6 阻尼弹簧隔振器(HJ/T 381-2007) 7 可曲挠橡胶接头(HJ/T 391-2007) 8 橡胶隔振器(HJ/T 380-2007) 9 汽油发动机排气消声器( HJ/T 383-2007) 10 高压气体排放小孔消声器( HJ/T 382-2007) 11 声屏障(CCAEPI-RG-W-0)07 12 吸声材料(GB/T 16731-1997) 13 隔声罩(CCAEPI-RG-W-0)09 14 隔声间(CCAEPI-RG-W-0)10 四、环境监测仪器设备 1 气体参数测量和采样器的固定位装置( HJ/T 1-92 ) 2 环境空气采样器(HJ/T 375-2007) 3 烟气采样器(HJ/T 47-1999) 4 烟尘采样器(HJ/T 48-1999) 5 总悬浮颗粒物采样器( HJ/T 374-2007) 6 标定总悬浮颗粒物采样器用的孔口流量计 (HJ/T 368-2007) 7 24 小时恒温自动连续环境空气采样器( HJ/T 376-2007) 8 降雨自动采样器技术要求及检测方法 (HJ/T 174-2005) 9 降雨自动监测仪技术要求及检测方法 (HJ/T 175-2005) 10 超声波明渠污水流量计( HJ/T 15-2007) 11 超声波管道流量计(HJ/T 366-2007) 12 电磁管道流量计(HJ/T 367-2007) 13 明渠污水流量计、液位计( HYS-2-89) 14 污染治理设施运行记录仪( HJ/T 378-2007) 15 定电位电解法二氧化硫测定仪 (HJ/T 46-1999) 16 固定污染物排放连续监测系统技术要求及监测方法 (HJ/T 76-2007) 17 PH水质自动分析仪技术要求 (HJ/T 96-2003) 18 电导率水质自动分析仪技术要求 (HJ/T 97-2003) 19 浊度水质自动分析仪技术要求 (HJ/T 98-2003) 20 溶解氧(DO)水质自动分析仪技术要求 (HJ/T 99-2003) 21 化学需氧量水质在线自动监测仪 (HJ/T 377-2007) 22 高锰酸盐指数水质自动分析仪技术要求 (HJ/T 100-2003) 23 总有机碳(TOC) 水质自动分析仪技术要求 (HJ/T 104-2003) 24 紫外(UV)吸收水质自动在线监测仪 (HJ/T 191-2005) 25 氨氮水质自动分析仪技术要求 (HJ/T 101-2003) 26 总磷水质自动分析仪技术要求 (HJ/T 103-2003) 27 水质自动采样器(HJ/T 372-2007) 28 数据采集传输仪(CCAEPI-RG-Y-01)7 29 环境空气自动监测系统( CCAEPI-RG-Y-01)8 30 水质自动分析仪(CCAEPI-RG-Y-00)2 31 总悬浮微粒专用大盘天平 [(89) 环科字第 199 号发布的《总悬浮微粒专用大盘天平》 ] 五、环境保护材料和药剂 1 水处理剂 氯化铁(GB 4482-2006)
3、监测设备的技术参数:1)二氧华硫分析仪(S02)2)氮氧化物气体(NO-NO2-NO X)分析仪3) 可吸入颗粒物(PM10)分析仪4) 气体分析仪校准系统5)零气发生器6)气象6参数测量仪7)数据采集、传输系统及控制软件4、中心站数据分析及远程控制平台软件技术要求:中心站系统要求提供功能强大的数据采集、数据处理、报表统计和图形显示打印、文件输出以及实现对各子站的监视、控制和管理功能;按照中国国家环境保护部的要求对监测数据进行处理;有即时帮助和简单易用的操作界面。
*中心站系统运行环境:中文Windows 2000/XP、NT。
中心站软件必须满足环境监测技术规范的(HJ/T 193-2005)要求。
来源:中国环境监测总站 2013-01-08 10:26:42
Office of Research and DevelopmentUNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCYNATIONAL EXPOSURE RESEARCH LABORATORYHUMAN EXPOSURE & ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCES DIVISION (MD-D205-03)Research Triangle Park, NC 27711919-541-5691Issue Date : October 12, 2011(/ttn/amtic/criteria.html)These methods for measuring ambient concentrations of specified air pollutants have been designated as "reference methods" or "equivalent methods" in accordance with Title 40, Part 53 of the Code of Federal Regulations (40 CFR Part 53). Subject to any limitations (e.g., operating range or temperature range) specified in the applicable designation, each method is acceptable for use in state or local air quality surveillance systems under 40 CFR Part 58 unless the applicable designation is subsequently canceled. Automated methods for pollutants other than PM 10 are acceptable for use only at shelter temperatures between 20°C and 30°C and line voltages between 105 and 125 volts unless wider limits are specified in the method description.Prospective users of the methods listed should note (1) that each method must be used in strict accordance with its associated operation or instruction manual and with applicable quality assurance procedures, and (2) that modification of a method by its vendor or user may cause the pertinent designation to be inapplicable to the method as modified. (See Section 2.8 of Appendix C, 40 CFR Part 58 for approval of modifications to any of these methods by users.)Further information concerning particular designations may be found in the Federal Register notice cited for each method or by writing to the National Exposure Research Laboratory, Human Exposure and Atmospheric Sciences Division (MD-D205-03), U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina 27711. Technical information concerning the methods should be obtained by contacting the source listed for each method. Source addresses are listed at the end of the listing of methods, except for the addresses for lead method sources, which are given with the method. New analyzers or PM 10 samplers sold as reference or equivalent methods must carry a label or sticker identifying them as designated methods. For analyzers or PM 10 or samplers sold prior to the designation of a method with the same or similar model number, the model number does not necessarily identify an analyzer or sampler as a designated method. Consult the manufacturer or seller to determine if a previously sold analyzer or sampler can be considered a designated method or if it can be upgraded to designation status. Analyzer users who experience operational or other difficulties with a designated analyzer or sampler and are unable to resolve the problem directly with the instrument manufacturer may contact EPA (preferably in writing) at the above address for assistance.This list will be revised as necessary to reflect any new designations or any cancellation of a designation currently in effect. The most current revision of the list will be available for inspection at EPA's Regional Offices, and copies may be obtained at the Internet site identified above or by writing to the National Exposure Research Laboratory at the address specified above.TSP List of Designated Reference and Equivalent Methods, October 12, 2011 Page 3Reference Method for TSPManual Reference Method: 40 CFR Part 50, Appendix BReference Method for the Determination of Suspended Particulate Matter in the Atmosphere (High-Volume Method) Federal Register: Vol. 47, page 54912, 12/06/82 and Vol. 48, page 17355, 04/22/83Andersen Model RAAS10-100 PM10 Single Channel PM10 SamplerManual Reference Method: RFPS-0699-130“Andersen Instruments, Incorporated Model RAAS10-100 Single Channel Reference Method PM10Sampler,” wi th RAAS-10 PM10 inlet or the louvered inlet specified in 40 CFR 50 Appendix L, Figs. L-2 thru L-19, configured as a PM10 reference method, and operated for 24-hour continuous sample periods at a flow rate of 16.67 liters/ minute, and in accordance with the Model RAAS105-100 Operator‟s Manual and with the requirements and sample collection filters specified in 40 CFR Part 50, Appendix J or Appendix M.Federal Register: Vol. 64, page 33481, 06/23/99Andersen Model RAAS10-200 PM10 Single Channel PM10 Audit SamplerManual Reference Method: RFPS-0699-131“Andersen Instruments, Incorporated Model RAAS10-200 Single Channel Reference Method PM10Audit Sampler,” with RAAS-10 PM10 inlet or the louvered inlet specified in 40 CFR 50 Appendix L, Figs. L-2 thru L-19, configured as a PM10 reference method, and operated for 24-hour continuous sample periods at a flow rate of 16.67 liters/minute, and in accordance with the Model RAAS105-200 Operator‟s Manual and with the requirements and sample collection filters specified in 40 CFR Part 50, Appendix J or Appendix M.Federal Register: Vol. 64, page 33481, 06/23/99Andersen Model RAAS10-300 PM10 Multi Channel PM10 SamplerManual Reference Method: RFPS-0699-132“Andersen Instruments, Incorporated Model RAAS10-300 Multi Channel Sequential Reference Method PM10Sampler,” with RAAS-10 PM10 inlet or the louvered inlet specified in 40 CFR 50 Appendix L, Figs. L-2 thru L-19, configured as a PM10 reference method, and operated for 24-hour continuous sample periods at a flow rate of 16.67 liters/minute, and in accordance with the Model RAAS105-300 Operator‟s Manual and with the requirements and sample collection filters specified in 40 CFR Part 50, Appendix J or Appendix M.Federal Register: Vol. 64, page 33481, 06/23/99BGI Incorporated Model PQ100 Air SamplerManual Reference Method: RFPS-1298-124“BGI Incorporated Model PQ100 Air Sampler,” with BGI 16.7 Inlet Kit or the louvered inlet specified in 40 CFR 50 Appendix L, Figs. L-2 thru L-19, configured as a PM10 reference method, for 24-hour continuous sample periods at a flow rate of 16.7 liters/minute, with original firmware Version 5.X and lower or new firmware version 6.0 and higher, operated in accordance with the original Model PQ100 Instruction Manual or manual revision Version 7.0, as appropriate, and with the requirements specified in 40 CFR Part 50, Appendix J or Appendix M, using either the original or the newer PQ200-type filter cassettes, and with or without the optional Solar Panel Power Supply.Federal Register: Vol. 63, page 69625, 12/17/98Latest modification: 01/2009BGI Incorporated Model PQ200 Air SamplerManual Reference Method: RFPS-1298-125“BGI Incorporated Model PQ200 Air Sampler,” with “flat plate” PM10inlet or the louvered inlet specified in 40 CFR 50 Appendix L, Figs. L-2 thru L-19, configured as a PM10reference method, and operated for 24-hour continuous sample periods in accordance with the Model PQ200 Instruction Manual and