英语中级口语教程课件lesson 2 Au Pair Girl
中级口语教程:Au Pair Girl

中级口语教程:Au Pair GirlLesson 2Au Pair GirlText AGretel comes from Austria. Sheeighteen years old. Shegoingstay withClark family foryear. Gretel has comeEngland because she wantsimprove her English. She works as an au pair girl. She helps Mrs Clarkthe houseattends English classes regularlyher spare time.Gretel hasn' t beenEngland longeverythingstrangeher. She often compares lifeLondon with lifeVienna. Some things are nicerLondon; other things are not so nice. For instance,shops are biggerLondon thanViennatheregreater variety. But it's more expensiveenjoy yourselfLondon. It's expensivehavemeal atrestaurant orgoa theatre.Gretel has got usedmany things already, but she can't get usedbreakfastEngland. "You English eat so muchthe morning," she often says. "Fruit juice, porridge, baconegg, tea, toastmarmalade! How can you face all that food so earlythe day?"Text BMaria had decided that as soon as she had finished school she would become an au pair girlLondon. Twoher friends had already spentyear withfamilyKensington,told her they had had an interesting timehad managedlearnlotEnglish. She was advised by her Head Teacherget her parents' consent andmakeallnecessary arrangements priorher departure: have enough moneyher return fare, know exactly what kinda family she was goinglive withwhat they expectedher.Shortly after her eighteenth birthday Mariareceivedletter from Mrs Hutchinson,wifean advertising executive, statingtermswhich she would be employed. The Hutchinsons liveda houseChelsea. They had three children; two boys, aged fourteenten, both at boarding schools,elder atPublic Schoolthe Midlandsthe younger atPreparatory SchoolSurrey;the youngest child wasgirl aged eight,she wentthe French LyceeSouth Kensington. During term time Maria would havetakegirlschoolthe morningfetch herthe afternoon. She would havehelp Mrs Hutchinsonthe house - washing up, makingbeds, layingtable, dustingrooms, answeringdoor, taking telephone messages, shoppingrunning errands.She would be guaranteed three eveningsweek freecould attend English classes either from eleven till onethe morning or from half past one till fourthe afternoon. She would receive 3week pocket money. Maria was delighted withconditionsthought that they were fair. She also likedlookthe family, as Mrs Hutchinson had thoughtfully enclosedphotograph with her letter.Additional InformationIt was nothing forgirl t.o be sent awayservice when she was eleven years old. That meant leavingfamily as she had never been parted from fordayher life before,goingsome placemiles awaybe treated likedog. I've got nothing against girls going into good service.In my opinion, good servicea properly run big house waswonderful training forlotgirls who never would have seen anything different alldaystheir lives if they hadn't gone. It was better than workingthe land, then,ifstill existednow,reckon I'd rather see anymy daughters begoodhousemaid orwell-trained parlour maid thandolled-up shop-assistant orfactory worker.But folks are too proudworkother folks, now. even ifit'stheir own advantage, though as far ascan see you arestill workingother folks , whatever you're doing. Big houses didn't want littlegirlseleven, even as kitchen maids, sofirst few ycars hadbe putsomewhere else, before you got even that amountpromotion.Big houses expected good service, but you got good treatmentreturn. It . wasn't like that atsortplace my friends hadgo. Mostly they wentthe farmers' houses within ten or twenty miles from where they'd been born. These farmers werejumped Up, proud lot who didn't know howtreatpeople who workedthem. They took advantagethe poor people's needgettheir girls off their handsget little slavesnearly nothing. The conditions were terrible.。
中职英语2 unit2课件 PPT

baby—sit v. (代人临时)照看小孩, 当临时保姆
Of course I can. I’d love to.
Thanks, I really appreciate it.
appreciate [ə'pri:ʃieit] 感激 vt.
D): You shouldn’t shout at me.
E): But you did. Shame on you!
F): I am very sorry for what I said.
G): Keep trying! We are sure to win next time.
H): We believe you will do better next time. 注: 与think一样,否定句要前置。
10. take a seat = have a seat = sit down 就坐 take a rest = have a rest = rest 休息 have a look = take a look = look 看…
11. like doing sth = love / enjoy doing sth. start doing sth = begin doing sth.
6. instead 通常放句首或句末,单独含义使用。 instead of 放句中,后一定要接宾语。 如:
Mr. Zhao is ill in bed. Mr. Zhang comes instead. Mr. Zhang comes instead of Mr. Zhao.
7. be glad to do sth. 乐意做某事 be sorry to do sth. ….感到难过

