
例如,“I put the book on the table”意思是“我把书放在桌子上”。
例如,“He put his tools away in the shed”意思是“他把工具放在棚子里”。
例如,“They put forward a new plan for reforming the education system”意思是“他们提出了一个改革教育制度的新计划”。
例如,“The report was put forward to the board of directors”意思是“报告被提交给董事会”。
例如,“He put his ideas into words”意思是“他把想法表达出来”。
例如,“They put the machine in repair”意思是“他们把机器修好了”。
例如,“She put her hand on his shoulder”意思是“她把手放在他的肩膀上”。

一、表示放置或安置1. put something somewhere:表示将某物放置到某个地方。
例如:- Put the book on the shelf.(把书放在书架上。
)- He put his keys in the drawer.(他把钥匙放在抽屉里。
)2. put something down:表示放下或搁下某物。
例如:- She put down her bag and sat on the couch.(她放下包坐在沙发上。
)- The teacher asked the students to put their pens down and listen carefully.(老师让学生放下笔好好听讲。
)3. put something away:表示收起或整理某物。
例如:- Can you please put your toys away before dinner?(晚饭之前你能收拾好玩具吗?)- I always put my clothes away neatly in the wardrobe.(我总是把衣服整理得整洁地放在衣柜里。
)4. put something in/into:表示将某物投入、插入或注入等操作。
例如:- Don't forget to put some sugar in your coffee.(别忘记给咖啡加点糖。
)- She put the key into the lock and turned it.(她把钥匙插入锁孔并拧动。
)5. put something on:表示穿上或戴上某物。
例如:- It's cold outside, so remember to put on your jacket.(外面很冷,记得穿上你的夹克。

以下是“put”的主要用法总结:1. 放置(Put)- 将物体放置在某个地方:She put the book on the table.- 把某物放进容器中:He put the money in his pocket.- 将某物归位:Please put the dishes back in the cupboard.2. 转移(Transfer)- 转移某物的位置:Can you put the chair next to the window?- 转移某人的注意力:He put his finger to his lips to indicate silence.- 转移某人的职责或责任:They put him in charge of the project.3. 提交(Submit)- 提交申请、建议等:She put forward a proposal at the meeting.- 递交文件、作品等:He put his resume in for the job.4. 表达(Express)- 表达思想、观点等:She put her thoughts into words.- 表达感情或意见:He put up a strong argument against the proposal.5. 记录(Record)- 记录、注释:He put a note in the margin of the book.- 登记、记录:They put his name on the list.6. 安置(Place)- 安置、安顿(强调位置):They put the new employees in the corner office.- 安排、安放(强调方式):He put the chairs in a circle for the meeting.7. 加入(Add)- 加入、放入:Put the sugar in the coffee.- 加上、增加:You can put more salt in if you like.8. 打电话(Make a Phone Call)- 打电话给某人:I'll put you through to the manager.请注意,上述只是“put”的一些常见用法总结,并不是所有的用法。

put的过去式和用法例句put有放;安置;使处于;提交;记下;表达;出发等意思,那么你知道put的过去式是什么吗?下面跟着店铺一起来学习一下,希望对大家的学习有所帮助!put的各种时态:过去式: put过去分词: put现在分词: puttingput的用法:put的用法1:put的基本含义是“放,搁”,指将某物安放在一个固定的地点,使其形成某种状态。
put的过去式例句:1. A changing world has put pressures on the company.日新月异的世界使这家公司感到了压力。
2. Barry had his nose put out of joint by Lucy's aloof sophistication.露西的冷淡与世故使得巴里十分不快。
3. Her bed was crisply made, her clothes put away.她的床收拾得很整洁,衣服也收起来了。
4. Put a pan of salted water on to boil.将一锅盐水放上去煮。
5. The teacher training college put up a plaque to the college's founder.那所教师培训学院为该学院的创立者立了一块纪念牌匾。
6. Rationing had put an end to a surfeit of biscuits long ago.定量供应很久以前就结束了饼干过剩的状况。

