国际船舶建造合同范本一、合同标的二、合同价格2.1 船舶的总价为【】(大写:【】元整),其中不包括税费、运输费、保险费等相关费用。
三、建造期限3.1 卖方应按照附件一的规定,自本合同签订之日起【】个月内完成船舶的建造工作。
五、质量保证5.1 卖方保证船舶建造质量符合国家有关法律法规、国际航行标准及附件一规定的技术要求。
六、交付与验收6.1 船舶交付地点为【】。
6.2 买方应在船舶交付后【】日内进行验收,验收合格后办理交付手续。
七、保险7.1 船舶在建造过程中,卖方应负责办理船舶建造保险,并承担相应保险费用。
八、知识产权8.1 船舶设计、建造过程中产生的知识产权归卖方所有,但买方有权在合同约定的范围内使用。
九、争议解决9.1 双方在履行本合同过程中发生的争议,应通过友好协商解决;协商不成的,任何一方均有权向合同签订地的人民法院提起诉讼。
十、合同生效与终止10.1 本合同自双方签字盖章之日起生效,有效期为【】个月。
10.2 在合同有效期内,除非双方协商一致,否则任何一方不得提前终止合同。
1. 买方(Buyer):指购买船舶的一方,本合同中的甲方。
2. 卖方(Seller):指建造船舶的一方,本合同中的乙方。
3. 船舶(Vessel):指本合同标的物,即卖方为买方建造的国际航行船舶。
4. 预付款(Advance Payment):指合同签订后,买方按照约定支付的部分合同价款。
5. 质量保证(Quality Assurance):指卖方对船舶建造质量的承诺和保障。
6. 交付(Delivery):指卖方将建造完成的船舶交付给买方。
第一条船舶基本信息1.1 甲方将拥有的(船舶名称)租赁给乙方,作为船舶运营使用。
1.2 船舶详情如下:船名:(船名)IMO号:(IMO号)载重吨位:(载重吨位)航速:(航速)船舶类型:(船舶类型)建造年份:(建造年份)第二条租期及费用2.1 租赁期限为(起始日期)至(结束日期),共计(租期)。
2.2 乙方应按照双方协商的费用标准支付租金,具体金额为(租金金额)。
2.3 租金支付方式:乙方应于每个月的(具体日期)前将租金支付至甲方指定账户。
2.4 乙方在租期内应承担船舶的运营费用,包括但不限于船员工资、燃油费、维护费等。
第三条使用权3.1 乙方在租期内有权使用船舶进行相关商业运营活动,但应遵守相关法律法规。
3.2 乙方不得私自转租或出售船舶,否则应承担相应法律责任。
第四条保险及维护4.1 甲方应为船舶购买必要的船舶保险,保障船舶和船员的安全。
4.2 乙方应负责对船舶进行定期维护和保养,保证船舶的正常运营。
第五条违约责任5.1 在租期内,若乙方未按时支付租金或违反其他租赁协议规定,甲方有权终止合同并要求乙方赔偿损失。
5.2 在租期内,若甲方未按时提供船舶或违反其他租赁协议规定,乙方有权要求甲方赔偿损失。
第六条其他6.1 本合同经双方签字生效,任何修改须经双方协商一致并签订书面协议。
6.2 本合同履行过程中发生争议,双方应友好协商解决,若协商无果,应提交至(仲裁委员会)仲裁解决。
甲方(以下简称“甲方”):乙方(以下简称“乙方”):鉴于甲方具备船舶建造的技术实力和资质,乙方拥有船舶建造所需资金及资源,双方本着平等互利、共同发展的原则,经友好协商,就甲方为乙方建造船舶事宜,达成如下协议:一、合作内容1.1 甲方负责乙方委托建造的船舶的设计、建造、调试及交付工作。
1.2 乙方负责提供船舶建造所需资金及资源,并配合甲方完成船舶建造工作。
1.3 甲方和乙方共同负责船舶的运营和维护,确保船舶安全、高效、环保地运行。
二、合作方式2.1 甲方负责船舶的设计、建造和调试工作,乙方负责提供船舶建造所需资金及资源。
2.2 甲方应按照乙方要求,确保船舶建造质量、进度和成本控制。
2.3 甲方和乙方应共同制定船舶建造方案,包括船舶设计、建造工艺、材料选用、质量标准等。
三、合作期限3.1 本协议自双方签字盖章之日起生效,合作期限为____年。
3.2 合作期满后,如双方同意,可协商续签本协议。
四、权利义务4.1 甲方权利义务:(1)按照乙方要求,完成船舶设计、建造和调试工作;(2)确保船舶建造质量、进度和成本控制;(3)协助乙方完成船舶的运营和维护工作。
4.2 乙方权利义务:(1)按照协议约定,提供船舶建造所需资金及资源;(2)协助甲方完成船舶的建造工作;(3)按照协议约定,承担船舶的运营和维护工作。
五、违约责任5.1 任何一方违反本协议约定,导致合作受阻或损失,应承担违约责任。
5.2 违约方应向守约方支付违约金,违约金金额为损失金额的____%。
六、争议解决6.1 双方在履行本协议过程中发生的争议,应首先通过友好协商解决。
6.2 协商不成的,任何一方均有权向合同签订地人民法院提起诉讼。
七、其他7.1 本协议未尽事宜,双方可另行协商补充。
7.2 本协议一式两份,甲乙双方各执一份,具有同等法律效力。
造船合同质量保证——中英文第一篇:造船合同质量保证——中英文ARTICLE IXWARRANTY OF QUALITY(船舶建造合同)质量保证1.GUARANTEE OF MATERIAL AND WORKMANSHIP材料和工艺的保证The SELLER, for a period of twelve(12)months from the Delivery Date, guarantees the VESSEL, her hull and machinery and all parts and equipment thereof that are manufactured or furnished or supplied by the SELLER and /or its subcontractors under this Contract including material and equipment(excluding any parts for the VESSEL which have been supplied by or on behalf of the BUYER)against all defects which are due to defective materials and /or poor workmanship and/or faulty design and/or constructional miscalculation.在卖方将本船交付给买方后12个月内,卖方保证对本船,其船体、机械设备及其所有部件和所有由卖方和/或本合同中的其分包商制作完成或提供的包括材料、设备(但由买方或以买方名义提供的任何部件除外)发生因材料缺陷、制作工艺错误和/或设计错误和/或构建错误引起的缺陷承担责任。
Any additional guarantee period in excess of twelve(12)months offered by any manufacturer and/or SELLER’s subcontractors shall be automatically passed on to the BUYER, for which the SELLER shall arrange an agreement pass such additional guarantee to BUYER任何制造商和/或卖方的分包商提供的超过12个月的任何额外保证期应自动转让给买方,而卖方应为其安排协议来转让给买方的这种额外保证。
