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这些音有10个即/ f / , / v /; / θ/ , / ð /;/ s / , / z / ; / ʃ / , / ʒ / ; / h / , / r / .

1. [ f ]




f: hal f f ire

ff: co ff ee tra ff ic

gh: rou gh enou gh

ph: ph oto ph ysics


five fingers

The fisher sells fresh fishes.

Five butterflies flitted from flower to flower.

My French friends flew here from France last Friday.

2. [ v ]




v: ha v e li v e v ery v oice lea v e ne v er bra v e


various views

Van is a kind of vehicle.

He has a valuable valley villa.

Various visitors visited the village.

3. [ θ ]



th: pa th th in ma th sou th th ank mou th too th you th


a thin thief

from mouth to mouth

I think you should thank her.

4. [ ð ]




th: th at th em fa th er mo th er ano th er clo th ing wea th er


father’s brothers

She is bathing with the baby in the tub.

He will visit her mother and father this weekend.

5. [ s ]




s: bu s s unny s mile

ce: i ce ni ce

ss: bo ss pa ss mi ss

sc: sc ene sc ience


a slight sign

seek some books

something serious

6. [ z ]




z: z ero z one si z e maga z ine

s: hi s ro s e becau s e rea s on

zz: di zz y pu zz le


a zebra in the zoo

seize the crazy man

examine her disease

The parking zone is near the zoo.

7. [ ʃ ]




c: so c ial spe c ial

t: ac t ion pa t ient sta t ion

s: s ure s ugar

ch: ch ef ma ch ine

sh: sh e sh oe sh op sh ake ,

ss: Ru ss ia pre ss ure expre ss ion


shaking shoulders

share the sunshine

The sharp-tongued woman is shouting out sharp words.

8. [ Ʒ ]




g: gara g e massa g e

s: plea s ure trea s ure conclu s ion


unusual conclusion

measure the television

I have some illusions on occasion.

9. [ h ]




h: h e h is h and h ello h appy

wh: wh o wh ose wh ole wh oever


hand in hand

The house has been half done.

Her husband is a hard-hearted man.

10. [ r ]




r: r ice r adio

rh: rh ythm rh inoceros

rr: so rr y ca rr y a rr ive

wr: wr ong wr ite


in a rat race

Remove the raw rice.

If you always rest, your brain will rust.
