










Download tips: This document is carefully compiled by this editor. I hope that after you download it, it can help you solve practical problems. The document can be customized and modified after downloading, please adjust and use it according to actual needs, thank you!

Moreover, our store provides various types of classic sample essays for everyone, such as work summaries, work plans, contract agreements, doctrinal documents, planning plans, complete sentences, complete compositions, poems, songs, teaching materials, and other sample essays. If you want to learn about different sample formats and writing methods, please stay tuned!



Therefore, according to this background, we discussed whether it is necessary for our students to have a calligraphy competition.This is a summary of our discussion.Let us see that most students think it is not necessary to hold a calligraphy competition, because with the computer, we can input words efficiently and quickly, and the computer provides us with a variety of fonts, which can make our writing more effective Mei, there are also some students on the opposite side.

They think it is necessary for us to have a calligraphy competition,because calligraphy competition can improve students calligraphy skills, which is a good hobby of our students and the most important benefit of calligraphy competition.What we have brought to us is that it can arouse our love for our mother tongue and our love for our country,so we need to have a calligraphy competition Calligraphy competition, I think its very important for us to hold a calligraphy competition, because our Chinese is very good and needs to be respected.





















为丰富学生课余活动,同时也为了检验学生练字的效果,20XX 年4月18日、19日下午我校开展了硬笔书法比赛活动,书法比赛活动主要纠正学生不正确的握笔方法与写字姿势,培养她们练字的兴趣,使他们养成良好的书写习惯。学生的书写能力,审美能力都有较大的



Therefore, based on this background, we discussed whether it is necessary for our students to have a calligraphy competition.This is a summary of our discussion.Lets see that most students dont think its necessary to hold a calligraphy competition, because with the computer, we can input words efficiently and quickly, and the computer provides us with a variety of fonts.

Therefore, some students are on the opposite side.They think it is necessary for us to hold a calligraphy competition,because the calligraphy competition can improve students calligraphy skills.This is also me A good hobby of our students is also the most important benefit of the calligraphy competition, because it can arouse our love for our mother tongue and our love for our motherland, so we need calligraphy competition.

I think it is very important for us to hold calligraphy

competition, because our Chinese is very great and needs to be respected.




If it is necessary to have a calligraphy competition for middle school students, it is necessary because it is not only a kind of competition,but also an opportunity to train themselves.Calligraphy is a long-standing and well-known art in China.It is not easy to do it.

If a calligraphy competition is held, it can not only stimulate the interest of middle school students, but also make Chinese calligraphy popular in the world.




Chinese characters are the essence of Chinas culture.In addition to meeting the needs of daily writing, calligraphy has developed into a special art of high quality.For thousands of years, if Chinas shops are rich in commercial culture, it will be elegant if they decorate some ancient cultural calligraphy works.

The study and bedroom can be decorated as an art work.Calligraphy is special,and Chinese characters are written.On rice , its good to absorb ink and hang it on the wall.




Just as food is to the body and learning to the mind, our body grows and muscles are developed.Similarly, we should learn from day to day to maintain our keen intelce and eXpand our intelce.Continuous learning provides us with ineXhaustible power and promotes us to improve our ability of reasoning, ysis and judgment.

Continuous learning is the most reliable way to keep pace with the times in the information age, and it is also an absolutely correct guarantee.In an uncertain era, once you stop learning, plant trees and regard school as the only workshop for acquiring knowledge is a common fallacy.On the contrary, learning should be a never-ending process, from cradle to grave.

With the world changing rapidly, it only stops in a few days Learning will make a person lag behind, and the animal instinct lurking in our subconscious will revive, weaken our will to pursue lofty ideals, eXtinguish our determination to remove obstacles to success,and stifle our desire for perfection of https://www.360docs.net/doc/4a19211375.html,ck of learning will inevitably lead to stagnation of thought,or even worse,its fossilization.Therefore, in order to maintain our spiritual youth, we must Learning should be regarded as a lifelong career.











One beautiful morning, today I want to tell you about the dreams of young people.People like to use the word _dream_ to eXpress their strong desire for the future.Some young people dream of becoming scientists, while some people want to be astronauts.

