 1200 to 19,200 data rates.Applications include: Compassing & Navigation, Dead Reckoning Backup to GPS Systems, Marine Navigation, Antenna Positioning, and Land SurveyingA RS-232 development kit version is available that includes a windows compatible demo program (does not work with RS-485 devices), interface cable, AC adapter and carrying case.Honeywell continues to maintain product excellence and performance by introducing innovative solid-state magnetic sensor solutions. These are highly reliable, top performance products that are delivered when promised. Honeywell’s magnetic sensor solutions provide real solutions you can count on.FEATURES & BENEFITS BLOCK DIAGRAMHigh Accuracy, <0.5° with 0.1° ResolutionWide Tilt Range of ±40° Up to 20 Updates per Second NMEA Standard Sentence Outputs Hard Iron Calibration RoutineRS-232 or RS-485 Serial Data Interfaces PCB or Aluminum Enclosure Options6-15 volt DC Unregulated Power SupplyInterfaceHMR3000SPECIFICATIONSPower SupplyTemperature(2) Tested at 25°C except stated otherwise.(3) Characterized(4) Parts stationary for 24 hours before testing(5) The HMR3000 Demo Kit is not available with the RS-485 interface because the software does not support half-duplex protocol2 HMR3000 3PIN CONFIGURATION(1) Power input shall only be applied to either Pin 8 (+5VDC) or Pin 9 (Unregulated +6 to+15VDC).(2) Exceeding the voltage specifications for Pin 8 may damage the HMR3000.RS-232 UNBALANCED I/O INTERCONNECTSRS-485 BALANCED I/O INTERCONNECTSHMR3000HOST PCHOST PCHMR3000HMR3000DATA COMMUNICATIONSThe HMR3000 serial communications are governed by a simple asynchronous, ASCII protocol modeled after the NMEA0183 standard. Either an RS-232 or an RS-485 electrical interface can be ordered. ASCII characters are transmitted and received using 1 start bit, 8 data bits (LSB first), no parity (MSB always 0), and 1 stop bit; 10 bits total per character. Thebaud rate defaults to 19,200 and can be reconfigured to 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400 bits per second. TheHMR3000 supports both standard NMEA 0183 and proprietary messages. Unsolicited NMEA messages are sent by theHMR3000 in Continuous Mode at the rates programmed in the EEPROM. HMR3000 also responds to all input messagesfrom the host. An HMR3000 response to a command input may be delayed due to transmission of an unsolicited output.The host computer must wait for HMR3000 to respond to the last command input before sending another command message. All communication from and to HMR3000 contain a two-character Checksum Field at the end of the data fields,and are denoted in the sentences by ‘hh’. The checksum assures the accuracy of the message transmitted. This checksumis also calculated per NMEA 0183 Standard.The RS-232 signals are single-ended undirectional levels that are sent received simultaneously (full duplex). One signal isfrom the host personal computer (PC) transmit (TD) to the HMR3000 receive (RD) data line, and the other is from theHMR3000 TD to the PC RD data line. When a logic one is sent, either the TD or RD line will drive to about +6 Volts referenced to ground. For a logic zero, the TD or RD line will drive to about –6 Volts below ground. Since the signals are transmitted and dependent on an absolute voltage level, this limits the distance of transmission due to line noise and signalto about 60 feet.When using RS-485(1), the signals are balanced differential transmissions sharing the same lines (half-duplex). This meansthat logic one the transmitting end will drive the B line at least 1.5 Volts higher than the A line. For a logic zero, the transmitting end will drive the B line at least 1.5 Volts lower than the A line. Since the signals are transmitted as difference voltage level, these signals can withstand high noise environments or over very long distances where line loss may be a problem; up to 4000 feet. Note that long RS-485 lines should be terminated at both ends with 120-ohm resistors.Specific measurement descriptions and interface commands are not included in this datasheet but are included in the companion HMR3000 User’s Guide document.(1) Demonstration software for the HMR3000 does not support the RS-485(half-duplex) protocol. The software is onlyavailable with the RS-232 interface.CIRCUIT DESCRIPTIONThe HMR3000 Digital Compass Module contains all the basic sensors and electronics to provide digital indication of headingand tilt. The HMR3000 has all three axis of magnetic sensors on the far end of the printed circuit board, away from the connector interface. The HMR3000 uses the circuit board mounting holes or the enclosure surfaces as the reference mechanical directions. The complete HMR3000 PCB assembly consists of a mother board and the 9-pin D-connector.The HMR3000 circuit starts with the Honeywell HMC1001 1-Axis Magnetic Sensor and the HMC1002 2-Axis Magnetic Sensor elements to provide the X, Y, and Z axis magnetic sensing of the earth’s field. These sensor output voltages arethen amplfied and converted to a digital representation. A microcontroller integrated circuit receives the digitized magneticfield values (readings) by periodically querying the Analog to Digital Converter (ADC) and performs the necessary offsetvalue corrections provided by the EEPROM via the calibration routine. This microcontroller also performs the external serialdata interface and other housekeeping functions. The onboard EEPROM integrated circuit also is employed to retain necessary setup variables for best performance.A liquid filled two-axis (pitch, roll) tilt sensor is also used to create tilt compensated heading data. This tilt sensor performsan electronic gimballing function and is normally mounted flat (PCB horizontal) for maximum tilt range.4 HMR3000APPLICATIONS PRECAUTIONSSeveral precautions should be observed when using magnetic compasses in general:∙The presence of ferrous materials, such as nickel, iron, steel, and cobalt near the magnetometer will create disturbances in the earth’s magnetic field that will distort the X, Y, and Z field measurements.∙Perming effects on the HMR3000 circuit board need to be taken into account. If the HMR3000 is exposed to fields greater than 10 gauss, then it is recommended that the enclosure/circuit boards be degaussed for highestsensitivity and resolution. A possible result of perming is a high zero-field output indication that exceedsspecification limits. Degaussing wands are readily available from local electronics tool suppliers and areinexpensive. Severe field offset values could result if not degaussed.NON-FERROUS MATERIALSMaterials that do not affect surrounding magnetic fields are: copper, brass, gold, aluminum, some stainless steels, silver,tin, silicon, and most non-metals.HANDLING PRECAUTIONSThe HMR3000 Digital Compass Module measures fields within 1 gauss in magnitude. Computer floppy disks (diskettes)store data with field strengths of approximately 10 gauss. This means that the HMR3000 is many times more sensitive than common floppy disks. Please treat the compass with at least the same caution as your diskettes by avoiding motors, CRTvideo monitors, and magnets. Even though the loss of performance is recoverable, these magnetic sources will interferewith measurements.The fluidic tilt sensor works best when kept near level, and in calm to moderate vibration conditions. If turned upside downor violently jarred, not all the fluid will immediately return to the bottom of the tilt sensor’s glass ampoule. Accurate til t andtilt compensated headings may be unavailable for a minute or two to allow for the fluid to transit to the bottom of the ampoule.PCB DIMENSIONS AND PINOUT 5HMR30006 CASE DIMENSIONSDEMONSTRATION PCB MODULE KITThe HMR3000 Demonstration Kit includes additional hardware and Windows software to form a development kit for the digital compass module. This kit includes the HMR3000 PCB and enclosure, serial port cable with attached AC adapter power supply, and demo software plus documentation on a compact disk (CD). The figure below shows the schematic of the serial port cable with integral AC adapter. There will be three rotary switches on the AC adapter. These should be pointed towards the positive (+) polarity, +9 volts, and 120 or 240 VAC; depending your domestic supply of power.22D9-FD9-F359359HMR3000 7ORDERING INFORMATIONFIND OUT MOREFor more information on Honeywell’s Magnetic Sensors visit us online at .The application circuits herein constitute typical usage and interface of Honeywell product. Honeywell does not warranty or assume liability of customer-designed circuits derived from this description or depiction.Honeywell reserves the right to make changes to improve reliability, function or design. Honeywell does not assume any liability arising out of the application or use of any product or circuit described herein; neither does it convey any license under its patent rights nor the rights of others.U.S. Patents 4,441,072, 4,533,872, 4,569,742, 4,681,812, 4,847,584 and 6,529,114 apply to the technology describedPDS-42005September 2015©2015 Honeywell International Inc.Honeywell12001 Highway 55 Plymouth, MN 55441。
