



Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education Examination 2023 and 2024Category A (Senior Secondary Subjects)Applications for Special Examination Arrangementsfrom Candidates with special needsApplication Guide1.Introduction1.1 Candidates with special needs (such as candidates with disabilities) entering for the HongKong Diploma of Secondary Education Examination (HKDSE) may apply before the examination to the Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority (the HKEAA) for special examination arrangements (SEAs) (e.g. sitting examination at special centres, extra time allowance, braille/enlarged question papers, etc.) or exemption from component(s)/part(s) of an examination. For candidates requiring the use of special equipment (e.g. CCTV, computer), such equipment should be provided by the schools or the candidates. In cases where a candidate’s request for SEAs violates the assessment objectives, the application/request will NOT be approved.1.2 Where a candidate has been exempted from component(s)/part(s) of an examination, his/herresults for the affected component(s)/part(s) will be assessed by the HKEAA based on his/her performance in the other component(s)/part(s) of the examination sat. The component(s) exempted will be indicated on the candi date’s certificate. However, the reason s for granting the exemption and the SEAs made will NOT be recorded.2.Major updatesMajor updates are summarised below. Please refer to the relevant section and annex for details.3.Timeline for submitting applications and processing of applications4. Candidates with SEAs in previous public examinationsIf a candidate (e.g. repeater, private candidate) has been given exemption and/or SEAs in a previous HKDSE/Hong Kong Certificate of Education Examination (HKCEE)/Hong Kong Advanced Level Examination (HKALE) and wishes to have SEAs in the forthcoming HKDSE, he/she must submit a fresh application.SEAs would NOT be arranged for him/her in the forthcoming HKDSE automatically based on previous provisions in a public examination.5. Documentary evidence requiredEach application should be accompanied by an up-to-date medical/assessment report (valid throughout the examination period*) issued by the Hospital Authority, Department of Health, Education Bureau (EDB), a registered medical practitioner, or a professional (e.g. audiologist, speech therapist, psychologist). The medical/assessment report(s) submitted should support the special needs of the candidates and state the SEAs required by the candidates (if applicable). In cases where a candidate’s application is not supported by documentary evidence or the information/justifications submitted do not sufficiently support the special needs of the candidate, the applications will NOT be processed. Candidates with obvious and permanent disabilities (e.g. total blindness, colour vision deficiency) may provide the previous medical/assessment report.* Counted from 1 January of the examination year (except for cases due to accidents or urgent medical conditions). For example, candidates with specific learning disabilities who apply for SEAs in the 2023 HKDSE should submit a psychological assessment report issued within 4 years before the public examination (i.e. on or after 1 January 2019).Depending on the nature of special needs, candidates are required to submit the following documents:6. Special Examination Arrangements6.1 The special examination arrangements (SEAs) applicable to candidates with different types ofspecial needs are listed below: (1) Physical disabilities (i) Candidates requesting extra time allowance (ETA) are required to take a speed test.Based on the HKEAA speed test results, recommendations given by the doctor/specialist (e.g. physiotherapist, occupational therapist) and school practice, the HKEAA will decide whether ETA will be given and (ifyes) the amount of ETA to be given. For papers involving multiple-choice (MC) questions, the arrangements of ETA are as follows: For candidates with physical disabilities who need to take more than 9 hours of examination (including ETA) on the same day, instead of being provided with ETA, they may be given an abridged version (approximately 50%) of the question paper to be completed in normal examination time. In other words, the candidate will be exempted from approximately 50% of the question paper. The information on abridged question paper will be provided to candidates together with the notification of application results. Remarks: For details of the exemption arrangements, please refer to para 1.2.(ii)Depending on the recommendations of the doctor/specialist, candidates may apply for supervised break(s) during an examination, enlarged (single-sided black and white)question papers, specially-designed supplementary answer sheet/graph paper/MC answersheet (please refer to Annex 4for details), writing on alternate lines/alternate pages,circling MC answers on the question papers instead of filling in the MC answers sheets,etc. (Note: The provision may vary in different subject/paper examinations. Fordetails, please refer to the notification of application results.)(iii)Candidates may be exempted from the listening components/speaking examination or be allowed to use a word processor to type the answers if documentary proof can beprovided to substantiate the needs. If a candidate is allowed to use a word processor totype the answers, the word processor should only be used as a type-writer. Access to theInternet or functions such as calculation, spell-check, grammar-check, translation,thesauri and ‘displaying associated terms’ in the Chinese character input method are notallowed. The candidate/school should provide such equipment and software. Thecandidate may also request to receive question-answer (QA) books in overlay PDFformat for typing the answers directly onto the QA books with a word processor.(2) Visual disabilities(i)The amount of ETA to be given for individual subjects/papers depends on thenature/design of the papers concerned. Detailed information is given below and in thenotification letters on SEAs.(ii)Apart from ETA, depending on the needs of individual candidates, they may be provided with Braille/enlarged (single-sided black and white) question papers, specially-designed supplementary answer sheet/graph paper/MC answer sheet (please refer to Annex 4 for details), and be allowed to use Brailler/magnifier/CCTV and other specialised equipment in the examination. The candidate/school should provide such equipment. Candidates with cortical visual impairment or visual disability may also be provided with question papers of the following special font size and word- and line-spacing (if applicable):●Chinese papers: font size 18, with 2.5 pt for word-spacing and 35 pt for line-spacing.●English papers: font size 16, with double space-bar for word-spacing and 35 pt forline-spacing.Note: Enlarged question papers are printed in B/W only. For candidates who need to read the normal question papers containing coloured diagrams/photographs (ifapplicable), schools may apply for using ancillary equipment (e.g. magnifier, CCTV)for them, as appropriate.(iii)Candidates with visual disabilities may apply for supervised break(s) during an examination, writing on alternate lines/alternate pages, circling MC answers on the question papers instead of filling in the MC answers sheets, etc. Those with severe visual disabilities may also request to use question-answer (QA) books in overlay PDF format for typing the answers directly onto the QA books with a word processor.(Note: The PDF format question-answer (QA) books are not applicable for screen reader.)(iv)Educationally blind candidates (i.e. the corrected better eye having a visual acuity of 0.1 or below, or a visual field 20 degree or below) are eligible for exemption from the following papers/questions:HKDSE Geography●specific map reading questions (i.e. the MC questions in Paper 1 Section A that use amap extract); and/or●data/skill-based/structured questions involving map reading skills in Paper 1 andPaper 2. (Note: The relevant sections consist of optional questions. Candidateswho are approved for the exemption will NOT be provided with the optionalquestions concerned in the exam papers and they have to choose from the remainingquestions to answer the required number of questions, which means that they willhave fewer choices.)Candidates with severe visual disabilities (i.e. the corrected better eye having a visual acuity lower than 6/120 (0.05), or a visual field 20 degree or below) may be exempted from questions involving complex diagrams, tables, graphs and pictures in HKDSE English Language Paper 3 (Listening and Integrated Skills).For candidates with severe visual disabilities [e.g. total blindness, the corrected better eyehaving a visual acuity lower than 6/120 (0.05) or a visual field 20 degree or below], forquestions that involve complicated pictures, where appropriate, text labels/descriptionswill be provided on the pictures concerned. Exemption will be given in case theprovision of text labels/descriptions on the pictures concerned is not possible (e.g. unfairassistance may be given if text labels/descriptions are provided). In order to preservethe secrecy of question papers, candidates will be informed of the questions to beexempted and the adjusted examination time right before the start of the examinationsession. Candidates have to indicate at the time of application whether they want to beexempted from such questions.For candidates with visual disabilities who need to take more than 9 hours of examination(including ETA) on the same day, instead of being provided with ETA, they may be givenan abridged version (approximately 50%) of the question paper to be completed innormal examination time. In other words, the candidates will be exempted fromapproximately 50% of the question paper. The information on abridged question paperwill be provided to candidates together with the notification of application results.Remarks: For details of the exemption arrangements, please refer to para 1.2.(3) Aural disabilitiesThe SEAs made will normally be based on the severity of the aural disabilities. Details are as follows:To sit written examinations (including Listening components) at special centres; and tosit Speaking examination at special centre, facing or with the side of normal hearingtowards other speakers.②To sit written examinations (including Listening components) and Speakingexamination at special centres.③To sit written examinations at special centres.④To sit Speaking examination at special centres.⑤Exemption from the Listening components.⑥Exemption from the Speaking examination and School-based Assessment (SBA) ofEnglish Language.Remarks:(i)If a candidate’s left and right ears differ in the severity of aural disabilities, the better ear(except for cases of unilateral HI) will be used for the consideration of specialexamination arrangements.(ii)For details of the exemption arrangements, please refer to para 1.2.prolonged and/or additional pauses in the Listening components and/or (ii) extended examination time in the Speaking examination of language subjects. They have to indicate at the time of application whether they would like to be considered for the SEA(s). However, they are NOT eligible for extended preparation time in the Speaking examination of language subjects.(4) Oral disabilitiesOral disabilities are classified as mild, moderate or severe. Candidates with severe oral disabilities are eligible for exemption from the Speaking examination of language subjects and School-based Assessment (SBA) of English Language. Candidates with mild/moderate oral disabilities are eligible for sitting the Speaking examination with extended examination time at special centres. They have to indicate at the time of application whether they would like to be considered for the SEA(s). However, they are NOT eligible for extended preparation time in the Speaking examination of language subjects.Remarks: For details of the exemption arrangements, please refer to para 1.2.(5) Specific learning disabilities (SLD)(i)Candidates who meet the diagnostic criteria of SLD (Dyslexia) are eligible for SEAsincluding ETA (normally 25% for both conventional and multiple-choice (MC) papers)*and supervised break(s) during an examination. Other SEAs may include the provisionof special question papers (e.g. single-sided black and white, single-sided black and whiteenlarged or single-sided ivory-colour), specially-designed supplementary answersheet/graph paper/MC answer sheet (please refer to Annex 4for details), writing onalternate lines/one side of an answer book, or circling MC answers on a question paperinstead of filling in boxes on an answer sheet. (Note: The provision may vary indifferent subject/paper examinations. For details, please refer to the notification ofapplication results.)* ETA 5% for Visual Arts 1B/2B(ii)Use of a word processor instead of writing may be considered for the following candidates:●candidates with illegible handwriting —the schools should provide a copy of thecandidates’ handwritten Chinese and English composition work in a recent internaltest or examination for the consideration of the HKEAA.●candidates with extremely slow handwriting speed (i.e. those who cannot cope withthe examination even with the extra time stated above) —reports from occupationaltherapists/medical practitioners should be submitted as supporting evidence. Speedtests will be conducted for the candidates by the HKEAA for consideration of such arequest.●if a candidate requires the use of a word processor due to other reasons, the reasonsshould be specified on the application form with supporting documents provided.If a candidate is allowed to use a word processor to type the answers, the word processorshould only be used as a type-writer. Access to the Internet or functions such ascalculation, spell-check, grammar-check, translation, thesauri and ‘displaying associatedterms’in the Chinese character input method are not allowed. The candidate/schoolshould provide the computer facilities in public examinations. The candidate may alsorequest to use question-answer (QA) books in overlay PDF format for typing the answersdirectly onto the QA books with a word processor.software in Liberal Studies (2023 HKDSE) / Citizenship and Social Development (2024HKDSE) and seven elective subjects (i.e. Chinese History, Ethics and Religious Studies,Geography, Health Management and Social Care, History, Literature in English, andTourism and Hospitality Studies):(a)the candidate has a confirmed diagnosis of SLD, and the candidate’s writing abilityin the first language has been assessed on a standardised test with relevant norm(currently, the Hong Kong Test of Specific Learning Difficulties in Reading andWriting for Junior Secondary School Students –Second Edition [HKT-JS(II)] isconsidered relevant) administered by a qualified educational/clinical psychologistwith professional practice training and the test results indicate that the candidate hassevere writing difficulties; and(b)the candidate will be provided with the speech-to-text software in internal schoolassessment(s)/examination(s) before the HKDSE so that he/she is familiar with thearrangements and can apply it effectively in the public examination.Eligible candidates will only be allowed to use the built-in speech-to-text software thatcomes with MacBook Air in the public examination. Candidates will have their speechconverted into text via the software and the word processor, such as MS Word or Pages.They may edit the text with the keyboard and/or allowable Chinese character inputmethods, such as Cangjie, Quick, Pinyin, Stroke and Q9 input methods. Thosefunctions on the speech-to-text software that might affect the fairness or appropriatenessof the software must be removed or disabled prior to it being used in the publicexamination.Practice in internal assessment(s)/examination(s), preferably from Secondary 5, is highlyrecommended for candidates whose applications to adopt the SEA have been accepted bythe HKEAA so that they are familiar with the SEA and can use it effectively in the publicexamination. If a candidate decides to withdraw from using the software, he/she shouldinform the HKEAA in writing as soon as possible, preferably in November of theSecondary 6 school year (for applications submitted in Secondary 5) or in February of theexamination year (for applications submitted in Secondary 6 and private candidates).School candidates must do so via their schools.In case a candidate is seriously ill and unable to speak clearly for using the software orhe/she cannot use the software due to technical problems, he/she should work on thepaper in handwriting.Schools should provide the computer facilities (including the speech-to-text software andprinter), Chinese character input method (if applicable), examination venue(classroom/function room/hall), noise-blocking setup and earmuffs (if applicable) andinvigilation personnel for their candidates in the public examination. Private candidatesshould provide for themselves the computer facilities (including the speech-to-textsoftware) and Chinese character input method (if applicable).Please refer to Annex 7for the guidelines on the use of speech-to-text software in thepublic examination.(6) Candidates with other disabilities/special needs(i)SEAs will be made for the candidates concerned with reference to the nature and severityof the candidates’special needs, the recommendations of the specialists given in themedical/assessment reports (if applicable) and the special arrangements made in internalexaminations. In general, ETA will only be given where there is clear evidence tojustify the need. The request should be supported by the relevant medicaldoctor/specialist and the school should have been providing ETA for the candidate ininternal examinations. The ETA given will normally not exceed 25% and will beconsidered by the Committee on a case by case basis.(ii)Candidates may be allowed to sit the examination in a single room, a room with fewer candidates or in a familiar examination environment due to the nature of the special needs(e.g. likely to create noise during the examination; very sensitive to normal backgroundnoise such as normal school activities, school bells, etc.; very difficult to adapt to anunfamiliar environment; or other medical conditions such as Tourette’s Syndrome).Such request should be clearly stated in the application for SEAs withrationale/recommendation made by the schools/specialists. The candidates concernedmay be allowed to sit the examinations (except speaking examination) in their ownschool special centre (i.e. home centre). Private candidates should also state suchrequest with rationale/ recommendation made by specialists in the application for SEAs.(iii)Candidates with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) may apply for the provision of plain text labels/descriptions for questions that involve high level comprehension/interpretationof cartoons or complicated pictures, where appropriate. The plain text labels/descriptions describe the layout of the cartoons or pictures in the text format withoutgiving any interpretation or revealing the underlying meaning of these cartoons orpictures, which would otherwise compromise the assessment objectives of the subjectsconcerned. Samples of the plain text labels/descriptions for Liberal Studies, ChineseHistory and History are avai lable for downloading under ‘Services to Special NeedsCandidates’ from the HKEAA website.Candidates with ASD should indicate in the application for SEAs whether they need thisSEA and for which subject(s) [normally applicable to Liberal Studies (2023 HKDSE) /Citizenship and Social Development (2024 HKDSE), Chinese History, and History].Schools should provide the candidates concerned with the same arrangement in internalexaminations.The provision of plain text labels/descriptions to questions that involve high-levelcomprehension/interpretation of cartoons or complicated pictures is based on professionaljudgment with reference to the assessment objectives of the subjects concerned. If plaintext labels/descriptions are provided, the candidates concerned will be given a set ofspecial question paper with plain text labels/descriptions (normally printed double-sidedon A3 white paper and output as A4 booklet) in addition to the normal question paperbefore the start of the examination session. If a candidate is also allowed to use questionpaper in special format (e.g. single-sided black and white enlarged), the plain textlabels/descriptions will be provided on the relevant special question paper. If thequestions do not require plain text labels/descriptions, the normal question paper orspecial question paper without plain text labels/descriptions will be provided asappropriate.6.2 Use of Screen ReadersCandidates satisfying the following criteria may be eligible for the use of screen reader in the public examinations. The candidate:(i) has a confirmed diagnosis of SLD, and the candidate’s word reading ability in the firstlanguage has been assessed on a standardised test with relevant norm (currently, the HongKong Test of Specific Learning Difficulties in Reading and Writing for Junior SecondarySchool Students – Second Edition [HKT-JS(II)] is considered relevant) administered by aqualified educational/clinical psychologist with professional practice training and the testresults indicate that the candidate has severe word reading difficulties; or(ii) has a diagnosis of neurological impairment such as cerebral palsy, cerebral visual impairment or brain injuries, and is assessed by a professional (e.g. an occupationaltherapist) to have severe reading difficulties; or(iii) is blind or has severe visual disability, and is assessed by an occupational therapist to have significantly low Braille reading speed due to poor finger touch; or (iv) has lost his/her eyesight recently and thus cannot read Braille materials.Except for (iv), practice in previous assessments/examinations is highly recommended for candidates applying to use the screen reader in public examinations so that they are familiar with the arrangements and can apply it effectively in the public examinations.Screen reading will not be allowed in the following papers in which reading comprehension skills is tested:In the public examination, candidates may use any of the following text-to-speech software designated by the HKEAA:Candidates must specify the text-to-speech software they intend to use in the public examination when they submit the application for use of screen reader. They must use the software designated by the HKEAA. Special consideration may be given if the school can produce evidence that the students have all along been using another software not designated by the HKEAA in tests/internal examinations.Schools should provide the computer facilities (including the text-to-speech software), examination venue and invigilation personnel for their candidates in the public examination.Private candidates should provide for themselves the computer facilities (including the text-to-speech software). Please refer to Annex 5for the guidelines on the use of screen readers in the public examination.6.3 School-based Assessment (SBA)For information regarding the special arrangements for SEN candidates in conducting SBA, schools may visit the SBA section of the HKEAA website (.hk/en/sba/info_corner/). In cases where a school cannot provide special arrangements for a particular student, the matter should be brought to the attention of the HKEAA in writing by the principal of the school for HKEAA's special consideration at the beginning of the school year. Such cases, once approved, may include exemption from part or whole of the SBA tasks. The application form for SBA exemption is available for downloading from ‘HKDSE Online Services’ (https://.hk/).7. Examination venues, invigilator staff and any ancillary aids/equipment7.1 Schools presenting special needs candidates for the public examinations have to provideexamination venues, invigilation staff and any ancillary aids/equipment with regard to the provision of special examination arrangements (SEAs) to these candidates. Centre schools are also required to assist in examination administration (including the return of candidates’ answer scripts after the examination).7.2 Candidates who are given SEAs (e.g. ETA, prolonged and/or additional pauses in theListening components, supervised breaks, Braille/special question papers, special answer sheets/books, ancillary aids/equipment, etc.) will be arranged to sit the examinations at special centres which are normally set up in secondary schools (mostly classrooms with a few school halls). Examination procedures in special centres are the same as those in other centres.However, extra invigilators are available to offer assistance to candidates if necessary.Remarks:(i)SEN candidates with non-standard SEAs (including but not limited to ETA other than25%, use of ancillary aids/equipment, prompters, and longer/more frequent supervisedbreaks), emotional disturbance, psychiatric problems, adjustment problems and medicalillnesses will normally be accommodated at home centres. Other own school SENcandidates from the same school would also be accommodated at the home centre as faras possible.(ii)In general, candidates will be given different amounts of ETA and/or supervised breaks at special centres. To facilitate the smooth conduct of examinations, candidates arenormally NOT allowed to withdraw from the approved supervised breaks.(iii)All candidates who sit the Listening components of language subjects in special centres will be given a 5-minute supervised break after completing Part A in order to synchronisethe time for broadcasting the listening materials of Part B. Candidates should abide bythe regulations on supervised breaks. For details, please refer to the Handbook forCandidates of the examination year.7.3 Examination rooms in a special centre are usually accessible by lift or on the same floor as themain entrance. Depending on the supply of special centres in various districts, candidates may not be arranged to take the examinations in their chosen examination district.8. Listening Components and Speaking examination of Language Subjects8.1 Candidates who are granted ETA in written examinations may be provided with (i) prolongedand/or additional pauses in the Listening components and/or (ii) extended preparation and/or examination time in the Speaking examination of language subjects. They have to indicate at the time of application whether they would like to be considered for the SEA(s).8.2 In general, candidates who sit Speaking examination at special centres, except for SLDcandidates, will be arranged to sit the examination with Oral Examination Assistants to facilitate the conduct of the group discussion; whereas SLD candidates will normally sit the Speaking examination with other SLD candidates.9. Hospital candidatesHospital candidates applying to take the examination in the hospital must obtain the doctor’s written permission certifying the candidate is fit for the examination. The application must be submitted with the necessary documents at least 1 working day (Monday to Friday, excluding public holidays) before the examination. For example, applications for examinations held on Monday must be submitted no later than Friday of the preceding week.。



