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• He is ready to help the poor.
• I am apt to catch a cold in winter.
• 6, 下列形容词可以与that从句连用:absurd, fair/just/right, astonishing, curious, funny, odd, advisable, desirable, essential, important, necessary, good, angry, delighted, glad, happy, pleased, sorry…
(包括dark, fair, pale)之后,放在颜色形容词之前 • A warm-hearted black doctor
• 汉语的修饰语则不同,它习惯上把表明事物本质的修饰语放在前面, 然后才是评价、体积、形状、条件、年龄等。
• 他是一位中国现代优秀作家。
• He is an outstanding contemporary Chinese writer.
gone and things coming. • 3) 副词 • They live in the room above. • The day before • 4) 起强调用的单个分词 • Their high standard showed the progress made. • The man speaking • The departments concerned • The people involved
• It will be strange for us to be living alone.
• 稍微要注意的是,在good后面用for+宾语,便把good的意思限制为 beneficial。Good+不定式具有上述意义,但也可以表示 advisable/kind/pleasant的意思。另外,certain和sure带不定式表示 说话人的确信,如
• 性质形容词的排列顺序可以有几种形式,常见的 词序是:
• 限定词—评价—体积—形状—条件—年龄—颜色— 本质—名词
• a/n ugly big round chipped old blue French vase • A valuable cold French writing desk • 表示个性和感情的形容词置于描述体貌的形容词
• 指挥应通过动作的轻重缓急来恰当地体现音乐流
• 形容词按词汇意义可分为动态形容词和静态形容词。大多数的形容词 是静态形容词,如tall, short, small, beautiful。动态形容词带有动作含 义,如abusive, ambitious, conceited, funny, greedy, tidy等
• 动态形容词可以与动词be的进行体搭配做补语
• She is being clever.
• ﹡She is being beautiful.
• 动态形容词可用于由动词be开首的祈使句 • Be patient! • ﹡Be tall! • 动态形容词可用于使役结构 • I persuaded her to be generous. • ﹡I persuaded her to be pretty.
• 2,在“代词+be+形容词+名词+不定式”中,也可带有以上表示品格 特征,表示智能特征的形容词,还有下列这些形容词;astonishing, curious, extraordinary, funny, odd, queer, surprising, useful等。
• That is a surprising idea to occur.
• 本节重点: • 1,定语形容词与表语形容词的区别 • 2,动态形容词和静态形容词 • 3,多个形容词排序 • 4,形容词比较级和最高级的构成及意义 • 5,部分副词的用法
• 形容词是表示人活事物的属性和特征,通常用来说明人、物等是 什么样或看上去是什么样的。形容词在句中用作定语和用作表语。
1,在“it+be+形容词(+of+宾语)+ 不定式”结构中,形容词主要是表示 品格特征,如brave, careless, cowardly, generous, good/nice, mean, rude, selfish, wicked, wrong等或表示 智能特征的形容词,如clever, foolish, intelligent, sensible, stupid等。
• The fully awake patient • A somewhat afraid soldier • A very ashamed girl
• 还有些外来词和成语,其形容词修饰语放在名词后面 • Sum total heir apparent 推定继承人 • Heir presumptive 假定继承人 • The body political 政治团体 • Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary 特命全权大使 • A man good and true
• 形容词做定语和名词作定语是有区别的,形容词定语强调特征,名词 定语则强调本质。
• An economy measure (一项节约措施) • An economic measure(一项经济措施)
• A bankruptcy lawyer
• A bankrupt businessman
• He passed a dreary and thoughtful day. • 他在忧郁和沉思中度过了一天。
• Prior to their marriage, they did not know each other.
• He is ____ than bad.
• A. more good B. better
C. much better D. best More在三音节或多音节形容词原级前面构
成比较级,但它还有其他含义和用法,并 不仅仅是构成比较级。More good和better 都可用作比较级中,但使用场合不一样。
• She is certain to come. = I am certain that she will come。
• 但主语+certain/sure +that从句表达的是主语的看法,如
• He was certain that he would win the race.
• 5, 形容词able/unable,apt, inclined, liable,prone, prepared,reluctant, prompt,quick,slow等用于“主语 +be+形容词+不定式”结构。
1)以-able, ible结尾的形容词 • This is the only reference book available here on the subject. • * 这种中心词前大多有形容词最高级,或all, only之类的词修饰。同时,
这种形容词放在中心词前与放在词后意义有所不同。 • All the available accommodation was put at our disposal. • All the accommodation available was put at our disposal. • 有些以-able, -ible 结尾的形容词没有被动意义,自然也就无法置于中
• 上述形容词,用作它们所修饰的名词前,叫定语形容词;性质形容词 可用作名词前也可用在动词be, become, seem后或系动词appear, feel, get, grow, keep, look, smell, sound, taste等后面,这个位置的形 容词叫表语形容词。
心词后,如 • A sensible suggestion an unreasonable person
• 2) 修饰some, any, no, every等构成的不定代词和名词things, matters 的形容词
• There is noting unexpected about it. • They sat there with their feet over the fender, talking about things
• 某些以or结尾的词没有原级和最高级。其中5个已失去比较的意义, 即 interior, exterior, ulterior(在那边的;较远的;将来的),minor, major ;有9个和to引导的词组一起使用,即:senior, junior, superior, inferior, anterior, posterior, prior, previous, subsequent.
• 形容词的类型和用途: • 形容词的主要种类有: • 指示形容词this, that, these, those; • 个体形容词 each, every, either, neither; • 数量形容词 some, any, no, little/few, many, much; one, twenty; • 疑问形容词 which, what, whose; • 属格形容词 my, your, his, its, our, their • 性质形容词 clever, good, heavy
• 5)具有表语力量的形容词和外来词 • He was the only person awake at the moment. • We saw a house afire. • 还有一些a-开头的形容词,作定语用时,一般均
应放在被修饰词的后面,如aware, alike, alone, ashamed, averse等。但当它们前有修饰语时, 放在中心词前。如:
• 3, “it+be+形容词+不定式”中的形容词可以用advisable, better, best, desirable, essential, good, important, necessary等。
• 4,“it+be+形容词(+for+宾语) +不定式”中形容词可用 convenient, dangerous, difficult, easy, fortunate, hard, lucky, possible, unsafe等。
This one is better than that (one). 另一种是对一人或一物的两种不同的性质进行比
较,这时,不论该词是单音节还是多音节,一 律用“more+该词原级+than”
Jack is more good than bad.
She is more keen than wise.
He is more than happy about it. (He is happy about it to a degree thwenku.baidu.comt is not adequately
• It is essential that she take this responsibility.
• 大多数的形容词和副词的比较等级有 三种:原级(positive/absolute degree)、比较级(comparative degree)和最高级(superlative degree)。其中比较级和最高级又可 分为规则形式和不规则形式。
• The clerk made a paralytic attempt to stand at attention.
• 那个职员笨手笨脚地想立正站好。 • The conductor’s principal endeavor is to
symbolize the rhythmic and melodic flow by appropriate irregular movements. • 乐队指挥应把主要力量放在通过适当的不规则动 作来表示流畅的节奏和旋律。