with the requirements specified in 40 CFR Part 50, Appendix J or Appendix M, and with or without the optional Solar Panel Power Supply.Federal Register: Vol. 63, page 69625, 12/17/98DKK-TOA Models FPM-222/222C, FPM223/223C, and DUB-222(S)/223(S) PM10 MonitorAutomated Equivalent Method: EQPM-0905-156“DKK-TOA Models FPM-222, FPM-222C, FPM-223, FPM-223C, DUB-222(S), and DUB-223(S) Particulate Monitor,” for monitoring PM10in Ambient Air (beta attenuation monitor), configured for PM10, with Firmware Version DUB4-658355, Corrected Slope Factor (FACT SLOPE) set to 1.232, Corrected Zero Value (FACT ZERO) set to 1.8, and with or without any of the following options: Auto Check and Serial Recorder.Federal Register: Vol. 70, page 56684, 09/28/05Ecotech Model 3000 PM10 High Volume Air SamplerManual Reference Method: RFPS-0706-162“Ecotech Pt y. Ltd. Model 3000 PM10High Volume Air Sampler,” configured with the Ecotech PM10Size-Selective Inlet (SSI)(P-ECO-HVS3000-02), with the flow rate set to 1.13 m3/min (67.8 m3/hour).Federal Register: Vol. 71, page 42089, 07/25/06Environnement S.A. Model MP101M PM10 MonitorAutomated Equivalent Method: EQPM-0404-151“Environnement S. A. Model MP101M PM10Beta Gauge Monitor,” configured with the louvered PM10 inlet specified in 40 CFR 50 Appendix L or its flat-topped predecessor version and one of the three optional temperature-regulated sampling tubes (RST), and operated with a full scale measurement range of 0 - 0.500 mg/m3 (0 - 500 g/m3), with the sample flow rate set to 1.00 m3/h and flow regulation set to yes, the “norms selection” set to m3 (actual v olume), the “cycle” set to 24 hours, the “period” set to none, and the “counting time” set to 200 seconds.2Federal Register: Vol. 69, page 18569, 4/8/04Graseby Andersen/GMW Model 1200 High-Volume Air SamplerManual Reference Method: RFPS-1287-063“Sierra-Andersen or General Metal Works Model 1200 PM10High-Volume Air Sampler System," consisting of a Sierra-Andersen or General Metal Works Model 1200 PM10 Size-Selective Inlet and any of the high-volume air samplers identified as SAUV-10H, SAUV-11H, GMW-IP-10, GMW-IP-10-70, GMW-IP-10-801, or GMW-IP-10-8000, which include the following components: Anodized aluminum high-volume shelter with either acrylonitrile butadiene styrene plastic filter holder and motor/blower housing or stainless steel filter holder and phenolic plastic motor/blower housing; 0.6 hp motor/blower; pressure transducer flow recorder; either an electronic mass flow controller or a volumetric flow controller; either a digital timer/programmer, seven-day mechanical timer, six-day timer/programmer, or solid-state timer/programmer; elapsed time indicator; and filter cartridge.Federal Register: Vol. 52, page 45684, 12/01/87 and Vol. 53, page 1062, 01/15/88Graseby Andersen/GMW Model 321-B High-Volume Air SamplerManual Reference Method: RFPS-1287-064"Sierra-Andersen or General Metal Works Model 321-B PM10 High-Volume Air Sampler System," consisting of a Sierra-Andersen or General Metal Works Model 321-B PM10 Size-Selective Inlet and any of the high-volume air samplers identified as SAUV-10H, SAUV-11H, GMW-IP-10, GMW-IP-10-70, GMW-IP-10-801, or GMW-IP-10-8000, which include the following components: Anodized aluminum high-volume shelter with either acrylonitrile butadiene styrene plastic filter holder and motor/blower housing or stainless steel filter holder and phenolic plastic motor/blower housing; 0.6 hp motor/blower; pressure transducer flow recorder; either an electronic mass flow controller or a volumetric flow controller; either a digital timer/programmer, seven-day mechanical timer, six-day timer/programmer, or solid-state timer/programmer; elapsed time indicator; and filter cartridge.Federal Register: Vol. 52, page 45684, 12/01/87 and Vol. 53, page 1062, 01/15/88Graseby Andersen/GMW Model 321-C High-Volume Air SamplerManual Reference Method: RFPS-1287-065"Sierra-Andersen or General Metal Works Model 321-C PM10 High-Volume Air Sampler System," consisting of a Sierra-Andersen General Metal Works Model 321-C PM10 or Size-Selective Inlet and any of the high-volume air samplers identified as SAUV-10H, SAUV-11H, GMW-IP-10, GMW-IP-10-70, GMW-IP-10-801, or GMW-IP-10-8000, which include the following components: Anodized aluminum high-volume shelter with either acrylonitrile butadiene styrene plastic filter holder and motor/blower housing or stainless steel filter holder and phenolic plastic motor/blower housing; 0.6 hp motor/blower; pressure transducer flow recorder; either an electronic mass flow controller or a volumetric flow controller; either a digital timer/programmer, seven-day mechanical timer, six-day timer/programmer, or solid-state timer/programmer; elapsed time indicator; and filter cartridge.Federal Register: Vol. 52, page 45684, 12/01/87 and Vol. 53, page 1062, 01/15/88Graseby Andersen/GMW Models SA241 and SA241M Dichotomous SamplerManual Reference Method: RFPS-0789-073“Sierra-Andersen Models SA241 and SA241M or General Metal Works Models G241 and G241M PM10Dichotomous Samplers,” consisting of the following components: Sampling Module with SA246b or G246b 10 m inlet or the louvered inlet specified in 40 CFR 50 Appendix L, Figs. L-2 thru L-19, 2.5 m virtual impactor assembly, 37 mm coarse and fine particulate filter holders, and tripod mount; Control Module with diaphragm vacuum pump, pneumatic constant flow controller, total and coarse flow rotameters and vacuum gauges, pressure switch (optional), 24-hour flow/event recorder, digital timer/programmer or 7-day skip timer, and elapsed time indicator.Federal Register: Vol. 54, page 31247, 07/27/89Graseby Andersen/GMW Model FH621-N Beta MonitorAutomated Equivalent Method: EQPM-0990-076“Andersen Instruments Model FH62I-N PM10Beta Attenuation Monitor,”consisting of the following components: FH101 Vacuum Pump Assembly; FH102 Accessory Kit; FH107 Roof Flange Kit; FH125 Zero and Span PM10 Mass Foil Calibration Kit; FH62I Beta Attenuation 19-inch Control Module; SA246b PM10 Inlet (16.7 liter/min) or the louvered inlet specified in 40 CFR 50 Appendix L, Figs. L-2 thru L-19; operated for 24-hour average measurements, with an observing time of 60 minutes, the calibration factor set to 2400, a glass fiber filter tape, an automatic filter advance after each 24-hour sample period, and with or without either of the following options: FH0P1 Indoor Cabinet; FH0P2 Outdoor Shelter Assembly.Federal Register: Vol. 55, page 38387, 09/18/90Met One or Sibata Models BAM/GBAM 1020, BAM/GBAM 1020-1 or Horiba APDA-371Automated Equivalent Method: EQPM-0798-122“Met One Instruments or Sibata Scientific Technology Models BAM 1020, GB AM 1020, BAM 1020-1, GBAM 1020-1, and Horiba APDA-371 PM10Beta Attenuation Monitor,” including the BX-802 sampling inlet, operated for 24-hour average measurements, with a filter change frequency of one hour, with glass fiber filter tape, and with or without any of the following options: BX-823, tube extension; BX-825, heater kit; BX-826, 230 VAC heater kit; BX-827 “Smart Heater” set for maintaining moisture between 35% and 45% and no ΔT control; BX-828, roof tripod; BX-902, exterior enclosure; BX-903, exterior enclosure with temperature control; BX-961, mass flow controller; BX-967, internal calibration device, BX-970 touch-screen display with USB interface. For software (firmware) versions V3.0 or higher, a user-selectable measurement time (COUNT TIME) of 4, 6, 8 or 10 minutes selected, along with appropriate sample time (BAM SAMPLE) setting of 50, 46, 42 or 38 minutes, respectively, to maintain a 60-minute measurement cycle. For software (firmware) versions V3.5 or higher, user-selectable option to sample under actual conditions (Flow Type: ACTUAL) and report under standard conditions (Reporting: STD), which requires the use of P/N BX-592 external temperature sensor or P/N BX-596 external temperature/barometric pressure sensor. The user may also sample under standard conditions (Flow Type: STD) and report under standard conditions (Reporting: STD) with any software/firmware 2.0 or higher. Instrument must be operated in accordance with the appropriate instrument manual.Federal Register: Vol. 63, page 41253, 08/03/98Latest modifications: 06/2009; 07/2010; 8/2010Opsis Model SM200 PM10 MonitorAutomated Equivalent Method: EQPM-0810-193“O psis Model SM200 Monitor,” beta gauge semi-continuous