国际商务交流与谈判考试试题一、选择题(共30分,每小题2分)1. 在国际商务交流中,以下哪个因素对于建立信任和合作至关重要?A. 品牌知名度B. 职位地位C. 语言表达能力D. 礼仪和文化意识2. 在进行国际商务谈判时,以下哪个策略有助于解决跨文化差异带来的问题?A. 强硬的谈判立场B. 忽略对方的文化背景C. 主动倾听和尊重对方的观点D. 迅速做出决策,节省时间成本3. 在国际商务合作中,以下哪个法律原则被广泛接受并适用于跨国企业?A. 时间就是金钱B. 劳动力成本最低C. 知识产权保护D. 文化差异不重要二、填空题(共20分,每小题2分)1. 商务谈判的目的是达成_____________________。
2. 在国际交流中,了解对方文化的习俗和礼仪可以有效_____________________。
3. 国际商务交流中,有效的跨文化沟通需要_____________和______________。
4. 在国际商务合作中,______________的合作方式逐渐成为主流。
三、问答题(共50分)1. 请简要说明在跨国企业合作过程中,文化差异对商务交流和谈判有哪些影响?(10分)文化差异对商务交流和谈判有着重要的影响。
2. 在国际商务谈判中,如何解决由于语言障碍带来的问题?请提供至少三种解决方案。
《国际商务谈判》题集一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1.在国际商务谈判中,哪一项不属于非语言沟通的形式?A. 面部表情B. 肢体语言C. 口头表达D. 沉默与停顿2.谈判双方对同一事物持有不同看法时,产生冲突的根本原因是?A. 文化差异B. 信息不对称C. 利益不一致D. 沟通障碍3.以下哪一项是国际商务谈判中最常用的让步策略?A. 坚定的不让步B. 一次性大幅让步C. 逐步小幅让步D. 先大幅后小幅让步4.在跨文化商务谈判中,哪种行为可能被视为不尊重?A. 直视对方眼睛B. 适时点头表示理解C. 避免直接批评对方D. 谈判中频繁打断对方5.“BATNA”在国际商务谈判中代表什么?A. 最佳替代方案B. 谈判协议文本C. 谈判底线D. 谈判议程6.以下哪一项不是影响国际商务谈判中权力与地位的因素?A. 公司规模B. 谈判者个人职位C. 谈判地点选择D. 谈判者的年龄7.在国际商务谈判中,使用哪种技巧可以有效缓解紧张气氛?A. 直接指责对方错误B. 提出无关话题转移注意力C. 适时幽默与轻松话题D. 强调自身优势8.“双赢”谈判理念强调的是什么?A. 一方完全妥协B. 双方利益最大化C. 牺牲长期关系换取短期利益D. 尽可能延长谈判时间9.国际商务谈判中,哪一阶段最关键,往往决定谈判的成败?A. 开局阶段B. 磋商阶段C. 成交阶段D. 准备阶段10.以下哪一项不属于国际商务谈判中的风险?A. 政治风险B. 文化风险C. 市场风险D. 天气风险二、填空题(每题2分,共20分)1.国际商务谈判中,______是指谈判双方在正式谈判开始前,通过初步接触和交流,就谈判的非实质性内容进行交谈的过程。
Choice Questions1. c 3. b 5. d 7. a 9. a2. b 4. a 6. b 8. c 10.d下划线的选项为正确答案1. Understanding another culture:a. is important for businesspeople because they can appear to be better informed.b. is best achieved through "do's and don'ts" listsc. enables businesspeople to know why foreign associates believe and act as theydod. isn't necessary for businesspeople2. Culture, for purposes of business communication, is:a. interchangeable with communicationb. values, attitudes and behaviorc. unnecessary to investigated. constantly changing3. Every culture is learned, and therefore:a. a person can describe his or her own culture completelyb. it is learnablec. it is something you know from birthd. it is not possible to live outside your own culture4. Values in a culture:a. are the priorities of that cultureb. are the same in all culturesc. are attitudes about powerd. are the result of attitudes5. The best response to diversity (or difference in cultures) is toa. assume people are all alikeb. assume superiority of your own culturec. assess another culture by its similarity to yoursd. recognize the validity of cultures that are different6. Biases area. based in all cases on something other than factb. preferencesc. something not everybody hasd. not operating in business encounters between members of different cultures7. When biases are acted upon,a. the result may be discrimination or prejudiceb. the person acting upon them clearly recognizes that factc. communication is clearerd. the result is typical of high-context cultures8. High-context culturesa. prefer communication that is direct and explicitb. are ones whose members enjoy a high standard of livingc. rely on the context, either physical or social, to convey a large part of the messaged. use technologically advanced methods of communication for business purposes9. Perception involvesa. recognizing communication signals, paying attention, categorizing them, andassigning meaning to themb. speaking and listening--the oral communication skillsc. matching incoming signals with outgoing signals in one's databankd. implicit messages that are typical of high-context cultures10. Multi-level messagesa. are always intentionalb. communicate only one meaning but on many levelsc. are common practices in low-context culturesd. result in puns and double-meaning jokesChoice. Circle the letter corresponding to the correct response.11. Language is important because ita.helps us shape concepts, controls how we think, and controlshow we perceive others.b. allows us to be understood by foreigners.c. is determined by colonialism.d. is