Honeywell CCTV各种设备参数
CCTV各种设备参数CCTV各种设备参数目录CCTV各种设备参数 (1)1.HUS (6)1.1中心管理服务器HUS-VMS (6)1.2网络存储系统HUS-NVR-5100A (7)1.3视频存储磁盘阵列HUS-NVR-EC16 (9)1.4中心管理服务器HUS-XACT100 (11)1.5中心管理服务器HUS-XPRO-MAS(4.1.0) (13)1.6中心管理扩展服务器HUS-XPRO-SLA(4.1.0) (16)1.7中心管理容灾备份系统HUS-XPRO-RPK(本地支持)(4.1.0) (17)1.8中心管理容灾备份系统HUS-XPRO-RDB(异地支持)(4.1.0) (20)1.9中心管理服务器HUS-XTRE-MAS(4.1.0) (23)1.10中心管理容灾备份系统HUS-XTRE-RPK(本地支持)(4.1.0) (26)1.11中心管理服务器HUS-XACT100(4.1.0) (30)1.12中心管理服务器HUS-XACT100S(4.1.0) (33)1.13中心管理服务器HUS-XACT50S(4.1.0) (37)1.14网络存储系统HUS-NVR-5100A(4.1.0) (40)1.15视频存储磁盘阵列HUS-NVR-EC16(4.1.0) (42)1.16网络存储系统HUS-IPS (45)1.17流媒体服务器HUS-IPS-STM (45)1.18IPSAN主柜:HUS-IPS-5100S (46)1.19IPSAN扩展柜:HUS-IPS-EC16S (47)1.20IPSAN主柜:HUS-IPS-5100D (48)1.21IPSAN扩展柜:HUS-IPS-EC16D (49)2.视频编解码器 (50)2.1视频编码器HVR-9000 (50)2.2视频解码器HUS-D4 (52)2.3视频编码器HUSS-E4 (53)2.4视频编码器HUSS-E4V (55)2.5视频编码器HUSS-E1 (56)2.6视频解码器HUSS-D1 (57)2.7单路高清视频解码器HD-NDE-1H11 (58)2.8四路高清视频解码器HD-NDE-4H11 (59)2.9数字视频编码器HUSS-E2X (61)2.10数字视频编码器HUSS-E4X (63)2.11数字视频编码器HUSS-E8X (66)3.IP摄像机 (69)3.1网络半球摄像机HIVDC-100P (69)3.2室内半球网络摄像机HIDC-0100 (70)3.3防暴半球网络摄像机HIVDC-0105 (72)3.4百万像素网络半球摄像机HD3MDIP (75)3.5日夜转换网络固定摄像机HICC-100P/HICC-100PT (77)3.6网络枪式摄像机HICC-0100 (78)3.7百万像素网络固定摄像机HICC-130P (80)3.826倍户外全天候高性能网络快球摄像机HSD-261P-NET (82)3.936倍户外全天候宽动态网络快球摄像机HSD-361PW-NET (84)4.Pioneer系统摄像机 (86)4.1百万像素室外防暴半球网络摄像机HIVDC-P-0105 (86)4.2百万像素室内半球网络摄像机HIDC-P-0100-43 (88)4.3百万像素室内半球网络摄像机HIDC-P-0100V (90)4.4全帧速高清室内半球网络摄像机HIDC-P-1100 (93)4.5百万像素网络摄像机HICC-P-0100 (95)4.6全帧速高清网络摄像机HICC-P-1100 (97)4.723倍室外网络快球摄像机HISD-P-0231 (100)4.836倍室外宽动态网络快球摄像机HISD-P-0361W (102)5.IP高清摄像机(2011.08新发布) (106)5.1720p高清宽动态网络枪型摄像机HICC-1300W (106)5.2720p高清网络半球型摄像机HIDC-1300V (108)5.3720p高清网络半球型摄像机HIDC-1300W (110)5.4720p高清网络半球型摄像机HIVDC-1300W (112)5.5720p高清网络高速球型摄像机HISD-1181W (114)5.61080p高清网络枪型摄像机HICC-2300 (117)5.71080p高清网络枪型摄像机HICC-2300T (119)5.81080p高清网络半球型摄像机HIDC-2300V (121)5.91080p高清网络半球型摄像机HIVDC-2300V (123)5.101080p高清网络高速球型摄像机HISD-2201W (126)5.11720P高清网络枪型摄像机HICC-1100 (128)5.12720P高清真实日夜转换网络枪型摄像机HICC-1100T (130)5.13720P高清室内网络半球型摄像机HIDC-1100PV (133)5.14720P高清真实日夜转换室内网络半球型摄像机HIDC-1100PTV (135)5.15720P高清网络半球型摄像机HIVDC-1105PV (138)5.16720P高清真实日夜转换网络半球型摄像机HIVDC-1105PTV (140)6.模拟半球摄像机 (143)6.1电梯专用半球摄像机HDC-505P-25 (143)6.2高分辨率彩色半球摄像机HDC-505PV (144)6.3电梯专用摄像机HDC-890P-36 (145)6.4半球摄像机HDC-790P-36/60 (146)6.5半球摄像机HDC-690P-36/60 (147)6.6半球摄像机HDC-890PV (148)6.7半球摄像机HDC-895PV (150)6.8半球摄像机HDC-795PV (151)6.9宽动态防暴半球摄像机HVD-890PV (152)6.10宽动态防暴半球摄像机HVD-890PT (153)6.11宽动态防暴半球摄像机HVD-890PI (154)6.12宽动态红外半球摄像机HVD-890PVIA-E (156)6.13电梯专用半球摄像机HDC-690P-25 (157)6.14室内日夜型半球摄像机HDC-690PV (158)6.15600线半球摄像机HDC-6605PV (160)6.16650线半球摄像机HDC-8655PV (161)6.17650线真实日夜转换半球摄像机HDC-8655PTV (163)6.18650线真实日夜转换防暴红外半球摄像机HDC-8655PTV (164)6.19650线真实日夜转换宽动态红外半球摄像机HDC-8655PTV (166)6.20电梯半球摄像机HDC-6605P-28 (168)7.模拟枪式固定摄像机 (170)7.1摄像机VCC-320 (170)7.2强光抑制摄像机HCC-685PT (170)7.3高分辨率日夜转换摄像机HCC-690P (171)7.4彩色固定摄像机HCC-645P (172)7.5彩色固定摄像机HCC-745P (173)7.6高分辨率日夜转换摄像机HCC-745PTW (175)7.7日夜转换固定摄像机HCC-795P (176)7.8日夜转换固定摄像机HCC-795PT (177)7.9日夜转换固定摄像机HCS-895X (177)7.10日夜转换固定摄像机HCD-895X (178)7.11600线真实日夜转换枪型摄像机HCC-6605PT (179)7.12650线枪型摄像机HCC-8655P (180)7.13650线真实日夜转换枪型摄像机HCC-8655PT (182)7.14650线真实日夜转换防暴红外枪型摄像机HCC-8655PTVI (183)7.15650线真实日夜转换宽动态枪型摄像机HCC-8655PTW (185)7.16650线日夜转换宽动态枪型摄像机HCC-8655PW (186)7.17700线真实日夜转换宽动态枪型摄像机HCC-8705PTW (188)7.18摄像机HCC-248 (189)7.191/2”CCD高分辨率彩色摄像机HCC-290P-E (191)7.201/2”CCD高分辨率彩色摄像机HCC-295P (192)7.21650线超高分辨率摄像机HCC-960P-VR (193)7.22650线超高分辨率摄像机HCC-965P-VR (195)7.23650线超高分辨率摄像机HCC-960PT-VR (196)7.24650线超高分辨率摄像机HCC-965PT-VR (197)7.2525倍日夜转换宽动态一体化摄像机HZC-252P-VR (198)7.2636倍日夜转换宽动态一体化摄像机HZC-363P-VR (200)8.模拟快球摄像机 (202)8.1日夜型快球摄像机HSDN-352PXE (202)8.2快球摄像机HSDN-251PS (203)8.3日夜型快球摄像机HSDC-251PXE (204)8.425x宽动态快球摄像机HSDC-252PA-E (205)8.536x宽动态快球摄像机HSDC-363PA-E (207)8.6室外一体化快球HSD-261P (209)8.7室外一体化快球HSD-261PW (210)8.8室外一体化快球HSD-361P (212)8.9室外一体化快球HSD-361PW (213)9.矩阵系统 (215)9.1Maxpro-NET矩阵系统 (215)9.2MegaPIT通道切换装置HS10PIT (219)9.3VB矩阵系统 (220)9.4VideoBolX CPU控制模块 (222)9.5视频输入模块 (222)9.6视频输出模块 (223)9.7协议转换器PIT (223)9.8报警输入输出模块 (224)9.9数据扩展器 (225)9.10设备控制配置程序(HVBCFG) (225)9.11图形控制软件(HVBGUI) (225)9.12网络服务器软件(HVBNET) (226)10.键盘 (227)10.1HJC5000矩阵控制键盘 (227)11.硬盘录像机 (229)11.116通道D1全实实嵌入式硬盘录像机HD-16DVR-D (229)11.216通道硬盘录像机HD-16DVR-7016 (231)11.3HD-JC-010键盘——DCS操控设备 (232)11.4HD-NDE-4010 4通道视频解码器——视频输出设备 (233)12.智能分析编码器 (234)12.1智能分析编码器HV AE-0100 (234)12.2智能分析编码器HV AE-0400 (235)1. HUS1.1中心管理服务器HUS-VMSHUS-VMS是系统核心服务器,主要包含数据中心管理、报警事件管理、视频流管理、预案编程管理等。
Honeywell TR21、TR22、TR23、TR24 壁模块说明书
INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS62-0267-09TR21, TR22, TR23, and TR24 Wall ModulesFEATURESThe TR21, TR22, TR23, and TR24 family of wall modules include:•Models with setpoint adjustment.•Models with humidity output.•Models with occupied/unoccupied override (bypass) with LED.•Models with 3-position (auto/0/1) or 5-position (auto/0/1/2/3 speed) fan switch.•L ON W ORKS ® bus jack on all models except the TR21 and TR21-A models.•Locking cover on all models.•Operating range 45° to 99° F (7° to 37° C).•Models (TR22 and TR23) with user-selectabletemperature setpoint dials in Fahrenheit, Celsius, and Relative (- to +).PRODUCT DESCRIPTIONThe TR21, TR22, TR23, and TR24 are a family of direct-wired wall modules for use with:—Spyder Unitary Controllers: PUL, PVL—Excel 10 W7750, W7751a , W7752, and W7753controllers—Honeywell Excel 800, 600, 500, 100, and 80 (all fullyprogrammable) controllers —W7761 Controller—ComfortPoint LON Controllers: CP-UL, CP-VL All models have a space temperature sensor. Some models have a temperature dial, setpoint adjustment, L ON W ORKS bus jack, override (bypass) with LED, and fan switch.NOTE:Refer to the TR21, TR22, TR23, and TR24 WallModules – Specification Data , form 63-1321, for specific model features and additional information.SPECIFICATIONSModels: For specific model information, see TR21, TR22,TR23, and TR24 Wall Modules – Specification Data , form 63-1321.Environmental Ratings:•Operating Temperature: 45° to 99° F (7° to 37° C).