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第1题 (20) 分
We don’t have beds in the space shuttle, but we do have sleeping bags. During the day, when we

are working, we leave the bags tied to the wall, out of the way. At bedtime we untie them and take

them wherever we’ve chosen to sleep.

On most space shuttle flights everyone sleeps at the same time. No one has to stay awake to watch

over the spaceplane; the shuttle’s computers and the engineers at Mission Control do that. If

anything goes wrong, the computers ring an alarm and the engineers call us on the radio.

On the space shuttle, sleep-time doesn’t mean nighttime. During each ninety-minute orbit the sun

“rises ” and shines through our windows for about fifty minutes; then it “ sets ” as our path

takes us around the dark side of the earth. To keep the sun out of our eyes, we wear black sleep


It is surprisingly easy to get comfortable and fall asleep in space. Every astronaut sleeps

differently. Some sleep upside down, some right side up. When it’s time to sleep, I take my bag,

my sleep mask, and my tape player with earphones and float up to the flight deck. Then I crawl

into the bag, and float in a sitting position just above a seat, right next to a window. Before I

pull the mask down over my eyes, I relax for a while, listening to music and watching the Earth go

by beneath me.

1.阅读理解 (2) 分

When it’s bedtime, astronauts pull their sleeping bags ________ .

A、near the windows
B、in the flight deck
C、above the seats
D、in any place they like

2.阅读理解 (2) 分

“Watch over” in para. 2 has the closest meaning to ________ .

A、take care of
C、look at
D、pay attention to

3.阅读理解 (2) 分

How long does it take for the space shuttle to go round the Earth?

A、Twenty-four hours
B、Fifty minutes
C、Ninety minutes
D、Nineteen minutes

4.阅读理解 (2) 分

According the passage, in order to get comfortable and fall asleep in space, it is necessary to

________ .

A、wear a sleep mask
B、listen to music
C、sleep upside down
D、sleep sideways

5.阅读理解 (2) 分

The best title for this passage is ________ .

A、bedtime doesn’t mean nighttime
B、sleeping in space
C、orbiting the Sun
D、sleeping on the space shuttle

第2题 (20) 分

Yesterday was my friend Kyra’s birthday. He invited me his birthday party. Another friend,

Guy, had offered to take me to the party by car.

Well, I was getting dressed 1 Guy rang and said he was ill, so I decided to go by train.

Unluckily, while I was talking 2 the phone, the cat walked over my clean shirt, so I had to

spend a few minutes finding another one and I was 3 leaving.

As I was walking to the station it started snowing and I got very cold. I just 4 a train

and I had to wait at the station for half an hour. When the

train finally arrived I was frozen! I

was so cold and tired that during the journey I 5 and I missed my station.

Well, I got off at the next stop and decided to walk 6 to Kyra’s. I walked for half an

hour and then I realized I was 7 . Luckily I found a 8 and telephoned for a taxi. When I

finally arrived at Kyra’s house it was 9 midnight and people was going home. What a 10


1.完形填空 (1) 分


2.完形填空 (1) 分


3.完形填空 (1) 分


4.完形填空 (1) 分

A、got off
C、got on

5.完形填空 (1) 分

A、enjoyed talking
B、fell asleep
C、played cards
D、looked at

6.完形填空 (1) 分


7.完形填空 (1) 分


8.完形填空 (1) 分

B、bus stop
C、road sign

9.完形填空 (1) 分


10.完形填空 (1) 分


第3题 (20) 分
No man can change the weather. Nobody can control the weather. But if people read correctly the

signs around, they can tell __1__ the weather will be like the following day or two.

For many centuries people have studied the weather and tries to __2__ weather forecasting.

Sometimes distant objects __3__ hills and tall trees don’t seem to be very clear. This is a __4__

of much water vapor in the __5__ and therefore rain will probably come.

If some birds fly high, fine weather is coming, but if they fly near the ground, rainy or stormy

weather is __6__ the way. It is probably because of the insects which they are hunting __7__ they

fly very low.

If a fog appears in the morning just about sunrise, then the day will be warm. Instead, if a fog

appears in the evening, the next day will bring wet __8__. If the sunset is mostly red in color,

then the following day will be fine. If a rainbow appears in the morning, rainy weather will

probably come.

Most of the __9__ sayings have been made by people who have used their __10__ and brains to make

weather forecasting.

