
国际技术咨询服务合同(中英文版) 本合同由以下双方签署,即:甲方(服务提供方):_______________________地址:________________________________________电话:___________________传真:___________________电子邮件:___________________注册号码:___________________乙方(服务接受方):_______________________地址:________________________________________电话:___________________传真:___________________电子邮件:___________________注册号码:___________________鉴于:1. 甲方具备技术咨询服务的能力和经验,愿意为乙方提供技术咨询服务;2. 乙方认为甲方提供的技术咨询服务符合其需要;3. 双方通过友好商议达成一致,签订本合同。
现本着独立、平等和自愿原则,双方在遵守相应法律法规的基础上,达成以下协议:一、服务内容1.1 甲方将为乙方提供如下技术咨询服务:(1)对乙方的技术问题进行诊断和分析;(2)提供技术咨询和解决方案;(3)提供技术支持和培训。
1.2 乙方有权要求对服务内容进行适当调整,但应提前通知甲方并取得甲方允许。
二、服务期限2.1 本合同的服务期从___________________年月日起至___________________年月日止。
2.2 如乙方需要延长服务期限,应在服务期限届满前30个工作日书面通知甲方,并经双方商议确定新的服务期限和服务报酬。
三、服务报酬及支付方式3.1 甲方向乙方提供技术咨询服务的报酬为人民币___________________元/天。
3.2 技术咨询服务费用由乙方负责支付,在服务开始前一次性支付本合同约定的总费用。

英文技术服务合同范本ENGLISH TECHNICAL SERVICE AGREEMENTTHIS AGREEMENT is made on [Insert Date] between [InsertClient Name], hereinafter referred to as "Client," and[Insert Service Provider Name], hereinafter referred to as "Service Provider."1. Purpose of Agreement:The Client wishes to engage the Service Provider to provide certain technical services as detailed in this Agreement.2. Scope of Services:The Service Provider agrees to provide the followingtechnical services: [Insert detailed description of services, including but not limited to software development, system integration, technical support, etc.]3. Term of Agreement:This Agreement shall commence on [Insert Start Date] and continue until [Insert End Date], unless terminated earlierin accordance with the provisions of this Agreement.4. Payment Terms:The Client shall pay the Service Provider for the services rendered as follows: [Insert payment terms, including amounts, schedules, and any conditions for payment].5. Performance Standards:The Service Provider warrants that the services provided will conform to the standards of good workmanship and will be performed in a professional and workmanlike manner.6. Intellectual Property Rights:The Service Provider retains all rights, title, and interest in any intellectual property created or used in the performance of the services. The Client shall not acquire any rights to such intellectual property except as expressly provided in this Agreement.7. Confidentiality:Both parties agree to keep confidential any information disclosed during the term of this Agreement, except as required by law or with the written consent of the other party.8. Warranties and Representations:The Service Provider represents and warrants that it has the right and authority to enter into this Agreement and to perform the services provided for herein.9. Limitation of Liability:The Service Provider shall not be liable to the Client for any indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages arising from the services provided under this Agreement.10. Termination:Either party may terminate this Agreement by giving [Insert Notice Period] written notice to the other party of anybreach of this Agreement, if such breach is not cured within [Insert Cure Period] days of receipt of such notice.11. Governing Law:This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of [Insert Jurisdiction].12. Entire Agreement:This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties and supersedes all prior negotiations, understandings, and agreements between the parties.13. Amendments:This Agreement may not be amended or modified except inwriting signed by both parties.14. Assignment:The Client shall not assign or transfer its rights or obligations under this Agreement without the prior written consent of the Service Provider.IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreementas of the date first above written.Client: [Insert Client Name]Service Provider: [Insert Service Provider Name]By: \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ By: \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_[Insert Client Signature][Insert Service Provider Signature][Insert Client Title][Insert Service Provider Title][Insert Client Address][Insert Service Provider Address][Insert Client Contact Information][Insert Service Provider Contact Information]。

中英文版技术服务合同模板甲方(委托方):乙方(服务提供方):签订日期:签订地点:鉴于甲方需要技术服务,乙方具有提供相应技术服务的能力,双方本着平等互利的原则,经友好协商,就乙方为甲方提供技术服务的相关事宜达成如下协议:第一条服务内容及要求1.1 乙方同意根据甲方的要求提供以下技术服务内容:(详细描述服务内容)1.2 乙方应保证提供的技术服务符合甲方的要求,并达到以下标准:(详细描述服务标准)第二条服务期限2.1 本合同服务期限自本合同签订之日起至以下日期:(详细描述服务期限)2.2 如需延长服务期限,双方应提前协商并签订补充协议。
第三条服务费用及支付方式3.1 服务费用总额为:(金额大写及小写)3.2 甲方应在本合同签订后日内支付 %作为预付款。
3.3 余款应在服务完成后日内支付。
第四条双方权利与义务4.1 甲方的权利与义务:(详细描述甲方的权利与义务)4.2 乙方的权利与义务:(详细描述乙方的权利与义务)第五条保密条款5.1 双方应对在合同执行过程中知悉的对方商业秘密和技术秘密负有保密义务。
5.2 保密义务在本合同终止后继续有效,保密期限为年。
第六条违约责任6.1 如一方违反本合同约定,应向对方支付违约金,违约金的数额为违约方应支付或应收服务费用的 %。
6.2 因不可抗力导致不能履行或部分履行本合同的,双方互不承担违约责任。
第七条合同变更和解除7.1 因特殊情况需要变更或解除本合同的,双方应协商一致,签订书面协议。
7.2 未经双方同意,任何一方不得擅自变更或解除本合同。
第八条争议解决8.1 本合同在执行过程中发生争议,双方应通过友好协商解决。
8.2 协商不成时,可提交甲方所在地人民法院诉讼解决。
第九条其他9.1 本合同一式两份,甲乙双方各执一份,具有同等法律效力。
9.2 本合同自双方授权代表签字盖章之日起生效。
甲方(盖章):授权代表签字:日期:乙方(盖章):授权代表签字:日期:Technical Service ContractContract No.:Party A (Client):Party B (Service Provider):Date of Contract:Place of Contract:Whereas Party A requires technical services and Party B has the capability to provide the said technical services, the parties, in accordance with the principles of equality and mutual benefit, have reached the following agreement through friendly negotiation regarding the provision of technical services by Party B to Party A:Article 1 Scope of Services and Requirements1.1 Party B agrees to provide the following technicalservices as per Party A's requirements:(Detailed description of services)1.2 Party B shall ensure that the technical services provided meet Party A's requirements and achieve the following standards:(Detailed description of service standards)Article 2 Duration of Services2.1 The duration of the services under this contract shall commence from the date of execution of this contract until the following date:(Detailed description of service duration)2.2 If an extension of the service period is required, the parties shall negotiate in advance and enter into a supplementary agreement.Article 3 Service Fees and Payment Method3.1 The total service fee shall be:(Amount in words and figures)3.2 Party A shall pay % of the total service fee as an advance payment within days after the execution of this contract.3.3 The balance shall be paid within days after the completion of the services.Article 4 Rights and Obligations of Both Parties4.1 Rights and obligations of Party A:(Detailed description of Party A's rights and obligations)4.2 Rights and obligations of Party B:(Detailed description of Party B's rights and obligations)Article 5 Confidentiality5.1 Both parties shall maintain confidentiality over the business and technical secrets learned during the execution of this contract.5.2 The obligation of confidentiality shall remain effective after the termination of this contract for a period of years.Article 6 Liability for Breach of Contract6.1 If a party breaches the terms of this contract, it shall pay a penalty to the other party, the amount of which shall be % of the service fee due to be paid or received by the breaching party.6.2 Neither party shall bear liability for breach of contractif they are unable to perform or partially perform this contract due to force。