•Shipping Temperature: -40° to 150° F (-40° to 65.5° C).Accessories: 50007298-001 (pack of 12) medium, coverplate; 6-7/8 x 5in. (175 x 127 mm).Approvals: CE; UL94 plastic enclosure; FCC Part 15, Class BTemperature SensorTR21, TR22, TR23, and TR24 20K Ohm Nonlinearized Sensor:All models are furnished with a 20K Ohm nonlinear NTC temperature sensor that follows a specific temperature resistance curve. See Fig. 1 on page 2.NOTE:The TR21-A wall module model has two (2) 20KOhm nonlinear NTC temperature sensors in parallel, which provide 10K NTC temperature sensingnecessary for averaging.a The TR21, TR22, TR23, and TR24 wall modules are notcompatible with W7751A,C,E,G Controllers.TR21, TR22, TR23, AND TR24 WALL MODULES62-0267—092Fig. 1. Temperature vs. Resistance for Nonlinear Sensor.CommunicationsAll wall modules (except the TR21 and TR21-A models) havea L ON M ARK ® bus communications port. If needed, the jack plug must be removed in the field, and terminals 3 and 4 wired according to the installation instructions.The recommended wire size for the L ON M ARK ® bus is Level IV, 22 AWG (0.34 plenum or non-plenum rated, non-shielded, twisted pair, solid conductor wire.Fig. 2. Wall Module Features (TR23-F Shown).BEFORE INSTALLATIONFailure to follow proper wiring practices canintroduce disruptive electrical interference (noise).Keep wiring at least one foot away from large inductive loads such as motors, line starters, lighting ballasts, and large power distribution panels.Shielded cable is required in installations where these guidelines cannot be met.Ground shild only to grounded controller case.IMPORTANTAll wiring must comply with local electrical codes and ordinances or as specified on installation wiring diagrams.—Wall module wiring can be sized from 16 to 22 AWG (1.31 to 0.33 sq. mm) depending on the application.—The maximum length of wire from a device to a wall module is 1000 ft. (305 m).—Twisted pair wire is recommended for wire runs longer than 100 ft. (30.5 m).INSTALLATIONMount the wall module on an inside wall approximately 54 in. (1372 mm) from the floor (or in the specified location) to allow exposure to the average zone temperature. Do not mount the wall module on an outside wall, on a wall containing water pipes, or near air ducts. Avoid locations that are exposed to discharge air from registers or radiation from lights,appliances, or the sun. See “Cover Disassembly” on page 3.The wall module can be mounted on a wall, on a standard utility conduit box using No. 6 (3.5 mm) screws or on a 60mm wall outlet box (see Fig.3). When mounting directly on a wall, use the type of screws appropriate for the wall material.Fig. 3. Mounting on Standard Utility Conduit Box or60 mm Wall Outlet Box (TR23 Shown).FRONT COVERTR21, TR22, TR23, AND TR24 WALL MODULES362-0267—10Fig. 4. Wall Module Subbase Dimensions in Inches (mm) and Temperature Limit Set Screw Locations (TR23Shown).Cover DisassemblyA snap-fit locking mechanism is used to attach the cover of the wall module to its subbase. To disassemble the cover from the subbase:1.Insert a thin, flat blade screwdriver into each of the twoslots at the bottom of the module to release the two locking tabs. See Fig.2 on page 2.2.Tilt the cover out and away from the subbase to releasethe top two locking tabs.3.To change the dial (e.g. from Fahrenheit to Celsius)release the two tabs on the inside of the front cover and remove the old dial.WiringAttach the wires from the device sensor terminals to the appropriate wall module terminals. See Table 1 on page4.Screw type terminal blocks are designed to accept no more than one 16 AWG (1.31 sq. mm) conductor.Connect multiple wires that are 16-18 AWG(1.31-0.82 sq. mm) with a wire nut. Include a pigtail with this wire group and attach the pigtail to the individual terminal block.Wiring Wall ModulesWire the terminal block as follows:1.For single wires, strip 3/16 in. (5 mm); for multiple wiresgoing into one terminal, strip 1/2 in. (13 mm) insulation from the conductor.2.If two or more wires (20 to 22 AWG only) are beinginserted into one terminal, twist the wires together before inserting. See Fig. 5.3.Insert the wire in the required terminal location and tighten the screw to complete the termination.4.Review and verify the terminal connection wiring and DIP switch settings illustrated in Table 1 on page 4.NOTE:Wire the Lon connection (terminals 3 and 4) usingLevel IV 22 AWG (0.34 mm 2) plenum or non-plenum rated, unshielded, twisted pair, solid conductor wire.Wiring ExamplesTable 1 on page 4 illustrates DIP switch settings and terminal connections for the wall modules. Refer to the TR21, TR22, TR23, and TR24 Wall Modules – Specification Data , form 63-1321, for additional DIP Switch information.IMPORTANTSW 2 on DIP Switch S2 is used for factory calibration of the temperature setpoint potentiometer.Depending on calibration, this switch may be set in either the On or Off position.DO NOT change the position of this switch.NOTES:1.The TR21 and TR22 models do not use DIP Switch S1 and S3.2.DIP Switch S1 is used only on the humidity models, TR21-H and TR23-H.3.Models TR21 and TR21-A use terminals 1 and 2 only. Model TR21-J uses terminals 1, 2, 3, and 4 only.Fig. 5. Attaching Two Wires (20 to 22 AWG) to Wall ModuleTerminals.Attaching the CoverWhen all wiring is complete, attach the cover of the Wall Module as follows:1.Optional : For models with a temperature dial, insert thetwo setpoint screws into the inside of the cover to set the desired temperature range limit. See Fig.4.2.Press the cover straight down onto the subbase until itsnaps into place.3.For models with a temperature dial, insert the desireddial through the opening in the cover. Align the keyed shaft on the knob with the keyed slot into the fitting on the subbase, then press down until it snaps into place.TR21, TR22, TR23, AND TR24 WALL MODULESWiring and DIP switch settings:See Table 1 to determine DIP switch positions and terminal usage for each controller.Table 1. DIP Switch Settings and Terminal Connections.62-0267—094TR21, TR22, TR23, AND TR24 WALL MODULES562-0267—09TR22 and TR23 Setpoint AdjustmentFor the TR22 and TR23 Wall Modules with a setpointadjustment, the controller must be programmed for the values in Table 2 and Table 3.TR23-KL and TR23-H-KLThe TR23-KL and TR23-H-KL ship in packs of 20 and are supplied without setpoint adjustment knobs. Knobs can be ordered separately. See Table 4 for Knob model numbers.Humidity Settings (DIP switch S1)The humidity sensing control mode is set with this 2-position DIP switch. Refer to Fig.4 on page 3 for location of DIP switch S1.NOTE:These switch settings apply only to the TR21-H andTR23-H models.To change the setting, first disconnect the power, then set SW1 and SW2 according to Table 5.TR23 and TR24 Wall Module Override (Bypass) Pushbutton and LED OperationWhen Used With Excel 10 Controllers:The Excel 10 controllers (W7750, W7751, W7752, andW7753) provide timed occupied and unoccupied temperature setpoints for the Wall Module, see Fig. 6. The override pushbutton is used to change the controller into the modes shown in Table 6 and illustrated in Fig.7 on page 6. The override (bypass) LED displays the override status of the controller.Fig. 6. LED and override pushbutton locations(TR23-F Wall Module shown).Table 2. Setpoint Values.Setpoint Value Program Setting55°F (13°C) 2.773 V 65°F (18°C) 2.148 V 75°F (24°C) 1.345 V 85°F (29°C)0.43 VTable 3. Wall Module Setpoint Configuration.Model Setpoint Resistance (Ohms)°F Absolute 55°F 957485°F1426Relative -9°F offset from 70°F 9574+9°F offset from 70°F1426°C Absolute12°C 994530°C1150Table 4. Knob Model NumbersModel DescriptionKNOB-C Celsius scale knob (pack of 20)KNOB-F Fahrenheit scale knob (pack of 20)KNOB-ORelative scale knob (pack of 20)Table 5. DIP Switch S1 Settings.Wall Module Model Sensing Control Individual Switches 12TR21-H TR23-H0-10 Vdc OFF OFF 0-5 Vdc OFF ON 4-20 mAONOFFTR21, TR22, TR23, AND TR24 WALL MODULES62-0267—096Fig. 7. Override pushbutton operation.When Used With Excel 600/500/100/80/50 Controllers:The application engineer/programmer can program theoverride (bypass) and LED to operate in any manner desired. The override (bypass) input is a dry contact, normally open, momentary digital input when the wall module does not have a fan switch. When a fan speed switch (basically a series of resistances based on fan switch position) is present, the override button is an analog input. See Table 4 for resistances.When Used With T7350 Thermostat:TR21, TR21-A, TR21-H, TR22, TR23, and TR24 are the models compatible with the T7350 thermostat. When using with the T7350 thermostat be sure to use the relative +/- offset knob only. The Celsius and Fahrenheit knobs will not work properly with the T7350 Thermostat.TR22-F5, TR23-F3, and