新航标职业英语·综合英语1Unit 2

Reading A Secretaries
秘书的工作就是使办公室顺利运转。秘书的 职责范围很广,依据他们所在办公室的不同而各 异。就最低要求来说,秘书要处理信函,跟踪日 程安排,管理文件系统,操作电话、传真机、复 印机等办公设备。许多秘书还要接听电话,并将 其转给适当的人员。有些秘书还要负责办公室用 品的采购,他们也可能会处理预算、簿记和人事 文档。秘书应当具备使用电脑和其他电子设备的 经验,因为他们将处理大量的电子资料,包括往 来信函。
Unit 2 Office
By Sophia
What is a secretary? a.A person who works in an office, working for another person, dealing with letters and telephone calls, typing, keeping records, arranging meetings with people, etc.
Language points
a variety of: a lot of things of the same type that are different from each other in some way e.g. The girls come from a variety of different backgrounds. reflect: v. to show or be a sign of a particular situation or feeling e.g. That choice reflects your good taste.
Language points
新职业英语 职业综合英语1 Unit2 Secretary 教案 ppt课件

Language points
❖depend on: be decided by e. g. The price depends on the quality. It depends (on) whether you want to do it or not. minimum: n. the smallest amount of something or number of things that is possible or necessary e.g. You must practice each day for a minimum of 30 minutes.
Reading A Secretaries
Employment prospects for secretarial positions are generally good, especially for skilled undividual. Many vocational school offer courses for people who are interested in becoming secretaries. These courese include classed in typing, document management, filing, and other skills which a good secretary should pursue a secretarial position without this education, it can be challenging in a world where professions are becoming more and more specialized.
外研社 新职业英语 第二版 职业综合英语1 教案unit2

外研社新职业英语第二版职业综合英语1 Unit2教案
外研社新职业英语第二版职业综合英语1 Unit2教案
外研社新职业英语第二版职业综合英语1 Unit2教案
外研社新职业英语第二版职业综合英语1 Unit2教案

新航标职业英语第三版答案unit2选择填空.1、He doesn’t want to talk with me the phone A in B on C with D from 2 The style of your dress is mine A as same as B the same as C same as D as the same as。
Today is Monday(周一).We have a(n)1 class in the morning.It 2 at 8:30,but I am late(迟到的)for it.I often 3 school at about 7:5。
3、一寸光阴不可轻1 Unit test Part I:Vocabulary and Structure Section A:Complete each sentence using the correct word or expression from the box.manufacturer manufacturer popularity popularity enormous。
(observe)All the company rules and regulations must be strictly observed.2.和这些同学在一起我们应随便一些。
(casual)We should be casual when we stay with these students.3.上述所说的是一些在职场环境中非常有用的交际技能。
(setting)Theabove-mentioned are some communication skills that are very useful in an office setting.4.我们有一个与业的团队来营销我们的产品。
新职业英语 职业综合英语1 Unit 2 office 电子教案