Others want to have my views, regardless of what our future is.What is important is that we should be responsible to the society and the people in order to realize us First of all,we should learn to help others.As students, we should try our best to study.

I know my dream needs hard work.Thank you very much.








英语作文书法比赛范文(热门8篇) (经典版) 编制人:__________________ 审核人:__________________ 审批人:__________________ 编制单位:__________________ 编制时间:____年____月____日 序言 下载提示:该文档是本店铺精心编制而成的,希望大家下载后,能够帮助大家解决实际问题。文档下载后可定制修改,请根据实际需要进行调整和使用,谢谢! 并且,本店铺为大家提供各种类型的经典范文,如工作总结、工作计划、合同协议、条据文书、策划方案、句子大全、作文大全、诗词歌赋、教案资料、其他范文等等,想了解不同范文格式和写法,敬请关注! Download tips: This document is carefully compiled by this editor. I hope that after you download it, it can help you solve practical problems. The document can be customized and modified after downloading, please adjust and use it according to actual needs, thank you! Moreover, our store provides various types of classic sample essays for everyone, such as work summaries, work plans, contract agreements, doctrinal documents, planning plans, complete sentences, complete compositions, poems, songs, teaching materials, and other sample essays. If you want to learn about different sample formats and writing methods, please stay tuned!


原创不容易,【关注】店铺,不迷路! (一)毛笔英文书法圆体入门 如今,越来越多的人来创作和练习毛笔英文书法,书写多样,参差不齐。虽然投入了大量的时间和精力,但收效甚微,作品也没有得到大家的认可。就是因为缺乏系统的理论指导,浪费了这么多精力。应读者和爱好者的要求,特别设计了毛笔英文书法的字体规格、字体结构和字体比例。写作规则,写作方法,作品布局等。写给你参考,希望能给对这方面感兴趣的朋友提供一些帮助。我的水平有限,请大家理解错在哪里。 有很多事情要谈。我尽量以典型人物为主,简单举例说明,图文并重,遵循由浅入深,先易后难,循序渐进的原则,方便初学者学习。 首先,英文字母有26个大写字母和26个小写字母。虽然看起来比汉字更简单,更容易写,但每种艺术都有自己的规律和要求。学什么艺术都是分阶段提高,变得更好。用毛笔学英文书法也是如此,不是闭门造车。 首先,初学者必须熟悉英文字体的形式、组合和比例,以及每个字母的基本笔画、笔画顺序和笔画。在此基础上,熟悉大小写字母的协调和衔接。只有脚踏实地地练习写作的基本功,才能写出优美流畅的英文毛笔。先练笔画,再练52个字母,再练单词,最后练句子。 然后,漂亮的毛笔英文书法没有统一的标准,但是有几个公式:上下按线,大小一样;左右平行,间距均匀;刚柔相济,整洁干净。上下压线是指英文字母的上、中、下三部分必须用四线格书写,要饱满,尤其是中间部分不能大也不能小,否则会显得凌乱。左右平行是指每个英文字母的对角线必须使字母相互平行。

这样会让英文书法更美观,字母之间的距离要清晰均匀,不要太挤也不要太松。 刚柔相济是英文字母的两大特点。一个是圆的部分要饱满,一个是竖的部分要挺拔有力,这样书法才刚柔有品味。 还有,市面上的宣纸目前不提供四线格。处理方法是将两条线之间的距离按比例分成2: 1: 2,字母中间的饱满部分压在下面的实线上,而上面的部分在意识上有一条虚线,称为“上虚下实”,这样就可以很好地处理英文字母的统一性。要达到以上标准,通常要有意识的训练才能取得好的效果。 至于英文书写,不像汉字,他们注重字形的圆润丰满,注重平行笔画的同向。我觉得初学者很难把握这一点,因为中国习惯了不同的写法。比如“三”的每条横线长度不同,“川”的三条竖线长度和方向不同,“必须”的三个撇号也是变化的。 练习开始,在宣纸上画四条线。在开始的时候,根据那些行的大小仔细写。写的多了,字就慢慢规范了,不用画线也能写。 还有一点就是写英文字的时候宣纸右上角要向上倾斜,然后写出来的字对齐后会稍微向右倾斜,很好看,也符合外国人的审美和文笔。 你觉得毛笔字写的圆圆的英文好看吗? 欢迎大家提出宝贵意见和建议,让我们共同学习,共同进步。谢谢 我的邮箱是xubiao365@163com