英文船舶合同范本SHIP SALE AND PURCHASE CONTRACTThis Ship Sale and Purchase Contract (the "Contract") is made and entered into on [date] and between:The Seller:Name: [Seller's Name]Address: [Seller's Address]Telephone: [Seller's Telephone Number]Fax: [Seller's Fax Number]E: [Seller's E Address]AndThe Buyer:Name: [Buyer's Name]Address: [Buyer's Address]Telephone: [Buyer's Telephone Number]Fax: [Buyer's Fax Number]E: [Buyer's E Address]1. Description of the ShipThe ship to be sold and purchased under this Contract is [ship's name], of [ship's type], built in [year of build] at [shipyard], with the following mn particulars:Length overall: [length]Breadth: [breadth]Depth: [depth]Gross tonnage: [gross tonnage]Net tonnage: [net tonnage]Mn engine: [engine detls]2. Purchase Price and Payment2.1 The purchase price of the ship is [amount in USD or other currency] (the "Purchase Price").2.2 The Buyer shall pay the Purchase Price as follows:An initial deposit of [percentage] of the Purchase Price, being [amount], within [number of days] days of the signing of this Contract.The balance of the Purchase Price shall be pd on the date of delivery of the ship.3. Delivery and Inspection3.1 The Seller shall deliver the ship to the Buyer at [delivery location] on or before [delivery date].3.2 The Buyer shall have the right to inspect the ship prior to delivery. Any deficiencies or damages identified during the inspection shall be rectified the Seller at the Seller's expense.4. Title and Risk4.1 Title to the ship shall pass from the Seller to the Buyer upon payment of the full Purchase Price.4.2 Risk of loss or damage to the ship shall pass to the Buyer upon delivery.5. Warranties and Representations5.1 The Seller warrants that the ship is free from any liens, encumbrances, or clms.5.2 The Seller represents that the ship is in good condition and seaworthy at the time of delivery.6. Breach and Remedies6.1 In the event of a breach of this Contract either party, the non-breaching party shall have the right to seek damages or specific performance as provided law.6.2 Any disputes arising out of or in connection with this Contract shall be resolved through arbitration in accordance with the rules of [arbitration institution].7. Miscellaneous7.1 This Contract shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of [jurisdiction].7.2 This Contract constitutes the entire agreement between the parties and supersedes all prior negotiations and understandings.IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Contract as of the date first above written.The Seller: [Seller's Signature]The Buyer: [Buyer's Signature]。
造船合同范本中英《造船合同》合同编号(Contract No.):________________甲方(船东):________________法定地址(Legal Address):________________法定代表人(Legal Representative):________________联系电话(Telephone Number):________________乙方(造船厂):________________法定地址(Legal Address):________________法定代表人(Legal Representative):________________联系电话(Telephone Number):________________鉴于甲方拟建造一艘船舶,并委托乙方承担该船舶的建造工作,双方经友好协商,达成如下协议:一、船舶概述1. 船舶名称(Vessel Name):________________2. 船舶类型(Vessel Type):________________3. 船舶规格(Vessel Specifications):包括总长、型宽、型深、吃水等详细参数4. 船舶用途(Vessel Purpose):________________二、合同价格及付款方式1. 合同总价(Total Contract Price):人民币/美元(大写)________________元整(小写:¥/$________________元)2. 付款方式(Payment Method):预付款(Advance Payment):合同签订后______个工作日内,甲方支付合同总价的______%作为预付款;进度款(Progress Payments):根据船舶建造进度,甲方分阶段支付合同总价的______%;交船款(Delivery Payment):船舶交付验收合格后______个工作日内,甲方支付合同总价的______%。
船舶建造合同 (版本之二,1--5章 中英文)
船舶建造合同(版本之二,1--5章中英文)SHIPBUILDING CONTRACT本合同由依照法律组建和存在,并以为注册营业地的为一方(以下简称"买方"),和依照中华人民共和国法律组建并存在,以中国为注册营业地的船厂为另一方(以下简称卖方)于年月日订立。
This CONTRACT, entered into this day of by and between , a corporation organized and existing under the Laws of , having its registered office at (hereinafter called the "Buyer" ) on one part; and Shipyard, a corporation organized and existing under the Laws of People’s Republic of China, having its registered office at , the People’s Republic of China (hereinafter called the "Seller")兹证明WITNESSES鉴于本合同所含的双方的约定,卖方同意设计建造、下水、装配、完成一艘船,并在完工和试航成功后出售给买方,具体细节,将在第一条中说明。