put的用法及例句及翻译一、put的用法及例句1. put的基本用法"Put" 是一个常见的动词,在英语中有多种含义和用法。
此外,"put" 还可用来表示表达、陈述、计划等。
2. 表示将物体放置到某个位置或容器中- Please put your bag on the table.(请把你的包放在桌子上。
)- He put his keys in the drawer.(他把钥匙放进抽屉里。
)3. 表示把某物放置在某人身上或表面上- She put her hand on my shoulder.(她把手放在我的肩膀上。
)- He put a stamp on the envelope.(他在信封上贴了一枚邮票。
)4. 表示表达、陈述、计划等- I would like to put forward my opinion on this matter.(我想对这件事提出我的意见。
)- The teacher put a question to the students.(老师向学生提出了一个问题。
)5. 与短语搭配的例句- Put away (收拾好)- Please put away your toys before dinner.(请在晚餐前收拾好你的玩具。
)- Put on (穿上)- I need to put on my coat before going outside.(在外面之前,我需要穿上外套。
)- Put off (推迟)- The meeting has been put off until next week.(会议已经推迟到下周。
)- Put up with (忍受)- I can't put up with your constant complaints anymore!(我再也不能忍受你不断的抱怨了!)二、put的用法及例句翻译1. put的基本用法"Put" is a common verb with multiple meanings and uses in English. It can indicate placing an object in a specific position or container, as well as placing something on someone or on a surface. Additionally, "put" can also be used to express statements, opinions, plans, etc.2. 表示将物体放置到某个位置或容器中- Please put your bag on the table.请将你的包放在桌子上。

put的短语用法下面是一些常见的"put"短语用法:1. put on:穿上/戴上(衣物、饰品等)- Put on your coat before you go outside.(出门前穿上外套。
)2. put off:推迟/延迟- The meeting has been put off until next week.(会议已经推迟到下周。
)3. put up:搭建/举起/承载- He put up a tent in the backyard.(他在后院搭起了一个帐篷。
)4. put down:放下/写下- Please put down your phone and pay attention.(请放下手机,注意听讲。
)5. put away:收拾/放好(物品)- Don't forget to put away your toys after playing.(玩耍后别忘了收拾好玩具。
)6. put in:安装/投入- We need to put in a new air conditioner in the office.(我们需要在办公室安装一个新的空调。
)7. put out:熄灭/扑灭- They managed to put out the fire before it spread.(他们设法在火势蔓延前扑灭了火源。
)8. put forward:提出/提议- She put forward a new idea during the meeting.(她在会议上提出了一个新的想法。
)9. put aside:放置一边/搁置- Let's put this issue aside for now and focus on the more urgent matter.(我们暂时将这个问题搁置一边,专注于更紧急的事情。
)10. put off:使厌倦/使不喜欢- The constant noise put me off studying.(持续的噪音让我无法专心学习。

下面是“put”的各种用法总结:1. 放置、安放:- Put something on/into/inside/under/over/near/beside/on top of something:把某物放在/进入/里面/下面/上面/附近/旁边/顶部的某物上。
- Put something on/onto/off/away:把某物放到/放到…上/脱下/放开。
- Put something in/into/out of:把某物放进/放入/拿出。
- Put something aside:把某物放在一边。
- Put something together/apart:把某物组装/拆分。
2. 提交、递交:- Put something (forward)/ (up)/ (in):提交/上交/递交某物。
- Put in a claim/ a request/ a complaint/ an application:提出索赔/请求/投诉/申请。
- Put someone on hold:让某人等一等。
3. 列举、记录:- Put down something:写下/记录某物。
- Put something in writing:以书面形式记录某物。
4. 安排、安排好:- Put something in order/ in place:整理/摆放某物。
- Put something on the agenda/list/schedule:把某物列入议程/清单/日程表。
- Put something in a certain order/ in a certain way:以某种顺序/方式安排某事物。
5. 给予、施加:- Put pressure/effort/time into something:对某事物施加压力/付出努力/花费时间。