ambient particulate monitor operated for 24 hours at a flow rate of 16.67 LPM between 5° and 40°C using 47 mm PTFE membrane filter media, in the mass measurement range of 0 to 60 mg, configured with a BGI Model SSI25 PM10inlet meeting criteria specified in 40 CFR 50 Appendix L, with a roof mounting kit, and with or without an inlet tube heater (as recommended based on site RH conditions), according to the SM200 User‟s Guide.Federal Register: Vol. 75, page 51039, 08/18/10Oregon DEQ Medium Volume PM10 SamplerManual Reference Method: RFPS-0389-071“Oregon DEQ Medium Volume PM10 Sampler.” NOTE: This method is no longer commercially available.Federal Register: Vol. 54, page 12273, 03/24/89Thermo Andersen Series FH 62 C14 Continuous PM10 MonitorThermo Scientific Model 5014i Beta (5014i Beta), Continuous Ambient Particulate MonitorAutomated Equivalent Method: EQPM-1102-150“Thermo Andersen Series FH 62 C14 Continuous PM10Ambient Particulate Monitor and Thermo Scientific Model 5014i Beta (5014i Beta), Continuous Ambient Particulate Monitor,” operated for 24-hour average measurements, with the specified 10-micron inlet, inlet connector, sample tube with heater, roof flange kit, mass foil kit, pump kit, sample filter tape; with operational settings of 1000 L/h (16.67 L/min) sample flow rate, daily filter change, auto filter change at volumetric flow <950 L/h, auto filter change at mass >1500 micrograms, and factory default calculation mode settings operated with software version 1.07. Operated, calibrated and serviced according to the appropriate Operator Manual.Federal Register: Vol. 67, page 76174, 12/11/02Latest modification: 07/2009Thermo Scientific or Rupprecht & Patashnick Partisol® Model 2000 Air SamplerManual Reference Method: RFPS-0694-098“Thermo Scientific Partisol®2000 Air Sampler” or “Rupprecht & Patas hnick Partisol® Model 2000 Air Sampler," consisting of a Hub Unit and 0, 1, 2, or 3 Satellite Units, with each sampling station used for PM10measurements equipped with a Rupprecht & Patashnick PM10inlet and operated for continuous 24-hour periods using the Basic, Manual, Time, Analog Input, or Serial Input programming modes, and with or without any of the following options: PM2.5-style filter cassette holder; louvered inlet specified in 40 CFR 50 Appendix L, Figs. L-2 thru L-19 in lieu of standard inlet; 57-002320 Stand for Hub or Satellite; 59-002542 Advanced EPROM; 10-001403 Large Pump (1/4 hp); 120 VAC. Hardware for Indoor Installation consists of: 51-002638-xxxx Temperature Sensor (Extended Length); 55-001289 Roof Flange (1 1/4"); 57-000604 Support Tripod for Inlet; 57-002526-0001 Sample Tube Extension (1 m); 57-002526-0002 Sample Tube Extension (2 m). Hardware for Outdoor Installation in Extreme Cold Environments consists of: 10-002645 Insulating Jacket for Hub Unit.Federal Register: Vol. 59, page 35338, 07/11/94Thermo Scientific Partisol®2000-D Dichotomous Air Sampler or Thermo Fisher Scientific Partisol®2000i-D Dichotomous Air SamplerManual Equivalent Method: EQPS-0311-197“Thermo Scientific Partisol®2000-D Dichotomous Air Sampler” or “Thermo F isher Scientific Partisol®2000i-D Dichotomous Air Sampler,”configured for dual-filter, single-event sampling of fine (PM2.5) and coarse (PM10-2.5) particles, operated with a U.S. EPA PM10inlet and using a virtual impactor to separate fine and coarse PM into two samples for collection on two separate filter membranes, for a 24-hour sampling period and in accordance with the Partisol® 2000-D or Partisol® 2000i-D instruction manual, as appropriate. Partisol® 2000i-D operated with firmware version 2.0 or greater. Federal Register: Vol. 76, page 15974, 03/22/11Latest modification: 06/2011Thermo Scientific Partisol® 2000-FRM PM10 Air Sampler or Thermo Fisher Scientific Partisol® 2000i PM10 Air Sampler or Rupprecht and Patashnick Partisol®-FRM 2000 PM10 Air SamplerManual Reference Method: RFPS-1298-126“Thermo Scientific Partisol® 2000-FRM PM10Air Sampler” or “Thermo Fisher Scientific Partisol® 2000i PM10 Air Sampler”or “Rupprecht and Patashnick Partisol®-FRM 2000 PM10Air Sampler,” with PM10 inlet or louvered inlet specified in 40 CFR 50, Appendix L, Figs. L-2 through L-19, configured as a PM10 reference method with a U.S. EPA PM10 inlet with straight downtube adapter and operated for 24-hour continuous sampling periods in accordance with the Partisol® 2000-FRM or Partisol® 2000i instruction manual,as appropriate, and with the requirements specified in 40 CFR Part 50, Appendix J or Appendix M. Model 2000i operated with firmware version 2.0 or greater.Federal Register: Vol. 63, page 69625, 12/17/98Latest modification: 06/ 2011PM10List of Designated Reference and Equivalent Methods, October 12, 2011 Page 8 Thermo Scientific Partisol®-Plus 2025 PM10Sequential Air Sampler or Thermo Fisher Scientific Partisol®2025i PM10 Sequential Air Sampler or Rupprecht and Patashnick Partisol®-Plus 2025 PM10 Sequential Air SamplerManual Reference Method: RFPS-1298-127“Thermo Scientific Partisol®-Plus 2025 Sequential Air Sampler” or “Thermo Fisher Scientific Partisol® 2025i Sequential Air Sampler”or “Rupprecht and Patashnick Partisol®-Plus 2025 PM10Sequential Air Sampler,” with PM10 inlet or louvered inlet specified in 40 CFR 50, Appendix L, Figs. L-2 through L-19, configured as a PM10 reference method and operated for 24-hour continuous sampling periods. Partisol®-Plus2025 to be operated with any software version 1.003 through 1.5 and the Partisol® 2025i with firmware version 2.0 or greater, with the modified filter shuttle mechanism, in accordance with the Partisol®-Plus 2025 or Partisol® 2025i instruction manual, as appropriate, and with the requirements specified in 40 CFR Part 50, Appendix J or Appendix M.Federal Register: Vol. 63, page 69625, 12/17/98Last modified: 06/ 2011Thermo Scientific Dichotomous Partisol®-Plus 2025-D Sequential Air Sampler or Thermo Fisher Scientific Dichotomous Partisol® 2025i-D Sequential Air SamplerManual Equivalent Method: EQPS-0311-198“Thermo Scientific Dichotomous Partisol®-Plus 2025-D Sequential Air Sampler” or “Thermo Fisher Scientific Dichotomous Partisol® 2025i-D Sequential Air Sampler,” configured for dual-filter sampling of fine (PM2.5) and coarse (PM10-2.5) particles, with a U.S. EPA PM10 inlet and using a virtual impactor to separate the fine and coarse PM into two samples for collection on two separate filter membranes, and operated with the modified filter shuttle mechanism implemented May 31, 2008, and firmware version 1.500 or greater for the Partisol®-Plus 2025-D and version 2.0 or greater for the Partisol® 2025i-D, for 24-hour continuous sampling periods, in accordance with the Partisol®-Plus 2025-D or Partisol® 2025i-D instruction manual, as appropriate.Federal Register: Vol. 76, page 15975, 03/22/11Latest modification: 06/ 2011Thermo Scientific TEOM® 1400AB/TEOM® 1405 Ambient Particulate Monitor orRupprecht & Patashnick TEOM® Series 1400/1400a PM10 MonitorsAutomated Equivalent Method: EQPM-1090-079“Thermo Scientific TEOM® 1400AB [PM10] Ambient Particulate Monitor” or “Rupprecht & Patashnick TEOM® Series 1400 and Series 1400a PM-10 Monitors,” (including serial number prefixes 1400, 140A, 140AA, 140AB, 140AT, and 140UP, 1405A), consisting of the following components: TEOM®Sensor Unit; TEOM®Control Unit; Flow Splitter (3 liter/min sample flow); Teflon-Coated Glass Fiber Filter Cartridges; Rupprecht & Patashnick PM-10 Inlet (part number 57-00596), Sierra-Andersen Model 246b PM-10 Inlet (16.7 liter/min) or louvered inlet specified in 40 CFR 50 Appendix L, Figs. L-2 thru L-19; operated for 24-hour average measurements, with the total mass averaging time set at 300 seconds, the mass rate/mass concentration averaging time set at 300 seconds, the gate time set at 2 seconds, and with or without any of the followingoptions: Tripod; Outdoor Enclosure; Automatic Cartridge Collection Unit (Series 1400a only); Flow Splitter Adapter (for 1 or 2 liter/min sample flow). Thermo Scientific TEOM® 1405 Ambient Particulate Monitor with combined sensor and control units and redesigned mass transducer and user interface, operated in accordance with the Thermo Scientific TEOM® 1405 instrument manual.Federal Register: Vol. 55, page 43406, 10/29/90Latest modification: 12/2008Tisch Environmental Model TE-6070 PM10 High-Volume Air Sampler or New Star Environmental Model NS-6070 PM10 High-Volume