In consideration of the mutual covenants contained herein, the Seller agrees to build, launch, equip and complete at the Seller’s Shipyard and to sell and deliver to the Buyer after completion and successful trial one (1) Vessel as more fully described in Article I hereof, to be registered under the flag of and the Buyer agrees to purchase and take delivery of the aforesaid Vessel from the Seller and to pay for the same in accordance with the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth.第一条说明和船级ARTICLE I DESCRIPTION AND CLASS1说明1. DESCRIPTION:本船入级下述船级社,在设计吃水米时,载重量为公吨的船舶(以下简称本船),本船的卖方船号为,其建造、安装和完成应按下列技术规格书进行:The Vessel is a metric tons deadweight, at designed draft of meters (hereinafter called the "Vessel") of the class described below. The Vessel shall have the Seller’s Hull No. and shall be constructed, equipped and completed in accordance with the following "Specifications":(1)技术规格书(图号:)Specification (Drawing No. )(2)总布置图(图号:)General Arrangement (Drawing No. )(3)舯剖面图(图号:)Midship Section (Drawing No. )(4)厂商表(图号:)Makers list (Drawing No. )上述随附技术文件由本合同双方签字(以下合称为"说明书"),并作为合同整体的一部分。
csoc 船舶建造合同
csoc 船舶建造合同一、合同双方。
1. 船舶规格。
2. 船舶用途。
1. 总费用。
2. 付款方式。
专业合同封面COUNTRACT COVER20XXP ERSONAL甲方:XXX乙方:XXX2024年版:船舶建造合同(建造规格、交付时间及违约责任)本合同目录一览1. 船舶建造规格1.1 船舶类型与尺寸1.2 船舶性能要求1.3 船舶设备与系统1.4 船舶建造材料2. 交付时间与条件2.1 船舶交付时间2.2 船舶交付地点2.3 船舶交付前的检验与验收2.4 船舶交付后的调试与培训3. 合同价格与支付方式3.1 合同总价3.2 支付时间表3.3 支付条件与方式3.4 价格调整机制4. 违约责任4.1 承包商违约4.1.1 未能按约定时间完成建造4.1.2 船舶建造质量不符合约定4.1.3 未能提供合格的船舶设备与系统4.2 买方违约4.2.1 未能按约定时间支付合同款项4.2.2 买方提供的技术资料不真实或不完整4.2.3 买方未能履行合同约定的其他义务5. 争议解决方式5.1 双方协商解决5.2 提交仲裁机构仲裁5.3 向人民法院提起诉讼6. 合同的生效、变更与解除6.1 合同生效条件6.2 合同的变更6.3 合同的解除7. 保密条款7.1 保密信息的范围与内容7.2 保密信息的保护期限7.3 违反保密条款的责任8. 合同的适用法律8.1 合同签订地法律8.2 国际惯例9. 其他条款9.1 合同的解释权9.2 合同的附件9.3 合同的修订版10. 合同的签署与备案10.1 合同签署地点与时间10.2 合同签署人10.3 合同备案机关11. 船舶建造过程中的协调与沟通11.1 双方代表的职责与权限11.2 定期会议与报告11.3 变更管理流程12. 船舶建造质量控制12.1 质量管理体系12.2 质量检验与监督12.3 不合格产品的处理13. 船舶建造安全与环保13.1 安全管理制度13.2 安全事故的处理13.3 环保要求与措施14. 合同解除或终止后的权利与义务14.1 船舶的归属与处理14.2 合同解除或终止后的赔偿14.3 保密信息的归还与销毁14.4 合同解除或终止后的其他事项第一部分:合同如下:第一条船舶建造规格1.1 船舶类型与尺寸本合同所述船舶为型,总长为米,型宽为米,型深为米,吨位为吨。
2.2 1、技术说明书。
2.2 2、主要技术图纸。
2.2 3、主要机电设备及制造商表;船、机、电供应品明细表。
) 所有的材料设备运至厂。
第4条船舶规格及时间4.1、船体:总长:米; 船长(两柱间):米; 型宽:米; 型深:米; 设计吃水米。
船舶建造合同(版本之二,1--5章中英文)SHIPBUILDING CONTRACT本合同由依照法律组建和存在,并以为注册营业地的为一方(以下简称"买方"),和依照中华人民共和国法律组建并存在,以中国为注册营业地的船厂为另一方(以下简称卖方)于年月日订立。
This CONTRACT, entered into this day of by and between , a corporation organized and existing under the Laws of , having its registered office at (hereinafter called the "Buyer" ) on one part; and Shipyard, a corporation organized and existing under the Laws of People’s Republic of China, having its registered office at , the People’s Republic of China (hereinafter called the "Seller")兹证明WITNESSES鉴于本合同所含的双方的约定,卖方同意设计建造、下水、装配、完成一艘船,并在完工和试航成功后出售给买方,具体细节,将在第一条中说明。
In consideration of the mutual covenants contained herein, the Seller agrees to build, launch, equip and complete at the Seller’s Shipyard and to sell and deliver to the Buyer after completion and successful trial one (1) Vessel as more fully described in Article I hereof, to be registered under the flag of and the Buyer agrees to purchase and take delivery of the aforesaid Vessel from the Seller and to pay for the same in accordance with the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth.第一条说明和船级ARTICLE I DESCRIPTION AND CLASS1说明1. DESCRIPTION:本船入级下述船级社,在设计吃水米时,载重量为公吨的船舶(以下简称本船),本船的卖方船号为,其建造、安装和完成应按下列技术规格书进行:The Vessel is a metric tons deadweight, at designed draft of meters (hereinafter called the "Vessel") of the class described below. The Vessel shall have the Seller’s Hull No. and shall be constructed, equipped and completed in accordance with the following "Specifications":(1)技术规格书(图号:)Specification (Drawing No. )(2)总布置图(图号:)General Arrangement (Drawing No. )(3)舯剖面图(图号:)Midship Section (Drawing No. )(4)厂商表(图号:)Makers list (Drawing No. )上述随附技术文件由本合同双方签字(以下合称为"说明书"),并作为合同整体的一部分。