编号:_______________本资料为word版本,可以直接编辑和打印,感谢您的下载技术服务合同中英对照版甲方:___________________乙方:___________________日期:___________________甲方:______________________________乙方:______________________________签订日期:年月日项目名称:project n ame签订时间:Sig ning time :签订地点:Signing locati on委托方(甲方)con sig nor :电话:Tel :通讯地址:Adress :传真:Fax:受托方(乙方)Con sig nee:通讯地址:Adress :电话:Tel:本合同甲方委托乙方就项目进行专项技术服务,并支付相应的技术服务报酬。
Jin gQi bio-nano tech no logy .Tech ni cal service rem un erati on. Two parts agree as follows accordi ng to theon the basisprovisi ons of the con tract law of the People's Republic of Chi naof fully express their will.第一条甲方委托乙方进行技术服务的内容如下The content of the tech ni cal service技术服务的内容:Content:乙方应按下列要求完成技术服务工作complete tech ni cal services as required1. 技术服务地点:Locati on of tech ni cal service :2. 技术服务期限:个月Tech ni cal service period :第二条为保证乙方有效进行技术服务工作,甲方应当向乙方提供下列工作条件和协作事项JINGQI should offer some working conditions to assure RU could complete the job perfectly1. 提供技术资料;Provide tech ni cal in formati on2. 提供工作条件;Provide work con diti on第三条甲方向乙方支付技术服务报酬及支付方式为The way that Jin gQi bio-nano tech no logy . , LTD pay for tech ni cal services to RU1.技术术服务费由甲方(一次或分期)支付乙方。

二、定义1. 技术服务:指服务方向接受方提供的技术支持、咨询或解决技术问题等服务。
2. 服务期限:指技术服务的开始日期和结束日期。
三、服务内容1. 服务方将根据接受方的需求,提供相应的技术服务,包括但不限于软件维护、系统优化、故障排除等。
2. 接受方在使用技术服务过程中应如实提供相关信息,并配合服务方的工作。
四、服务费用1. 接受方应根据双方商定的费用标准支付相应的服务费用。
2. 服务费用应在每个服务期限开始之前支付。
五、保密条款1. 双方均应对涉及到的商业机密、技术秘密和其他保密信息予以保密。
2. 未经对方书面同意,任何一方不得向第三方透露、泄露保密信息。
六、违约责任1. 若一方违反本协议的任何条款,导致对方受到损失,违约方应承担相应的违约责任。
2. 违约方需支付守约方因此而产生的全部费用和损失。
八、协议变更与终止1. 双方一致同意,任何协议变更或终止均需书面确认,并经双方授权代表签字。
2. 协议终止后,双方应按照约定归还对方的机密信息和资料。
九、其他条款1. 本协议自双方授权代表签字之日起生效,并有效期为一年。
2. 本协议未尽事宜,双方可协商解决,并书面确认。
---1. BackgroundThis agreement is entered into by and between the service provider (hereinafter referred to as the "Service Provider") and the service recipient (hereinafter referred to as the "Recipient") to define the rights and obligations of both parties in relation to technical services.2. Definitions1. Technical Services: Refers to the services provided by the Service Provider to the Recipient, including technical support, consulting, and problem-solving.2. Service Period: Refers to the start date and end date of the technical services.3. Service Scope1. The Service Provider will provide the appropriate technical services to the Recipient based on their needs, including but not limited to software maintenance, system optimization, and troubleshooting.2. The Recipient should provide accurate information and cooperate with the Service Provider during the use of technical services.4. Service Fees1. The Recipient shall pay the agreed service fees according to the agreed fee schedule.2. Service fees should be paid before the start of each service period.5. Confidentiality2. Neither party shall disclose or reveal confidential information to any third party without the written consent of the other party.6. Breach of Contract1. If either party breaches any provision of this agreement and causes losses to the other party, the breaching party shall assume corresponding liability for breach of contract.7. Dispute ResolutionThe interpretation and resolution of disputes under this agreement shall be governed by the relevant laws and regulations of the People's Republic of China.8. Amendment and Termination1. Both parties agree that any amendment or termination of this agreement must be confirmed in writing and signed by authorized representatives of both parties.2. After the termination of this agreement, both parties shall return each other's confidential information and materials according to the agreement.9. Miscellaneous2. Any matters not covered in this agreement shall be resolved through negotiation by both parties and confirmed in writing.10. AppendixThis agreement is executed in duplicate, with each party holding one copy, both of which have equal legal effect.。