TR23-F5 Wall Module Fan SwitchWith the switch in the far left position (Auto), the fanautomatically runs at the speed determined by the controller temperature control algorithm.With the switch in the 0 position, the fan is off. Position 1 is fan speed 1, etc.The wall module fan speed switch overrides the temperature control algorithm.When Used With Excel 10 Controllers:The Excel 10 Controllers (W7750, W7751, W7752, andW7753) can be programmed so that the fan speed switch and override button function the way that the application engineer/programmer wants. See Table 7 for controller-programming resistances. Switch 1 on Dip Switch S2 adds 10k Ohms resistance when OPEN (for Excel 600-80 controllers) and removes it when CLOSED (for Excel 10 controllers).When Used With Excel 600/500/100/80/50 Controllers:Excel 600/500/100/80 Controllers can be programmed so that the fan speed switch and override button function the way that the application engineer/programmer wants. See Table 8 for controller-programming resistances. Switch 1 on Dip Switch S2 adds 10k Ohms resistance when OPEN (for Excel 600-80 controllers) and removes it when CLOSED (for Excel 10 controllers).Table 6. Wall Module Operation.Pushbutton Held Down Controller Model LED Status0 to 1 second No override Off 1 to 4 seconds Timed occupied override On4 to 7 seconds Unoccupied override Single blink per secondLonger than 7 seconds No overrideOffnot applicableContinuous occupied override aaRemote function, which is generated from the network.Two blinks per secondTable 7. Program Settings for Wall Modules withFan Switch using Excel 10 Controllers.For Switch Position Resistance (Ohms)Comment Auto 1861 ±119Left most position 02686 ±127Fan Off position13866 ±13923041 ±13034601 ±146Right most positionOverride button closed Closed circuitTable 8. Program Settings for Wall Modules with Fan Switch using Excel 600/500/100/80 Controllers.For Switch Position Resistance (Ohms)Comment Auto 11.861K ±119Left most position 012.686K ±127Fan Off position113.866K ±139213.04K ±130314.60K ±146Right most positionOverride button closed 10K ±100TR21, TR22, TR23, AND TR24 WALL MODULES 762-0267—09TR21, TR22, TR23, AND TR24 WALL MODULESAutomation and Control Solutions Honeywell International Inc.Honeywell Limited-Honeywell Limitée 1985 Douglas Drive North 35 Dynamic DriveGolden Valley, MN 55422Toronto, Ontario M1V 4Z9® U.S. Registered Trademark© 2009 Honeywell International Inc.62-0267—09E.K. Rev. 09-09L ON W ORKS ® is a registered trademark of Echelon ® Corporation.L ON M ARK ® and the LonMark Logo are trademarks of the LonMark Association.By using this Honeywell literature, you agree that Honeywell will have no liability for any damages arising out of your use or modification to, the literature. You will defend and indemnify Honeywell, its affiliates and subsidiaries, from and against any liability, cost, or damages, including attorneys’ fees, arising out of, or resulting from, any modification to the literature by you.。
产品列表1. 霍尼韦尔智能温控器* 产品名称:霍尼韦尔智能温控器* 产品型号:TH9320WF5003* 产品特点:- 可与智能手机和智能家居系统连接,实现远程控制- 可编程设置温度和计划,提高能源效率- 大屏幕显示温度和湿度等信息* 使用说明:1. 将温控器与电源连接,并按照说明书设置温度和计划。
2. 下载并安装霍尼韦尔智能手机应用。
3. 打开应用,按照提示添加温控器设备。
4. 连接温控器和手机,即可实现远程控制。
2. 霍尼韦尔空气净化器* 产品名称:霍尼韦尔空气净化器* 产品型号:HFD-120-Q* 产品特点:- 高效过滤空气中的颗粒物和有害物质- 自动检测空气质量,并自动调整清洁模式- 低噪音设计,不影响正常生活* 使用说明:1. 将空气净化器放置在需要净化的房间内,并连接电源。
2. 按下电源开关,启动空气净化器。
3. 空气净化器将自动检测空气质量,并根据需要调整清洁模式。
4. 定期更换空气净化器中的滤网,以确保最佳的净化效果。
维护与保养为了保证霍尼韦尔产品的正常运行和延长使用寿命,以下是一些维护与保养的建议:1. 定期检查产品的电源和连接线,确保其无损坏和松动。
Honeywell Dolphin 6110 移动计算机说明书
Mobile Computers F E AT U R E S&B E NE F I T SUltra-lightweight device provides intuitive data entry and comfortable single-handed use ina stylish form factor.Advanced integrated802.11 a/b/g/ntechnology deliversreal-time networkaccess to criticalinformation andsupports advancedwireless securitystandards.Supports both Microsoft®Windows® CE 6.0 andWindows EmbeddedHandheld 6.5 platforms.Adaptus 6.0 imagingtechnology readslinear and 2D barcodesand captures digitalimages and electronicsignatures — enablingworkers to do morewith a single device.Constructedfor use in lightindustrial in-premiseenvironments.The Dolphin 6110 mobile computerprovides advanced data capture andreal-time wireless communication forin-premise applications including pricelookup/audits, inventory management,customer assistance and merchandising.Dolphin 6110Mobile ComputerThe stylish and reliable Honeywell Dolphin™ 6110 mobile computer provides advanced data collection and real-time wireless communication for in-premise applications including price lookup/audits, inventory management, customer assistance and merchandising. Designed with ergonomics in mind, this pocket-sized mobile computer features an angled imager that allows users to view the screen while scanning a barcode.Despite its stylish exterior, the Dolphin 6110 mobile computer wasbuilt to withstand harsh conditions. This IP54-rated device can endure exposure to dust, dirt and splashing water, as well as accidental drops from distances as high as 1.2 meters (4 feet). The high-performing Dolphin 6110 mobile computer can sustain up to 500 tumblesfrom 1 meter (3.3 feet), providing reliability for years to come.Integrated 802.11 a/b/g/n wireless connectivity providesusers with access to critical data throughout the enterprise.A long-lasting battery minimizes the need to change the batteryduring an eight-hour shift, even in wireless, scan-intensive environments. Advanced protocols enhance data security. Userscan also make phone calls using Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) technology, eliminating the need to carry additional devices.Powered by Adaptus™ 6.0 imaging technology, the Dolphin 6110mobile computer delivers the broadest suite of advanced datacapture capabilities, including linear and 2D barcode scanning,digital image capture and intelligent signature capture, allowingusers to increase efficiency and improve customer service.Purpose-built for in-premise applications, the Dolphin 6110 mobile computer provides mobile workers with the tools needed to streamline tasks, improve productivity and maximize investment protection.Dolphin 6110 Technical Specifications.Dolphin 6110-DS | Rev D | 08/16© 2016 Honeywell International Inc.For more informationHoneywell Sensing and Productivity Solutions9680 Old Bailes Road Fort Mill, SC 29707800-582-4263For a complete listing of all compliance approvals and certifications, please visit / compliance .For a complete listing of all supported barcode symbologies, please visit / symbologies .Dolphin and Adaptus are registered trademarks or trademarks of Honeywell International Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries.Microsoft and Windows are either registeredtrademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the U.S. and/or other countries.MECHANICALDimensions (L x W x H):With Standard Battery: 175 mm x 69 mm x 39 mm (6.9 in x 2.7 in x 1.5 in)With Extended Battery: 175 mm x 69 mm x 43 mm (6.9 in x 2.7 in x 1.7 in) – includes handstrap At Grip: 58 mm (2.3 in)Weight:Imager: Standard Battery: 247 g (8.7 oz); Extended Battery: 270 g (9.5 oz)Laser: Standard Battery: 252 g (8.9 oz); Extended Battery: 275 g (9.7 oz) – includes handstrapENVIRONMENTALOperating Temperature:Imager: -10°C to 50°C (14°F to 122°F)Laser: -10°C to 40°C (14°F to 104°F)Storage Temperature: -20°C to 70°C (-4°F to 158°F)Humidity: 95% humidity, non-condensing Drop: Withstands multiple 1.2 m (4 ft) drops to concrete, all axis and across operating temperature rangeTumble: 500 1 m (3.3 ft) tumbles (1,000 impacts)ESD: Air: ±15kV; Contact: ±8kVEnvironmental Sealing: Independently certified to meet IP54 standards for moisture and particle resistanceSYSTEM ARCHITECTUREProcessor: Texas Instruments OMAP3715 800 MHzOperating System: Microsoft Windows CE 6.0; Windows Embedded Handheld 6.5.3Memory: 512 MB RAM; 512 MB FlashDisplay: 7.1 cm (2.8 in) transmissive active matrix 65,000-color LCD with backlight, QVGA (240 x 