船舶建造合同 (版本之二,1--5章中英文)SHIPBUILDING CONTRACT本合同由依照法律组建和存在,并以为注册营业地的为一方(以下简称"买方"),和依照中华人民共和国法律组建并存在,以中国为注册营业地的船厂为另一方(以下简称卖方)于年月日订立。
This CONTRACT, entered into this day of by and between , a corporation organized and existing under the Laws of , having its registered office at (hereinafter called the "Buyer" ) on one part; and Shipyard, a corporation organized and existing under the Laws of People’s Republic of China, having its registered office at , the People’s Republic of China (hereinafter called the "Seller")兹证明WITNESSES鉴于本合同所含的双方的约定,卖方同意设计建造、下水、装配、完成一艘船,并在完工和试航成功后出售给买方,具体细节,将在第一条中说明。
In consideration of the mutual covenants contained herein, the Seller agrees to build, launch, equip and complete at the Seller’s Shipyard and to sell and deliver to the Buyer after completion and successful trial one (1) Vessel as more fully described in Article I hereof, to be registered under the flag of and the Buyer agrees to purchase and take delivery of the aforesaid Vessel from the Seller and to pay for the same in accordance with the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth.第一条说明和船级ARTICLE I DESCRIPTION AND CLASS1 说明1. DESCRIPTION:本船入级下述船级社,在设计吃水米时,载重量为公吨的船舶(以下简称本船),本船的卖方船号为,其建造、安装和完成应按下列技术规格书进行:The Vessel is a metric tons deadweight, at designed draft of meters (hereinafter called the "Vessel") of the class described below. The Vessel shall have the Seller’s Hull No. and shall be constructed, equipped and completed in accordance with the following "Specifications":(1)技术规格书(图号:)Specification (Drawing No. )(2)总布置图(图号:)General Arrangement (Drawing No. )(3)舯剖面图(图号:)Midship Section (Drawing No. )(4)厂商表(图号:)Makers list (Drawing No. )上述随附技术文件由本合同双方签字(以下合称为"说明书"),并作为合同整体的一部分。
船舶公司英文合同范本Maritime Company Contract TemplateThis Contract (hereinafter referred to as the "Contract") is made and entered into as of [Date], and between [Shipowner's Name] (hereinafter referred to as the "Shipowner") and [Charterer's Name] (hereinafter referred to as the "Charterer").1. RecitalsWHEREAS, the Shipowner is the legal owner of the vessel named [Vessel Name] (hereinafter referred to as the "Vessel"), having the IMO number [IMO Number], and is willing to charter the Vessel to the Charterer for the purpose of carriage of goods; andWHEREAS, the Charterer desires to charter the Vessel from the Shipowner for the aforementioned purpose;NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements set forth herein, the parties hereto agree as follows:2. Definitions2.1 "Charter Party" refers to the contract between the Shipowner and the Charterer for the chartering of the Vessel, including all appendices, schedules, and amendments thereto.2.2 "Vessel" refers to the vessel named [Vessel Name], having the IMO number [IMO Number], owned the Shipowner and chartered to the Charterer under this Contract.2.3 "Freight" refers to the payment to be made the Charterer to the Shipowner for the use of the Vessel, as specified in Clause 6 of this Contract.2.4 "Hire Period" refers to the period during which the Vessel is chartered to the Charterer, as specified in Clause 4 of this Contract.2.5 "Port" refers to any port or place where the Vessel may call, load, or discharge