stable, easily understood, and free of diversity.12. Which of the following countries uses high-context language?a. Canadab. Germanyc. Japand. United States13. The term "jargon" refers toa. inoffensive expressions that are used in place of offensivewords.b. competitive conversations that are generally in jest.c.technical terminology used within specialized groups.d. nonverbal signals that are believed over what is actuallysaid.14. Slang is generallya. understood by everyone.b. spoken by the masses.c. easily translated.ed by subgroups.15. Red tape is an example ofa. slang.b. an acronym.c. a homonym.d. an idiom.16. "The part was found defective, and it was determined that there isa defect in the button causing it not to fit into the chassis." Thisstatement is an example of aa. linear explanation.b. verbose explanation.c.nonlinear explanation.d. why explanation.17. A good interpreter will bea. bilingual, familiar with both business cultures, and employedby one of the businesses.b.bicultural, bilingual, and familiar with both businesscultures.c. bicultural and an employee of the visiting business.d. bicultural, bilingual, and employed by the host business. Choice. Circle the letter corresponding to the correct response.18. Which statement referring to thought patterns is incorrect?a. Asians typically use the inductive method of reasoning.b. Thought patterns impact oral communication.c. When using the deductive method of reasoning, one starts withthe facts and goes to generalizations.d. Recognizing different thought patterns is important innegotiation with different cultures.19. Which term refers to rate, volume, and quality that interrupts ortemporarily takes the place of speech and affects the meaning ofa message?a. metacommunicationb. chronemicsc. oculesicsd. paralanguage20. Which statement does not reflect the intimate zone?a. the most formal zoneb. less than 18 inchesc. reserved for very close friendsd. entered when shaking hands21. People from cultures that follow the monochronic time system tendtoa. do one thing at a time.b. be committed to people.c. borrow and lend things often.d. build lifetime relationships.22. Nonverbal communication does not includea. chromatics.b. chronemics.c. haptics.d. semantics.23. Which term refers to gaze and eye contact?a. chronemicsb. monochronicc. oculesicsd. olfactics24. Which term refers to communicating through the use of bodily contact?a. kinesicsb. hapticsc. olfacticsd. proxemics25. Which of the following does not belong in the "don't touch" category?a. Englandb. Japanc. Middle East countriesd. United States26. Which of the following statements related to space is incorrect?a. In the United States, the social zone is used for interactingimpersonally in business situations.b. In the United States, offices on the fourth floor have morestatus than those on the first floor.c. French top-level executives have private offices.d. The Japanese do not consider private offices appropriate.27. Which statement regarding oculesics is incorrect?a. People in the United States do not favor direct eye contact.b. People in China lower their eyes as a sign of respect.c. The Japanese direct their gaze below the chin.d. Eye contact is very intense in the Middle East.28. Which statement concerning haptics is incorrect?a. Touching may be interpreted as a form of sexual harassment.b. Some cultures are more comfortable with bodily contact thanothers.c. Japan is considered a "touch" culture.d. In the Middle East, avoid touching someone with your left hand.29. Which statement relating to chromatics is incorrect?a. Chromatics can have negative and positive connotations.b. Americans and Japanese both wear black to funerals.c. Brides in India often wear red or yellow.d. In China, a green hat signifies that your wife or sister isa prostitute.30. Which statement is incorrect?a. Costly business blunders are often the result of a