Air SamplerManual Reference Method: RFPS-0202-141“Tisch Environmental Model TE-6070 or New Star Environmental Model NS-6070 PM10High-Volume Air Sampler,” consisting of a TE-6001 PM10 size-selective inlet, 8" x 10" filter holder, aluminum outdoor shelter, mass flow controller or volumetric flow controller with brush or brushless motor, 7-day mechanical off/on-elapsed timer or 11-day digital off/on-elapsed timer, and any of the high volume sampler variants identified as TE-6070-BL or NS-6070-BL, TE-6070D or NS-6070D, TE-6070D-BL or NS-6070-BL, TE-6070V or NS-6070V, TE-6070V-BL or NS-6070V-BL, TE-6070-DV or NS-6070-DV, or TE-6070DV-BL or NS-6070DV-BL, with or without the optional stainless steel filter media holder/filter cartridge or continuous flow/pressure recorder.Federal Register: Vol. 67, page 15566, 04/02/02Wedding & Associates' or Thermo Environmental Instruments Inc. Model 600 PM10 High-Volume SamplerManual Reference Method: RFPS-1087-062"Wedding & Associates' or Thermo Environmental Instruments, Inc. Model 600 PM10 Critical Flow High-Volume Sampler," consisting of the following W&A/TEII components: PM10 Inlet; Critical Flow Device; Anodized Aluminum Shelter; Blower Motor Assembly for 115, 220 or 240 VAC and 50/60 Hz; Mechanical Timer; Elapsed Time Indicator; and Filter Cartridge/Cassette, and with or without the following options: Digital Timer, 6 or 7 Day Timer, and 1 or 7 Day Pressure Recorder.Federal Register: Vol. 52, page 37366, 10/06/87Wedding & Associates' or Thermo Environmental Instruments Inc. Model 650 PM10 Beta GaugeAutomated Equivalent Method: EQPM-0391-081“Wedding & Associates' or Thermo Environmental Instruments, Inc. Model 650 PM10Beta Gauge Automated Particle Sampler,” consisting of the following W&A/TEII components: Particle Sampling Module, PM10 Inlet (18.9 liter/min), Inlet Tube and Support Ring, Vacuum Pump (115, 220 or 240 VAC and 50/60 Hz); and operated for 24-hour average measurements with glass fiber filter tape.Federal Register: Vol. 56, page 9216, 03/05/91Andersen Model RAAS2.5-200 PM2.5 Ambient Audit Air SamplerManual Reference Method: RFPS-0299-128“Andersen Instruments, Incorporated Model RAAS2.5-200 PM2.5Audit Sampler,” configured as a PM2.5 reference method and operated with software (firmware) version 4B, 5.0.1 - 6.09, 6.0A, or 6.0B, for 24-hour continuous sample periods at a flow rate of 16.67 liters/minute, and in accordance with the Model RAAS2.5-200 Operator‟s Manual and with the requirements and sample collection filters specified in 40 CFR Part 50, Appendix L.Federal Register: Vol. 64, page 12167, 03/11/99BGI Inc. Models PQ200 or PQ200A PM2.5 Ambient Fine Particle SamplerManual Reference Method: RFPS-0498-116“BGI Incorporated Models PQ200 and PQ200A PM2.5Ambient Fine Particle Sampler,” operated with firmware version 3.88 or 3.89R, for 24-hour continuous sample periods, in accordance with the Model PQ200/PQ200A Instruction Manual and with the requirements and sample collection filters specified in 40 CFR Part 50, Appendix L, and with or without the optional Solar Power Supply or the optional dual-filter cassette (P/N F-21/6) and associated lower impactor housing (P/N B2027), where the upper filter is used for PM2.5. The Model PQ200A is described as a portable audit sampler and includes a set of three carrying cases.Federal Register: Vol. 63, page 18911, 04/16/98BGI Inc. Models PQ200-VSCC™ or PQ200A-VSCC™ PM2.5 SamplerManual Reference Method: RFPS-0498-116 or Manual Equivalent Method: EQPM-0202-142“BGI Incorporated Models PQ200-VSCC™ or PQ200A-VSCC™ PM2.5Ambient Fine Particle Sampler,” configured with a BGI VSCC™ Very Sharp Cut Cyclone particle size separator and operated with firmware version 3.88, 3.91, 3.89R, or 3.91R, for 24-hour continuous sample periods, in accordance with the Model PQ200/PQ200A Instruction Manual and VSCC™supplemental manual and with the requirements and sample collection filters specified in 40 CFR Part 50, Appendix L, and with or without the optional Solar Power Supply or the optional dual-filter cassette (P/N F-21/6) and associated lower impactor housing (P/N B2027), where the upper filter is used for PM2.5. The Model PQ200A VSCC™is described as a portable audit sampler and includes a set of three carrying cases.Federal Register: Vol. 67, page 15567, 04/02/02Graseby Andersen Model RAAS2.5-100 PM2.5 Ambient Air SamplerManual Reference Method: RFPS-0598-119“Graseby Andersen Mo del RAAS2.5-100 PM2.5Ambient Air Sampler,” operated with software version 4B, 5.0.1 - 6.09, 6.0A, or 6.0B, configured for “Single 2.5” operation, for 24-hour continuous sample periods at a flow rate of 16.67 liters/minute, and in accordance with the Model RAAS2.5-100 Operator‟s Manual and with the requirements and sample collection filters specified in 40 CFR Part 50, Appendix L.Federal Register: Vol. 63, page 31991, 06/11/98Graseby Andersen Model RAAS2.5-300 PM2.5 Sequential Ambient Air SamplerManual Reference Method: RFPS-0598-120“Graseby Andersen Model RAAS2.5-300 PM2.5Sequential Ambient Air Sampler,” operated with software version 4B, 5.0.1 - 6.09, 6.0A, or 6.0B, configured for “Multi 2.5" operation, for 24-hour continuous sample periods at a flow rate of 16.67 liters/minute, and in accordance with the Model RAAS2.5-300 Operator‟s Manual and with the requirements and sample collection filters specified in 40 CFR Part 50, Appendix L.Federal Register: Vol. 63, page 31991, 06/11/98Grimm Model EDM 180 PM2.5 MonitorAutomated Equivalent Method: EQPM-0311-195“Grimm Technologies, Inc. Model EDM 180 PM2.5Monitor,” light scattering continuous ambient particulate monitor operated for 24 hours at a volumetric flow rate of 1.2 L/min, configured with a Nafion®-type air sample dryer, complete for operation with firmware version 7.80 or later, in accordance with the Grimm Technologies, Inc. Model EDM 180 Operation and Instruction Manual. The optional graphic presentation can be made with the software model 1.177 version 3.30 or later. Federal Register:Vol. 76, page 15974, 03/22/11。
环境工程试验和检测仪器设备表一、常见试验和检测仪器设备以下列举了在环境工程领域常见的试验和检测仪器设备以及其主要功能:1. 悬浮颗粒物(PM)采样器:用于采集大气中的颗粒物,以便分析其化学成分和浓度。
2. 过滤器:用于分离空气中的悬浮颗粒物,为后续的化学分析和颗粒物形状表征提供样品。
3. 水质分析仪器:包括多参数水质分析仪、溶解氧仪、pH仪等,用于测量水样中的各种化学成分和物理参数。
4. 土壤采样器:用于采集土壤样品,以分析土壤中的含水量、含盐量、重金属污染等。
5. 声级计:用于测量噪音水平,以评估噪音对环境和人类健康的影响。
6. 气象站:包括温度计、湿度计、风速仪等,用于监测气象参数,了解大气环境状况。
7. 气体检测仪:用于测量大气中各种有害气体的浓度,如二氧化硫、一氧化碳等。
8. 显微镜:用于观察和分析样品的显微结构,以研究微观环境问题。
二、仪器设备选购与使用注意事项1. 根据实际需求,选择适合的仪器设备型号和规格,确保其能够满足所需的试验和检测要求。
2. 选择可靠的供应商或品牌,确保仪器设备的质量和售后服务的可靠性。
3. 在使用仪器设备前,务必详细阅读和理解产品说明书和操作手册,并按照要求进行操作和维护。
4. 定期进行仪器设备的校准和维护,确保其准确度和性能处于良好状态。
5. 对于需要进行试验和检测的样品,应按照标准方法和操作规程进行采样和处理,确保结果的可靠性和准确性。
本文从上述两个方面介绍了美国关于VOCs 监测的标准规范。
EPA在40 CFR PART 60 中配套的固定源废气VOCs的监测方法标准见下表。
第一大类:通过GC将混合气体中主要有机物分离后,用FID、ECD、PID、ELCD 或其它检测器进行各组分定性、定量检测。
第二大类:总气态有机物(TOC)浓度的测定火焰离子化分析法(FIA),由加热采样管、管路、玻璃纤维过滤器和FIA 分析仪构成现场在线分析,直接连续测定TOC 浓度。
值得一直提的是,EPA颁布了一系列仪器性能要求标准(PerformanceSpecification, PS),其中PS8是污染源VOCs在线监测仪器的总纲,PS8A是用FID原理监测总烃仪器的技术要求,PS9针对气相色谱法监测VOCs的仪器,PS15针对傅立叶红外法监测VOCs的仪器,见下表。
1. 分析仪器类- 气相色谱仪(Gas Chromatograph,GC)- 液相色谱仪(High Performance Liquid Chromatograph,HPLC)- 质谱仪(Mass Spectrometer,MS)- 超高效液相色谱仪(Ultra Performance Liquid Chromatograph,UPLC)- 紫外可见分光光度计(Ultraviolet-Visible Spectrophotometer,UV-Vis)- 原子吸收光谱仪(Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer,AAS)- 离子色谱仪(Ion Chromatograph,IC)- 电化学工作站(Electrochemical Workstation)2. 采样与分析设备类- 空气质量采样器(Air Quality Sampler)- 水质监测设备(Water Quality Monitoring Equipment)- 声环境分析仪(Acoustic Environment Analyzer)- 土壤分析仪(Soil Analyzer)- 气体检测仪(Gas Detector)- 气象监测仪(Meteorological Monitor)- 总悬浮颗粒物样品器(Total Suspended Particulate Sampler,TSP Sampler)3. 通用实验室设备类- 高压锅炉(Autoclave)- 实验室天平(Laboratory Balance)- 恒温恒湿试验箱(Constant Temperature and Humidity Test Chamber)- 倒置显微镜(Inverted Microscope)- 离心机(Centrifuge)- 冷冻离心机(Refrigerated Centrifuge)- 恒温水浴锅(Thermostatic Water Bath)- 反应釜(Reaction Vessel)此外,根据实验室具体需求,还可以根据以下设备进行补充配备:- 水样前处理设备- 气样前处理设备- 声音分析系统- 废气处理设备请注意,上述设备清单仅为参考,具体情况还需要根据实验室的规模、功能以及预算进行进一步的评估和选择。
环保公司监测设备采购清单一、大气监测设备1、空气质量监测仪能够实时监测空气中的 PM25、PM10、二氧化硫(SO₂)、二氧化氮(NO₂)、一氧化碳(CO)、臭氧(O₃)等主要污染物的浓度。
适用于工业园区、加油站等重点区域的 VOCs 监测。
二、水质监测设备1、多参数水质分析仪可同时测量水温、pH 值、溶解氧(DO)、电导率、浊度、化学需氧量(COD)、氨氮、总磷、总氮等水质指标。
PF-YJ-D型静电式饮食业油烟净化设备 [风量(m3/h):≥12000~≤20000]
YHJH型复合式饮食业油烟净化设备[风 量(m3/h):≥2000~≤20000]
FYJ-JD型静电式饮食业油烟净化设备 [风量(m3/h):≥2000~≤20000]
YX-CEMS型烟气(颗粒物、SO2、NOX 、O2、流速、温度)连续监测系统
CW-3000型烟气(颗粒物、SO2、NOX 、O2、流速、温度)连续监测系统