cargo, as specified in Clause 5 of this Contract.2.6 "Cargo" refers to the goods to be carried the Vessel on behalf of the Charterer, as specified in Clause 7 of this Contract.3. Duration of Charter3.1 The Hire Period shall mence on [Start Date] and shall terminate on [End Date], unless terminated earlier in accordance with the provisions of this Contract.4. Vessel's Operation4.1 The Shipowner shall provide and mntn the Vessel in a seaworthy condition, with all necessary equipment, machinery, and appurtenances, and shall employ petent officers and crew to navigate and manage the Vessel.4.2 The Charterer shall have the right to direct the Vessel's movements, provided that such directions are in pliance with applicable laws and regulations and do not cause unnecessary delay or damage to the Vessel.5. Ports of Call5.1 The Vessel shall call at the following ports in the order specified the Charterer: [List of Ports].5.2 The Charterer shall give the Shipowner not less than [Number] days' notice prior to the Vessel's arrival at each port.6. Freight6.1 The Charterer shall pay to the Shipowner the total freight amount of [Amount] (hereinafter referred to as the "Freight") for the use of the Vessel during the Hire Period.6.2 The Freight shall be pd in installments as follows: [Payment Schedule].6.3 The Freight is inclusive of all charges, expenses, and taxes related to the use of the Vessel, except for the charges specified in Clause 8 of this Contract.7. Cargo7.1 The Charterer shall provide the Cargo for shipment on the Vessel, and the Shipowner shall carry the Cargo with due care and diligence.7.2 The Charterer warrants that the Cargo is properly packed, marked, and described, and is in pliance with all applicable laws and regulations.8. Additional Expenses8.1 The Charterer shall be responsible for all charges, expenses, and taxes related to the Cargo, including but not limited to customs duties, terminal handling charges, and port charges.9. Insurance9.1 The Shipowner shall mntn hull and machinery insurance for the Vessel in an amount not less than the value of the Vessel, and the Charterer shall mntn cargo insurance for the full value of the Cargo.10. Indemnification10.1 The Shipowner shall indemnify and hold harmless the Charterer agnst any clms, damages, or liabilities arising out of or in connection with the ownership, operation, or management of the Vessel.10.2 The Charterer shall indemnify and hold harmless the Shipowner agnst any clms, damages, or liabilities arising out of or in connection with the carriage of the Cargo.11. Termination11.1 This Contract may be terminated either party upon written notice to the other party in the event of a breach of any material term or condition hereof, which breach is not remedied within [Number] days after receipt of written notice.11.2 In the event of termination, the parties shall settle all outstanding obligations and liabilities arising out of or in connection with this Contract.12. Governing Law and Dispute Resolution12.1 This Contract shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of [Jurisdiction].12.2 Any disputes arising out of or in connection with this Contract shall be resolved arbitration in accordance with the rules of the [Arbitration Institution], and the decision of the arbitrator(s) shall be final and binding upon the parties.IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Contract as of the date first above written.