❖Part1 简单会话 3’ ❖Part2 Presentation 6’ ❖Part3 Discussion 5’ ❖ 评分标准 ❖ 1.语法词汇 ❖ 2.组织 ❖ 3.语音 ❖ 4.互动交流
❖ Tip:第一舍弃第二够用短语优先
❖ 语法:1.避免出现低级语法错误
❖ 开头句 ❖The present talk aims to decide.. ❖The purpose of this talk is to answer
the question of.. ❖In brief,this talk sets out to solve the
problem of.. ❖There are currently three possible
❖What kind of people do you most like to work with/studying with?
❖-find something in common ❖ -diversity ❖ -honest ❖-have good interpersonal skills
❖-attitude to work ❖-current performance ❖-
❖What is important when considering a career change?
❖-further study or training ❖-opportunities for future promotion ❖-
❖-types of activities ❖ -cost ❖-

there is the dubbing, there are voices, music, background noises and sometimes special effects to be put together for the soundtrack. And after the dubbing, the edited film is sent to the 'neg' cutters. Interviewer: What do the 'neg' cutters do? Film Editor: They cut the original negatives on the films, so that these match the edited film exactly. And after all that comes the best part—I can
about a week. A 35-minute documentary, like the one I'm editing at present, takes a minimum of four to five weeks to edit. Interviewer: Can you explain to me how film editing works? Film Editor: There are different steps. 'Synching up', for example. Interviewer: What do you mean by synching up? Film Editor: It means matching sound and pictures and that is usually done by my assistant. The film and the sound tape have numbers stamped along the edge which have to be matched. The details of the film and the sound are also recorded in a log book, so it's quick and easy to find a particular take and its soundtrack. This operation is called logging and is again done by my assistant.