国际技术咨询服务合同(中英文版) International Technology Consulting Service Contract本合同由以下双方于(select date)签署:甲方名称: (中文) / Party A: (English)地址: (中文) / Address: (English)联系人: (中文) / Contact Person: (English)电话: (中文) / Telephone: (English)电子邮件: (中文) / Email: (English)乙方名称: (中文) / Party B: (English)地址: (中文) / Address: (English)联系人: (中文) / Contact Person: (English)电话: (中文) / Telephone: (English)电子邮件: (中文) / Email: (English)第一条项目范围甲乙双方同意,甲方将向乙方提供技术咨询服务,具体服务内容包括但不限于:技术调研分析、技术方案制定、技术培训等。
费用支付方式为(select payment method)。
费用支付周期为(select payment period)。
第四条合同期限本合同自签署之日起生效,有效期为(select contract duration)。
第五条法律适用及争议解决本合同适用(select applicable law)。


技术服务费合同范本中英文Technical Service Fee ContractParty A: [Company Name]Address: [Company Address]Contact Person: [Contact Person]Phone: [Contact Phone]Party B: [Service Provider Name]Address: [Service Provider Address]Contact Person: [Contact Person]Phone: [Contact Phone]In accordance with the principles of equality, voluntariness, frness, and good fth, Party A and Party B have reached the following agreement on technical service fees:1. Service Content:Party B provides technical services for Party A, including but not limited to [Service Content].2. Service Fee:The service fee for the technical services provided Party B to Party A is____________ [Amount in Words] (¥___________ [Amount in Numbers]).3. Payment Method:The service fee shall be pd Party A to Party B in ____________ [Payment Method] within ____________ [Payment Term] after the pletion of the technical services.4. Service Period:The service period is from ____________ [Start Date] to ____________ [End Date]. If the service period needs to be extended, both parties shall negotiate and signa supplementary agreement.5. Rights and Obligations:5.1 Party B shall provide technical services to Party A in accordance with the agreed service content and quality standards.5.2 Party A shall provide necessary cooperation and support for Party B to plete the technical services.5.3 Both parties shall keep the technical information and trade secrets obtned during the service period confidential and shall not disclose or provide them to any third party without the other party's written consent.6. Liability for Breach of Contract:6.1 If Party A fls to pay the service fee in accordance with the contract, PartyB has the right to suspend the provision of technical services and clm for breach of contract.6.2 If Party B fls to provide technical services in accordance with the contract, Party A has the right to request a refund of the service fee or clm for breach of contract.7. Force Majeure:If either party is unable to perform its obligations under this contract due to force majeure factors such as natural disasters, strikes, and government actions, the affected party shall promptly notify the other party and provide relevant evidence. The performance of this contract shall be suspended during the force majeure event, and the time for performance of this contract shall be extended accordingly.8. Dispute Resolution:Any dispute arising from the performance of this contract shall be settled through friendly negotiation between the parties. If negotiation fls, either party may submit the dispute to the people's court at the place where Party A is located for arbitration.9. Other Agreements:Any matters not covered in this contract shall be negotiated and agreed upon both parties through a supplementary agreement.10. Effectiveness and Termination:This contract shall bee effective upon the signature or seal of both parties and shall remn valid during the service period. This contract may be terminatedmutual agreement of both parties or in accordance with the provisions of this contract.Party A (Seal/Signature): ____________________ Date: ____________Party B (Seal/Signature): ____________________ Date: ____________This contract is made in duplicate, with each party holding one copy, both having the same legal effect.[Company Name] [Service Provider Name]。

国际技术咨询服务合同(中英文版)国际技术咨询服务合同(中英文版)一、服务内容1.1 技术咨询服务的内容包括但不限于:1.1.1 提供技术咨询和解决方案,包括技术策划、技术分析、技术评估等;1.1.2 开发技术手册、培训材料和其他相关文档;1.1.3 提供技术支持和咨询,回答客户的技术问题和解决方案;1.1.4 其他双方协商确定的技术咨询服务内容。
二、服务期限2.1 本合同的服务期限自双方签署之日起,至技术咨询服务完成并经双方确认验收的日起,共计xx个月/年。
2.2 若在服务期限届满前,双方同意继续提供技术咨询服务,则应签订补充协议,并明确新的服务期限。
三、服务费用3.1 咨询服务费用为xxxx元,支付方式和时间如下:3.1.1 预付款:合同签署之日起,甲方应支付咨询服务费用的xx%作为预付款;3.1.2 进度支付:咨询服务进程中,乙方可按工作进展情况提出进度款支付要求,甲方应在收到支付要求后xx日内支付相应款项;3.1.3 收尾款:咨询服务完成并经双方确认验收后,甲方应支付咨询服务费用的xx%作为收尾款。
3.2 若因双方协商确定其他费用或支付方式,应在本合同附件中明确并签字确认。
四、合作方式及责任4.1 乙方为甲方提供的咨询服务需按时按质完成,保证服务内容的真实性和专业性。
4.2 乙方应保护甲方的商业机密和技术信息,不得泄露给任何第三方。
4.3 甲方应提供咨询服务所需的相关资料和信息,并配合乙方顺利完成咨询服务。
4.4 如因乙方原因导致未能按期提供咨询服务,甲方有权要求乙方承担相应的违约责任。
五、知识产权5.1 凡在本合同签署之前已明确属于乙方的知识产权,仍归乙方所有。
5.2 在咨询服务过程中,由乙方根据甲方需求所独立开发的技术成果的知识产权归属如下:5.2.1 已向甲方提供的技术成果,归甲方所有,乙方不得再行使用或转让。
5.2.2 仅在甲方支付全部咨询服务费用后,乙方自动转让该项技术成果的知识产权给甲方。

