m u s e制谱软件使用教程SANY标准化小组 #QS8QHH-HHGX8Q8-GNHHJ8-HHMHGN#Muse 曲谱软件帮助文档(百度下载卢海江修改编辑整理)目录Muse 简介缪斯音乐软件是音乐123软件的新版本,我们为了走国际化道路,故从开始改名为缪斯(英文名字:Muse )新版本中保留了原来的核心特点:以曲谱的排版为主快捷的输入经过半年来的用户意见的搜集整理,我们在原来版本上做了很大的改动。
该版本增加了许多新的特点:更加灵活多变的排版方式支持更快捷的输入方式(脚本输入)支持屏幕鼠标点击的直观的编辑修改支持屏幕下面的键盘快捷输入将五线谱、简谱、吉他谱、歌词和谐融合方便的多音轨编辑,使软件更加专业化与WORD相类似的单页多页浏览方式,便于阅读打印附加手机铃声生成工具,将乐谱转成各种手机的铃声输入码版本增加的新功能有:脚本编辑和屏幕编辑相对应的光标定位快捷键的设定渐强符号MIDI文件输出文本的插入(限专业版)文字装饰的插入(限专业版)每行的自由控制(限专业版)支持屏幕下面的键盘快捷输入曲谱输入Muse 有两种输入方式:脚本输入方式和屏幕输入方式。
西贝柳斯打谱软件简易教程.西贝柳斯打谱软件简易教程一、功能简介MIDlinp ut (M IDI 输入注意 :为了方便起见 , 重点的英文词语就不再翻译。
MIDI input有两种方式:Flcxi-timc 是 Sibclius 独一无二的乐谱系统 , 是一种生动灵活的动态输入方式 , 完全 . 弓你用 MIDI 键盘实际演奏的效果一样 , 你根本不用敲打拍子 , 或机械地演奏 ,你』 {须用双手尽情而自然地弹奏 , Sibelius 就会自动地跟着你的速度渐快或崭。
■然,这种力’式要求你用作曲家的大脑去思考并像演奏家一样去演奏, 如若不能,你可选用另外一种方式。
Step-Time 输入, 也就是步进输入,它的作用是让你一只于在电脑小键盘 .卜选择需要的音符长短 (节奏和演奏技法 ( articulation , 另 -II 手在 MIDI 键盘上弹出所需的音高。
(2、 Mouse&Keystrokes(鼠标和按键输入在没有 MIDI 键盘或没有键盘基础的情况下 , 用鼠标选择一个音符时值 , 可同时选择演奏技法 ( articulation,然后直接点 lli 乐谱上的所须音高位置,就可以输入你所需要的音符了。
为了提高输入速度,可使用电脑键盘代替 . 用 C 、 D 、 E 、 F 、 G 、 A 、 B 对应撼本音级 , 指定具体的音高位置 , 音符时值和演奏技法 ( articulation同样用小键盘选择。
(3、扫描输入Sibelius 中的“ PhotoScore' ’程序可以准确地识别扫描出来的乐谱。
l ’蒯读一个页面的乐谱J{须几秒钟的时问,然后就可以进行编辑, 变调、播放、提取分谱、打印等, 就像足你自己输入的一样。
PhotoScore 的专业版还有很多其它的特征:如连线阅读、演奏技法( articulation阅读、文本阅读等等。
武汉科技学院计算机科学学院 2009 年毕业设计论文
1.2 发展状况
现在,有许多的音频文件格式,但是并不是所有的数据格式对音乐数据交换 有意义,因为这里我们谈到的音乐数据指的是电子乐音和电子乐谱。我们接触到 的大多数都是音频格式,记录声音是直接的或间接的记录声音的波形,直接的记 录波形的方式对音乐数据 的表示作用不大,几乎不大可能从波形中得到乐谱信 息,一段 8.8kHz 的高音质 CD 虽然完全重现了声音,但是那些 0 和 1 用来表示波 形的数据只是记录的混合后的波形数据,无法得到乐器,拍号,节奏等音乐特征 信息。间接的记录波形,从间接的数据中利用软件模拟出波形的方式,恰当的中 间数据更容易帮助分析乐谱, MIDI 是间接记录声音的方式,它在电子音乐交换 中具有重要地位, 在电子乐器交换中具有重要的地位。MIDI(musical instrument digital interface)[4-7] 是一种工业的电子乐器通讯协议, MIDI 不直接记录声 音波形,只传输音调和音乐强度数字信息,MIDI 文件的数据特点便于分析乐谱, 但乐谱分析往往不能正确还原乐谱,毕竟 MIDI 只记录了声音信息,乐谱的小节, 音乐符号具体的表现没有记录,一般的基于 MIDI 的解释都是基于音轨的分析方 法,同时各种软件开发商定制的文件格式辅助存储音乐符号信息,开发者的思想 直接影响乐谱信息。从音乐家在电子乐器视谱演奏,再从录制的 MIDI 中用各种 软件分析乐谱和原谱对照谱子很可能大相径庭,各不相同。早期的乐谱软件都是 基于 MIDI, 同时为了弥补对乐谱呈现的短处, 这些软件都会对 MIDI 进行在包装 , 设计数据结构辅助存贮乐谱信息,各种软件厂商缺乏统一,使得这些乐谱只能部 分的工作在桌面程序中,无法实现阵阵意义的网络音乐服务。笔者大量接触过著 名的 cakewalk 和 guitar pro 乐谱软件,它们就是分别自定义了文件格式 .wrk 和.gtp 用于辅助存贮乐谱信息,guitar pro 是功能强大的吉他谱软件,为了满 足吉他的特点,被包装的 MIDI 文件上有很多的细节处理,如:为了表现扫弦的 过程和方向,和弦各级音都按时间进行了散列,而在 cakewalk 中和弦被认为是 在同一时间点上产生的声音事件,当把 MIDI 文件从一种软件导出,再在另外一 种软件中导入时,乐谱完全不堪入目。 基于 MIDI 在乐谱交换上的不足,人们又开发了新的数据交换格式,这个时 期最具有代表性的是 NIFF[8](notation interchange file format), 它将 音乐
MVC3官方示例Music Store(音乐商店)--简易中文教程前言:本文来源于微软MVC3官方教程.在可以下载到最新版本的源码和英文PDF教程.和英文教程一样,本文将分成十章节来介绍这个音乐商店的建立.导航目录:▪(一)前期准备,新建MVC项目▪(二)控制器▪(三)视图与模型▪(四)数据访问▪(五)使用脚手架功能创建编辑页面▪(六)使用Data Annotation为模型进行验证▪(七)成员和权限▪(八)Ajax刷新效果的购物车▪(九)注册和支付▪(十)最终版本修正与发布综述:原文:The MVC Music Store is a tutorial application that introduces and explains step-by-step how to use MVC and Visual Web Developer for web development. We’ll be starting slowly, so beginner level web development experience is okay.The application we’ll be building is a simple music store. There are three main parts to the application: shopping, checkout, and administration.翻译:MVC音乐商店是一个示例应用程序,它将一步一步介绍和说明如何使用 MVC和Visual Web Developer进行Web开发。
