

练习 时文翻译:两岸三通

练习 时文翻译:两岸三通


一、时文翻译的第一要求是准确性⏹使中央委员会领导年轻化⏹bring younger comrades to the leading posts of the Central Committee⏹进一步落实党的民族政策,坚持和完善民族区域自治制度,发展平等、团结、互助的社会主义民族关系。

⏹We need to make further efforts to implement the Party’s policy on et hnic affairs, adhereto and build on the system of regional ethnic autonomy and develop socialist ethnic relationship characterized by equality, unity and mutual assistance.⏹这必将危及台海地区的稳定。






⏹We must unswervingly give equal importance to economic development on one hand andto the development of socialist culture and ideology on the other hand.⏹香港特别行政区的区旗是五星花蕊的紫荆花红旗。

⏹The regional flag of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region is a red flag with abauhinia highlighted by five star-tipped stamens.⏹国有企业下岗职工基本生活费和离退休人员基本养老金,基本上做到按时足额发放。


























• 以“动词”为焦点、结构严谨
• 句型呈现空间立体布局
(分句间关系或承上启下,互相呼应, 句式结构以SV为主干构成全句中心 • 或语气连贯,层层递进) • 各分句以意义相连 • 无明显的语义形态标记 • 语法结构隐藏在句子中 • 句子语义层次分明 • 语义形态标记准确清晰 (外部形态鲜明) • “重形合,重理性”
great humiliation an bringing (C) the country to the verge of
subjugation, to the year 2000 when China will enjoy (B) a fairly comfortable life on the basis of socialism and make big strides
时 文 现代发展趋势 英文时文定义 时文内容
句法结构 时文翻译 修辞特点
一. 时文
时文定义 1. 时文,流行于一个时期、一个时代的文体。 2. 在广东四邑片方言中,时文是指是非的意思,例如:老是讲别人 “时文”,就是老是谈论别人是非的意思 3. 所谓时文,就是既没有叙述性也没有思想性的“应时”文章或应景 式的表态。而“时文”又是从科举制艺的八股演化而来,旧时的八 股为后世诟病固属理所当然,新时代的八股“时文”被时人轻蔑也 是情理之中。理由很简单,就是因为这类“时文”不但人云亦云而 且言之无物
全句的语义重心是:“全国人民奋斗而获取成就”。 过去的一年,全国人民按照“抓住机遇、深化改革、扩大开放、 促进发展、保持稳定”的方针,(深化、扩大是抓住的目的,用不定 式引出) 团结奋斗、开拓进取、社会主义现代化事业取得重大成就。(奋 斗是主要动作,其他表“奋斗”的方式) 译文1: In the past, guided by the principle of “seizing the current opportunity to deepen the reform and open China wider to the outside world, promoting development and maintaining stability”, the Chinese people worked hard with a united and pioneering spirit, achieving great success in the drive for socialist modernization.













民工 rural laborers in a city; migratory workers from countryside 打工妹 country girls working in cities 跳槽 job-hopping job下海 risk one’s fortune in business; plunge into the commercial sea
打白条 to issue IOUs; illegitimate promissory notes 按揭贷款 mortgage loan 物业管理 estate management; property management 民族问题 the ethnic minority issue 计划生育 family planning ; birth control
我们将在新的世纪里不断谱写建 设有中国特色的社会主义的新篇 章。
We will go on achieving fresh successes in building socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new century.
为了推动中美关系的发展,中国 需要进一步了解美国,美国也需 要进一步了解中国。 To promote China-US relations, ChinaChina needs to know the US better and vice versa.
贪官 a grafter/ corrupt official 贪赃枉法 to take bribes and bend the law; to pervert justice for a bribe 政治思想工作 political and ideological work






















China ’s wealth gap between urban and rural communities is among the highest in the world, but according to a UNDP report released中国 财富之间的差距,城市和农村社区是世界上最高的,但根据联合国开发计划署公布的报告today, the government is coming to grips with the widening disparities that threaten the country’s stability. China ’s Human Development Report 2005 is the first comprehensive study to offer aset of bold and practical policy recommendations to improve conditions for the rural poor, and bolster education, health care and the social security system.今天,政府正着手解决这一差距扩大,危及国家的稳定’。

中国 人类发展报告2005是第一个全面的研究,提出一套大胆的和切实可行的政策性建议改善条件的农村贫困,并加强教育,卫生保健和社会保障制度。

China succeeded in lifting 250 million people out of poverty over the past 25 years . However, during the same period income inequality has doubled. A person living in a city earns on average $1000 a year, compared to just over $300 in the countryside. An urban citizen can also expect to live over 5 years longer than a farmer. In Tibet , only half of the population can read and write while over 97 percent Chinese living in Beijing , Shanghai or Tianjin are literate. At national level, illiteracy rate for women is more than double that of men.中国成功解除250000000人摆脱了贫困,在过去的25年。