技术服务合同中英文范本完整版doc 目录一、技术服务合同中英文范本完整版简介二、技术服务合同中英文范本完整版正文三、附件四、附件说明一、技术服务合同中英文范本完整版简介本技术服务合同中英文范本完整版旨在为双方提供一份详细、全面的技术服务合同参考。
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您可以使用Microsoft Word等文字处理软件打开本文件。
注意事项:1. 本合同范本仅供参考,具体合同内容请根据实际情况进行调整。
2. 在签订合同前,请务必仔细阅读合同条款,确保双方权益得到充分保障。
3. 本合同范本不涉及法律咨询,如需专业法律意见,请咨询专业律师。

一、服务概述1.1 本技术服务合同适用于甲方(以下简称“委托方”)与乙方(以下简称“服务方”)之间的技术服务合作,旨在提供以下详细描述的技术服务。
1.2 技术服务的详细描述:(在这里详细描述技术服务的内容,包括项目范围、工作流程、交付时间等)二、价格和支付方式2.1 服务方向委托方提供的技术服务的价格为(具体金额),双方同意按以下方式支付:(在这里描述支付方式,包括金额、支付方式、付款时间等)2.2 对于任何未支付的费用,根据迟延支付的天数,委托方应支付逾期费用的百分比。
三、服务期限和终止条款3.1 本技术服务合同的服务期限为(具体期限),自签署之日起生效。
3.2 若任何一方违反本合同的条款和条件,对方有权终止本合同,并根据实际情况追究违约方的法律责任。
四、知识产权4.1 在技术服务过程中,委托方完全保留其所有已有的和未来产生的知识产权。
4.2 除非双方另有书面约定,否则服务方在技术服务过程中产生的任何知识产权均归委托方所有。
五、保密条款5.1 双方同意对签署本合同所涉及的所有信息保密,并不得向任何第三方披露。
5.2 在合同终止后,双方仍需履行保密义务,直至信息可以公开或按照法律规定。
六、责任限制6.1 服务方保证其提供的技术服务符合相关法律法规的要求,并没有侵犯第三方的权益。
6.2 对于因不可抗力导致的延迟或未能履行的情况,双方不承担责任。
七、争议解决7.1 双方在履行本合同过程中如发生争议,应通过友好协商解决。
7.2 若协商解决不成,则提交有管辖权的法院解决。
本所涉及附件如下:1. 技术服务合同附件A - 技术服务详细描述表2. 技术服务合同附件B - 价格和支付方式清单3. 其他相关附件(根据实际情况附上)本所涉及的法律名词及注释:1. 技术服务:指向客户提供技术解决方案、技术咨询等相关服务的行为。

技术服务合同范本英文Technical Service Contract TemplateThis Technical Service Contract (hereinafter referred to as the "Contract") is entered into by and between [Service Provider], with a registered address at [Provider's Address], and [Client], with a registered address at [Client's Address], on [Date].1. Scope of Services1.1 The Service Provider agrees to provide technical services to the Client in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Contract. The technical services to be provided are as follows: [Description of services].1.2 The Client agrees to cooperate with the Service Provider and provide any necessary information or access to facilities to enable the Service Provider to perform the services outlined in this Contract.2. Term of Contract2.1 This Contract shall commence on [Start Date] and shall continue until [End Date], unless terminated earlier in accordance with the provisions of this Contract.2.2 Either party may terminate this Contract by providing written notice to the other party at least [Number] days prior to the intended termination date.3. Fees and Payment3.1 The Client agrees to pay the Service Provider a fee of [Amount] for the services provided under this Contract. The payment shall be made in [Currency] and shall be due within [Number] days of the date of invoice.3.2 In the event of late payment, the Client shall be liable to pay interest at the rate of [Rate]% per annum on the outstanding amount.4. Confidentiality4.1 Both parties agree to keep confidential any proprietary or confidential information disclosed during the performance of the services under this Contract.4.2 This obligation of confidentiality shall survive the termination of this Contract and shall continue for a period of [Number] years thereafter.5. Intellectual Property Rights5.1 The Service Provider retains all intellectual property rights in any materials or deliverables created in the course of providing the services under this Contract.5.2 The Client shall have a non-exclusive, non-transferable license to use such materials or deliverables solely for the Client's internal business purposes.6. Limitation of Liability6.1 The Service Provider's total liability under this Contract shall be limited to the total amount paid by the Client to the Service Provider for the services rendered under this Contract.6.2 Neither party shall be liable to the other for any indirect, incidental, consequential, or punitive damages arising out of or in connection with this Contract.7. Governing Law7.1 This Contract shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of [Jurisdiction], without regard to its conflict of law principles.7.2 Any disputes arising out of or in connection with this Contract shall be resolved through amicable negotiations between the parties. If the parties are unable to resolve the dispute amicably, they agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of [Jurisdiction].IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Contract as of the date first above written.[Service Provider]By: _________________________Name:Title:[Client]By: _________________________Name:Title:。

AMERICAN TECHNICAL SERVICE CONTRACTTABLE OF CONTENTSSection one Service Items 第一条服务项目Section 2- Compensation And Expenses 第二条酬金和费用Section 3- Confidentiality 第三条保密条款Section 4- Term And Termination第四条协议有效期间和协议终止Section 5- Publicity And Publication 第五条宣传和公布Section 6- Independent Contractor第六条独立承包商Section 7- Force Majeure第七条不可抗力Section 8- Patents, Rights In Work Product And Trade Secrets 第八条专利权,工作成果权利和商业秘密Section 9- Liability, Warranty and Indemnification第九条责任、保证和补偿条款Section 10- Audits 第十条检查Section 11- Communications And Payments 第十一条通知与支付款项Section 12- Arbitration and Applicable Law第十二条仲裁和适用法律Section 13- Survival第十三条效力持续Section 14- Validity of Provisions and Severability第十四条条款的效力和可分割性Section 15- Miscellaneous 第十五条杂项Party A (Employer)甲方:雇主Party B (Provider of Service)乙方:技术服务提供商Section one Service Items 第一条服务项目15.1PARTY A hereby retains PARTY B to provide the services outlined in Exhibits A and B which are incorporated and made a part of this Agreement (the “Services”).甲方在此聘请乙方向其提供附件A和附件B (附件A和附件B构成本协议不可分割之一部分) 所列明的服务项目(下文简称为服务项目)。