μMAC-C NH3Analyzer型氨氮水质自动 分析仪
DIRP(G)型机械式饮食业油烟净化设 备[风量(m3/h):≥12000~≤ 20000] SHZ-1型COD水质在线监测仪
LFH2001型COD水质自动分析仪 μMAC-C NH3Analyzer型氨氮水质自动 分析仪 DIRP(G)型机械式饮食业油烟净化设 备[风量(m3/h):≥12000~≤ 20000] SHZ-1型COD水质在线监测仪
环境监测站实验室仪器设备清单1 酸度计:测pH值2 电导率仪:测电解质溶液电导率值3 液相色谱仪:定性、定量分析4 气相色谱仪:定性、定量分析5 紫外—可见分光光度计:测量物质对不同波长单色辐射的吸收程度,定量分析6 可见分光光度计:测量物质对不同波长单色辐射的吸收程度,定量分析7 原子吸收分光光度计;根据被测元素的基态原子对特征辐射的吸收程度进行定量分析8 离子色谱仪:适用于亲水性阴、阳离子的分离9 浊度仪:测浑浊度10 双道原子荧光光度计:定性、定量分析11 便携式溶氧仪:测定溶解氧12 离子计:测离子浓度13 半透明烟度计:用于测定烟度14 不透明烟度计:用于测定烟度15 测汞仪:测定水、大气、土壤、矿物、食品、生物和人体组织等样品中痕量汞16 场强仪:测场强17 大气污染日平均浓度采样器:大气采样18 多功能红外测油仪:测定土壤、水中所含油19 黑度计:测黑度20 极谱仪:定性、定量分析21 空气采样器:采集空气22 自动烟尘(气)测试仪:测量烟道或排尘管道气体中的粉尘浓度23 皮托管平行自动烟尘采样器:测量大气中烟尘浓度24 汽车排气分析仪:测定烟道或排尘管道气体中的粉尘浓度25 汽车尾气分析仪:检测汽车尾气26 CO测定仪:测CO含量27 BOD测定仪:测量水中生物需氧量28 COD测定仪:测定水中化学需氧量29 烟气采样器:采集烟气30 烟气二氧化硫分析仪:分析烟气中二氧化硫含量31 烟气分析仪:分析烟气中的二氧化硫、氮氧化合物、一氧化碳等有害气体及氧气浓度32 油份浓度分析仪:对工业废水及江、河、海水或其他含油质等的监测、分析和研究。
epa认证解读 -回复
epa认证解读-回复「epa认证解读」一、什么是EPA认证?EPA认证是指美国环境保护署(Environmental Protection Agency,EPA)对某些产品进行的认证程序。
三、EPA认证的适用范围是什么?EPA认证适用于多个领域的产品,包括但不限于以下几个方面:1. 化学品和化学物质:涉及到化工、石油化工、清洁剂等行业的产品。
2. 汽车和交通工具:涉及到汽车尾气排放、柴油车污染防治等问题。
3. 污水和废水处理设备:涉及到废水处理、水质监测等领域。
4. 空气污染物监测设备:涉及到空气质量监测、粉尘浓度检测等领域。
5. 固体废弃物处理设备:涉及到废弃物处理、垃圾焚烧等行业。
四、EPA认证的具体流程有哪些?EPA认证的具体流程可以大致分为以下几个步骤:1. 审查:EPA会对申请进行初步审查,评估产品是否符合申请要求,并检查所提交的材料是否完整。
2. 测试和检测:如果初步审查通过,EPA会要求进行相关的测试和检测,以验证产品是否符合EPA的环保标准。
3. 审核和评估:EPA将评估测试和检测结果,并对产品的性能和环保指标进行综合评估。
4. 认证授权:如果产品通过了评估和审核,EPA将颁发认证证书,授权使用EPA认证标志。
5. 监督和更新:EPA要求认证产品进行定期的监督和更新,以确保产品仍然符合认证要求。
五、EPA认证的标志有什么作用?EPA认证标志是申请产品通过EPA认证后所获得的标志,它具有以下作用:1. 可信度和信任度:EPA认证标志是对产品性能和环保指标的认可和证明,能够增加消费者对产品的信任和购买欲望。
目录内容国家强制检定的环境保护设备目录包括以下内容:1. 大气环境保护设备- 烟气排放监测设备- 污染物在线监测设备- 大气颗粒物采样设备2. 水环境保护设备- 污水排放监测设备- 水质在线监测设备- 水体采样设备3. 土壤环境保护设备- 土壤采样设备- 土壤污染监测设备4. 噪声环境保护设备- 噪声监测设备5. 其他环境保护设备- VOCs在线监测设备- 其他特定环境保护设备检定标准对于以上列出的环境保护设备,国家将制定相关的检定标准并公开发布。
nt Co.,
Ltd. :厦
丹麦Brüel & Kjær公司在全球55个国家和地区拥有90多
美国EPA 关于空气自动监测系统性能指标的规定和测试方法
每个参数的7个结果说明如下:(1)0次超标:被测的参数合格;(2)3次或更多次超标:该参数不合格;(3)1次或2次超标:再重复测试该参数 8次,得到共15个测试结果。
仪器设备(标准物质)配置一览表实验室地点: 第 1 页 共18页序号检测产品/类别检测项目/参数标准条款/检测细则编号仪器设备名称、型号/规格技术指标溯源方式有效截止日期备注测量范围准确度等级/不确定度序号名称一 水(含大气降水)和废水(47项)1-1水温温度计法 GB13195-91水银温度计0℃~100℃-6℃~40℃最小分度值1℃最小分度值℃送检水质采样技术指导GB 12998 -911-2色度铂钴比色法、稀释倍数法GB 11903 -89比色管50ml送检流量河流流量测试规范GB12997-91LS10流量流速仪~4.00m/s ≤3% 送检河流流量测试规范GB50179-931-4 外观水质采样方案设计技术规定GB12997-91水质采样技术指导GB12998-911-5 臭文字描述《水和废水监测分析方法》(第四版)国家环保总局(2002年)1-6 浊度分光光度法、目视比浊法GB13200-91浊度计2100N0-4000NTU ±2%送检透明度塞氏盘法 《水和废水监测分析方法》(第四版)透明度盘±1cm 自校每次使用前仪器设备(标准物质)配置一览表实验室地点: 第 2 页 共 18页序号检测产品/类别检测项目/参数标准条款/检测细则编号仪器设备名称、型号/规格技术指标溯源方式有效截止日期备注测量范围准确度等级/不确定度序号 名称一 水(含大气降水)和废水(47项)1-8pH值玻璃电极法GB 6920-86PXS-450精密离子计0~14pH 送检电极法GB PHS-4CT酸度计悬浮物 重量法GB 11901-89BS224S全自动电子天平-200g ±1%送检 残渣重量法《水和废水监测分析方法》(第四版)国家环保总局(2002年)101-0-BS电热恒温鼓风干燥箱25~300℃ ±1℃ 送检水中全盐量的测定重量法HJ/T51-1999101-0-BS电热干燥箱10~300℃ ±1℃ 送检 矿化度重量法《水和监测分析方法》(第四版)国家环保总局(2002年)1-12 酸度 酸碱指示剂滴定法《水和废水监测分析方法》(第四版)国家环保总局(2002年)25mL碱式滴定管0~25 mL ± 送检 碱度仪器设备(标准物质)配置一览表实验室地点: 第 3页 共 18 页序号检测产品/类别检测项目/参数标准条款/检测细则编号仪器设备名称、型号/规格技术指标溯源方式有效截止日期备注测量范围准确度等级/不确定度序号 名称一 水(含大气降水)和废水(47项)1-14 电导率电导率仪法《水和废水监测分析方法》(第四版)国家环保总局(2002年)DDS-11A电导率仪 0~2×105μS/cm ±% 送检大气降水电导率的测定方法GBDDS-3201-15二氧化碳滴定法 《水和废水监测分析方法》(第四版)国家环保总局(2002年)25mL碱式滴定管0~25 mL ± 送检 溶解氧碘量法 GB7489-87 25mL滴定管 0~25 mL ± 送检便携式溶解氧仪法《水和废水监测分析方法》(第四版)国家环保总局(2002年)JPBJ-608便携式溶解氧仪0-14PX ± PX 送检高锰酸盐指数酸性高锰酸钾法GB 11892-8950mL滴定管 0~50 mL ± 送检 化学需氧量重铬酸盐法GB 11914-89JH-12 COD恒温加热器50~300℃ ±2℃ 送检滴定管 0~25 mL ± 送检生化需氧量稀释与接种法GB 7488 -87TS606-G/4-i生化培养箱15℃~40℃ ±1℃ 送检滴定管 0~25 mL ± 送检微生物传感器快速测定法HJ/T86-2002BOD快速测定仪送检仪器设备(标准物质)配置一览表实验室地点: 第 4页 共 18页序号检测产品/类别检测项目/参数标准条款/检测细则编号仪器设备名称、型号/规格技术指标溯源方式有效截止日期备注测量范围准确度等级/不确定度序号名称一 水(含大气降水)和废水(47项)1-20总有机碳非分散红外吸收法GB 13193 -91 TOC-Vcph总有机碳测定仪送检燃烧氧化非分散红外吸收法HJ/T71-20011-21总氮紫外光度法GB 11894-89TU-1901紫外可见光分光光度计190~900nm ± 送检 氨氮纳氏试剂法 GB7479-87723可见光分光光度计320~1000nm ±1nm送检大气降水中铵盐的测定1-23亚硝酸盐氮水质亚硝酸盐氮的测定GB7493-87大气降水中亚硝酸盐的测定1-24硝酸盐氮酚二磺酸法 GB7480-87紫外分光光度法《水和废水监测分析方法》(第四版)国家环保总局(2002年)TU-1901双光束紫外可见光分光光度计190~1100nm ± 送检大气降水中硝酸盐的测定1-25总磷磷酸盐 钼酸胺分光光度法GB11893-89723可见光分光光度计320~1000nm ±1nm送检仪器设备(标准物质)配置一览表实验室地点: 第 5 页 共18 页序号 检测产品/类别检测项目/参数标准条款/检测细则编号仪器设备名称、型号/规格技术指标溯源方式有效截止日期备注测量范围准确度等级/不确定度序号名称一 水(含大气降水)和废水(47项)1-26 氯化物硝酸银滴定法GB11896-8925mL滴定管 0~25 mL ± 送检硫氰酸汞高铁光度法721可见光分光光度计360~800nm±3nm送检 氟化物氟试剂分光光度法GB7483-87离子选择电极法GB7484-87PXS-450精密离子计pF 0~ pF 送检新氟试剂光度法723可见光分光光度计320~1000nm ±1nm送检 总氰化物水质总氰化物的测定GB7486-871-29 氰化物水质 氰化物的测定GB 7487-871-30 硫酸盐 重量法 GB11899-89BS224S电子天平-200g ±1%送检大气降水硫酸盐的测定723可见光分光光度计 320~1000nm ±1nm送检铬酸钡光度法(试行) HJ/T342-2007序检测 检测项目/参数标准条款/检测细则编号 仪器设备名技术指标 溯源方式 有效截 备注仪器设备(标准物质)配置一览表实验室地点: 第 6 页 共 18 页测量范围 准确度等级/不确定度序号名称一 水(含大气降水)和废水(47项)1-31 硫化物碘量法HJ/T60-2000 25mL滴定管 0~25mL ± 送检亚甲基蓝分光光度法GB/T16489-1996723可见光分光光度计320~1000nm ±1nm送检 余氯碘量法 《水和废水监测分析方法》(第四版)国家环保总局(2002年)25mL滴定管 0~25mL ± 送检 总砷二乙基二硫代氨基甲酸银分光光度法 GB7485-87723可见光分光光度计320~1000nm ±1nm送检 总汞冷原子荧光法 (试行)HJ/T341-2007QM-201原子荧光测汞仪L 2% 送检铜 铅锌 镉原子吸收分光光度法GB7475-87AA-7003原子吸收分光光度计180~900 nm ±送检 硒石墨炉原子吸收分光光度法GB/T15505-1995铁 锰火焰原子吸收分光光度法GB11911-891-38 镍火焰原子吸收分光光度法GB 11912-89序检测 检测项目/参数 标准条款/检测细则编号 仪器设备名技术指标 溯源方式 有效截 备注仪器设备(标准物质)配置一览表实验室地点: 第 7 页 共 18 页号 产品/类别 称、型号/规格测量范围 准确度等级/不确定度止日期序号 名称一 水(含大气降水)和废水(47项)1-39六价铬二苯碳酰二肼分光光度法GB7467-87 723可见光分光光度计320~1000nm ±1nm送检 总铬GB7466-87水质总铬的测定火焰原子吸收法《水和废水监测分析方法》(第四版)国家环保总局(2002年)AA-7003原子吸收分光光度计180~900 nm ± 送检 钙、镁EDTA滴定法 GB7476-87 25mL滴定管 0~25mL ± 送检火焰原子吸收法GB11905-89 AA-7003原子吸收分光光度计180~900 nm ± 送检原子吸收分光光度法1-42总硬度(钙镁总量)水质 钙和镁总量的测定EDTA滴定法 GB7477-87 25mL滴定管0~25mL ± 送检石油类和动植物油红外光度法GB/T16488-1996JKY-2B红外光度测油仪0~800mg/l ±2%送检 挥发酚4-氨基安替比林分光光度法GB7490-87723可见光分光光度计320~1000nm ±1nm送检序检测 检测项目/参数标准条款/检测细则编仪器设备名称、技术指标 溯源方式 有效截止 备注仪器设备(标准物质)配置一览表实验室地点: 第 8 页 共 18 页号 产品/类别 号 型号/规格测量范围 准确度等级/不确定度日期序号 名称一 水(含大气降水)和废水(47项)1-45阴离子表面活性剂亚甲蓝分光光度法GB7494-87723可见光分光光度计320~1000nm ±1nm送检 甲醛乙酰丙酮分光光度法GB13197-917230G可见光分光光度计320~900nm ±1nm送检苯系物(苯、甲苯、乙苯、二甲苯、异丙苯、苯乙烯)二硫化碳萃取气相色谱法GB11890-89QC-14C气相色谱仪>3×10-12mg/m ±10-12 mg/ml 送检二环境空气和废气(34项)2-1二氧化硫甲醛吸收-付玫瑰苯胺分光光度法GB/T15262-1994TH-150C大气采样器~1 L/min ±% 送检可见光分光光度计320~1000nm ±1nm送检定电位电解法HJ/T 57-2000TH-990F微电脑烟尘平行采样仪0~2500 mg/m3±3% 送检紫外荧光法《空气和废气监测分析方法》(第四版)国家环保总局(2003年)紫外荧光二氧化硫分析仪0~m3±1% 自校 每月一次每天23:45校零仪器设备(标准物质)配置一览表实验室地点: 第 9 页 共 18 页序号 检测 产品/类别检测项目/参数 标准条款/检测细则编号仪器设备名称、型号/规格技术指标溯源方式有效截止 日期备注测量范围准确度等级/序号名称不确定度二 环境空气和废气(34项)2-2 二氧化氮Saltzman法GB/T15435-1995TH-150C大气采样器~1 L/min ±% 送检可见光分光光度计320~1000nm ±1nm送检化学发光法《空气和废气监测分析方法》(第四版)国家环保总局(2003年)化学发光Nox分析仪0~m3±1% 自校 每月一次每天23:45校零定电位电解法TH-990F微电脑烟尘平行采样仪0~2500 mg/m3±3% 送检氮氧化物固定污染源排气中氮氧化物的测定盐酸萘乙二胺分光光度法HJ/T43-1999723可见光分光度计320~1000nm ±1nm送检定电位电解法《空气和废气监测分析方法》国家环保总局(2003年)TH-990F微电脑烟尘平行采样仪0~2500 mg/m3±3% 送检仪器设备(标准物质)配置一览表实验室地点: 第 10页 共 18 页序号 检测 产品/类别检测项目/参数 标准条款/检测细则编号仪器设备名称、型号/规格技术指标溯源方式有效截止日期备注测量范围准确度等级序号 名称/不确定度二环境空气和废气(34项)2-4 臭氧臭氧仪快速测定法《空气和废气监测分析方法》国家环保总局(2003年)Aer200型臭氧测定仪ppm 送检靛蓝二磺酸钠光度法GB/T15437-1995723可见光分光光度计320~1000nm ±1nm送检紫外光度法GB/T15438-1995紫外光度仪 ppm ±% 自校 每月一次每天23:45校零 2-5 氟化物滤膜·氟离子选择电极法GB/T 15434-1995TH-150C综合大气采样器~1 L/min ±% 送检精密离子计 pF 0~ pF 送检氟离子选择电极法GB/T 15433-1995TH-880F微电脑烟尘平行采样仪10~50L/min ±% 送检精密离子计 pF 0~ pF 送检硫酸盐化速率碱片铬酸钡法《空气和废气监测分析方法》(第四版)国家环保总局(2003年)723可见光分光光度计320~1000nm ±1nm送检序检测 检测项目/参数标准条款/检测细则编号 仪器设备名称、技术指标 溯源方式 有效截止 备注仪器设备(标准物质)配置一览表实验室地点: 第 11页 共 18 页测量范围 准确度等级/不确定度序号 名称二环境空气和废气(34项)2-7 一氧化碳红外吸收法 GB9801-88红外吸收CO分析仪ppm ±% 自校 每月一次每天23:45校零定电位电解法《空气和废气监测分析方法》(第四版)国家环保总局(2003年)Z-500XPCO测定仪0-999ppm ±1 ppm 送检便携式CO气体分析仪ppm ± ppm 送检氨纳氏试剂比色法GB/T 14668-93723可见光分光光度计320~1000nm ±1nm送检氰化氢异烟酸-吡唑啉酮光度法HJ/T28-19992-10 氯化氢硫氰酸汞光度法HJ/T27-1999硫氰酸汞光度法《空气和废气监测分析方法》(第四版)国家环保总局(2003年)2-11 硫化氢亚甲基蓝分光光度法《空气和废气监测分析方法》(第四版)国家环保总局(2003年)TH-150C大气采样器~1 L/min ±% 送检7230G可见光分光光度计230~900nm ±2nm送检碘量法TH-880F微电脑烟尘平行采样仪10~50L/min ±% 送检便携式气体分析仪4170便携式气体分析仪ppm ± 送检序检测 检测项目/参数标准条款/检测细则编号 仪器设备名称、技术指标 溯源方式 有效截 备注仪器设备(标准物质)配置一览表实验室地点: 第 12页 共18页测量范围 准确度等级/不确定度序号 名称二环境空气和废气(34项)2-12 氯气甲基橙光度法 HJ/T30-19997230G可见光分光光度计230~900nm ±1nm送检总悬浮颗粒物重量法GB/T15432-1995TH-150C综合大气采样器~1 L/min ±%送检全自动电子天平-200g ±% 送检可吸入颗粒物(PM10)重量法 GB6921-86β射线法《空气和废气监测分析方法》(第四版)国家环保总局(2003年)ß射线仪PM10)0~10mg/m3±mg/m3自校 每月一次每天23:45校零 2-15降尘重量法 GB/T15265-94BS224S全自动电子天平-200g±% 送检汞硫基棉富集-冷原子荧光法《空气和废气监测分析方法》(第四版)国家环保总局(2003年)TH-150C综合大气采样器~1 L/min ±%送检原子荧光测汞仪L 2% 送检砷二乙基二硫代氨基甲酸银光度法《空气和废气监测分析方法》(第四版)国家环保总局(2003年)723可见光分光光度计320~100nm ±1nm送检铬(六价铬)二苯碳酰二肼光度法《空气和废气监测分析方法》(第四版)国家环保总局(2003年)723可见光分光光度计320~1000nm ±1nm送检序检测 检测项目/参数 标准条款/检测细则编号 仪器设备名称、型技术指标 溯源方式 有效截 备注仪器设备(标准物质)配置一览表实验室地点: 第 13页 共 18 页测量范围 准确度等级/不确定度序号 名称二环境空气和废气(34项)2-19 铅火焰原子吸收分光光度法《空气和废气监测分析方法》(第四版)国家环保总局(2003年)AA-7003原子吸收分光光度计180~900 nm ± 