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3、4为电源端子(无极性); 1、2为触点输出端子
本公司对报警器产品自购买之日起一 年内,在正常使用条件下,确因质量问题 免费保修或更换,一年以后修理或更换只 收成本费(维修时请携带保修卡)。
Note: Our company provides customers with quality guarantee. If the products are used in the normal situation and occurred the problems, we would maintain or change the new one on the basement of taking the cost fee. The valid guarantee time is one year, starting form the purchased date.
Output: Non-source point output, the
Biblioteka Baidu
3.Installation First, the detector base is fixed on the joint box ( the joint box was set in the ceiling beforehand).Second, the lines were connected according to the installation diagram. In the end, the detector is crewed tightly to the base.
User`s Manual of JTY-GD-CA2001L
The JTY-GD-CA2001L Photoelectric Smoke Detector is suitable for Many such places As kinds of environments, mall,entertainment
常闭 NC

常开 NO
二 功能: 自检:手动检测按下测试按钮时,有声光 报警,继电器动作.手动检测完成后,无需远程 断电复位,当松开自检测试按钮后,声光报警 自动恢复,也不再有外控输出. 烟雾
Photoelectric Smoke Alarm
安装: 在天花板上相距4 3~62.5mm的位置上打两 个∮5mm的安装孔,用涨塞和螺钉固定报警器 底座,连接电源线和输出线。将报警器按正确 方向扣在底座上,压下后顺时针方向旋紧。接 通电源即可工作。接线如图2所示。 注意 :不宜适用场所 A.正常情况下有烟滞留的场所;
Relative Humidity: ≤95%RH(40℃±2℃) Output Method: Sound and light alarm Non-source point transmitting
2. Functions
Threshold of the fire alarm, the detector will start to intelligent examining with the light sparkling. If the examining result attains to the threshold of the alarm, the light of the detector will be bright, and the system will startup the relay. When the smoke falls to the threshold of the alarm, the detector will come back the normal situation.
Product Type :_______.Purchase Date:_______. Signature:__________. Contact tel:_________. Address: __________________________________. Zipcode:________________. Maintaining Records:
is set to two modes as opened-point output and closed-point output. The diagram is as following,
Closed Opened
光 电 感 烟 报 警 器
JTY - GD - C A 2 0 0 1 L
B. 有 较 大 粉 尘 、 水 雾 、 蒸 汽 、 油 雾污 染 、 腐 蚀 气 体 的 场所 ; C. 相 对 湿 度 大 于9 5 %; D. 通 风 速 度 大 于5 M /秒 。
产品 型号 用户 签名 地址
购买 日期 联系 电话
工作温度: - 10℃~+ 50℃ 相对湿度: ≤95 % RH ( 40℃±2℃) 输出形式: 声光报警/无源触点输出 浪涌(冲击)抗扰度: 输入:线~线≥2KV 输出:线~线≥2KV
运算,同时报警指示灯开始闪亮。若运算结果 达到或超过报警值,报警器开始声光报警,并 启动继电器。当周围环境的烟雾浓度降低到报 警值以下时,需断电方可复位报警器。 输出 :无源触点输出;触点容量24V/1A, 输出可通过跳线,设置为常开或常闭触点输出 。出厂时跳线设置触点为常开设置见图1:
流: 静态电流≤800uA 报警电流≤35mA
Product Guarantee Card Customer’s Information
capability of point is 24V/1A. The output mode
Alarm Sound: ≥80dB Operating Voltage: DC12V-DC24V Current: Normal Current: ≤800µA Alarm Current: ≤35mA Temperature: -10℃~+50℃
DC12V~DC24V 触点输出 3、4为电源端子(无极性); 1、2为触点输出端子
Ma in ta in in g Da te
Ma in ta in in g In fo rm Da te pe rs on
Si gn at ur e
Examine: Press the self-examining button,the system could complete all self-examining procedures automatically .During the selfexamining process, the instruction light will be sparkling with the alarm sound.
store house, etc. It has a stronganti-
interference capability and low power consumption , and could be equipped with safe-guard systems together.
1. Main Technical Details
Smoke Alarm: In the normal situation, the instruction light of detector will be bright every 20 seconds aut omatically. The detector will self-examine the smoke in the room every 1.6second. when the smoke attains to the
4.Non-suitable situations A. B. The places where smoke detained usual The places where are the dust, fog, steams, oily fog and other decay gas C. The places where relative humidity is more than 95% D. The places where wind velocity is more than 5m/second.