新高考英语时文阅读高三专版(含答案解析与原文翻译)AI was already a hand washer. And since the spread of coronavirus, it’s been kicked into overdrive. I don’t consider myself panicked about COVID-19, although I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t concerned. I live in an enormous city, packed with people, including countless travelers, and I understand how easily a contagious virus spreads. And hand washing may help us to keep it like that. The hard part has to do with the duration. “Scrub your hands for 20 seconds,”the CDC website warns. “Need a timer? Hum the ‘Happy Birthday’song from beginning to end twice.”The turning point came with a slight, unconscious tweak on the lyrics. After a few days, I added three words to the routine: “And many more.”That’s the way we do “Happy Birthday”in my family. These days, of course, those habitual words have particular resonance. What I am doing, after all, when I add “and many more”is making a plea: Let us stay safe and alive. “Its meaning,”writes Rodriguez, “is something like I pray it may be so.”I am an adult, aware of random chance and uncertainty. I’ve come to recognize that insecurity, chaos even, is the way of the world. In the face of an epidemic stretching toward a pandemic, I have one eye on living as if there will be no exceptional disruptions, and the other on preparing for catastrophe. What I’m saying is that I do not generally rely on magical thinking.Now I am consciously singing “and many more”when I fulfill the CDC’s instructions about how to wash my hands. I offer it to you as well, this coping mechanism, this precaution, this projection of a happy ending, which is, of course, a whisper of faith, not in divine intervention (神的干预) but in our ability to care for one another and ourselves.1. What is the attitude of the author toward the COVID-19?A. Panic.B. Concerned.C. Happy.D. Pessimistic.2. How long does it take to sing the ‘Happy Birthday’song once?A. 10s.B. 20s.C. 30s.D. 40s.3. What is the meaning of the added “and many more”these days?A. The author wants to sing the song in a creative way.B. The author blesses herself happy birthday.C. The author is to pray to be safe and live well.D. The author is showing off her great voice.4. Which of the following can be used to describe the author?A. Being full of magical thinking.B. Being ignorant.C. Being insightful and optimistic.D. Being a good singer.【答案】BACC【解析】本文是一篇记叙文,作者介绍了自己独特的洗手方法,以及疫情期间的感想,并鼓励人们也采用同样的方式洗手。



Text Analysis Form1. Sept.11 delivered both a shock and a surprise----the attack, and our response to it----and we can argue forever over which mattered more. 911事件本身以及我们所做出的回应带给我们的不仅是打击,还有惊喜,至于哪方面的影响更大,我们可以一直争辩下去。

2. There has been so much talk of the goodness that erupted that day that we forget how unprepared we were for it. 人们不断地谈论当天涌现的种种善举,以致忘了我们曾是如何地措手不及。

3. We did not expect much from a generation that had spent its middle age examining all the ways it failed to measure up to the one that had come before—all fat, no muscle, less a beacon to the world than a bully, drunk on blessings taken for granted. 我们并没对这一代人抱有太大期许,他们壮年时期都用来全面反省自己是如何及不上前辈们——软弱得不堪一击,对于世界而言毫无指引价值,就跟暴徒、醉汉一样,将所有赐福都视为理所应当的。

4. It was tempting to say that Sept. 11 changed all that, just as it is tempting to say that every hero needs a villain, and goodness needs evil as its grinding stone.当然可以说911事件改变了这一切,就好像说英雄需要坏人的反衬,善良需要邪恶来砥砺。






































towards (B) the goal of being prosperous and strong.
二.汉语动词连贯句与英语逻辑主次关系 英译汉方法: 在句中这些并列的多个动词中按其逻辑语义的主次轻重关系选择
别表示主要动作的方式、结果、目的、时间、原因、程度、伴随等等, 以避免逻辑紊乱和语义不清。
《与冯宿论文书》就曾慨叹自己:“时时应事作俗下文字,下笔令人 惭,及示人,则人以为好矣。……不知古文直何用于今世也!”律赋
唐代科举考试时常于题目之外,另出数字为韵脚,通常为八字,作 赋必须依次换押这些规定的字韵。由于拘限过严,罕有佳作。至北 宋前期,杨亿、刘筠等的骈俪文体风行一时,也称时文。欧阳修 《记旧本韩文后》记述自己年轻时文坛的情况说:“是时天下学者, 杨、刘之作,号为时文,能者取科第,擅名声。”明、清时期所谓 时文则指八股文,也称制艺。 现代发展趋势 现在的中国正处在空前变革的时代,理应有反映这个时代风貌和 时代意识的时文。被一度败坏和玷污的时文的名声,必特以自己的 真、善、美,洗刷并非它自己所固有的假、恶、丑。这样的时代和 这样的时文不是已经展现在人们面前了么时文反应的是时代真正的 声音。
Earth-shaking changes have taken place (A) in China over the
past century from 1900 when the Eight-Power Allied Forces occupied (B) Beijing, subjecting (C) the Chinese nation to