Unit2 officeⅠTeaching Objectives①To require students think what office is.②To help students master the key language points and grammatical structures in the text.③To enrich students’ English in office.④To improve students’ listening, speaking, reading and writing skills.ⅡTeaching Focus①Comprehension of reading A.②Master the key language points and grammatical structures in the text.③Listening and writing skills.ⅢTeaching methods and strategies①Communicative method②Task-oriented method③The audio-lingual method④The grammar-translation method⑤Cognitive methodⅣTeaching ProceduresStep1. Warming-upTask1: Ss to read Mr. Thomson’s schedule for Tuesday. Then write the ir schedules for today. Objective: Ss can organize their activities in one day and make a time schedule.Task2: Group discussionObjective: Ss can grasp the main ideas of the secretary so as to understand the reading A well.Step2 Language pointsA variety of: a lot of things of the same type that are different from each other in some waye.g. The girls come from a variety of different backgrounds.reflect: v. to show or be a sign of a particular situation or feelinge.g. That choice reflects your good taste.depend on: be decided bye. g. The price depends on the quality.It depends (on) whether you want to do it or not.minimum: n. the smallest amount of something or number of things that is possible or necessary e.g. You must practice each day for a minimum of 30 minutes.handle: v .to do the things that are necessary to complete a job.e.g. Computers can handle huge amounts of data.keep track of: to pay attention to someone or something so that you know what is happening to theme.g. It’s difficult to keep track of all the new discoveries in medicine.operate: v. to use and control a machine or equipment; to rune.g. Mary was experienced in operating the computers.The company operates five factories.appropriate: adj. correct or suitable for a particular time, situation or purposee.g. I didn’t feel that this was an appropriate tine to mention the subject of money.deal with : to take the necessary action, especially in order to solve a probleme.g. Some secretaries may deal with budgeting,bookkeeping and personnel paperwork.efficient: adj. working well and effectively without wasting money or energye.g. All staff think Maria is a very efficient secretary.anticipate: v. to expect that something will happen and be ready for ite.g. It is anticipated that next year the workers' wage will increase.confidential: adj. spoken or written in secret and intended to be kept secrete.g. Doctors are required to keep patients' records completely confidential.Prospect: a person, job, plan, etc, that has good chance of success in the future; a possibility that something you hope for will happene.g. The manager held out bright prospects for me if I would accept the position.I see little prospect of his recovery.individual: n. one person, considered separately from the rest of the group or societye.g. It is important to know that the virus can be passed from individual.adj. considered separately from other people or things in the same groupe.g. Each individual leaf on the tree is different .pursue: v. to continue doing an activity or trying to achieve something over a long period of time e.g. Tom pursued his acting career with great determination.challenging: adj. difficult in an interesting or enjoyable waye.g. Teaching young children is a challenging and rewarding job.Step3 Reading A ExplanationA. Students read the passage and find out the correct answers of task 1 on page20.B. Ask students to divide this passage into several parts and sum up the main ideas.C. Teachers explain the text in details one paragraph by one paragraph and give the translation. Step4 Reading B⑴In this part, it will give students some brief introduction to the companies’ newsletter.⑵Enlarge students’ vocabulary.Step5 Listening & SpeakingListen to the tape and practice the listening skills from page 24 to page 25 in listening course.Step6 Writing1.Make an introduction of an Agenda.An agenda is a written list of topics or matters to be discussed at a meeting. A good meeting agenda will serve as a guide to participants, making the meeting more efficient and productive. The format of an agenda is comparatively fixed.Step7 Mini-projectHelp your foreign teacher to make a three-day travel plan in China. Remember to cover flights, hotels, transport and expenses.Objective: this project asks Ss to design a travel route and make an itinerary (旅行计划) according to the sample in our book.①Grouping.②Defining the project.③Timing &cooperation.④PresentationStep8 Tenses英语中表示动作或状态发生时间和方式的动词形式称作动词时态。

Reading A秘书1秘书可能会有很多其他不同的头衔,例如行政助理、文员或私人助理。
Reading B思沃泊实业公司简报思沃泊简报11/20/2008发件人:思沃泊(中国)总部香港收件人:所有中国用户目录11/20/2008 思沃泊福建有限公司荣获“优秀外资企业”称号12/12/2008 圣诞酒会将在香港会所举行思沃泊福建有限公司荣获“优秀外资企业”称号本月初传来喜讯,思沃泊福建有限公司被中国外商投资企业协会授予2007-2008年度荣获“优秀外资企业”称号。

Unit 1 People and JobsBackground1.Preparations to apply for a job1.Get familiar with the job responsibilities you are applying for and get some basic knowledge about the company.2.Read the requirements for the candidates carefully on the want ad to see if you are qualified.3. Present a good resume, writing an English version if necesary. Write an application letter if necessary.4. Prepare in advance for some questions the interviewers probably ask.5. Pay attention to your appearance and manners and body language when having an interview.6. Be confident.2. Job titlesSales assistant 销售助理 Marketing consultant 市场顾问Sales representative 销售代表 Insurance agent 保险代理人Project manager 项目经理 Product manager 产品经理Director of operations 运营总监 Telemarketer 电话销售员Regional manager 区域经理 Customer representative 客户代表Hardware engineer 硬件工程师 Director of human resources 人力资源总监Bell boy 门童 Carpenter 木匠Auditor审计员 Architect建筑师Archaeologist 考古学家 Designer 设计师Computer programmer程序员 Life guard 救生员Mechanic 机械师,机修工 Interpreter口译员Operator 接线员 Sculptor 雕刻家Porter 守门人,行李夫 Researcher 研究员Seaman 海员 Editor 编辑。
新航标职业英语·综合英语预备级·学生用书Unit 2