原文:Visitors can browse Albums by Genre:翻译:访客可以根据专辑类别浏览唱片原文:They can view a single album and add it to their cart:翻译:可以查看单个唱片并且加入到购物车:原文:They can review their cart, removing any items they no longer want:翻译:可以查看购物车,并且移除不需要的商品:原文:Proceeding to Checkout will prompt them to login or register for a user account.翻译:支付订单的时候会提示用户注册或者登陆帐号。
xaml教程XAML 是一种用于定义用户界面和可视化效果的标记语言。
它被广泛应用于微软的 WPF(Windows Presentation Foundation)和 UWP(Universal Windows Platform)应用程序开发中。
XAML 的灵活性使得开发人员能够以声明性的方式定义应用程序的外观和行为,同时与后端代码(如C#或)进行交互。
在XAML中,我们可以使用标签元素来创建 UI 元素,例如按钮、文本框等。
以下是一个简单的 XAML 示例:```xaml<Grid><Button Content="点击我" Width="100" Height="30" /><TextBox Text="输入文本" Width="150" Height="30" /></Grid>```在上面的示例中,`<Grid>` 标签定义了一个容器,可以在其中放置其他 UI 元素。
`<Button>` 和 `<TextBox>` 标签分别定义了一个按钮和一个文本框,通过设置不同的属性(如`Content`、`Width` 和 `Height`)来定制它们的外观和行为。
在XAML 中,我们还可以使用属性来设置元素的属性。
例如,可以使用 `Content` 属性来设置按钮的显示文本,使用 `Text`属性来设置文本框的初始文本。
除了定义 UI 元素,XAML 还支持绑定和样式等高级特性。
通过设置数据绑定,我们可以将后端数据与 UI 元素关联起来,实现数据的双向同步。
总而言之,XAML 是一种强大的界面定义语言,具有灵活性和可扩展性,能够帮助开发人员创建出现丰富、交互性强的用户界面。
About the T utorialWelcome to the XAML tutorial for beginners. This tutorial puts greater emphasis on real-time implementation of the concept rather than discussing just the theory part.The primary objective of this tutorial is to provide you a better understating of what you can do with XAML development irrespective of the platform you are using. AudienceThis tutorial has been designed for all those readers who want to learn XAML and to apply it instantaneously in different type of applications.PrerequisitesBefore proceeding with this tutorial, you should have a basic understanding of XML, Web Technologies, and HTML.Disclaimer & CopyrightCopyright 2018 by Tutorials Point (I) Pvt. Ltd.All the content and graphics published in this e-book are the property of Tutorials Point (I) Pvt. Ltd. The user of this e-book is prohibited to reuse, retain, copy, distribute, or republish any contents or a part of contents of this e-book in any manner without written consent of the publisher.We strive to update the contents of our website and tutorials as timely and as precisely as possible, however, the contents may contain inaccuracies or errors. Tutorials Point (I) Pvt. Ltd. provides no guarantee regarding the accuracy, timeliness, or completeness of our website or its contents including this tutorial. If you discover any errors on our website or in this tutorial, please notify us at **************************iT able of ContentsAbout the Tutorial (i)Audience (i)Prerequisites (i)Table of Contents .................................................................................................................................... i i 1.XAML – OVERVIEW .. (1)How XAML Works (1)Advantages of XAML (1)2.XAML – ENVIRONMENT SETUP (3)Installation (3)First Step towards Implementation (7)3.WRITING XAML APPLICATION ON MAC OS (11)XAML – C# Syntax (11)Syntax Rules for Object Element (12)4.XAML VS C# CODE (13)5.XAML VS. (17)6.XAML – BUILDING BLOCKS (21)Objects (21)Resources (21)Styles (21)Templates (22)Animations and Transformations (23)7.XAML – CONTROLS (25)Button (27)Calendar (34)iiComboBox (45)ContextMenu (50)DataGrid (57)DatePicker (66)Dialog Box (71)GridView (74)Image (80)ListBox (84)Menu (89)PasswordBox (94)Popup (98)ProgressBar (101)ProgressRing (105)RadioButton (109)RichEditBox (115)ScrollViewer (123)SearchBox (129)Slider (133)TextBlock (138)TimePicker (141)ToggleButton (146)ToolTip (149)Window (152)8.XAML – LAYOUTS (157)Stack Panel (157)Wrap Panel (160)iiiCanvas Panel (167)Grid (170)Nesting of Layout (175)9.XAML – EVENT HANDLING (177)10.XAML – DATA BINDING (184)One-Way Data Binding (184)Two-Way Data Binding (187)11.XAML – MARKUP EXTENSIONS (189)12.XAML – DEPENDENCY PROPERTIES (193)13.XAML – RESOURCES (197)Resource Scope (198)Resource Dictionaries (199)14.XAML – TEMPLATES (202)Control Template (202)Data Template (204)15.XAML – STYLES (210)Control Level (214)Layout Level (215)Window Level (216)Application Level (218)16.XAML – TRIGGERS (221)Property Triggers (221)Data Triggers (223)iv17.XAML – DEBUGGING (228)UI Debugging Tools for XAML (231)18.XAML – CUSTOM CONTROLS (234)User Control (234)Custom Controls (238)vXAML 1XAML stands for Extensible Application Markup Language. It’s a simple and declarative language based on XML.∙ In XAML, it very easy to create, initialize, and set properties of an object with hierarchical relations.∙ It is mainly used for designing GUIs.∙It can be used for other purposes as well, e.g., to declare workflow in Workflow Foundation. XAML can be used in different platforms such as WPF (Windows Presentation Foundation), Silverlight, Mobile Development, and Windows Store App. It can be used across different .Net framework and CLR (common language runtime) versions. How XAML WorksXAML is a declarative language in the sense it defines the WHAT and HOW you want to do. XAML processor is responsible for the HOW part to find out. Let's have a look at the following schema. It sums up the XAML side of things:The figure illustrates the following actions:∙The XAML file is interpreted by a platform-specific XAML processor. ∙ The XAML processor transforms the XAML to internal code that describes the UI element.∙The internal code and the C# code are linked together through partial classes definitions and then the .NET compiler builds the app. 1.XAMLAdvantages of XAMLOne of the longstanding problems that all of us face with GUI design can be solved by using XAML. It can be used to design UI elements in Windows Forms applications.In the earlier GUI frameworks, there was no real separation between how an application looks like and how it behaves. Both the GUI and its behavior were created in the same language, e.g. C# or , which would require more effort from the developer to implement both the UI and the behavior associated with it.Earlier GUI FrameworksWith XAML, it is very easy to separate the behavior from the designer code. Hence, the XAML programmer and the designer can work in parallel. XAML codes are very easy to read and understand.XAML Framework2XAML 3Microsoft provides two important tools for XAML:∙Visual Studio ∙ Expression BlendCurrently, both the tools can create XAML, but the fact is that Visual Studio is used more by developers while Expression Blend is still used more often by designers.Microsoft provides a free version