







国家爱国统一战线patriotic united frontpatri- 表示“父”之义,父的,父系的patriot 爱国者,爱国主义者patriotism 爱国主义,爱国精神patriotism education 爱国(主义)教育patriotic 爱国的patriotic songs 爱国歌曲祖国motherland homeland fatherland国家country 侧重疆土和人口developing countries 发展中国家nation 侧重民族Chinese nation 中华民族state 侧重政治意义上的国家,政府和政体state councilor 国务委员中华人民共和国The people’s Republic of China PRCfront 前线at the front 在前线front line 也作first line,除表示“前线"外,还可以表示“第一线,基层”,“前沿”等义2. 改革改革reform 用作动词,名词和形容词改革开放reform and opening—up改革攻坚further reform in difficult areas; tackle hard issues in the reform改革试点pilot reform program人事制度改革reform of personnel system住房制度改革reform of housing system经济体制改革economic restructuring教育改革educational reform课程改革curriculum reform宗教改革religious reform; the Reformation3。


• A. barns B. stables C. kennels D. sheds
• Barn 谷仓,车库 Stable 马厩 Kennel; doghouse狗 窝shed库房,车库den兽穴cowshed牛棚 Sheepfold, sheeppen羊圈Henhouse, roost, chicken coop 鸡窝nest鸟窝Pigsty, pigpen, hogpen 猪圈
• A. query B. hint C. thought D. clue
• 11. His _______ of the basic structure is good but his vocabulary is limited.
• A. hold B. grip C. grasp D. seizure
• a thick puddle 浑浊的泥潭 • a thick/thin voice 嘶哑的/微弱的声音
• a thin joke 浅陋无趣的笑话 • a thin disguise 容易识破的伪装 • a heavy/light meal 不易消化的/易消化的/清淡的饭

• a heavy/light mist 浓/薄雾 • heavy/light reading 单调乏味的/轻松的读物 • a heavy/tight schedule 排得很紧的日程表
• Several pupils of his • An invitation of John’s • 类似这种双重所有格的还有of one’s own 结构,如
• I wish I had a car of my own.
• 10. He used so much jargon that I hadn’t a ______ what he was talking about.



英语中描述‎人品质、性‎格的形容词‎大全a‎b le 有‎才干的,能‎干的ac‎t ive ‎主动的,活‎跃的ad‎a ptab‎l e 适应‎性强的a‎d roit‎灵巧的,‎机敏的a‎g gres‎s ive ‎有进取心的‎aler‎t机灵的‎ambi‎t ious‎有雄心壮‎志的am‎i able‎和蔼可亲‎的ami‎c able‎友好的‎a naly‎t ical‎善于分析‎的app‎r ehen‎s ive ‎有理解力的‎aspi‎r ing ‎有志气的,‎有抱负的‎a udac‎i ous ‎大胆的,有‎冒险精神的‎capa‎b le 有‎能力的,有‎才能的c‎a refu‎l办事仔‎细的ca‎n did ‎正直的c‎h arit‎a ble ‎宽厚的c‎o mpet‎e nt 能‎胜任的c‎o nfid‎e nt 有‎信心的c‎o nsci‎e ntio‎u s 认真‎的,自觉的‎cons‎i dera‎t e 体贴‎的con‎s truc‎t ive ‎建设性的‎c onte‎m plat‎i ve 好‎沉思的c‎o oper‎a tive‎有合作精‎神的cr‎e ativ‎e富创造‎力的da‎s hing‎有一股子‎冲劲的,有‎拼搏精神的‎dedi‎c ated‎有奉献精‎神的de‎v oted‎有献身精‎神的de‎p enda‎b le 可‎靠的di‎p loma‎t ic 老‎练的,有策‎略的di‎s cipl‎i ned ‎守纪律的‎d iscr‎e et (‎在行动,说‎话等方面)‎谨慎的d‎u tifu‎l尽职的‎dyna‎m ic 精‎悍的‎‎e arne‎s t 认真‎的wel‎l-edu‎c ated‎受过良好‎教育的e‎f fici‎e nt 有‎效率的e‎n erge‎t ic 精‎力充沛的‎e nthu‎s iast‎i c 充满‎热情的e‎x pres‎s ive ‎善于表达‎f aith‎f ul 守‎信的,忠诚‎的for‎c eful‎(性格)‎坚强的f‎r ank ‎直率的,真‎诚的fr‎i endl‎y友好的‎fru‎g al 俭‎朴的ge‎n erou‎s宽宏大‎量的ge‎n teel‎有教养的‎gent‎l e 有礼‎貌的ha‎r d-wo‎r king‎勤劳的‎h eart‎y精神饱‎满的ho‎n est ‎诚实的h‎o spit‎a ble ‎殷勤的h‎u mble‎恭顺的‎h umor‎o us 幽‎默的im‎p arti‎a l 公正‎的ind‎e pend‎e nt 有‎主见的i‎n dust‎r ious‎勤奋的‎i ngen‎i ous ‎有独创性的‎init‎i ativ‎e首创精‎神hav‎e an ‎i nqui‎r ing ‎m ind ‎爱动脑筋‎i ntel‎l ecti‎v e 有智‎力的in‎t elli‎g ent ‎理解力强的‎inve‎n tive‎有发明才‎能的,有创‎造力的j‎u st 正‎直的ki‎n d-he‎a rted‎好心的‎k nowl‎e dgea‎b le 有‎见识的l‎e arne‎d精通某‎门学问的‎l iber‎a l 心胸‎宽大的l‎o gica‎l条理分‎明的lo‎y al 忠‎心耿耿的‎‎met‎h odic‎a l 有方‎法的mo‎d est ‎谦虚的m‎o tiva‎t ed 目‎的明确的‎o bjec‎t ive ‎客观的o‎p en-m‎i nded‎虚心的‎o rder‎l y 守纪‎律的or‎i gina‎l有独创‎性的p‎a inst‎a king‎辛勤的,‎苦干的,刻‎苦的pr‎a ctic‎a l 实际‎的pre‎c ise ‎一丝不苟的‎pers‎e veri‎n g 不屈‎不挠的‎p unct‎u al 严‎守时刻的‎p urpo‎s eful‎意志坚强‎的qua‎l ifie‎d合格的‎rat‎i onal‎有理性的‎real‎i stic‎实事求是‎的rea‎s onab‎l e 讲道‎理的r‎e liab‎l e 可信‎赖的re‎s pons‎i ble ‎负责的s‎e lf-c‎o nsci‎o us 自‎觉的se‎l fles‎s无私的‎sen‎s ible‎明白事理‎的sin‎c ere ‎真诚的s‎m art ‎精明的s‎p irit‎e d 生气‎勃勃的s‎p orti‎n g 光明‎正大的s‎t eady‎塌实的‎s trai‎g htfo‎r ward‎老实的‎s tric‎t严格的‎syst‎e mati‎c有系统‎的str‎o ng-w‎i lled‎意志坚强‎的swe‎e t-te‎m pere‎d性情温‎和的te‎m pera‎t e 稳健‎的tir‎e less‎孜孜不倦‎的描‎述物的和其‎他ta‎s tefu‎l可口的‎,诱人香味‎的de‎l icio‎u s1‎)hist‎o ric:‎famo‎u s in‎hist‎o ry, ‎历史上著名‎的 ass‎o ciat‎e d wi‎t h pa‎s t ti‎m es 与‎过去时代有‎关的a‎~ ev‎e nt/s‎p eech‎/spot‎his‎t oric‎a l: b‎e long‎to h‎i stor‎y历史上‎的a ‎~ peo‎p le/n‎o vel/‎p lay/‎f ilm/‎p aint‎i ng‎~ tre‎n d‎2) el‎e ctri‎c: wo‎r ked ‎b y, c‎h ange‎d wit‎h, pr‎o duci‎n g el‎e ctri‎c ity ‎用电的,带‎电的, 有‎电的~‎curr‎e nt/c‎a ble ‎elec‎t rica‎l: re‎l atin‎g to ‎e lect‎r icit‎y, an‎idea‎of a‎less‎clos‎e con‎n ecti‎o n wi‎t he‎l ectr‎i city‎~ e‎n gine‎e ring‎/appa‎r atus‎3)‎econ‎o mic:‎of e‎c onom‎i cs‎~ pol‎i cy/g‎e ogra‎p hy/c‎r isis‎/crop‎sec‎o nomi‎c al: ‎c aref‎u l in‎the ‎s pend‎i ng o‎f mon‎e y an‎d tim‎e, no‎t was‎t e 经济‎的,节俭的‎an ‎~ hou‎s ewif‎e/sto‎r e‎4) in‎d ustr‎i al: ‎o f in‎d ustr‎i es 工‎业的t‎h e ~ ‎r evol‎u tion‎/prod‎u cts/‎s yste‎min‎d ustr‎i ous:‎hard‎-work‎i ng, ‎d ilig‎e nt‎~ peo‎p le‎5) c‎o nsid‎e rabl‎e: gr‎e at m‎u ch 相‎当多(大)‎的a ‎~ inc‎o me/d‎i stan‎c ec‎o nsid‎e rate‎: tho‎u ghtf‎u l 体谅‎的,体贴‎的周到的‎She‎is ~‎to o‎t hers‎.6‎) sen‎s ible‎: rea‎s onab‎l e, h‎a ving‎good‎sens‎e实用的‎,明知的‎a ~ ‎w oman‎/idea‎/豁达的‎妇女/明知‎的观点‎~ clo‎t hes ‎实用的衣服‎sen‎s itiv‎e: qu‎i ck t‎o rec‎e ive ‎i mpre‎s sion‎敏感的‎a ~ ‎s kin ‎~ pa‎p er 感‎光纸‎7) co‎n tinu‎a l: g‎o ing ‎o n al‎l the‎time‎with‎o ut s‎t oppi‎n g or‎with‎only‎shor‎t bre‎a ks, ‎stop‎and ‎g o re‎p eate‎d ly, ‎连续的,断‎断续续的‎~ ra‎i n/no‎i se‎c onti‎n uous‎: goi‎n g on‎with‎o ut a‎brea‎k, an‎unin‎t erru‎p ted ‎f low ‎连续不断的‎~ f‎i ght/‎w ork ‎8) ‎i nten‎s e: h‎i gh i‎n deg‎r ee 强‎烈的,剧‎烈的,高度‎的~ ‎h eat炽‎热/pai‎nan‎~ la‎d y 热情‎的女子‎i nten‎s ive:‎deep‎and ‎t horo‎u gh 精‎深的,集‎中的~‎read‎i ng/s‎t udy彻‎底研究/a‎g ricu‎l ture‎密集农业‎9)‎r espe‎c tabl‎e: de‎s ervi‎n g re‎s pect‎,值得尊‎敬的,有名‎望的a‎~ ma‎n/pro‎f essi‎o nr‎e spec‎t ful:‎show‎i ng r‎e spec‎t尊敬人‎的,有礼貌‎的,H‎e is ‎a lway‎s ~to‎the ‎e lder‎s.r‎e spec‎t ive:‎belo‎n gs t‎o eac‎h of ‎t hese‎分别的,‎各自的‎T hey ‎s at o‎n the‎i r ~ ‎c hair‎s.‎10) i‎m agin‎a ble:‎that‎can ‎b e im‎a gine‎d可象想‎的~ ‎d iffi‎c ulti‎e si‎m agin‎a ry: ‎e xist‎i ng o‎n ly i‎n the‎mind‎, unr‎e al 想‎象中的,不‎真实的‎~ fig‎u re‎i magi‎n ativ‎e: of‎, hav‎i ng, ‎u sing‎imag‎i nati‎o n 有想‎象力的,运‎用想象力的‎a ~‎writ‎e r‎11) i‎n tell‎i gent‎: hav‎i ng, ‎s howi‎n g in‎t elli‎g ence‎, cle‎v er 有‎才智的, ‎聪明的‎a n ~ ‎l ooki‎n g gi‎r l ~ ‎a nswe‎rin‎t elli‎g ible‎: cle‎a r to‎mind‎, tha‎t can‎be e‎a sily‎unde‎r stoo‎d. 易了‎解的, 易‎领悟的‎a n ~ ‎s peec‎h/exp‎l anat‎i on‎i ntel‎l ectu‎a l: p‎o sses‎s ing ‎a gre‎a t de‎a l of‎know‎l edge‎知识的,‎智力的‎12)‎cont‎e mpti‎b le: ‎d eser‎v ing ‎c onte‎m pt 可‎卑的a‎~ li‎eco‎n temp‎t uous‎: sho‎w ing ‎c onte‎m pt 表‎示轻视的‎a ~ ‎l ook ‎13)‎cred‎i ble:‎that‎can ‎b e be‎l ieve‎d可信的‎,可靠的‎a ~‎witn‎e ss‎c redu‎l ous:‎too ‎r eady‎to b‎e liev‎e thi‎n gs. ‎轻易相信的‎,易上当的‎He ‎a lway‎s che‎a ts ~‎peop‎l e.‎c redi‎t able‎: tha‎t bri‎n gs c‎r edit‎.可称赞‎的a ‎~ rec‎o rd/d‎e ed/e‎f fort‎14‎) alt‎e rnat‎e: ch‎a ngin‎g by ‎t urns‎轮流的,‎交替的‎alte‎r nati‎v e: g‎i ving‎a ch‎o ice ‎b etwe‎e n tw‎o thi‎n gs 选‎择的,两者‎选一的‎15) ‎c ompa‎r able‎可比较的‎,有类似‎之处的‎c ompa‎r ativ‎e比较而‎言的,相‎当的T‎h ere ‎i s no‎scen‎e ry c‎o mpar‎a ble ‎t o th‎a t of‎the ‎W est ‎l ake.‎He ‎l ived‎in c‎o mpar‎a tive‎comf‎o rt r‎e cent‎l y.‎16) ‎p olit‎i c 精明‎的po‎l itic‎a l 政治‎的1‎7) be‎n efic‎i al 有‎益的b‎e nefi‎c ent ‎多多行善的‎18‎) off‎i cial‎官方的‎offi‎c ious‎多管闲事‎的1‎9) po‎t ent ‎强有力的‎pote‎n tial‎潜在的,‎可能的‎20)‎conf‎i dent‎有信心的‎,自信的‎con‎f iden‎t ial ‎机密的‎21) ‎n egli‎g ent ‎忽视的,‎粗心大意的‎neg‎l igib‎l e 可忽‎视的‎22) m‎o ment‎a ry 瞬‎时的,短‎时的m‎o ment‎o us 重‎大的‎23) m‎e mora‎b le 值‎得记忆的,‎不能忘却‎的me‎m oria‎l纪念的‎24‎) soc‎i al 社‎会的s‎o ciab‎l e 善社‎交的‎25) c‎h ildi‎s h 幼稚‎的ch‎i ldli‎k e 孩子‎般的‎26) d‎i stin‎c t: c‎l ear ‎明显的,‎清晰的‎d isti‎n ctiv‎e: ch‎a ract‎e rist‎i c 独特‎的,有区‎别的‎27) c‎l assi‎c一流的‎cla‎s sica‎l古典的‎28‎) com‎p rehe‎n sibl‎e可理解‎的co‎m preh‎e nsiv‎e全面的‎,综合的‎29‎) dis‎i nter‎e sted‎公平的‎unin‎t eres‎t ed 冷‎淡的‎30) e‎a rthl‎y人间的‎,尘世的‎ear‎t hy 泥‎土似的‎31) ‎e ffec‎t ive ‎有效的‎e ffic‎i ent ‎有效率的‎effe‎c tual‎奏效的‎32)‎exce‎p tion‎a ble ‎反对的‎e xcep‎t iona‎l非凡的‎33‎) fat‎a l 致命‎的fa‎t eful‎决定性的‎34‎) fle‎s hly ‎肉体的‎f lesh‎y肥胖的‎35‎) hom‎e ly 家‎常的h‎o meli‎k e 象家‎的3‎6) im‎(un)p‎r acti‎c al 不‎切合实际的‎imp‎r acti‎c able‎无法使用‎的3‎7) in‎g enio‎u s 有独‎创性的‎i ngen‎u ous ‎直率的,‎天真的‎38) ‎m anly‎男人气派‎的ma‎l e 男的‎mas‎c ulin‎e男性的‎39‎) mov‎a ble ‎可移动的,‎变动的‎mobi‎l e 可动‎的,活动地‎40‎) mys‎t erio‎u s 神秘‎的my‎s tica‎l奥妙的‎41‎) not‎a ble ‎著名的(指‎事)n‎o ted ‎著名的(指‎人)‎42) p‎r acti‎c al 实‎际的p‎r acti‎c able‎可行的,‎通行的‎43)‎regr‎e tful‎遗憾的‎(指人)‎regr‎e ttab‎l e 遗憾‎的(指事‎)4‎4) se‎a sona‎b le 及‎时的s‎e ason‎a l 季节‎的4‎5) sp‎i ritu‎a l 精神‎的sp‎i ritu‎o us 酒‎精的‎46) t‎o rtuo‎u s 弯曲‎的to‎r turo‎u s 受刑‎的4‎7) tr‎a nsit‎o ry 短‎时间的(‎指事)‎t rans‎i ent ‎瞬时的(‎指人)‎48) ‎e leme‎n tary‎基本的‎elem‎e ntal‎自然的‎49)‎heal‎t hy 健‎康的h‎e alth‎f ul 有‎易于健康的‎50‎) lik‎e ly 可‎能的l‎i kabl‎e可爱的‎51‎) des‎i rabl‎e合意的‎des‎i rous‎渴望的‎52)‎c lean‎干净的‎clea‎n ly 有‎干净习惯的‎Are ‎c ats ‎c lean‎l y an‎i mals‎? 5‎3) ki‎n d 慈善‎地ki‎n dly ‎友好的,亲‎切的‎54) t‎e mpor‎a l 一时‎的, 暂时‎的, 世俗‎的te‎m pora‎r y 暂时‎的, 临时‎的‎。



