英语中级口语教程课件lesson 2 Au Pair Girl

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About Austria:
Main Official Language: German, because it used to belong to ancient Germany, and was driven off by the failure of AustroPrussian War . People: Austrian [ɔstrɪən] Capital : Vienna [英] [vi’enə] Art and culture have a long tradition in Vienna, including theater, opera, classical music and fine arts(美术) so it is also known as hometown of some top musicians such as Mozart [‘məʊtsɑ:t] , Johann Strauss, and Schubert
Spoken Practice in Class
1. Listening & Retelling Please listen to Text A 3 times, and try to get some key words, such as who, where, when ,why , then try to retell text A according to what you have heard. (10’, voluntary job, 3 volunteers are needed ) 2. Dialogue ( pair work, 2- 3 participants, 10’ for preparation, try to make your language more proper, Chinglish should be got rid of as possible as you can ) Please make a dialogue about the following topic “Do you want to be an au pair student if you can get the chance, why / why not?”
steamed bread ?
炒粉-- Fried rice noodles Rice noodles with soup ( 汤粉)
d百度文库ep-fried dough sticks ? ……
Assignment after Class
Please try the sentence patterns in language devices section on page 22 to discuss the first two questions on page 21 ,exercise 2. This is a group work , each group has to select a spokesman to state your group’s idea. Your performance will be graded )
Austria : 奥地利[‘ɔ:stri:ə]
is a landlocked [ læ nd lɔkt]( 内陆的,被陆地包围的) country of roughly(大约的,粗略的) 8.3 million people in Central Europe. It is bordered by Germany and the Czech [tʃek]捷克 Republic to the north, Slovakia [sləu’vakiə ] 斯洛伐克and Hungary [‘hʌŋgəri:] to the east, Slovenia [sləu’vi:njə ]斯洛文 尼亚 and Italy to the south, and Switzerland and Liechtenstein [‘liktən’stain] 列支敦士登 to the west. The territory of Austria covers 83,855 square kilometers and has an alpine [’æ lpaɪn] 高山的, 特指阿尔卑斯山 climate(奥地利毗邻阿尔卑斯山, 属于典型的高山气候,Alps [英] [æ lps] =阿尔卑斯
Lesson 2 Au Pair Girl
.Language Points . Spoken Practice in Class .Assignment after Class
Language Points
1. Definitions Au Pair Girl : ( voluntary job, 3-5’) Answer for Reference: An au pair girl means a girl without any dependents who comes to English speaking countries ,such as U.K. , U.S.A ,Canada etc, to learn English language, and to live as part of a local native English speaking family for free accommodation. [əkɔmədeiʃən] n. 食宿She doesn't need to pay for this, but she usually needs to do some housework , such as babysitting , cleaning and so on as an exchange.
How is traditional English breakfast like?
The normal ingredients of a traditional full English breakfast are bacon (traditionally back bacon), eggs, fried or grilled tomatoes(扒蕃茄 就是烤制 的番茄), fried mushrooms, fried bread or toast and sausages, usually served with a mug of tea. Back bacon is bacon prepared from centre-cut boneless pork loin.外脊培根 (外脊是紧贴脊梁骨外侧的长条的肉 体积比里脊要大,pork loin 就是猪脊 梁部分的肉 )
3.Presentation (voluntary,single person ,open question) How is Chinese breakfast like?
包子 steamed stuff bun 饺子— jiaozi dumpling 是
指带馅儿的面团,可以表示布丁,饺子,汤圆,所以直接说饺子外国 人更能明白,因为某些拼音是被直接引入英文了的,例如