of Visual Studio which can be downloaded from https:///en-us/downloads/download-visual-studio-vs.aspx Note: For this tutorial, we will mostly be using WPF projects and Windows Store App. But the free version of Visual Studio doesn’t support Windows Store App. So for that purpose, you will need a licensed version of Visual Studio.InstallationFollow the steps given below to install Visual Studio on your system:1. After downloading the files, run the installer. The following dialog box will be displayed.2.XAML 2.Click on the Install button and it will start the installation process.43.Once the installation process completes successfully, you will see the followingscreen.54.Close this dialog box and restart your computer if required.5.Now open Visual studio from the Start Menu which will show the following dialogbox. It will take some time for the first time, only for preparation.6Once all is done, you will see the main window of Visual Studio.7First Step towards ImplementationLet us start with a simple implementation. Follow the steps given below:1.Click on File > New > Project menu option.82.The following dialog box will be displayed:3.Under Templates, select Visual C# and select WPF Application. Give a name to theproject and click the OK button.94.In the mainwindow.xaml file, the following XAML tags are written by default. Youwill understand all these tags later in this tutorial.By default, a grid is set as the first element after page.Let's add a button and a text block under the Grid element. This is called object element syntax, a left angle bracket followed by the name of what we want to instantiate, for example a button, then define a content property. The string assigned to the Content will be displayed on the button. Now set the height and width of the button as 30 and 50 respectively. Similarly initialize the properties of the Text block.Now look at the design window. You will get to see a button. Now press F5 to execute this XAML code.When you compile and execute the above code, you will see the following window. Congratulation! You have designed your First Button.11XAML12XAML applications can be developed on Mac as well. On Mac, XAML can be used as iOS and Android applications. To setup the environment on Mac, go to . Click on Products and select the Xamarin Platform. Download Xamarin Studio and install it. It will allow you to develop applications for the various platforms.XAML – C# SyntaxIn this chapter, you will learn the basic XAML syntax/rules to write XAML applications. Let’s have a look at a simple XAML file.As you can see in the above XAML file, there are different kinds of tags and elements. The following table briefly describes all the elements. 3.XAMLSyntax Rules for Object ElementSyntax rules for XAML is almost similar to XML. If you take a look at an XAML document, then you will notice that actually it is a valid XML file. However, an XML file cannot be a valid XAML file. It is because in XML, the value of the attributes must be a string, while in XAML, it can be a different object which is known as Property element syntax.