Suggested Time
Getting Ready
Tolearn how to express the different parts of adesktopcomputer
To become familiarwiththe expressions ofthe basic facilities in an office
【拓展】come up长出地面;发生;被提及
TheseedsIsowed last week haven’tcome upyet.我上周种的种子还没有长出来。
I’m afraidsomethingbad hascome up.恐怕有不好的事发生了。
The subject hascome upat the meeting.这个话题在会议中提到了。
come up to sb.走近
Hecame up tome and asked me a question.他走到我跟前来问了我一个问题。
Paragraph 3
Colors like redconveya sense of energy and strength.红色之类的颜色可给人以充满活力与力量的感觉。
Key to Exercise B
Office furniture:chair, cupboard, desk
Office machines:fax machine, laptop, photocopier,shredder
Desktop equipment:desk lamp, telephone

What do(es) the items(s) represent?
What does Mr White suggest?
one’s time
should be managed
1. the tasks that matter most
2. should be done first
3. the tasks that are less important 4. can be done later
• write a work log of your daily tasks.
Learning Context
Communicative scenario
As an administrative assistant at an international IT company, you often have to handle multiple tasks at the same time. One morning, you are busy with the following tasks:
5. ☐ copied the documents for the monthly meeting at 9:00 am
Understanding ideas
Task 2 Complete the following table according to Mr White’s story.
Item(s) Glass Pebbles Water
Developing skills
Rachel messed up the monthly meeting because she lacked experience in time management. The following table may be helpful for her to figure out what her priorities are. In this table, daily tasks can be classified into four types based on importance and urgency, as shown below:
新标准综合英语1 unit 2

7) The Salad Course A salad is eaten with a fork only held in the right hand with points turned up. There is usually a special one for the salad, a little smaller than the meat fork. 8) Bread and Butter Bread is taken in the fingers and laid on the side plate or the edge of the large plate, it is never taken with a fork. Butter is taken from the butter dish with the butter knife and placed on the side plate, not on one's bread.
滤水 削皮 揉 擀 压 挤 撒 浸蘸 涂
Filter the water Peel Knead Roll Press Squeeze Spread Dip Paint
Traditional Chinese dishes
A bite of China
some expressions to describe your feeling: 垂涎欲滴 Lick one’s chops Haste makes waste 心急吃不了热豆腐 Eat at pleasure, drink with measure.
9) Other Things on the Table When there are things on the middle of the table, such as bread, butter, jelly, pickles, candies, you should not take any until the hostess has suggested that they be passed. 10) Leaving the Table It is impolite for a guest to leave the table during a meal, or before the hostess gives the signal at the end. When the hostess indicates that the dinner is over, she will start to rise from her seat and all the guests rise from theirs at the same time.