c a t t i二级笔译综合能力词汇整理(总5页)-CAL-FENGHAI.-(YICAI)-Company One1-CAL-本页仅作为文档封面,使用请直接删除Accordingly 因此,因而Span out 拉长,拖延Belt out 大声的,强有力的唱出Spread out 伸展Stretch out 伸手,大踏步Toss 以迅猛的速度突然移动或抬起头Fling 摆动Get off 使获释或减轻刑罚Get by 勉强通过,越过Get away 脱身,逃脱Pitch a tent 搭帐篷Back out 不履行(协议、承诺等)Back down 让步,放弃,屈服Back up 使聚集,支持Back away 因害怕或厌恶而后退Snap 突然折断、断裂Crack 使裂开Burst 使爆炸Fracture 使破碎,打动,使激动Spur 鞭策,激励,疾驰Ultraviolet紫外线的Precise (形式、细节、时间等)Precision 精确的Exact 完全一致的(完全依据事实)Deceitful 欺骗的,不诚实的Deceptive 可能欺骗的,导致误解的Deceive (动词)欺骗Exuberant 充满活力的(enthusiastic)Caste 社会等级地位Cataract 使像瀑布似的注流Cascade 像瀑布般落下Succumbed to = yielded to 屈服于Engrossed in = involved in 对……全神贯注Outmoded = obsolete 荒废的,陈旧的,过时的Expound 详细解释说明(explain in details)Stint 定额工作Spell 一段时间Sling 投石器,吊索Sting 刺痛Stink 臭味Symmetry 对称,匀称Synopsis 大纲,纲要Imminent (about to occur)即将发生的Adjacent 邻近的Perilous 危险的Abate = lesson 减弱,降低Accomplice 帮凶,同谋conspiratorSagacity (good judgment)睿智,精明,精确判断Eulogy 颂词,赞词(chant the eulogy of sb. 赞颂某人)Vigilance 警戒,警惕Make it up to sb. 补偿某人的损失、遭受的不幸或花费的钱财Make sb. up 给某人化妆Tributary 一支流Dragnet 拖网By extension, 引申而言Purchasing power 购买力Maternity unit 产科诊所Poverty Eradication Action Plan《消除贫困行动计划》Embark on the hard journey of 开始踏上了……的艰难旅途Besieged by hordes of tourists 让成群结队的旅客挤得水泄不通Renovation 修缮Amount 总额Insurance 保险费,保险业Cover 保险Premium 保险费,额外费用,奖金,花红Penchant爱好,嗜好Patriarch 极其受尊重的年老男子On a note…以……的调子,带着……的口气On the nod 无异议的,无反对的Intermittent 间歇的,断断续续的Countenance 支持,赞成Conceal 隐藏Sullen 愠怒的,闷闷不乐的Entertain 容纳,接受,愿意考虑,娱乐Commotion 暴乱,骚动 = turmoilCollusion 共谋,勾结Tutelage 监护Monumental 不朽的,非常的Archaic 古老的,古旧的,陈旧的Take sth. as sth. (以某种方式)理解或解释某事Sect 派别,宗教,教派Sector 部门Have no compunction about 对……不内疚Lee side 背风面,避风面,下风面Middleman 中间人,经纪人Intermediary 中间人,调解人Wholesaler 批发商Swamp 沼泽,湿地,煤层聚水洼Bees and wasps 蜜蜂和黄蜂Wrath 愤怒,激怒Descry看见,望见Disconcert 使惊惶,使仓皇失措Discard 丢弃,抛弃Free fall 大幅下滑Quadruple 两番Feeder road 支线公路Trunk highways干线公路草药 medicinal herbs中成药 patent drugsIn a frame of mind 精神状态,情绪Invariably 始终如一地,不变化Rackless 没有支架的Reckless 鲁莽的Gangster 有财势的地主或工业家Magnet 有强大吸引力的人或物Oblivious 未察觉,不注意Obsequious 卑躬的,巴结的Obsolescence 即将过时的,不断淘汰的Take in 欺骗,上当,领会理解,接待,收留,吸入Acquit sb. 宣告某人无罪Abeyance 处于暂时终止(搁置)状态Decaying 腐烂的,变质的 = decomposingHave jurisdiction over 对……有管辖权In gen i ous新颖的了,巧妙的,善于发明创造的(genius天才)In gen u ous 坦率的,天真无邪的,朴实的Pickle 腌渍;腌菜,泡菜;处于困境,遇到麻烦;菜酱Spice 香料,调味品;趣味,情趣,风味;加香料于……,给……增添趣味Inject vigor/energy into 为……注入活力In bulk散装,大批Prepared sets of 12 包装为12支一套的产品For one’s part 对某人来说For one 作为其中一个,举例来说For oneself 独自的靠自己的力量Preliminary 预备的,初步的Calcium 钙Decayed 腐烂的Drop off 离开,散去,逐渐减少,死去Drop out 不参与,放弃Drop on 训斥,惩罚Adroit 熟练的,灵巧的,精明的Instructive 有益的,教育性的Outflow 流出,流出物Outset 开端,开始Precede 领先,先于……Redeem 赎回,挽回,补偿Repel 击退,抵制,使厌恶Impediment 机体出现的言语障碍等Barrier 规则、准则、问题限制了人们Hurdle 成功之前必须处理掉的障碍;篱笆,栏Stager 使摇晃,蹒跚,使动摇Distressed 使忧伤,穷困Prompt 鼓动,促使Assault 袭击Agitate 搅动,动摇,煽动//mitigate 减轻Tangle 处于混乱状态Teem 大量出现Compliment 赞美Complement 补足物Commitment 许诺,承担事务,委托事项Contentment满意,知足Assert oneself 清楚的表达自己的想法且以很坚决的方式实现Unjustifiable 不可理喻的,无法分辨的Implausible 不像真实的,难信的Infeasible 不可行的Untiringly 不知疲倦的,不屈不挠的Erudite 博学的Pent-up = confined 幽闭的,被压抑的,限制的Palpable 可触知的,明显的Be had for the asking 一经索取免费赠送Tentative 实验性的Carry off 夺去……的生命,获得,成功对付Carry forward 发扬,结转Carry on 继续开展,坚持,举止失常Carry out 完成,实现,贯彻,执行Mundane 世界的,世俗的,平凡的Affidavit 宣誓书,书面陈述Allegiance 忠贞,效忠Twilight 黎明,黄昏Realm 领域Rejoice 欣喜Squeeze 压榨,挤Pad 加衬垫,填铺Cluster 集成一串,群集于Ridicule 奚落,嘲笑Sue 起诉Slander 诽谤Encumber 阻碍Pugnacious 好斗的Proverbial 谚语的,众所周知的。



Unit 1stockpiles.发电站的积存如此多却还在生产更多的煤,这实在是荒谬。

defect ion n.背叛;缺点;变节;脱党waft vt.使飘荡;吹送n.飘荡;吹拂vi.飘荡droplets n.[流]液滴(droplet的复数);飞沫wizardry n.巫术,魔法luster n.[光]光泽;光彩vi.有光泽;发亮vt.使有光泽Then it ' s really no more than a means of transportation, it too loses its luster. 然后它就仅仅是一个名符其实的交通工具,失去了它的光彩。

gush v.涌岀;迸岀n.涌岀;迸发If you get a deep cut, there usually is a gush of blood. 如果你被深深地割了一下,通常会有血源源不绝的涌出。

liberalizati on . n.自由化;自由主义化;放宽限制belatedly . adv.延迟地;延续地she belatedly realized that it had bee n her frien d's birthday theday beforesaturati on . n.饱和;色饱和度;浸透;磁化饱和wren chi ng .> n.苗木铲根;修截苗根v.猛扭;歪曲;抢取She was involved in a car accident and she wrenched her neck. 她被卷入一场车祸,扭伤了脖子。

complicity . n.共谋;串通;共犯关系Recently a number of policemen were sentenced to death for their complicityin the murder. 近来很多警察因参与这起谋杀而被判死刑。

peculiar . adj.特殊的;独特的;奇怪的;罕见的n.特权;特有财产Mr. Kennet has a rather peculiar sense of humour.肯尼特先生有一种相当不寻常的幽默感。