就越 畅 通 。 者 兼 习 , 但 不 相 违 背 , 且 3这必将危及台海地区的稳定 两 不 而 相辅 相成 , 有 增益 。 互
繁 , 代 时 文翻 译 变 得 越 来 越 重 要 。 代 时 现 现
() l jo adz h tbly i 1 twi e p ri tesa it n I l e i
背 景 , 能 得 心 应 手 的掌 握这 门语 言 。 我 才 在 的 深造 。 语 与 母 语 就 是 译桥 两 端 的桥 墩 。 外 桥 墩越 扎 实 , 梁越 稳 固 , 桥上 的 往返 也 桥 而
经 济 建 设 ” 内 容 , 准 确 的 表 达 了原 文 。 的 更
e g. 们 要 精兵 简 政 , . 我 建立 办 事 高 效 、
当 前 , 来 越 多 的 个 人 和 机 构 热 衷 干 越
外 语 学 习 的 培 训和 探究 。 所 周 知 , 习 外 众 学 语 , 键 不是 死 记 语 法 生 词 , 是 明 白理 解 关 而
那 些群 众所 喜 闻 乐 见 的形 象 来 增 强 语 言 的
感 染 力 。 译 中如 一 味 直 译 , 会 令 译 文 面 设 廉 洁 、 政 、 实 、 效 政 府 。 翻 只 勤 务 高
文 章 就 此 举 例 进 行 分 析 和 解 说 关键 词 : 时文 翻译 特 色 政 治 文件
中图 分 类号 : 3 . H 1 9 5
文献 标 识 码 : A
文章 编号 : 6 2 3 9 ( o 00 () 0 4 - 1 1 7 - 7 1 2 1 ) 8 a- 2 7 0 e g. 面 推 进 依 法 行 政 , 严 治 政 , . 全 从 建
把 区域 的 整 体 性 体 现 出 来 。