lack ofknowledge of another culture's nonverbal communicationpatterns.b. Processes of reasoning and problem solving are the same inall cultures.c. Attitudes toward time and use of space convey nonverbalmessages in intercultural encounters.d. When in another culture, an appropriate caution would be towatch the behavior of the persons you are talking with andmatch their style.31. Which statement is incorrect?a. Knowing cultural variations in the use of silence is helpfulwhen conversing with persons in another culture.b. Determining cultural meanings associated with various colorsis advised to assure that nonverbal messages associated withcolor are positive ones.c. Good advice when communicating with persons in other culturesis to keep gestures to a minimum.d. Although oral communication varies from culture to culture,nonverbal communication is almost always interpreted the samein each culture.Choice. Circle the letter corresponding to the correct response.32. Present your business card with both hands when ina. Africa.b. Japan.c. Germany.d. Russia.33. Which of the following statements related to business card exchangeis incorrect?a. U.S. persons only exchange business cards when there is areason to contact the person later.b. Business cards for use internationally should be white withblack ink.c. Present the business card with the left hand only in Africa.d. Present the business card with both hands in Japan.34. People with a college degree are entitled to be called "Doctor" ina. Mexico.b. England.c. Italy.d. Russia.35. Which statement concerning India's caste system is incorrect?a. Each caste has its own status and rights.b. Discrimination based on caste has been outlawed.c. The caste system is not a major influence anywhere on thecontinent at this time.d. In a caste, interaction is often limited.36. Which statement regarding holidays is incorrect?a. Germany has a carnival season similar to Mardi Gras.b. Many countries celebrate New Year's Day.c. Many Japanese companies close from April 29 to May 5.d. June is a bad time to conduct business in Europe as this is consideredthe vacation month.37. Which statement regarding office customs/practices is incorrect?a. U.S. employees are expected to keep busy while at work evenduring slow periods.b. Peru has one of the longest workweeks in the world.c. U.S. firms give more and longer breaks than do most Europeancompanies.d. In the United Kingdom, the only grounds for job terminationare criminal behavior.38. Appropriate public behavior in the United States includes:a. giving priority to older persons when waiting in line.b. speaking quietly in elevators.c. keeping to the left when walking on the street.d. treating service personnel with courtesy and respect.39. Which statement regarding special foods is incorrect?a. Corn-on-the-cob, a U.S. food, is considered a food foranimals only in other countries.b. Most countries enjoy popcorn.c. Eating sheep's eyeballs in Saudi Arabia is common.d. In Mexico, chicken soup may contain the chicken's feet.40. Which statement regarding consumption taboos is incorrect?a. Strict Muslims do not consume pork.b. Hindus do not eat any beef; the cow is considered sacred.c. Orthodox Jews eat only cattle or fowl that has been rituallyslaughtered so that it is "kosher."d. U.S. persons do not eat horse meat because of religious taboos.。
国际商务谈判1. 谈判中,强调“专时专用”和“速度”的是瑞士人。
2. 在国际商务谈判中,强调“把人和事区分开来”,感兴趣的主要是实质性问题。
3. 如果要鼓励对方讲话,习惯上应采取认真倾听形式。
4. 既理性又富有人情味的谈判类型是原则型谈判。
5. 商务谈判中的最优期望目标也叫最高目标。
6. 如果是一个超过6天的谈判,精力旺盛期是前3天。
8. 双手手指并拢并置于胸前上方呈尖塔状,表示充满信心。
9. 如果对方运用有限权力策略,你的反应是相信他说的是真实情况。
10. 既能获得新的信息又能证实己方以往判断的谈判技巧是巧提问题。
11. 把任何情况都看做是一场意志力的竞争和搏斗,这种谈判被称为硬式谈判。
12. 通过己方的提问,使对方对问题作出证明或理解的发问方式是证明式发问。
13. “这个协议不是要经过公证之后才生效吗?”这种商务谈判的发问类型属于强调式发问。
14. 良好融洽的谈判气氛有助于调节谈判人员情绪。
15. 谈判人员必须具备的首要条件是遵纪守法,廉洁奉公,忠于国家和组织。
18. 澳大利亚人的谈判风格一般表现为重视办事效率。
20. 在智猪博弈模型中,大猪按小猪等是纳什均衡。
21. 确定商务谈判目标系统和目标层次时,应坚持的原则是合理性原则,合法性原则,实用性原则。