Unit 1 OrganizationReading A Google(1-2 periods)I. Warming -upTask 1Look at the following logos and give the names of the countries in which the companies are headquartered.Objective: Ss can identify the logos of some famous international companies. Steps:• Ss read Warming-up Task 1.• Get Ss to look at the logos• Go through the pronunciation of any problematic word.• Ask Ss to give the names of the countries.• Give the answers.Task 2 List at least two companies for each type of the following products. Objective: Ss brainstorm the names of some famous organizations of the given products.Steps:• Ss read Warming-up Task 2.• Ask Ss to brainstorm as many companies as possible• Invite three students to present their answers.• Add so me more companies if necessary.Introduce background information1.What is a logo?A logo is a graphical element that, together with its logo type, forms a trademark or commercial brand. Typically, a logo’s design is for immediate recognition. The logo is on e aspect of a company’s2. Metro AG, established in 1964, is a diversified retail and wholesale group based in Germany. It is the largest in its home market, and one of the most globalized retail and wholesale corporations.3. Wal-Mart Stores, Inc., founded in 1962, is an American public corporation that runs a chain of large, discount department stores. It is the world’s largest public corporation by revenue, according to the “2008 Fortune Global 500”.4. Carrefour SA is a French international hypermarket chain, with a global network of outlets. It is the second largest retail group in the world in terms of revenue after Wal-Mart.5. Samsung Group is the largest company of the Republic of Korea. It iscomposed of Samsung Electronics, Samsung Heavy Industries and Samsung Engineering & Construction.6. Lenovo Group Limited is China’s largest and the world’s fourth largest personal computer manufacturer. Lenovo mainly produces desktops, laptops, servers, handheld computers, imaging equipment and mobile phone handsets (听筒).7. Nokia Corporation is a Finnish multinational communications corporation. Nokia is focused on wireless and wired telecommunications. It is the world’s largest manufacturer of mobile telephones.II. Guided Reading of the New Words and ExpressionsObjective: Ss can get familiar with the new words and expressions, etc.. Steps:• Ss read the new words and expressions after the teacher, trying to simulate the teacher’s pronunciation and intonation.• Ss read the new words and expressions in clas s individually for 5 minutes. III. Explanation of Language PointsParagraph 2relevant: a. closely connected with the subject you are discussing or the situation you are thinking aboute.g. What experience do you have that is relevant to this position?achieve: v. to succeed in reaching a particular goal or standard by making an effort for a long timee.g. After 10 years of hard work, he finally achieved success in his business. appear to be/do: to give the impression of being or doing somethinge.g. She appeared to be foolish.They appeared not to know what was happening.Paragraph 3fuel: v. to increase something; to make something stronger; to supply something with material that can be burnt to produce heat or powere.g. His words fueled her anger still more.The stored oil could fuel the nation for six months.go public: (of a company) to start selling shares on the Stock Exchangee.g. This company is among the first ones that went public in China. instant: a. happening immediately; (of food) that can be made quickly andeasilye.g. She took an instant dislike to me.instant coffee/instant noodlesParagraph 4acquire: v. to gain possession of; to gain something by one’s own efforts, ability or behaviore.g. The company has just acquired some new properties.She has acquired a good knowledge of English.feature: n. something important, interesting or typical of a place or thinge.g. An important feature of Van Gogh’s paintings is their bright colors.v. to include a particular person or thing as a special featuree.g. The new car features high speed and safety.Paragraph 5in addition to: as well as; besidese.g. In addition to the apples you asked for, I bought you some oranges and bananas.tend to: to be likely to do something or to happen in a particular way because this is what often or usually happense.g. Women tend to live longer than men.When I’m tired, I tend to make mistakes.stay away from: not to go near a particular person or placee.g. I want you to stay away from my home.typical: a. having the usual qualities or features of a particular group or thing e.g. This advertisement is a typical example of their marketing strategy.excel (at/in): v. to be very good at doing somethinge.g. The school excels in sports.She has always excelled at foreign languages.Paragraph 6in terms of: from the point of view of; with regard to; concerninge.g. In terms of environmental protection, this project is excellent.the brain child (of somebody): an idea or invention of one person or a smallgroup of peoplee.g. This festival was the brain child of Tony Smith. serve as: to be suitable for a particular useIV. Exercises• Ss do Task 1 and Task 2 individually.• Check the answers.V. Assignments1. Recite the new words and expressions.2. Pre-reading of Reading B.Unit 1 OrganizationReading B and Writing(3-4 periods)I. Background InformationHead office 总公司Branch office 分公司Business Office 营业部Personnel Department人事部Human Resources Department人力资源部General Affairs Department总务部Finance Department 财务部Sales Department 销售部International Department 国际部Public Relations Department 公共关系部Advertising Department广告部Planning Department 企划部Research and Development Department 研发部II. Explanation of Language Points1. Objective: n. aim, goale.g. reach an objective military objective2. facility n. equipmente.g. health facility electrical facility3. expand v. extend in one or more directionsn. expansione.g. expand with heatexpand domestic demand4. marketing: selling productse.g. marketing strategy marketing idea5. ensure: v. make certain ofe.g. Money doesn’t ensure happiness.6. promote v. try to sell n. promotione.g. promote sales promote cadreIII. Exercises• Ss do Task 1 and Task 2 in pairs.