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最新人教版九年级英语Unit 1-10易错题汇总

1. --- the picture is, I have to say, not a bit beautiful.

---why? It is _____ than the pictures I have ever seen.

A. far more beautiful

B. much less beautiful

C. no more beautiful

D. any less beautiful

2. What I say goes in at one ear and out at __________.

A. another

B. other

C. others

D. the other

3. --- he helped to set up the food bank to help the poor.

---________. He is so kind.

A. so did he

B. so he did

C. so did I

D. neither did he

4. the girl was born _____ the morning of June 1st.

A. on

B. in

C. at

D. of

5. all of the students are better than you _______ spelling words.

A. on

B. in

C. for

D. at

6. --- what do you think of the new classmates?

--- I think he is easy ______.

A. to get on

B. to get on with

C. getting on

D. getting on with

7. --- Mike, please turn down the music, ________ Lucy ______ Lily are sleeping.

A. neither, nor

B. either, or

C. both, and

D. not only, but also

8. try to get the answer on your own ______ ask for help.

A. instead

B. instead of

C. rather than

D. so that

9. could you find someone _______?

A. to play tennis with

B. to play tennis

C. play tennis with

D. playing tennis

10. we all think that the movie is boring _____.

A. watch

B. to watch it

C. to watch

D. watching it

11. my grandmother ______ out much fruit to celebrate the day.

A. lay

B. layed

C. laid

D. lain

12. the manager came up to see _______.

A. what was the matter

B. what the matter was

C. what the matter is

D. what’s the matter

13. _______ fools they were! They believed that the man said.

A. how

B. how an

C. what

D. what an

14. _______ foolish they were! They believed what the man said.

A. how

B. how an

C. what

D. what an

15. He often felt tired when ______ up in the morning.

A. waking

B. wake

C. woke

D. wakes

16. China is larger than _______ in Africa.

A. the other countries

B. any country

C. any of the other countries

D. any other country

17. you ______ go there by bus, Brian. It is not far from here.

A. don’t need

B. needn’t to

C. don’t need to

D. need to

18. he _____ come but soon went back.

A. do

B. does

C. did

D. done

19. the expressions he uses might depend on who he ______.

A. is speaking

B. speaking to

C. speaks to

D. speaks

20. What ______ to the photographer in the past few days?

A. happened

B. was happened

C. happen

D. has happened