22. 迫使对方让步的策略有利用竞争、软硬兼施、最后通牒。
23. 谈判双方的期望已相当接近时,就都会产生结束谈判的愿望。
24. 国际商务谈判与一般谈判的共性是以经济利益为谈判的目的,以经济利益作为评判谈判的主要评级指标,以价格作为谈判的核心。
25. 国际商务谈判中,要坚持以下原则对事不对人,对事不对人,使用客观标准,破解利益冲突。
6. 意会最有可能成为无效的信息传递方式。
10. 说明是谈判中最艰巨、复杂和富有技巧性的工作。
12. 让步型谈判者把对方不当作敌人,而看作朋友。
国际商务谈判A 2022秋复习题提示:输入题目题干部分文字,按键盘快捷键CtrWF查找题目答案。
超越高度一、单选题(每题2分,共25道小题,总分值50分)L商务谈判中,作为摸清对方需要,掌握对方心理的手段是()(2分)A、问B、听C、看D、说正确答案:A2.为谈判过程确定基调是在(2分)A、准备阶段B、开局阶段C、正式谈判阶段D、签约阶段正确答案:B3.澳大利亚人的谈判风格一般表现为(2分)A N重视办事效率B、待人苛刻C、不愿接受款待D、不守信用正确答案:A4.既理性又富有人情味的谈判类型是(2分)A、让步型谈判B、软式谈判C、原则型谈判D、立场型谈判正确答案:C5.下列选项中,不属于非人员风险的是(2分)A、素质风险B、市场风险C、合同风险D、政治风险正确答案:A6.谈判中,双方互赠礼品时,西方人较为重视礼物的意义和()(2分)A、礼物价值B、礼物包装C、礼物类型D、感情价值正确答案:D7.在缺乏谈判经验的情况下,进行一些较为陌生的谈判,谈判人员应采取的让步方式。
一、单选题:1、“贵方如果违约必须承担责任,对不对?”此提问属于( D)A. 探索式发问B.借助式发问C. 证明式发问D.诱发式发问2、谈判中最容易产生僵局的议题是( C)A.验收标准B.违约责任C.合同价格D.履约地点3、开局阶段奠定谈判成功基础的关键是( A)A.良好的谈判气氛B.合理的报价C.反复磋商D.确定谈判目标4、以下哪个不是非语言表达的特点?( C )A.无意识性B.可信性C.短暂性D.情境性5、开场陈述,己方提建议时要采取( C )的方式A.委婉B.压倒对方C.直截了当D.留有余地6、最后让步中主要应把握的问题是( C )A.让步的时间和方式 B.让步的方式和幅度C.让步的时间和幅度 D.让步的幅度和频率7、倾听技巧中最基本、最重要的是( A )A.集中精力地倾听 B. 有鉴别地倾听 C.克服先入为主的倾听 D.通过记笔记来倾听8、拉夫·尼可拉斯经过研究发现,即使是积极地听对方讲话,按原意听取了的讲话内容只占( B )A. 1/2B. 1/3C.1/4D.1/59、在商务谈判中,双方地位平等是指双方在什么上的平等( C )A.资金实力B.经济利益C.法律D.行政级别10、谈判中日本人如果不断点头并说“哈依!”,这往往表示( B )A.同意B.在听C.你好D.谢谢11、制定国际商务谈判策略最关键的步骤是( B )A.了解影响谈判因素B.寻找关键问题C.确定具体目标D.形成假设性方法12、价格条款的谈判应由谁承担( B )A.法律人员B.商务人员C.财务人员D.技术人员13、谈判必须避免的心理状态(C)A.对此次谈判自信B. 对对方人员比较热情C.不知所措D.表现比较谨慎14、谈判中最艰巨、复杂和富有技巧性的工作是(B)A.陈述B.说服C.辩论D.提问15、馈赠礼品时,酒类不能作为礼品的国家是(C)A.美国B.俄罗斯C.阿拉伯国家D.法国16、在国际商务谈判时,强调“把人和事区分开来”,感兴趣的主要是实质性问题。
中职国际商务试题及答案一、单项选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 国际商务中,跨国公司通常采用的组织结构是()。
A. 直线型B. 职能型C. 矩阵型D. 事业部型答案:D2. 国际贸易中,FOB条款指的是()。
A. 离岸价B. 到岸价C. 成本加保险费加运费D. 边境交货答案:A3. 以下哪个不是世界贸易组织(WTO)的基本原则()。
A. 非歧视原则B. 透明度原则C. 保护主义原则D. 自由贸易原则答案:C4. 国际商务谈判中,以下哪个不是有效的沟通技巧()。
A. 倾听B. 重复C. 打断D. 反馈答案:C5. 以下哪个不是国际商务中的风险类型()。
A. 政治风险B. 经济风险C. 文化风险D. 技术风险答案:D6. 国际商务中,以下哪个不是国际货币基金组织(IMF)的主要职能()。
A. 监督国际货币体系B. 提供技术援助C. 促进国际贸易自由化D. 提供短期贷款答案:C7. 以下哪个不是国际商务中常见的支付方式()。
A. 信用证B. 托收C. 现金交易D. 电子汇款答案:C8. 国际商务中,以下哪个不是国际商会(ICC)的主要活动()。
A. 制定国际贸易规则B. 提供仲裁服务C. 促进国际投资D. 组织国际会议答案:C9. 以下哪个不是国际商务中常见的贸易壁垒()。
A. 关税壁垒B. 配额限制C. 技术标准D. 货币贬值答案:D10. 以下哪个不是国际商务谈判中常见的策略()。
A. 让步策略B. 拖延策略C. 威胁策略D. 合作策略答案:C二、多项选择题(每题3分,共15分)1. 国际商务中,以下哪些属于国际营销的策略()。
A. 产品策略B. 价格策略C. 促销策略D. 渠道策略答案:ABCD2. 国际贸易中,以下哪些属于非关税壁垒()。
A. 进口配额B. 进口许可证C. 出口补贴D. 反倾销税答案:ABD3. 国际商务中,以下哪些属于国际商务谈判的基本原则()。
A. 互利原则B. 诚信原则C. 保密原则D. 灵活性原则答案:ABCD4. 以下哪些是国际商务中常见的风险管理方法()。
国际商务复习题答案一、单项选择题1. 国际商务中,跨国公司是指在两个或两个以上国家设立分支机构或子公司的企业。
A. 正确B. 错误答案:A2. 根据国际贸易理论,比较优势理论是由哪位经济学家提出的?A. 亚当·斯密B. 大卫·李嘉图C. 约翰·梅纳德·凯恩斯D. 弗里德里希·哈耶克答案:B3. 以下哪项不是国际商务中常见的贸易壁垒?A. 关税壁垒B. 配额限制C. 出口补贴D. 技术标准答案:C二、多项选择题1. 国际商务谈判中,以下哪些因素可能影响谈判结果?A. 谈判双方的文化差异B. 谈判双方的沟通技巧C. 谈判双方的专业知识D. 谈判双方的谈判策略答案:ABCD2. 国际市场营销中,以下哪些因素属于宏观环境因素?A. 政治法律环境B. 经济环境C. 社会文化环境D. 技术环境答案:ABCD三、判断题1. 国际商务中的文化适应性是指企业能够根据不同国家的文化特点调整其经营策略和管理方式。
答案:正确2. 国际贸易中的最惠国待遇是指一个国家给予另一个国家的最优惠待遇不得低于给予任何其他国家的待遇。
答案:正确四、简答题1. 简述国际商务中市场进入模式的主要类型及其特点。
2. 描述国际商务中供应链管理的重要性。
题型:判断题(10*2) 选择题(多选)(10*2) 填空题(5*2) 简答题(3*10) 案例分析题(20)要点:第一章沟通概述1.商务沟通:指在商务组织为了顺利地经营并取得经营的成功,将有关商务经营的各种信息发送给商务组织内外的既定对象,并寻求反馈以求得商务组织内外的相互理解、支持与合作的过程。
1. ×
2. √
3. ×
4. ×
5. √
6. ×
7. ×
8. √
9. ×
10. ×
8. C, D
9. A, B
10. A, D
11. B, C
12. B, C
13. C, D
14. A, C
15. C, D
16. A, C
17. C, D
18. A, B
19. B, C
20. B, D
二、选择题1、下列哪个国家在国际商务谈判中倾向于采用直接谈判方式?(A)A. 美国B. 日本C. 德国D. 法国正确答案是:A. 美国。
2、下列哪一项不是文化背景对国际商务谈判的影响?(D) A. 语言沟通 B. 社交礼仪 C. 价值观 D. 产品标准正确答案是:D. 产品标准。
3、在国际商务谈判中,下列哪个因素是最不重要的?(C) A. 文化背景 B. 政治环境 C. 个人性格 D. 经济条件正确答案是:C. 个人性格。
4、下列哪个国家在国际商务谈判中倾向于采用间接谈判方式?(B)A. 美国B. 日本C. 德国D. 法国正确答案是:B. 日本。
商务谈判一、判断题1. 策略是指人们谋事的计策和方略2. 不同的谈判主题会有不同的谈判僵局3. 商务谈判是一种互惠式谈判,追求的是互利互惠的最佳结果4. 美国人的性格是外向、随意的。
5. 掌握该项目谈判总的财务状况是经济人员的主要职责6. 商务谈判中的价格谈判,多数是按照浮动价格计算的。
7. 体会是谈判人员比较熟悉并经常使用的一种策略。
8. 美国商人谦逊友善、乐于助人。
9. 人的素质因素永远是引发事由的重要因素。
10. 卖方让步时,买方一般要作相对的让步。
11. 受诚意支配的谈判心理是保证实现谈判目标的必要条件。
12. 开局阶段是谈判双方面对面讨论、说理、论战,是实质性的协调或较量阶段。
13. 眨眼常被用作一种掩饰的手段。
14. 语言艺术是通向谈判成功的桥梁。
15. 提问后应保持沉默,等待对方回答。