∙The syntax of an Object element starts with a left angle bracket (<) followed by the name of the object, e.g. Button∙Define some Properties and attributes of that object element∙The Object element must be closed by a forward slash (/) followed immediately bya right angle bracket (>).Example of simple object with no child element:Example of object element with some attributes:Example of an alternate syntax to define properties (Property element syntax):Example of Object with Child Element: StackPanel contains Textblock as child element13XAML14You can use XAML to create, initialize, and set the properties of objects. The same activities can also be performed using programming code.XAML is just another simple and easy way to design UI elements. With XAML, it is up to you to decide whether you want to declare objects in XAML or declare them using code. Let’s take a simple example to demonstrate how to write in XAML: In this example, we have created a stack panel with a Button and a Text block and defined some of the properties of button and text block such as Height, Width, and Margin. When the above code is compiled and executed, it will produce the following output:4.Now look at the same code which is written in C#.15When the above code is compiled and executed, it will produce the following output. Note that it is exactly the same as the output of XAML code.16Now you can see that how simple it is to use and understand XAML.17XAML18In this chapter, we will write the same example in so that those who are familiar with can also understand the advantages of XAML.Let’s take a look at the the same example again which is written in XAML: In this example, we have created a stack panel with a button and a Text block and defined some of the properties of the button and the text block such as Height, Width, and Margin. When the above code is compiled and executed, it will produce the following output:5.Now look at the same code which is written in :19When the above code is compiled and executed the output is exactly the same as the output of XAML code.You can now visualize how simple it is to work with XAML as compared to .In the above example, we have seen that what we can do in XAML can also be done in other procedural languages such as C# and .Let’s have a look at another example in which we will use both XAML and . We will design a GUI in XAML and the behavior will be implemented in .In this example, a button is added to the main window. When the user clicks this button, it displays a message on the message box. Here is the code in XAML in which a Button Object is declared with some properties.In , the button click event (behavior) is implemented. This event displays the message on the messagebox.When the above code is compiled and executed, it will display the following screen:Now click on the above button that says "Click Me". It will display the following message:2122XAML23This chapter will describe some of the basic and important building blocks of XAML applications. It will explain how∙ to create and initialize an object,∙ an object can be modified easily by using resources, styles, and templates, ∙to make an object interactive by using