送检硒石墨炉原子吸收光度法《空气和废气监测分析方法》(第四版)国家环保总局(2003年)TH-150C综合大气采样器~1 L/min % 送检 铜、锌、镉、锰、镍、铁原子吸收分光光度法《空气和废气监测分析方法》(第四版)国家环保总局(2003年)2-27 烟(粉)尘GB5468-1991TH-880F微电脑烟尘平行采样仪10~50L/min±% 送检 烟气黑度林格曼烟气黑度图法HJ/T398-2007烟气黑度测试仪 0~5级 ±级 送检 苯系物活性碳吸附二硫化碳解吸气相色谱法《空气和废气监测分析方法》国家环保总局(2003年)QC-14C气相色谱仪>3×10-12mg/m ±10-12 mg/ml 送检 甲醛乙酰丙酮分光光度法GB/T 15516-1995723可见光分光光度计320~1000nm ±1nm送检饮食业油烟GB18483-2001JKY-2B红外测油仪0~800mg/l ±2% 送检仪器设备(标准物质)配置一览表实验室地点: 第 14页 共 18页序号检测产品/类别检测项目/参数标准条款/检测细则编号仪器设备名称、型号/规格技术指标溯源方式有效截止日期备注测量范围准确度等级/不确定度序号名称二环境空气和废气(34项)2-32 氯乙烯 气相色谱法 HJ/T34-1999QC-14C气相色谱仪>3×10-12mg/m ±10-12 mg/ml 送检 甲醇 气相色谱法 HJ/T33-19992-34总烃非甲烷总烃气相色谱法 HJ/T38-1999三 固废和土壤(7项)3-1 pH值玻璃电极法《土壤元素的近代分析方法》中国环境监测总站1992 PHS-4CT酸度计 0~14pH 送检玻璃电极法CJ/T99-19993-2 镍火焰原子吸收分光光度法GB/T 17139-1997AA-7003原子吸收分光光度计180~900nm ± 送检 铜锌火焰原子吸收分光光度法GB/T17138-19973-4 铅镉KI-MIBK 萃取火焰原子吸收分光光度法 GB/T17140-1997石墨炉原子吸收分光光度法GB/T17141-19973-5 总铬火焰原子吸收分光光度法GB/T 17137-19973-6 砷二乙基二硫代氨基甲酸银光度法 GB17134-1997723可见光分光光度计320~1000nm ±1nm送检汞 冷原子荧光法《水和废水监测分析方法》国家环保总局(2002年)QM-201原子荧光测汞仪L 2% 送检仪器设备(标准物质)配置一览表实验室地点: 第15 页 共 18 页序号 检测产品/类别检测项目/参数标准条款/检测细则编号仪器设备名称、型号/规格技术指标溯源方式有效截止日期备注测量范围准确度等级/不确定度序号名称四生物(3项)4-1 细菌总数平板法生活饮用水标准检验法 GB5750-2006 LDZX-30KBS空气压力蒸汽灭菌器送检 总大肠菌群多管发酵法 生活饮用水标准检验法 GB5750-20064-3粪大肠菌群多管发酵法和滤膜法(试行)HJ/T347-2007YJSS-012超净工作台 送检五机动车污染物(4项)5-1 一氧化碳点燃式发动机汽车排气污染物排放限值及测量方法GB18285-2005NHA-505型汽车废气分析仪HC:×10-6%vo lCO :0-10×10-2%volNO:0-5000×10-6%v olHC:±5%CO:±5%NO:± 4%送检 用前检定5-2碳氢化合物5-3 一氧化氮5-4 烟度值车用压燃式发动机和压燃式发动机汽车排气烟度排放限值及测量方法GB18285-2005NHT-6型不透光烟度计不透光度N:% ±% 送检 用前检定仪器设备(标准物质)配置一览表序检测 检测项目/参数标准条款/检测细则编号 仪器设备名称、技术指标 溯源方式 有效截 备注 实验室地点: 第 16页 共 18页测量范围 准确度等级/不确定度序号名称六 噪声、振动(7项)6-1 振动城市区域环境振动测量方法GB10071-1988HS5933A振动分析仪60-140dB ± dB 送检 环境噪声声环境质量标准GB3096-2008AWA6218A噪声统计分析仪30dB ~130dB(A)± dB(A) 送检社会生活环境噪声排放标准GB22337-20086-3 厂界噪声工业企业厂界环境噪声排放标准 GB12348-20086-4建筑施工场界噪声建筑施工场界噪声测量方法GB12524-906-5 声源噪声声学 机动车辆定置噪声测量方法GB/T14365-93声学 机器和设备发射的噪声工作位置和其他指定位置发射声压级的测量 现场简易法GB/T6-6铁路边界噪声铁路边界噪声限值及测定方法GB 12525-906-7 机场噪声机场周围飞机噪声测量方法GB 9661-88仪器设备(标准物质)配置一览表实验室地点: 第 17页 共18 页序号 检测产品/类别检测项目/参数标准条款/检测细则编号仪器设备名称、型号/规格技术指标溯源方式有效截止日期备注测量范围准确度等级/不确定度序号名称七 室内污染物(10项)7-1 温度公共场所室内温度测定方法GB/T玻璃温度计 -10~50℃ ±℃送检 相对湿度公共场所室内相对湿度测定方法GB/T湿度计12%~99% ±1% 送检 二氧化硫环境空气二氧化硫的测定方法GB/T 15262-94TH-150C大气采样器~1 L/min 级 送检居住区大气中二氧化硫卫生检验标准方法 GB/T 16128-19957-4 二氧化氮环境空气 二氧化氮的测定Saltzman 法 GB/T15435-1995723可见光分光光度计320~1000nm ±1nm送检改进的Saltzman法GB 12372-907-5 氨空气质量 氨的测定纳氏试剂比色法GB/T 14668-937-6 甲醛空气质量甲醛的测定 乙酰丙酮分光光度法 GB/T 15516-19957-7可吸入颗粒物PM10室内空气中可吸入颗粒物卫生标准 GB/T 17095-1997TH-150C综合大气采样器~1 L/min ±% 送检仪器设备(标准物质)配置一览表实验室地点: 第 18页 共 18 页全自动电子天平 -200g ±% 送检 序号 检测 产品/类别检测项目/参数标准条款/检测细则编号仪器设备名称、型号/规格技术指标 溯源方式有效截止日期备注测量范围准确度等级/不确定度序号名称七 室内污染物(10项)7-8 苯系物室内空气中苯的检验方法毛细管柱气相色谱法GB/T 18883-2002QC-14C气相色谱仪>3×10-12mg/ml ±10-12 mg/ml 送检苯、甲苯、二甲苯的测定气相色谱法 GB/T 14677-93居住区大气中苯、甲苯、二甲苯卫生检验标准方法气相色谱法 GB/T 11737-897-9 臭氧臭氧快速测定仪法《空气和废气监测分析方法》国家环保总局(2003年)Aer200型臭氧测定仪ppm 送检靛蓝二磺酸钠分光光度法GB/T 15437-1995TH-150C综合大气采样器~1 L/min ±% 送检公共场所空气中臭氧检验方法GB/T723可见光分光光度计320~1000nm ±1nm送检 一氧化碳定电位电解法《空气和废气监测分析方法》(第四版)国家环保总局(2003年)4140便携式CO气体分析仪ppm± ppm送检注○1溯源方式填写:送检、自检、送校、自校、比对或其他验证方式等。
其次,来介绍一种常用的水质监测方法,即EPA的标准方法522(EPA Method 522)。
在EPA Method 522中,使用气相色谱-质谱联用仪(GC-MS)进行PAHs的检测。
此外,EPA还提出了许多其他的监测方法,如EPA Method 1600和EPA Method 1623等,这些方法主要用于微生物的监测。
例如,EPAMethod 1600用于检测饮用水和环境水体中的大肠杆菌等肠道致病菌的存在。
而EPA Method 1623则用于监测水中的肠道病毒,如腺病毒和诺沃克病毒。
环境监测仪器设备表设备名称 | 功能描述 | 型号/规格 | 供应商 | 购买日期 | 使用状态 |温度计 | 用于测量环境温度 | 型号A | 供应商A | 2020年1月1日 | 正常使用 |湿度计 | 用于测量环境湿度 | 型号B | 供应商B | 2020年2月1日 | 正常使用 |大气压力计 | 用于测量大气压力 | 型号C | 供应商C | 2020年3月1日 | 正常使用 |颗粒物检测仪 | 用于检测空气中的颗粒物浓度 | 型号D | 供应商D | 2020年4月1日 | 正常使用 |水质监测仪 | 用于检测水质情况 | 型号E | 供应商E | 2020年5月1日 | 正常使用 |噪声检测仪 | 用于检测环境噪声水平 | 型号F | 供应商F | 2020年6月1日 | 正常使用 |挥发性有机物检测仪 | 用于检测空气中的挥发性有机物浓度 | 型号G | 供应商G | 2020年7月1日 | 正常使用 |说明所有的仪器设备均已于指定的购买日期购入,并处于正常使用状态。
建议采用的仪器条件保护柱:Dionex IonPac NG1或与之相同的色谱柱分离柱:Dionex IonPac AS7或与之相同的色谱柱阴离子抑制器装置:Dionex Anion MicroMembrane Suppressor,其它抑制器必须有足够低的检测限和足够的基线稳定性。
色谱条件:色谱柱:保护柱-Dionex IonPac NG1, 分离柱-Dionex IonPac AS7淋洗液:250mM (NH4)2SO4, 100mM NH4OH, 流速=1.5 mL/min柱后试剂:2mM双苯基苄巴脲,10% v/v甲醇,1N 硫酸,流速=0.5 mL/min 检测器:可见光530nm保留时间:3.8 分钟离子色谱测定无机阴离子(1993年八月,修订版2.2)应用范围1.可测定的阴离子包括A部分:溴离子,氯离子,氟离子,硝酸根,亚硝酸根,磷酸根,硫酸B部分:溴酸根,亚氯酸根,氯酸根2.基体包括:饮用水,地表水,民用水和工业废水,地下水,试剂用水,固体浸出液方法要点1.小量样品,一般2-3mL注入离子色谱,阴离子采用一个系统含有保护柱,分离柱,抑制器和电导检测器进行分离和检测。
pH 7110实验室pH计
pH 3110手持式
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UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCYNATIONAL EXPOSURE RESEARCH LABORATORYHUMAN EXPOSURE & ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCES DIVISION (MD-D205-03)Research Triangle Park, NC 27711919-541-3737Office ofResearch and DevelopmentIssue Date: May 3, 2006(/ttn/amtic/criteria.html)These methods for measuring ambient concentrations of specified air pollutants have been designated as "reference methods" or "equivalent methods" in accordance with Title 40, Part 53 of the Code of Federal Regulations (40 CFR Part 53). Subject to any limitations (e.g., operating range or temperature range) specified in the applicable designation, each method is acceptable for use in state or local air quality surveillance systems under 40 CFR Part 58 unless the applicable designation is subsequentlyare acceptable for use only at shelter temperatures between 20°C canceled. Automated methods for pollutants other than PM10and 30°C and line voltages between 105 and 125 volts unless wider limits are specified in the method description.Prospective users of the methods listed should note (1) that each method must be used in strict accordance with its associated operation or instruction manual and with applicable quality assurance procedures, and (2) that modification of a method by its vendor or user may cause the pertinent designation to be inapplicable to the method as modified. (See Section 2.8 of Appendix C, 40 CFR Part 58 for approval of modifications to any of these methods by users.)Further information concerning particular designations may be found in the Federal Register notice cited for each method or by writing to the National Exposure Research Laboratory, Human Exposure and Atmospheric Sciences Division (MD-D205-03), U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina 27711. Technical information concerning the methods should be obtained by contacting the source listed for each method. Source addresses are listed at the end of the listingsamplers of methods, except for the addresses for lead method sources, which are given with the method. New analyzers or PM10sold as reference or equivalent methods must carry a label or sticker identifying them as designated methods. For analyzers or or samplers sold prior to the designation of a method with the same or similar model number, the model number does not PM10necessarily identify an analyzer or sampler as a designated method. Consult the manufacturer or seller to determine if a previously sold analyzer or sampler can be considered a designated method or if it can be upgraded to designation status. Analyzer users who experience operational or other difficulties with a designated analyzer or sampler and are unable to resolve the problem directly with the instrument manufacturer may contact EPA (preferably in writing) at the above address for assistance.This list will be revised as necessary to reflect any new designations or any cancellation of a designation currently in effect. The most current revision of the list will be available for inspection at EPA's Regional Offices, and copies may be obtained at the Internet site identified above or by writing to the National Exposure Research Laboratory at the address specified above.,2Recommended calibration and accuracy audit components (or equivalent) for either Model AR 500 or System 300:• Wavelength calibration lamp CA 004 • Calibration bench CB 100 • Receiver unit RE 060 (two required) • Calibration unit CA 150, with same type lamp as used in the monitoring path emitter • Power supply PS 150 for calibration unit CA 150 • Calibration cells CC 001-X, where X represents various cell lengths from 1 to 900 mm • Special calibration cells CC 110 or CC 150 (for mounting directly on receiver) • Light meter LM 010.