翻译三级笔译综合能力分类模拟题形容词(一)Ⅰ Grammar AdjectivesA Multiple Choices1. It's______much more than I paid for it.(江南博哥)A.worthB.worth ofC.worthingD.worthy正确答案:A2. I can't find you______You have no choice.A.a coat enough largeB.an enough large coatC.a large coat enoughD.a large enough coat正确答案:D3. Once you have developed a good study habit, try to keep it______.A.livingB.aliveC.liveD.lively正确答案:B4. The boys were______with excitement when they heard the news.A.insaneB.madC.insensibleD.wild正确答案:D5. What some TV serials present to the audience is simplya______picture of the reality.A.faultB.falseC.fakeD.flake正确答案:B6. The man was left______in the empty land, but he was not lost.A.lonesomeB.aloneC.loneD.lonely正确答案:B7. The road accident left at least 10 people______.A.diedB.deadC.deathD.deadly正确答案:B8. -Do you think that the labor bill will be passed?-Oh, yes. It's______that it will.A.almost surelyB.very likelyC.near positiveD.quite certainly正确答案:B9. After the seed is planted, new, taller shoots appear until the bamboo reaches______ height.pleteB.totalC.fullD.whole正确答案:C10. The seven dwarfs in "Snow White" are______seventy centimeters tall.A.almost more thanB.hardly more thanC.nearly more thanD.as much as正确答案:B11. This is______for me to do.A.far too difficult a jobB.too far difficult a jobC.far too a difficult jobD.too far a difficult job正确答案:A12. Dubai is the capital of the United Arab Emirates, one of the world's leading______oil producers.A.rawB.crudeC.roughD.primitive正确答案:B13. The more civilized man has become,______he is limited by the disadvantage of his environment.A.and the moreB.the lessC.the lestD.and the less正确答案:B14. Although she didn't have to worry about money, she chosethe______expensive among those fashionable coats.A.lessB.one mostC.moreD.least正确答案:D15. The mouth is______intelligent than the ears, for they are both controlled by the brain.A.not soB.not muchC.much moreD.no more正确答案:DB Error Correction1. She stayed at home for a week to look after her ill chilD.正确答案:ill→sick2. In fact, money alone is almost invaluable.正确答案:invaluable→valueless3. As a developing country, China is making a continual development.正确答案:continual→continuous4. Jack's voice sounds strangely today.正确答案:strangely→strange5. Every country has its own historic backgrounD.正确答案:historic→historical6. Her house with a good view of Mt. Rocky was located at the most east end of the village.正确答案:the most east end→the east end此句中,有了end,就没有必要瑞用most了。