transformations and animations.ObjectsXAML is a typically declarative language which can create and instantiate objects. It is another way to describe objects based on XML, i.e., which objects need to be created and how they should be initialized before the execution of a program. Objects can be∙ Containers (Stack Panel, Dock Panel)∙ UI Elements / Controls (Button, TextBox, etc.) ∙Resource DictionariesResourcesResources are normally definitions connected with some object that you just anticipate to use more often than once. It is the ability to store data locally for controls or for the current window or globally for the entire applications.StylesXAML framework provides several strategies to personalize and customize the appearance of an application. Styles give us the flexibility to set some properties of an object and reuse these specific settings across multiple objects for a consistent look.∙In styles, you can set only the existing properties of an object such as Height, Width, Font size, etc.∙ Only the default behavior of a control can be specified.∙Multiple properties can be added into a style.In the first diagram, you can see the same height and width properties are set for all the three button separately; but in the second diagram, you can see that height and width which are same for all the buttons are added to a style and then this style is associated with all the buttons.6.XAMLT emplatesA template describes the overall look and visual appearance of a control. For each control, there is a default template associated with it which gives the appearance to that control. In XAML, you can easily create your own templates when you want to customize the visual behavior and visual appearance of a control.In the following screenshot, there are two buttons, one is with template and the other one is the default button.24Now when you hover the mouse over the button, it also changes the color as shown below. With templates, you can access more parts of a control than in styles. You can specifyboth existing and new behavior of a control.Animations and T ransformationsAnimations and transformations inside the Windows Runtime can improve your XAML application by building interactivity and movement. You can easily integrate the interactive25look and feel in your XAML application by using the animations from Windows Runtime animation library. Animations are used∙to enhance the user interface or to make it more attractive.∙to attract the attention of the user to a change.In the following screenshot, you can see a square:When you hover the mouse over this square, it will expend in all directions as shown below.267.XAMLThe XAML User Interface framework offers an extensive library of controls that supports UI development for Windows. Some of them have a visual representation such Button, Textbox, TextBlock, etc.; while other controls are used as containers for other controls or content, for example, images. All the XAML controls are inherited from System.Windows.Controls.Control.The complete inheritance hierarchy of controls is as follows:Here is the list of controls which we will discuss one by one in this chapter.28In this chapter we will discuss all these controls with implementation.ButtonThe Button class represents the most basic type of button control. The hierarchical inheritance of Button class is as follows:Given below are the most commonly used properties of Button.293031End of ebook previewIf you liked what you saw…Buy it from our store @ https://32。
