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additions developed by the ADCS: (1) A two number cancellation task to assess attention, (2) a delayed recall task added to the word recall task that increases sensitivity to mild memory impairment which may be frequently seen in vascular dementia, and (3) a maze task to assess executive function. A more comprehensive VADAS-cog has now been developed that consists of three additional subtests in addition to the subtests from the extended ADAScog. The additional tests are symbol digit modalities (attentionlconcentration), digits backwards (working memclry), and animal category retrieval (verbal fluency). It is recommended that the current version of the VADAS-cog is suitable for clinical trials in vascular dementia and should be adopted as the primary cognitive outcome measure instead of the ADAS-cog in such studies. Future validation of this VADAS-cog and its sensitivity to longitudinal change and drug treatment will come from its current use in vascular dementia clinical trials.


指导语:(向受试者出示范例),指着对受试者说:“您看这些格子,上面是数字,下面是符号,每个数字对应不同的符号。现在您再看这里(指着测验表),这里上面有数字,但是下面没有符号,请您把每个数字对应的符号填在它下面的空格里”。请研究者在第1 行前3 格

示范3 个,让患者在第1 行后面的空格练习7 个后,问患者是否知道如何做了,如已知道做法,指着第2 行说:“就这样做,您从这儿开始,要尽量快,又要正确,不要跳格,从左到右依顺序进行,做完一排接着做下排,直到我说停为止。开始!”同时开始计时。在受试者出现第一次跳格时可提示说:“要按顺序进行,不要跳格”。90 秒时停止评分:得分为所有完全正确(形状和方向均相同)的符号的总数。