2019年5月教育测量与评价责任编辑/王彩霞Ling Yu ,Liu Caili ,Pan LiPrediction of Depression Based on Life Events and Self-Efficacy amongHigh School Students Abstract:To explore the predictive effect of life events and self-efficacy on the depressive symptoms of highschool students ,and provide empirical support for the prevention and intervention of depression in high schoolstudents.This paper uses cluster random sampling 763high school students from 7middle schools in HunanProvince were used as subjects to evaluate depression ,anxiety,life events and self-efficacy of high school students ,and evaluate their depressive symptoms once again after 8weeks.The results show that the two depression scores of high school students were significantly positively correlated with their life events and anxiety scores.The general self-efficacy was significantly negatively correlated with the two depression and anxiety scores and general self-efficacy can regulate life events ’effects on high school students ’depression and other negative emotions.Based on this ,schools and teachers should guide students ’attribution from multiple angles and enhance students ’self -efficacy ;help students to reduce stress and cultivate students ’ability to resist stress ;and organize multiform mentalhealth education to help students overcome anxiety and depression.Keywords:high school students ,general self-efficacy ,life events ,depression品德与心理●小讲坛香港中学文凭考试(Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education Examination ,HKDSE )被称为“香港高考”,是每年由香港考试及评核局主办的公开考试之一,考试日期为每年3月到5月。



dse考试香港中学文凭考试(Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education Examination , 缩写为HKDSE,习惯被大家称为“文凭考试”或DSE考试,是香港政府2012年推出的公开考试,相当于香港的高考。
