MainWindow 这个类是 partial 声明的,所以它可以出现在多个地方,MainWindow.xaml 和 MainWindow.xaml.cs 编译完会合并到一起 InitializeComponent() 就是由 xaml 生成的 启动时的窗口是由 App.xaml 的 StartupUri 属性决定的,指向的是 xaml 文件,不是命名空间
以 C# 代码绑定事件
public MainWindow() {
//两种方法绑定事件 //方法一 this.button1.Click += this.button1_Click; //方法二 this.button1.Click += new RoutedEventHandler(this.button1_Click); }
标签扩展与 Attribute = Value 非常类似,使用 {} 例子,添加命名空间 xmlns:sys="clr-namespace:System;assembly=mscorlib"
<Window.Resources> <sys:String x:Key="stringHello">Hello WPF!</sys:String>
Human h = this.FindResource("human") as Human; if(null != h) {
MessageBox.Show(); }
如何智能的转化类型? 将 Child 的值转化为对象
MusicXML简明教程MusicXML简明教程1MusicXML简介MusicXML(Music Extensible Markup Language ⾳乐扩展标记语⾔)是⼀个开放的基于XML的⾳乐符号⽂件格式,⽤于进⾏⾳乐交换和⾳乐分发。
为了克服MIDI在记谱上的的局限,在MusicXML前相继出现了NIFF(Notation Interchange File Format⾳乐符号交换⽂件格式)、SMDL(Standard Musical Document Language标准⾳乐⽂件语⾔)。
属性attributes主要⽤于以下⼀些⽅⾯:●指明时候有元素开始和结束,例如连奏slurs元素和多连⾳tuplets元素●识别元素,例如在⼩节编号measure numbers和符杠等级beam levels中●建议元素怎样被显⽰●建议元素怎样以最好的⽅式转化成MIDI或者其他声⾳⽂件。
从MIDI到MusicXML作者:杨万钧来源:《演艺科技》2014年第07期【摘要】结合MIDI、ePub 、MusicXML等常见的乐谱信息交换格式的优缺点,介绍计算机乐谱信息交换格式的发展历程。
【关键词】 MIDI;ePub;MusicXML;电子乐谱;信息交换文章编号: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8239.2014.07.010在计算机音乐的发展中,计算机记谱软件之间的信息交换一直都是音乐工作者关注的问题,不同时期所出现的乐谱信息交换格式,为音乐工作者的创作与协作提供了不同的便利,也对音乐的发展和传播起到了重要的作用。
1 记谱软件之间信息交换的现状计算机记谱是电子音乐和计算机音乐的重要分支,在电子音乐和计算机音乐的发展中占有重要地位。
2-XAML实例教程系列 - 对象和属性
在前一篇已经介绍XAML概念:“XAML语言是Extensible Application Markup Language 的简称,英文发音是“zammel”,中文称为“可扩展应用程序标记语言”,该语言是基于Extensive Markup Language(XML)可扩展标记语言,主要用于Silverlight,WPF,Windows Phone以及Windows 8应用开发,并且用于描述.Net层次型结构对象。
”换句话说,XAML 不仅可被用于多种平台应用UI设计,而且可以使用层次型结构描述一个对象,这样使UI 开发更加规范,设计工具的统一,使得开发人员和设计人员之间无缝结合,项目开发流程更佳规范和顺畅。
XAML页面和的ASPX页面类似,都具有一个后台代码文件控制页面逻辑处理,这一机制将用户界面设计和后台代码设计分割,这意味着项目美工人员可以使用Expression Blend进行XAML用户界面设计,同时后台代码开发人员可在Visual Studio中共享该XAML文件,并同时设计其后台代码。
XAML学习方法和经验根据微软Open Specification Promise(OPS) program文档介绍,XAML文档是一个XML 文档,在一定程度上XAML继承了大量的XML概念,而最重要的两个概念分别是Element(元素)的定义和Property(属性)的使用。
所以,如果你熟悉XML,其实已经具备XAML语法基础, 如果你具有XML开发经验,学习XAML将会事半功倍。
例如使用Visual Studio或Expression Blend等。
XAML载入时,将数据 绑定到XAML对象
� XAML命名空间的概念和C#代码中的Using,代码中
� 为对象元素的实例化提供引用类库声明 � 编程框架能够区分用户声明的标记和框架声明的标记,并通
Windows 8应用默认命名空间
<Page x:Class="App1.MainPage" IsTabStop="false" xmlns="/winfx/2006/xaml/presentation" xmlns:x="/winfx/2006/xaml" xmlns:local="using:App1" xmlns:d="/expression/blend/2008" xmlns:mc="/markupcompatibility/2006" mc:Ignorable="d">
� 元素支持一个属性元素的集合,才使用集合语法进行设置属
� 使用托管代码的Add方法来增加更多的集合元素 � 本质是向对象的集合中添加属性项
<Rectangle Width="200" Height="150"> <Rectangle.Fill> <LinearGradientBrush > <GradientStopCollection > <GradientStop Offset="0.0" Color="Gold"/> <GradientStop Offset="1.0" Color="Green"/> </GradientStopCollection > </LinearGradientBrush > </Rectangle.Fill> </Rectangle>