___.PENSATION报酬与支付Client shall pay ___ 30 days of ___.4.EXPENSES工作费用的报销___ incurred in n with the Services。
___ pre-approved by Client in writing.5.___.独立承包人___ not an employee。
or agent of Client。
___.6.___保密___ by Client in n with the Services。
and shall not disclose such n or materials to any third party without Client'___.7.OWNERSHIP OF PREPARED MATERIALS备用资料的所有权Client shall own all right。
and interest in and to any materials ___ in n with the Services。
___.8.___其他规定与政策___ with all rules and policies of Client that are applicable to the Services。
including without n。
Client's code of conduct。
ethics policy。
and n security policy.9.___协议的终止Either Party ___ to the other Party if the other Party breaches any material term or n of this Agreement and ___ 30 days of receipt of ___.10.RETURN OF PROPERTY相关材料的归还Upon n of this Agreement。

最新版美国技术服务合同合同编号:__________合同各方:1. 甲方名称:(甲方全称应与营业执照或其他有效主体资格证明文件上的名称一致)甲方地址:甲方联系人:甲方联系电话:2. 乙方名称:(乙方全称应与营业执照或其他有效主体资格证明文件上的名称一致)乙方地址:乙方联系人:乙方联系电话:鉴于:1. 甲方是一家具备合法经营资格的企业,愿意委托乙方提供技术服务;2. 乙方是一家具备专业技术和服务能力的企业,愿意接受甲方的委托提供技术服务;3. 双方本着平等、自愿、公平、诚实信用的原则,经充分协商,达成一致,签订本合同。
第一条技术服务内容1.1 乙方应根据甲方的委托,提供如下技术服务:(此处详细列举乙方应提供的技术服务内容,如技术咨询、技术开发、技术转让、技术支持等)1.2 乙方应按照甲方的要求,按时提供技术服务,并确保技术服务的质量和效果。
第二条技术服务期限2.1 本合同的技术服务期限为____年,自____年__月__日起至____年__月__日止。
2.2 双方同意,在技术服务期限内,如需延长合同期限,应提前一个月书面通知对方,并经双方协商一致后签订书面补充协议。
第三条技术服务费用3.1 双方同意,乙方向甲方提供技术服务的费用为人民币(大写):____元整(小写):¥_____元。
3.2 技术服务费用的支付方式如下:(1)甲方在本合同签订后____个工作日内,向乙方支付技术服务费用的____%;(2)乙方在完成本合同约定的技术服务后,向甲方提供相关服务成果,甲方在验收合格后支付剩余的____%。
3.3 乙方应提供合法的发票,甲方按约定时间支付费用。
第四条技术成果及知识产权4.1 乙方在提供技术服务过程中所形成的知识产权,包括但不限于专利权、著作权、技术秘密等,归乙方所有。
4.2 甲方如需使用乙方提供的技术成果,应与乙方另行签订知识产权许可协议,明确双方的权利和义务。
第五条保密条款5.1 双方在履行本合同过程中所获悉的对方的商业秘密、技术秘密、市场信息等,应予以严格保密。