16. 在生理需要满足之后,生物体接着考虑爱与归属的需要。
17. 开盘时需要对所报价格做解释、说明和辩解。
18. 电话联系是私下交往中不太常用的交际方式。
19. 在ABC分类法中,谈判肯定用得上的定为C级,可能有用的定为B级,作用不大的定为A级20. “你认为如何?”“你为什么这样做?”这种提问属于诱导性提问?21. 去伪存真是整理和分析谈判资料的意图之一22. 从形式上看,谈判方案可以是书面的,也可以是口头的23. 最后让步必须足以成为预示最后成交的标志24. 谈判人员准备就是组建谈判班子25. 社交场合,天气炎热,可以当众解开纽扣,脱下衣服26. 祝酒时,注意不要交叉碰杯27. 引导外宾参观的人,要走在外宾后面28. 开局初期常被称为“破冰期”29. 所谓极端的要求,也就是难以答应的要求30. 从技术的角度上看,战略策略有时比战术策略更重要二、名词解释1. 有声语言:2. 需要:3. 市场行情:4. 商务谈判:5. 晕轮效应:6. 主观价格:7. 补充品:8. 商务谈判策略:9. 先入为主:10. 前续产品11. 战略策略:12. 消极价格:13. 国际商务谈判:14. 素质性风险:15. 战术策略:16. 礼貌:17. 技术性风险:18. 倒退:19. 后续产品:20. 场外沟通:21. 时机策略:22. 前紧:23. 集体主义:三、简答题1. 怎样进行谈判人员的配备?2. 应避免出现的心理状态有哪些?3.在谈判中,需要的心理主要表现在哪几方面?4. 谈判开局的基本任务是什么?5. 获得谈判对手信息资料的途径有哪些?6. 商务谈判活动所产生的心理挫折主要表现在哪几方面?7. 信息资料的整理分为哪几个阶段?8. 谈判方案的基本要求有哪些?9. 无声语言的作用是什么?10. 商务合同有哪些特点?11. 产生谈判僵局的原因有哪些?12. 谈判提问应该掌握哪些技巧?13. 当在谈判中处于被动地位时,采取哪些策略比较适宜?14. 国际商务谈判的基本要求有哪些?15. 商务人员的服饰礼仪有何要求和讲究?16. 妥善处理潜在僵局的办法有哪些?17. 要给对方谈判人员送礼品,应该注意哪些问题?18. 技术性风险有哪些?19. 情绪性僵局缓解方法有哪些?20. 握手时要注意哪些礼仪21. 影响工程设备远期价格的因素主要有哪些?22. 美国人的谈判风格是怎样的?23. 交谈中的注意事项有哪些24. 同美国人谈判有何要诀25. 国际商务谈判的特征有哪些四、论述题1. 为什么说商务谈判既是一门科学,又是一门艺术?2. 试述沟通中的基本知识包括哪些?3. 简述回答的技巧有哪些?4. 合同之外的谈判包括哪几部分?5. 试述不同性格谈判对手的心理特征及禁忌6. 如何对不同类型的谈判对手要区别对待,应注意哪些禁忌?7. 详述商务谈判开局阶段选择策略应注意的因素和可选择的主要策略。
国际商务谈判 复习题
![国际商务谈判 复习题](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/99407dfcb04e852458fb770bf78a6529647d35eb.png)
商务谈判试卷(B)一、单选题1、客座谈判是在( )组织的一种谈判。
A 己方所在地B中立方所在地C 谈判对手所在地D 主客所在地轮流2、下列哪种说法不正确()。
A 原则谈判理论主张谈判重点应放在立场上而不是利益上B 原则谈判理论是由美国哈佛大学教授罗杰费希尔提出C 原则谈判理论认为衡量谈判成功的标准是谈判的价值D 谈判的结果是各方公平协商的结果而不应该是某一方的意志决定3、( )是指在谈判中可努力争取或作出让步的范围。
A 开局B 交锋阶段C 引导与让步D成交与签约5、良好的()能力就是谈判者能够根据谈判情势的变化,随时随地调整自己的情绪,做到冷静思考、从容应对。
A 临场应变B 心理控制C 情绪调节D 心理调适6、商务谈判中的以退为进策略,表现为先让一步,(),然后争取主动、反守为攻。
A 礼让对方B 转为守势C 顺从对方D 抬高对方7、为避免入题时单刀直入、过于直露,影响谈判的融洽气氛,经常采用()的方法。
A 迂回入题B 从具体议题入手C 先谈一般原则,后谈细节问题D 先谈细节,后谈原则性问题8、在商务谈判中,将对方提问的范围缩小后再做出的回答称为( )。
A 转换式回答B 针对式回答C 局限式回答D 反问式回答9、在商务谈判过程中,双方应着眼于( )而不是立场。
A 偏好B 态度C 习惯D 利益10、谈判进行到一定阶段或遇到某种障碍时一般应用()谈判技巧。
A 货比三家B 激将C 投石问路D 休会技巧11、下列不属于语意一致原则中必须遵守的规则是()。
A 宗教规则B 共识规则C 简明规则D 用词一致规则12、在双方交谈中应避免的词句是()。
A “据法律规定……”B “综上所述……”C “你需要明白的是……”D “您的看法是?”13、判断是谈判者对谈判情形作出的一种确定性的()。
A 把握和理解B 识别和认定C 归纳和总结D 识别和把握14、不属于合同必须具备的条款()。
国际商务谈判与交流考试试题一、选择题1. 在商务谈判中,下列哪种交流方式最为常见?A. 口头交流B. 书面交流C. 非语言交流D. 社交媒体交流2. 跨文化商务谈判中,最重要的是什么?A. 谈判技巧B. 语言能力C. 文化素养D. 理论知识3. 下列哪种行为最有可能破坏商务谈判的进程?A. 尊重对方文化习俗B. 主动提供解决方案C. 保持冷静和耐心D. 表示不满和抱怨4. 在国际商务谈判中,会议礼仪是十分重要的,下列哪种做法是不符合会议礼仪的?A. 提前准备并带上名片B. 准时到达会议地点C. 在会议中保持专注和尊重D. 打断他人发言5. 在商务谈判中,下列哪种行为是建立信任关系的重要因素?A. 短期利益最大化B. 尊重对方利益C. 高压施展威逼D. 拒绝妥协二、解答题1. 请列举并解释三种常见的跨文化交流障碍。
2. 商务谈判中的沟通技巧至关重要,请选择两种常用的沟通技巧并详细阐述其作用。
3. 在商务谈判中,如何处理对方提出的问题和质疑?请提供至少三条建议。
4. 请列举并解释三种典型的商务谈判策略。
5. 在国际商务谈判中,解决冲突是必不可少的,请列举并解释三种解决冲突的方法。
请以您的角度,回答以下问题:1. 如何回应对方代表的新合作条件?2. 在该场合下,如何展示您的谈判技巧和灵活性?3. 如何在维护自身利益的同时,保持良好的商业关系?四、简答题1. 请解释国际商务谈判中的BATNA原则。
2. 谈判的成功与否,除了达成协议外,还需要满足哪些条件?3. 在国际商务谈判中,为什么文化差异如此重要?请举例说明。
六、判断题判断以下说法是否正确,并简要说明理由:1. 商务谈判中,口头交流比书面交流更具效果。
判断题答案需要自己参考课文自己解答Chapter 1 Communication and CultureTrue/False1. A good definition of culture for business communication purposesis "The food, the costumes, dances and celebrations of a country".2. Every culture is coherent and complete within itself.3. You are born with your culture in your genes.4. People in a culture interpret their life experiences in ways thatvalidate that culture.5. Values motivate people.6. Attitudes are the same thing as values.7. Eventually, with the spread of technology everyone will have thesame values.8. In order to understand a culture's values, you need only to learnthe "do's and taboos" of behavior in that culture.9. Culture shock is a sudden episode experienced by people who go toa foreign culture.10. Reverse culture shock is the term given to the adjustment followingre-entry into one's own culture after living abroad.11. The belief that everyone who encounters my culture will want to adoptit is an assumption of my culture's superiority.12. The belief that my culture is normal and central to human experienceis called the