考研形容词词汇杭州夏博教育内部资料版权所有∧严禁复印∨考研形容词词汇Aabnormal 反常的,不正常的,不规则的abrupt 突然的,出其不意的;(行为等)粗鲁无礼的abstract 抽象的absurd 荒谬的,荒诞的,荒唐可笑的;不合理的abundant 大量(充足)的;(in)丰富(富裕)的accurate 正确无误的;准确的,精确的accustomed 惯常的;习惯的,适应的(一般作表语) acid 酸的,酸味的;尖刻的acute 剧烈的;敏锐的;成锐角的;尖的,高音的additional额外的,附加的,另外的adjacent (to)(时间上)紧接着的;邻近的,毗邻的adolescent 青春期的,青少年的adult成年的,充分长成的,成熟的adverse 逆的,相反的;敌对的;不利的;有害的advisable 可取的,适当的,明智的aerial (在或来自)空中的,航空的aesthetic(esthetic)美学的,艺术的;审美的affluent 富裕的,富有的,丰富的,富饶的aggressive 侵略的,好斗的,有进取心的,敢作敢为的agreeable 符合的;一致的;欣然同意的;令人愉快的alert 机警的,警觉的;机灵的alien外国的;相异的alike 同样的,相像的alternate 交替的,轮流的alternative 二选一的amateur 业余(水平)的(运动员、艺术家等) ambiguous 引起歧义的,模棱两可的,含糊不清的ambitious 有抱负的,雄心勃勃的;有野心的amiable 和蔼可亲的,友善的,亲切的ample 充分的,富裕的;宽敞的,宽大的analytic(analytical)分析的;分解的ancient 古代的,古老的,古式的annual 每年的,一年生的anonymous 匿名的,无名的,姓氏不明的antique 古式的,过时的apparent 表面上的,貌似真实的;显然的,明明白白的applicable 可应用(实施)的;适当的,合适的appropriate 适当的,恰当的,特有的apt 恰当的,适当的;易于…的,有…倾向的arbitrary 任意的,任性的,主观的;专断的,武断的arrogant 傲慢的,自大的articulate 善于表达的;有关节相连的artificial 人工的,人造的,人为的;虚伪的,做作的artistic 艺术(家)的,美术(家)的;善于艺术创作的ashamed 惭愧的,羞耻的,害臊的assistant 帮助的,辅助的associate 联合的attendant 出席的;伴随的attractive 吸引人的,引人注意的;漂亮的,迷人的audio 音频响的;声音的,听觉的aural听觉的,听力的authentic 真的,真正的;可靠的,可信的,有根据的automatic 自动(装置)的;无意识的;auxiliary 辅助的,支援的available (用于物)可利用的;可见到的,接受采访的average 平均的;普通的aware 知道的,意识到的;awful 极度的,极坏的;威严的,可怕的awkward 笨拙的;尴尬的;使用不便的;难处理的Bbackward 向后的,倒行的;迟钝的bald 秃的,秃头的balloon 气球状的bankrupt 破产的;彻底缺乏的bare 赤裸的,空的;稀少的,仅有的barren 贫瘠的;不育的;(植物)不结果的;无用的beloved 受爱戴的,敬爱的;爱人,被心爱的人beneficial (to)有利的,有益的benign (病)良性的,(气候)良好的,仁慈的,和蔼的blank 空白的,空着的;失色的bleak 荒凉的;冷酷的;没有希望的bloody 流血的,血腥的blunt 率直的;钝的bold 大胆的,勇敢的;冒失的;黑体的,粗体的bound 被束缚的,一定的;brief 简短的,简洁的brilliant 光辉的,灿烂的;卓越的,有才华的brisk 轻快的;生气勃勃的;兴隆的brittle 易碎的;脆弱的;冷淡的;(声音)尖利的brutal 残忍的;严峻的;严酷的Ccapable 有本领的,有能力的;(of)可以…的,能…的captive 被俘虏的,被监禁的cardinal 首要的,基本的casual 偶然的,碰巧的;临时的,非正式的Catholic 天主教的cautious (of)小心的,谨慎的centigrade 摄氏温度计(的);百分度(的) characteristic (of)特有的,独特的chronic (疾病)慢性的;积习难改的;严重的,坏的circular 圆(形)的,环形的;循环的civil 公民的,市民的;民间的;民用的;有礼貌的civilian 平民的;民用的classic 第一流的,不朽的classical 经典的,古典(文学)的clockwise顺时针方向closet 私下的clumsy 笨拙的,愚笨的coarse 粗糙的,粗劣的;粗鲁的,粗俗的cognitive 认知的,认识能力的coherent粘着的,粘附的cohesive 粘合性的,有结合力的collective 集体的,共同的colonial 殖民地的,关于殖民的comic 喜剧的,滑稽的commercial 商业的;商务的;可获利的commonplace 普通的,平庸的compact 紧密的,结实的;简明的comparable (with,to)可比较的,比得上的comparative 比较的,相当的compatible 能和睦相处的,合得来的;兼容的competent 有能力的,能胜任的;足够的complementary补充的辅助的complex 复杂的;合成的,综合的;complicated 错综复杂的,麻烦的,难解的component 组成的,合成的composite 混合成的,综合成的compound 混合的,化合的;comprehension 理解(力),领悟;包含,包含力comprehensive 内容广泛的,总括性的,综合的compulsory 必须做的,强制性的,(课程)必修的concise 简明的,简洁的concrete 具体的,实质性的confidential 秘(机)密的;表示信任的;担任机密工作的conscientious 审慎正直的,认真的,本着良心的conscious (of)意识到的,自觉的;神志清醒的consecutive 连续的;连贯的;顺序的conservative 保守的,守旧的considerable 相当大(或多)的,可观的;值得考虑的considerate 考虑周到的,体谅的consistent(in)前后一致的;(with)一致,符合conspicuous 显眼的,明显的constant 固定的,持续的,忠实的constituent 组成的,构成的contemporary 现代的,当代的;同时代的continual 不断的,连续的,频繁的controversial 引起争论的,有争议的conventional 惯例的,常规的cooperative 合作的,协作的coordinate 同等的copyright 版权的cordial 诚恳的,亲切的,热诚的corresponding 符合的,相应的,对应的corrupt 腐败的,贪污的cosmic 宇宙的;无比巨大的,无穷尽的cosy 暖和舒服的;舒适的counter 相反的creative 有创造力的,创造性的criminal 犯罪的,刑事的critical 批评的,评论的;危急,紧要的;临界的crucial 至关重要的,决定性的crude 天然的,未加工的;未熟的;粗鲁的,粗野的crystal 水晶的,透明的cunning 狡猾的,狡诈的current 当前的;流通的customary 习惯的,惯例的Ddamn 十足的damp 潮湿的decent 体面的;正派的,合乎礼仪的;合适的decimal 十进的,小数的,十进制的definite 明确的;一定的;意志坚强的,立场坚定的degenerate 堕落的deliberate 深思熟虑的,故意的delicate 纤弱的;精致的;微妙的;灵敏的democratic 民主的dense 浓厚的,密集的,稠密的dental 牙齿的;牙科(用)的depart 过去的,逝世的depressed沮丧的降低的deputy 副的,代理的desirable 值得做的;合意的,称心的;期望得到的desolate 荒凉的;孤独的desperate 不顾一切的,铤而走险的;绝望的,危急的destructive 破坏性diffuse (文章等)冗长的,漫无边际的digital 数字的;数位的;手指的diligent 勤奋的,用功的dilute 稀释的,冲淡的dim 暗淡的,模糊的diplomatic 外交的,从事外交的;策略的,有手腕的disastrous 灾难性的discreet (言行)谨慎的;慎重的;有判断力的distinct 清楚的,明显的;(from)截然不同的diverse 多种多样的,(from)不同的divine 神的,神授的,天赐的;极好的,极美的dizzy 头晕目眩的,眩晕的;(可能)使人头晕的documentary 文献的domestic 家里的;本国的;驯养的dominant 支配的,统治的,占优势的dramatic 戏剧的,戏剧性的;剧烈的drastic 激烈的,严厉的;(药性等)猛烈的dubious 怀疑的,无把握的;有问题的,靠不住的dull 单调的;迟钝的,愚笨的;不锋利的dumb 哑的,无言的duplicate 复制的,二重的durable 持久的,耐久的dynamic 动力的,电动的;有生气的Eearnest 热心的,诚挚的eccentric 古怪的,怪癖的,异乎寻常的economic 经济(上)的,经济学的edible 可食用的editorial 社论的;编辑上的effective 有效的,生效的;被实施的;给人深刻印象efficient 有效的,效率高的;有能力的,能胜任的elaborate 精心制作(的);详细阐述(的) elastic 弹性的electronic 电子的elegant 优雅的;端庄的;雅致的elementary 初步的;基本的;eligible 符合条件的;(尤指婚姻等)合适(意)的eloquent 雄辩的,有说服力的;善辩的,口才流利的eminent 显赫的;杰出的;有名的;优良的empirical 凭经验(或观察)的,经验主义的energetic 精力旺盛的;积极的;有力的enormous 巨大的,庞大的enthusiastic 热情的,热心的entire 完全的,全部的,完整的epidemic 流行性的;传染的equivalent (to)相等的,等价的erect 直立的,垂直的erroneous 错误的,不正确的essential 本质的,基本的;净化的ethnic 种族的;人种学的evident 明显的,明白的evil 邪恶的,罪恶的exceptional 例外的,异常的excess 过量的,额外的excessive 过多的;过分的;额外exclusive 独占的;排他的;孤高的;唯一的;高级的executive 执行的,实施的exempt 免除的exotic 奇异的;异国情调的;外(国)来的experimental 实验(性)的,试验(性)的expert 熟练的,有经验的;专门的explicit 详述的,明确的;坦率的;显然的explosive 爆炸(性)的,爆发(性)的exquisite 优美的,高雅的,精致的;剧烈的,异常的extensive 广大的,广阔的exterior 外部的,外面的external 外部的;客观的;外国的;表面的; extinct 灭绝的;熄灭了的extraordinary 非常的;格外的;意外的;离奇的;临时的extravagant 奢侈的;过分的;(言行等)放肆的extreme 末端的,尽头的;极度的Ffabulous 极好的;极为巨大的;寓言中的,传说中的faithful 守信的,忠实的,如实的,可靠的fake 假的,冒充的fancy 花式的,奇特的fatal 致命的,毁灭性的faulty 有错误的,有缺点的,不完善的favorable(favourable)赞许的,有利的,讨人喜欢的fearful 可怕的,吓人的;害怕,担心,惊恐feasible 可行的;切实可行的;行得通的;可用的federal 联邦的;联邦制的;联合的;同盟的feeble 虚弱的,无力的fell 凶猛的;可怕的female 女性的;雌的;柔弱的feminine 女性的;娇柔的fertile 肥沃的,富饶的;能繁殖的feudal 封建的;封地的;领地的fierce 凶猛的,残忍的;狂热的,强烈的financial 财政的,金融的finite 有限的;fitting 适当的,恰当的flash 闪光的flexible 柔韧的,易弯曲的,灵活的,能变形的fluent 流利的,流畅的fluid 流动的,液体的flush 洋溢的;富裕的;齐平的folk 民间的fore 先前的;在前部的foremost 最先的;最初的;主要的formal 正式的;形式的former 以前的,在前的formidable 强大的;令人敬畏的;可怕的;艰难的forthcoming 即将到来的;准备好的;乐意帮助的foster收养的foul 污秽的;邪恶的fragile 易碎的,脆的,易损坏的;虚弱的,脆弱的fragrant 香的;芬芳的frank 坦白的,直率的fruitful 多产的;果实累累的,富有成效的fundamental 基础的,基本的furious 狂怒的,狂暴的,猛烈的futile 无效的,无用的,无希望的Ggenerous 宽宏大量的,慷慨的genetic 遗传(学)的genuine 真正的,名副其实的giant巨大的gigantic 巨大的,庞大的global 球形的;全球的,全世界的;全面的gloomy 阴暗的,阴沉的,令人沮丧的,阴郁的glorious 壮丽的,辉煌的;光荣的gorgeous 华丽的;灿烂的;美丽的;宜人的;棒的gracious 亲切的,客气的;宽厚的,仁慈的gradual 逐渐的,逐步的graduate 毕了业的grand 盛大的,豪华的;重大的,主要的graphic 绘画似的,图解的,生动的grateful (to,for)感激的;感谢的grave 严肃的,庄重的greedy 贪吃的,贪婪的,渴望的grim 严酷的,令人害怕的;不愉快的,讨厌的gross 总的,毛(重)的;粗鲁的,粗俗的guilty (of)有罪的,内疚的Hhandy 手边的,近便的;方便的harsh 粗糙的;(声音)刺耳的;苛刻的,严酷的hasty 匆忙的,仓促的;草率的heroic 英雄的,英勇的,崇高的hinder 后面的holy 神圣的,圣洁的homogeneous 同种类的,同性质的,有相同特征的honorable(honourable)可敬的;荣誉的,光荣的horizontal 地平线的;水平的horrible 令人恐惧的,可怕的;极讨厌的,糟透的hostile 敌对的,敌方的,敌意的household 家庭(务)的,家常的humble 谦卑的,恭顺的;地位低下的humid 湿的,湿气重的hysterical 情绪异常激动的,歇斯底里的Iideal 理想的;空想的;理想主义的;唯心的identical (to.with)同一的,同样的idle 空闲的,闲置的;懒散的ignorant 无知的,愚昧的;不知道的illegal 不合法的,非法的illiterate 文盲的,未受教育的imaginary 想象的,虚构的imaginative 富有想象力的,爱想象的immense 广大的,巨大的;immigrant (从国外)移来的,移民的immune 免疫的,有免疫力的;有受影响的;豁免的impatient 不耐烦的,急躁的imperative强制的;紧急的imperial 帝国的,帝王的;(度量衡)英制的implicit 含蓄的;(in)固有的;无疑问的;绝对的impressive 给人深刻印象的,感人的inclusive (of)包括的,包含的;范围广的incorporate 合并的incredible不可相信的,惊人的,不可思议的independent (of)独立的,自主的indicative (of)指示的,暗示的indifferent 冷漠的,不关心的,不积极的indignant 愤慨的,愤慨不平的indispensable (to,for)必不可少的,必需的individual 个人的,单独的;独特的industrial 工业的,产业的inevitable 不可避免的,必然发生的inferior 下等的,下级的;劣等的,差的infinite 无限的,无穷的influential 有影响的;有权势的infrared 红外线的ingenious 机敏的;有独创性的;精致的;精巧制成的inherent 固有的,内在的,天生的initial 最初的,开头的;词首的initiative 创始的,起始的inland 国内的,内地的,内陆的innocent (of)清白的,无罪的;无害的;单纯的,无知的innumerable 无数的,数不清的instant 立即的;紧迫的;(食品)速溶的instantaneous 瞬间的,即刻的instrumental 仪器的;器械的;乐器的;起作用的;有帮助的intact 完整无缺的,未经触动的,未受损伤的integral 构成整体所必需的;完整的intellectual 智力的,理智的,有理解力的intelligent 聪明的,明智的,理智的intelligible 可理解的,明白易懂的,清楚的intense 强烈的,剧烈的;热烈的,热情的intensive 加强的,集中的,深入细致的,精耕细作的interim 中间的,暂时的,临时的interior 内部的,里面的intermediate 中间的,居间的;中级的intermittent 间歇的,断断续续的internal 内部的,内的;国内的,内政的intimate 亲密的,密切的intricate 复杂的,错综的,难以理解的intrinsic (指价值、性质)固有的,本质的,内在的invalid 有病的,伤残的;无效的invaluable 非常宝贵的,无价的inverse 相反的,倒转的,反转的invisible 看不见的,无形的irrespective 不顾的,不考虑的,无关的Jjealous (of)妒忌的;猜疑的,警惕的joint 联合的,共同的,连接的jolly 欢乐的,高兴的judicial 司法的,法庭的,审判的;明断的,公正的junior 年少的,三年级的,下级的juvenile 青少年的,幼稚的Kkeen 锋利的;敏锐的;敏捷的;(on)热心的,渴望的kin亲属关系的,同类的Llame 跛的,(辩解、论据等)无说服力的laser 潜在的,潜伏的,不易察觉的latter 后者的;后一半的,接近终了的leading 领导的,指导的;第一位的;最主要的lean 瘦的,无脂肪的legal 法律的,法定的;合法的,正当的legitimate合法的;合理的,合乎逻辑的liable 有...倾向的;可能遭受...的;有责任的liberal 慷慨的,大方的;富足的;自由的,思想开放的lightning n.闪电闪电般的,快速的limited 有限的,被限制的limp 柔软的,易曲的linear 线的,直线的,线状的;长度的;线性的linguistic 语言的,语言学的liquid 液体的,液态的literary 文学上的,文学的;精通文学的,从事写作的locomotive运动的,移动的,运载的lofty 崇高的,高尚的;高傲的;极高的logical 逻辑的,符合逻辑的loose (宽)松的;不精确的;自由的,散漫的loyal(to)忠诚的,忠贞的lunar 月亮的luxury 奢华的,豪华的Mmagic 有魔力的,魔术的magnetic 磁的,有磁性的;有吸引力的magnificent 华丽的,高尚的,宏伟的maiden 未婚的,纯洁的,无经验的malignant恶性的,致命的;恶意的,恶毒的manifest 明白的,明了的manual 手的,手工做的,体力的marine 海的,海生的;船舶的,航海的marital 婚姻的,夫妻之间的marvelous(marvellous)惊人的,奇迹般的,妙极的Marxist 马克思主义的masculine 男性的,似男性的;[语法]阳性的massive 大而重的,厚实的,粗大的;大规模的,大量的master 主要的mature 成熟的,熟的;成年人的mechanical 机械的,由机构制成的;机械似的,呆板的medieval 中世纪的,中古(时代)的,老式的,原始的medium 中等的memorial 记忆的,纪念的mere纯粹的;仅仅,只不过metric 米制的,公制的metropolitan 首都的,主要都市的,大城市mild 温和的,轻微的,味淡的,不含有害物质的的militant 好战的,富于战斗性的military 军事的,军用的,军队的miniature 微型的,缩小的minimum 最小的,最低的minor 较小的,较小的minus 负的,减的miserable 痛苦的,悲惨的missionary 教会的,传教(士)的mock 假的,模拟的moderate 有节制的,中等的,适度的,温和的,稳健的modest 谦虚的,有节制的moist 潮湿的,湿润的,多雨的monetary 金融的,货币的monotonous 单调的,无变化的moral 道德上的,精神上的mortal 致命的;终有一死的;人世间的motive 发动的,运动的multiple 多样的,多重的municipal市的,市政的;市立的;地方性的,地方自治的mute哑的,缄默的音mutual 相互的,彼此的;共同的,共有的Nnaive 天真的naked 裸体的,无遮敝的,无掩饰的narrative 叙述性的nasty 肮脏的,卑劣的,下流的;令人厌恶的negative 否定的,消极的,阴性的negligible可忽略不计的,微不足道的neutral 中立的;中性的,中和的nominal 名义上的;(金额,租金)微不足道的noticeable 显而易见的,值得注意的,重要的notorious 臭名昭著的,声名狼藉的novel 新奇的,新颖的nuclear 核心的,中心的;原子核的,核能的numb 麻木的,失去感觉的numerical数字的,用数字表示的,数值的numerous 众多的,许多的,大批的Ooak 橡木的obedient 服从的,顺从的objective 客观的,真实的obscure 暗的,朦胧的;模糊的,晦涩的obsolete 已废弃的,过时的occasional 偶然的,非经常的,特殊场合的;临时的odd 奇数的;奇怪的;单只的;临时的;带零头的offensive 冒犯的,攻击的opaque 不透明(光)的;难理解的,晦涩的operational 操作的,运转的,起作用的,经营的opponent 对立的,对抗的optical 眼的,视力的;光学的optimistic 乐观主义的optimum 最适宜的orderly 整齐的,有秩序的,有条理的organic 器官的;有机的;有机体的oriental 东方的,东方诸国的original 最初的,原文的;新颖的orthodox 传统的,正统的,习惯的,保守的,东正教的outer 外部的,外面的,外层的oval 卵形的,椭圆形的overall 全面的,综合的overhead 在头顶上的;架空的overnight 通宵的,晚上的overseas 外国的,海外的overtime 超时的,加班的overwhelming 势不可挡的,压倒的owing 欠的,未付的Ppanic 恐慌的,惊慌的parallel 平行的,相同的,类似的partial 部分的,不完全的;偏袒的,不公平的,偏爱的participant 有份的,参与的passive 被动的,消极的patent 专利的,特许的pathetic 可怜的,悲惨的patriotic爱国的peak 高峰的,最高的peculiar 古怪的,异常的;特殊的,特有的pedestrian 徒步的,呆板的,通俗的periodical周期的,定期的permanent 永久的,持久的perpetual 永久的,永恒的,长期的pessimistic 悲观主义的petty小器、小规模的,不重要的,细微的,卑鄙的physical 物质的;肉体的,身体的;自然科学的,物理的physiological 生理学的,生理学上的plastic可塑的,塑性的plausible 似是而非的,似乎合理的,似乎可信的plentiful 富裕的,丰富的plus 正的,加的polar 两极的,极地的,南辕北辙的porcelain 精制的,瓷器的portable 轻便的,手提式的,可移动的positive 肯定的,积极的,绝对的,无疑的,正的potential 潜在的,可能的powerful 强大的,有力的,有权的preceding 在前的,在先的precious 珍贵的,贵重的precise 精确的,准确的predominant (over)占优势的;主要的,突出的preferable (to)更可取的,更好的pregnant 怀孕的,孕育的,充满的,意味深长的preliminary 预备的,初步的prevalent 流行的,普遍的previous 先前的,以前的primary 最初的,初级的;首要的,主要的,基本的prime 首要的;最好的,第一流的primitive 原始的,远古的,早期的;粗糙的,简单的principal 最重要的,主要的prior 优先的,在前的;(to)在…之前productive 生产(性)的,能产的,多产的professional 职业的,专门的profitable 有利可图的,有益的profound 深刻的,意义深远的;渊博的,造诣深的prominent 突起的,凸出的;突出的,杰出的prompt 敏捷的,迅速的,即刻的prone 倾向于,俯伏的,倾斜的,陡的prose 散文的prospective 预期的prosperous 繁荣的,兴旺的,茂盛的,顺利的prudent 谨慎的,智慧的,稳健的,节俭的punctual 严守时刻的,准时的,正点的Qqualitative 性质上的,定性的quantitative 数量的,定量的quarterly 每季的queer 奇怪的,古怪的Rracial 种的,种族的radiant 发光的,辐射的,容光焕发的radical 基本的,重要的;激进的,极端的;根本的radioactive 放射性,放射引起的random 随机的,随意的rare 稀有的,难得的,珍奇的;稀薄的,稀疏的rash 轻率的,鲁莽的rational 理性的,合理的raw 未煮过的,生的;未加工过的,未经训练的realistic 现实(主义)的reasonable 合理的,有道理的;通情达理的;适度的recipient 接受的,感受性强的reciprocal相互的,往复的,互利的reckless 不注意的,大意的,卤莽的,不顾后果的redundant多余的,过剩的;(食物)丰富的;被解雇的regardless 不管…的,不顾…的,不注意的relevant 有关的,中肯的,相应的,实质性的reliable 可靠的,可信赖的,确实的religious 宗教的,信教的,虔诚的reluctant 不愿的,勉强的remarkable 值得注意的;显著的,异常的,非凡的remote 远的,遥远的,疏远的,偏僻的,细微的representative (of)典型的,有代表性的resident 居住的resistant (to)抵抗的,有抵抗力的resolute 坚决的,果断的respective 各自的,各个的responsible (for,to)应负责的;可靠的;责任重大的restless 得不到休息的;不平静的;坐立不安的resultant 作为结果而发生的;合成的reverse 相反的revolutionary 革命的,革新的ridiculous荒谬的,可笑的rigid 刚性的;刻板的;严厉的rigorous 严格的,严厉的,严酷的,严密的,严谨的ritual 宗教仪式的,典礼的rival 竞争的robe 强健的,雄壮的,精力充沛的,坚固的,浓的rotary 旋转的rotten 腐烂的,腐朽的roundabout 迂回的,转弯抹角的routine 常规的,例行的royal 王室的,皇家的;第一流的,高贵的rural 乡下的,田园的,乡村风味的ruthless 残酷的,无情的Ssacred 神圣的;宗教的;庄严的sane 心智健全的,神志清醒的,明智的,稳健的sarcastic 讽刺的satisfactory 令人满意的,圆满的,良好的,符合要求的savage 野蛮的;凶恶的,残暴的scarce 缺乏的,不足的;稀少的,罕见的secondary 次要的,二级的;中级的,第二的secure (from,against)安全的,放心的select 精选的,选择的senior 年长的;地位较高的sensible 明智的,达理的;可觉察的,明显的sensitive (to)敏感的,易受伤害的;灵敏的serial 连续的severe 严厉的;剧烈的,严重的,严峻的,艰难的shabby 简陋的,破旧的,卑鄙的,不公平的shady 成荫的,多荫的;可疑的,靠不住的shallow浅的,浅薄的sham 假冒的,虚伪的sheer 纯粹的,十足的,全然的;陡峭的,险峻的shrewd 机灵的,敏锐的;精明的sideways 向旁边的,侧身,横着的,斜着的significant 有意义的;重大的,重要的simultaneous 同时的,同时存在的sincere 诚挚的,真实的,诚恳的singular 非凡的,卓越的;单数的skeptical 怀疑的slack 懈怠的,松驰的;萧条的slender 修长的,细长的,苗条的;微小的,微薄的slight 轻微的,微小的;纤细的,瘦弱的slim 苗条的;(机会)少的slippery 滑的,滑溜的sly 狡猾的,偷偷摸摸的sober 清醒的;认真的,冷静的,适度的sociable 好交际的,友好的,合群的solar 太阳的,日光的sole 单独的,唯一的n.脚垫,鞋底solemn 庄严的,隆重的;严肃的solitary 孤独的;偏僻的;单一的,唯一的sophisticated 尖端的,复杂的,先进的;老练的,老于世故的sore 疼痛的;痛心的sour 酸的;发酸的;酸痛的;脾气坏的;刻薄的sovereign 独立的,有主权的specific 明确的,具体的;特定的,特有的spectacular 壮观的,引人注目的spicy 加很多香料的;(口味)浓郁的spiral 螺旋形的spiritual 精神(上)的,心灵的spontaneous 自发的,自然产生的stable 稳定的,安定的static (statical)静态的,静力的stationary 静止的,固定的statistical 统计的,统计学的steady 稳定的,不变的;坚定的steep 陡峭的;险峻的;急剧升降的stereo 立体声的stern 严厉的;坚决的,坚定的sticky 粘的,粘性的;棘手的;(道路)泥泞的stiff 硬的,僵直的;拘谨的;呆板的;艰难的straightforward 正直的;简单的,易懂的streamline 流线型的strenuous 费力的,艰辛的;奋发的,努力的striking 显著的;惹人注目的,容貌出众的stubborn 顽固的,倔强的;难对付的,难以克服的sturdy 坚定的,不屈不挠的;强健的,结实的subjective 主观(上)的,个人的submarine 水底的,海底的subordinate (to)次要的,从属的;下级的subsequent 随后的,后来的substantial 实质的;相当的;显著的;坚固的;富裕的subtle 精巧的,巧妙的;细微的,微妙的successive 接连的,连续的sufficient (for)足够的,充分的(比enough拘谨、正式)summary 概括的,简略的superb 极好的,杰出的;华丽的;superficial 表面的;肤浅的,浅薄的superfluous 多余的,过剩的,superior 优良的,卓越的;上级的supersonic 超音速的,超声波的supreme 极度的,最重要的;至高的,最高的surface 表面的,肤浅的surplus 过剩的,剩余的susceptible 易受影响的;易受感动的;易受感染的suspect 可疑的suspicious (of)可疑的,多疑的,疑心的swift 快的;敏捷的sympathetic 有同情心的;赞同的;synthetic 合成的,人造的;综合的systematic (systematical)系统的,有组织的Ttame 驯服的,温顺的;沉闷的,乏味的tan (皮肤因日晒而成)棕褐色的tedious 乏味的,单调的,冗长的temporary 暂时的,临时的tender 嫩的;敏感的;温柔的tense 绷紧的,紧张的tentative 试探性的,暂时的;犹豫不决的terminal 晚期的;终点的;期末的thorough 彻底的,完全的;精心的thoughtful 认真思考的,沉思的;体贴的,关心的timely 及时的,适时的timid 胆怯的,怯懦token 象征性的tolerant 容忍的,宽容的;有耐药力的tough 坚韧的,棘手的;强健的,吃苦耐劳的;粗暴的toxic有毒的;中毒的tragic 悲剧的,悲惨的transient 短暂的,转瞬即逝的;临时的,暂住的transparent 透明的,透光的;易理解的;明显的tremendous 巨大的,极大的trim 整齐的,整洁的triple 三倍的;三部分构成的trivial 琐碎的;无足轻重的tropical 热带的turbulent 狂暴的,无秩序的typical (of)典型的,有代表性的Uultimate 最后的,最终的;根本的unanimous 全体一致的,一致同意的underground 地下的;秘密的underlying 含蓄的,潜在的;在下面的undesirable不受欢迎的令人不快的uneasy 不安的,焦虑的unexpected 想不到的,意外的,未预料到unique 唯一的,独一无二的universal 普遍的,全体的,通用的;宇宙的,世界的upper 上面的;上部的,较高的upright 垂直的,直立的;正直的,诚实的upset 难过的;不安的up-to-date 现代化的,最新的;跟上时代的upward 向上的,上升的urban 城市的,市内的urgent 急迫的,紧要的,紧急的utmost 最远的;极度的utter 彻底的,完全的Vvacant 空的,未占用的;空缺的;神情茫然的vague 不明确的,含糊的,暧昧的vain 徒劳的,徒然的;自负的,爱虚荣的valid有效的;有根据的;正当的variable 易变的;可变的;变量的vast 巨大的,辽阔的,大量的;巨额的velvet 丝绒制的,柔软的verbal 用言辞的,用文字的;口头的;动词的versatile 通用的;多才多艺的,多方面的vertical 垂直的,竖的vicious 恶毒的,凶残的,邪恶的vigorous 朝气蓬勃的,精力旺盛的violent 猛烈的,激烈的;暴力引起的,强暴的violet 紫色的virgin 处女的;纯洁的;原始的;未使用的virtual 实际上的,事实上的visible 看得见的,明显的,显著的visual 看的,看得见的;视觉的vital 生死攸关的,重大的;生命的,生机的vivid 鲜艳的;生动的,栩栩如生的vocal 声音的;有声的;歌唱的void 空虚的;没有的;无效的voluntary 自愿的,志愿的vulgar 粗俗的,庸俗的,本土的,通俗的,普通的vulnerable 易受攻击的Wwaterproof 防水的,耐水的wealthy 富有的,丰裕的,充分的weary 疲倦的;令人厌烦的weird 古怪的,离奇的;怪诞的,神秘而可怕的wholesome 卫生的;有益的;健康的,有益健康的wicked 坏的;邪恶的;不道德的;恶劣的;淘气的widespread 分布广泛的,普遍的。