• Check the answers.IV. Writing: Envelope1. Introduce in detail the typical positions of items in an English envelope after asking students to finish task 1.Instructions: Your name and address should go on the upper part of the front of the envelope; the name and address to the person you are writing to should goin the center of the envelope (also the zip code, but if you don’t have it, it will still get to the person). Be sure to put that stamp on it.2. Ask Ss to finish task 2 and 3 with the help of the teacher.3. Ask Ss to finish task 4 in pairs.4. Select some Ss to present their work.V. Assignments1. Recite the new words and expressions.2. Pre-reading of Listening and Speaking.Unit 1 OrganizationListening and Speaking(5-6 periods)I. Listening1. Give Ss a few minutes to read through the printed materials for each listening item.2. Listen to the material for the first time without looking at the book.3. Listen to the material for a second time, and ask Ss to do the exercises from task 1 to task 5 in the section.4. Teacher gives the correct answers and explains the key points for some difficult statements.5. Listen to the material for the third time with a pause after each sentence, and ask Ss to repeat the sentence during the pause.II. SpeakingAsk Ss to work in pairs to introduce each other with reference to some useful expressions below:GreetingHow do you do?I’ve often heard about you.Making introductionAllow me to introduce myself.My name is…I’m…,from…Asking questionsWhere were you born?What do you do in your spare time?Did you grow up here?Why did you choose this major?EndingNice talking to you.Nice to meet you, too.It’s a pleasure to meet y ou.III. AssignmentsDo task1, 2, 3,and 4 in Language Lab.Unit 1 OrganizationMini-project and Language Lab(7-8 periods)I. Mini-projectObjective:Ss can know how to design a web page.Steps:• Grouping.Divide the class into groups. There are several ways: Ss pick up their own partners; Teachers group fast learners with slow learners; Ss find their partners by drawing lots.• Defining the project.Go through the project with the class and clarify requirements. You are advised to do it after Ss study Reading B.• Timing & cooperation.Give Ss the deadline for completion and guidelines on working together. Appropriate time management and job division are likely to be serious problems at the beginning, where basic instructions from the teacher should come in. As Ss get used to the mini-project, they will become more experienced. Remind them that different Ss have different work but everybody contributes to the project. They discuss first and then decide who will do what. • Presentation.Ss present their evidence for completion. In this project, they need to show a written “About Us” page of a company’s website. Ask them to hand in their work after they study the whole unit.II. Language Lab1. Ss do Task 1 to Task 4 in this section individually.2. Check the answers and give explanations if necessary.III. Grammar RevisionBasic Sentence PatternsT may offer the following model:S + Vi.Times flies.Birds sing beautifully.They went on holidayShe'll go swimming.S + Vt. + O.We like EnglishShe wants to help him.I don't know what to do.I think he is right.S + Lv. + PThe compass is mine.The secretary is efficient.The power is off.He looks in good health.He gets excited.S + Vt. + Io. + Do.I sent him a faxI bought a book for Marry?IV. Assignments1. Do task 5 in Language Lab on Page 13.2. Pre-reading of Unit 2.Unit 2 OfficeReading A Secretaries(1-2 periods)I. Warming -upTask 1: Ask Ss to read Mr. Thomson’s schedule for Tuesday. Then write their schedules for today.Objective: Ss can organize their activities in one day and make a time schedule.Steps: 1) Ss read Warming-up Task.2) Go through Mr. Thomson’s schedule with Ss3)Allow three mins for Ss to do the task.4)Ask some Ss to present their work.Task 2: Ask Ss to answer the following questions in group.Table 1Table 2Objective: Ss can get familiar with the new words and expressions, etc.Steps:• Ss read the new words and expressions after the teacher, trying to simulate the teacher’s pronunciation and intonation.• Ss read the new words and expressions in class individually for 5 minutes. III. Explanation of Language PointsParagraph 1a variety of: a lot of things of the same type that are different from each other in some waye.g. The girls come from a variety of different backgrounds.Reflect: v. to show or bw a sign of a particular situation or feelinge.g. The low value of the dollar reflects growing concern about the us economy.Paragraph 2Depend on: be decided bye.g. The price depends on the quality.It depends (on) whether you want to do it or not.Minimum:n.the smallest amount of something or number of things that is possible or necessarye.g. Looking after a cat costs a minimum of$2000a year.handle: v .to do the things that are necessary to complete a job.e.g. Computers can handle huge amounts of data.My secretary will handle all the details.keep track of: to pay attention to someone or something so that you know what is happening to theme.g. It’s difficult to keep track of all the new discoveries in medicine. Operate: v. to use and control a machine or equipment; to rune.g. Mary was experienced in operating the computers.The company