assumption of universality.13. The belief that everyone underneath is just the same after all ishelpful to business communication.14. Stereotypes are not always negative.15. Behavior comes directly from the attitudes about how significantsomething is---how it is valued.16. Prejudice is pre-judgment, judging before the facts are assessed.17. Communication in high-context cultures tends to rely on context tocommunicate the meaning of the message.18. Low-context culture communicators prefer to put their thoughts intowords that avoid ambiguity.19. Multi-level communication is messages that go to the president,vice-presidents, managers, and finally to the mailroom.20. People's patterns of thinking are the same regardless of culture.21. Belief systems or religions are powerful sources of values and attitudes in cultures.Oral and Nonverbal Communication PatternsChapter 5, Test QuestionsTrue-False. Circle T if the statement is true; circle F if it is false.1. Most people in the United States use the indirect method of reasoning to solve problems.2. Making quick decisions is the sign of an effective manager in Japan while it is often viewed as impulsive in the United States.3. Paralanguage conveys emotions.4. Chronemics is the intentional or unintentional implied meaning of a message.5. The United States is a culture that follows the monochronic time system.6. Reading a journal during a meeting in cultures which follow a polychronic time system is considered rude.7. People of the United States tend to need less space than do those of the Greek or Latin American cultures.8. Arab cultures have a casual attitude toward time; they believe God decides when things get accomplished.9. The Chinese prefer face-to-face seating arrangements when conversing.10.In the Middle East, prolonged eye contact with women is considered inappropriate.11. In the United States, eye contact is a sign of respect and attentiveness.12. To maintain harmonious intercultural business relationships, it isa good idea to adopt the hygiene practices of the country in which you are conducting business.13.Placing a hand on the back of an Asian worker's chair is appropriate.14. The use of the hands and arms are the most expressive types of body language.15. U.S. businessmen use silence as a bargaining tool when negotiating with the Japanese.16. While black symbolizes mourning in the United States, white is often worn to Japanese funerals.Global EtiquetteChapter 7, Test QuestionsTrue-False. Circle T if the statement is true; circle F if it is false.1. Introductions are more formal in the United States than in Germany.2. A firm handshake is a polite way to greet someone in any culture.3. An exchange of business cards is more common in the United States than in other countries.4. Status is associated with education in the United States.5. India has a caste system; each caste has its own status and rights.6. In the Japanese society, knowing the rank of people with whom you conduct business is very important.7.Negative information should not be communicated via e-mail.8. Flaming is an e-mail term that refers to typing a message in all capital letters.9. Dining in a Japanese home requires sitting in a kneeling position ona tatami mat.10. When visiting Japan or China, be sure to tip generously cab drivers and any service personnel you may encounter.11. When giving gifts to the Japanese, avoid gifts manufactured in Asia.12. Something made of cowhide would be an appropriate gift to a business colleague in India.13. Proper airline travel behavior includes asking permission before reclining your seat when traveling coach.Business and Social CustomsChapter 8, Test QuestionsTrue-False. Circle T if the statement is true; circle F if it is false.1. Customs vary by country and by regions within a country.2. People from other cultures often perceive U.S. persons as insincere with their standard greeting