立意: 詞句: 本文立意明確,言之有物。內容借記敍日常 文句流麗,用詞準確優美。 和校園生活數事,表達對唐老師感激和敬愛 之情。當中所含哲理,令內容更顯深刻。 表達: 1. 擅 用 人 物 說 話,增 強 現 場 感:在 次 頁 次 段 直 敍 學 生 故 意 裝 傻,說 屈 原 因 被 妻 子 取材: 1 . 記 述 關 懷 學 生 的 表 現:以 短 訊 問 候 和 鼓 勵 拋 棄 才 投 江 自 盡,以 及 第 三 頁 直 敍 唐 老 在 挑 燈 備 戰 中 的 學 生;以 孔 子 和 空 杯 子 的 師 說 孔 子 與 弟 子 找 到「 宥 卮 」杯 子 這 故 故事開解成績一落千丈的作者。 事 以 開 解 成 績 低 落 的 作 者。令 人 如 見 其 2 . 記 述 教 授 歷 史 科 的 表 現:凸 顯 唐 老 師 學 識 面,如聞其聲。 2. 過 渡 段 自 然:次 段 短 短 一 句「 那 夜 令 我 淵博,卻不四處炫耀。 3. 借 離 職 一 事 顯 現 他 的 風 骨 。 想起了…… 的一點一滴。」即由眼前 所見電話短訊帶起了和唐老師以往的 片斷回憶,轉折自然。 3. 運用偶句,增強敬師之意:第四頁篇 末:做 人 一 定 要 有 風 骨, 「 古 有 陶 淵 明, 今有唐老師」。 總評: 總評: 取材獨特,別出心裁,成功凸顯文章立意。 記敍描寫和修辭運用均自然而靈活。 內容 表達 結構 段落銜接,情節發展: 文章開首以作者疲累備戰文憑 試,接到鼓勵短訊致抖擻提勁温 習作引起,再回憶倒述初見唐老 師時不大敬重的表現,及後欣賞 唐老師學識淵深,有風骨,關懷 學生的表現,最後從回憶中返回 現實,以帶着老師的祝福和哲 理,安心步入試場作結。 標點字體 字體: 美觀清晰 標點: 準確得宜



香港高中入学试题及答案一、选择题1. 香港特别行政区的行政长官是由以下哪个机构选举产生的?A. 香港立法会B. 香港特别行政区选举委员会C. 香港特别行政区行政会议D. 中华人民共和国全国人民代表大会答案:B2. 香港特别行政区的官方语言包括:A. 英语和粤语B. 英语和普通话C. 英语和广东话D. 英语、广东话和普通话答案:C3. 香港特别行政区的区旗是什么颜色?A. 红色和白色B. 蓝色和白色C. 红色和蓝色D. 绿色和白色答案:C二、填空题4. 香港特别行政区的区花是______。

答案:紫荆花5. 香港特别行政区的区徽上有______颗星。

答案:五颗6. 香港特别行政区的面积大约是______平方公里。

答案:约1104三、简答题7. 简述香港特别行政区的历史背景。





8. 描述香港特别行政区的地理位置及其重要性。




四、论述题9. 论述香港特别行政区在“一国两制”框架下的独特地位及其对香港发展的意义。




































香港中學文憑考試音樂科 (卷二:演奏 I )20 小組合奏或合唱、口頭報告及視唱記錄表(適用於2018年及以後考試)(校外評核)學校編號:考生編號:考生應:(i) 在一次演出中,合奏或合唱兩首或以上不同風格的樂曲(15%),總時間為 6-12 分鐘 ,並參與口頭報告(3%),闡釋對 所演奏樂曲的理解和演繹方式,時間為3-5分鐘; (ii) 視唱 8-12 小節的有調性旋律(2%)。

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香港中学文凭考试 学校名称及编号-香港仔浸信会吕明才书院