put的用法和搭配一级标题:了解"put"的基本含义和用法作为一个常见的英语动词,"put" 在日常交流以及各个语境中都得到广泛使用。
本文将详细介绍 "put" 的基本含义,并探讨其常见用法与搭配。
二级标题1:放置物体在最简单直接的意义上,“put” 意味着“放置”。
例如:1. She put the book on the shelf.(她把书放在书架上。
)2. Please put your shoes by the door.(请把你的鞋子放在门口。
)二级标题2:提交信息除了用于表示物体的放置,"put" 还可以用来表示提交或提供信息、建议等。
以下是一些例句示范:1. He put forward an interesting suggestion during the meeting.(他在会议上提出了一个有趣的建议。
)2. They put their complaints in writing and sent them to the manager.(他们将投诉写下来,并发送给经理。
)二级标题3:引导某种状态或行为此外,"put" 还可用于引导某种状态或行为,并与其他动词构成搭配。
以下是一些常见的用法:1. put on:穿上(衣物)、化妆,也可指增加体重- She put on her favorite dress and went to the party.(她穿上了她最喜欢的裙子去参加派对。
)- He has been putting on weight recently due to a change in his diet.(由于饮食改变,他最近一直在增重。
)2. put off:推迟、延期- The meeting has been put off until next week.(会议已经推迟到下周。

put的用法及固定搭配一、put的基本含义和用法1. put的基本含义在英语中,动词put的基本含义是“放置”或“放下”,它用于描述将一个物体或物体的一部分放置在特定的位置上。
2. put的基本用法put的基本用法是put + 宾语 + 地点,表示将某物放在某处。
例如: - He put the book on the table.(他将书放在桌子上。
) - Please put the cup in the dishwasher.(请将杯子放入洗碗机。
)二、put的固定搭配1. put ona. 含义put on的含义是“穿上”或“戴上”,用于描述将衣物或首饰放在身上或头上。
b. 示例•She put on her coat and left the house.(她穿上外套离开了房子。
)•He put on a hat to protect himself from the sun.(他戴上帽子以保护自己避免阳光暴晒。
)•The actors are getting ready and putting on their costumes.(演员们正在准备并穿上他们的戏服。
)a. 含义put off的含义是“推迟”或“延期”,用于表示将计划或安排从原定时间推迟到以后的时间。
b. 示例•They decided to put off the meeting until next week.(他们决定将会议推迟到下周。
)•The concert was put off due to bad weather.(由于恶劣的天气,音乐会被推迟了。
)•I have to put off our lunch appointment because I have an urgent meeting.(我不得不推迟我们的午餐约会,因为我有一场紧急会议。
)3. put upa. 含义put up的含义有两个主要的用法。

1. put + 名词/代词:表示将某物放置到特定位置。
例如:- He put the book on the table.他把书放在桌子上。
- Please put it there.请把它放在那里。
2. put + 形容词:表示把某物置于某种状态。
例如:- Don't put yourself in danger.不要把自己置于危险之中。
- He put me at ease with his smile.他的微笑使我感到安心。
3. put + 副词/介词短语:表示进行某项活动或采取某种方式。
例如:- She put her plan into action.她开始实施她的计划。
- They decided to put off the meeting until next week.他们决定把会议延期到下周。
1. put on:穿上,戴上- She put on her coat and hat before going outside.她在外出之前穿上了大衣和帽子。
- He put on a brave face to hide his disappointment.为了掩饰失望,他振作起来。
2. put off:推迟,延期- We had to put off the meeting due to bad weather.由于天气恶劣,我们不得不推迟会议。
- Don't put off doing your homework until the last minute.不要把作业拖到最后一分钟再做。