[Shipowner's Name]By: ______________________Name: [签字人姓名]Title: [签字人职位][Charterer's Name]By: ______________________Name: [签字人姓名]Title: [签字人职位]Definitions:Charter Party: The contract between the Shipowner and the Charterer for the chartering of the Vessel.Vessel: The ship chartered the Charterer from the Shipowner.Freight: The payment made the Charterer to the Shipowner for the use of the Vessel.Hire Period: The duration during which the Vessel is chartered to the Charterer.Port: Any port or place where the Vessel may call, load, or discharge cargo.Cargo: The goods to be carried the Vessel on behalf of the Charterer.IMO Number: International Maritime Organization number, a unique identifier for ships.。
船舶建造合同Shipbuilding Contract
船舶建造合同Shipbuilding Contract(HULL NO. ) (船号:)This CONTRACT, entered into this day of by and between , a corporation organized and existing under the Laws of , having its registered office at (hereinafter called the "Buyer" ) on one part; and Shipyard, a corporation organized and existing under the Laws of People's Republic of China, having its registered office at , the People's Republic of China (hereinafter called the "Seller") 本合同由依照法律组建和存在,并以为注册营业地的为一方(以下简称"买方"),和依照中华人民共和国法律组建并存在,以中国为注册营业地的船厂为另一方(以下简称卖方)于年月日订立。
WITNESSES 兹证明In consideration of the mutual covenants contained herein, the Seller agrees to build, launch, equip and complete at the Seller's Shipyard and to sell and deliver to the Buyer after completion and successful trial one (1) Vessel as more fully described in Article I hereof, to be registered under the flag of and the Buyer agrees to purchase and take delivery of the aforesaid Vessel from the Seller and to pay for the same in accordance with the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth. 鉴于本合同所含的双方的约定,卖方同意设计建造、下水、装配、完成一艘船,并在完工和试航成功后出售给买方,具体细节,将在第一条中说明。
第一条船舶建造的基本信息1.1 船舶名称:_____________1.2 船舶类型:_____________1.3 船舶规格:_____________1.4 建造地点:_____________第二条合同价格及支付方式2.1 本合同总价为人民币(或外币)_______元(¥_______)。
2.2 支付方式:甲方应按照以下时间节点向乙方支付合同价款:2.2.1 合同签订后_______个工作日内支付总价的_______%作为预付款;2.2.2 船舶主体结构完工后_______个工作日内支付总价的_______%;2.2.3 船舶下水试航合格后_______个工作日内支付总价的_______%;2.2.4 船舶交付验收合格后_______个工作日内支付剩余的_______%。
第三条船舶建造的质量和标准3.1 乙方应按照国家船舶建造标准和甲方的要求进行建造。
3.2 船舶建造过程中使用的原材料、设备和工艺必须符合合同约定的标准。
第四条船舶建造的工期4.1 船舶建造的工期为自合同生效之日起至_______年_______月_______日止。
4.2 因不可抗力或甲方原因导致工期延误的,经双方协商一致,工期相应顺延。
第五条船舶交付和验收5.1 乙方应在合同约定的工期内完成船舶建造,并向甲方交付船舶。
5.2 船舶交付前,甲方有权对船舶进行验收,验收标准按照合同约定执行。
船舶公司英文合同范本SHIP CHARTER CONTRACTThis Ship Charter Contract (the "Contract") is made and entered into on [Date] and between [Charterer's Name], a pany incorporated and existing under the laws of [Charterer's Country] with its registered office at [Charterer's Address] (hereinafter referred to as the "Charterer"), and [Owner's Name], a pany incorporated and existing under the laws of [Owner's Country] with its registered office at [Owner's Address] (hereinafter referred to as the "Owner").1. Vessel DescriptionThe Owner agrees to charter to the Charterer the vessel named [Vessel Name], of [Vessel Type], with a gross tonnage of approximately [Gross Tonnage], built in [Year of Build], and registered under the flag of [Flag State] at [Port of Registry] (the "Vessel").2. Charter PeriodThe charter period shall mence on [Commencement Date] and shall end on [Expiry Date], unless earlier terminated in accordance with the provisions of this Contract.3. Charter HireThe Charterer shall pay to the Owner a charter hire of [Charter Hire Amount] per [Charter Hire Period] in advance on or before [Payment Due Date] of each period.4. Delivery and RedeliveryThe Owner shall deliver the Vessel to the Charterer at [Delivery Port] on or before [Delivery Date], in a clean and seaworthy condition. The