新高考英语时文阅读精练(含中文翻译及答案解析)AThe new coronavirus (新冠病毒) is the third to have jumped from animals to humans in the 21st century. Here’s what we know about these modern viruses, how they have spread, and how public health systems have responded.A family of viruses that can also cause the common coldSARS, MERS, and Covid-19 are all infections caused by members of a group of viruses called coronaviruses. “Coronaviruses are a family of viruses which can cause a variety of diseases in humans and animals, typically illnesses related to breathing in humans,” explains S. Wesley Long. Three different coronaviruses cause up to a third of all cases of the common cold, he adds. Viruses that have never before been known to infect humans typically are more virulent, meaning they are more likely to make people sick. “When they make the jump to humans, our preexisting immunity (免疫力) is low,” explains Eric Cioe-Pena.Related but differentLike members of any extended family, MERS, SARS, and Covid-19 also have different personalities that affect how they behave in public. MERS had the highest death rate at about 35 percent, followed by SARS at 10 percent. So far, Covid-19 has the lowest death rate, currently estimated between 2 and 3 percent, says Dr. Long. But Covid-19 is transmitted between humans much more efficiently than either SARS or MERS, which helps explain why it has traveled so much faster than its two modern predecessors.What have we learned?Any new epidemic will disrupt public health systems, no matter how complicated. There are just too many unknowns. Covid-19 is moving so fast that public health officials are struggling to keep testing guidelines up to date. While researchers are making progress toward a vaccine (疫苗), we’re at least a year away from having one ready for public use. Some of the most basic strategies are still the most effective. Isolating sick patients at home, closing schools, and limiting travel can help slow the spread.1. What kind of disease can the coronavirus cause?A. Heart disease.B. Lung disease.C. Skin disease.D. Liver disease.2. What does the underlined word “virulent” mean?A. Deadly.B. Mild.C. Universal.D. Controllable.3. What is special about Covid-19?A. It can spread very quickly.B. Its death rate is the highest.C. It has the fewest infections.D. It is caused by coronavirus.4. What can we learn from the text?A. The vaccine can be put into use immediately.B. The virus will reduce the human body immunity.C. Human beings have a complete grasp of this virus.D. The three viruses have exactly the same characteristics.BThe Study Finding of Unused Drug DisposalAs of April 2019, 70% of the U.S. population now lives less than five miles from a permanent① drug disposal② collection site – however, most people are unaware of recommended disposal methods available within their communities or have not disposed of unused prescription③opioids in the past.In response to additional provisions④in legislation from 2018, the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) was required to study proper disposal of unused pharmaceuticals⑤, particularly in relation to how patients dispose of unused prescription medications.In the study, the GAO found that the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), Drug Enforcement⑥Administration (DEA) and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) all recommend that patients dispose of unused prescription opioids by bringing them to DEA-registered collection sites or a DEA take back event. You can easily find registered⑦controlled substance public disposal locations using this resource from the U.S. Diversion Control Division.The GAO also recommended mail back methods as another solution for managing unwanted prescription drugs. For example, pre-paid medication envelopes can be distributed to patients and then discreetly⑧ shipped to an incineration⑨ location for proper disposal. Many of the solutions recommended in the study are services Stericycle Environmental Solutions already provides; our award-winning consumer drug take back solutions includes medication collection kiosks and Seal&Send medication mail back envelopes.If your local p harmacy, hospital or law enforcement office doesn’t have a year-round drug take back option available, mark the next Take Back Day (Oct. 26, 2019) on your calendar.CAs scientific meetings are cancelled worldwide, researchers are rethinking how they network—a move that should have done earlier. “At some point, we need to be having conversations about ‘What is the point of a conference now?’” says Sarah Hörst, a planetary (行星) scientist.Meeting spaces that are inaccessible (难以达到的) to some disabled scientists, health considerations, a lack of access to childcare and travel restrictions can all end up alienating (疏远) potential attendees from physical conferences. There’s a “large appetite” for alternative (可替代的) conference set-ups, says Divya Persaud, a planetary scientist. She and Eleanor Armstrong, a UCL sociologist of space science, have a grant from their university to hold an experimental virtual conference, called Space Science in Context, in May. The conference aims to improve accessibility. Participants will watch recorded talks ahead of time and then join in online conversations on the day of the conference. Persaud says that the response to plans for the meeting, which launched its save-the-date website last week, has been overwhelmingly positive. But she also points out that many of the adjustments that conferences are making — such as introducing virtual participation — are accommodations for which disabled scientists have been demanding loudly for years, and it’s a shame that it took a global health crisis to make them happen.Still, as conference organizers are finding out, making these changes — especially on short notice — is no easy thing. The European Geophysical Union (EGU) general conference is scheduled for 3–8 May in Vienna, and session leaders are making other plans in case it is cancelled. Those intending to participate in the Lunar and Planetary Science Conference this weekin The Woodlands, Texas, found that they are trying