关于put的常见短语和用法put有放;安置;使处于;提交;记下等意思,那么你知道有关put的常用短语都有哪些吗?下面是店铺为大家带来关于put的常见短语和用法,欢迎大家参考学习!put away v.放好, 储存...备用, 处理掉, 放弃, 抛弃put on v.穿上, 把...放在上, 装出, 假装, 增加, 欺骗, 添上, 使靠...维持生命put up v.举起, 抬起, 进行, 提供, 表现出, 建造, 提名, 推举put off v.推迟, 拖延, 搪塞, 使分心, 使厌恶, 扔掉, 脱掉, 劝阻put into v.使进入, 把...翻译成, 在...上种植put down v.放下, 拒绝, 镇压, 羞辱, 削减, 记下, 制止, 取缔put out v.放出, 伸出, 生产, 消除, 打扰, 麻烦, 作出努力, 使退场put in 插话,put on 穿上,put down 记下来,写下来,put sth aside 放到一边,put it on 假装生气,put away 收起来,put sth by 存钱以备不时之需,put back,放回,put off 推迟,放下。
put aside 节省(钱、时间);储蓄;把……放在一边He has a little money put aside for a rainy day.他积蓄了一点钱以备不时之需。
The manager had to put his work aside for a time for an urgent accident.经理不得不暂时搁下手头的工作去处理一件紧急事故。
put away 收拾起来;储存(钱);喝掉The boy put the food away in the cupboard after he finishedhis dinner.小男孩吃完晚饭后把食品放到橱柜里。
put back 时钟向后拨;放回原处;拖延Please put the dictionary back where it was.请把字典放回原处。

二级标题2:物品的放置1. 将物体放到特定位置:Put the book on the table.把书放在桌子上。
2. 以某种方式摆放物体:Put the cups and saucers on the shelf.把杯子和碟子摆在架子上。
3. 将物体插入另一个物体中:Put the key into the lock.把钥匙插入锁孔。
4. 投放垃圾或废弃物:Please put your rubbish in the bin.请把垃圾扔进垃圾桶里。
5. 帮助别人穿衣服或戴帽子等动作:Please put on your coat before going outside.外出前请穿上外套。
6. 移动并安装设备或家具:They are putting up a new fence in their garden.他们正在花园里安装新篱笆。
二级标题3:思考与情感的表达1. 表示付出、倾注精力或投入感情:She puts a lot of effort into her work.她在工作上付出了很多努力。
2. 表示表现或显示某种事实或特征:His actions put him in a difficult situation.他的行为使他处境艰难。
3. 迫使或使处于某种状况:The pandemic has put many businesses in jeopardy.疫情使得许多企业陷入困境。
4. 对某人有特定印象或评价:I wouldn't put it past him to cheat on the exam.我认为他会在考试中作弊。
5. 建议或提供意见:I would put forward the idea of increasing salaries for employees.我建议增加员工的薪水。

put的常用短语:put about( v.+adv. )put aboutput across1( v.+adv. )put across2( v.+prep. )put aside( v.+adv. )put at( v.+prep. )put away( v.+adv. )put back( v.+adv. )put by( v.+adv. )put down( v.+adv. )put forth( v.+adv. )put forward( v.+adv. )put in( v.+adv. )put的用法例句:1. A changing world has put pressures on the company.日新月异的世界使这家公司感到了压力。
2. Barry had his nose put out of joint by Lucy's aloof sophistication.露西的冷淡与世故使得巴里十分不快。
3. Her bed was crisply made, her clothes put away.她的床收拾得很整洁,衣服也收起来了。