operates five factories.Appropriate: adj. correct or suitable for a particular time, situation or purpose e.g. I didn’t feel that this was an appropriate tine to mention the subject of money.Deal with : to take the necessary action, especially in order to solve a problem e.g. They should deal properly and fairly with any complaint.Paragraph 3Efficient: adj. working well and effectively without wasting money or energy e.g. All staff think Maria is a very efficient secretary.Anticipate: v. to expect that something wall happen and be ready for ite.g. It is anticipated that next year the workers, wage will increase. Confidential: adj. spoken or written in secret and intended to be kept secret e.g. Doctors are required to keep patients, records completely confidential. Paragraph 4prospect. a person ,job ,plan, etc, that has good chance of success in the future;a possibility that something you hope for will happene.g. The manager held out bright prospects for me if I would accept of his recovery.Individual. n. one person, considered separately from the rest of the group or societye.g. It is important to know that the virus can be passed from individual.adj. considered separately from other people or things in the same groupe.g. Each individual leaf on the tree is different .pursue: v. to continue doing an activity or trying to achieve something over a long period of timee.g. Christine pursued her acting career with great determination. Challenging: adj. difficult in an interesting or enjoyable waye.g. Teaching young children is a challenging and rewarding job.IV. Exercises• Ss do Task 1 and Task 2 individually.• Check the answers.V. Assignments1. Recite the new words and expressions.2. Pre-reading of Reading B.Unit 2 OfficeReading B and Writing(3-4 periods)I. Background InformationMany newsletters are published by clubs, societies, associations, and businesses, especially companies to provide information of interest to their members, customers or employees. General contents of a newsletter include news and upcoming events of related organization, as well as contact information for general inquiries.II. Explanation of Language Points1. award n. prizee.g. Einstein was awarded the Nobel Prize for his work in physics.award sb. sth.2.gaze at/intoe.g. We gazed up at the stars.3. socialize with sb.e.g. I enjoy socializing with my students after class.III. Exercises• Ss do Task 1 and Task 2 in pairs.• Check the answers.IV. Writing: Agenda1. Introduce in detail the format and typical items of an agenda. Instructions: An agenda is a written list of topics or matters to be discussed at a meeting. The format of an agenda is comparatively fixed. The first four items and the last three are usually the same for all meetings, but the rest are different according to what the meeting is about.2. Ask Ss to finish task 1 with the help of the teacher.3. Ask Ss to finish task 2 in pairs.4. Select some Ss to present their work.V. Assignments1. Recite the new words and expressions.2. Pre-reading of Listening and Speaking.Unit 2 OfficeListening and Speaking(5-6 periods)I. Listening1. Give Ss a few minutes to read through the printed materials for each listening item.2. Listen to the material for the first time without looking at the book.3. Listen to the material for a second time, and ask Ss to do the exercises from task 1 to task 5 in the section.4. Teacher gives the correct answers and explains the key points for some difficult statements.5. Listen to the material for the third time with a pause after each sentence, and ask Ss to repeat the sentence during the pause.II. SpeakingAsk Ss to work in pairs to practice making an appointment with reference to the instructions below:Role A Receptionist●Greet the caller.●Set a day and time for the appointment.●Get the caller’s telephone number.●Confirm the information.●Close the conversation.Role B Caller●State who you are and the wish to make an appointment.●Agree to the date and time.●Give your telephone number.●Thank the person.III. AssignmentsDo task1, 2, 3,and 4 in Language Lab.Unit 2 OrganizationMini-project and Language Lab(7-8 periods)I. Mini-projectObjective:This project asks Ss to design a travel route and make an itinerary (旅行计划). It helps to train Ss to be competent in travel planning. Ss compare different airlines, hotels and places of interest to decide which is the most suitable. Its concept comes from real life, hence it’s authentic. In o rder to complete it successfully, Ss should use the knowledge and skills they’ve learned from other activities in the unit.Steps:●Grouping. Divide the class into groups. There are several ways: ss pick uptheir own partners; teachers group fast learners with slow learners; ss find their partners by drawing lots.●Defining the project. Go through the project with the class and clarifyrequirements. You are advised to do it after Ss study Reading B.●Timing & cooperation. Give Ss the deadline for completion and guidelineson working together. Appropriate time management and job division are likely to be serious problems at the beginning, where basic instructions from the teacher should come in. as Ss get used to the mini-project, they will become more experienced. Remind them that different Ss have different work but everybody contributes to the project. They discuss first and then decide who will do what.●Presentation. Ss present their evidence for completion. In this project, theyneed to show a written travel itinerary and explain it orally in class. Ask them to do that after they study the whole unit.II. Language Lab1. Ss do Task 1 to Task 4 in this section individually.2. Check the answers and give explanations if necessary.III. Grammar Revision时态是英语谓语动词通过自身的变化来表示动作发生的时间和所处的状态的各种形式。