to come up with alternative solutions when that conference was cancelled on 4 March. “Most of the responses were just ‘Well, have the conference online,’” says Hörst.1.Which of the following is NOT a potential attendee?A.Scientists without visas.B.Scientists who are not feeling well.C.Scientists with physical disabilities.D.Scientists who don’t understand childcare.2.What is the public’s attitude towards online conference?A.Uncertain.B. Supportive.C. Disappointed.D. Dissatisfied.3. Why does the second paragraph take Space Science in Context as an example?A. To show that modern technology can realize conference online.B. To prove that virtual conferences can make more people involved.C. To praise the conference organizing ability of these two scientists.D. To emphasize that the previous physical meetings were unsuccessful.4. Where would this passage most probably appear?A. In a guidebook for tourists.B. In a weekly story magazine.C. In science channel of a website.D. On the front page of a newspaper.DThe New Dinner and a MovieDinner and a movie was a two-part affair. But increasingly, the two have merged into①a single experience, allowing moviegoers to get fries and a beer while they watch the latest superhero blockbuster②. Full-service theaters have become a Friday-night pastime as American as well, going to the movies.Dine-in cinemas are not altogether new. In the late 1980s, brothers Mike and Brian McMenamin opened one in Portland, Ore. A decade later, inspired by the McMenamins, Tim and Karrie League began pairing trendy beer with hits like The Craft at the Alamo Drafthouse in Austin. But in recent years, the trend has expanded from niche to mainstream. There are now 29 Alamo locations nationwide, from Omaha to El Paso.Full-service theaters appeal to③ a broader, more regionally diverse customer base. At Movie Tavern in Roswell, Ga., for instance, you can order popcorn shrimp and a “Jumbo Jar” margarita while watching Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle. AMC, the biggest U.S. movie-theater company, launched Dine-In, where meals can be ordered with the push of a button. IPic Theaters offers something akin④ to a first-class flying experience,minus the turbulence: leather reclining chairs and a menu developed by a James Beard Award-winning chef.The rise in full-service moviegoing coincides with⑤ declining ticket sales across the industry more broadly. North American movie attendance in 2017 plunged to⑥what appears to be a 27-year low. The downward tendency is the continuation of a 15-year trend. Between the glut⑦ of uninspired reboots hitting theaters, younger audiences choosing to consume content on their s martphones and the dramatic rise in the popularity of streaming, it’s no wonder⑧that theater owners are seeking creative ways to lure customers off their couches. It’s working: despite a 2% decline in movie attendance over four years, AMC Dine-In achieved 4% growth in just two.Full-service theaters are not without their detractors⑨. Some prefer to eat post-movie for a chance to discuss what they’ve just watched. And others want to eat before watching the movies. Many people find that they will be hungry i f they don’t eat anything before watching the movies. So it’s very hard for every person to enjoy it.But for those with the funds, the full-service theater offers reason enough to quit online movies.EHow big should a business team be? It is an enormously important issue for companies. Teams that are too small may lack the skills required to get the job done; teams that are too bigmay be impossible to co-ordinate.Startups are often short of staff. The founders must play a host of different roles, from obtaining finance to product development and marketing, for which they may not be equally suited. But the upside is that they can have highly collaborative working environments.People who have worked for startups say the culture changes when the company reaches a certain size. Patty McCord, formerly of Netflix, referred to the “stand-on-a-chair number”—the biggest group that can easily hear the boss address them.Robin Dunbar, an anthropologist at Oxford University, has done a lot of work on groups. His argument is that the size of the group is linked to the size of the brain. With their large brains, humans can cope with larger bands. A larger social group has many advantages, allowing for greater protection and specialization.Whereas 150 is sometimes referred to as the “Dunbar number” (邓巴数), the academic himself in fact refers to a range of figures. He observes that humans tend to have five intimate friends, 15 or so good friends, around 50 social friends and 150-odd acquaintances.Small work teams may also tend towards these two size ranges. “If you want a committee to decide something, limit it to four to five people,” says Mr Dunbar. “But to brainstorm in a meeting, you need 12-15.” Many companies use “agile” teams which draw employees from across the company; they tend to have between five and nine members.The modern company may settle on a model with a small group of “core” workers and a larger group of contract workers. The result may be more cohesion within the core staff but the non-core staff may be less well treated. The small core teams may work effectively. The big question will be the effect on morale of those outside those teams.1. What is the probable disadvantage of large company?A. Hard to co-ordinate.B. Lack of protection.C. Impossible to specialization.D. Less communication.2. What does “stand-on-a-chair number” mean in Paragraph 3?A. The number of people who stand on the chair.B. The largest group who can have a talk with boss easily.C. The fewest people that company should hire.D. The most members that company can manage efficiently.3. How many people does Mr Dunbar suggest to be in the group if the boss wants a brainstorm?A. 5.B. 14.C. 50.D. 150.4. What is the best title for the text?A. The Advantages of Big CompanyB. The Advantages of Small CompanyC. The Modern Company ModeD. The Best Number of Workers for CompanyA【答案】1-4 BAAB【解析】本文是一篇说明文,主要介绍了21世纪从动物传染给人类的三种病毒(SARS, MERS 和Covid-19)的相关知识。