Charterer shall redeliver the Vessel to the Owner at [Redelivery Port] on or before [Redelivery Date], in the same condition as received, ordinary wear and tear excepted.5. Mntenance and ReprsDuring the charter period, the Charterer shall be responsible for the ordinary mntenance and running reprs of the Vessel. The Owner shall be responsible for major reprs and drydocking as required class and applicable regulations.6. InsuranceThe Owner shall mntn hull and machinery insurance on the Vessel for the full insured value. The Charterer shall be responsible for insuring the cargo and obtning liability insurance as required law.7. Cancellation and TerminationThis Contract may be cancelled or terminated either party in the event of a breach of any of its terms and conditions the other party, subject to prior written notice and an opportunity to cure the breach.8. Force MajeureNeither party shall be liable for any flure or delay in performing its obligations under this Contract to the extent such flure or delay is caused force majeure events beyond its reasonable control.9. Governing Law and JurisdictionThis Contract shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of [Applicable Law]. Any disputes arising out of or in connection with this Contract shall be submitted to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of [Jurisdiction].IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Contract as of the date first above written.[Charterer's Signature and Name][Owner's Signature and Name]Please note that this is a basic template and should be reviewed and tlored legal professionals to meet the specific circumstances and requirements of each transaction.。
船舶建造合同范本 中英文对照版
编号:_____________ 船舶建造合同卖方:___________________________买方:___________________________签订日期:_______年______月______日本合同由依照法律组建和存在,并以为注册营业地的为一方(以下简称"买方"),和依照中华人民共和国法律组建并存在,以中国为注册营业地的船厂为另一方(以下简称卖方)于年月日订立。
This CONTRACT, entered into this day of by and between , a corporation organized and existing under the Laws of , having its registered office at (hereinafter called the "Buyer" ) on one part; and Shipyard, a corporation organized and existing under the Laws of People’s Republic of China, having its registered office at , the People’s Republic of China (hereinafter called the "Seller")兹证明WITNESSES鉴于本合同所含的双方的约定,卖方同意设计建造、下水、装配、完成一艘船,并在完工和试航成功后出售给买方,具体细节,将在第一条中说明。
In consideration of the mutual covenants contained herein, the Seller agrees to build, launch, equip and complete at the Seller’s Shipyard and to sell and deliver to the Buyer after completion and successful trial one (1) Vessel as more fully described in Article I hereof, to be registered under the flag of and the Buyer agrees to purchase and take delivery of the aforesaid Vessel from the Seller and to pay for the same in accordance with the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth.第一条说明和船级ARTICLE I DESCRIPTION AND CLASS1 说明1. DESCRIPTION:本船入级下述船级社,在设计吃水米时,载重量为公吨的船舶(以下简称本船),本船的卖方船号为,其建造、安装和完成应按下列技术规格书进行:The Vessel is a metric tons deadweight, at designed draft of meters (hereinafter called the "Vessel") of the class described below. The Vessel shall have the Seller’s Hull No. and shall be constructed, equipped and completed in accordance with the following "Specifications":(1)技术规格书(图号:)Specification (Drawing No. )(2)总布置图(图号:)General Arrangement (Drawing No. )(3)舯剖面图(图号:)Midship Section (Drawing No. )(4)厂商表(图号:)Makers list (Drawing No. )上述随附技术文件由本合同双方签字(以下合称为"说明书"),并作为合同整体的一部分。
csoc 船舶建造合同
csoc 船舶建造合同CSOC船舶建造合同甲方(船东):____________________乙方(船舶建造方):____________________鉴于甲方需求,乙方同意按照甲方的要求建造船舶,为明确双方的权利与义务,达成如下协议:一、合同双方1. 甲方(船东):为合法注册的公司/个人,是本次船舶建造的需求方和购买方。