关于书法的英语作文 Calligraphy-最新范文

关于书法的英语作文Calligraphy Calligraphy is our country has a long history and the most extensive mass base of art, it with unique lines and the rules for writing Chinese characters, showing colorful brushwork, composition and handwriting, reflect people’s temperament, interest and aesthetic ideal. Is our ancestors in the long term practice constantly beautify writing form, carries on the artistic creation, have extremely exalted position in the traditional culture, by the Chinese people’s universal love, also is cannot replace by other art forms the unique traditional Chinese art. 书法是我国具有悠久的历史和艺术的最广泛的群众基础,它以独特的线条和汉字书写规则,显示出丰富多彩的笔触,组成和笔迹,反映人的气质,兴趣和审美理想。是我们的祖先在长期实践中不断美化的写作形式,进行艺术创作,有着极其崇高的地位,在传统文化中,由中国人的普遍的爱,也是不可替代的其他艺术形式的独特的中国传统艺术。


2020年高考英语作文预测及范文带翻译:书法 假设你是李华,在美国孔子学院的笔友Jack对汉字毛笔书法非常感兴趣,写信向你咨询学习毛笔书法的建议。请你用英语回信,内容包括: 1. 学习毛笔书法的必备工具; 2. 你认为学好毛笔书法的有效方式; 3. 学好毛笔书法的好处。https://www.360docs.net/doc/4a19211375.html, I’m glad to know you’re interested in Chinese Calligraphy. It’s my pleasure to tell you how to learn Chinese calligraphy. 我很高兴知道你对中国书法感兴趣。很高兴告诉你如何学习中国书法。 As we all know, the four treasures of the study are writing brush, ink, paper and ink stone, which are essential to learn Chinese calligraphy. As to the way to learn it, I think, for one thing, you may study the basic structure of each Chinese character step by step;for another, choosing a good model book to copy is of great benefit to you. 众所周知,文房四宝是毛笔、墨、纸、砚,是学习中国书法必不可少的东西。至于学习的方法,我想,一方面你可以一步一


高中英语作文书法比赛范文(通用3篇) Calligraphy is our country has a long history and the most extensive mass base of art, it with unique lines and the rules for writing Chinese characters, showing colorful brushwork, composition and handwriting, reflect peoples temperament, interest and aesthetic ideal. Is our ancestors in the long term practice constantly beautify writing form, carries on the artistic creation, have extremely exalted position in the traditional culture, by the Chinese peoples universal love, also is cannot replace by other art forms the unique traditional Chinese art. 书法是我国具有悠久的历史和艺术的最广泛的群众基础,它以独特的线条和汉字书写规则,显示出丰富多彩的笔触,组成和笔迹,反映人的气质,兴趣和审美理想。 是我们的祖先在长期实践中不断美化的写作形式,进行艺术创作,有着极其崇高的地位,在传统文化中,由*人的普遍的爱,也是不可替代的其他艺术形式的独特的*传统艺术。 高中英语作文书法比赛范文第2篇 Writing, that is to say,just as the painting,which can be apreciated or critized . If you want to have such a good writing ,you must practise