Lesson 1 T oo Clever Text AA farmer who lived in a small village suffered from a severe pain in the chest. This never seemed to get any better. The farmer eventually decided that he would consult a doctor in the nearest town. But as he was a miserly perso n he thought he would find out what he would have to pay this doctor. He was told that a patient had to pay three pounds for the first visit and one pound for the second' visit. The farmer thought about this for a long time, and then he decided to go and consult the doctor in the town.As he came into the doctor's consulting room, he said causally,´ Good morning, doctor. Here I am again.' The doctor was a little surprised. He asked him a few questions, examined his chest and then took the pound which the farmer insisted on giving him. Then the doctor said with a smile , Well , sir. There's nothing new. Please continue to take the same medicine I gave you the first time you came to see me.'Text BA man went to see his doctor one day because he was suffering from pains in his stomach. After the doctor had examined him carefully, he said to him, `Well, there's nothing reallywrong with you, I'm glad to say. Your only trouble is that you worry too much. Do you know, I had a man with the same trouble as you in here a few weeks ago, and I gave him the same advice as I'm going to give you. He was worried because he couldn't pay his tailor's bills. I told him not to worry his head about the bills any more. He followed my advice, and when he came to see me again two days ago, he told me that he now feels quite all right again. '`Yes, I know all about that,' answered the patient sadly.`You see , I'm that man's tailor.'Additional InformationDoctor: Good morning. How are you?Patient: I'm very worried; doctor.Doctor: Oh? What are you worried about?Patient: I'm afraid that I'm very ill.Doctor: I'm sorry to hear that. Why do you think so?Patient: Because I feel tired all the time, even when I wake up in the morning.I findit very difficult to do any work. 1 have no appetite. My wife cooks me delicious meals but I can only eat a little.Doctor: How do you sleep?Patient: Very badly, doctor.Doctor: Do you find it difficult to get to sleep, or do you wake up early? Fatient: Both, doctor. I never get to sleep until 2 o'clock and I always wake at 5. Doctor: Are you worried about anything?Patient: Well , yes , I am. I'm worried about my work. I've just taken a new job.I earn a lot of money but it's difficult work. I'm always afraid of makinga mistake.Doctor: I see. Please take off your shirt and lie down on the couch.Patient: Yes , doctor.(The Doctor examines the patient )Doctor: Well , there's nothing very much wrong with you , I'm glad to say. You're working too hard and worrying too much. Do you take much exercise? Patient: No, doctor. I never have enough time for exercise. I start work very early inthe morning and finish late in the evening. Then I can't get to sleep.Canyou give me some medicine to help me to sleep?Doctor: I can, but I'm not going to. You don't need medicine. You need advice. Don't work so hard. Too much work is bad. for you. Don't worry about your work. It's silly to worry. Take regular exercise.Patient: But I may lose my job , doctor ! It's hard to get a job like mine. Doctor: Then get an easier one , even if you earn less money.Which would you rather have, health or wealth?Patient: You' re right , doctor. It's more important to be healthy than wealthy. I'll change my job. I'm grateful for your advice.Doctor: Come and see me again in a month's time. I think you'll be a different manLesson 2 Au Pair Girl Text A Gretel comes from Austria. She is eighteen years old. She is going to stay with the Clark family for a year. Gretel has come to England because she wants to improve her English. She works as an au pair girl. She helps Mrs Clark in the house and attends English classes regularly in her spare time. Gretel hasn' t been in England long and everything is strange to her. She often compares life in London with life in Vienna. Some things are nicer in London; other things are not so nice. For instance, the shops are bigger in London than in Vienna and there is greater variety. But it's more expensive to enjoy yourself in London. It's expensive to have a meal at a restaurant or to go to a theatre.Gretel has got used to many things already, but she can't get used to breakfast in England. You English eat so much in the morning, she often says. Fruit juice, porridge, bacon and egg, tea, toast and marmalade! How can you face all that food so early in the day?Text B Maria had decided that as soon as she had finished school she would become an au pair girl in London. Two of her friends had already spent a year with a family in Kensington, and told her they had had an interesting time and had managed to learn a lot of English. She was advised by her Head Teacher to get her parents' consent and to make all the necessary arrangements prior to her departure: have enough money for her return fare, know exactly what kind of a family she was going to live with and what they expected of her.Shortly after her eighteenth birthday Maria received a letter from Mrs Hutchinson, the wife of an advertising executive, stating the terms on which she would be employed. The Hutchinsons lived in a house in Chelsea. They had three children; two boys, aged fourteen and ten, both at boarding schools, the elder at a Public School in the Midlands and the younger at a Preparatory School in Surrey; the youngest child was a girl aged eight, and she went to the French Lycee in South Kensington. During term time Maria would have to take the girl to school in the morning and fetch her in the afternoon. She would have to help Mrs Hutchinson in the house - washing up, making the beds, laying the table, dusting the rooms, answering the door, taking telephone messages, shopping and running errands. She would be guaranteed three evenings a week free and could attend English classes either from eleven till one in the morning or from half past one till four in the afternoon. She would receive 3 a week pocket money. Maria was delighted with the conditions and thought that they were fair. She also liked the look of the family, as Mrs Hutchinson