香港中学文凭考试 学校名称及编号-香港仔浸信会吕明才书院

香港中學文憑考試Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education Examination 學校名稱及編號School Name and School Code School Code School Name 10001學校編號Aberdeen Baptist Lui Ming Choi College學校名稱香港仔浸信會呂明才書院10002Aberdeen Technical School 10003Beacon College (Causeway Bay)香港仔工業學校遵理學校(銅鑼灣)10004Belilios Public School10006Buddhist Wai Yan Memorial College 庇理羅士女子中學佛教慧因法師紀念中學10007Buddhist Wong Fung Ling College 10008Canossa College 佛教黃鳳翎中學嘉諾撒書院10009Cape Collinson Correctional Institution 10010Caritas Chai Wan Marden Foundation Secondary School 歌連臣角懲教所明愛柴灣馬登基金中學10011Caritas Chong Yuet Ming Secondary School 10012Caritas Wu Cheng-chung Secondary School 莊月明明明愛愛胡振中中中學學10013CCC Kung Lee College 10014CCC Kwei Wah Shan College 公理高書院10015Cheung Chau Government Secondary School 獲准保送學生參加2012年香港中學文憑考試的學校(截至2010年12月24日) Approved schools (as on 24 December 2010)中中華華基基督督教教會會桂華山中中學長洲官立中學10016Cheung Chuk Shan College 10017Chong Gene Hang College 祝珊英文中學張張振興伉儷書院10018Clementi Secondary School 10019CNEC Lau Wing Sang Secondary School 金文泰中學中華傳道會劉永生中學10020Cognitio College (Hong Kong) 10021Concordia Lutheran School -N.P.文理書院(香港)北角協同中學10024Fukien Secondary School (Siu Sai Wan) 10025Henrietta Secondary School 福建 (小西灣)顯理學學10026HK Chinese Women's Club College 10027HKJCC Chan Nam Cheong Memorial School 中中中國婦女會中學青少年培育會陳南昌紀念學校10028HK Tang King Po College 10029HK True Light College 鄧鏡波書院香香香香港港港港真光書院10030 HKCT Adult Education Centre (Hotung Secondary School) 10031HKCT Adult Education Centre (Queen's College) (何東中學)專專成成人人教教育育中中心心(皇仁書院)10032HKUGA College 10033Hon Wah College 港港港大同會書院漢華10034Hotung Secondary School 10035Islamic Kasim Tuet Memorial College 何東學中中學學10036Kiangsu-Chekiang College 10037伊斯蘭脫維善紀念中學蘇浙公學英皇書院King's College 10038King's Glory Education Day and Evening School (King's Road Branch) 10039Lingnan Hang Yee Memorial Secondary School 英皇教育日校及夜校(英皇道分校)嶺南衡怡紀念中學10040Lingnan Secondary School 10041Lok Sin Tong Leung Kau Kui College 嶺南中學樂善堂梁銶琚書院10042Man Kiu College 10043Maria College (Hong Kong)閩僑中學瑪利亞書院(香港) 10044Maria Evening College (Hong Kong Branch) 10045Marycove School 亞夜書院(香港分校)瑪瑪利利灣學校10046Marymount Secondary School 10048Munsang College (Hong Kong Island)瑪利曼中學港島民生書院10049Po Leung Kuk Wai Yin College 10050Precious Blood Secondary School 保良局慧妍雅集書院寶血女子中學10051Pui Kiu Middle School 10052Pui Tak Canossian College 培僑中學嘉諾撒培德書院10053Pui Ying Secondary School 10054Queen's College 培英中學皇仁書院10055Raimondi College 10056Rosaryhill School (Business Studies Section)高主教書院10057Rosaryhill School (Secondary Section)玫瑰崗學校(商科部)玫瑰崗學校(中學部)10058Sacred Heart Canossian College 10059Salesian English School (Secondary)嘉諾撒聖心書院慈幼英文學校(中學部)10060Shau Kei Wan East Govt. Sec. School 10061Shau Kei Wan Govt. Secondary School 東官立中學筲筲箕箕灣灣官立中學10062SKH Li Fook Hing Secondary School 10063SKH Lui Ming Choi Secondary School 李福慶呂明才10064SKH Tang Shiu Kin Secondary School 10065St. Clare's Girls' School 公公公會會會鄧肇堅中中中學學學聖聖聖聖嘉勒女書院10066St. Francis' Canossian College 10067St. Joan of Arc Secondary School 嘉諾撒聖方濟各書院貞德中學10068St. Joseph's College 10069St. Louis School 若瑟書院聖聖聖類斯中學10070St. Margaret's Girls' College, Hong Kong 10071St. Mark's School 香港聖瑪加利女書院馬可中學10072St. Paul's Co-educational College 10073St. Paul's College 男女中學羅羅書院10074St. Paul's Convent School 10075St. Paul's Secondary School 學校10076St. Peter's Secondary School 10077聖聖聖聖聖聖聖士提反堂中學保保保保祿祿中學伯多祿中學St. Stephen's Church College 10078St. Stephen's College 10079St. Stephen's Girls' College 書院聖聖士士提提反反女子中學10080SWCS Chan Pak Sha School 10081The Chinese Foundation Secondary School 新會商會陳白沙紀念中學中華基金中學10082Hong Kong Red Cross John F. Kennedy Centre 10083The Methodist Church HK Wesley College 香港紅十字會甘迺迪中心衛理中學10084The True Light Middle Sch. of Hong Kong 10085TSK Victoria Government Secondary School 香港真光中學鄧肇堅維多利亞官立中學10086TWGHs Lee Ching Dea Memorial College 10087Wah Yan College, Hong Kong 東華三院李潤田紀念中學香港華仁書院10088Ying Wa Girls' School 10089Yu Chun Keung Memorial College No. 2英華女學校余振強紀念第二中學10091King's Glory Education Day School (Causeway Bay Branch) 10094Fortress Hill Methodist Secondary School 英皇教育日校(銅鑼灣分校)炮台山循道衛理中學10097Hong Kong Sea School 10098Queen's College Old Boys' Association Evening School 香港航海學校皇仁舊生會夜中學20201Advocate College 20202Assembly of God Evening Secondary School 拓賢書院20203Assembly of God Morrison College 神召會夜中學神召會馬理信書院20205Beacon College (Tseung Kwan O) 20206Bishop Hall Jubilee School 遵理學校(將軍澳)何明華會督銀禧中學20207Buddhist Ho Nam Kam College 20208Buddhist Hung Sean Chau Memorial College 何南金中學孔仙洲紀念中學20209Buddhist Tai Hung College 20210 C.M.A. Secondary School 佛佛佛教教教大雄中學廠商會中20211Caritas Pelletier School 20212Carmel Divine Grace Foundation Secondary School 明愛培立學學校主恩中學20213Carmel Secondary School 20214Catholic Ming Yuen Secondary School 迦迦密密中學天主教鳴遠中學20215CCC Heep Woh College 20216CCC Kei Chi Secondary School 協和書院智20218CCC Kei Heep Secondary School 20219CCC Kei To Secondary School 協基基基道中中中學學學20220CCC Ming Kei College 20221CCC Ming Yin College 基銘銘賢書書院院20222CCC Mong Man Wai College 20223CCC Rotary Secondary School 蒙民偉書院20224Chan Shu Kui Memorial School 20225中中中中中中中中華華華華華華華華基基基基基基基基督督督督督督督督教教教教教教教教會會會會會會會會扶輪中學陳樹渠張沛松紀紀念念中中學學Chang Pui Chung Memorial School 20226Cheng Chek Chee Secondary School of Sai Kung & Hang Hau District, NT. 20227Cheung Sha Wan Catholic Sec. School 新界西貢坑口區鄭植之中學長沙灣天主教英文中學20228Chi Lin Buddhist Secondary School 20229Choi Hung Estate Catholic Secondary School 佛教志蓮中學彩虹邨天主教英文中學20230Christian & Missionary Alliance Sun Kei Sec Sch 20231Chun Tok School 基督教宣道會宣基中學真鐸學校20232Cognitio College (Kowloon) 20233Concordia Lutheran School 文理書院(九龍)路德會協同中學20234Creative Secondary School 20237Delia Memorial School (Broadway)啟思中學地利亞修女紀念學校(百老匯) 20238 Delia Memorial School (Glee Path) 20239Delia Memorial School (Hip Wo) (吉利徑)地地利利亞亞修修女女紀紀念念學學校校(協和) 20240Delia Memorial School (Yuet Wah) 20243Diocesan Boys' School 地利亞修女紀念學校(月華) 拔萃男書院20244Diocesan Girls' School 20245ECF Saint Too Canaan College 拔萃女書院基督教中國佈道會聖道迦南書院20246ELCHK Lutheran Secondary School 20248Evangel College 基督教香港信義會信義中學20249FDBWA Szeto Ho Secondary School 播道書院五邑司徒浩中學20250Fukien Secondary School 20251Good Hope School 福建中學德望學校20252GT (Ellen Yeung) College 20253Heep Yunn School 優才(楊殷有娣)書院協恩20254Heung To Middle School 20255Heung To Secondary School (Tseung Kwan O)香島中中學學將軍澳香島中學20256HHCKLA Buddhist Ching Kok Secondary School 20257HK & KLN Chiu Chow Public Assn Secondary School 香海正覺蓮社佛教正覺中學港九潮州公會中學20259 ( )HK Effective Careers Institute (Tung Choi St.) 20260HK Effective Careers Institute (Day) 20262HK Weaving Mills Association Education Centre 精精英英專專業業學學校校(日日校校)布廠商會育中心20263HKCCC Union Logos Academy 20264 HKCT Adult Education Centre ( Kowloon Technical Sch )香香港港華基督教教聯會真道書院(九龍工業學校)20266 HKCT Adult Education Centre (Kwun Tong Govt Primary Sch) 20267HKCT Adult Education Centre (QES School) (觀塘官立小學)港港港專專專人成人成成人人教教教育育育中中中心心心(伊利沙伯中學) 20268HKICC Lee Shau Kee School of Creativity 20269HKMA David Li Kwok Po College 兆基創意書院香香港港管理專業協會李國寶中學20270HKMLC Queen Maud Secondary School 20271HKSKH Bishop Hall Secondary School 20272港澳信聖公會會何明華會督中學義慕德中學香香港港道教聯合會圓玄學院第三中學HKTA The Y uen Yuen Institute No. 3 Secondary School 20273HKWMA Chu Shek Lun Secondary School 20274Ho Lap College (Sponsored By The Sik Sik Yuen)香港布廠商會朱石麟中學可立中學(嗇色園主辦)20275Hoi Ping Chamber of Commerce Secondary School 20276Holy Carpenter Secondary School 旅港開平商會中學聖匠中學20277Holy Family Canossian College 20278Holy Trinity College 嘉諾撒聖家書院寶血會上智英文書院20279Homantin Government Secondary School 20285Jockey Club Government Secondary School 何文田賽馬會官官立立中中學學20286King Ling College 20287King's Glory Education Day School (Nathan Road Branch)景嶺書院英皇教育日校(彌敦道分校)20288King's Glory Education Day School [Location: Ngau Tau Kok Branch No. 2]20289Kit Sam Lam Bing Yim Secondary School 英皇教育日校潔心林炳炎中學20290Ko Lui Secondary School 20291Kowloon Sam Yuk Secondary School 高雷中學九龍三育中學20292Kowloon Technical School 20293Kowloon Tong School (Secondary Section)工業學校九九龍龍塘學校(中學部)20294Kowloon True Light Middle School20295Kwun Tong Government Secondary School 九龍真光20296Kwun Tong Kung Lok Government Secondary School 觀塘官立中中學學觀塘功樂官立中學20299Kwun Tong Maryknoll College 20300La Salle College 觀塘瑪利諾書院喇沙書院20301Lai Chack Middle School 20302Lee Kau Yan Memorial School 麗澤中學李求恩紀念中學20303Leung Shek Chee College 20304LST Wong Chung Ming Secondary School 梁式芝書院王仲銘20305LST Yu Kan Hing Secondary School 20306Lung Cheung Government Secondary School 樂樂善善堂堂余近卿中中學學龍翔官立中學20307Lung Kong WFSL Lau Wong Fat Secondary School 20308Maria College (Castle Peak Road 2)世界龍岡學校劉皇發中學書院(青山道)(二) 20309Maria Evening College (Castle Peak Road 2) 20310Maryknoll College (Senior Form)亞亞夜書院(青山道)(二)高中書院20311Maryknoll Convent School (Secondary Section) 20312Maryknoll Fathers' School 修院學校(中學部)神父教會學校20313Maryknoll Secondary School 20314Delia Memorial School (Matteo Ricci) 瑪瑪瑪瑪瑪瑪利利利利利利諾諾諾諾中學九龍利瑪竇書院20315Methodist College 20316MKMCF Ma Chan Duen Hey Memorial Evening College 循道中學20317MKMCF Ma Chan Duen Hey Memorial College 20320馬馬錦錦明明慈慈善善基基金金馬馬陳陳端端喜喜紀紀念念中學夜校慕光英文書院Mu Kuang English School 20321Munsang College 20322Nam Wah Catholic Secondary School 民生書院天主教南華中學20323New Asia Middle School 20324New Method