在干部中深入开展“三个代表”重要思想的教育。 We need to continue education of our cadres in the important principle of “Three Represents”. (The CPC represents the development trend of advanced productive forces, the orientation of advanced culture, and the fundamental interests of the overwhelming majority of the people in China.)
中国人口多、底子薄,发展不平衡,资源环境压力 突出。中国的现代化建设还有很长的路要走。还需 要进行长期的艰苦奋斗。//
Over the past 30 years of reform and opening up to the outside world, the Chinese socialist market economy system has been established in the primary stage and people’s living has undergone historic transformation, being upgraded from “meeting basic needs” to a “moderately well-off one”. Meanwhile, we should bear in mind the (are still facing) multiple challenges such as huge population, a weak foundation, uneven development and resources and environment stress. Therefore, China’s modernization still has a long journey to go and calls for a long period of arduous work. //



新高考高一英语时文阅读精编(含中文翻译及答案解析)ACoronavirus survivors have spoken out about what it is like to contract the disease, which has infected more than 132,000 worldwide and killed over 5,000 people.As fears over the coronavirus pandemic spread, there’s one question that comes up again and again — how bad is it really? The severity of symptoms can vary dramatically, from a mild sniffle to a hellish feeling of suffocation.Here are some of the coronavirus patients' stories:Jaimuay Sae-ung, 73Jaimuay Sae-ung was the first Thai national to contract coronavirus, becoming ill in December. She experienced a fever and a bad cough, then developed pneumonia (肺炎) while in quarantine. After 10 days, Jaimuay’s condition had improved and she was eventually discharged following two negative test results.Carl Goldman, 67Carl Goldman, from Santa Clarita in California, was on the Diamond Princess cruise ship and later tested positive for coronavirus. He said the virus “hasn't been that bad”. He developed a fever and “a bit of a cough” during his flight back to America and was quarantined on his return. He said: “The sickest I've ever been was when I had bronchitis (支气管炎) several years ago. This has been much easier — no chills, no body aches. I breathe easily and I don't have a stuffy nose. “My chest feels tight and I have coughing spells. If I had been at home with similar symptoms, I probably would have gone to work as usual.” After having the illness for one month, Carl now has no symptoms, but is still testing positive.Marc Thibault, 48Teacher Marc, from Rhode Island, in the US, led a school field trip to Italy, France and Spain last month and was admitted to hospital on February 27, five days after he returned home. A week later he was diagnosed with coronavirus. He said the illness had hit him “like a hurricane”. Marc, a school vice principal, said: “You feel like you're asphyxiating, and you’re panicking because you can’t breathe. He added that he felt “one inch from death” and remains in intensive care.1. How much are the symptoms of the three coronavirus patients alike?A. Very similar.B. Lightly different.C. Extremely different.D. Exactly Same.2. Which can explain the underlined word “discharged” correctly?A. Isolated.B. Permitted.C. Dismissed.D. Released.3. Which statement is Right about the three people?A. Jaimuay was still in hospital though she has got negative test results.B. Carl Goldman has got infected on the Diamond Princess cruise ship.C. The school teacher Marc and his students have got infected in Italy.D. Carl Goldman has no symptoms and has been tested negative now.4. What does the author intend to show by writing the passage?A. The serious influence coronavirus has hadB. Ways to prevent oneself from being infectedC. Thoughts of people about the coronavirusD. The feelings of some infected peopleBThe Serious Reason You Should Never Store Potatoes in the Fridge It could put your health at risk.You’ve just come back from the farmer’s market or the grocery store with a big sack①of potatoes. But you’re not going to use them all at once, so the best way to keep them fresh is to store them in the fridge, right?Not so fast. When it comes to potatoes, sticking them in the refrigerator could increase your risk of cancer. Why? Here’s the chemistry behind it:The colder temperature of a refrigerator can convert②the starch (淀粉) in potatoes into sugar.Then, when you bake or fry the potatoes at temperatures above 250ºF, those sugars combine with the amino acid asparagine (天冬酰胺氨基酸) and produce a chemical called acrylamide (丙烯酰胺), according to the American Cancer Society.Acrylamide is a chemical that’s used to make paper, dyes, and plastics, as well as to treat drinking water and sewage③. The main way people are exposed to acrylamide is through smoking, but it’s also found in foods such as French fries and potato chips, crackers, bread, cookies, cereals, and coffee.So how dangerous is acrylamide? Research in mice has shown that the chemical increasedthe subjects’ risk of cancer. Studies in humans haven’t demonstrated consistent④evidence that exposure to acrylamide through diet raises the risk, but there have been mixed results about kidney, endometrial, and ovarian cancer.Though mice and humans metabolize⑤acrylamide at different rates, the National Toxicology Program classifies the chemical as a carcinogen (致癌物) based on studies of lab animals that ingested⑥acrylamide in drinking water.The good news? Studies have shown that not refrigerating potatoes and decreasing cooking time to avoid browning can reduce acrylamide content. So play it safe and go with the American Cancer Society’s recommendation⑦for your spuds⑧: Keep them out of the fridge, store them in a cool, dry place, such as a cabinet⑨or pantry⑩, and just cook them lightly.but don’t think your pantry is your be-all and end-all when it comes to food storage.CIrina Kolesnikova has a wealth of credits on her dance card, but the prima ballerina (芭蕾舞女演员) has made her career from one particular role of a lifetime.That would be the famous yin and yang characters of Odette and Odile in Tchaikovsky’s Swan Lake, which has become her personal trademark since the age of 21. Her performance as the Swan Queen is regarded as a standout for a ballet that has been redone countless times on the stage and silver screen for nearly 150 years. After her debut at the London Coliseum, The Telegraph described Kolesnikova’s performance of Odette as “truly