of "Hi, how are you?"3. The British, like people of the U.S., have a firm handshake.4. Kisses and hugs are not appropriate greeting behavior between males of any culture.5. Such one-word U.S. expressions as "sure" and "okay" are perceived as blunt and abrupt by persons of other cultures.6. The expression used by southern U.S. persons when bidding someone goodbye, "Y'all come to see us," is a sincere invitation to visit since southern hospitality is well known.7. People of the United States and Canada excel at small talk; people of Sweden do not.8. When engaging in small talk with a person of another culture, remember that discussing one's family and political discussions are inappropriate topics in all cultures.9. In low-context cultures people have definite ideas on what constitutes proper male/female behavior.10. A stereotype of Asian women is that they are nonassertive and submissive.11. It is widely accepted in the United States that men and women can havea work relationship which does not have a sexual component.12. Humor is a universal human characteristic; people of most cultures find the same things humorous.13. While superstitions are treated casually in the United States, they are taken quite seriously in some cultures.14. U.S. hiring and firing practices are very similar to those in France.15. U.S. laws against bribery are the most restrictive in the world.。
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判断题答案需要自己参考课文自己解答Chapter 1 Communication and CultureTrue/False1. A good definition of culture for business communication purposesis "The food, the costumes, dances and celebrations of a country".2. Every culture is coherent and complete within itself.3. You are born with your culture in your genes.4. People in a culture interpret their life experiences in ways thatvalidate that culture.5. Values motivate people.6. Attitudes are the same thing as values.7. Eventually, with the spread of technology everyone will have thesame values.8. In order to understand a culture's values, you need only to learnthe "do's and taboos" of behavior in that culture.9. Culture shock is a sudden episode experienced by people who go toa foreign culture.10. Reverse culture shock is the term given to the adjustment followingre-entry into one's own culture after living abroad.11. The belief that everyone who encounters my culture will want to adoptit is an assumption of my culture's superiority.12. The belief that my culture is normal and central to human experienceis called the assumption of universality.13. The belief that everyone underneath is just the same after all ishelpful to business communication.14. Stereotypes are not always negative.15. Behavior comes directly from the attitudes about how significantsomething is---how it is valued.16. Prejudice is pre-judgment, judging before the facts are assessed.17. Communication in high-context cultures tends to rely on context tocommunicate the meaning of the message.18. Low-context culture communicators prefer to put their thoughts intowords that avoid ambiguity.19. Multi-level communication is messages that go to the president,vice-presidents, managers, and finally to the mailroom.20. People's patterns of thinking are the same regardless of culture.21. Belief systems or religions are powerful sources of values and attitudes in cultures.Oral and Nonverbal Communication PatternsChapter 5, Test QuestionsTrue-False. Circle T if the statement is true; circle F if it is false.1. Most people in the United States use the indirect method of reasoning to solve problems.2. Making quick decisions is the sign of an effective manager in Japan while it is often viewed as impulsive in the United States.3. Paralanguage conveys emotions.4. Chronemics is the intentional or unintentional implied meaning of a message.5. The United States is a culture that follows the monochronic time system.6. Reading a journal