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歌名:Hand in Hand 手拉手

词:[美] 汤姆·惠特洛克

曲:[意] 吉奥吉·莫洛德(Giorgio Moroder) 演唱:Koreana组合

《Hand in hand》

from Seoul Olympic Game

We can see the fire in the sky

We feel the beating of our hearts together This is our time to rise above

We know the chance is here to live forever For all time


Hand in hand we stand

All across the land

We can make this world a better place in which to live

Hand in hand we can!

Start to undrestand

Breaking down the walls that come between us for all time

All the time

Breaking down the walls between us

Hand in hand

Breaking down the walls

Everytime we give it all

We feel the flame eternally inside us

Lift our hands up to the sky

The morning calm helps us to live in harmony For all time















歌名:Barcelona 巴塞罗那

词曲:[英]Freddie Mercury

演唱:Freddie Mercury,[西班牙] Montserrat Caballe(卡巴耶)





I had this perfect dream

-Un sueno me envolvio

This dream was me and you

-Tal vez estas aqui

I want all the world to see

-Un instinto me guiaba

A miracle sensation

My guide and inspiration

Now my dream is slowly coming true The wind is a gentle breeze

-El me hablo de ti

The bells are ringing out

-El canto vuela

They're calling us together

Guiding us forever

Wish my dream would never go away Barcelona - It was the first time that we met

Barcelona - How can I forget

The moment that you stepped into the room

you took my breath away

Barcelona - La musica vibros Barcelona - Y ella nos unio

And if God willing we will meet again someday

Let the songs begin

-Dejalo nacer

Let the music play


Make the voices sing

-Nace un gran amor

Start the celebration

-Van a mi

And cry


Come alive


And shake the foundations from the skies Ah,Ah,Shaking all our lives

Barcelona - Such a beautiful horizon

Barcelona - Like a jewel in the sun

Por ti sere gaviota de tu bella mar

Barcelona - Suenan las campamas

Barcelona - Abre tus puertas al mundo

If God is willing

-If God is willing

If God is willing

Friends until the end




歌名:Reach 登峰造极

词曲:黛安·沃伦(Diane Warren),Gloria Estefan 演唱:格罗利娅·伊斯特梵(Gloria Estefan) The Power of The Dream梦想的力量

2)Deep within each heart 每人的内心深处

There lies a magic spark 都蕴藏着神奇的火花

That lights the fire of our imagination 它会点燃梦想的火

And since the dawnof man 自从人类之初

The strenght of just "I can" 那自信自强的力量

Has brought together people of all 就使不同种族的人们团结一心


In the living of each day 都有不平凡的魅力

There's a special part 所有的人们都会有不平凡的壮举

Every one of uswill play Feel the flameforever burn 看圣火生生不息

Teaching lessons we must learn 我们应该焕发火一样的生机

To bring us closer to the power 梦想的力量在汇聚

of the dream

As the world gives us its best 世界将其最珍贵的无私赐予

To stand apart from all the rest 使我们超然于纭纭万物

It is the power of the dream更有梦想的力量使我们会聚在这里

That brings us here

Your mind will take youfar 你有高远的意志

The rest is just pure heart 你有执着的精神

You'll find your fate is 命运就握在你自己手中

All your own creation

Every boy and girl 所有的孩子们啊

As they come into this world 当你们踏上这个星球

They bring the giftof hope and 梦想就带给你们希望和激励


Feel the flameforever burn 看圣火生生不息

Teaching lessons we must learn 我们应该焕发火一样的生机

To bring us closer to the power of 梦想的力量在汇聚

the dream

The world unites in hope and peace 世界因希望与和平而和谐统一

We pray that it will always be 我们祈祷它永远这样美丽

It is the power of the dream 梦想的力量使我们会聚在这里

That brings us here

There's so much strength in all of us 我们都拥有如此神奇的力量

Every woman child and man 所有的兄弟姐妹啊