翻译二级笔译综合能力分类模拟题16(总分:100.00,做题时间:90分钟)一、Vocabulary and Grammar(总题数:0,分数:0.00)二、Correcting Grammatical Errors(总题数:40,分数:100.00)1.Not much people realize that apples have been cultivated for over 3,000 years.(分数:2.50)A.Not many √B.Not enoughC.Without manyD.No many解析:[解析] 本题考查much和many的用法。


people 是可数名词复数,修饰可数名词复数应用many,而不能用much,much只能修饰不可数名词。

not many意为“不是很多”。


2.The eastern bluebird is considered the most attractive bird native of North America by many bird-watchers.(分数:2.50)A.nativeB.native withC.native byD.native to √解析:[解析] 本题考查习惯搭配。


native意为“本国的,原产的;生来具有的”,当表示某地特产、原产时,native后面一般加to+名词,即native to North America原产于北美。


3.All living creatures pass on inherited traits from one generation to other .(分数:2.50)A.the otherB.another √C.othersD.other one解析:[解析] 本题考查代词的用法。








汉语无主句较多,而英语句子一般都要有主语,所以在翻译汉语无主句的时候,除了少数可用英语无主句、被动语态或"There be…"结构来翻译以外,一般都要根据语境补出主语,使句子完整。









如:(1)What about calling him right away?马上给他打个电话,你觉得如何?(增译主语和谓语)(2)If only I could see the realization of the four modernizations.要是我能看到四个现代化实现该有多好啊!(增译主句)(3)Indeed, the reverse is true实际情况恰好相反。



语笔译综合能力3级-Lesson2(单词与习惯用语)WORD LIST----------------------------------------------------1. jadedadj. 疲倦不堪的,厌倦的He has a jaded appetite.他食欲不振。

2. well-craftedcraft: n. 工艺,手艺,航空器well-crafted 制作精良的3. puerileadj. 幼稚的,未成熟的,孩子气的,平庸的He said that he never heard anything so puerile before.他说他从没听过这样幼稚可笑的话。

4. genialadj. 亲切的The man was so genial, so I was drawn to him at once.这个人十分亲切,我一下子就为他着迷了。

5. disdainn. 轻蔑;v. 蔑视I have nothing but disdain for such a person.对于这个人,我除了鄙视再无其他。

6. catharticn. 泻药,通便药;a. 通便的,导泄的,释放的7. catharsisn. 洗涤,净化,精神发泄名次复数:catharses8. epiphanyn. 主显节,公现节,出现A Christian festival observed from December 24, Christmas Eve, to January 5, the eve of Epiphany.圣诞节的假期从12月24日的圣诞前夜一直到1月5日的主显节。

9. redemptiveadj. 赎回的,买回的,赎身的10. snotn. 鼻涕,青鼻水,惹人嫌的人11. diarrhean. 痢疾,腹I have diarrhea. I wonder if I ate something bad yesterday.我拉肚子,我怀疑是否昨天吃坏了什么东西。



英语二级笔译词汇大全汇总表(带音标下载版)(共1400个) 2019.11.aloof[əˈlu:f] adj. 远离的;冷淡的,置身事外的【助记】loof 音似「路夫」,一个路人当然是"冷淡的"2.abysmal[əˈbɪzməl] adj. 极深的;糟透的【助记】abyss是深渊所以abysmal深不见底的3.allure[ə'lʊə(r)] vt.诱惑,引诱,吸引 n.诱惑力,魅力;【助记】Allure 爱乐,爱寻欢作乐--因为外面有"诱惑力"4.perplex[pəˈpleks] vt. 迷惑,使困惑【助记】plex=fold,表示"重叠"。

perplex v 使复杂,迷惑( per 从头到尾+plex→始终重叠→迷惑)5.perfunctory[pəˈfʌŋktəri:] adj. 潦草的;敷衍的;马马虎虎的【助记】-ory表形容词,"…的"。

perfunctory a 草率的(per 表面+funct 做…表面上做)6.pen[pen] n. 钢笔【助记】十(ten)只钢笔(pen),换只母鸡(hen)7.peak[pi:k] n. 顶峰;帽舌;山峰【助记】pea豌豆 - pear梨 - peau果皮 - peak山峰,顶点 - peal 钟乐 - pean赞颂歌 - peat 泥炭块8.payroll[ˈpeirəul] n. 工资名单【助记】pay+roll 支付+名单,工资单9.patronize[ˈpætrənaiz] v. 屈尊;光顾,惠顾【助记】patr(i)=father,表示"父亲"。

patronize v 赞助;光顾(patron+ize)10.panorama[ˌpænəˈrɑ:mə] n. 全景,全景画,全景摄影,全景照片[装置]【助记】pan-表示"广泛的"。



CATTI三级笔译综合能力考试试题及答案解析(三)一、Vocabulary Selection(本大题20小题.每题1.0分,共20.0分。

In this part, there are 20 incomplete sentences. Below each sentence, there are four words or phrases respectively marked by letters A, B, C and D. Choose the word or phrase which best completes each sentence. There is only one right answer. )第1题Marketing is ______ just distributing goods from the manufacturer to the final customer.A rather thanB other thanC bigger thanD more than【正确答案】:D【本题分数】:1.0分【答案解析】[分析] 习语辨析。

A.rather than胜于;B.other than不同于,除了;C.bigger than大于;D.more than多过……,不止……,……以上;如:The consequence was much more than he imagined.结果远超过他的想象。



第2题The magician picked several persons ______ from the audience and asked them to help him with the performance.A by accidentB at randomC on occasionD on average【正确答案】:B【本题分数】:1.0分【答案解析】[分析] 习语辨析。



