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1. _________ adj.暂时的;临时的 _________ adv.临时;暂时

2. _________ n.伤害;损伤 _________ vt.伤害;损害 ________ adj.受伤的;受损害的

3. _________ vt. & vi. 流血 _________ n. 血;血液

4. __________ adj.最重要的;不可缺少的; 本质的 __________ n.重要性;本质;精髓

5. __________ n.毒药;毒害 vt.毒害;使中毒 __________ adj.有毒的;恶毒的

6. ________ adj.复杂的 __________ adv.复杂地

7. _________ n.液体 _________ n.气体 _________ n.固体

8. _________ adj.温和的;温柔的;轻微的 _________ adv.温和地;轻微地

9. _________ vt. & vi. (使)膨胀;肿胀;隆起 _________ adj.肿胀的

10. _______ adj.难以忍受的 _______ (反义词)adj.可忍受的;支持得住的 _________ vt.忍受;容忍

11. __________ adj.至关重要的;生死攸关的 ____________adv. 至关重要地;生死攸关地

12. __________ adj.牢的;紧的;紧密的 __________ adv.紧紧地;牢牢地

13. __________ adj.稳定有力的;坚定的 __________ adv.坚决地;坚定地

14__________ n.勇敢;勇气 __________ adj.勇敢的 adv. 勇敢地

15. __________ vt. & vi. 治疗;款待;对待 n.款待;招待 __________ n.治疗;处理

16. _________ vt.涂;敷;搽;应用;运用 n.申请 __________ n.申请;应用 __________ n.申请人


1. (对伤患者的)急救_________________

2. 生病 _________________

3. 触电;电休克_________________

4. 榨出;挤出 _________________

5. 反复;多次_________________

6. 在适当的位置; 适当_________________

7. 若干;许多_________________

8. 找到___________________

9. 有影响;起作用 _________________ 10. 倒出;洒出;倾吐;诉说

11. apply…to… ___________________ 12. sense of touch/humor/urgency ___________________

13. treat sb. to... ________________ 14. make no difference ________________

15. act as… ________________ 16. prevent…from doing ________________

17. a variety of ________________ 18. if necessary ________________

19. stick to ________________ 20. be presented with ________________


1. We were awarded medals for our ________________(brave) in the war.

2. The passengers escaped from the accident with only minor_______________(injure).

3. After several week s’hard work, he ____________(treat)himself to a long holiday.

4. I was only ____________(mild)interested in the story I read in the newspaper.

5. Nowadays many people are suffering great ______________(press).

6. All the young soldiers are ready to ( blood) for the country.

7. Be careful, some mushrooms are (poison).

8. He is (bearable) when he's in a bad temper.

9. To tell you the truth, I have a (various) of books at home.

10. Her eyes ____________________(swell) with sadness.


1. I was caught in a heavy rain yesterday and I _______ ______ (挤出) a lot of water from my shirt.

2. Even the smallest thing can _______ _______ _______ (有影响).