中国书法英语作文:ChineseCalligraphy 关于中国书法英语作文:Chinese Calligraphy(精选8篇) 在日常生活或是工作学习中,大家对作文都不陌生吧,根据写作命题的特点,作文可以分为命题作文和非命题作文。那么你有了解过作文吗?以下是店铺为大家收集的关于中国书法英语作文:Chinese Calligraphy,供大家参考借鉴,希望可以帮助到有需要的朋友。 中国书法英语作文:Chinese Calligraphy 篇1 Calligraphy is the essence of Chinese culture, which has developed into a special high-level art apart from satisfying the needs of daily writing. It has been flourishing for thousands of years in China. Shops with strong commercial atmosphere will gain some elegance if they are decorated with some quaint cultural calligraphic works. Sitting rooms, studies and bedrooms can be nice-looking with calligraphy works decorated. As a kind of art work, the writing of calligraphy is particular. The Chinese characters are written on Xuan paper which absorbs ink very well and then are mounted to hang on a wall. The calligraphy works are mostly a poem or a motto that the host of the room likes it much; if it is written by the host himself, it will demonstrate more his aspiration and interest as well as his talent. 书法是中国文化的精粹,除了满足日常书写外,它已经上升成为一门特别的高等艺术。他兴旺于中华大地数千年而不衰。商业气息浓重的店面装饰一些具有古色古香、文化色彩的书法作品就会平添几分高雅。书法作品也常常装饰客厅,书房和卧室。作为一种艺术,书法的书写是很讲究的。汉字写在吸水性很强的宣纸上,然后再装裱起来挂上墙壁。书法作品多半是居室主人所喜爱的一首诗词或是一句格言;如果这是他自己所作,那就更能显示他的志趣和才华了。 中国书法英语作文:Chinese Calligraphy 篇2 今天,妈妈没有空,所以,妈妈叫我一个人去学书法。


关于书法的英语作文 书法的英语作文篇2 李芮有一个矮矮的个子,肉乎乎的脸,眼睛小小的,笑起来像一个弯弯的月牙。 Lirui has a short, fleshy face, small eyes and a curved crescent like smile. 她是我们班的“书法家”!张老师特别喜爱她的字,还夸她的字好,让我是“艳羡嫉妒恨”。她的字无人不知、无人不晓,那叫一个棒!横平竖直、撇捺伸展,好看极了! She is a calligrapher in our class! Mr. Zhang likes her words very much, and praises her good words, which makes me envious, jealous and hateful. No one knows her words. Its called a stick! Its horizontal and vertical. Its very beautiful! 以后我要向她学习。 I will learn from her in the future. 书法的英语作文篇3 Dear Leslie, Im delighted that youre coming to China as an exchange student. Im writing to convey my warm welcome. I know you show great interest in Chinese calligraphy, so Id like to recommend a course in calligraphy offered by our school. Calligraphy is the art of producing beautiful writing


关于中国书法英语作文:ChineseCalligraphy 关于中国书法英语作文:Chinese Calligraphy 【范文】Calligraphy is the essence of Chinese culture, which has developed into a special high-level art apart from satisfying the needs of daily writing. It has been flourishing for thousands of years in China. Shops with strong commercial atmosphere will gain some elegance if they are decorated with some quaint cultural calligraphic works. Sitting rooms, studies and bedrooms can be nice-looking with calligraphy works decorated. As a kind of art work, the writing of calligraphy is particular. The Chinese characters are written on Xuan paper which absorbs ink very well and then are mounted to hang on a wall. The calligraphy works are mostly a poem or a motto that the host of the room likes it much; if it is written by the host himself, it will demonstrate more his aspiration and interest as well as his talent. 【翻译】书法是中国文化的精粹,除了满足日常书写外,它已经上升成为一门特别的高等艺术。他兴旺于中华大地数千年而不衰。商业气息浓重的店面装饰一些具有古色古香、文化色彩的书法作品就会平添几分高雅。书法作品也常常装饰客厅,书房和卧室。作为一种艺术,书法的书写是很讲究的`。汉字写在吸水性很强的宣纸上,然后再装裱起来挂上墙壁。书法作品多半是居室主人所喜爱的一首诗词或是一句格言;如果这是他自己所作,那就更能显示他的志趣和才华了。


中国气节汉字书法比赛英语作文 Calligraphy is the essence of Chinese culture,which has developed into a special high-level art apart fromsatisfying the needs of daily writing.It has been flourishingfor thousands of years in China.Shops with strong commercialatmosphere will gain some elegance if they are decorated withsomequaint cultural calligraphic works.Sittingrooms,studies and bedrooms can be nice-looking with calligraphy worksdecorated.As a kind of art work,the writing of calligraphyis particular.The Chinese characters are written on Xuan paperwhich absorbs ink very well and then are mounted to hang on awall.The calligraphy works are mostly a poem or a motto thatthe host of the room likes it much;if it is written by the hosthimself,it will demonstrate more his aspiration and interestas well as his talent. 【翻译】书法是中国文化的精粹,除了满足日常书写外,它已经上升成为一门特别的高等艺术。他兴旺于中华大地数千年而不衰。商业气息浓重的店面装饰一些具有古色古香、文化色彩的书法作品就会平添几分高雅。书法作品也常常装饰客厅,书房和卧室。作为一种艺术,书法的书写是很讲究的。汉字写在吸水性很强的宣纸上,然后再装裱起来挂上墙壁。书法作品多半是居室主人所喜爱的一首诗词或是一句格言;如果这是他自己所作,那就更能显示他的志趣和才华了。