The Little Mermaid
标 职
综 合 英
Unit 3
Text B Background
Vocational Focus Getting Ready
The Guest-Greeting Pine at Mount Huangshan
Skill Focus Text A
Practical Learning Language Focus
Vacation in Space
Unit 3
Skill Focus Text A
Practical Learning Language Focus

Unit 2 Office
ReaTy office worker has a bugbear of some kind about their colleagues, who should sort out the tensions that will arise in the office? A bad atmosphere isn’t good, is it?
Unit 2 Office
ReaTdexit ng A A-2-1
Rob: Yeah, so not everything is perfect. Some people’s behavior can be a real irritation. I read about a survey recently that revealed the most annoying behavior found in offices. I’ll share it with you. But first, I have a question for you.
Rob: Yes, and “to touch base” meaning to discuss progress. I think some workers get irritated by this jargon because it’s not how someone would normally speak.
WarmWairnm-g1 -up
Task Read Mr. Thomson’s schedule for Tuesday. Write your schedule for today.
最新新职业英语1-基础篇-Unit 2资料

职业综合 英语 1
Unit 2 Office
ReadTexitng A A-1
Annoying Office Habits
Rob: Well Jennifer, we’re here in our brand-new building. It’s quite impressive, isn’t it?
职业综合 英语 1
Unit 2 Office
ReaTdexit ng A A-2-1
Rob: Yeah, so not everything is perfect. Some people’s behavior can be a real irritation. I read about a survey recently that revealed the most annoying behavior found in offices. I’ll share it with you. But first, I have a question for you.
新职业英语1-基础篇-Unit 2
职业综合 英语 1
Unit 2 Office
Conte ntsΒιβλιοθήκη 1Warming-up
Reading A
Reading B
4 Listening & Speaking
Language Lab
职业综合 英语 1
Unit 2 Office
Jennifer: I don’t like any of those habits. They’re all annoying. I’m going to go for a) tapping on the desk.
新职业英语1Unit 2 Office-推荐下载