英文技术服务合同范本5篇篇1This Technology Service Contract is made between [Party A], a company incorporated under the laws of [Jurisdiction A], with its registered address at [Address A], and [Party B], a company incorporated under the laws of [Jurisdiction B], with its registered address at [Address B].1. Definitions and Interpretation1.1. Definitions:* "Confidential Information" means any information disclosed by either Party to the other, whether orally or in writing, that is designated as confidential or that reasonably should be understood to be confidential. Confidential Information includes, but is not limited to, technical data, business plans, customer lists, supplier information, financial information, and trade secrets.* "Force Majeure" means any event that is unforeseeable, unavoidable, and beyond the reasonable control of the affectedParty, including but not limited to war, strike, lockout, labor disturbance, fire, explosion, natural disaster, epidemic, or any other similar event.* "Intellectual Property Rights" means all patents, trademarks, service marks, trade names, copyrights, mask work rights, and any other forms of intellectual property recognized in [Jurisdiction A] and [Jurisdiction B].* "Technical Services" means the services to be provided by Party B to Party A under this Contract, as specified in Section 3.1.2. Interpretation:* All references to clauses are to the clauses of this Contract.* The words "include", "includes", and "including" shall be deemed to mean "without limitation".* Any reference to a statute or regulation shall be construed to refer to that statute or regulation as amended or replaced from time to time.2. Subject Matter of the Contract2.1. Technical Services: Party B shall provide Party A with the following technical services: [Describe the technical services to be provided].2.2. Location of Services: The technical services shall be provided at [Specify the location where the services shall be provided].2.3. Duration of Services: The technical services shall be provided for a period of [Specify the duration of the services].3. Obligations of Party A3.1. Payment of Fees: Party A shall pay Party B the following fees for the technical services provided:* [Specify the amount of the fees to be paid by Party A to Party B].* The fees shall be paid in [Specify the currency in which the fees shall be paid].* The fees shall be paid in full before the commencement of the technical services.3.2. Provision of Equipment and Facilities: Party A shall provide all necessary equipment and facilities for the performance of the technical services, including but not limited to: [List the equipment and facilities to be provided by Party A].3.3. Access to Information: Party A shall provide Party B with all necessary information and data required to perform thetechnical services, including but not limited to: [List the information and data to be provided by Party A].4. Obligations of Party B4.1. Performance of Services: Party B shall perform the technical services in a professional and workmanlike manner, using reasonable skill and care.4.2. Compliance with Laws and Regulations: Party B shall comply with all applicable laws and regulations in [Jurisdiction A] and [Jurisdiction B] related to the performance of the technical services.4.3. Protection of Confidential Information: Party B shall keep all Confidential Information disclosed by Party A confidential and shall not disclose such information to any third party without the prior written consent of Party A.5. Representations and Warranties5.1. Representations and Warranties of Party A: Party A represents and warrants that:* It has full power and authority to enter into and perform this Contract.* The information and data provided to Party B are accurate and complete.* It will provide all necessary equipment and facilities as required under Section 3.2.* It will comply with all applicable laws and regulations related to the performance of this Contract.5.2. Representations and Warranties of Party B: Party B represents and warrants that:* It has full power and authority to enter into and perform this Contract.* The technical services to be provided will be performed in a professional and workmanlike manner, using reasonable skill and care.* It will comply with all applicable laws and regulations related to the performance of this Contract.* It will protect all Confidential Information disclosed by Party A in accordance with Section 4.3.6.篇2Contract for Technical ServicesPart I: Contracting Parties1. Party A: [Name of Party A]2. Party B: [Name of Party B]Part II: Subject of the ContractThe subject of the Contract is the provision of technical services by Party B to Party A, specifically in the field of [specify the field].Part III: Technical Services1. Service Description: The specific technical services to be provided by Party B to Party A are as follows: [describe the services in detail].2. Service Location: The services shall be provided at the premises of Party A, located at [address of Party A].3. Service Period: The services shall be provided for a period of [specify the duration of the services].Part IV: Prices and Payment1. Total Contract Price: The total price for the technical services shall be [specify the total price].2. Payment Schedule: Party A shall make payment to Party B as follows: [describe the payment schedule].3. Currency: All prices and payments shall be in [specify the currency].Part V: Rights and Obligations of the Parties1. Rights of Party A: [describe the rights of Party A].2. Rights of Party B: [describe the rights of Party B].3. Obligations of Party A: [describe the obligations of PartyA].4. Obligations of Party B: [describe the obligations of PartyB].Part VI: Confidentiality1. Confidential Information: All information related to the technical services, including but not limited to technical data, documents, and any other confidential information, shall be kept confidential by both parties.2. Exceptions: The confidentiality obligation shall not apply to information that is: (a) already in the public domain; (b) disclosed by either party with the written consent of the other party; or (c) required to be disclosed by law or court order.Part VII: Termination1. Termination by either Party: Either party may terminate the Contract by giving written notice to the other party. The terminating party shall be responsible for all costs and expenses incurred by the other party as a result of the termination.2. Termination by Operation of Law: The Contract may be terminated by operation of law if either party commits a material breach of the Contract and fails to cure such breach within a reasonable time. The non-breaching party may terminate the Contract immediately upon written notice to the breaching party. The breaching party shall be responsible for all costs and expenses incurred by the other party as a result of the termination.Part VIII: Dispute Resolution1. Negotiation: In the event of any dispute arising out of or in connection with the Contract, the parties shall first attempt to resolve such dispute through friendly negotiation.2. Mediation: If negotiation fails to resolve the dispute, the parties may agree to submit such dispute to mediation by a mutually agreed upon mediator or mediation service. The cost of mediation shall be borne equally by both parties.篇3Contract for Technical ServicesParty A (hereinafter referred to as "Client") and Party B (hereinafter referred to as "Service Provider") hereby agree to enter into a contract for technical services under the terms and conditions set forth below:1. Scope of ServicesParty B agrees to provide the following services to Party A:* To provide technical expertise and consultation on the operation and maintenance of Party A's equipment and systems.* To provide on-site and remote support as needed to Party A's equipment and systems.* To assist Party A in the evaluation, selection, and implementation of technology upgrades or new equipment and systems.* To provide training and education to Party A's personnel on the operation, maintenance, and troubleshooting of equipment and systems.* To assist Party A in the development of policies and procedures related to technology use and management.2. Term of ContractThe term of this contract shall be for a period of one year, commencing on the date of execution of this contract and terminating on the first anniversary thereof. The contract may be renewed by mutual agreement of the parties at the end of the term.3. Fees and PaymentParty A agrees to pay Party B the following fees for the services provided:* A fixed annual fee of $10,000, payable in advance at the start of the contract term.* Additional fees for on-site support, remote support, training, and other additional services provided during the term of the contract, which shall be agreed upon by the parties in advance.Party A agrees to make payment to Party B through electronic transfer or any other agreed upon method. All invoices and receipts shall be properly documented and made available to Party A upon request.4. ConfidentialityParty B agrees to keep confidential all information related to Party A's equipment, systems, policies, procedures, and any other confidential information disclosed to it by Party A during the term of the contract. Party B shall not disclose such confidential information to any third party without the written consent of Party A.5. TerminationThis contract may be terminated by either party at any time during the term of the contract upon written notice to the other party. The termination shall be effective immediately upon receipt of such notice. The parties shall then proceed to wind up the affairs related to the termination of the contract as soon as practicable.6. General Provisions* This contract is made in English and shall be governed by the laws of the State of New York, USA. The parties herebysubmit to the jurisdiction of the courts of New York, USA, for any disputes arising out of or in connection with this contract.* This contract constitutes the entire agreement between the parties with respect to the services provided hereunder and no modification or amendment thereof shall be binding upon the parties unless made in writing and signed by both parties.* Failure by either party to enforce any provision of this contract shall not be construed as a waiver of such provision or any other provision of this contract.* This contract may not be assigned by either party without the written consent of the other party.* All notices and other communications required or permitted under this contract shall be given in English and in writing by email or by courier service to the respective addresses provided by the parties at the time of execution of this contract. All such notices and communications shall be deemed to have been received on the date of transmission if sent by email or on the date of delivery if sent by courier service.IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Party A and Party B have executed this Contract for Technical Services on the respective dates indicated below:Party A: [Date]Party B: [Date]篇4This技术服务合同(以下简称“合同”)由以下双方于[合同签订日期]签订。