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美得理简谱用户手册V1.02目录1. 欢迎使用 (3)1.1 欢迎使用 (3)2. 安装说明(以WinXP为例) (6)2.1 系统安装 (6)2.2 软件卸载 (14)3. 菜单说明 (15)3.1 文件 (15)3.2 编辑 (16)3.3 查看 (17)3.4 乐谱 (17)3.5 排版 (21)3.6 工具 (22)3.7 播放 (23)3.8 设置 (23)3.9 帮助 (24)4. 快速入门 (25)4.1 基本操作 (25)4.2 音符编辑 (25)4.3 歌词编辑 (28)4.4 小节线编辑 (28)4.5 添加反复记号 (29)4.6 添加记号 (29)4.7 添加线 (29)4.8 添加力度标记 (29)4.9 排版 (30)4.10 其他功能 (31)5.技术支持 (34)5.1 常见问题 (34)5.2 售后服务 (34)附录1:公司介绍 (35)附录2:快捷键列表 (36)1. 欢迎使用1.1 欢迎使用欢迎使用美得理简谱软件,本软件是专为音乐工作者和音乐爱好者学习和制作简谱而设计的工具,以“操作简便、应用实际”为中心设计理念,最大程度的突出了简单易用的特点。
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MusicXML简明教程1MusicXML简介MusicXML(Music Extensible Markup Language 音乐扩展标记语言)是一个开放的基于XML的音乐符号文件格式,用于进行音乐交换和音乐分发。
为了克服MIDI在记谱上的的局限,在MusicXML前相继出现了NIFF(Notation Interchange File Format音乐符号交换文件格式)、SMDL(Standard Musical Document Language标准音乐文件语言)。
属性attributes主要用于以下一些方面:●指明时候有元素开始和结束,例如连奏slurs元素和多连音tuplets元素●识别元素,例如在小节编号measure numbers和符杠等级beam levels中●建议元素怎样被显示●建议元素怎样以最好的方式转化成MIDI或者其他声音文件。
分部信息:<scor e-par t i d="P2"><par t-nam e>Pi ano</par t-nam e><scor e-i nst r um ent i d="P2-I2"><i nst r um ent-nam e>Acoust i c G r andPi ano</i nst r um ent-nam e></scor e-i nst r um ent><m i di-i nst r um ent i d="P2-I2"><m i di-channel>2</m i di-channel><m i di-pr ogr am>1</m i di-pr ogr am><vol um e>80</vol um e><pan>0</pan></m i di-i nst r um ent></scor e-par t>分部描述:包括分布名称,I D,乐器名称,乐器I D。
谱号:<cl ef num ber="1"><si gn>G</si gn><l i ne>2</l i ne></cl ef><cl ef num ber="2"> <si gn>F</si gn><l i ne>4</l i ne></cl ef>谱号第2根线开始的高音谱号第4根线开始的低音谱号调号,拍号:<at t r i but es><di vi si ons>2</di vi si ons><key><f i f t hs>3</f i f t hs><m ode>m aj or</m ode></key><t i m e sym bol="cut"><beat s>2</beat s><beat-t ype>2</beat-t ype> </t i m e></at t r i but es>包含曲谱的调号,节拍信息。
五线谱规格:小节信息:<m easur e num ber="2" w i dt h="354"><at t r i but es><t i m e><beat s>4</beat s><beat-t ype>4</beat-t ype> </t i m e></at t r i but es><not e><r est/><dur at i on>32</dur at i on><voi ce>1</voi ce></not e></m easur e>小节信息:包括小节的编号,宽度,节拍信息,音符信息音符、指示记号信息:<di r ect i on pl acem ent ="bel ow "> <di r ect i on-t ype> <dynam i cs def aul t -y="-80"> <p/> </dynam i cs> </di r ect i on-t ype> <st af f >1</st af f > <sound dynam i cs="54"/> </di r ect i on>指示记号:强度记号,包括符号显示和符号声音信息的设定<not e def aul t -x="26"> <pi t ch> <st ep>F</st ep> <oct ave>4</oct ave> </pi t ch> <dur at i on>3</dur at i on> <voi ce>1</voi ce> <t ype>quar t er </t ype> <dot /><acci dent al >nat ur al</acci dent al ><st em def aul t -y="1">up </st em > <l yr i c def aul t -y="-80" num ber ="1"> <syl l abi c>begi n</syl l abi c> <t ext >l ei </t ext > </l yr i c> </not e>单个音符:包括音符的音高、时长、以及显示信息。
名单信息: <cr edi t page="1"><cr edi t -w or ds def aul t -x="1280" def aul t -y="1500" Font -si ze="10" hal i gn="r i ght " val i gn="bot t om ">J ohannes Br ahm s</cr edi t -w or ds> </cr edi t >名单信息:包括曲谱名、作曲、作词、编曲、创建人等信息<m ovem ent -t i t l e>W i e M el odi en zi eht esm i r (Page 1)</m ovem ent -t i t l e><cr edi t page="1"><cr edi t -w or ds def aul t -x="680" def aul t -y="1580" f ont -si ze="14" j ust i f y="cent er " val i gn="t op">Op. 105, N o. 1</cr edi t -w or ds> </cr edi t >。