320)Keypad: 28-key shifted alphanumeric with backlit keysAudio: Built-in microphone and speaker, stereo headset jackI/O Ports: High-speed USB v2.0 (480 Mbps)Voice Communication: Voice-over-IP and Push-to-Talk readyApplication Software: Honeywell Power Tools and DemosStorage Expansion: User-accessible Micro SDHC memory card slot. Please check current price guide for available qualified card optionsBattery: Standard: Li-Ion, 3.7V, 2200mAh; Extended: Li-Ion, 3.7V, 3300mAh (includes extended battery door)Expected Hours of Operation: 8+ hours (with scan and continuously transmitting)Expected Charge Time: Standard Battery: 4 hours Extended Battery: 6 hoursImager: Imager: 5603 (Laser Aimer), Standard Range (SR), High Density (HD); Adaptus 6.0imaging technology; Laser: N4313 (only for WEH 6.5 version)Decode Capabilities: Imager: Reads standard 1D and 2D symbologies; Laser: Reads standard 1D symbologiesWarranty: One-year for terminals and peripheralsWIRELESS CONNECTIVITYWLAN: 802.11a/b/g/n, Wi-Fi™ certified WLAN Security:Wi-Fi Alliance Certification, Wireless Security Supplicant (DeviceScape), 802.1x, WPA2, EAP, WEP, LEAP, TKIP, MD5, EAP-TLS, EAP-TTLS, WPA-PSK, PEAP, CCXv4WPAN:Bluetooth® Class II (10 m) v2.1 Enhanced Data Rate(EDR) with on-board antenna. BQB certified。
Impulse X4 系列便携式复合气体检测仪操作说明书!重要提示:!在首次使用仪器以前请认真阅读本手册,您将会掌握仪器正确的使用方法和了解仪器的功能,包括操作,维护,功能设置等容。
!如果在使用过程中,遇到的故障或问题在本手册中没有提到,请直接联系制造商Zellweger Analytics,或联系当地的代理商/服务商。
·如果需要使用存储卡,请选用Zellweger Analytics 提供的存储卡(订货号2566-0435),使用其它的存储卡有可能损坏仪器的本质安全结构。
而且KJ700G还可采用多达8种的系统接口种类包括了:1个USB-A (LAN)口(音频输入)、2个USB 口(数据接口)、2个USB口/耳机接口及电源插孔等。
三、基本参数KJ700G的产品型号为JBG0101L,外观尺寸为1380×213 mm,净重约2.5 kg,在使用中应保证底座平整,保证电源线能插入所有端子,便于连接至主机中;为方便安装,将电源线口(内插插头)下方并焊接至插头上即可(此插头应符合JBG0101L标准);插头内孔直径:12 mm,(不包括)×1.5 mm为标准尺寸,用手按压下;顶部有四个按钮,1,2,3......分别代表用手指滑动即可打开或关闭;3 (1),4……8、10、11-12/12;16/20/30;-30 Hz;开关速度从200 kHz至2000 Hz。
二、特点介绍1. 高性能处理器:FC400B采用了先进的处理器,具有强大的计算和处理能力,能够在短时间内完成大量复杂的运算任务。
2. 多通道输入:FC400B支持多种输入信号,包括模拟信号和数字信号,可以灵活地适应不同的系统需求。
3. 多种控制方式:FC400B支持多种控制方式,包括开环控制、闭环控制、PID控制等,能够满足不同系统的控制要求。
4. 可编程性强:FC400B具有强大的可编程功能,用户可以根据自己的需求进行编程,实现更加个性化的控制策略。
5. 易于操作:FC400B采用了友好的人机界面,操作简单方便,用户可以轻松进行参数设置和监控操作。
6. 高可靠性:FC400B具有高稳定性和可靠性,能够在恶劣环境下正常工作,确保系统的长时间稳定运行。
三、使用方法1. 参数设置:在使用FC400B之前,首先需要进行参数设置。
2. 信号采集:FC400B支持多种信号输入方式,用户需要根据具体的应用场景选择合适的输入方式,并将信号连接到相应的输入端口。
3. 数据处理:FC400B可以对采集到的数据进行处理和分析,用户可以根据需要进行运算、滤波、校正等操作,得到准确可靠的数据结果。
4. 控制输出:根据处理后的数据结果,FC400B可以通过控制输出端口输出相应的控制信号,实现对被控对象的精确控制。
5. 监控和调试:在工作过程中,用户可以通过人机界面对系统进行实时监控和调试,及时发现并解决问题,提高系统的稳定性和可靠性。
Honeywell Performance Series IP嵌入式NVR套装说明书
Performance Series IPPerformance Series IP Embedded NVR Kits 3 Megapixel Full HD IP Cameras and 4 channel embedded NVRIntroducing the new Performance Series IP embedded NVR kits from Honeywell. The kits feature 3 Megapixel Full HD IR-illuminated IP66-rated cameras, and an embedded NVR with a user-friendly set-up and configuration wizard that takes you to live video in minutes. You have a choice of a 1 or 2 TB embedded NVR (Field upgradeable up to 12TB* storage max) and 4 IP ball cameras OR 4 IP bullet cameras. These bundled kits offer the perfect economical and flexible solution for small to medium sized businesses.Fully-featured NVRs• High decoding capability for full HD viewing and recording.• View up to four channels simultaneously on your monitor.• All channels live view and play back at 1080p @ full frame rate and 3MP @ 20 frames per second.• Bidirectional audio communication for the NVR.Fully-featured Cameras• IR LEDs facilitate recording in dimly lit or nighttime scenes.• Waterproof (IP66) camera housings are perfect for outdoor installations.• C amera configurations to improve image quality and reduce image size, and to detect and respond to alarm events.• 1/3” 3MP sensor, no distortion of image in 16:9 display, 12.5% more pixel density than conventional 3MP 4:3 cameras• Easy to Use• The Quick wizard and PoE support of plug-and-play makes setup fast and easy.• P hysical installation within minutes with the help of comprehensive and easy-to-understand quick installation guides for the NVR and IP cameras.Convenient, Flexible Storage Options• Internal storage supports two HDDs up to 12 TB (6 TB each).*• S tore videos and snapshots to external storage, such as the client 's PC, over the Internet.• Store videos and snapshots to an external network storage server such as an FTP site.• Store videos and snapshots to a USB memory device.Dynamic, Accessible Monitoring• M onitor from anywhere using the mobile apps for Apple and Android smartphones, tabletcomputers, and laptops.Privacy Masking• Conceal up to 4 areas of a scene from viewing and recording.Safety Features• Configurable motion detection and camera tamper detection settings, including configurable alarm alerts, such as automatic emails (with attached video or snapshot) and automatic alerts (such as buzzers or flashing lights).• R emote configuration and firmware updating through Honeywell Viewer web client and theHoneywell Config tool. Password-protected access to the camera’s and NVR’s video and network setup.Market Opportunities• The flexible storage options of the Performance Series IP Embedded NVR plus thefully-featured IPIR cameras make this kit perfect for many security applications.Performance Series IP FeaturesImmediately Detect and Respond toEventsThe Performance Series IP NVR/Cameras can beconfigured to automatically detect and respondto events such as motion in the scene, alarminputs, a network failure and/or tampering.Automated responses include:• Sending a notification through email, FTP and/or HTTP.• Uploading still images at the time of the eventthrough email and/or FTP.• Recording a video clip of the event to the client’sPC or network-attached storage.• Enabling a visual or auditory notification (aflashing light, bell or siren).Performance Series IPNVR specifications* Actual bitrate is scene and motion dependent with H.264 stream.** Some development might be required in specific user cases to support some of these protocols in the field as naturally protocols will mature over time.Performance Series IP Camera specificationsPerformance Series IP DimensionsHED3PR3 Ball CameraBullet Camera85,4 мм113,6 мм52,6 ммHSFV-Performance-01-UK(0816)-DS-R © 2016 Honeywell International Inc.For additional information, please visit:/security/ukHoneywell Security GroupAston Fields RoadWhitehouse Industrial Estate RuncornCheshire WA7 3DL Tel************Performance Series IPOrderingNOTE: Honeywell reserves the right, without notification, to make changes in product design or specifications.HEN04122EBXHoneywell Embedded NVR EB = Ball camera Kit BB = Bullet camera Kit X = PAL Version NVR Channels 1 or 2 TB storage1080p。
Honeywell HC900 Hybrid Controller产品说明书
HC900 Hybrid ControllerWhen you need more than just discrete controlProduct Note - Positional Proportional OutputBackground:Many processes under control today have requirements that are best satisfied using energy regulating devices that are directly connected to electromechanical motor actuators. Electromechanical actuators have been in use in industry for control system regulation for more than 50 years, and there is a large installed base of these devices. Many control system upgrade projects focus on the electronic hardware located in the control room, but fail to include motor actuators in the project, particularly if they are functioning acceptably. Although newer “Smart” actuators can offer numerous maintenance and asset management advantages, they are often overlooked when upgrade projects are planned.The motor actuator used for regulation uses a bi-directional motor that holds its last position when deactivated. Many actuators use a position sensing device to provide a signal to the control system of the actual actuator position. One of the most common sensors used for this function, because of its low cost, simple design and rugged performance, is a variable resistor or slidewire. Since the slidewire is a passive electronic