[Federal Register: Vol. 60, page 21518, 05/02/1995]Philips PW9755 SO2 Analyzer Automated Equivalent Method: EQSA-0676-010 "Philips PW9755 SO2 Analyzer,"consisting of the following components: PW9755/02 SO2 Monitor with PW9741/00 SO2 Source, PW9721/00 Filter Set SO2, PW9711/00 Electrolyte SO2, PW9750/00 Supply Cabinet, PW9750/10 Supply Unit/Coulometric, either PW9731/00 Sampler or PW9731/20 Dust Filter (or vendor-approved alternate particulate filter); operated with a 0-0.5 ppm range and with a reference voltage setting of 760 millivolts; with or without any of the following options: PW9750/30 Frame For MTT; PW9752/00 Air Sampler Manifold; PW9753/00 M ounting Rack For Accessories; PW9750/41 Control Clock 60 Hz; PW9754/00 Air Distributor.[Federal Register: Vol 41, page 26252, 6/25/76; Vol 41, page 46019, 10/19/76; Vol 42, page 28571, 6/03/77]Philips PW9700 SO2 Analyzer Automated Equivalent Method:EQSA-0876-011 "Philips PW9700 SO2 Analyzer," consisting of the following components: PW9710/00 Chemical Unit with PW9711/00, Electrolyte SO2, PW9721/00 Filter Set SO2, PW9740/00 SO2 Source; PW9720/00 Electrical Unit; PW9730/00 Sampler Unit (or vendor-approved alternate particulate filter); operated with a 0-0.5 ppm range and with a reference voltage of 760 millivolts.[Federal Register: Vol 41, page 34105, 08/12/76]Teledyne - Advanced Pollution Instrumentation, Inc. Models 100A, 100AS, 100E;Teledyne Analytical Instruments M odel 6400A; orTeledyne Monitor Labs sensor-e™ M odel TML-50 SO2 Analyzers Automated Equivalent Method: EQSA-0495-100 "Teledyne - Advanced Pollution Instrumentation, Inc. Models 100A, 100AS, or 100E; Teledyne Analytical Instruments Model 6400A; or Teledyne Monitor Labs, Inc. sensor-e™ Model TM L-50 UV Fluorescent Sulfur Dioxide Analyzer;" operated on any full scale range between 0-50 ppb1 and 0-1000 ppb, at any temperature in the range of 5 to 40 degrees C, with a TFE filter element installed in the filter assembly, with either the vendor-supplied internal pump or a user- or vender-supplied external vacuum pump capable of maintaining an absolute pressure of 35 cm (14 inches) of mercury (or less) at 1.0 standard liter per minute flow rate, with the following software settings: Dynamic zero: OFF or ON; Dynamic span: OFF; AutoCal: ON or OFF; Dual range: ON or OFF; Autorange: ON or OFF; Temp/pressure compensation: ON; dilution factor: OFF or 1.0; and with or without any of the following options (if available for the various models):2 Rack mount with or without chassis slides; Fluorocarbon zero/span valves; Internal zero/span (IZS); 4-20 mA, isolated analog outputs; External pump; Status outputs; Control inputs; Rack mount for external pump with tray; RS-232 output; Ethernet output; Zero air scrubber; Combustion Filter; SO2 Permeation tube, certified or uncertified, 0.4 ppm @ 0.7 L/min; SO2 Permeation tube, certified or uncertified, 0.8 ppm @ 0.7 L/min.[Federal Register: Vol. 60, page 17061, 04/04/95]Teledyne Monitor Labs/Casella/Ecotech Model M L9850/EC9850;Automated Equivalent Method: EQSA-0193-092 Teledyne Monitor Labs/Casella/Ecotech/Model ML9850B/EC9850B, or Wedding & Associates M odel 1040 SO2 Analyzers "Teledyne Monitor Labs, Casella Monitor, or Ecotech Models ML9850/EC9850 or ML9850B/EC9850B, or Wedding & Associates, Inc. Model 1040 Sulfur Dioxide Analyzers," operated on any full scale range between 0-0.050 ppm1 and 0-1.0 ppm, at any temperatureOpsis M odel AR 500 and System 300 O pen Path Ambient AirM onitoring Systems for Ozone Automated Equivalent Method: EQOA-0495-103 "Opsis Model AR 500 System" or "System 300" Open Path (long path) Ambient Air Monitoring Systems, configured for measuring O3, with one detector and moveable grating, operated with a measurement range of 0 to 0.5 ppm, an installed monitoring path length between 20 and 500 meters (or 20 and 1000 meters with the ER 150 option, AR 500 System only), xenon lamp type B (150 watt), fiber optic cable length between 3 to 20 meters; operating within an ambient air temperature range of -50 to +50°C, an analyzer temperature range of 20 to 30°C, a measurement (integrating) time setting between 30 and 120 seconds (0 min:30 sec. to 2 min:00 sec.), and with a complete cycle time of not more than 200 seconds (3 min, 20 sec.). Under this method designation, the M odel AR 500 System or System 300 consists of: AR 500 opto-analyser; emitter EM 110 and receiver RE 110 (together identified as ER 110); optic fibre cable OF60-S; power supply PS 150, OPSIS operational software, version 7.0 or 7.1; and initial on-site installation, setup, and limited operator training.2 Optional components that can be used with the Model AR 500 only, in addition to or as alternative to corresponding components listed above: • AR 503 opto-analyzer configured as Model AR 500 (only the center detector active, sequential monitoring)• Emitter/receiver ER 150 (for monitoring path lengths up to1 kilometer) • Transceiver ER 130 and Retroreflector RE 090 with 7 prisms (max. monitoring path length 150 meters) or 12 prisms (max. monitoring path length 250 meters) • Receiver RE 130 • Optic fibre cable OF60-R (low-loss for short wavelengths) • Multiplexers MX 004 and MX 024 • Dataloggers DL 010 and DL 016• Analogue and digital input/output cards AO 008, AI 016, and DI 032 • Analogue and digital isolation cards IA 008, ID 008,OA 008, and OD 008 • Window heaters HF 110 and HF 150 • Mirror heaters HM 110 and HM 150 • Auto calibration unit CU 007 • Software packages IO 80 (for the analogue and digital input/output adapters), DL10 and D L16 (for data loggers), ComVision, and STAT 500;Recommended calibration and accuracy audit components (or equivalent) for either Model AR 500 or System 300:• Wavelength calibration lamp CA 004 • Calibration bench CB 100 • Receiver unit RE 060 (two required) • Calibration unit CA 150, with same type lamp as used in the monitoring path emitter • Power supply PS 150 for calibration unit CA 150 • Calibration cells CC 001-X, where X represents various cell lengths from 1 to 900 mm • Special calibration cells CC 110 or CC 150 (for mounting directly on receiver) • Ozone generator OC 500 • Light meter LM 010.Federal Register: Vol. 60, page 21518, 05/02/1995] PCI Ozone Corporation M odel LC-12 Ozone A nalyzer Automated Equivalent Method: EQOA-0382-055 "PCI Ozone Corporation Model LC-12 Ozone Analyzer," operated on a range of 0-0.5 ppm.[Federal Register: Vol 47, page 13572, 03/31/82] Philips PW9771 03 Analyzer Automated Equivalent Method: EQOA-0777-023 "Philips PW9771 03 Analyzer," consisting of the following components: PW9771/00 03 M onitor with PW9724/00 D isc.-Set; PW9750/00 Supply Cabinet; PW9750/20 Supply Unit operated on a range of 0-0.5 ppm, with or without any of the following accessories: PW9732/00 Sampler Line Heater; PW9750/30 Frame For MT T; PW9750/41 Control Clock 60 Hz; PW9733/00 Sampler; PW9752/00 Air Sampler Manifold.[Federal Register: Vol 42, page 38931, 08/01/77; Vol 42, page 57156, 11/01/77]Horiba Instruments Model APNA-370 NO2 Monitor Automated Reference Method: RFNA-0506-157“Horiba Instruments Incorporated Model APNA-370 Ambient NO x Monitor,” standard specification, operated with a full scale fixed measurement range of 0 - 0.50 ppm with the automatic range switching off, at any ambient temperature in the range of 20 °C to 30 °C, and with a 0.3 micrometer sample particulate filter installed.2[Federal Register: Vol. 71, page 25587, 05/01/06]M eloy Model NA530R Nitrogen Oxides Analyzer Automated Reference Method: RFNA-1078-031 "Meloy Model NA530R N itrogen Oxides Analyzer," operated on the following ranges and time constant switch positions:Range, ppm: 0-0.110-0.251 0-0.5 0-1.0Time Constant Setting: 4 3 or 4 2,3, or 4 2,3, or 4Operation of the analyzer requires an external vacuum pump, either Meloy Option N-10 or an equivalent pump capable of maintaining a vacuum of 200 torr (22 inches mercury vacuum) or better at the pump connection at the specified sample and ozone-air flow rates of 1200 and 200 cm3/min, respectively. The analyzer may be operated at temperatures between 10°C and 40°C and at line voltages between 105 and 130 volts, with or without any of the following options: N-1A Automatic Zero And Span; N-2 V acuum Gauge; N-4 Digital Panel Meter; N-6 Remote Control For Zero And Span; N-6B Remote Zero/Span Control And Status (Pulse); N-6C Remote Zero/Span Control And Status (Timer); N-9 Manual Zero/Span; N-10 Vacuum Pump Assembly (See Alternate Requirement Above); N-11 Auto Ranging; N-14B Line Transmitter; N-18 Rack M ount Conversion; N-18A Rack Mount Conversion.