英语书法竞赛作文范文(热门12篇) 英语书法竞赛作文范文第10篇英语书法竞赛作文范文第12篇 A letter to those who have helped us: Hello, how are you doing in the new year? You have the same beautiful may as before, the ruthless earthquake, the school's voice is very loud, the glass shakes the house like the landscape, because at that moment, the hearts of billion compatriots were more tense, the moment we lost a family member and friend, when we call this day and call a day, we should not let us lose confidence and see no hope“ ^v^Merciless natural disaster, human love^v^ should be a sentence that you let us see hope again. Full of confidence and courage, you once again neglected to send us food, clothing, shelter, help us out of the dark and usher in the light. I came to you and said, ^v^thank you,^v^ ^v^thank you very much for everything we have done.^v^. 中文翻译: 给那些关心过我们的人的一封信关心过我们的人:你好,你在新的xx年里过得好吗?你有着和以前一样漂亮的xx月无情的地震,学校的声音很大,玻璃震得房屋像山水一样抖动,由于那一刻,三十六亿同胞的心由于那一刻更加紧绷,我们失去了一个亲人、伴侣的那一刻,当我们召唤着这一天,召唤着一天,不应当让我们失去信念,看不到盼望的“无情的天灾,人间的爱”应当是你让我们再次看到盼望的一句


2023年英语书法大赛活动总结范文 2023年英语书法大赛活动总结范文1 为丰富同学们的生活和培养书写英语的专业态度,宣传“好字好书法”的口号,更为了让大家认识到一手好字的重要性,增强同学们对英语各方面的兴趣,我们如期的举办了这次英语书法大赛,为大家提供一个交流及展现自我的平台,在书法的世界,领略异国的风采。现将活动具体事项总结如下: 一、活动过程: 首先我们完成了大赛的宣传工作,通过广泛的方式向全院宣传这次活动。其次完成了大赛作品的收集和整理工作。然后是评审阶段,我们收集的所有稿件全部有专业的老师评审。确保公平公正公开。最后,我们评选出了优秀作品,并做了赛后总结,整理保存了作品资料。 二、活动意义: 本次活动丰提高了学生的文化素养,丰富了同学们的校园文化生活,活跃了校园文化氛围,也展示了当代大学生积极向上的精神风貌。 其次征文大赛为我校一批热爱文学艺术书法的同学提供了一个展示自我的舞台。 最后,通过本次征文,产生了一大批富有创新性的优秀作品。学生们在作品中尽情抒写,把英语字母同中国的传统书法溶为一体,可谓中西合璧。 三、活动成果: 通过这次征集作品比赛,我们看到了广大同学们知道如何正确规范的书写英文,其表现在于:

1、卷面整洁,书写工整,无涂改痕迹; 2、字母书写规范,单词、句子书写合乎格式及手写体要求; 3、字体美观、大方,标点正确,间距适中,无错字; 4、倾斜度适当,结构严谨,通篇整体感强; 5、卷面整体设计美观。 四、成功之处: 此次书法大赛较为成功,主要体现在以下几方面: 第一,在整体策划方面,由于有了全方面的策划(包括各个细节部分)后,此次活动才能顺利地开展。 第二,在宣传方面,我们进行了广泛的宣传和动员。 第三,在评选优秀稿件方面,所有稿件均由专业教师评审,评审过程分为初审和复审,确保公正公平公开。 第四,我们最终把优秀的作品在二平台的篮球大道展出,不但对这些作品的作者进行了表彰,同时向全校的师生宣传了英文书法的重要性,取得了极好的反响,达到了我们的承办活动最终的目标。总之,本次大赛取得了预期效果,获得圆满成功。 五、最后结语: 总之我们的这次活动举办的相当成功,达到了让同学们以专业精神迎接四六级考试的书写挑战,培养了书写英语的专业态度,激发了大家对英语各方面的兴趣,让大家认识到了一手好字的重要性,在这改革开放的时代,能更好的与国际接轨的目的。同时更要感谢各位同学的积极参与和院团委的大力带动。


