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Section one Service Items 第一条服务项目

Section 2 - Compensation And Expenses 第二条酬金和费用

Section 3 - Confidentiality 第三条保密条款

Section 4 - Term And Termination 第四条协议有效期间和协议终止

Section 5 - Publicity And Publication 第五条宣传和公布

Section 6 - Independent Contractor 第六条独立承包商

Section 7 - Force Majeure 第七条不可抗力

Section 8 - Patents, Rights In Work Product And Trade Secrets


Section 9 –Liability, Warranty and Indemnification 第九条责任、保证和补偿条款

Section 10 - Audits 第十条检查

Section 11 - Communications And Payments 第十一条通知与支付款项

Section 12 –Arbitration and Applicable Law 第十二条仲裁和适用法律

Section 13 –Survival 第十三条效力持续

Section 14 –Validity of Provisions and Severability 第十四条条款的效力和可分割性

Section 15 - Miscellaneous 第十五条杂项

Party A (Employer) 甲方:雇主

Party B (Provider of Service) 乙方:技术服务提供商

Section one Service Items 第一条服务项目

1.1 PARTY A hereby retains PARTY B to provide the services outlined in Exhibits A and B which are incorporated and made a part of this Agreement (the “Services”).

甲方在此聘请乙方向其提供附件 A 和附件 B (附件 A 和附件 B 构成本协议不可分割之一部分)所列明的服务项目(下文简称为服务项目)。

1.2 PARTY B hereby accepts the obligations contained in this Agreement and subject to terms and conditions hereinafter set forth agrees to provide the Services.


1.3 PARTY B shall also provide additional services specified in any future exhibit which may be agreed to between the parties in writing and subsequently incorporated into this Agreement. If PARTY A wishes to change the scope of the Services covered by this Agreement or wishes to obtain additional services not initially covered by this Agreement and/or not listed in an Exhibit, PARTY A shall so advise PARTY B and shall submit specifications to PARTY B. After receipt of the specifications, PARTY B shall promptly provide PARTY A with a cost estimate for performing the changed or additional services. Each work assignment shall be governed by the terms and conditions of this Agreement and by such supplementary written amendments of this Agreement or Exhibits as may be , from time to time, executed between the parties. In the event of a conflict between the terms of this Agreement and an Exhibit, the terms of this Agreement shall govern.


1.4 All Services and reporting on the results of the services provided by PARTY B hereunder shall be conducted in accordance with the applicable provisions of applicable federal, states and local laws, regulations and ordinances.


1.5 If requested by PARTY A, PARTY B shall provide PARTY A with a certificate evidencing their accreditation by the appropriate accrediting body. Such accreditation shall remain in force during the period of this Agreement.


Section 2 - Compensation And Expenses 第二条酬金和费用

2.1 PARTY A shall pay PARTY B, and PARTY B agrees to accept for the services to be performed under this Agreement, compensation as specified in Exhibit B. PARTY A shall not be required to pay any sum in excess of $_____. This sum is the maximum amount due under this Agreement for PARTY B work during the term of this Agreement except for reasonable travel expenses as specified in subsection 2.2, unless agreed otherwise in writing by the parties. Travel time is not compensable.

基于乙方在本协议项下所提供的服务项目,甲方应当向乙方支付附件B所列明数额的酬金,同时乙方同意接受该酬金。甲方所应支付的酬金总额不得超过美元。除非本协议双方当事人另有书面约定,该金额为乙方在本协议有效期间内提供服务项目的最高酬金,本协议 2.2 款所列的合理差旅费用另计。对差旅所耗时间,不作另行补偿。

2.2 Upon receipt by PARTY A of copies of receipts or other appropriate evidence of expenditures by PARTY B, PARTY A shall reimburse PARTY B for reasonable travel expenses (coach class airfare, ground transportation, lodging and meals) incurred by PARTY B at the request of PARTY A in rendering services hereunder.


2.3 PARTY B’s federal I.D. or social security number is as specified in Exhibit B. It is agreed that PARTY B is responsible for the payment of any taxes. PARTY A will report payments made to PARTY B as required by applicable federal, state or local tax law or regulations.

乙方的联邦身份证号码或社会保险号如附件 B 所示。本协议双方当事人同意:乙方应当承担