College 亞中學新新法書院20325Newman Catholic College 20326Ng Wah Catholic Secondary School 新民書院天天主主教教伍華中學20327Ning Po College 20328Ning Po No. 2 College 公學寧寧波波第二中學20329NLSI Lui Kwok Pat Fong College 20330Notre Dame College 新生命教育協會呂郭碧鳳中學聖母院書院20331Our Lady of the Rosary College 20332Our Lady's College 玫瑰書院聖聖母母書院20333Pentecostal School 20334Pik Uk Correctional Institution 五旬節中學壁屋懲教所20335PLK Vicwood K.T. Chong Sixth Form College 20336Po Chiu Catholic Secondary School 保良局莊啟程預科書院天主教普照中學20337Po Kok Secondary School 20338Po Leung Kuk 1984 College 寶覺中學20339Po Leung Kuk Celine Ho Yam Tong College 保良局甲子年中學保良局何蔭棠中學20340Po Leung Kuk Laws Foundation College 20341Po Leung Kuk Ngan Po Ling College 羅氏基金中學顏寶鈴書院20342Po Leung Kuk No.1 W.H. Cheung College 20343POH 80th Anniversary Tang Ying Hei College 保保保良良良局局局第一張永慶中學博愛醫院八十週年鄧英喜中學20344Pooi To Middle School 20345Hong Kong Red Cross Princess Alexandra School 培道中學香香港港紅十字會雅麗珊郡主學校20346Promising Education Centre (Evening School) 20348Prosperity College (Yaumatei Branch)暢達教育中心(夜校) 奮進書院(油麻地分校) 20349Pui Ching Middle School 20350Queen Elizabeth School 香港培正伊利沙伯中中學學20351Rhenish Church Pang Hok Ko Memorial College 20352Shun Lee Catholic Secondary School 禮賢會彭學高紀念中學順利天主教中學20353Sing Yin Secondary School 20354Sir Ellis Kadoorie Secondary School (West Kowloon)聖言中學官立嘉道理爵士中學(西九龍) 20355SKH All Saints' Middle School 20356SKH Holy Trinity Church Secondary School 諸聖中學聖三一堂中學20357SKH Kei Hau Secondary School 20358SKH Leung Kwai Yee Secondary School 基孝中學20359SKH St. Benedict's School 20360聖聖聖聖聖聖公公公公公公會會會會會會聖聖馬利亞堂梁季彝本德中中學學莫慶堯中學SKH St. Mary's Church Mok Hing Yiu College 20361SKH Tsoi Kung Po Secondary School 20362St. Antonius Girls' College 公會蔡功譜中學聖聖安當女書院20363St. Bonaventure College & High School 20364St. Catharine's School for Girls, Kwun Tong 文德書院聖聖傑靈女子中學20365St. Francis Xavier's College 20366St. Gloria College (Kowloon)芳濟書院聖聖迦利亞書院(九龍) 20368St. Joseph's Anglo-Chinese School 20369St. Margaret's Co-educational English Secondary and Primary School 若瑟英文中學聖聖瑪加利男女英文中小學20370St. Mary's Canossian College 20371St. Paul's School (Lam Tin)嘉諾撒聖瑪利書院藍田聖保祿中學20372St. Teresa Secondary School 20373Stewards Pooi Tun Secondary School 德蘭中學香港神託會培敦中學20374STFA Cheng Yu Tung Secondary School 20375STFA Seaward Woo College 鄭裕彤順順德德聯聯誼誼總總會會胡兆熾中中學學20376Tack Ching Girls' Secondary School 20377Tak Nga Secondary School 貞女子中學德德雅中學20378Tak Oi Secondary School 20379Tang King Po School 德愛中20380The Amoy College 鄧鏡波學學校閩光書院20381The HKTA Ching Chung Secondary School 20382The HKSYCIA Wong Tai Shan Memorial College 道教聯合會青松中學香香港港四邑商工總會黃棣珊紀念中學20383The Mission Covenant Church Holm Glad College 20384The PHC Wing Kwong College 基督教約教會堅樂中學五旬節聖聖潔會永光書院20385The Salvation Army William Booth Secondary School 20386Society of Boys' Centres -Chak Yan Centre School 救世軍卜維廉中學則仁中心學校20387Society of Boys' Centres -Hui Chung Sing Memorial School 20388Society of Boys' Centres Shing Tak Centre School 許仲繩紀念學校香香香港港港扶扶扶幼幼幼會會會盛德中心學校20390 Times College (Kowloon Tong) 20391 ( ) Times College (Mongkok) (九龍塘) 20392Times College (Mongkok) 20393True Light Girls' College 當當當代代代書書書院院院(旺旺角角) 真光女書院20394Tseung Kwan O Government Secondary School 20395Tsung Tsin Christian Academy 將軍澳官立基督教崇真中中學學20397TWGHs Chang Ming Thien College 20398TWGHs Lui Yun Choy Memorial College 張明添中學呂潤財紀念中學20399TWGHs Wong Fut Nam College 20400 United Christian College 東東東華華華三三三黃笏南中學20401United Christian College (Kowloon East) 20402匯匯基基院院院書書院院(東九龍) 邱子文高中學校Yeo Chei Man Senior Secondary School 20403Wa Ying College 20404Wah Yan College, Kowloon 英中學華華仁書院(九龍) 20405Wai Kiu College 20406Workers' Children Secondary School 惠僑英文勞工子弟中中學學20407Wui Ching College 20408Wui Yin College 青匯匯賢書書院院20409YCH Lan Chi Pat Memorial Secondary School 20410YCH Law Chan Chor Si College 靚次伯紀念中學仁仁濟濟醫醫院院羅陳楚思中學20411YCH Wong Wha San Secondary School 20412Ying Wa College 仁濟醫王華湘中學英華書院院20414Yu Chun Keung Memorial College 20415The Y .W.C.A. Hioe Tjo Yoeng College 余振強紀念中學基督教女青年會丘佐榮中學20416QualiEd College 20417China Holiness College 匯知中學中聖書院20419City College (Branch No.1) 20420King's Glory Education Day School (Nathan Road Branch) (Location : HSH Mongkok Plaza)育成語文商科學校(第一分校)英皇教育日校(彌敦道分校)20422Beacon College (Kowloon Bay) 20423Oasis College 20424遵理學校(九龍灣)奧思書院敖然教育中心(油麻地)Ovin Education Centre (Yamatei) 20425Advanced Contemporary College 20431Chan Sui Ki (La Salle) College 動向書院陳瑞祺(喇沙)書院20432Sai Kung Sung Tsun Catholic School (Secondary Section) 20434Po Leung Kuk No.1 College (Evening Section)西貢崇真天主教學校(中學部) 保良局第一中學(夜校部)20435Arts and Technology Education Centre 30601AD & FD POHL Leung Sing Tak College 30602Hong Kong Communication Art Centre -Applied College of Commerce & Language 藝術與科技教育中心博愛醫院歷屆總理聯誼會梁省德中學通用商科語言校30604Assembly of God Hebron Secondary School 30605SAHK B M Kotewall Memorial School 神召會康樂中學學香港耀能協會羅怡基紀念學校30606Baptist Lui Ming Choi Secondary School 30607Baptist Wing Lung Secondary School 呂明才中學浸浸信信會會永隆中學30608 Beacon College 30609 Beacon College (Sheung Shui) 30610 Beacon College (Tai Po Branch No. 2) (上水) (大埔) 30611 Beacon College (Tsuen Wan) 30612 Beacon College (Tuen Mun) (荃灣) (屯門) 30613Beacon College (Yuen Long Branch No. 2) 30614Bethel High School 30615遵遵遵遵遵遵理理理理理理學學學學學學校校校校校校(元朗第二分校) 伯特利中學佛教大光慈航中學Buddhist Tai Kwong Chi Hong College 30616Buddhist Fat Ho Memorial College 30617Buddhist Hui Yuan College 筏可紀念中學佛佛教教慧遠中學30618Buddhist Kok Kwong Seconsary School 30619Buddhist Mau Fung Memorial College 覺光中學佛佛教教茂峰法法師師紀念中學30620Buddhist Sin Tak College 30621Buddhist Sum Heung Lam Memorial College 善德英文中學佛佛教教沈香林紀念中學30623Buddhist Wong Wan Tin College 30624Buddhist Yip Kei Nam Memorial College 黃允畋中學佛佛教教葉紀南紀念中學30625Caritas Charles Vath College 30626Caritas Fanling Chan Chun Ha Secondary School 華德中書院明明愛愛粉嶺陳震夏中學30627Caritas Ma On Shan Secondary School 30628Caritas St. Joseph Secondary School 馬鞍山明明愛愛聖若瑟中中學學30629Caritas Tuen Mun Marden Foundation Secondary School 30630Caritas Yuen Long Chan Chun Ha Secondary School 屯門馬登基金中學明明愛愛元朗陳震夏中學30631Carmel Alison Lam Foundation Secondary School 30632Carmel Bunnan Tong Memorial Secondary School 愛禮信中學迦迦密密唐賓南紀念中學30633Carmel Holy Word Secondary School 30634Carmel Pak U Secondary School 聖道30635CCC Chuen Yuen College 迦迦密密柏雨中中學學中華基督教會全完中學30636CCC Fong Yun Wah Secondary School 30637CCC Fung Leung Kit Memorial Secondary School 方潤華中學馮梁結紀念中學30638CCC Hoh Fuk Tong College 30639CCC Hoh Fuk Tong Evening College 書院何何福福堂堂夜中學30640CCC Kei Long College 30641CCC Kei San Secondary School 朗新30642CCC Kei Yuen College 30643CCC Tam Lee Lai Fun Memorial Secondary School 基基基元中中中學學學譚李麗芬紀念中學30644CCC Yenching College 30645China Holiness Church Living Spirit College 基基基基基基基基基督督督督督督督督督教教教教教教教教教會會會會會會會會會燕京書院中中中中中中中中中中華華華華華華華華華華聖潔會靈風中學30646Chinese Y .M.C.A. College 30647Chinese Y .M.C.A. Secondary School 青年會書院中華基督教青年會中學30648Ching Chung Hau Po Woon Secondary School 30649Chiu Chow Association Secondary School 青松侯寶垣中學潮州會館中學30650Chiu Lut Sau Memorial Secondary School 30651Christ College 趙聿修紀念中學基督書院30652Christian Alliance Cheng Wing Gee College 30653Christian Alliance College 會鄭榮之中學30654Christian Alliance S. C. Chan Memorial College 30655宣宣宣宣道道道道會會陳陳中學瑞芝朱素紀念中學華紀念中學Christian Alliance S W Chan Memorial College 30657Chung Sing B.S. Mrs. Aw Boon Haw Secondary School 30658CMA Choi Cheung Kok Secondary School 鐘聲慈善社胡陳金枝中學廠商會蔡章閣中學30659CNEC Christian College 30660CNEC Lee I Yao Memorial Secondary School 安柱中學中中華華傳傳道道會會李賢堯紀念中學30661Confucian Ho Kwok Pui Chun College 30662Cotton Spinners Association Secondary School 孔教學院何郭佩珍中學棉紡會中學30663CUHK FAA Chan Chun Ha Secondary School 30664CUHK FAA Thomas Cheung Secondary School 陳震夏香香港港中中文文大大學學校校友友會會聯聯會會張煊昌中中學學30665Cumberland Presbyterian Church Yao Dao Secondary School 30666De La Salle Secondary School, N.T.金巴崙長老會耀道中學新界喇沙中學30667DMHC Siu Ming Catholic Secondary School 30669ELCHK Yuen Long Lutheran College 天主母佑會蕭明中學基督教教香港信義會元朗信義書院30670Elegantia College (Sponsored by ED CONV) 30672Fanling Government Secondary School 風采中學(教育評議會主辦) 粉嶺官立中學30673Fanling Kau Yan College 30674Fanling Rhenish Church Secondary School 救恩書院粉粉嶺嶺禮賢會中學30675Fung Kai Liu Man Shek Tong Secondary School 30676Fung Kai No. 1 Secondary School 廖萬石堂中學30677GCCITKD Lau Pak Lok Secondary School 鳳鳳溪溪第一中學東莞工商總會劉百樂中學30678Gertrude Simon Lutheran College 30679Gertrude Simon Lutheran Evening College 中學路路德德會會西西門門英英才才夜校30680Helen Liang Memorial Sec School (Shatin) 30681Heung To Middle School (Tin Shui Wai)梁文燕紀念 (沙田) 天水圍香島中中學學30682HHCKLA Buddhist Leung Chik Wai College 30683HHCKLA Buddhist Ma Kam Chan Memorial English Secondary School 梁植偉中學香香海海正正覺覺蓮蓮社社佛佛教教馬錦燦紀念英文中學30684HKCCPA Ma Chung Sum Secondary School 30685HK & KLN KFWA Sun Fong Chung College 潮州公會馬松深學港港九九街坊婦女會孫方中中書院30686HK Teachers' Association Lee Heng Kwei Secondary School 30687 HKCT Adult Education Centre ( Tsuen Wan Government Secondary School )香港教師會李興貴中學(荃灣官立中學) 30688 HKCT Adult Education Centre (NTHYK Tai Po District Secondary School) 30690HKCT Adult Education Centre (Sha Tin Government Secondary School) (新界鄉議局大埔區中學)港港港專專專成成成人人人教教教育育育中中中心心心(沙田官立中學) 30692HKCWC Fung Yiu King Memorial Secondary School 30693HKFEW Wong Cho Bau Secondary School 中國婦女會馮堯敬紀念教育工作者聯會黃楚標中中學學30694HKFYG Lee Shau Kee