device, one of the requirements of the control system is to provide an excitation voltage in order to obtain a position output signal. Although the slidewire is a cost effective and rugged device, it does have a mechanical attribute that is subject to wear over time. For this reason, some actuator suppliers offer electronic position sensors that can supply a voltage or current without the dependency on wear component hardware. For these devices, control systems typically only require a high level analog measurement capability and an algorithm to position the motor. Algorithms used to position actuators with feedback sensors do not have a standard terminology for their identification but a few of the most common names used are: Position Proportional Outputs (PPO), Position Adjusting Type (PAT), and Motor Positioner (MP). Honeywell uses the PPO terminology.When knowing the actual motor position in a control system is not important, many actuators are supplied without a position sensor. The control systems used to regulate these actuators depend on a special algorithm that simulates an internal feedback to substitute for the actual feedback signal. The most commonly recognized algorithm for this type of control is the “Three-Position-Step” algorithm.Both the Position Proportional Output (PPO) and the Three Position Step Control (TPSC) can provide excellent process control when properly engineered into the control system.Problem Statement:Many first time application engineers approach position proportional control as a very simple task. Just measure the analog signal representing position, compare it to the desired position, and if the value is lower than required, turn a digitaloutput ON to increase the position, and if the value is too high, turn the decreasing output ON. To keep the motor from oscillating, add some dead-band, or said another way, compromise position accuracy to improve motor life. This is typically not more than a few program statements in a PLC.Before putting the system on-line the following problems must be addressed:1. The passive slidewire position sensor of the actuator requires electrical excitation, (typically DC power source with avoltage low enough not to cause the resistive element to heat up or burn out). If the controller does not provide this voltage, an external power supply must be used.Once on-line, other problems surface:2. Once the slidewire is powered and the actuator is moved to its 0% and 100% travel limits based on the setting of themotor limit switches, a common observation is that the limit switches stop the motor before the slidewire contact reaches its 0% and 100% voltage limits. If the power supply used to excite the slidewire was 5 volts, the feedback voltage measured between 0% and 100% may typically be between ~0.3V and ~4.8V. A measurement of feedback based on a 5V span would have an error of 0.5V or a 10% error. To correct this error the actual span value of the feedback signal as measured on a 5V analog input range must be re-spanned to have 0.3V and 4.8V represent 0% and 100% travel of the motor.3. Once the feedback is addressed, positioning the motor becomes the next issue. If a simple compare algorithm isused to determine when to increase or decrease the motor, an oscillation of the motor is guaranteed. This is because it takes time to measure the analog feedback, process the compare function, and turn an output OFF. During this time the motor is still moving. When the motor is finally deactivated, it will have already passed the compare point that initiated the action to turn off. The amount of overshoot is based on the algorithm processing time and motor speed. Also, if the update rate of the algorithm is not consistent or varies with processor loading, the amount of overshoot will also vary.To avoid this overshoot condition, a timed output approach is typically used to position the motor. With this approach, if a 15 second motor is at its 0% position and a new request comes in for a 50% position, the output algorithm would turn ON its output for 7.5 seconds. This feature adds a new complexity, to measure the time for full scale motor travel and use this value in the output algorithm calculation.4. Another variable that must be considered is the amount of motor over-travel that may occur after power to the motor isremoved. To minimize this condition, many actuators employ a gearing or braking system, but it can seldom be reduced to zero. To optimize control of this variable, a combination of timed pulses and a dead-band are typically used.When fully implemented the final program often requires significantly more work than initially planned. The Solution:The HC900 “Position Proportional Output” (PPO)The HC900 Position Proportional Output is designed to provide optimum actuator position control with a minimum of setup complexity. From a standard analog input range for feedback slidewire measurements to a fully automatic feedbackcalibration feature, the HC900 PPO algorithm excels. Once on-line, the PPO algorithm provides additional benefits with a scaled output of the actual motor position that may be used on displays or integrated into the control strategy, and diagnostics routines that run in the background that detect actuator problems. The following are a few of the HC900 PPO algorithm highlights and benefits.1. Standard analog ranges embedded in the PPO algorithm to measure slidewire resistances between 100 and 1000ohms. (No external power supply required. Uses a simple 3-wire connection to the standard universal AI module.) Voltage ranges of 0 to 5V, 0 to 1V, and current ranges 0 to 20mA , 4 to 20mA are also supported for feedback inputs.2. Flexibility to use any type of digital output module with the PPO algorithm, AC, DC or Relay. (No special outputmodules or incompatible voltages.)3. Complete actuator control setup from a single PPO function block including analog input hardware and range, digitaloutput hardware, actuator feedback scaling and motor speed, actuator sensitivity (dead-band). ( Easy to setup, easy to troubleshoot.)4. Fully automatic feedback signal calibration. Scales the actual feedback signal values to represent 0 to 100% outputand calculates motor speed. (The easy choice for easy to use.)5. Semi-automatic feedback calibration (user initiated step-by-step process) and manual feedback calibration (usermanually moves the motor) also supported. (Offers flexibility when required.)6. User entered dead-band support for values from 0.5% to +/- 5.0%. Ideal for actuators without braking action.7. Input scaling support is included to allow reverse scaling for heating/cooling applications using Duplex control (0 to 50,50 to 0).8. User entered output limit values supported. For users who want to limit actual actuator travel to values less than 0and 100%.9. Actuator position output pin provided for displays or connection to other function blocks.10. Feedback failure detect output pin provided. Digital output turns ON if the algorithm detects a failed slidewire.11. Automatically defaults to Three-Position–Step control on feedback failure.12. Fault output pin turns ON upon detection of a failed or stalled motor.The HC900 controller can support up 64 PPO algorithms, or two for each PID loop. The algorithms also execute independently from the PID algorithms, allowing them to accept setpoint signals from other sources. For example, a single manually entered variable from an OI overview display could be used to set the position of multiple actuators simultaneously. Another application might connect two actuators to the same PID algorithm with the actuators operating in series, applying unique input scaling to each actuator. These are only a few examples of the control flexibility afforded users with the HC900 PPO algorithm.How to Order:The PPO algorithm is offered in the HC900 controller at no additional cost in CPU versions 900C51-0011, 900C52-0011, 900C31-0011, 900C32-0011 and later versions. If direct slidewire measurements are required, analog input module 900A01-0002 is required. This module is a direct replacement for module 900A01-0001 in all applications.Use the HC900 PPO algorithm in retrofit applications and in new applications when accurate positioning of drive actuators is required.Typical Position Proportional Configuration and Wiring:Analog Input Module AC Output Module。