1. "put" + 名词:用于描述物品被放置在某个位置或容器中。
例如:I put the book on the table.(我把书放在桌子上。
2. "put" + 形容词:用于描述某个状态或情况被转化为另一种状态或情况。
例如:I put my phone on silent mode.(我将手机调成静音模式。
3. "put" + 副词:用于描述动作的方式或方式。
例如:He put the pen down softly.(他轻轻地放下笔。
4. "put" + 介词短语:用于描述物品被放置在某个位置或容器中。
例如:She put her keys in her purse.(她把钥匙放在了手提包里。
5. "put" + 宾语+ to-infinitive:用于描述计划或安排行动。
例如:I put off calling my friend until tomorrow.(我把给朋友打电话的事推到了明天。

put的常用短语:put about( v.+adv. )put aboutput across1( v.+adv. )put across2( v.+prep. )put aside( v.+adv. )put at( v.+prep. )put away( v.+adv. )put back( v.+adv. )put by( v.+adv. )put down( v.+adv. )put forth( v.+adv. )put forward( v.+adv. )put in( v.+adv. )put的用法例句:1. A changing world has put pressures on the company.日新月异的世界使这家公司感到了压力。
2. Barry had his nose put out of joint by Lucy's aloof sophistication.露西的冷淡与世故使得巴里十分不快。
3. Her bed was crisply made, her clothes put away.她的床收拾得很整洁,衣服也收起来了。

二、表示放置或安排某物/某人的用法与搭配短语1. Put something on/in/at当我们要放置(或安排)某物时,我们可以使用如下表达方式:- Put something on:把东西放在一个平面上例如:He put his coffee mug on the table.翻译:他把咖啡杯放在桌子上。
- Put something in:把东西放入一个容器中例如:She put her books in her backpack.翻译:她把书放进背包里。
- Put something at:将东西放在特定位置例如:I put the vase at the corner of the shelf.翻译:我把花瓶放在书架的角落里。
2. Put someone/something + 形容词当我们要描述某人或某物处于特定状态时,可以使用如下用法:- Put someone/something to sleep:使某人、某物入睡例如:The lullaby put the baby to sleep.翻译:摇篮曲使婴儿入睡。
- Put someone/something on hold:将某人、某物暂时搁置例如:They put the project on hold due to budget constraints.翻译:由于预算限制,他们将这个项目暂时搁置。
- Put someone/something in danger:使某人、某物处于危险之中例如:The reckless driving put everyone's lives in danger.翻译:鲁莽的驾驶让每个人的生命都处于危险之中。

二、put + 名词1. Put on(穿戴)"Put on your coat before you go outside."(在你出去之前穿上你的外套)2. Put down(放下)"She put the book down and stood up." (她放下书站起来)3. Put away(收起/放好)"Please put away your toys after playing." (玩耍后请把玩具收起来)三、put + 介词短语1. Put out(熄灭)"He put out the fire with a fire extinguisher." (他用灭火器将火扑灭了)2. Put off(推迟)"They have put off the meeting until next Monday." (他们将会议推迟到下周一)3. Put forward(提出/建议)"She put forward a great idea during the brainstorming session." (在头脑风暴会议期间,她提出了一个很棒的主意)四、put + 动名词1. Put off(打扫/擦拭)"I need to put off cleaning the house until tomorrow." (我需要把清扫房子的事推迟到明天)2. Put into(付出)"She puts a lot of effort into her work." (她在工作中付出了很多努力)3. Put up with(忍受/容忍)"I can't put up with his constant complaining anymore." (我再也无法忍受他持续不断地抱怨了)五、其他常用搭配1. Put in(插入)"He put in a new SIM card in his phone." (他在手机里安装了一张新的SIM 卡)2. Put on hold(暂时搁置)"They have put the project on hold due to budget constraints." (由于预算限制,他们暂时搁置了这个项目)六、总结Put是一个非常常用和多功能的英语动词,它可以通过与不同的名词、介词短语或动名词组合来表达不同的意思。