College 30695HKSYC&IA Chan Nam Chong Memorial College 青年協會李兆基書院四邑商工總會陳南昌紀念中學30696HKTA Tang Hin Memorial Secondary School 30697HKTA The Y uen Yuen Institute No. 1 Secondary School 鄧顯紀念中學30698HKTA The Y uen Yuen Institute No. 2 Secondary School 30699香香香香香香香港港港港港港港道道道教教教聯聯聯合合合會會會圓圓玄玄學學院院第第二中中學學一 可道中學(嗇色園主辦)Ho Dao College (Sponsored by Sik Sik Yuen) 30700Ho Fung College (sponsored by Sik Sik Yuen) 30701Ho Ngai College (Sponsored by Sik Sik Yuen)可風中學(嗇色園主辦)嗇色園主辦可藝中學30702Ho Yu College And Primary School (Sponsored By Sik Sik Yuen) 30703Holy Cross Lutheran Evening College 30704Hong Kong Baptist University Affiliated School Wong Kam Fai Secondary and Primary School 嗇色園主辦可譽暨可譽小學路德會聖十架夜中中學學浸會大學附屬學校王錦輝中小學30705Hong Kong Red Swastika Society Tai Po Secondary School 30706Immaculate Heart of Mary College 香香港港紅卍字會大埔卍慈中學聖母無玷聖心書院30707Jockey Club Ti-I College 30708 Ju Ching Chu Secondary School (Kwai Chung)賽馬會體藝中學(葵涌) 30709 Ju Ching Chu Secondary School (Tuen Mun) 30710Ju Ching Chu Secondary School (Yuen Long) (屯門)裘裘裘錦錦錦秋秋秋中中中學學學(元朗) 30711Kau Yan College 30712Kiangsu-Chekiang College (Kwai Chung)救恩書院葵涌30713Kiangsu-Chekiang College (Shatin) 30714King's Glory Education Day School (Shatin Branch)沙田蘇蘇浙浙公公學學中心(沙田 )(日校) 30715 King's Glory Education Day School (Tuen Mun Branch) 30716King's Glory Education Day School (Tsuen Wan) (屯門分分校校) 30718King's Glory Educational Centre (Fanling Branch) 30719英英英英皇皇皇皇教教教教育育育育心日日校校(﹝荃粉灣嶺分校 ) ﹞葵涌循道中中學Kwai Chung Methodist College 30720Kwok Tak Seng Catholic Secondary School 30721Lai King Correctional Institution 天主教郭得勝中學勵敬懲教所30722Lam Tai Fai College 30723Law Ting Pong Secondary School 林大輝羅定邦中中學學30724 ) Leung's Institute (TM Branch) 30725Leung's Institute (YL Branch) (屯門良良師師學學校校(元朗分分校校) 30726Ling Liang Church E Wun Secondary School 30727Ling Liang Church M.H. Lau Secondary School 怡文中學靈靈糧糧堂堂劉梅軒中學30728Lingnan Dr. Chung Wing Kwong Memorial Secondary School 30729Lions College 嶺南鍾榮光博士紀念中學獅子會中學30730Liu Po Shan Memorial College 30731Lock Tao Secondary School 廖寶珊紀念書院樂道中學30732LST Ku Chiu Man Secondary School 30733LST Leung Chik Wai Memorial School 顧超文中學樂樂善善堂堂梁植偉紀念中學30734LST Young Ko Hsiao Lin Secondary School 30735Lui Cheung Kwong Lutheran College 樂善堂楊葛小琳中學路德會呂祥光中學30736Lui Cheung Kwong Lutheran Evening College 30737Lui Ming Choi Lutheran College 祥光英文夜中學30738Lutheran School for the Deaf 路路德德會會呂呂明才中學路德會啟聾學校30739Ma On Shan Tsung Tsin Secondary School 30740Madam Lau Kam Lung Secondary School of MFBM 馬鞍山崇真中學妙法寺劉金龍中學30741Maria College (Tai Po) 30742Maria Evening College (Tai Po)書院(大埔)瑪瑪利利亞亞夜書院(大埔) 30743MFBM Chan Lui Chung Tak Memorial College 30747Ng Yuk Secondary School 妙法寺陳呂重德紀念中學五育中學30748NLSI Peace Evangelical Secondary School 30749NTHYK Tai Po District Secondary School 生命教育協會平安福音中學大埔30750NTHYK Yuen Long District Secondary School 30751Pak Kau College 新新新界界鄉鄉議議局局元朗區區中中學學伯裘書院30752PAOC Ka Chi Secondary School 30753Pentecostal Lam Hon Kwong School 加拿大神召會嘉智中學五旬節林漢光中學30754PLK 1983 Board of Directors' College 30755PLK C.W. Chu College 八三年總理中學朱敬文中學30756PLK Centenary Li Shiu Chung Memorial College 30757PLK Mrs. Ma Kam Ming -Cheung Fook Sien College 百周年李兆忠紀念馬錦明夫人章馥仙中中學學30758Po Leung Kuk Lee Shing Pik College 30759Po Leung Kuk Ma Kam Ming College 李城璧30760Po Leung Kuk Tang Yuk Tien College 30761保保保保保保保保良良良良良良良良局局局局局局局局胡馬董玉錦忠明中學娣中中中學學學Po Leung Kuk Wu Chung College 30762Po Leung Kuk Yao Ling Sun College 30763POCA Wong Siu Ching Secondary School 保良局姚連生中學寶安商會王少清中學30764Pok Oi Hospital Chan Kai Memorial College 30765Pok Oi Hospital Tang Pui King Memorial College 陳楷紀念中學博博愛愛醫醫院院鄧佩瓊紀念中學30766Pope Paul VI College 30767Pui Kiu College 保祿六世書院培僑書院30768Pui Shing Catholic Secondary School 30769QESOSA Tong Kwok Wah Secondary School 天主教培聖中學伊利沙伯中學舊生會湯國華中學30770Queen Elizabeth School Old Students' Association Secondary School 30771Queen's College Old Boys' Association Tsing Yi Evening School 伊利沙伯中學舊生會中學皇仁舊生會青衣夜校30772Queen's College Old Boys' Association Secondary School 30773SAHK Jockey Club Elaine Field School 皇仁舊生會中學香港耀能協會賽馬會田綺玲學校30774SAHK Ko Fook Iu Memorial School 30775Salem-Immanuel Lutheran College 香港耀能協會高福耀紀念學校南亞路德會沐恩中學30776Salesians of Don Bosco Ng Siu Mui Secondary Sch. 30777San Wui Commercial Society Sec Sch 天主教慈幼會伍少梅中學新會商會中學30778Semple Memorial Secondary School 30779Sha Tin Government Secondary School 深培中學30780Sha Tin Methodist College 沙田官立中學沙田循道衛理中學30781Shap Pat Heung Rural Committee Kung Yik She S S 30783Shatin Pui Ying College 十八鄉鄉事委員會公益社中學培英30784Shatin Tsung Tsin Secondary School 30785Shek Lei Catholic Secondary School 沙沙田田崇真中中學學石籬天主教中學30786Sheung Shui Government Secondary School 30787Shi Hui Wen Secondary School 上水官立中學釋慧文中學30788Shung Tak Catholic English College 30789SKH Bishop Baker Secondary School 天主教崇德英文書院白約翰30790SKH Bishop Mok Sau Tseng Secondary School 30791SKH Chan Young Secondary School 莫壽增會會督督中中學學陳融中學30792SKH Lam Kau Mow Secondary School 30793SKH Lam Woo Memorial Secondary School 裘謀中學林林護紀念中學30794SKH Li Ping Secondary School 30795SKH St. Simon's Lui Ming Choi Secondary School 李炳中學聖西門呂明才中學30796SKH Tsang Shiu Tim Secondary School 30797South Tuen Mun Government Secondary School 聖聖聖聖聖聖聖聖公公公公公公公公會會會會會會會會曾肇添中學南屯門官立中學30798St. Francis of Assisi's College 30799St. Francis Xavier's School, Tsuen Wan 聖芳濟各書院30800St. Rose of Lima's College 30801荃灣聖芳濟中學聖羅撒書院馬錦明慈善基金馬可賓紀念中學Stewards MKMCF Ma Ko Pan Memorial College 30802Stewards Pooi Kei College 30803STFA Lee Shau Kee College 香港神託會培基書院順德聯誼總會李兆基中學30804STFA Leung Kau Kui College 30805STFA Tam Pak Yu College 梁銶琚順順德德聯聯誼誼總總會會譚伯羽中中學學30806STFA Yung Yau College 30807Sung Lan Middle School 順德聯誼總會翁祐中學崇蘭中學30808Tai Po Government Secondary School 30809Tai Po Sam Yuk Secondary School 官立大大埔埔三育中中學學30810Tak Sun Secondary School 30811The Hong Kong Management Association K S Lo College 德信中學香港管理專業協會羅桂祥中學30812The Jockey Club Eduyoung College 30813The Methodist Lee Wai Lee College 賽馬會毅智書院李惠利中學30814TIACC Woo Hon Fai Secondary School 30815Tin Ka Ping Secondary School 紡織學會美國商會胡漢輝中學田家炳中學30816Tin Shui Wai Government Secondary School 30817Tin Shui Wai Methodist College 官立中學天天水水圍圍循道衛理中學30818Toi Shan Association College 30819Tsang Pik Shan Secondary School 台山商會中學30820Tsuen Wan Government Secondary School 曾璧山中學荃灣官立中學30821Tsuen Wan Public Ho Chuen Yiu Memorial College 30822Tsung Tsin College 荃灣公立何傳耀紀念中學崇真書院30823Tuen Mun Catholic Secondary School 30824Tuen Mun Government Secondary School 天主教中學屯屯門門官立中30825Tung Chung Catholic School 30826TWGHs C.Y . Ma Memorial College 涌天主教學學校馬振玉紀念中學30827TWGHs Chen Zao Men College 30828TWGHs Kap Yan Directors' College 陳兆民中學甲寅年總理中學30829TWGHs Kwok Yat Wai College 30830TWGHs Li Ka Shing College 郭一葦李嘉誠中中學學30831TWGHs Lo Kon Ting Memorial College 30832TWGHs Mr & Mrs Kwong Sik Kwan College 盧幹庭紀念鄺錫坤伉儷中中學學30833TWGHs Mrs. Fung Wong Fung Ting College 30834TWGHs Mrs. Wu York Yu Memorial College 馮黃鳳亭中學伍若瑜夫人紀念中學30835TWGHs S.C. Gaw Memorial College 30836TWGHs Sun Hoi Directors' College 吳祥川紀念辛亥年總理中中學學30837TWGHs Wong Fung Ling College 30838TWGHs Yau Tze Tin Memorial College 黃鳳翎中學30839TWGHs Yow Kam Yuen College 30840東東東東東東東東東東東東東東東華華華華華華華華華華華華華華三三三三三三三三三三三三三三院院院院院院院院院院院院院院邱邱子田紀念中學金元中學 恩主教書院Valtorta College 30841Wizard College 30843Wong Shiu Chi Secondary School 學銘書院王肇枝中學30844Yan Chai Hospital No.2 Secondary School 30845Yan Oi Tong Tin Ka Ping Secondary School 濟醫院第二仁仁愛堂田家炳中中學學30846YCH Lim Por Yen Secondary School 30847YCH Tung Chi Ying Memorial Secondary School 林百欣中學仁仁濟濟醫醫院院董之英紀念中學30848YLPMSAA Tang Siu Tong Secondary School 30849YMCA of Hong Kong Christian College 元朗公立中學校友會鄧兆棠中學港青基信書院30850YOT Chan Wong Suk Fong Mem. Sec. School 30851YPICA Lee Lim Ming College 仁愛堂陳黃淑芳紀念中學恩平工商會李琳明中學30852Yuen Long Catholic Secondary School 30853Yuen Long Lutheran Evening School of the ELCHK 30854The Evangelical Lutheran Church of Hong Kong Yuen Long Lutheran Secondary School 元朗天主教中學基督教香港信義會元朗信義夜校基督教香港信義會元朗信義中學30855Yuen Long Merchants Association Secondary School 30856Yuen Long Public Secondary School 商會元元朗朗公立中中學學30857King's Glory Education Day School (Shatin Branch) [Location: Fo Tan] 30858King's Glory Educational Day School (Tai Po Branch) 30859King's Glory Educational Day School (Shatin Branch) [Location : Lek Yuen]日校(沙田分校)英英英皇皇皇教教教育育育日校中心(大(沙田分校埔分校))30860Beacon College (Shatin) 30862Fanling Lutheran Secondary School 遵理學校(沙田) 基督教香港信義會心誠中學30863Abiding College (Branch No.1) 30865King's Glory Education Day School (Yuen Long Branch)[Location: Tin Shiu Wai]遵道書院(第一分校)英皇教育日校(元朗分校)30866King's Glory Education Day School (Yuen Long Branch) [Location: Yuen Long] 30869Abiding School (Nam Pin Wai)英皇教育日校(元朗分校)遵道學校(南邊圍)30870Lai King Catholic Secondary School 30871Ma On Shan St. Joseph's Secondary School School Code School Name 10005學校編號Betterment College 學校名稱達海書院10022Confucius Hall Middle School 10047Modern College (Causeway Bay)孔聖堂中學現代書院(銅鑼灣) 10090Hong Kong Institute of Technology (HK) 10092Cantab Education Centre (Wanchai)香港科技專上書院康橋教育中心(灣仔) 10093Modern College (North Point) 10095 ) Nikkei Japanese Language School (Causeway Bay) 10096獲暫准保送學生參加荔馬景鞍天主教中學山聖若瑟中學2012年香港中學文憑考試的學校(截至2010年12月24日) Approved-in-principle schools (as on 24 December 2010)現代書院(北角) 日日經經日日本本語語學學校校((銅銅鑼鑼灣灣)(夜校)。