第一条服务内容1.1 乙方应根据甲方的要求,提供以下技术服务:_________________。
1.2 乙方提供的技术服务应符合以下标准:_________________。
第二条服务期限2.1 本合同服务期限自本合同生效之日起至_________________年_________________月_________________日止。
第三条服务费用及支付方式3.1 甲方应向乙方支付技术服务费,总额为人民币_________________元(大写:_________________)。
3.2 甲方应按照以下方式支付技术服务费:3.2.1 合同签订之日起____天内,甲方支付乙方技术服务费总额的____%作为预付款;3.2.2 服务完成并经甲方验收合格后____天内,甲方支付乙方剩余的技术服务费。
第四条甲方的权利和义务4.1 甲方有权要求乙方按照合同约定提供技术服务。
4.2 甲方应按照合同约定及时支付技术服务费。
4.3 甲方应为乙方提供必要的工作条件和协助。
第五条乙方的权利和义务5.1 乙方有权按照合同约定收取技术服务费。
5.2 乙方应按照合同约定提供符合标准的技术服务。
5.3 乙方应对提供的技术服务内容保密。
第六条验收与质量保证6.1 服务完成后,甲方应在____天内进行验收。

2024版美国技术服务合同合同编号:__________技术服务合同甲方:1. 名称:__________2. 地址:__________3. 联系人:__________4. 联系电话:__________乙方:1. 名称:__________2. 地址:__________3. 联系人:__________4. 联系电话:__________鉴于甲方拥有某些技术成果并希望就该技术成果向乙方提供技术服务,乙方愿意接受甲方的技术服务,双方为明确双方的权利和义务,经友好协商,达成如下协议:第一条技术服务内容1.1 甲方同意向乙方提供如下技术服务:(1)技术咨询:甲方应为乙方提供关于技术成果的咨询服务,包括解答乙方的技术疑问、提供技术改进建议等。
1.2 甲方应按照乙方的要求,提供相关技术文件的副本,以便乙方更好地理解和运用技术成果。
第三条技术服务费用3.1 乙方向甲方支付技术服务费用总额为人民币____元(大写:____________________元整)。
3.2 乙方应在本合同签字之日起____个工作日内,向甲方支付上述技术服务费用。
3.3 乙方支付技术服务费用后,甲方应向乙方提供相应的技术服务。
第四条甲方的权利和义务4.1 甲方应保证其提供给乙方的技术成果是合法、有效且不侵犯任何第三方的知识产权。
4.2 甲方应在合同有效期内,按照本合同的约定,提供技术服务。
4.3 甲方应对乙方提供的技术资料和商业秘密予以保密,未经乙方同意,不得向任何第三方披露。

英文版技术服务合同Technical Service AgreementThis Technical Service Agreement (hereinafter referred to as "Agreement") is made and entered into as of [Date] (hereinafter referred to as the "Effective Date") by and between [Company A], a company incorporated under the laws of [Country/State], with its principal place of business at [Address] (hereinafter referred to as the "Client"), and [Company B], a company incorporated under the laws of [Country/State], with its principal place of business at [Address] (hereinafter referred to as the "Service Provider").1. ObjectiveThe objective of this Agreement is to define the terms and conditions under which the Service Provider shall provide technical services to the Client. This agreement shall govern the relationship between the Client and the Service Provider with respect to the technical services to be provided.2. Scope of Services2.1 The Service Provider shall provide the following technical services to the Client:- [Describe the specific technical services to be provided]2.2 The Service Provider shall use its best efforts, skills, and professional expertise to deliver the services outlined in Section 2.1. Any additional services requested by the Client that fall outside the scope of this Agreement may be subject to separate negotiation and agreement.3. Service Fees and Payment3.1 The Client shall pay the Service Provider the agreed-upon fees for the services provided, as outlined in Exhibit A, attached hereto.3.2 Payment shall be made by the Client within [number] days of receiving an invoice from the Service Provider. Late payment may result in penalties or suspension of services.4. Term and Termination4.1 This Agreement shall commence on the Effective Date and shall remain in effect until the completion of the services, unless terminated earlier in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement.4.2 Either party may terminate this Agreement at any time in the event ofa material breach by the other party. Notice of termination shall be provided in writing, stating the reasons for termination and the effective date of termination.4.3 Upon termination of this Agreement, the Service Provider shall provide a detailed report of the services performed up to the date of termination, and the Client shall pay any outstanding fees for the completed services.5. Confidentiality5.1 Both parties agree to treat as confidential all non-public information obtained from the other party during the term of this Agreement.5.2 The Service Provider shall take all reasonable measures to protect the confidentiality of the Client's proprietary information and shall not disclose it to any third party without the prior written consent of the Client.6. Governing Law and Jurisdiction6.1 This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of [Country/State], without giving effect to any principles of conflicts of laws.6.2 Any disputes arising out of or in connection with this Agreement shall be resolved through good faith negotiations. In the event that negotiations fail to resolve the dispute, the parties agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of [Country/State].7. Entire AgreementThis Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof and supersedes all prior discussions, negotiations, and agreements, whether oral or written.IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Technical Service Agreement as of the Effective Date.[Company A]By:Name:Title:[Company B]By: Name: Title:。