had thoughtfully enclosed a photograph with her letter.Additional Information It was nothing for a girl t.o be sent away to service when she was eleven years old. That meant leaving the family as she had never been parted from for a day in her life before, and going to some place miles away to be treated like a dog. I've got nothing against girls going into good service. In my opinion, good service in a properly run big house was a wonderful training for a lot of girls who never would have seen anything different all the days of their lives if they hadn't gone. It was better than working on the land, then, and if it still existed now, I reckon I'd rather see any of my daughters be a goodhousemaid or a well-trained parlour maid than a dolled-up shop-assistant or a factory worker. But folks are too proud to work for other folks, now. even if it's to their own advantage, though as far as I can see you are still working for other folks , whatever you're doing. Big houses didn't want littlegirls of eleven, even as kitchen maids, so the first few ycars had to be put in somewhere else, before you got even that amount of promotion. Big houses expected good service, but you got good treatment in return. It . wasn't like that at the sort of place my friends had to go. Mostly they went to the farmers' houses within ten or twenty miles from where they'd been born. These farmers were a jumped Up, proud lot who didn't know how to treat the people who worked for them. They took advantage of the poor people's need to get their girls off their hands to get little slaves for nearly nothing. The conditions were terrible.Lesson 3 Who Took the Money?Text A Mr Smith gave his wife ten pounds for her birthday-ten pretty pound notes. So the day after her birthday, Mrs Smith went shopping. She queued for a bus, got on and sat down next to an old lady. After a while, she noticed that the old lady's handbag was open. Inside it, she saw a wad of pound notes exactly like the one her husband had given her. So she quickly looked into her own bag- the notes had gone!Mrs Smith was sure that the old lady who was sitting next to her had stolen them. She thought she would have to call the police; but, as she disliked making a fuss and getting people into trouble, she decided to take back the money from the old lady's handbag and say nothing more about it. She looked round the bus to make sure nobody was watching, then she carefully put her hand into the old lady's bag , took the notes and put them in her own bag.When she got home that evening, she showed her husband the beautiful hat she had bought.´How did you pay for it?' he asked.´With the money you gave me for my birthday, of course,' she replied.´Oh? What's that, then?' he asked, as he pointed to a wad of ten pound notes on the table.Text B 'Goodbye, darling,' said Mr Mackin. 'I'll be late tonight.' Poor George, she thought. He was always in a hurry in the morning, and it wasn't unusual for him to come home late at night. He worked for a shoe company in Lceds. and therc was such a lot of work that he normally staycd in the office till seven or cight. When George had left the house Mrs Mackin sat down. in an armchair and turned on the radio. It was a few minutes past eight , and she heard the last words of the news :'...wman who escaped from I.ceds prison yesterday is still free. The police warn you not to open your door to strangers. 'She turned off the radio. The housework was waiting for her. Shc made the beds and washed the dishes. There wasn't auy shopping to do. and so she thought for a moment of all the Work in the garden.The Mackins lived in a house with a large garden in a suburb of Leeds. Behind the garden there were some trees. and then the cpen fields.Suddenly Mrs Mackin remembered the news. She laughed uneasily. That prison is only 15 miles away, she thought. She didn't work in the garden, she mended her husband 's shirts instead And she care.fully lockcd the front door and closed all the windows.It was getting dark. She turned on the lights in the livingroom.Thcn she noticedthat she had turned on the lights in most of the roonss in the house.'How silly I am!' she said nervously and went into the other rooms and turned the leghts on.The person at the door said something loudly. but she was so frightened that she dien't understand a word. Additional Information Do you believe in ghosts?I don't, eitlter-or at least I didn't until I heard a strange story the other day from Mr Mike Paton, of 19 Marlborough llill.It all began on November 28, whcn Mr Paton's eight-ycar-old son, Bob , was playing in the big back garden of his parents' house. He met an old man with a long white beard. The old man told Bob he was builcling the underground railway there, but Bob didn't believe him. Bob told me afterwards that he knew the underground ran under Marlborough Hill itself. The old man said there had been an accident the day before. Then he went away.At first the Patons didn't believe Bob's story. Mrs Paton told me that Bob often made up stories about ghosts and monsters, like other children of his age. But Mr Paton was curious and decided that he would go to the library to check up on the facts.He found that the railway compapy had started to build the line to the west of Marlborough Hill in 1881. but they had run into an underground river. Ten workmen had died in an accident and the Company had changed the direction of the line and built the present tunnel under Marlborough Hill. At first I didn't believe Mr Paton's storv either, so I did some research myself.Inspector Bright of the Metropolitan Police said it was natural to find tramps in the district in winter, but no one had reported one answering the description I had given him since last August.Mr Joseph Griffiths of London Transport checked the files on the accident for me. He told me that the accident had apparently taken place on or very near the junction of Marlborough Hill and Woodstock Avenue on 27 November 1881. Mr Paton's house stands on the corner!The source of this extraordinary story was not affected by the news. 'I told Mummy it was true,' young Bob Paton told me yesterday. When I left the house he was playing happily with his toy cars-in the garden!。