))#)生物学教学 >$%H 年!第 "" 卷"第 " 期!! 香港地区中学文凭考试生物学科目简介与启示岑 芳 ! !!江苏省南京市教学研究室!南京!>%$$$%"摘!要!香港地区中学文凭考试也被称为+香港高考,#生物学科目是甲类中的选修科目$ 考试由公开考试和校本评核两部分组 成#既有终结性评价也有过程性评价$ 其评核模式既具有考试的共性#也独具一些特色#对于内地目前学业质量评价与试题命制具 有借鉴意义$ 关键词!香港地区!中学文凭考试!生物学科目!启示香 港 地 区 中 学 文 凭 考 试 !!! '.;JQ.;JC8&U.P1.9生理学!调节与控制"%应用生态学%微生物与人类和也 被 称 为 542.;=10,S=M2168.; S`1P8;168.;# 'QC5S"# 生物工程#可以任选 > 个课程参与评核$ 选修内容评+香港高考,#是由香港考试及评核局!考评局"主办的 核的选择性#更加细致地突出了学生对该学科的学习公开考试之一#是一项综合类型的评估考试#起源于香 兴趣%志向与学习能力$ 又如#香港中学文凭考试日期港中学会考$ >$%> 年香港考试及评核局将当时的香 为每年 @*) 月$ 由于考试时间分散#给考生有较为充港高级程度会考#合并为新高中学制下的香港中学文 足的选择与准备时间$ 考试成绩可以保留一年#没考凭考试$ 考试分为甲%乙和丙三类$ 甲类包括基础科 好的科目第二年可继续再考#考好的科目保留一年#可目 >" 个#其中包括 " 个核心科目及 >$ 个选修科目$ 以第二年用做申请$ 考生对总成绩也有选择权$ 自生物学科目是 >$ 个选修科目中的一个科目#其评核模 >$%> 年至今#现行的香港中学文凭考试参加的 # 门考式%评核目标%评核内容以及试卷结构等#既具有高考 试#可选 ) 门最好成绩用于申请大学$考试的共性#也独具一些地方特色$科目选择的丰富性#多方面体现对学生兴趣%个性!"关注个性体现选择和学科特长的关注$ 考试时间%次数和成绩的选取#扬增强课程的选择性是国际课程改革的一大趋势# 长避短#也关注到学生的个性#在给学生充分的自主选课程的选择性遵循学生的认知发展规律#关注学生的 择权利的同时#体现对学生学习过程与发展的关注#最学习兴趣#也体现对学生个性的尊重$ 香港中学文凭 大可能地让学生展示出自己最好的一面$考试的评核模式体现出较大的选择性#有助于学生在 #"促进思维分层递进课程学习中的自主选择#发展个性特长$ 因此#学生对 生物学科目的公开考试也就是纸笔考试占评核的于考试科目的选择余地较大$ 甲类基础科目#学生可 N$ 分#其中 #> 分为主观题#再加上校本评核的 >$ 分主以在 >$ 个选修科目中选择 >*@ 个#更加个性化$ 除了 观题#生物学科目的评核中主观题占 N>a$ 主观题比选考科目的选择性大#在选定的科目中仍有具体课程 重较大#使得评核能更加科学%客观%深入和细致地考的考核可以选择$查学生的思维层次%表现水平#更好地反映出学生真实以选考科目生物学为例#根据课程学习内容#生物 的学业水平与潜在能力$ 生物学科目公开考试的试卷学科目评核的内容包括必修与选修两部分内容$ 必修 由试卷一和试卷二两部分组成$ 试卷一由甲%乙两部部分包括* 细胞与生命分子%遗传与进化%生物与环境 分组成$ 甲部是选择题#共设 @# 题#每题 $() 分#共有和健康与疾病#全部需要参与评核-选修部分包括人体 %N 分$ 乙部分由短题目%结构式题目和论述题目组成#..............................................然得不出正确的结论$ 如果掌握了单一变量原则就发 设计简单的实验方案#理解探究实验的一般方法#并能现应该将左右两组进行比较#即在同一环境循环周期 对实验结果进行预估和评判#其目的是培养学生对实里看两种突变株光合作用的情况#进而发现当植物的 验的理解分析%归纳总结能力和解决实际问题的能力#节律时钟和环境光照_黑暗循环周期一致时#植物的叶 对学生核心素养水平的提高有很大的促进作用$ 教师绿素含量会比较高#有利于光合作用的进行#也就解释 应该发挥好引导作用#帮助学生合理运用#如果有条了为什么一致时植物的干重含量也比较高$ 答案自然 件#可以带着学生做一些探究性的实验课题#在实践中就出来了$更容易加深理解$$"小结不管在实际探究类实验过程中还是解决与实验有 关的理论问题中#理解并掌握实验原则是关键$ 探究主要参考文献 & % ' 史华波(高中生物实验设计的原则和方法& 教 T'( 学与管理#类实验要求学生能灵活运用已学过的自然科学理论#>$%>!%" * N%(#生物学教学 >$%H 年!第 "" 卷"第 " 期一般共设 %% 题#共有 "> 分$ 试卷二的试题属于结构 式题目#共有 " 部分#每部分 > 题#共有 >$ 分#可以选 考其中 > 个部分$ 试卷一和试卷二从试题题型到试题 内容都体现从基础到综合#具有多样性$ 试卷一甲部 的选择题有 " 个选项#" 个选项中只有一个需要选出 的正确选项#就是单选题$选择题的情境或题干各异#有的试题是一个独立 情境一个试题-有的试题是一个情境下有 > *" 个试 题#可以围绕一个方面进行较为全面%深入地考查$例如#>$%# 年试卷一甲部第 %N *>$ 题$ ! 提示* 参考下图#回答 %N*>$ 题$"下图显示一个细胞进行某 个分裂时的 CBV含量变化*))A)!4" 斯特蒂文特作出结论* 能卷舌属显性表现 型#不能卷舌属隐性表现型$ 根据上表#解释他如何得 出这个结论$ !> 分"!Y" 在 %H#) 年#一项对不能卷舌的父母所生子女 的研究#显示这些子女中超过 @$a属能卷舌者$ 这发 现能否支持!1"!4"中斯特蒂文特的结论1 解释你的 答案$ !> 分"!2" 在 %HA% 年$ 对同卵双生儿进行另一项研究# 进一步探讨影响卷舌特征的因素$ 结果如下图所示*%Nn从上图可以得出以下哪些推论1 !有两次分 裂-"有一次 CBV复制-#在整个过程结束时 的 CBV 含量减半$ Vn只有!和"!Dn只有!和#! 只 :n 有 和 和 " #!Cn!%" #%Hn以下哪个_些阶段最能代表间期1 只 Vn 有 F 只有 只有 和 只有 和 !Dn c!:n F c!Cn F% c <>$n姐妹染色单体在哪些阶段的转换期间分开1 由 转 由 转 由 转 由 Vn F c!Dn c <!:n < 5!Cn 5 转/评析* 该题通过一幅折线图#考查了细胞分裂的 方式%细胞分裂的时期%细胞分裂过程中 含 CBV 量变 化和染色体的行为变化等$ 一气呵成#逐步深入#考得 全与细$试卷一甲部的选择题涉及的知识点多#总体比较 基础#侧重考查基本原理与概念$ 试卷一乙部的试题 则层次明显#内容综合递进#思维要求较高$例如#>$%A 年试卷一乙部的第 %$ 题* !1" 在 %H"$ 年#科学家斯特蒂文特提出一个假说* 卷舌的能力是 由单一基因控制$ 他的假设建基于以下表数据*个案 父母的性状 能卷舌的子女 不能卷舌的子女+ 能卷舌l能卷舌>N)- 能卷舌l不能卷舌 @@>>!!!3" 卷舌能力这项特征显示连续还是不连续变 异1 解释你的答案$ !> 分"!+" 以同卵双生儿作为这研究的对象有什么好 处 分 1 !> "!-" 完成下表#引用以上图表的数据来支持以下 结论$ !> 分"结论证据遗传因素在决定卷舌特征上扮演重要角色 有其他因素影响卷舌特征!!!=" !3"上述有关卷舌特征遗传知识的发展过 程#能演示以下哪些关于科学的理念1 !> 分"关于科学的理念在以下合适的位置加上!/"号科学是不断进行探索的过程科学受社会及文化因素影响科学家根据同一组数据可能 得出不同结论室科内学进研行究实不验一定需要在实验!!!4" 卷舌特征遗传知识的发展过程如何能说明 科学家应持开放态度1 试加以阐释$ !% 分"评析* 本题提供了一个科学家探索遗传问题的真 实情境#还原科学家探索卷舌的过程$ 斯特蒂文特通 过卷舌现象#作出假设-根据数据#进行推论-再通过数 据#以及同卵双生子的研究方法来支持结论$ 在答题 过程中#考生要运用遗传的知识#像科学家一样对每一 个过程进行分析%解释$ 最后对科学家研究的方法进))N)行评价#考查科学态度与科学精神$ 这道试题共 @ 页# 整体来说就是一个科学探究%科学发现的过程$ 每一 个小题干又涉及科学探究的基本步骤%方法和数据的 分析#结论获得的过程等$ 学生在答题过程中#也是亲 历科学家研究的过程#思维层层递进#逐步深入#最后 领悟科学的理念$ $"培养表达重视逻辑香港中学文凭考试侧重综合能力的评估#不仅体 现对运用生物学概念能力与思维能力的考查#也对科 学探究方法的掌握及沟通能力进行考查#不以学科知 识为唯一标准$ 评卷既要求用生物学专业术语回答 外#还有达意能力的评价$ 从清楚表达和切题#合乎逻 辑和具系统性的陈述两个方面给出 " 个等级 $*@ 分的 评分标准$ 试卷一乙部的试题一般有 %% 题!>$%@ 年 为 题 第 题在 和 年均为 %$ "$ % >$%@% >$%"% >$%) >$%A 简单匹配题#一列为 @ 个项目#另一列为 " 个项目#分 值 @ 分$ " 选 @ 的匹配度#难度相对较低#但涉及的知 识点较多$ 第 >*%% 题都为主观题$ 乙部试题尽管只 有 %% 题#试卷却有 %N 页之多#试题给出答题区篇幅较 大#一般有 %*" 页$例如#>$%# 年乙部的第 %% 题* 生物的气体交换主 要藉扩散作用进行#作为有效率的气体交换器官#植物 的叶子和人类的肺脏在构造适应上均具备一些共通的 原理$ 讨论它们的构造如何适应以符合这些共通原 理$ 除了这些相同之处外#解释为什么人类的呼吸系 统在操作上更有效率$ !%% 分"评析* 本题题干加上答题的卷面有 " 页#答题空 间充分$ 本题要求考生须以短文形式回答问题#评分 准则中第一问作为有效呼吸系统的适应方面#评分参 考从表面积大#以便气体扩散-具湿润表面#容许气体 溶解-外在环境和内在环境之间经短距离便可有气体 交换等方面#阐述人与植物的结构与此功能的关系即 可给分#最多可给 ) 分$ 第二问+人的肺脏能更有效进 行气体交换,#评分参考从有主动通气#呼吸动作将空 气主动地吸入与呼出-肺部的氧气靠扩散作用进入围 绕气囊的微血管网络并运走-叶子只依赖被动通气 _扩 散作用等#围绕这几个方面#最多也只给 @ 分$本题还有 @ 分是达意能力的评分$ 如 @ 分的标准 是#答案容易理解-答 案 流 畅#语 言 运 用 良 好-没 有 _几 乎没有不切题答案-答案结构良好#思维具连贯性和组 织$ > 分%% 分%$ 分依次也有标准#包括内容切题#铺 排合乎逻辑#以及表达清晰的程度$ %"贴近生活情境丰富纵观近 ) 年的生物学科目公开考试试题#试题中 联系生活的情境较多#贴近生活#要求考生结合所学解生物学教学 >$%H 年!第 "" 卷"第 " 期决生活中的实际问题#并表达清楚$ 例如#>$%) 年试卷二人体生理学中的试题就有一个有关生育的现实情境#试题要求考生对这些建议运 用调节与控制课程所学知识分析作答#解释清楚* !1" 家言和思琪这对年轻夫妇渴望有孩子$ 尝试一年后# 思琪仍未怀孕$ 因此#他们征询家庭医生的意见$ 医 生建议检测他们两人的生育能力$!3" 医生要求家言提供精液样本进行显微镜观 察$ 提议对该样本应检查的两个项目$ !> 分"!4" 收集思琪的月经周期资料后#医生要求思琪 提供一些血液样本以量度其 和 +' 水平 b5' $!%" 为什么需要检查 和 +' 水平 b5' 1 !@ 分" !>" 医生也检查思琪输卵管的状况#这个检查有 什么重要性1 !> 分" !5" 全部检查结果均属正常$ 三个月后#思琪在 预期的日子没有月经$ !%" 解释为什么没有月经可能是怀孕的表征$ !> 分" !>" 在思琪的血液和尿液内找到一种名为 ':O 的激素$ ':O会防止黄体的退化$ 根据 ':O的作用# 解释思琪为何没有月经$ !> 分" 评析* 本题要求考生要模拟家庭医生#进行与生 育有关的咨询$ 从进行何种项目的医学检查到样本分 析#到怀孕与月经期激素的变化与生理作用等$ 考生 正确回答此题#并将此知识运用于指导今后的婚育#考 试过程也是学习与运用的过程#这些知识有助于学生 今后科学健康生活$ 试卷中除联系生活的试题较多# 还有较多试题是科学研究过程的设计思路#要求考生 继续完成或评价$ 这些试题体现学以致用#体现学习 的价值#在联系实际过程中#考查了学生的生物学解释 与正确表达$ 如果答得好#将来也能正确地指导生活$ &"小结 香港地区中学文凭考试生物学科目的考试试卷的 结构%题型与题量和难易度的控制一直保持着较好的 稳定性$ 依据香港考试与评核局出版的生物学专辑# 考试后的大数据得出的生物学科目试卷一甲部的 @# 题得分率#基础题占大部分#连续 ) 年得分率高于 #$a 有 >$ 题左右#低于 在 )$a %$ 题以下$ 全卷整体命题 风格也保持相对的稳定性#体现评估的标准和对教学 的引导$ 试卷文字较少#减少阅读量#增加考生思考与 书写表达时间$ 试卷的图%表较多#有的试题给出的图 就有一页#有些图还是彩色图#清晰%视觉效果较好#无 关干扰较少$ !基金项目# 江苏省教育科学(十二五*规划课题 (基于大数据的中学生物学教学效能增值的研究*$B.(C_>$%) _$> _%"$" #。
















