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1. Montgomery County Special Olympics held its eighth yearly show of unified(联合的) basketball at Blessed Sacrament School.The gym was filled with cheerleaders(啦啦队队员),parents and friends.The walls were covered with posters made by third-and-fourth-graders at the school.And all the elementary,middle and high school unified teams were playing hard and having fun.Every basket,no matter which team scores,is cheered and celebrated.

Special Olympics support more than 20 unified games.What are unified games?They are programs designed for players with special needs.In the games,they play with kids who are volunteers,called unified partners.The special athletes are unable to play normally like other healthy kids,and some of them are wheelchair(轮椅) users.In basketball,the unified partners rebound(抢得篮板球),pass and sometimes push a special athlete’s wheelchair.As Brian Ross,a seventh-grader at St.Albans School in Washington,says,“You just try to help and get everyone to take part.”

Some special athletes have come a long way to be where they are.Caleb Head is a 15-year-old special athlete.When he started,Caleb would only stand at the door and watch.Then Caleb began to practice his shooting but still would not play in the games.Now Caleb runs up and down looking for his shot.

The special athletes are not the only ones who benefit(受益) from unified sports;the unified partners do,too.Marla Grusin,whose son Tyler is a special athlete,says every kid should come to a Special Olympics game.If they do,they will learn “to share the ball” and that “the game is not all about me”.

Not a bad lesson for any athlete.

1.The first paragraph is about__________.

A.the meaning of unified games

B.Special Olympics’ development

C.the benefits of playing basketball

D.an exciting unified basketball game

2.Special Olympics are especially held for students who________.

A.are disabled

B.love cheerleading

C.know little about ball games

D.want to become a star player

3.According to the text,Brian Ross is most probably __________.

A.a cheerleader

B.a special athlete

C.a unified partner

D.a basketball teacher

4.According to Grusin,taking part in Special Olympics games can help


A.learn basic basketball skills

B.become more selfless

C.improve their health

D.get better grades

2. Kevin Donnelly loves to play soccer.Not long ago,the New Jersey teen spent all weekend on the soccer field—three games on Saturday and three on Sunday.He's not alone.40,000,000 kids play sports.Parents are spending a lot of money and time on their kids' sports.Kevin's parents will pay about $3,000 this year for him to play soccer.

Many parents pay top dollar so that their kids can have the private lessons and the best equipment.Others spend hours driving their kids to games.Has the love of competition gone too far? Or,are the benefits(好处)of team sports worth the high costs and pressure to win?

Experts say that kids benefit from playing team sports as long as they are having fun.“We know from a lot of research that kids who join in sports are likely to do bet ter at studying,” says Mark Goldstein,a researcher at Roosevelt University in Chicago.“It forces them to be more planned with their time.”

Yet parents and coaches can take all the fun out of playing.Many say that is why 73 percent of kids give up their sports by age 13.“They stop playing because it is no longer fun,and the pressure put on them by coaches and parents doesn't make 值得的),”says Fred Engh,a coach and the author of the book Why Johnny Hates Sports.

Even worse,injuries from competition seem to be on the rise.The Consumer Product Safety Commission reports that four million kids end up in hospitals for

Still,some kids live for sports.They say that the joy of competition can't be measured(衡量)in dollars and cents or runs and goals.“It's my life”,says Aidan Wolfe,10,a soccer player in Portland,Oregon.“I love soccer.If my parents told me

I couldn't play anymore,I'd be devastated.”

1.The first paragraph is written to ________.

A.introduce a soccer player

B.judge parents' behaviors

C.introduce the topic

D.tell a story

2.Many kids stop playing sports by age 13 because ________.

A.their parents can not afford the high costs

B.they face great pressure of study