a thing of remarkable beauty.” Kolesnikova just made her U.S. debut and took the time to speak with Fortune.Fortune: What inspired you to go into ballet?Kolesnikova: When I was 5, I saw a ballet, The Sleeping Beauty, on TV, and I was so impressed by what I’d seen. That’s when I decided to be a ballet dancer.Fortune: Playing the twin roles of Odette and Odile has become a bit of a trademark for you. What attracted you in Swan Lake? Are you looking forward to trying new projects?Kolesnikova: First of all, in my repertoire (全部节目) of classical ballet, there is not only Swan Lake, but also The Nutcracker, Romeo and Juliet, and also my favorite: La Bayadere. In regards to Swan Lake, I really love this ballet as I have a chance to show two opposite characters during one show. In terms of new projects, I would like to dance Anna Karenina, Manon, and Tatiana from Evgeny Onegin.Fortune: What is your long-term plan for your career? How do you prepare for life after dancing professionally?Kolesnikova: At present, I am not thinking about finishing my career. However, last year I graduated from Vaganova Academy with a coaching diploma—even though I already have the experience of coaching and preparing two other ballerinas for the roles of Odette and Odile.1. How did The Telegraph think of Irina Kolesnikova’s performance?A. Too terrible.B. Very fantastic.C. Unsatisfactory.D. Not mentioned.2. What made Irina Kolesnikova decide to be a ballerina?A. The charm of a ballet.B. The love for Swan Lake.C. The influence of her parents.D. The admiration to ballerinas.3. What can we learn about Irina Kolesnikova?A. She is inclined to end her career after years.B. She plays a role in Tchaikovsky's Swan Lake.C. She likes Swan Lake best among all ballets.D. She looks forward to playing a role in Evgeny Onegin.4. What is the most likely job for Irina Kolesnikova in the future?A. A ballet coach.B. A ballet director.C. An academy teacher.D. A reporter of Fortune.DMath Scores haven't Budged①in a DecadeAbout 41% of fourth graders and 34% of eighth graders scored proficient②in math in 2019. That's not significantly different from 2017.Carr, a leader of the assessments division for the National Center for Education Statistics, which administers the NAEP to a representative sample of students across the country every two years, said the math scores are also about the same as a decade ago.But since 1990, students at both grade levels have improved in math: Fourth graders this year scored 27 points higher on the 300-point exam compared with their peers in 1990. Eighth grade students posted an average score that was 19 points higher than in 1990.What else has happened to math and reading scores in the past decade?The gap between the most- and least-competent students got bigger.“Compared to a decade ago, we see that lower-achieving students made score declines in all of the assessments, while higher-performing students made score gains,” Carr said.This divergence③in performance is one reason why average student achievement hasn't changed in a decade, Carr explained.Is there any good news in the 2019 NAEP reading and math results?Yes. Washington, D.C., students showed big gains in fourth grade reading and eighth grade math. In fact, D.C. Public Schools was the only large district to show test-score gains in three of the four assessments since 2017, Carr said.Mississippi was the only other state to improve in fourth grade reading since 2017.Detroit’s public schools pulled out a big win in fourth grade math: Students scored 6 points higher there than in 2017.Boys, Hispanic students and English language learners also improved in fourth grade math over the past two years.EPressing the power button to turn off your computer can save time—but can it also damage your machine? Raise your hand if losing your computer would be a serious hindrance to your career, or if, at the very least, you’d lose a whole lot of important information. Yeah, us too. And yet we tend not to treat our computers with the care about this advantage; many of us are probably guilty of these things you’re doing that shorten your laptop’s life.One of the directives you’ll commonly hear when it comes to computer upkeep (保养) is that you should shut down your computer properly by clicking the “Shut Down” button onscreen, rather than pressing and holding the “Power” button, so that it shuts down immediately. But when you click “Shut Down,” every program needs to close, and that can be time-consuming. How bad, really, is shutting your computer down with the power button?“Shutting down a system properly is known as a ‘graceful shutdown’, which sends a signal to the respective operating system so that it can save its state before turning the hardware off,” a tech expert Damien Mason says. However, Mason adds that this forced shutdown can even be beneficial, in certain situations. “Hard shutdowns can be a saving grace when a system crashes oras a safety way to prevent hackers,” he says. But you still shouldn’t make a habit of doing it. Mason says that graceful shutdowns are still a preferred method, which avoids interrupting tasks conducted by the operating system and allows programs to properly save.You should press the “Power” button carefully, but it’s not a death knell for your machine. There are plenty of other things you may be doing that are most likely worse. For instance, not shutting down your computer at all—or even only doing it rarely—can be far more damaging to it than a forced shutdown.1.What can we learn from the first paragraph?puters do not need protection.puters have only one advantage.puters can be used for a long time.puters play an important role in work.2.How would you choose to turn off your computer according to Paragraph 2?A.No need to shut down.B.Press and hold the “Power”.C.Pull out the power line wires.D.Click the “Shut Down” onscreen.3.Which of the following is mentioned in the text?A.The situations of no pressing and holding the “Power”.B.The query about choosing the “Shut Down” onscreen.C.The advantages of clicking the “Shut Down” onscreen.D.The advice on developing a habit of pressing the “Power”.4.What does the last paragraph imply?A.Bad behaviors may damage the computer.puter upkeep is actually very difficult.C.Forced shutdown will destroy the computer.D.Think carefully before turning off the computer.A【答案】1-4 CDBD【解析】本文是说明文,主要为新冠肺炎病人对自己病症的描述。