美国服务合同模板This Service Contract (“Contract”) is entered into on this ________ day of ___________, 20__ (“Effective Date”) by and between [Client Name], with a principal address of [Client Address] (“Client”), and [Service Provider Name], with a principal address of [Service Provider Address] (“Service Provider”).1. Services Provided. Service Provider agrees to provide the following services to Client (“Services”): [List of services to be provided]. Service Provider shall perform the Services ina professional and workmanlike manner, consistent with industry standards.2. Term. The term of this Contract shall begin on the Effective Date and shall continue until [End Date], unless terminated earlier by either party in accordance with the terms of this Contract.3. Compensation. Client agrees to pay Service Provider the following fees for the Services: [List of fees and payment terms]. Client shall make payments to Service Provider within [Number] days of receiving an invoice for Services rendered.4. Terminat ion. Either party may terminate this Contract upon [Number] days’ written notice to the other party. In the event of termination, Client shall pay Service Provider for all Services rendered up to the date of termination.5. Confidentiality. Both parties agree to keep all information shared during the course of this Contract confidential and not to disclose it to any third party without the other party’s consent.6. Indemnification. Service Provider agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Client from any claim s, damages, or liabilities arising out of Service Provider’s provision of the Services.7. Limitation of Liability. In no event shall either party be liable for any special, incidental, or consequential damages arising out of this Contract, even if the party has been advised of the possibility of such damages.8. Governing Law. This Contract shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of [State], without regard to its conflict of law provisions.9. Entire Agreement. This Contract constitutes the entire agreement between the parties with respect to the Services and supersedes all prior agreements, representations, and understandings, whether written or oral.10. Amendments. Any amendments to this Contract must be made in writing and signed by both parties.IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Contract as of the Effective Date.Client: ________________________ [Client Name]Service Provider: ________________________ [Service Provider Name]。
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AMERICAN TECHNICAL SERVICE CONTRACTTABLE OF CONTENTSSection one Service Items 第一条服务项目Section 2 - Compensation And Expenses 第二条酬金和费用Section 3 - Confidentiality 第三条保密条款Section 4 - Term And Termination 第四条协议有效期间和协议终止Section 5 - Publicity And Publication 第五条宣传和公布Section 6 - Independent Contractor 第六条独立承包商Section 7 - Force Majeure 第七条不可抗力Section 8 - Patents, Rights In Work Product And Trade Secrets第八条专利权,工作成果权利和商业秘密Section 9 –Liability, Warranty and Indemnification 第九条责任、保证和补偿条款Section 10 - Audits 第十条检查Section 11 - Communications And Payments 第十一条通知与支付款项Section 12 –Arbitration and Applicable Law 第十二条仲裁和适用法律Section 13 –Survival 第十三条效力持续Section 14 –Validity of Provisions and Severability 第十四条条款的效力和可分割性Section 15 - Miscellaneous 第十五条杂项Party A (Employer) 甲方:雇主Party B (Provider of Service) 乙方:技术服务提供商Section one Service Items 第一条服务项目1.1 PARTY A hereby retains PARTY B to provide the services outlined in Exhibits A and B which are incorporated and made a part of this Agreement (the “Services”).甲方在此聘请乙方向其提供附件 A 和附件 B (附件 A 和附件 B 构成本协议不可分割之一部分)所列明的服务项目(下文简称为服务项目)。
1.2 PARTY B hereby accepts the obligations contained in this Agreement and subject to terms and conditions hereinafter set forth agrees to provide the Services.乙方在此接受本协议项下之义务提供服务项目,并同意遵守本协议条款。
1.3 PARTY B shall also provide additional services specified in any future exhibit which may be agreed to between the parties in writing and subsequently incorporated into this Agreement. If PARTY A wishes to change the scope of the Services covered by this Agreement or wishes to obtain additional services not initially covered by this Agreement and/or not listed in an Exhibit, PARTY A shall so advise PARTY B and shall submit specifications to PARTY B. After receipt of the specifications, PARTY B shall promptly provide PARTY A with a cost estimate for performing the changed or additional services. Each work assignment shall be governed by the terms and conditions of this Agreement and by such supplementary written amendments of this Agreement or Exhibits as may be , from time to time, executed between the parties. In the event of a conflict between the terms of this Agreement and an Exhibit, the terms of this Agreement shall govern.本协议双方当事人在将来就额外的服务项目达成书面同意,并以附件列明该额外服务项目并将此附件作为本协议之一部分,则乙方应当提供前述的额外服务项目。
1.4 All Services and reporting on the results of the services provided by PARTY B hereunder shall be conducted in accordance with the applicable provisions of applicable federal, states and local laws, regulations and ordinances.乙方提供所有服务项目以及报告其提供的服务项目结果,应当遵守适用的联邦的,州立的和地方法律,法规和法令中适用的规定。
1.5 If requested by PARTY A, PARTY B shall provide PARTY A with a certificate evidencing their accreditation by the appropriate accrediting body. Such accreditation shall remain in force during the period of this Agreement.应甲方的要求,乙方应当向甲方提供能够证明其由相关鉴定机构鉴定合格的证明书。
Section 2 - Compensation And Expenses 第二条酬金和费用2.1 PARTY A shall pay PARTY B, and PARTY B agrees to accept for the services to be performed under this Agreement, compensation as specified in Exhibit B. PARTY A shall not be required to pay any sum in excess of $_____. This sum is the maximum amount due under this Agreement for PARTY B work during the term of this Agreement except for reasonable travel expenses as specified in subsection 2.2, unless agreed otherwise in writing by the parties. Travel time is not compensable.基于乙方在本协议项下所提供的服务项目,甲方应当向乙方支付附件B所列明数额的酬金,同时乙方同意接受该酬金。
除非本协议双方当事人另有书面约定,该金额为乙方在本协议有效期间内提供服务项目的最高酬金,本协议 2.2 款所列的合理差旅费用另计。
2.2 Upon receipt by PARTY A of copies of receipts or other appropriate evidence of expenditures by PARTY B, PARTY A shall reimburse PARTY B for reasonable travel expenses (coach class airfare, ground transportation, lodging and meals) incurred by PARTY B at the request of PARTY A in rendering services hereunder.甲方收到乙方送交的收据复印件或其它相关开支证明后,应当立即将乙方按照甲方要求提供本协议项下服务项目而产生的合理差旅费(经济舱飞机票,地面交通费,住宿费,餐费)补偿给乙方。
2.3 PARTY B’s federal I.D. or social security number is as specified in Exhibit B. It is agreed that PARTY B is responsible for the payment of any taxes. PARTY A will report payments made to PARTY B as required by applicable federal, state or local tax law or regulations.乙方的联邦身份证号码或社会保险号如附件 B 所示。