以下是一些put的常见用法及固定搭配:1. Put something (somewhere): 把某物放置在某处(1)Please put the book on the table.(2)He put the money in his pocket.2. Put on: 穿上(衣物、鞋子等)(1)She put on her coat and went outside.(2)Don't forget to put on your seatbelt before driving.3. Put off: 推迟,延迟(1)They put off the meeting until next week.(2)The concert has been put off due to bad weather.4. Put away: 收起,放好(东西)(1)After dinner, she put away the dishes in the cabinet.(2)You should put away your toys before going to bed.5. Put in: 放入,插入(1)He put in a new light bulb in the lamp.(2)Don't forget to put in your contact lenses in the morning.6. Put up: 搭建,建造(1)They are putting up a new building in the city center.(2)We need to put up a tent for our camping trip.7. Put down: 放下,放置(1)The teacher asked the students to put down their pens and listen.(2)Please put the baby gently down on the bed.8. Put forward: 提出(建议、观点等)(1)He put forward a proposal to improve the company's sales.(2)The committee put forward a plan for the renovation of the park.。

1. put on (穿上)"Put on your coat, it's cold outside."(穿上外套,外面很冷。
)"Put on some sunscreen before going to the beach."(去沙滩前涂些防晒霜。
)2. put off (推迟)"They had to put off the meeting until next week."(他们不得不把会议推迟到下周。
)"Don't put off doing your homework, it's important."(不要拖延做作业,很重要。
)3. put away (收起,放好)"Put away your toys after playing."(玩完后收起你的玩具。
)"Can you help me put away the dishes?"(你能帮我把碗碟收起来吗?)4. put up (搭建,举起)"They put up a tent in the backyard for the camping trip."(他们在后院搭起了帐篷,准备去野营。
)"He put up his hand to ask a question."(他举起手来提问。
)5. put down (放下,写下)"Put down the book and pay attention."(放下书,集中注意力。
)"She put down her thoughts in a diary."(她把她的想法写在日记里。