2. 乙方(船舶建造方):为合法注册的船舶制造企业,具备相应的船舶建造资质和技术能力。
二、船舶建造项目与规格1. 乙方应根据甲方的要求,建造以下规格的船舶:____________(船型、尺寸、设备配置等)。
2. 甲方有权在合理范围内提出设计变更要求,乙方应积极响应并作出相应调整。
三、船舶建造质量与标准1. 乙方应按照国际和国内的相关法律法规、标准以及规范进行船舶建造。
2. 乙方应保证所建造的船舶质量符合甲方的要求,并通过相关质量检测和验收。
四、合同价格与支付方式1. 船舶的总价格为:______元人民币(根据具体项目确定)。
2. 支付方式:甲方应按照以下比例和期限支付款项:______%(具体比例和期限根据双方协商确定)。
3. 如因甲方原因造成延期付款,甲方应支付相应的违约金。
五、工期与交付1. 乙方应在合同签订后______天内完成船舶建造工作。
2. 如因乙方原因造成工期延误,乙方应承担相应的违约责任。
3. 船舶建造完成后,乙方应按照约定的时间和地点交付给甲方。
六、保修与维护1. 乙方应对所建造的船舶提供一定期限的保修服务。
2. 在保修期内,如因乙方原因造成船舶故障或损坏,乙方应负责免费维修。
3. 保修期结束后,双方可协商签订维护合同,确保船舶的正常运行。
七、违约责任1. 如因乙方原因造成船舶建造质量不符合要求,乙方应承担违约责任,并承担由此产生的一切损失。
2. 如因甲方原因造成延期付款或其他违约行为,甲方应承担相应的违约责任。
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本合同由依照法律组建和存在,并以为注册营业地的为一方(以下简称"买方"), 和依照中华人民共和国法律组建并存在,以中国为注册营业地的船厂为另一方
This CONTRACT, entered into this day of by and between , a corporation organized and existing under the Laws of , having its registered office at (here in after called the "Buyer" ) on one part; and Shipyard, a corporati on orga ni zed and exist ing un der the Laws of People 'Republic of China, hav ing its registered office at , the People 'Republic of Chi na (here in after called the "Seller")
In con siderati on of the mutual cove nants contained here in, the Seller agrees to build, la un ch, equip and complete at the Seller 'Shipyard and to sell and deliver to the Buyer after completi on and successful trial one (1) Vessel as more fully described in Article I hereof, to be registered un der the flag of and the Buyer agrees to purchase and take delivery of the aforesaid Vessel from the Seller and to pay for the same in accorda nee with the terms and con diti ons here in after set forth.
本船入级下述船级社,在设计吃水米时,载重量为公吨的船舶(以下简称本船),本船的卖方船号为,其建造、安装和完成应按下列技术规格书进行:The Vessel
is a metric tons deadweight, at desig ned draft of meters (here in after called the "Vessel") of the class described below. The Vessel shall have the Seller 'Hull No. and shall be con structed, equipped and completed in accorda nee with the following "Specifications":
(1)技术规格书(图号:)Specification (Drawi ng No.)
(2)总布置图(图号:)General Arrangement (Drawing No.)
(3)肿剖面图(图号:)Midship Section (Draw ing No.)
(4)厂商表(图号:)Makers list (Drawing No.)
Attached hereto and sig ned by each of the parties to the Con tract (here in after collectively called the "Specificatio ns"), maki ng an in tegral part hereof.
The Vessel, i ncludi ng its mach inery and equipme nt, shall con structed in accorda nee with the rules and regulati ons (here in after called the
"Classificati on Society") and shall be dist in guished in the record by the symbol of + , , , , , and shall also comply with the rules are regulati ons as fully described in the Specifications.
The Seller shall arra nge with the Classificatio n Society assig n a represe ntative or represe ntatives (here in after called the
"Classificati on Surveyor") to the Seller 'Shipyard for supervisi on of the con struct ion of the Vessel.
All fees and charges incidental to Classification and to comply with the rules, regulati on and requireme nts of this Con tract as described in the Specificati ons issued up to the date of this Con tract as well as royalties, if any, payable on acco unt of the con struct ion of the Vessel shall be for the acco unt of the Seller, except as otherwise provided and agreed herei n. The key pla ns, materials and workma
nship en teri ng into the con structi on of Vessel shall at all times be subject to in specti ons and tests in accorda nee with the rules and regulati ons of the Classificati on Society.。