Unit 2 OfficeLearning objectives1.In warming-up: Students can organize their activities in one day and make a time schedule2. In Reading A : grasp the main idea of the text and find out the duties and skills mentioned in the passage.; learn the useful words and phrases;3. In Reading B: practical reading about industries newsletter.4.Warming-upTask Read Mr. Thomson’s schedule for Tuesday. Write your schedule for today.注意:活动日程表的目的是让有关人员清楚了解一项活动具体安排的时间、地点以及主管人员等。
Task 2 5 minutesPre-reading1.Ask the students to discuss in pairs something about duties for a typical secretary. then read text A quickly and tick off duties and skills mentioned in the passage.2. Lead the students to read the text together part by part and ask them to answer some simple questions to check whether they have understood the passage or not.Para 1秘书可能会有很多其他不同的头衔,例如行政助理、文员或私人助理。
新航标职业英语·综合英语1Unit 2

Skill Focus Text A
Practical Learning Language Focus
Exercise B
Fill in the blanks to complete the main ideas of the text.
The article introduces the __g__o_a_ls__ and _b__ri_e_f_h_i_st_o_r_y_ of a World Expo and shows us that a World Expo is still changing with the times and it attracts _o_r_d_in_a_r_y__p_e_o_p_l_e to experience it.
“十二五”职业教育国家规划教材 经全国职业教育教材审定委员会审定
Getting Ready Text A
综合英语 1
Language Focus
Text B Vocational Focus Skill Focus
Vocational English
Communication for Your Career
can make everyone feel a part of the entire world.
标 职
综 合 英
Unit 2
Text B Background
Vocational Focus Getting Ready
Exercise A
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- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
Getting Ready Text A
综合英语 1
Language Focus
Text B Vocational Focus Skill Focus
Vocational English
Communication for Your Career
标 职
综 合 英
Unit 2
Text B Background
Vocational Focus Getting Ready
Skill Focus Text A
Practical Learning Language Focus
标 职
综 合 英
Unit 2
Text B Background
Vocational Focus Getting Ready
Skill Focus Text A
Practical Learning Language Focus
Skill Focus Text A
Practical Learning Language Focus
The World Expo (世博会)
The World Expo is a large-scale global exhibition. The hosting of the World Expo must be applied for by a country and approved by the International World Expo Committee (国际世博委员会). The World Expo aims to promote the exchange of ideas and the development of the world economy, culture, science and technology, to allow exhibitors to publicize and display their achievements, and to improve international relationships.
Practical Learning
Text B Background
Vocational Focus Getting Ready
Skill Focus Text A
Practical Learning Language Focus
标 职
综 合 英
Unit 2
标 职
综 合 英
Text B Background
Vocational Focus Getting Ready
Skill Focus Text A
Practical Learning Language Focus
The Great Exhibition of Industries of All Nations(万国博览会)
The exhibition, firstly held in 1851, was also called the Great Exhibition of the Works of Industry of All Continents and is sometimes referred to as the Crystal Palace Exhibition (水晶宫展览会) in reference to the temporary structure in which it was held. It was an international exhibition that took place in Hyde Park (海德 公园), London, England, from May 1 to October 15, 1851. It was the first in a series of world exhibitions of culture and industry that were to become popular in the 19th century.
3. ( ) The China Pavilion at the World Expo 2010 Shanghai, China
4. ( ) The logo of the International Exhibition Bureau (BIE)
5. ( ) Haibao—the mascot of the World Expo 2010 Shanghai, China
The Great Exhibition of Industries of All Nations(万国博览会)
标 职
综 合 英
Unit 2
Text B Background
Vocational Focus Getting Ready
标 职
综 合 英
Text B Background
Vocational Focus Getting Ready
Skill Focus Text A
Practical Learning Language Focus
World Expo (世博会)
A Match each item in Part 1 with an appropriate explanation in Part 2.
Part 1
Part 2
1.( ) The theme of the World Expo 2010 Shanghai, China
2. ( ) The emblem of the World Expo 2010 Shanghai, China