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2018年11月大学英语四六级口语考试演练真题热度:大学英语四级考试固定搭配句型热度:大学英语学习计划怎么制定热度:大学英语四级复习计划热度: 2017年英语三级考试知识点热度:大学英语教学一直以来都是大学教学课程体系中的核心课程,大学英语第二册知识点你都掌握了吗?下面店铺给你分享大学英语2知识点,欢迎阅读。


1.take hold: become established

The idea of one child has taken hold in many Chinese families.


Old habits die hard. That’s why you should stop smoking before the habit takes hold.

2.bore: vt. make (sb.) feel tired and lose interest

The speaker went on and on, and the audience grew bored by his speech.

bore sb. to death (tears)

a crashing bore 讨厌至极的人/事

a frightful bore 讨厌得要命的家伙

an insufferable bore 讨厌得令人无法忍受的人

an utter bore 极惹人厌烦的事

3.turn out:

1. come out or gather as for a meeting, public event, etc.

2. prove to be

3. shut off

4. produce; make

Match the above definitions with the sentences below.

A large group of protesters have turned out.

The school has turned out some great scholars.

Turn out the light before you go to bed.

The plan turned out a failure.

We are to turn out 100,000,586 computers next year to meet the market requirements.

The experiment turned out to be a success.

Crowds turned out for the procession.

4.sequence: n.

connected line of events, ideas, etc.

连续的歉收(bad harvest)迫使一些非洲国家请求外国援助(foreign aid)。

A sequence of bad harvests forced some African countries to ask for foreign aid.

The Fall of the Roman Empire was written in historical sequence.

sequence & series

sequence 是指“先后衔接的次序”。这种次序可以是历史性的,即事态发生时的先后次序;也可以是逻辑性的,即论点先后的衔接,相当于汉语的“语无伦次”中的“伦次”。

series 是指“系列”、“组”,可以有先后衔接的次序,也可以没有,但一系列或一组的东西一定自成一个完整的单位。例如:

I have a poor memory for dates and often mix up the ___ of events.

Professor Li will give a ____ of lectures on the Middle East issue.

The post office has issued a ____ of stamps commemorating the Olympic Games.

Your argument lacks logical ____, for your second point does not follow the first.

sequence; series; series; sequence

5.recall: vt. bring back to the mind; remember (usu. followed by noun / gerund, or that-clause)

I recognize the face but can’t recall her name.

I don’t recall ever meeting her.

She recalled that she had to see the doctor again that afternoon.

recall, remember & remind


recall“想起”,把忘记的东西又想起来了,其动作包含有意识的努力,因此常与can,could 等词连用,强调一次的回忆。

remember “想起”,用处比较广泛,指事物自然在记忆中出现,不包含努力或意志。如果remember 表示有意识的行动,常指“记住”。

remind 指“使某人想起”,“提醒”,宾语是人。具体用法如下:

1) 接宾语;

2) 接宾语+of+宾语;

3) 接宾语+不定式;

4) 接宾语+that-clause。

I suddenly ___ I had left the book in the library.

Try as I might, I could not ___ where I had left the book.

I ____ her face but I cannot ___ where I met her.

If I forget it, please ___ me.

This ____ me of last year.

You must ___ this phone number.

____ me to write to my Mom.

The sight of the clock ____ me that I was late.

remembered; recall; remember, recall; remind; reminds; remember; remind; reminded

6.turn in: 1. hand in; give over 2. deliver (a person or thing) to the police 3. give back; return


1. n. order