霍尼韦尔honeywell VISTA120中文说明书(上)1.产品以及系统的技术指标以及功能VISTA-120可以划分为8个子系统,最多支持128个由有线、总线或无线设备组成的防区,主要性能如下:· 对于5800EU系列无线设备,可以监测无线干扰,支持无线警号,监测时间缩短。
·通过对4101SN 和 4208UXM Mk3 的支持,继电器数量从32个增加到96个。
基础接线防区•防区2-8可选末端电阻监测,支持NO或 NC探测器•可以划分到任一子系统•防区1可以支持最多16个烟感探测器•防区1-8都可以使用4线烟感探测器•防区 8最多支持50个玻璃破碎探测器总线防区扩展:支持119个总线防区,最大电流128mA:•必须使用总线模块(RPM)•受主机监视•可以划分到任一子系统无线防区扩展:用5800系列无线设备最多可以有128个无线防区(若同时接有有线或总线防区,无线防区相应减少):•发射器发送安全信号供主机监视•可以监测发射器的电池状态•可以划分给任意一个子系统特殊监视防区J7 触发器输出防区 973无线接收机防区 988, 990总线回路防区 997外围设备支持最多32 和6139/5839EU 键盘混合连接的可编址设备,如无线接收机、继电器模块、4285电话模块等:•与键盘接在同一接线柱•每个设备一个唯一的地址•在设备编程中编程使用某个设备可选语音接口模块支持4286模块,以允许通过音频电话监控系统•获得系统状态信息•布撤防系统•控制系统继电器8个子系统整个主机分为8个子系统,每个子系统相当于一台主机•其中最多可以划分3个公共子系统,这3个公共子系统随相关子系统的布撤防状态而布撤防•主控子系统9可以通过一只键盘察看所有子系统状态•每个键盘可以指定给任意子系统•继电器也可以划分到子系统中•特定系统选项也可以按子系统分别设定用户密码整个系统可以设定150个密码,并且一个密码可以指定给多个子系统。
Productivity Products FEATURED PRODUCT GUIDEHoneywell Safety and Productivity Solutions (S&PS) provides comprehensivesolutions that enhance workplace safety and incident response, improve enterpriseperformance and enable greater product design innovation. Customers rely on Honeywell's connected solutions to provide real-time safety intelligence, increase worker productivity and enrich operational intelligence with data-driven insights. Honeywell servescustomers in aerospace, automotive, commercial building, first responder, field service, healthcare, logistics, manufacturing, oil & gas, power and utilities, medical, retail, supply chain, test & measurement andtransportation markets.Precision That Yields PerformanceWearable Solution CK3R/ CK3X Tecton CS CK71Multiple 1.2 m (4 ft)Multiple 1.5 m (5 ft)/Multiple 1.2 m (4 ft)Multiple 1.5 m (5 ft),Multiple 1.8 m (6 ft)with protective bootMultiple 2.4 m (8 ft)>*********> 1,000 tumbles @ 1 m> 2,000 tumbles @ 1 m-10°C to +50°C -20°C to +60°CCK75CN75/75e Dolphin 60s Dolphin 70e Dolphin 75e Multiple 2.4 m (8 ft)Multiple 2.4 m (8 ft)Multiple 1.2 m (4 ft)Multiple 1.2 m (4 ft)Multiple 1.2 m (4 ft)> 2,000 tumbles @ 1 m> 2000 tumbles @ 1 m> 800 tumbles @ 1 m >1,***************standard battery>***************extended battery> 1,000 tumbles @ .5 mstandard battery> 300 tumbles @ .5 mextended batteryIP 67IP67EDA50/EDA50K CT50CN51i.roc Ci70 -Ex*Dolphin 99EX/ 99EX NI* Multiple 1.2 m (4 ft)Multiple 2.4m (8ft)Multiple 1.5 m (5 ft)Multiple 1.2 m (4 ft)Multiple 1.8 m (6 ft)00 tumbles at 0.5 m(1.64 ft)> 1,000 tumbles @ 1 m>1,***************> 2,000 tumbles @ 1 mIP54IP65IP67-10°C to +50°C (+14°F to +122°F) -20° to +50°C(-4°F to +122°F)-10° C to +50° C(+14° F to +122° F)-20°C to +50°C(-4°F to +122°F)-20°C to +50°C(-4°F to +122°F)IP30CN70/ CN70E RFID IF2IV7Fixed Mount Vehicle MountISO1800-6B/ 6C EPC global UHFClass 1 Gen 2ISO1800-6C EPC global UHFClass 1 ISO1800-6B/ 6C EPC globalUHFClass 1 Gen 2ISO1800-6B EPC globalUHFClass 1 Gen 2-15°C to +50°C -20°C to +60°C-20°C to +50°C-25°C to +55°C Linear (70-deg cone)Internal, orientation insensitiveSL42 iPhone 6/ iPhone 6+Captuvo SL22/ SL22h Captuvo SL42/ SL42h Captuvo SL62 Multiple 1.2 m (4 ft)Multiple 1.2 m (4 ft)Multiple 1.2 m (4 ft)Multiple 1.2 m (4 ft)Optional OptionalTouch OnlyThor CV31Thor VM1/ CV41Thor VM2Thor VM3IP66IP66-30°C to +50°C (-22°F to +122°F)efroster units: -30°C to +50°C(-22°F to +122°F );tandard units: -20°C to +50°C(-4°F to +122°F)-20°C to +50°C(-4°F to +122°F)-30°C to +50°C(-22°F to +122°F)16.5 cm (6.5”), VGA (640 x 480I-Class MK II203/300/600 dpi 300 mm/s (12 ips)Direct ThermalPM23cPD43 / PD43c203/300/406 dpi 203/300 dpi 300 mm/s (12 ips)203 mm/s (8 ips)Direct Thermal, Thermal TransferDirect Thermal, Thermal TransferProducts with a Star () represent the APAC Focus Models.PC43d/tPC42d4.1"203/300 dpi203 dpi203 mm/s (8 ips) 4 ips* M-4210 / M4308Connecitvity Key Bluetooth ®Ethernet Parallel Serial USB WifiNEWNEWRL3e/4e PB22/32 /50101 mm/s (4 ips)Products with a Star () represent the APAC Focus Models.MF4te PB21/31 /51PR2/3Receipt Receipt Receipt2.2”,3.3”,4.4” 2.2” ,3.3”203/300 dpi203 dpi203 dpiBasic: 101 mm/s (4 ips)Advanced: 127 mm/s (5 ips)101 mm/s (4 ips)101 mm/s (4 ips)152 mm/s (6 ips)Direct ThermalProducts with a Star () represent the APAC Focus Models.Eclipse 5145Voyager 1250gHH360TetheredCordedSingle-Line Laser Scanner with CodeGate®Linear Laser Area-Imaging Scanner Multiple 1.5 m (5 ft)Multiple 1.5 m (5 ft)Granit 1280i/ 1910i/ 1911i/ 1980i/ 1981iAutocube 8200Bluetooth® TetheredTetheredFull-Range Laser Scanner,Area-Imaging Scanner with Adaptus ®,Full-Range Area-Imaging Scanner 3D depth sensing technology -30°C to 50°C Multiple 2 m (6.5 ft)Xenon 1900g/1902g Voyager 1450g/1452gHH660Enhanced Xenon1900h/ 1902h Voyager 1602gBluetooth® Tethered Bluetooth® Tethered Tethered Bluetooth® Tethered Bluetooth®Area-Imaging Scanner with Adaptus®Linear/ Area-ImagingScannerArea-Imaging ScannerArea-Imaging Scannerwith Adaptus®Area Imaging RingScannerMultiple 1.8 m (6 ft)Multiple 1.5 m (5 ft)Multiple 1.5 m (5 ft)50 drops 1.8 m (6 ft)8670 Bluetooth Ring ScannerBluetooth® Area-Imaging30 drops to concrete from 5' (1.5m)IP541D, PDF417,2D Bluetooth®Scan WedgeStratos 2400Stratos 2700HH400TetheredTetheredOmnidirectional Laser Omnidirectional Laser + Area-Imaging Scanner Area ImagerDesigned to withstand 1m drop to concreteOrbit 7120/OrbitCG 7180Orbit 7190YJ5900Genesis 7580HF600 Tethered Tethered Tethered Tethered TetheredOmnidirectional Laser Scanner with CodeGate®Hybrid,Omnidirectional Laserand Area-Imaging ScannerOmnidirectional LaserArea-Imaging Scannerwith Adaptus®Area Imager1.2 m (4 ft)Multiple 1.2 m (4 ft) 2 times 1m (3.3ft) 1.2 m (4 ft) 2 times 1m (3.3ft)Sealed to resist airborne particulate contaminants Sealed to resist airborneparticulate contaminantsSealed to resist airborneparticulate contaminantsSealed to resist airborneparticulate contaminantsLaser:Reads standard 1D,Vuquest 3320g HF500Solaris 7980 Tethered Tethered TetheredArea-Imaging Scanner Area-Imager Area-Imaging Scanner 1.5 m (5 ft) 2 times 1.5m (5ft)Multiple 1.5 m (5 ft)IP401D, PDF, 2D,1D, 2D1D, PDF417, 2DUSB HID** 1 day turn on select scannersWith Honeywell Repair Services, it’s easy to get the level of repair coverage and protection that makes the most sense for your business.Honeywell Repair Services not only protect your device investment, but also provide predictable repair costs for the duration of your agreement.You can take advantage of multiple services programs, including either the Full Comprehensive Program or the Limited Comprehensive Program based on the product category and product type (general duty, rugged orspecialty) of your devices. Or you may prefer the Wear & Tear Program for your Honeywell devices. With each program, you also get comprehensive telephone support and access to the Honeywell Scanning & Mobility online Technical Support Portal for product information.Ensure business continuity, workflow performance and protection of your technology investments with Honeywell Repair Services — now available in over 70 countries with global pricing and global standards of quality.Honeywell Repair Services© Copyright 2017, Honeywell International Inc. All rights reserved. Honeywell and its product names are among the trademarks and/or service marks owned by Honeywell International Inc., or its subsidiaries.All other trademarks are property of their respective owners.Featured-Product-Guide | Rev01 | 01/17© 2017 Honeywell International Inc.For more informationHoneywell Safety and Productivity Solutions17 Changi Business Park Central 1Honeywell Building Singapore 486093Service Programs at a GlanceFeaturesFull ComprehensiveComprehensive coverage up to and including device replacement that covers accidental damage, wear and tear, damaged accessories, product defects, failures, and any other damage sustained when the device is used as intended in the work environment (Coverage for eligible accessories includes damaged styluses, battery door covers, screen protectors, and hand straps or clips when included with equipment for service).Limited ComprehensiveComprehensive coverage as described above, excluding device replacement.Wear & TearUplifts warranty and provides coverage for reasonable wear and tear and hardware manufacturing defects.Work Performance Assurance。