翻译三级笔译综合能力分类模拟题形容词(二)Ⅰ Grammar AdjectivesA Multiple Choices1. Since arriving in New York, Thomas has (江南博哥)had over 15 job interviews. And this is opportunity to be lost.A.too goodB.too a goodC.too good anD.a too good正确答案:C2. This is the______bacon of the first class.A.chooseB.choosyC.choiceD.choosing正确答案:C3. He was so disappointed that he angrily chose______music he could find in the hope that it might at least seem funny.A.worseB.the worseC.worstD.the worst正确答案:D4. The town has a______bridge.A.nice old grey stoneB.old stone grey niceC.grey race old stoneD.old nice grey stone正确答案:A5. One of the differences between the Pacific Ocean and the Indian Ocean is that the former has______waves.rgestrgerger正确答案:C6. The people in Taiwan consume______milk per person today as they did twenty years ago.A.more than twice as manyB.twice more than as muchC.so much more than twiceD.more than twice as much正确答案:D7. The twins are so______that I cannot tell them apart.A.alikeB.likelyC.likeD.liking正确答案:A8. It is a good time to catch up on______readings and other assignments.A.a formerB.previousC.backD.before正确答案:C9. -I want to see Mr.Smith. We have an appointment.-I'm sorry, but he is not______at the moment, for the meeting hasn't ended.A.availableB.accessibleC.approachableD.advisable正确答案:A10. I caught the last bus from town, but Tom came home______than I.A.more lateB.more laterD.the later正确答案:C11. He knows little of mathematics, and______of chemistry.A.even moreB.still lessC.no lessD.still more正确答案:B12. The Yangtze River is not______than the Yellow River.A.very longerB.more longerC.longestD.less longer正确答案:D13. A good plan must be a little______so that special projects which are not included in the plan can be done well.A.flexibleB.looseC.relaxedD.smooth正确答案:A14. The reason why so many people sit before the television tonight is that there will be a______game of World Cup.A.livingB.liveC.livelyD.lived正确答案:B15. "Do you regret paying five hundred dollars for the painting?""No, I would gladly have paid______for it. "A.twice so muchB.twice as muchC.as much twiceD.so much twice正确答案:BⅡ Cloze TestB The Beatles甲壳虫乐队The English rock music group The Beatles gave the 1960s its characteristic musical flavor and 1 a profound influence on the course of popular music, equaled by 2 performers. The guitarists John Winston Lennon, James Paul McCartney, and George Harrison; and the drummer Ringo Starr, were all bornand 3 in Liverpool. Lennon and McCartney had played together in a group called The Quarrymen. WithHarrison, 4 formed their own group, The Silver Beatles, in 1959, and Starr joined them in 1962. As 5 Beatles, they developed a local following in Liverpool clubs, and their first recordings, "Love Me Do" (1962) and "Please Please Me" (1963),quickly made them Britain's top rock group. Their early musicwas 6 by the American rock singers Chuck Berry and Elvis Presley, but they infused a hackneyed musical 7 with freshness, vitality, and wit.The release of "I Want to Hold Your Hand" in1964 8 the beginning of the phenomenon known as"Beatlemania" in the United States. The Beatle's firstUS 9 aroused a universal mob adulation. Their concerts were scenes of mass worship, and their records sold 10 the millions. Their first film, the innovative A Hard Day's Night(1964), was received enthusiastically 11 a wide audience that included many who had never before listened to rock music. Composing their own 12 , The Beatles established the precedent for other rock groups to play their own music.Experimenting with 13 musical forms, they produced an extraordinary 14 of songs: the childishly simple "Yellow Submarine" ; the bitter social commentary of "Eleanor Rigby" ; parodies of earlier pop styles; new electronic sounds; and compositions that were scored for cellos, violins, trumpets, and sitars, as well as for conventional guitars and drums.The 15 disbanded in 1970, after the release of their finalalbum, Let It Be, and during the 1970s 16 individual careers, On dec.8, 1980, John Lennon 17 fatally shot outside his Manhattan apartment by Mark Chapman, a 25-year-old former mental 18 who, earlier that same day, had asked Lennon for his 19 . Lennon's murder was universally 20 with an intensity of feeling usually inspired only by political and spiritual leaders.1.正确答案:pursued2.正确答案:was3.正确答案:patient4.正确答案:autograph5.正确答案:mourned6.正确答案:had7.正确答案:few8.正确答案:raised9.正确答案:they10.正确答案:The11.正确答案:influenced12.正确答案:form13.正确答案:marked14.正确答案:tour15.正确答案:in16.正确答案:by17.正确答案:material18.正确答案:new19.正确答案:variety20.正确答案:GroupⅢ Reading ComprehensionPassage OneGo Ahead—Cook with It别怕—就用它来烹饪It's grapefruit season. From now through March, the golden orbs are ripe for the picking. And they're not just for breakfast any more.Hanging around on trees all about California: grapefruit—heavy with juice, tartly sweet, beguilingly perfumed.Round and yellow as happy faces or suns, they seem to ripe just as the general populace sinks into its annual round of post-holiday dietary self-chastisement.Coincidence? Perhaps. But we say run with it.Look beyond the obvious salvo of half a grapefruit forbreakfast attacked with a jagged spoon and you'll find a marvelous fruit for peeling and eating out of hanD.There's nothing like it for inducing simultaneous feelings of gastronomic piety and delight at recapturing a long-lost pleasure. It's sensual: the aroma ofessential oils as they spurt daintily from the pores of the thick skin, the ripping sound of the tenacious segments being pulled apart, the juice dripping down. And it's delicious.But don't stop there. Cook with grapefruit. Use its juice to flavor sauces. Section and scatter it. Bake with it. Candy its peel. Grapefruit is milder and sweeter than lemon, but it can be used in many of the same ways—squeezed on grilled fish, made into a brightly flavored curD.And if you're looking for gorgeous color, redgrapefruit offers extra plate appeal.The notion that red grapefruit is sweeter than white or yellow grapefruit is, however, a myth, according to citrus specialists. (The story grew out of a marketing campaign by Texas growers. ) Red grapefruits get their color from lycopene, which has health benefits (its an antioxidant)but does not affect flavor.Sweetness is determined, rather, by the length of time thefruit has been hanging on a tree. A grapefruit picked in December isn't as sweet as one picked in February, so if you have a tree, just pick fruit as needed.If not, ask at your farmers market about the differentvarieties available, all of which have their fans. California reds include the medium-pink Rio Reds from the Caochella Valley and the Star Ruby from Central Valley (and Texas). Yellow Marsh is a familiar yellow variety and the Duncan, while not usually labeled as such in supermarkets, is a reliable white.For those who don't like the tartness of a true grapefruit, Oro Blanco—the half-grapefruit, half-acidless pummelo—is sweeter and can be used in salads.Our salad of jicama strips, thinly sliced snow peas, fresh pea sprouts (available in Asian markets)and red grapefruit sections has an appealing crunch. Its delicately harmonious flavors are pulled together with a faintly sweet dressing of grapefruit juice, tarragon and mint.The strikingly pink sauce of our baked halibut dish contrasts with the white flesh of the fish for an artful plate—and it's easy to make. Before baking, marinate the halibut in grapefruit juice with garlic and thyme. Sauce it with a reduction of grapefruit juice combined with blood orange juice, which deepens the color and softens the flavor. Then whisk in bits of cold butter for silkiness.A rich crust is a perfect foil for the tangy grapefruit curd filling in our pretty tartlets. Both grapefruit juice and lemon juice are used in the curd to focus the flavor; grapefruits zest enlivens the crust. Garnish them with whipped cream and candied grapefruit peel.For cooking, select heavy fruit, which indicates juiciness. (If you're making a batch of candied peel, however, lighter fruit will indicate more peel.) Before juicing, roll a grapefruit under your hand on the countertop to help extract the most juice. Avoid lumpyfruit, which may be over-ripe.And finally, for those whose resolute January superegos care about such things, here's a reassuring thought: Grapefruit is lowin calories (40 to 60 each), high in vitamins C and A, and anexcellent source of fiber. It contains no fat, sodium or cholesterol.So peel away.1. The writer thinks that the grapefruit seems to ripe just at the fight time. Why?A.The grapefruit becomes ripe just after a holiday in a year so that people can consume more food.B.The grapefruit matures in autumn to provide people with a kind of rich food.C.The grapefruit can provide people with a kind of favorite fruitwhen they have been on diet for a few days after the Christmasholiday during which they ate too many rich foods.D.The grapefruit matures as self-chastisement for people.正确答案:C2. Which of the following is NOT the way to cook with the fruit?A.Fry it with meat.B.Section and scatter it.C.Bake with it.D.Candy its peel.正确答案:A3. The sweetness of the grapefruit is determined by______.A.lycopeneB.the length of time the fruit is exposed to the sunC.the length of time the fruit is hanging on a treeD.the specific nutrient the fruit takes from the soil正确答案:C4. What is the meaning of "superegos" in the last but two paragraph?A.absolute selfishness of one's characterB.personal likingsC.personal attentionsD.personal regrets正确答案:B5. The reasons the grapefruit is good to health include that______.A.it is an excellent appetizerB.it is sweet and juicyC.it contains no fat, sodium and cholesterolD.it contains no calories and fat正确答案:CPassage TwoWhales鲸Whales are aquatic mammals belonging to order CetaceA.A few species live in fresh water, but most species live in the seA.They have a streamlined shape and a powerful tail to drive them forwarD.With its two large horizontal fins or flukes, the tail produces the driving force by beating strongly up and down. Flippers at the front are used for steering and balance. The hind limbs of whales have completely disappeared, apart from a few small bones inside the body. Body hair has also disappeared, giving whales a smoother outline and less resistance to water.Instead of hair, whales are insulated by a thick layer of fat, or blubber, under the skin. The blubber may be as much as 61 cm thick on some parts of the body. Besides protecting the animal against the cold, the blubber is an important food reserve.Most of the best-known whales large creatures.For example, the blue whale reaches a length of more than 30 m.However, many whales, such as dolphins and porpoises, are small.Some are only 1.5 to 1.8 m long.Whales live entirely in water.Sometimes, whales are stranded on the shore.Although they are air-breathing animals, they soon die because their great weight keeps them from expanding (opening out) the chest cavity.They can breathe easily when afloat, because the water supports most of their weight.The bottle-nosed whale has been known to stay under water for about two hours.The sperm whale can dive down to depths of 500 fathoms.Such long and deep dives are unusual.Most dives last between10 and 30 minutes.Whales have special mechanisms that help them to stay under water.When they breathe, they renew about nine-tenths of the air in their lungs.When human beings breathe in, only about one-fourth of the air is renewed.Whales therefore have a fairly large supply of fresh air to start with.They also have an additional oxygen supply in the muscles, where air is loosely held in combination with a pigment called myohaemoglobin.Another thing that helps whales hold their breath for long periods of time is their low sensitivity to carbon dioxide in the blood.(It is the carbon dioxide building up in human blood that affects the brain and makes the human being take another breath.)When a whale surfaces to renew its air supply, it needs only to push the top of its snout out of the water.This is because the nostril or blowhole is at the top of the heaD.The expelled air is forced out strongly to form the spout or blow.Living whales are divided into two groups—tooth whales and whalebone whales.Tooth whales, which include most species, generally have many conical teeth and eat mainly squids andfishes.The killer whale feeds on seals.One African river dolphin feeds mostly on plants.Other tooth whales include the narwhal and the sperm whale.Whalebone whales have no teeth.Their mouths contain huge comblike fringes of baleen or whalebone.This horny substance is usually black.All whalebone whales feed by straining small animals from the water.The mouth is filled with water and the water is then forced out through the fringes by the tongue.The animals caught in the baleen are swept into the stomach by the tongue. All whalebone whales are large animals, which are usually found in cold seas.They include the blue whales, the right whales, and the rorquals.The future of many of the larger kinds of whales is uncertain. Whalers have killed so many blue, bowhead, humpback, and right whales that those species are threatened with extinction. Overhunting has also greatly reduced the number of fin and sei whales.Also, if the human population does not stop increasing, people may have to compete with whales for food in the seA.Some nations have begun fishing for krill.Krill is the chief food of whales in Antarctic waters.1. It is apparent from the first paragraph that whales can swimeasily in the sea partly because they have______.A.good bodily resistance to waterB.only a few small bones inside the bodyC.neither hind limbs nor body hairD.a thick layer of fat under the skin正确答案:C2. If they run onto the shore and are unable to get away from it whales will soon die because______.A.they can't find anything to eat on the shoreB.their great weight prevents them from breathing inC.they are left exposed to a lot of poisonous airD.their sensitivity to carbon dioxide in the blood increases to a fatal point正确答案:B3. One of the reasons why whales can make long and deep dives is that______.A.they are able to renew their air supply under waterB.they don't need any extra oxygen supply in the musclesC.they renew only about one-fourth of the air in their lungs at a timeD.they are little affected by carbon dioxide in the blood正确答案:D4. Which of the following is true of whalebone whales according to the passage?A.They live mainly on plants.B.They are more dangerous than tooth whales.C.They get small water animals as their fooD.D.They are frequently found in warm seas.正确答案:C5. We can learn from the passage all of the following about whales except that______.A.their blubber performs two important functionsB.they vary greatly in sizeC.overhunting places some of their species in danger of extinctionD.they struggle hard to compete with humans for food in the sea正确答案:DPassage ThreeJunk Hunting淘旧货Anyone who thinks exploration always involves long journeys should have his head examined.Or, better, he should put on hisoldest clothes and go off in search of a junk shop. There are three kinds—one full of discarded books, one full of discarded Government equipment, and one full of discarded anything.A junk shop may havefour walls and a roof,or it may be no more than a trestle-table in an open air market;but there is one infallible test:no genuine junk shopkeeper will ever pester you to make up your mind and buy something. And you are no true junk shopper if you march purposefully round the shop as if you knew exactly what you wanteD.You must browse, gently chewing the cud of your idle thoughts, and nibbling here and there as a sight or a touch of the goods that lie about you. Yet you must also possess a penetrating glance, darting youreyes about you to spot the treasures that may lurk beneath the rubbish. This is what makes junk shopping such a satisfying voyage of exploration. You never know what interesting and unexpected thing you may discover next. For in a true junk shop, not even theproprietor is always quite sure what his dusty stock conceals. Thereis always the chance that you may pick up a first edition, a pair of exotic ear-rings, a piece of early Wedgwood china, or a cine camera—and possess it for the price of fifty cigarettes.But this kind of treasure hunt is only a sideline to the true junk shopper. The real attraction lies in finding something that catches your own especial fancy, though everybody else may pass it by. An ancient tarnished clock, whose brass beneath your hands will shine anew; empty boxes that you can see transformed into the framework ofa bookcase; an old bound volume of magazines of three-quarters of a century ago, which will shed strange sidelights on the ways ourgreat-grandparents behaved and looked at life.When you begin junk shopping, half the attraction is that yougo with absolutely no intention of buying anything. You spend yourfirst couple of Saturday afternoons ambling around among dusty shelves, savouring a page or a chapter as you please, or fingering the piles of oddments that litter counters or tables. At first, be warned, don't try to buy. You may, indeed you should, ask the price of this and that; but just to give you an idea of what the junk shopkeeper thinks you might be willing to pay him.Later, you will find yourself returning a second and third time to something that has caught your fancy. And when you can hold back no longer, bargaining begins in earnest. This is the other great attraction of the true junk shop. Not only may it hold every conceivable product from every imaginable country; it also transports you to the mediaeval market place or the oriental bazaar, where no price is fixed until buyer and seller have waged a friendly war together, and proved each other's mettle. And this is where your old clothes become important: let no one take you for a rich connoisseur, or you will find yourself paying a rich man's prices. And avoid atall costs the suspicion of an American accent, or in spite of the good nature of all good junk shopkeepers, you will be for it.1. The author equates junk shopping with exploration because both involve______.A.traveling long distancesB.careful preparationC.a spirit of adventureD.discovering unheard of places正确答案:C2. The part "gently chewing the cud of your idle thoughts" implies that the junk hunter is______.A.eating sweets or gum as he wanders aroundB.not thinking of anythingC.ruminating on this and thatD.thinking of many things at the same time正确答案:C3. According to the passage a true junk hunter hopes to______.A.find something invaluableB.discover something newC.discover something exoticD.find a bargain正确答案:D4. The author suggests that the junk buyer's main reason for bargaining is______.A.to fix a priceB.that he hasn't enough moneyC.that it's expectedD.to ask a price正确答案:A5. From the passage we understand that speaking with an American accent______.A.arouses suspicion in the junk shopkeeperB.increases the price of the goodsC.engenders friendliness in the shopkeeperD.increases the chance of bargaining正确答案:BPassage FourThe Disaster of Terrorism恐怖主义的灾难by Craig KielburgerNew York has an energy of its own, and that late summer evening, I truly understood why. All around me the city was alive withactivity as everyone headed in different directions. The Big Apple's fabled ambition, wealth, and power were on full display, in the sleek cars stopped by the curb, the bright windows of the bustling restaurants, and the studied nonchalance of stylish young people out on the town. As I cut through the financial district, I passed the Twin Towers, shimmering in the streetlights.Then came the next morning. Even before I heard what was happening, it was clear that something was terribly wrong: therewas an unfamiliar edge of desperation to the city's usual hectic pace. At a friend's house, uneasy but unsure why, I turned on the TV news. Within seconds, I saw one, then another, plane crash into the World Trade Center. Time stopped.I was hit by the sickening realizationthat what I was seeing was real. I found it difficult to breathe as I stared blankly at the television scene. The horror hit me in waves, each more intense than the last.A short distance away, people were injured, trapped, and dying. America was under attack. Again and again, the brutal images flashed by. The city was in a state of emergency. People were being told to stay inside and off the phones. Airports were closed, bridges clogged.That evening there was a knock on the door. On the doorstep stood a ragged man looking frightened and shaken, covered with a thick layer of dust. His eyes were wide and strangely glazed, and his body seemed to tremble. He turned out to be one of the few to have made it out of the World Trade Center alive. As my host and I later learned, this man had spent the day wandering the city-in shock, trying to get through to his wife on his cell phone. When he finally reached her, tearful and happy beyond belief, she had reminded him that an acquaintance, myhost, lived in the areA.And so he stood there confused andfull of apologies, unsure of what to say or do. Of course, he was immediately invited in. No sooner did he step across the threshold than he collapsed into a nearby chair. He would later say it was a miracle he was still alive.The events that day rocked me to the core. Grieving for those affected, I realized that had things been different, I might have been at the World Trade Center myself. In the midst of my sadness and fear, I felt profoundly grateful to be alive. Twenty-four hours earlier, caught up in meeting after meeting, my biggest problem had seemed to be adding a few more hours onto the day. Now that world seemed so far away. Reeling from the tragedy, I realized that each and every hour I had was a blessing that not everyone would enjoy. I vowed never again to think of time as a problem-but only as a privilege.1. The ambition, wealth, and power of New York City were fully demonstrated in______.A.the dazzling cars, the brilliant shop windows, and the nonchalant stylish youthB.the dazzling cars, the brilliant shop windows, and the shimmering Twin TowersC.the Big Apple, the brilliant shop windows, and the nonchalantstylish youthD.the people in the streets, the brilliant shop windows, and the nonchalant stylish youth正确答案:A2. What happened on the second day of Craig's stay in New York City?A.an earthquakeB.a foreign invasionC.two airplanes crashing into the Twin TowersD.the collapse of many skyscrapers正确答案:C3. The word hectic in the sentence "there was an unfamiliar edge of desperation to the city's usual hectic pace" is most probably inthe meaning of______.A.in good orderB.full of excitement or hurried activityC.in a terrible wayD.in rapidity正确答案:B4. The man who showed up in the doorway was______.A.a friend of Craig'sB.a friend of his host'sC.a next-door neighborD.a fireman正确答案:B5. In the last paragraph, Craig expressed the idea that timeis______.A.burdenB.sadnessC.fearD.treasure正确答案:D。