during a meeting in cultures which follow a polychronic time system is considered rude.7. People of the United States tend to need less space than do those of the Greek or Latin American cultures.8. Arab cultures have a casual attitude toward time; they believe God decides when things get accomplished.9. The Chinese prefer face-to-face seating arrangements when conversing.10.In the Middle East, prolonged eye contact with women is considered inappropriate.11. In the United States, eye contact is a sign of respect and attentiveness.12. To maintain harmonious intercultural business relationships, it isa good idea to adopt the hygiene practices of the country in which you are conducting business.13.Placing a hand on the back of an Asian worker's chair is appropriate.14. The use of the hands and arms are the most expressive types of body language.15. U.S. businessmen use silence as a bargaining tool when negotiating with the Japanese.16. While black symbolizes mourning in the United States, white is often worn to Japanese funerals.Global EtiquetteChapter 7, Test QuestionsTrue-False. Circle T if the statement is true; circle F if it is false.1. Introductions are more formal in the United States than in Germany.2. A firm handshake is a polite way to greet someone in any culture.3. An exchange of business cards is more common in the United States than in other countries.4. Status is associated with education in the United States.5. India has a caste system; each caste has its own status and rights.6. In the Japanese society, knowing the rank of people with whom you conduct business is very important.7.Negative information should not be communicated via e-mail.8. Flaming is an e-mail term that refers to typing a message in all capital letters.9. Dining in a Japanese home requires sitting in a kneeling position ona tatami mat.10. When visiting Japan or China, be sure to tip generously cab drivers and any service personnel you may encounter.11. When giving gifts to the Japanese, avoid gifts manufactured in Asia.12. Something made of cowhide would be an appropriate gift to a business colleague in India.13. Proper airline travel behavior includes asking permission before reclining your seat when traveling coach.Business and Social CustomsChapter 8, Test QuestionsTrue-False. Circle T if the statement is true; circle F if it is false.1. Customs vary by country and by regions within a country.2. People from other cultures often perceive U.S. persons as insincere with their standard greeting of "Hi, how are you?"3. The British, like people of the U.S., have a firm handshake.4. Kisses and hugs are not appropriate greeting behavior between males of any culture.5. Such one-word U.S. expressions as "sure" and "okay" are perceived as blunt and abrupt by persons of other cultures.6. The expression used by southern U.S. persons when bidding someone goodbye, "Y'all come to see us," is a sincere invitation to visit since southern hospitality is well known.7. People of the United States and Canada excel at small talk; people of Sweden do not.8. When engaging in small talk with a person of another culture, remember that discussing one's family and political discussions are inappropriate topics in all cultures.9. In low-context cultures people have definite ideas on what constitutes proper male/female behavior.10. A stereotype of Asian women is that they are nonassertive and submissive.11. It is widely accepted in the United States that men and women can havea work relationship which does not have a sexual component.12. Humor is a universal human characteristic; people of most cultures find the same things humorous.13. While superstitions are treated casually in the United States, they are taken quite seriously in some cultures.14. U.S. hiring and firing practices are very similar to those in France.15. U.S. laws against bribery are the most restrictive in the world.。