11、获得的成功越大,就越令人高兴 。野心 是使人 勤奋的 原因, 节制使 人枯萎 。 12、不问收获,只问耕耘。如同种树 ,先有 根茎, 再有枝 叶,尔 后花实 ,好好 劳动, 不要想 太多, 那样只 会使人 胆孝懒 惰,因 为不实 践,甚 至不接 触社会 ,难道 你是野 人。(名 言网) 13、不怕,不悔(虽然只有四个字,但 常看常 新。 14、我在心里默默地为每一个人祝福 。我爱 自己, 我用清 洁与节 制来珍 惜我的 身体, 我用智 慧和知 识充实 我的头 脑。 15、这世上的一切都借希望而完成。 农夫不 会播下 一粒玉 米,如 果他不 曾希望 它长成 种籽; 单身汉 不会娶 妻,如 果他不 曾希望 有小孩 ;商人 或手艺 人不会 工作, 如果他 不曾希 望因此 而有收 益。-- 马钉路 德。
6、最大的骄傲于最大的自卑都表示心灵的最软弱无力。——斯宾诺莎 7、自知之明是最难得的知识。——西班牙 8、勇气通往天堂,怯懦通往地狱。——塞内加 9、有时候读书是一种巧妙地避开思考的方法。——赫尔普斯 10、阅读一切好书如同和过去最杰出的人谈话。——笛卡儿
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进一步落实党的民族政策,坚持和完善民 族区域自治制度,发展平等、团结、互助 的社会主义民族关系。 We need to make further efforts to implement the Party’s policy on ethnic affairs, adhere to and build on the system of regional ethnic autonomy and develop socialist ethnic relationship characterized by equality, unity and mutual assistance.
贪官 a grafter/ corrupt official 贪赃枉法 to take bribes and bend the law; to pervert justice for a bribe 政治思想工作 political and ideological work
行业不正之风 shameful practices in government departments, trades and professions 坚持任人唯贤,反对任人唯亲,防 止和纠正用人上的不正之风 persist in appointing people on their merits and oppose favoritism, and prevent or rectify unsound practices
中国加入世界贸易组织后 after China entered / joined the WTO (World Trade Organization); after China’s entry into / accession to the WTO 举办2010年世博会 举办2010年世博会 host the 2010 World Exposition (Expo)
从粗放型经济转变为集约型经 济 shift from extensive economy to intensive economy 优化结构 optimize the structure
恶性循环 vicious cycle 良性循环 beneficent / virtuous cycle 对国有大中型企业进行公司制 改革 to corporatize large and mediummedium-sized State –owned enterprises
汉英时文翻译的时代性和 准确性
现代时文内涵丰富,主要包 括政治、外交文件、新闻报 道等。
一、时文翻译的第一要求是准 确性
政治 Politics 三个代表 the “Three Represents” theory ( The Chinese Communist Party represents the trend of development of advanced productive forces, the orientation of advanced culture, and the fundamental interests of the overwhelming majority of the people in China)
民工 rural laborers in a city; migratory workers from countryside 打工妹 country girls working in cities 跳槽 job-hopping job下海 risk one’s fortune in business; plunge into the commercial sea
密集型产业 intensive / knowledgeknowledge-intensive industries 经济体制改革 economic restructuring 向市场经济转轨 switch to a market economy
使经济进一步市场化 make the economy more market-oriented market经济发展全球化的趋势 the globalization trend in economic development 促使全球经济一体化 foster integration with the global economy
股份制 the joint stock system 股份合作制 the joint stock cooperative system
二、时文翻译过程中,为了准确表达 时文翻译过程中, 原文意思, 原文意思,有时译文需要适当加字或 减字。 减字。
纠正行业不正之风 rectify malpractice in various trades 人才流失 brain drain 脱贫致富 cast (shake, throw) off poverty and set out on a road to prosperity 科教兴国战略 the strategy of revitalizing (invigorating) China through science and education
腐败分子 a corruptionist 受贿 to take bribes; bribery; bribebribe-taking 向某人行贿 to give(offer; hand out) bribes 行贿 to commit bribery
加强廉政建设 to exert ourselves in making the government clean; to strive after a clean (incorrupt) government 廉洁清正 to keep the hands clean 廉政 to be honest and free from corruption in carrying out official affairs; to be an official of incorruptible integrity; incorruption
南水北调 South-to-North water South-todiversion 西部大开发 the development of western regions in China; the West Development 乱收费、乱集资、乱摊派 arbitrary collection of charges, abuse of fundfund-raising and unchecked apportionment (arbitrary quotas) are still rampant
网吧 internet bar 网恋 online love affair 网民 netizen; net citizen; cyber citizen 网友 net friend 上网 get on the Internet
虚拟网 the virtual net 宽带接入 broadband (wideband) access 宽带网 broadband networks 网络公司 a Dot com; a dot com 发动黑客袭击 launch hacking attacks
经济 (Economy) 第一/第二/ 第一/第二/第三产业 the primary/secondary/tertiary industry (service sector) 国内生产总值/ 国内生产总值/国民生产总值 GDP (Gross Domestic Product)/GNP(Gross National Product) 股份制 the joint stock system 股份合作制 the joint stock cooperative system
中等发达国家水平 standard of moderately developed countries 物质文明和精神文明 material progress and cultural and ethical (cultural and ideological) progress 舆论监督 supervision by public opinion 反对铺张浪费 gance and waste
I will jeopardize the stability in the region of the Taiwan Straits.
在干部中深入开展“三个代表”重要思想 的教育。
We need to continue education of our cadres in the important principle of “Three Represents”. (The CPC represents the development trend of advanced productive forces, the orientation of advanced culture, and the fundamental interests of the overwhelming majority of the people in China.)
我们将在新的世纪里不断谱写建 设有中国特色的社会主义的新篇 章。
We will go on achieving fresh successes in building socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new century.
为了推动中美关系的发展,中国 需要进一步了解美国,美国也需 要进一步了解中国。 To promote China-US relations, ChinaChina needs to know the US better and vice versa.
高举邓小平理论的伟大旗帜 hold high the great banner of Deng Xiaoping Theory 具有中国特色的社会主义 socialism with Chinese characteristics