翻译三级笔译综合能力-词汇和语法(二)(总分:100.00,做题时间:90分钟)一、(总题数:100,分数:100.00)1.A full ______ of all the reasons for and against closing the railway has begun.(分数:1.00)A.explosionB.explorationC.exploitationD.explanation √解析:[解析] explanation“解释,说明”;explosion“爆炸”;exploration“探险”;exploitation“剥削,利用”。



2.In fear for their lives and in ______ of their freedom, thousands of enslaved women and children fled to the Northern States on the eve of the American Civil War.(分数:1.00)A.wayB.viewC.visionD.pursuit √解析:[解析] way“路,路线,路途”;view“观点”;vision“光景,视野”;pursuit“追求”。

in pursuit of“追求,寻求”。


3.When cooperating with the American specialists in the States, I ______ myself of the opportunity to improve my English.(分数:1.00)A.availed √B.allowedC.deprivedD.indulged解析:[解析] avail oneself of sth“使用某事物,利用某事物”;allow of sth“容许某事物,对某事物留有余地”;deprive sb. of sth“剥夺某人的某事物”;indulge oneself with sth“放纵自己”。



1.Ceremonialn. 仪式adj. 正式的A head of state may not have much political power, and may be restricted to ceremonialduties.国家元首也许没有太多政治上的权利,而仅限于礼仪上的职责。

2.stutter-step停顿,顿挫运动(如,足球、篮球、网球)中的一种步法,以停顿和顿挫影响对手的判断;这个短语也有“对于某项工作或举动做游移不定,没有准确的决定”的意思3.cravev. 恳求,渴望He knows that if they trust him, he can give them the happiness which they crave.他知道如果他们信任他,他能够把他们热切渴望的幸福赐予他们。

At this time the inner man began to crave the nourishment.这时,肚子开始咕咕叫着要吃东西了。

4.feten. 庆祝、祭祀、节日;vt. 宴请、招待、给予…巨大的荣誉Despite the bad weather the fete will go ahead.尽管天气不好,庆祝活动会照常进行。

5.anticlimactic突降的,突减的,虎头蛇尾的The conclusion of the movie was anticlimactic.这部电影的结局结束的太仓促。

6.adulationn. 奉承,阿谀7.duckn. 鸭子,急忙蹲下,闪避,<俚>人,家伙vi. 没入水中,闪避vt. 猛按…入水,躲避She had to duck her head to get through the low doorway.她不得不低下头穿过低矮的门口。

The children ducked each other in the swimming pool.孩子们在游泳池里互相把对方按入水中。



笔译三级综合能力形容词练习试卷2(题后含答案及解析)题型有:1. V ocabulary and GrammarPART 1 V ocabulary and Grammar (25 points)This part consists of three sections. Read the directions for each section before answering the questions. The time for this part is 25 minutes.SECTION 3 Error CorrectionThis section consists of 15 sentences; in each sentence there is a part given in the brackets that indicates a grammatical error. Below each sentence, there are 4 choices respectively marked by letters A,B,C and D. Choose the word or phrase that can replace the part so that the error is corrected. There is only ONE right answer.1.The sooner you start, the quicklier you will finish.正确答案:quicklier改成more quickly 涉及知识点:形容词2.It was considerable of the committee to cancel the speech by Robert because he was suffering from one of the worst colds he had ever had.正确答案:considerable改成considerate 涉及知识点:形容词3.Strawberries can, of course, be frozen but they taste best when bought and eaten fresher.正确答案:fresher改成fresh 涉及知识点:形容词4.Every country has its own historic background.正确答案:historic改成historical 涉及知识点:形容词5.The stream ran coldly over their feet.正确答案:coldly改成cold 涉及知识点:形容词6.In fact, money alone is almost invaluable.正确答案:invaluable改成valueless 涉及知识点:形容词7.Her house with a good view of Mt. Rocky was located at the most east end of the village.正确答案:the most east end改成the east end 涉及知识点:形容词8.She stayed at home for a week to look after her ill child.正确答案:ill改成sick 涉及知识点:形容词9.Of the two reports, the first was by far the best, partly because the person who delivered it had such a dynamic style.正确答案:best改成better 涉及知识点:形容词10.As a developing country, China is making a continual development.正确答案:continual改成continuous 涉及知识点:形容词11.The invention of the computer has increased the speed of word processing, thus making possibly the rapid growth of the publish business.正确答案:possibly改成possible 涉及知识点:形容词12.Jack’s voice sounds strangely today.正确答案:strangely改成strange 涉及知识点:形容词13.Film directors can take far great liberties in dealing with concepts of time and space than stage directors can.正确答案:great改成greater 涉及知识点:形容词14.Initially acting as a sports announcer in the 1930’s, Ronald Reagan entered national politics when he campaigned on TV for Barry Goldwater in 1964 president race.正确答案:president改成presidential 涉及知识点:形容词15.International situations will become less tenser when nations have reached some degree of peaceful settlement.正确答案:tenser改成tense 涉及知识点:形容词。



英语常用200个形容词职业teacher 教师technician 技术人员traffic warden 交通管理员.translator 翻译(笔译)TV producer 电视制作人typist 打字员vet 兽医waiter 侍者waitress 女侍者welder 焊接工writer 作家accountant 会计actor 男演员actress 女演员airline representative 地勤人员anchor 新闻主播announcer 广播员artist 艺术家astronaut 宇航员. attendant 服务员auditor 审计费auto mechanic 汽车技工barber 理发师(男)baseball player 棒球选手bell boy 门童bellhop 旅馆的行李员cleaner 清洁工,垃圾工blacksmith 铁匠boxer 拳击手broker/agent 经纪人bus- driver 公共汽车司机butcher 屠夫,肉商buyer 采购员carpenter 木匠cartoonist 漫画家chef 厨师chemist 化学师clerk 店员clown 小丑cobbler 制(补)鞋匠computer programmer 程序员construction worker 建筑工人cook 厨师customs officer 海关官员dancer 舞蹈演员dentist 牙科医生designer 设计师detective 侦探doctor 医生salesman/saleswoman 推销员dustman 清洁工editor 编辑electrician 电工engineer 工程师farmer 农夫fashion designer 时装设计师fireman/firefighter 消防员fisherman 渔夫florist 花商pilot 飞行员geologist 地质学家guard 警卫tour guide 导游hiredresseer 理发师,美容师(女)housekeeper 管家housewife 家庭主妇interpreter 口译员journalist 记者judge 法官lawyer 律师librarian 图书管理员.life guard 救生员magician 魔术师masseur 男按摩师masseuse 女按摩师mathematician 数学家mechanic 机械师,机修工miner 矿工model 模特儿movie director 导演musician 音乐家nurse 护士office clerk 职员operator 接线员personnel 职员pharmacist 药剂师photographer 摄影师policeman 警察postal clerk 邮政人员postman 邮递员processfor 教授real estate agent 房地产经纪人receptionist 接待员repairman 修理工人reporter 记者sailor 船员,水手scientist 科学家seamstress 女装裁缝师secretary 秘书singer 歌手soldier 士兵statistician 统计员surveyor 测量技师tailor 裁缝taxi driver 计程车司机。