1.完形填空 (1) 分


2.完形填空 (1) 分


3.完形填空 (1) 分

A、as well
C、as well as
D、such as

4.完形填空 (1) 分


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8.完形填空 (1) 分


9.完形填空 (1) 分


10.完形填空 (1) 分


第4题 (20) 分
In many stories on TV and in science-fiction books, men travel to faraway stars. They have quick,

easy journeys. But so far, men have been able to reach only the earth’s own moon.

Suppose a man wanted to reach a distant star. Even if he traveled his whole life, he would have to

move faster than the speed of the light. Nothing can move that fast except light itself.

Strange things happen to an object when it moves rapidly. The object weighs more. An object moving

at 86 percent of the speed of light is twice as heavy as it is at rest. A stick appears shorter. A

clock runs more slowly. A man would not age so fast as he would on the earth.

Light travels more than 186,000 miles a second, or about 11 million miles a minute. In one year,

light travels six trillion miles. That great distance is called a light-year. It is used to

measure distance in space.

The star closest to our sun is Alpha Centauri. It is more than four light-years away. If one

traveled at the speed of light, he could make a round trip to Alpha Centauri in nine years. But,

even at that speed, he could not reach Alcaid (北斗星) in the handle of the Big Dipper. A one-way

journey to Alcaid would take almost 200 years.

1.阅读理解 (2) 分

In this passage the words “closest to our sun” means the star _________ .

A、the earth we live on
B、Alpha Centauri
C、the Big Dipper
D、the moon

2.阅读理解 (2) 分

A one-way journey to Alcaid would take _________ .

A、about nine years
B、less than four years
C、almost 200 years
D、less than 100 years

3.阅读理解 (2) 分

Why do we measure the distance in light-years instead of miles?

A、Units of light-years sound better.
B、Using light- years reduced the number of figures used.
C、We used to measure distance in light-years long ago.
D、We do not make mistakes when we use light-years.

4.阅读理解 (2) 分

If a stone moved at the speed of light, it _________ .

A、would weigh twice more than it is motionless
B、would weigh as much as it is on earth
C、would weigh less than it is on earth
D、would not have weight at all

5.阅读理解 (2) 分

This story is mainly about _________ .

A、the distance between the sun and the other stars
B、the problems of traveling to faraway stars
C、what happens when we travel faster than the speed of light
D、the tool we use when we go to faraway stars

第5题 (20) 分
Today a pilot is totally dependent on what the air traffic controller on the ground tells him. He

can not see enough to be safe. Flightwatc

h is an instrument intended to help him.

On a screen in front of the pilot, there will be a map of the airspace around the plane. The pilot

’s own flight level or height and his own plane at the centre of the screen will show up. On the

map any other planes in the airspace will appear as blobs (点状)of light with “tails” showing

the direction of their flight. The flightwatch map is unusual, for the other planes are not shown

at their true ranges (范围), but at their distance away in flying time. That gets over the

problem of fast planes being too far away to be seen but likely to make contact in seconds and

slow planes that are close enough to be seen but so slow that there’s no chance of contact for,

say, ten minutes.

The pilot will be able to see on the screen whether another plane’s course conflicts with his

own. The screen will show him the flight number of the other plane, so he can contact air traffic

control and ask them about the other plane’s course, then he can take avoiding action if

necessary. The screen will show him whether his action puts him in danger from yet another


Technically, the system will be quite complex. Computers will be necessary on the ground and in

each aircraft to enable flightwatch to collect data about the planes’ courses and to calculate

the distances between planes. But such small computers are now quite cheap, simple and reliable.

1.阅读理解 (2) 分

A pilot is dependent on _______ for his safe flight.

B、the air traffic controller in the plane
C、the command of the air controller on the ground
D、the pilot himself

2.阅读理解 (2) 分

_______ can help the pilot to keep contact with the air traffic controller.

A、A computer
B、The screen
D、The passage dosen’t mention it

3.阅读理解 (2) 分

The flightwatch is _______ to use.

A、quite simple
B、quite complex
D、not mentioned

4.阅读理解 (2) 分

The main components of the flightwatch are _______ .

A、a screen and certain computers
C、a flightwatch map and small computers
D、blobs and tails

5.阅读理解 (2) 分

The computers are _______ .

B、neither large nor small
D、not mentioned