Speaking of my hobby, there are many, many, dancing, playing the stone zither, painting and so on, but I like to be a number of hard- pen calligraphy. From the beginning of school, teachers, parents Doukua my handwriting was beautiful, but I never thought take calligraphy as a hobby to seriously study and a calligraphy competition second grade, I won the second prize in the lower grades, This news makes me overjoyed calligraphy classes. My calligraphy teacher named Ann, he is not tall, handsome, but the words are written very beautiful, whether it is regular script, running script or cursive, even Oracle are written so good, I really hope one day as beautiful as he wrote the word . Once in the classroom, in practice the "big" word, Ann teacher said: "Write the word of the essentials that vertical ramp-right-left, so write spirit, tall and straight, chin up like a soldier." I follow the teacher's methods, starting a painting practice, but I always write bad words are not spiritual head looks a little like lazy people stood listlessly, practiced in class II I am still not satisfied dozen times, I put down the bag at home, sitting at the front desk, and carefully write up, I have two pieces of paper were filled with "big" word, the world really pays off, I finally got the word written. Last Lesson Ann teacher asked each of us to submit a work, I work more than the other students work, because at that time, the class only fifteen or so, I overtook them, it is nothing, the teacher praised me But I was also very happy. Another time in the classroom, the teacher let us security person to write a poem, the next day to pay, I'll go home, put down the bag, sentence by sentence poetry, wrote that "parking Fenglin love to sit late," this verse When I wrote the "stop sitting outside with the wind I'm late," pay up the next day when the


Great ideas can only become feats when they are put into action.同学互助一起进步(页眉可删) 关于书法的英语作文 中国书法文化博大精深。书法风格可以反映一个人性格特点,也是一个人脸面。以下是关于书法的英语作文,欢迎阅读! 关于书法的英语作文【1】 Calligraphy is our country has a long history and the most extensive mass base of art, it with unique lines and the rules for writing Chinese characters, showing colorful brushwork, composition and handwriting, reflect peoples temperament, interest and aesthetic ideal. Is our ancestors in the long term practice constantly beautify writing form, carries on the artistic creation, have extremely exalted position in the traditional culture, by the Chinese peoples universal love, also is cannot replace by other art forms the unique traditional Chinese art.


书作文之英语作文书法 英语作文书法 【篇一:书法在现代的意义英语作文】 derived from pictographs and logographs, the writing of the chinese characters developed into an artistic form called shufa(calligraphy). it was popular to people not only in the ancient time but in today. in my opinion, there are several reasons. on the one hand, in the ancient time, calligraphy gradually developed into an art form starting from han dynasty, so loved by the man of letters.it as well as painting becomes an important way to express the spirits of ancient literati. in other words, calligraphy is often thought to be the most revealing of ones personality. another important factor is that calligraphy was used as an important criterion for selecting executives to the imperial court during the imperial area. largely, it promoted many people who want to work for the government to exercise it. on the other hand, the reasons are quite different. modern people are interested in the art of calligraphy not for the high position and the handsome salary any more, but for personal interesting. from the larger perspective, it’s a mean of inheriting our traditional chinese culture. this is an era with highly developed of information technology, in which the computer has in part taken the place of handwriting. however, the calligraphy is enduring because of its unique charm. for instance, you’ re supposed to keep a quiet mind when you write calligraphy. it can help develop our patience, which i think a very important character to deal with things. what’ s more, learning to appreciating the calligraphy and paintings of celebrities is a good way to understanding the spirits of traditional culture connotation. in conclusion, bush calligraphy is a valuable cultural heritage of our country, which we are supposed to pay more attention to treasure and protect it. 【篇二:英语书法大赛短文】 英语书法大赛短文 a loving person lives in a loving world. a hostile person lives in a hostile world. everyone you meet is your mirror.