一in来to t就he得pan想try个. E办ven法tua了lly,it 于是
became clear that something had to
,be在do她ne快. So到, ju七st岁bef生ore日he时r s,eve家nth
The fever cut her off from the outside world, depriving her of sight and sound. It was as if she had been thrown into a dark prison cell from which there could be no release.
Unit 1 Planning
Lesson 1
Everyone has a dream.
Question :
What’s your dream?
Mcdull 麦兜 Cartoon pig
Mcdull’s idea towards life is “Never give up”.
They like the Walt Disney cartoons.
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱealize
vt. 1.了解,认识到
Does he rearleizaelizheis和mcisotmakeetr?ue 区分
sth. come true = realize sth.
2.实现;使成为事实 我如们果应我努帮力助工他作,们我了相信却我心在愿将来。的某天能实现我的梦想。

2012 ~2013 学年第一学期
学生所在专业、班级: 11国贸1、2班

Words to pay special attention to
industry, industrial; economy, economic; comfort, comfortable; technology, technological; profit, profitable; diverse, diversity;
Do you consider yourself successful? 你觉得你成 功吗?
What have you learned from mistakes on theΒιβλιοθήκη job? 你从工作中的错误学到了什么?
Why should we hire you? 我们为什么要雇用你? What is your dream job? 你理想的工作是什么?
3. Will your parents stand by you if you go into a transnational marriage? Reasons.
syllable stress
photograph / ˈfəʊ. tə. grɑːf/
photographer /fəˈtɒg. rə. fə/ 4 2
photographic /fəʊ. tə ˈgræ. fɪk/ 4 3
Suffixes that do not affect stress placement
-able: comfort, comfortable -age: anchor, anchorage -al: refuse, refusal -en: wide, widen -ful: wonder, wonderful -ing: amaze, amazing -ish: devil, devilish -ly: actual, actually
中级口译unit 2ppt课件

• B: Not too bad. But we were later than expected. Our plane delayed taking off as we ran into a storm. We were held up for several hours at the airport, waiting for the storm to clear up. But we had good flying weather and we enjoyed a good attending service, of course.
• A:先生,请问您是从伦敦来的泰莱克教授吗? • (Excuse me, sir,is this Prof. Tallack from
• B: Yes, I’m George Tallack from the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London. You must be Miss Dai, if I’m not mistaken.
• B: I like that. I’ve heard Chinese people are very friendly and hospitable. You’re very considerate, Miss Dai. I’ll soon be spoiled, I’m afraid.
• (太好了,中国人友善好客,我早有所闻。戴小姐考 虑得很周到,过不了几天我便会被宠坏了。)
• A:我们希望您在这里过得愉快,希望您与我海通集 团合作愉快。东西齐了,车已在外面等候,我们走吧 。
• (I hope you’ll have a pleasant stay here, and enjoy happy collaboration with the Haitong Group. I think we’ve got everything. Our car is waiting outside. Shall we go now?)
中职英语第二册课件Unit 2

一.Vocabulary 二.Phrase 三. Text
(词汇) (句型) (文章)
➢ across the world = all over the world 全世界
People across the world are fighting with the COVID-19. 全世界人民正在同新冠肺炎作斗争。
Hearing about Valentine's arrest, many young people went to the prison to visit him. One of them was the daughter of the prison guard, who allowed her to visit Valentine in the cell. Sometimes they would sit and talk for hours. she helped him to keep his spirits up. she agreed that Valentine did right thing.
Text Lesson Two Valentine’s Day
On the day Valentine was going to be put to death, he left her a little note thanking her for her friendship and loyalty. He signed it, "Love from your Valentine. "That note started the custom of exchanging love messages on Valentine's Day. It was written on February 14, 269 A. D..

• be worried about • make gestures • bare-footed • complain about one's illness • be greedy for • be ill with • be a miser • be miserly • a patient under medical treatment • write out a prescription • make up a prescription • prescribe for a patient • prescribe for a complaint
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
Lesson 3 Who Took the Money?
→Related Words and Expressions → Related Picture → Exercises
Related Words and Expressions
• be oversensitive • be deeply perturbed • be nervous • be terribly suspicious of sth./sb. • be full of doubts and suspicions • be suspected of • free sb. from doubts and suspicions • clear up doubts and suspicions • misgiving cloud over one's mind • have trust in • lose one's nerve • be over-confident in • draw hasty conclusions • be justified in doing sth. • justify oneself • be too sure of oneself • live alone