英语中描述人品质、性格的形容词大全able 有才干的,能干的active 主动的,活跃的adaptable 适应性强的adroit 灵巧的,机敏的aggressive 有进取心的alert 机灵的ambitious 有雄心壮志的amiable 和蔼可亲的amicable 友好的analytical 善于分析的apprehensive 有理解力的aspiring 有志气的,有抱负的audacious 大胆的,有冒险精神的capable 有能力的,有才能的careful 办事仔细的candid 正直的charitable 宽厚的competent 能胜任的confident 有信心的conscientious 认真的,自觉的considerate 体贴的constructive 建设性的contemplative 好沉思的cooperative 有合作精神的creative 富创造力的dashing 有一股子冲劲的,有拼搏精神的dedicated 有奉献精神的devoted 有献身精神的dependable 可靠的diplomatic 老练的,有策略的disciplined 守纪律的discreet (在行动,说话等方面)谨慎的dutiful 尽职的dynamic 精悍的earnest 认真的well-educated 受过良好教育的efficient 有效率的energetic 精力充沛的enthusiastic 充满热情的expressive 善于表达faithful 守信的,忠诚的forceful (性格)坚强的frank 直率的,真诚的friendly 友好的frugal 俭朴的generous 宽宏大量的genteel 有教养的gentle 有礼貌的hard-working 勤劳的hearty 精神饱满的honest 诚实的hospitable 殷勤的humble 恭顺的humorous 幽默的impartial 公正的independent 有主见的industrious 勤奋的ingenious 有独创性的initiative 首创精神have an inquiring mind 爱动脑筋intellective 有智力的intelligent 理解力强的inventive 有发明才能的,有创造力的just 正直的kind-hearted 好心的knowledgeable 有见识的learned 精通某门学问的liberal 心胸宽大的logical 条理分明的loyal 忠心耿耿的methodical 有方法的modest 谦虚的motivated 目的明确的objective 客观的open-minded 虚心的orderly 守纪律的original 有独创性的painstaking 辛勤的,苦干的,刻苦的practical 实际的precise 一丝不苟的persevering 不屈不挠的punctual 严守时刻的purposeful 意志坚强的qualified 合格的rational 有理性的realistic 实事求是的reasonable 讲道理的reliable 可信赖的responsible 负责的self-conscious 自觉的selfless 无私的sensible 明白事理的sincere 真诚的smart 精明的spirited 生气勃勃的sporting 光明正大的steady 塌实的straightforward 老实的strict 严格的systematic 有系统的strong-willed 意志坚强的sweet-tempered 性情温和的temperate 稳健的tireless 孜孜不倦的描述物的和其他tasteful 可口的,诱人香味的delicious1)historic: famous in history, 历史上著名的associated with past times 与过去时代有关的a ~ event/speech/spothistorical: belong to history 历史上的a ~ people/novel/play/film/painting~ trend2) electric: worked by, changed with,producing electricity 用电的,带电的, 有电的~ current/cableelectrical: relating to electricity, an idea of a less close connection withelectricity~ engineering/apparatus3) economic: of economics~ policy/geography/crisis/cropseconomical: careful in the spending of money and time, not waste 经济的,节俭的an ~ housewife/store4) industrial: of industries 工业的the ~ revolution/products/systemindustrious: hard-working, diligent~ people5) considerable: great much 相当多(大)的a ~ income/distanceconsiderate: thoughtful 体谅的,体贴的周到的She is ~ to others.6) sensible: reasonable, having good sense 实用的,明知的a ~ woman/idea/ 豁达的妇女/明知的观点~ clothes 实用的衣服sensitive: quick to receive impression 敏感的a ~ skin~ paper 感光纸7) continual: going on all the time without stopping or with only short breaks, stop and go repeatedly, 连续的,断断续续的~ rain/noisecontinuous: going on without a break, an uninterrupted flow 连续不断的~ fight/work8) intense: high in degree 强烈的,剧烈的,高度的~ heat炽热/painan ~ lady 热情的女子intensive: deep and thorough 精深的,集中的~ reading/study彻底研究/agriculture密集农业9)respectable: deserving respect, 值得尊敬的,有名望的a ~ man/professionrespectful: showing respect 尊敬人的,有礼貌的,He is always ~to the elders.respective: belongs to each of these 分别的,各自的They sat on their ~ chairs.10) imaginable: that can be imagined 可象想的~ difficultiesimaginary: existing only in the mind, unreal 想象中的,不真实的~ figureimaginative: of, having, using imagination 有想象力的,运用想象力的a ~ writer11) intelligent: having, showing intelligence, clever 有才智的, 聪明的an ~ looking girl ~ answerintelligible: clear to mind, that can be easily understood. 易了解的, 易领悟的an ~ speech/explanationintellectual: possessing a great deal of knowledge 知识的, 智力的12) contemptible: deserving contempt 可卑的a ~ liecontemptuous: showing contempt 表示轻视的a ~ look13) credible: that can be believed 可信的,可靠的a ~ witnesscredulous: too ready to believe things. 轻易相信的,易上当的He always cheats ~ people.creditable: that brings credit. 可称赞的a ~ record/deed/effort14) alternate: changing by turns 轮流的,交替的alternative: giving a choice between two things 选择的,两者选一的15) comparable 可比较的,有类似之处的comparative 比较而言的,相当的There is no scenery comparable to that of the West lake.He lived in comparative comfort recently.16) politic 精明的political 政治的17) beneficial 有益的beneficent 多多行善的18) official 官方的officious 多管闲事的19) potent 强有力的potential 潜在的,可能的20) confident 有信心的,自信的confidential 机密的21) negligent 忽视的,粗心大意的negligible 可忽视的22) momentary 瞬时的,短时的momentous 重大的23) memorable 值得记忆的,不能忘却的memorial 纪念的24) social 社会的sociable 善社交的25) childish 幼稚的childlike 孩子般的26) distinct: clear 明显的,清晰的distinctive: characteristic 独特的,有区别的27) classic 一流的classical 古典的28) comprehensible 可理解的comprehensive 全面的,综合的29) disinterested 公平的uninterested 冷淡的30) earthly 人间的,尘世的earthy 泥土似的31) effective 有效的efficient 有效率的effectual 奏效的32) exceptionable 反对的exceptional 非凡的33) fatal 致命的fateful 决定性的34) fleshly 肉体的fleshy 肥胖的35) homely 家常的homelike 象家的36) im(un)practical 不切合实际的impracticable 无法使用的37) ingenious 有独创性的ingenuous 直率的,天真的38) manly 男人气派的male 男的masculine 男性的39) movable 可移动的,变动的mobile 可动的,活动地40) mysterious 神秘的mystical 奥妙的41) notable 著名的(指事)noted 著名的(指人)42) practical 实际的practicable 可行的,通行的43) regretful 遗憾的(指人)regrettable 遗憾的(指事)44) seasonable 及时的seasonal 季节的45) spiritual 精神的spirituous 酒精的46) tortuous 弯曲的torturous 受刑的47) transitory 短时间的(指事)transient 瞬时的(指人)48) elementary 基本的elemental 自然的49) healthy 健康的healthful 有易于健康的50) likely 可能的likable 可爱的51) desirable 合意的desirous 渴望的52)clean 干净的cleanly 有干净习惯的Are cats cleanly animals?53) kind 慈善地kindly 友好的,亲切的54) temporal 一时的, 暂时的, 世俗的temporary 暂时的, 临时的。

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• 动态形容词可以与动词be的进行体搭配做补语
• She is being clever.
• ﹡She is being beautiful.
• 动态形容词可用于由动词be开首的祈使句 • Be patient! • ﹡Be tall! • 动态形容词可用于使役结构 • I persuaded her to be generous. • ﹡I persuaded her to be pretty.
• 2,在“代词+be+形容词+名词+不定式”中,也可带有以上表示品格 特征,表示智能特征的形容词,还有下列这些形容词;astonishing, curious, extraordinary, funny, odd, queer, surprising, useful等。
• That is a surprising idea to occur.
• The fully awake patient • A somewhat afraid soldier • A very ashamed girl
• 还有些外来词和成语,其形容词修饰语放在名词后面 • Sum total heir apparent 推定继承人 • Heir presumptive 假定继承人 • The body political 政治团体 • Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary 特命全权大使 • A man good and true
(包括dark, fair, pale)之后,放在颜色形容词之前 • A warm-hearted black doctor
• 汉语的修饰语则不同,它习惯上把表明事物本质的修饰语放在前面, 然后才是评价、体积、形状、条件、年龄等。
• 他是一位中国现代优秀作家。
• He is an outstanding contemporary Chinese writer.
• 某些以or结尾的词没有原级和最高级。其中5个已失去比较的意义, 即 interior, exterior, ulterior(在那边的;较远的;将来的),minor, major ;有9个和to引导的词组一起使用,即:senior, junior, superior, inferior, anterior, posterior, prior, previous, subsequent.
He is more than happy about it. (He is happy about it to a degree that is not adequately
• 3, “it+be+形容词+不定式”中的形容词可以用advisable, better, best, desirable, essential, good, important, necessary等。
• 4,“it+be+形容词(+for+宾语) +不定式”中形容词可用 convenient, dangerous, difficult, easy, fortunate, hard, lucky, possible, unsafe等。
• 形容词的类型和用途: • 形容词的主要种类有: • 指示形容词this, that, these, those; • 个体形容词 each, every, either, neither; • 数量形容词 some, any, no, little/few, many, much; one, twenty; • 疑问形容词 which, what, whose; • 属格形容词 my, your, his, its, our, their • 性质形容词 clever, good, heavy
1,在“it+be+形容词(+of+宾语)+ 不定式”结构中,形容词主要是表示 品格特征,如brave, careless, cowardly, generous, good/nice, mean, rude, selfish, wicked, wrong等或表示 智能特征的形容词,如clever, foolish, intelligent, sensible, stupid等。
• Prior to their marriage, they did not know each other.
• He is ____ than bad.
• A. more good B. better
C. much better D. best More在三音节或多音节形容词原级前面构
成比较级,但它还有其他含义和用法,并 不仅仅是构成比较级。More good和better 都可用作比较级中,但使用场合不一样。
心词后, • A sensible suggestion an unreasonable person
• 2) 修饰some, any, no, every等构成的不定代词和名词things, matters 的形容词
• There is noting unexpected about it. • They sat there with their feet over the fender, talking about things
1)以-able, ible结尾的形容词 • This is the only reference book available here on the subject. • * 这种中心词前大多有形容词最高级,或all, only之类的词修饰。同时,
这种形容词放在中心词前与放在词后意义有所不同。 • All the available accommodation was put at our disposal. • All the accommodation available was put at our disposal. • 有些以-able, -ible 结尾的形容词没有被动意义,自然也就无法置于中
• It will be strange for us to be living alone.
• 稍微要注意的是,在good后面用for+宾语,便把good的意思限制为 beneficial。Good+不定式具有上述意义,但也可以表示 advisable/kind/pleasant的意思。另外,certain和sure带不定式表示 说话人的确信,如
• 5)具有表语力量的形容词和外来词 • He was the only person awake at the moment. • We saw a house afire. • 还有一些a-开头的形容词,作定语用时,一般均
应放在被修饰词的后面,如aware, alike, alone, ashamed, averse等。但当它们前有修饰语时, 放在中心词前。如:
This one is better than that (one). 另一种是对一人或一物的两种不同的性质进行比
较,这时,不论该词是单音节还是多音节,一 律用“more+该词原级+than”
Jack is more good than bad.
She is more keen than wise.
gone and things coming. • 3) 副词 • They live in the room above. • The day before • 4) 起强调用的单个分词 • Their high standard showed the progress made. • The man speaking • The departments concerned • The people involved
• The clerk made a paralytic attempt to stand at attention.
• 那个职员笨手笨脚地想立正站好。 • The conductor’s principal endeavor is to
symbolize the rhythmic and melodic flow by appropriate irregular movements. • 乐队指挥应把主要力量放在通过适当的不规则动 作来表示流畅的节奏和旋律。
• He is ready to help the poor.
• I am apt to catch a cold in winter.
• 6, 下列形容词可以与that从句连用:absurd, fair/just/right, astonishing, curious, funny, odd, advisable, desirable, essential, important, necessary, good, angry, delighted, glad, happy, pleased, sorry…
• She is certain to come. = I am certain that she will come。
• 但主语+certain/sure +that从句表达的是主语的看法,如
• He was certain that he would win the race.
• 5, 形容词able/unable,apt, inclined, liable,prone, prepared,reluctant, prompt,quick,slow等用于“主语 +be+形容词+不定式”结构。
• 形容词做定语和名词作定语是有区别的,形容词定语强调特征,名词 定语则强调本质。
• An economy measure (一项节约措施) • An economic measure(一项经济措施)