[Federal Register: Vol. 43, page 50733, 10/31/78 and Vol. 44, page 8327, 02/09/79]M onitor Labs Model 8440E Nitrogen Oxides Analyzer Automated Reference Method:RFNA-0677-021 "Monitor Labs Model 8440E Nitrogen Oxides Analyzer," operated on a 0-0.5 ppm range (position 2 of range switch) with a time constant setting of 20 seconds, with or without any of the following options:TF- Sample Particulate Filter DO- Status Outputs018A- Ozone Dry Air O18B- Ozone Dry Air - No DrieriteWith TFE Filter Element R- Rack Mount V- Zero/Span Valves FM- Flow meters[Federal Register: Vol. 42, page 37434, 07/21/77; Vol. 42, page 46575, 09/16/77; Vol. 46, page 29986, 06/04/81]M onitor Labs/Lear Siegler Model 8840 Nitrogen Oxides Analyzer Automated Reference Method:RFNA-0280-042 "Monitor Labs or Lear Siegler Model 8840 Nitrogen Oxides Analyzer," operated on a range of either 0-0.5 or 0-1.0 ppm, with an internal time constant setting of 60 seconds, a TFE sample filter installed on the sample inlet line, with or without any of the following options: 02 Flowmeter08A Pump Pac Assembly With 09A (115 VAC) 011A Recorder Output 1 Volt03A Rack Ears08B Pump Pac Assembly With 09B (100 VAC)011B Recorder Output 100 mV03B Slides08C Pump Pac Assembly With 09C (220/240 VAC)011C Recorder Output 10 mV05A Zero/Span Valves08D Rack Mount Panel Assembly012A DAS O utput 1 Volt05B Valve/Relay09A Pump 115 VAC 50/60 Hz012B DAS Output 100 mV06 Status09B Pump 100 VAC 50/60 Hz012C DAS Output 10 mV07A Input Power Transformer 100 VAC, 50/60 Hz09C Pump 220/240 VAC 50 Hz013A Ozone Dry Air07B Input Power Transformer 220/240 VAC 50 H z 013B O zone Dry Air - No Drierite[Federal Register: Vol. 45, page 9100, 02/11/80 and Vol. 46, page 29986, 06/04/81]M onitor Labs/Lear Siegler Model 8841 Nitrogen Oxides Analyzer Automated Reference Method:RFNA-0991-083 "Monitor Labs or Lear Siegler Model 8841 Nitrogen Oxides Analyzer," operated on the 0-0.05 ppm1, 0-0.1 ppm1, 0-0.2 ppm1, 0 - 0.5 ppm, or 0-1.0 ppm range, with manufacturer-supplied vacuum pump or alternative user-supplied vacuum pump capable of providing 200 torr or better absolute vacuum while operating with the analyzer.[Federal Register: Vol. 56, page 47473, 9/19/91]Opsis M odel AR 500 and System 300 O pen Path Ambient AirMonitoring Systems for NO2Automated Equivalent Method: EQNA-0495-102 "Opsis Model AR 500 System" or "System 300" Open Path (long path) Ambient Air Monitoring Systems, configured for measuring NO2, with one detector and movable grating, operated with a measurement range of 0 to 0.5 ppm, an installed monitoring path length between 50 and 500 meters (or 50 and 1000 meters with the ER 150 option, AR 500 System only), xenon lamp type B (150 watt), fiber optic cable length between 3 and 20 meters; operating within an ambient air temperature range of -50 to +50°C, an analyzer temperature range of 20 to 30°C, a measurement (integrating) time setting between 30 and 120 seconds (0 min:30 sec. to 2 min:00 sec.), and with a complete cycle time of not more than 200 seconds (3 min, 20 sec.). Under this method designation, the M odel AR 500 System or System 300 consists of: AR 500 opto-analyser; emitter EM 110 and receiver RE 110 (together identified as ER 110); optic fibre cable O F60-S; power supply PS 150; OPSIS operational software, version 7.0 or 7.1; and initial on-site installation, setup, and limited operator training.2input/output adapters), DL10 and DL16 (for data loggers), ComVision, and STAT 500;Recommended calibration and accuracy audit components (or equivalent) for either Model AR 500 or System 300:• Wavelength calibration lamp CA 004 • Calibration bench CB 100 • Receiver unit RE 060 (two required) • Calibration unit CA 150, with same type lamp as used in the monitoring path emitter • Power supply PS 150 for calibration unit CA 150 • Calibration cells CC 001-X, where X represents various cell lengths from 1 to 900 mm • Filter GG 400 • Special calibration cells CC 110 or CC 150 (for mounting directly on receiver) • Light meter LM 010 [Federal Register: Vol. 60, page 21518, 05/02/95]Philips Model PW9762/02 NO/NO2/NO x Analyzer Automated Reference Method:RFNA-0879-040 "Philips Model PW9762/02 NO/NO2/NO x Analyzer," consisting of the following components: PW9762/02 Basic Analyzer; PW9729/00 Converter Cartridge; PW9731/00 Sampler or PW9731/20 Dust Filter; operated on a range of 0-0.5 ppm, with or without any of the following accessories: PW9752/00 Air Sampler Manifold; PW9732/00 Sample Line Heater; PW9011/00 Remote Control Set.[Federal Register: Vol. 44, page 51683, 09/04/79]SIR S.A. Model S-5012 Nitrogen Oxides Analyzer Automated Reference Method: RFNA-0804-152 SIR S.A. Model S-5012 Chemiluminescent Nitrogen Oxides Analyzer, operated with a full scale range of 0 - 500 ppb, at any temperature in the range of 20°C to 30 °C, with the integration time set to 1 minute, with the “initial zero” disabled, and with a specified Teflon particulate filter installed in the sample inlet filter holder.2[Federal Register: Vol. 69, page 47924, 08/06/04]Teledyne - Advanced Pollution Instrumentation, Inc. Models 200A, 200AU, 200E; Automated Reference Method: RFNA-1194-099 Teledyne Analytical Instruments Model 9110A; or Teledyne Monitor Labs sensor-e™ Model TML-41 NO2 Analyzers "Teledyne - Advanced Pollution Instrumentation, Inc. Models 200A, 200AU, 9110A, or 200E; Teledyne Analytical Instruments Model 9110A; or Teledyne Monitor Labs, Inc. sensor-e™ Model TM L-41 Chemiluminescence Nitrogen Oxides Analyzer," operated on any full scale range between 0-0.05 ppm and 0-1.0 ppm, with a PTFE filter element installed in the internal filter assembly, with the following software settings: dynamic zero: OFF or ON; dynamic span: OFF; cal-on-NO2: OFF; dilution factor: OFF or set to 1.0; autocal: ON or OFF; independent range: ON or OFF; autorange: ON or OFF; temperature/pressure compensation: ON; and with or without any of the following options (if available): rack mounts with or without slides, rack mount for external pump, zero/span valves, 4-20 mA analog outputs, status outputs, RS-232 output. M odels 200A, 200E2, and TML-41 only: operated at any temperature in the range of 5 °C to 40 °C, with either a user- or vendor-supplied vacuum pump capable of providing an absolute pressure of 10 inches mercury or less at 2 slpm, with or without optional internal zero/span (IZS) and permeation tubes for IZS, gold-plated reaction chamber, or Nafion-type sample gas conditioner, ethernet output, control input, RS-485 output. Model 200AU only: operated at any temperature in the range of 20 °C to 30 °C, with either a user- or vendor-supplied vacuum pump capable of providing an absolute pressure of 4 inches mercury or less at 1 slpm.[Federal Register: Vol. 59, page 61892,12/02/94] Teledyne M onitor Labs/Casella/Ecotech Models ML9841, ML9841A/EC9841A, Automated Reference Method:RFNA-1292-090 Teledyne Monitor Labs/Casella/Ecotech Model ML9841B/EC9841B, or Wedding & Associates Model 1030 NO2 Analyzers "Teledyne Monitor Labs, Casella Monitor, or Ecotech Models ML9841, ML9841A/EC9841A, or ML9841B/EC9841B, or Wedding & Associates, Inc. Model 1030 Nitrogen Oxides Analyzers," operated on any full scale range between 0-0.05 ppm1 and 0-1.0 ppm, at any temperature in the range of 15°C to 35°C, with the service switch on the secondary panel set to the In position; with the following menu choices selected: Range: 0.05 ppm to 1.0 ppm; Over-ranging: Enabled or Disabled; Calibration: Manual or Timed; Diagnostic Mode: Operate; Filter Type: Kalman; Pres/Temp/Flow Comp: On; Span Comp: Disabled; and as follows: M odels ML9841 and M L9841A/EC9841A - with a five-micron Teflon® filter element installed internally, with the 50-pin I/O board installed on the rear panel configured at any of the following output range setting: Voltage, 0.1 V, 1 V, 5 V, 10 V; Current, 0-20 mA, 2-20 mA, 4-20 mA; and with or without any of the following options: Valve Assembly for External Zero/Span (EZS); Internal Zero/Span (IZS) Assembly for; Rack Mount Assembly; Internal Floppy Disk D rive. M odels ML9841B/EC9841B and 1030 - with a vendor-supplied or equivalent user-supplied five-micron Teflon® filter and exhaust pump, and with or without any of the following options: Valve Assembly for External Zero/Span (EZS); 50-pin I/O board; Internal Zero/Span (IZS) Assembly; Rack Mount Assembly; Charcoal exhaust scrubber; hinged, fold-down front panel. [Federal Register: Vol. 57, page 60198, 12/18/92]。