try one’s best to do sth. 尽某人最大努 力做某事
[‘fəʊkəs] focus(…)on… 集中于
If I work hard, I am sure I can realize my dreams one day.
WIef Iswhoorukldhahrde,lIpatmhseumre rmeyadlirzeeamtshceainrcwomisehteruse. one day. You should do your best to realize it. 你应该尽力去实现它。
The fever cut her off from the outside world, depriving her of sight and sound. It was as k prison cell from which there could be no release.
Unit 1 Planning
Lesson 1
Everyone has a dream.
Question :
What’s your dream?
Mcdull 麦兜 Cartoon pig
Mcdull’s idea towards life is “Never give up”.
Lesson2 A story of success
Introduction of Hellen Keller
18In821年88,2, 一a b名ab女y g婴ir因l c高au发ght a fde烧ivede差r. St点hhae丧t swu命arvs。isvo虽edfi幸ebruc免tet,于hseh难efenv,eear但rly le发ft 烧its给m她ark留—下s了he后co遗ul症d n—o— lo她ng再er也se看e o不r h见ea、r. 听Be不ca见us。e s因he为 c听ou不ld 见no,t h她ear想sh讲e 话als也o f变ou得nd很it困 vg难eirrly。wda这isffH个iceu女lllte孩tno K便spee是llaek海r..T伦his凯b勒ab。y
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About Austria:
Main Official Language: German, because it used to belong to ancient Germany, and was driven off by the failure of AustroPrussian War . People: Austrian [ɔstrɪən] Capital : Vienna [英] [vi’enə] Art and culture have a long tradition in Vienna, including theater, opera, classical music and fine arts(美术) so it is also known as hometown of some top musicians such as Mozart [‘məʊtsɑ:t] , Johann Strauss, and Schubert
3.Presentation (voluntary,single person ,open question) How is Chinese breakfast like?
包子 steamed stuff bun 饺子— jiaozi dumpling 是
指带馅儿的面团,可以表示布丁,饺子,汤圆,所以直接说饺子外国 人更能明白,因为某些拼音是被直接引入英文了的,例如
How is traditional English breakfast like?
The normal ingredients of a traditional full English breakfast are bacon (traditionally back bacon), eggs, fried or grilled tomatoes(扒蕃茄 就是烤制 的番茄), fried mushrooms, fried bread or toast and sausages, usually served with a mug of tea. Back bacon is bacon prepared from centre-cut boneless pork loin.外脊培根 (外脊是紧贴脊梁骨外侧的长条的肉 体积比里脊要大,pork loin 就是猪脊 梁部分的肉 )
Spoken Practice in Class
1. Listening & Retelling Please listen to Text A 3 times, and try to get some key words, such as who, where, when ,why , then try to retell text A according to what you have heard. (10’, voluntary job, 3 volunteers are needed ) 2. Dialogue ( pair work, 2- 3 participants, 10’ for preparation, try to make your language more proper, Chinglish should be got rid of as possible as you can ) Please make a dialogue about the following topic “Do you want to be an au pair student if you can get the chance, why / why not?”
Austria : 奥地利[‘ɔ:stri:ə]
is a landlocked [ læ nd lɔkt]( 内陆的,被陆地包围的) country of roughly(大约的,粗略的) 8.3 million people in Central Europe. It is bordered by Germany and the Czech [tʃek]捷克 Republic to the north, Slovakia [sləu’vakiə ] 斯洛伐克and Hungary [‘hʌŋgəri:] to the east, Slovenia [sləu’vi:njə ]斯洛文 尼亚 and Italy to the south, and Switzerland and Liechtenstein [‘liktən’stain] 列支敦士登 to the west. The territory of Austria covers 83,855 square kilometers and has an alpine [’æ lpaɪn] 高山的, 特指阿尔卑斯山 climate(奥地利毗邻阿尔卑斯山, 属于典型的高山气候,Alps [英] [æ lps] =阿尔卑斯
“锅med bread ?
炒粉-- Fried rice noodles Rice noodles with soup ( 汤粉)
deep-fried dough sticks ? ……
Assignment after Class
Please try the sentence patterns in language devices section on page 22 to discuss the first two questions on page 21 ,exercise 2. This is a group work , each group has to select a spokesman to state your group’s idea. Your performance will be graded )
Lesson 2 Au Pair Girl
.Language Points . Spoken Practice in Class .Assignment after Class
Language Points
1. Definitions Au Pair Girl : ( voluntary job, 3-5’) Answer for Reference: An au pair girl means a girl without any dependents who comes to English speaking countries ,such as U.K. , U.S.A ,Canada etc, to learn English language, and to live as part of a local native English speaking family for free accommodation. [əkɔmədeiʃən] n. 食宿She doesn't need to pay for this, but she usually needs to do some housework , such as babysitting , cleaning and so on as an exchange.