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∙【各种put】Let me put it this way. 这么跟你说吧。
| Please put ina good word for me. 替我说说好话吧。
| I can't put my finger on what'swrong here. 我说不出哪里不对劲。
| Try to put yourself in my place.你站在我的角度想想。
| I'm putting you on speaker. 我开免提了。
pig out/wolf down 狼吞虎咽、大吃特吃;eat like a bird 吃得很少;overeat 吃得太多;swallow 吞咽;chew 咀嚼;grab a bite 随便吃几口垫垫肚子;eat up 吃光、吃完;eat out 上馆子吃、出去吃饭;eat in 在家吃饭;be on a diet 节食;be on a hunger strike 绝食∙【毕业季】Let's get a group shot!我们拍张集体照吧。
| Have you founda job yet?你找到工作了吗?| Do you have plans for graduateschool?你有读研的打算吗?| Let's take a trip together aftergraduation. 我们一起毕业旅行吧。
| Keep in touch. 保持联系哦。
∙【想啥呢A penny for your thoughts. 告诉我你在想什么。
| You'll never guess this. 你绝对想不到。
| Don't even think about it!别痴心妄想了。
| It never occurred to me. 我还真是没想到。
| Don't read too much into this. 别想多了。
| Quit that thought. 想都别想。
∙【打电话】Give me a call sometime. 有空给我打电话。
| Can you put her on the phone? 你能让她接下电话吗?| Who were you holding up the line for? 你在和谁煲电话粥啊? | She hasn't returned my calls. 她没回我电话。
| Why did you hang up on me?你干嘛挂我电话!∙【各种face】Time to face the music. 是时候面对问题了。
| Get out of my face. 从我面前消失。
| You should tell him to his face. 你应该当面跟他说。
| The new haircut has taken years off your face.新发型让你显得年轻多了。
| I can't put a name to the face. 我记不起名字了。
∙【关心】Is something on your mind?你有什么心事吗?| You got nothing to worry about. 没什么好担心的。
| Stop pretending that you care about me. 别假装关心我了。
| I was getting a little concerned.我开始有点担心了。
| You had me worried sick. 你害我担心死了。
∙Please feel free to call me. 随时电话联系我。
| Remember to write.记得给我写信。
| Why aren't you answering?你怎么不接我电话?|Let's get together again sometime. 我们找时间再聚。
| I guess I'd better get going. 我该挂电话了。
| Keep in touch. 保持联系哦∙Need a hand? 需要帮忙吗?| Get your hands off me! 把你的手拿开。
| That cost me an arm and a leg. 花了我一大笔钱。
| I just put my foot in my mouth. 我刚才说错话了。
| I'd like to pick your brain.我想向你请教下。
| Stop pulling my leg. 你别开玩笑了∙他是我见过的最招人烦的人。
He is the nastiest person I've ever met.你怎么不早点出现?Where have you been hiding yourself? 你得替我想一想啊。
Think on my behalf. 我们回避下吧。
Let's leave them alone.你没骗人吧?Are you for real?//沪江小D官方微博∙【聊聊最近】How's it going?最近咋样?|I haven't seen much of him recently. 最近没怎么看见他。
|I've been out of sorts lately. 最近心情不好。
|I'm between jobs. 我最近在找工作。
|We're newly engaged.我们刚订婚。
|I've been working my butt off lately. 最近忙得要死。
It's worth every penny. 这让我坐立不安。
It's a real pain in the butt. 怎么可能没事呢?How could things be alright? 往好的方面想。
Look on the bright side. 时间会证明一切。
Only time will tell∙【加油鼓劲】Cheer up!振作起来!| It's gonna be alright. 会好起来的。
| Hang in there. 坚持住。
| Things will get better. 情况会有好转的。
| We're always here for you. 我们都支持着你们。
|Pull yourself together!振作点。
| Everything will be fine.一切都会好起来的。
∙【急】What's the hurry?急什么呀!| Hold your horses. 别着急。
| Just give me one second. 马上就好。
| I've been so short-tempered lately.我最近性子特别急。
| Don't jump to conclusions. 别急着下结论。
| What's so urgent?啥事这么急?| Take your time. 别急慢慢来。
∙【这不对】You're dead wrong. 你大错特错。
| It's not your fault. 不是你的错。
| You couldn't be more wrong. 你错得太离谱了。
| It won't happen again. 我不会再犯这样的错了。
| I got out of bed on the wrong side this morning. 我早晨醒来心情就不好。
| My bad. 我的错。
∙【走吧】I was just leaving. 我正要走。
| It's getting late. I gotta take off. 天晚了,我得走了。
| Let's ditch this place. 我们离开这儿。
| Right this way. 走这边。
| It's time we should be going. 到时间该走了。
| You go first. I'll catch you later. 你先走,我随后就到。
∙【有话快说】Out with it!有话快说。
| I'll level with you. 我直说吧! | Can you get to the point?直接说重点!| Give it to me straight.有什么话就直说吧。
| Don't beat about the bush. 说话别绕弯了。
| Let's call a spade a spade. 我们直说了吧!| Cut your crap. 少说废话。
∙【很开心】What's got you in such a good mood? 什么事让你心情这么好? | I've never been this happy. 我从没这么高兴过。
| It is so good to see you. 见到你太开心了。
| Glad you're having fun. 开心就好。
| Cheer up! Everything is gonna be alright. 开心点!一切都会好起来的。
∙【为什么】Why are you smiling?你笑什么?| Cat got your tongue? 为什么不吭声?| Why are you looking so down in the dumps? 你为什么闷闷不乐? | Why the about-face ?为什么突然变卦了?| Why would youdo that?你为什么要那么做?| Why didn't you say so?你为什么不早说啊!∙【做决定】You are the boss. 你说了算。
| It's all up to you. 一切都看你的了。
| It hasn't been decided yet. 还没决定呢。
| Make up your mind. 做个决定吧!| I've decided to move. 我决定搬家了。
| You call the shots. 都听你的。
| The final decision is yours. 你做最后定夺勿失良机。
It's now or never. 习惯了就好。
You will get used to it.先帮我垫一下。