门锁 分机:最多 5 个 AC220V
6芯 RS-485
6芯 RS-485 8芯 RS-485
浴室电话:最多 2 个
双核 触点
4芯 音频/视频传输 3芯 信号 2芯 触点
控制 本地服务器 本地
温度控制器 电话抄表服务器 APT 服务器 管理员机 窗帘 灯光 门锁 煤气阀
单元门口机 安防服务器
停车场服 务器
HGW-102 终端安装在家中(通常在起居室内),与包括分机、厨房电视电话、单户门口机、浴室电话以及数个探测器在内 的多个设备相连。
September 12, 2014
© ABB Group September 12, 2014 | Slide 0
小区产品 分类
Honeywell产品 应用对象 高档别墅
•IS-6500 ( tcp / ip )
别墅 顶级、高档公寓
屏幕: 7” TFT LCD • 功能 - 可视对讲 - 空调/灯光/窗帘等控制功能 - 安防功能
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技术手册DSP49G2128 –显示控制接口上海迎烁热能设备有限公司文档编号 DSP49G2128E201版本 (3)2参考标准和认证 (4)2.1标准 (4)2.2认证 (4)3质保声明 (5)4识别 (6)5缩写和术语 (7)6产品介绍 (8)6.1简介 (8)6.2尺寸 (8)6.3接头和连接 (9)6.4电气和环境参数 (11)7产品功能说明 (13)7.1用户接口 (13)7.2高电压输出 (13)7.3低电压信号输入(AUX0) (13)7.4高电压信号输入 (13)7.50-10V DC 输入 (13)0-10V 信号 [%] –负荷控制 (13)0-10V 信号 [SP] –温度控制 (14)7.6室外温度控制 (14)4点OTC曲线 (14)Honeywell 简易 OTC 曲线 (15)7.7ECO工作模式 (16)7.8假日模式 (16)7.9通讯接口 (16)Microcomm 总线主设备通讯 (16)Microcomm 总线从设备通讯 (17)OpenTherm 通讯 (17)Modbus 接口 (17)7.10支持语言 (17)8错误显示 (18)9附录A 用户接口 (21)9.1主屏幕 (21)9.2按键 (22)9.3背光 (23)9.4屏幕描述 (23)技术手册DSP49G2128 –显示控制接口上海迎烁热能设备有限公司文档编号 DSP49G2128E20主菜单 (23)技术员菜单密码 (24)参数设定菜单 (24)恢复出厂设定 (25)假日模式的设定 (26)错误信息显示 (26)时间表设定 (26)菜单结构 (27)10附录 C 实现的OT+ID’S (36)11附录 D MODBUS 实现 (37)11.1M ODBUS配置 (37)11.2支持的命令 (37)11.3M ODBUS寄存器 (37)11.4读取ID (41)技术手册DSP49G2128 –显示控制接口上海迎烁热能设备有限公司文档编号 DSP49G2128E201 版本技术手册DSP49G2128 –显示控制接口上海迎烁热能设备有限公司文档编号 DSP49G2128E202 参考标准和认证2.1 标准DSP显示板满足以下标准:∙EN 55014-1用于电磁兼容∙EN 60730 – 1用于低电压和电磁兼容与锅炉控制设备一起使用时,不能违反以下标准:∙EN298:2012用于燃气燃烧器和燃气具(带风机和不带风机)的自动燃气燃烧器控制系统∙EN 55014-1电磁兼容–电磁辐射∙EN 60730 – 1家用和类似用途电自动控制2.2 认证应用显示板的锅炉符合以下EC指令(自我认证的产品可能是不安全的):∙燃气具指令2009/142/EC∙低压指令2014/35/EU∙EMC指令* 2014/30/EU*可以认为所有订货规格 (O.S.) 型号都能满足EMC指令在电磁辐射方面对非工业器具的要求。
霍尼韦尔(honeywell) 1040温控仪中文说明书1、面板说明DC1010 DC1020 DC1030 DC10401.1 七段显示器PV:过程值(process value),红色4位显示。
SV:设定值(setting value),绿色4位显示。
1.2 LEDOUT1 :第一路输出(Output1),绿色灯OUT2 :第二路输出(Output2),绿色灯AT :自整定(AutoTuning),黄色灯PRO :程序运行中(Program),黄色灯AL1 :第一路报警(Alarm 1),红色灯AL2 :第二路报警(Alarm 2),红色灯AL3 :第三路报警(Alarm 3),红色灯MAN :手动,黄色灯*注意:当发生故障(Error)时,MAN灯亮,输出百分比归零。
1.3 按键SET :设定键(写入设定值或切换模式):移位键(移动设定位数):减少键:增加键A/M :自动(Auto)/手动(Manual)切换键2、自整定功能(AutoTuning)2.1 将AT(在User Leve中)设定为YES,启动自整定功能2.2 ATVL:自整定偏移量(AUTO Tuning offset Vaiue)SV减ATVL为自整定设定点,设定ATVL可以避免自整定时,因PV值振荡而超过设定点(Overshoot).3、故障信息主控制传感器开路(INP1)* A/D 转换器故障* 冷端补偿故障子控制传感器开路(INP2)PV 值超过 USPL(INP1)PV 值低于 LSPL(INP1)子控制输入信号超过上限(INP2)子控制输入信号低于下限(INP2)* 内存(RAM)故障接口故障自整定失败注意:当有“*”标记的故障发生时,请与供应商联系。
二、产品特点1. 大屏幕液晶显示器,显示清晰易读,具有人性化设计。
2. 使用先进的数字技术,精确控制温度、压力、液位等参数。
3. 具有多种控制方式,如比例控制、PID控制、模糊控制等。
4. 使用易于编程的控制器,满足不同流程的控制需求。
5. 配有多个输入和输出接口,可与其他设备进行数据交换。
6. 具有多项安全保护功能,如过载保护、短路保护等。
7. 产品符合各种工业标准,具有可靠性和稳定性。
三、产品安装和使用1. 安装前,请确保所有部件完好无损。
2. 将产品安装在合适的位置,并将其与电源、传感器等设备连接好。
3. 打开电源并按照说明书进行参数设置。
4. 监测和控制流程,确保产品正常工作。
5. 定期检查产品的运行状态和安全保护功能。
四、注意事项1. 在使用过程中,请勿将产品受到轻微碰撞或震动。
2. 请勿使用损坏的电源或线缆。
3. 使用前,请仔细阅读说明书并按照要求进行参数设置。
4. 如需维修或更换部件,请联系专业技术人员。
Honeywell/Commercial Switch&Sensor 霍尼韦尔商业开关与传感器
● 显示Honeywell 精密压力变送器(PPT/PPT-R )输出
● 仪表盘安装 远程数字显示器RDD100是一个方便的,小巧的,便宜的附件,用于显示Honeywell 的精密压力变送器PPT 或PPT-R 。
RDD100可以显示PPT 的14个工厂设定的压力
RDD100通过RS232,可接受从PPT 传来的持
通用性:观察PPT 输出同时,可收集数字数据,通过计算机
连接,可设定PPT 参数。
计算机接口;从RDD100/PPT 到计算机,只需9针电缆精度:显示无精度损失,仍然保持PPT/PPT-R 的0.05%/0.1%精度操作简便:简单的PPT 设定;工厂提供接口电源;一个壁
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- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
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7、宽视角范围 Honeywell液晶显示器采用广视角、高开口率的专业液晶面板 ,可视角度(H/V)达到178°,上下左右超广视角,各角度几乎 没有亮度及彩色的明显变化,并且图像明亮,最适合公共领域的多 角度观看。
10 Document control number Honeywell Proprietary
背光类型 分辨率 亮度(cd/㎡) 对比度 最高色彩 响应时间(ms) 功耗(W) 运行温度(℃)
LED 1920*1080 450 4000:1 10.7亿色 6.5 185 0℃~40℃
CCFL 1920*1080 500 5000:1 8bit-16.7Million 8 430 0℃~40℃
Honeywell 显示器专显产品卖点
1、长寿命,支持24小时/天的连续重负载工作 采用A级高性能液晶面板,能够满足7*24小时工作的需要、承 受大幅度的温度变化,更适合长时间显示及公共场所应用。
13 Document control number Honeywell Proprietary
Honeywell 65寸液晶显示器产品标底文件
1、★国际知名品牌,在国内拥有重点工程的成功案例; 2、★全天候应用设计:投标显示器必须是专为高负荷、全天候显示应用而设计,支持24 小时×7天不间断开机运行; 3、★屏幕尺寸: ≥65寸;液晶背光:采用LED背光源;屏幕亮度:≥500cd/m2;响 应时间:≤4ms;最高色彩:10bit-1.07Billion;物理分辨率:1920×1080 支持全高清 信号显示;对比度:≥4000:1;单边框厚度≤46.5mm 4、★接口满足: 输入:VGA×1、DVI×1、HDMI×1、YPbPr×1、AV×1、DEBUG×1; 控制:RJ45 for RS-485(环接) 5、★平均故障间隔(MTBF):≥60,000小时; 6、★额定功耗≤270W; 7、★所投设备必须满足国内和国际电气设备的安全、电磁学、质量等方面规范和标准; 具备国家3C产品认证证书; 8、★运行温度:0°C~40°C 9、★运行湿度:10~90% 10、投标商须对投标设备的技术性能指标要求给予明确响应; 注:红色★代表重要参数部分
12 Document control number Honeywell Proprietary
Honeywell 显示器专显产品卖点
10、环保健康 Honeywell液晶显示器全部采用最新LED背光技术,低耗电设 计符合国家能效标准节能等级Ⅰ级,不仅大大降低了电力消耗,同 时还减少了发电时产生的CO₂ ,低辐射,无闪烁,不伤眼,不含有 害物质(如铅,汞,镉),是最新一代的环保健康的ol number Honeywell Proprietary
Honeywell 显示器专显产品卖点
5、高对比度显示 Honeywell液晶显示器采用了高级动态对比度技术,使画面更 具层次感,对比度最高可达到4000:1,实现了精细的质感图像。
传热层 - 用特殊薄层进行防热管理 - 比普通LCD TV亮 (1.5倍)
- 7*24小时连续工作保证
- 具有高信赖性
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Honeywell 显示器专显产品卖点
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Honeywell 显示器专显产品卖点
8bit技术 10bit技术
6、高色彩度显示 Honeywell液晶显示器搭载了新型的10bit液晶技术面板,扩 大了红绿部分的可见光谱,让Honeywell液晶显示器获得了其他 8bit液晶技术更宽的广域的色再现范围,使色彩更丰富、艳丽,充 分享受绚烂多姿的自然界的色彩。
传统8bit面板技术 约16.77百万色彩 最新10bit面板技术 约10.7亿色彩
9 Document control number Honeywell Proprietary
Honeywell 显示器专显产品卖点
Honeywell 显示器专显产品卖点
普通液晶TV显示,亮度300cd/ m2
4、高亮度显示 Honeywell显示器产品采用专业高亮液晶面板,拥有更高的亮 度,可达到500-700cd/ m2,比普通液晶TV亮度提高近一倍。
Honeywell 显示器产品介绍
Honeywell 显示器产品线
65寸液晶显示器 70寸液晶显示器 84寸液晶显示器 单屏显示器(3款) HSCL-65HDSS HSCL-70HDSS HSCL-84EHSS
拼接屏显示器(8款) 42寸等离子拼接屏 HSCP-42MS 双边拼缝1.8mm 60寸等离子拼接屏 HSCP-60MS 双边拼缝1.8mm 46寸液晶拼接屏 HSCL-46HDMS 双边拼缝5.5mm,700nit 46寸液晶拼接屏 HSCL-46HDLS 双边拼缝5.5mm,450nit 47寸液晶拼接屏 HSCL-47HDMS 双边拼缝4.9mm,800nit 47寸液晶拼接屏 HSCL-47HDLS 双边拼缝4.9mm,500nit 55寸液晶拼接屏 HSCL-55HDMS 双边拼缝5.3mm,800nit 55寸液晶拼接屏 HSCL-55HDLS 双边拼缝5.3mm,500nit
Honeywell 显示器专显产品卖点
9、超强的环境适应能力 Honeywell显示器产品在防尘、防潮设计上拓展了显示器的使 用范围,增加产品的稳定性,表面的防眩处理,有效地去除变形和 眩光,保持画质的清晰。 Honeywell显示器产品可以保证在的10°至40°的温度环境 下正常运行,湿度运行环境为10%-90%(无凝霜)范围内,优于 同类液晶显示品牌。
1378*794*39.4 19.3 32 32000-38000
1523*894*80 45.6 54 20000-24000
Honeywell Proprietary
1540.4*909.2*8 1554*924*123. 1675*959.1*64. 8.3 9 8 53.5 52 42000-45000 54 58 55000-60000 23.5 26.8 36000-44000
LED 1920*1080 500 4000:1 10bit1.07Billion 4 270 0℃~40℃
尺寸(mm) 边框尺寸(mm) 重量(kg) 价格区间
15 Document control number
1407*817*86 32 38 28000-34000
Honeywell 显示器专显产品卖点
3、极速响应时间 Honeywell显示器产品全部采用新一代液晶驱动技术,使显示 器产品的响应时间缩短到4ms,大大缩短了液晶的拖尾、残影现象 ,达到了市面的液晶产品的领先地位。
6 Document control number Honeywell Proprietary
Honeywell 显示器专显产品卖点
8、专业的连接功能 Honeywell显示器产品具有广泛的连接性能,提供VGA、DVI 、AV、HDMI、YPbPr、DEBUG、RJ45 RS-485等多种接口
11 Document control number Honeywell Proprietary
Honeywell 70寸液晶显示器产品标底文件
1、★国际知名品牌,在国内拥有重点工程的成功案例; 2、★全天候应用设计:投标显示器必须是专为高负荷、全天候显示应用而设计,支持24 小时×7天不间断开机运行; 3、★屏幕尺寸: ≥70寸;液晶背光:采用LED背光源;屏幕亮度:≥700cd/m2;响 应时间:≤4ms;最高色彩:10bit-1.07Billion;物理分辨率:1920×1080 支持全高清 信号显示;对比度:≥4000:1;单边框厚度≤30mm 4、★接口满足: 输入:VGA×1、DVI×1、HDMI×1、YPbPr×1、AV×1、DEBUG×1; 控制:RJ45 for RS-485(环接) 5、★平均故障间隔(MTBF):≥60,000小时; 6、★额定功耗≤430W; 7、★所投设备必须满足国内和国际电气设备的安全、电磁学、质量等方面规范和标准; 具备国家3C产品认证证书; 8、★运行温度:0°C~40°C 9、★运行湿度:10~90% 10、投标商须对投标设备的技术性能指标要求给予明确响应; 注:红色★代表重要参数部分
16 Document control number Honeywell Proprietary
品牌 产品型号 对角线尺寸 液晶面板 背光类型 分辨率 亮度(cd/㎡) 对比度 最高色彩 响应时间(ms) 功耗(W) 运行温度(℃) NEC P702 70 Samsung CCFL 1920*1080 600 2000:1 三星 700DX-3 70 Samsung CCFL 1920*1080 600 2000:1 三星 ED75C 75 Samsung LED 1920*1080 320 5000:1 10bit1.06Billion 4 490 0℃~40℃ 夏普 PN-E702 70 Sharp LED 1920*1080 450 4000:1 约1064百万色 6 240 0℃~40℃ 夏普 PN-R703 70 Sharp LED 1920*1080 700 4000:1 10.6亿色 6 270 0℃~40℃ Honeywell HSCL-70HDSS 70 Samsung LED 1920*1080 700 4000:1 10bit1.07Billion 4 430 0℃~40℃