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论偶像崇拜On Idol-Worshipi ng


Idol-worshiping is very popular among youngest and different people have different attitudes towards their idols. Some youngest imitate their idols ' everything while others just like liste ning their music or watch ing their show ing. As far as I am concern ed, we should avoid bli nd worship and lear n to worship our idols rationally.崇拜偶像在年轻人中非常流行。不同的人对待他们的偶像的态度也各不相同。有些人模仿他们偶像的一切,有些人则只是喜欢听他们的歌,看他们的表演。在我看来,我们应该避免盲目崇拜,学会理性崇拜我们的偶像。Some people imitate their idols everyth ing, n ever miss a vocal con cert of their idols and regard their idols as the most importa nt people.

Their bli nd worship should not be advocated because it is easy to lead to extreme behavior. 有些人模仿他们偶像的一切,不曾错

过他们偶像的每一次演唱会,把偶像当作最重要的人。这种盲目崇拜不应该提倡因为它很容易导致极端行为。In my opin io n, con cer ning our idols, we should not only pay atte nti on to their appearanee or their

achievements, but also their effort and

their failure. As the say ing goes,

One mi nute on stage takes ten years of practice. We should lear n

someth ing from our idols ' diligenee and persistenee. All achievements of stars come from their effort and sweat in stead of their luck in ess or their family background only. In addition, our idols are also ordi nary people. As the result, they would make mistakes too.

As rati onal fans, we should admire their achieveme nts but also ack no wledge their mistakes. 在我看来,对待我们的偶像,我们不

应该只关注他们的外表或成就,还应该看到他们的努力和坚持。正如俗话所说:“台上三分钟台下十年功”。我们应该从偶像的勤奋和坚持中学会一些东西。明星的所有成就来自于他们的努力和汗水而不仅仅是运气或家庭背景。另外,我们的偶像也是普通人,因此他们也会犯错。作为理性的粉丝,我们应该欣赏他们的成就,但也要承认他们的错误。Thus, we should not worship our idols blindly and be crazy after them. We should lear n someth ing good from them.

