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第三组: Lately (最近);to start with (首先) In order to (为了); then (然后) Anyway (无论如何); however(然而) All in all (总之) ;finally(最后) 第四组: As a result (结果)therefore(最后) In fact (事实上);unfortunately(不幸福地) Beside (除此); for example (例如) Firstly (首先);recently(最近)
Writing Class
•一看字体(字体工整) •二看语言(语言高级) •三看内容(要点齐全) •四看结构(三段式结 构)
高级词汇与句式 修辞手法 有效的连词 名人名句、谚语的运用
后高长原则 ——后学到、较高级、较长词汇
2. will a is there there where , way a is
Where there is a will, there is a way . 有志者 , 事竟成。
一)表示“起”的词/词组:用于开篇引出扩展句。 at first 最初 ; firstly第一; in the beginning 起初 first of all 首先; one the one hand…on the other hand 一方面….另一方面 ………
(二)有关“承”的常用词语:用来承接上文。 Besides/what’s more 而且;此外 in other words 换句话说 in fact 事实上 ……..
• 为了学习音乐,她去了美国 • She went to America in order to study music. • She went to America for the purpose of studying music.
我突然想到了个好主意 Suddenly I thought out a good idea. Suddenly I came up with a good idea. A good idea suddenly struck me .
(三)有关“转”的常用词语:用来表示不同或相反的意见 luckily 幸运地 however 然而;无论如何 though/although 尽管……..
(四)有关“合”的常用词语:用于小结上文或结束本段落的内容。 • eventually 最后 • in conclusion 总之,最后 • in a word 总之
【原文】A new railway is being built in my hometown.
[修正] A new railway is under construction in my hometown.
[原文] I like reading while my brother likes watching television.
• 电脑在我们的生活中是十分重要的。 • 1. Computers are very important in our life. • 2. Computers play a very important role in our life. • 3. Computers are of great importance in our life.
【修正】 I like reading while my brother enjoys watching television
原词: Hard Very Pay attention to Happy More and more
替换词: Diligently Rather, extremely Attach importance to Delighted enjoyable The increasing number of
各种从句 非谓语动词 倒装句 强调句 被动句 With 的复合结构 …….
他昨天下午来的。 He came here yesterday afternoon. He didn’t come here until yesterday afternoon. Not until yesterday afternoon did he come here.(倒装句) It was yesterday afternoon that he came here.(强调句)
…Baidu Nhomakorabea….
There is an old saying that…….(常言道,)
Game: 将打乱的单词组成一句完整的 名言或谚语。抢答,哪个小组 对了加一分,错了不扣分。
1. mother success of is the failure Failure is the mother of success. 失败是成功之母。
每人拿一张写有连词的纸条,向后一 个同学传达自己的连词,后一个同学 给后面的同学传达时需要先讲前面同 学的连词再讲自己的连词。最后一个 同学,把自己一组所有的连词讲出来, 对一个加小组加一分,漏了不扣分。
第一组: At first(首先) ; firstly(首先) ; beside(此外); secondly (第二); After all (毕竟);fortunately (幸运地); As a result (结果); finally(最后); 第二组: First of all (首先);now(现在) In fact (事实上); for example(例如) Luckily(幸运地);in spite of (尽管) At last (最后 ); in a word (总之)