香港的小学大部分採用半日制,学生只在上午或下午上课,每週38节,每天7节,每节 35分鐘。

小学的师生比例是1:27,平均每班人数是40人, 但推行活动教育的学校每班学生人数约35人。





香港中學文憑考試數學必修部分校本評核評核課業樣本的士收費率學生須知1. 本課業分三部,即甲部、乙部和丙部。


2. 數值答案須用真確值,或準確至二位小數表示。

教師指引1. 本課業要求學生(a) 進行簡單的計算,及(b) 對數學上的建議進行比較及評論。

2. 一般而言,學生可以於1.5小時內完成本課業。



4. 教師應向學生提供回饋,例如與學生討論本課業各部分的不同處理方法。

行政會議於 2008 年 9 月 23 日通過的士收費「短加長減」方案,而該方案亦於 2008 年 11 月 30 日實施。

調整方案的詳情如下:2008 年 11 月 30 日前的市區的士收費:首 2 公里落旗收費$ 16以後每 200 米跳錶收費$ 1.40通過的調整收費:首 2 公里落旗收費$ 18若車程小於 9 公里,則於首 2 公里以後,每 200 米跳錶收費$ 1.50若車程是 9 公里或以上,每 200 米跳錶收費$ 1.00甲部根據以上資料回答下列問題。

1.試填寫以下的士收費表:2.求以下各行車距離的士收費的百分改變:(a) 2 公里;(b) 4 公里;(c)9 公里;(d)12 公里;(e)40 公里。



(c)乘客須乘搭多遠才能享受調整後的車資扣減?(d)乘客須乘搭多遠才能節省最小 20% 的車資?乘客搭乘不同距離的情況及的士車費改變的資料如下:1.有評論認為「因大部分市民都乘搭很短的距離,車費的平均加幅為 11.25%,這加價幅度實是太大。


(第 2 – 3 題)下表所列為不同路程的平均的士收費。

0 < d 44 < d 1010 < d 1414 < d 2020 < d 3030 < d 502.若以乘客量每日 100 萬人次計算,求的士行業在 2008 年 11 月 30 日前每日車費收入的期望值。




2 / 3甲部当行车距离为 2 公里时,的士收费的百分改变 %5.12%100161618=⨯-= 的士收费的百分增加为 12.5%。

当行车距离为 4 公里时,的士收费的百分改变 %10%100303033=⨯-= 的士收费的百分增加为 10%。

当行车距离为 9 公里时,的士收费的百分改变 %46.8%10065655.70=⨯-= 的士收费的百分增加为 8.46%。

当行车距离为 12 公里时,的士收费的百分改变 %58.0%10086865.85-=⨯-= 的士收费的百分减少为 0.58%。

当行车距离为 40 公里时,的士收费的百分改变 %04.20%1002822825.225-=⨯-= 的士收费的百分减少为 20.04%。

经 2008年 11 月 30 日实施调整收费后,(a)当乘客乘搭的士 9 公里时,车费加幅为最大。

因此,最大的加幅是 5.5 元; (b)当乘客乘搭的士 0至 2 公里时,车费加幅为最小。

因此,最小的加幅是 2 元; (c)乘客乘搭的士 12 公里或以上才能享受调整后的收费扣减; (d)乘客乘搭的士40公里或以上,才能节省最小20% 的车费。


(ii)证据: 百分改变甚差: 未能正确使用百分改变的公式,如使用错误的分母平平: 未能适当使用百分改变的公式,如遗漏 “100%”良好: 能正确使用百分改变的公式,但部分的运算错误甚佳: 能正确计算百分改变证据:答案甚差: 答错所有题目平平: 能答对1或 2条题目良好: 能答对3条题目 甚佳: 能答对所有题目 证据: 1. 解释所涉及的统计误用 2. 的士车费的平均加幅甚差: 未能指出所涉及的统计误用平平: 只能指出所涉及的统计误用良好: 能指出所涉及的统计误用并作清楚解释3 / 3%93.0%48.19%78.0%42.14%93.1%06.8%59.4%18.0%82.25%43.7%95.65%25.11⨯-⨯-⨯-⨯+⨯+⨯= 8.90%謀荞抟箧飆鐸怼类蒋薔點鉍。



香港中學文憑考試國際認可香港考試及評核局現行學制及新學制架構圖現行學制( 3+2+2+3)中二三年學士學位課程中七中六中五中四中三中一高考會考( 3+3+4)新公開考試﹕香港中學文憑4-Undergraduate Senior Secondary 3Senior Secondary 2Senior Secondary 1中三中二中一四年學士學位課程高中三高中二高中一新學制首屆香港中學文憑考試將於2012年舉行2009年9月開始推行會考及高考的國際認可英國多間考試機構大學每年將會考及高考的樣本試題及答卷呈送給英國劍橋大學國際考試組(CIE)評審。

會考及高考的國際認可會考及高考和英國倫敦普通教育文憑O-Level (GCE O-Level)及英國倫敦普通教育文憑高級程度及高補程度(GCE “A/AS”Level)的水平作比較會考及高考的國際認可會考C級或以上成績英國倫敦普通教育文憑O-Level(GCE O-Level)考試合格高考E級或以上成績英國倫敦普通教育文憑高級程度及高補程度(GCE “A/AS”Level)成績海外大學的收生要求香港中學文憑的國際認可為確保香港中學文憑考試獲國際認可,考評局已和不少國際機構會面,商討有關與香港中學文憑考試成績的認可及進行成績基準比較的研究劍橋大學國際考試組(CIE)英國學術及專業資歷認可資訊機構(NARIC) 英國大學與院校招生事務處(UCAS)澳洲政府國際教育處(AEI)其他海外大學.hk/tc/ir/progress_HKDSE_promotion/主要科目包括﹕語文科、人文學科及科學科的樣本試題已呈送給CIE審訂三輪的評審工作2009年中完成評價正面與英國高級程度考試(GCE A Level)的試卷相若(UCAS)分數對照制度(UCAS Tariff)為英國高等院校提供參考資料,以便院校*了解各地學歷水平*訂定取錄條件現時UCAS的分數對照制度涵蓋40個不同學歷資格大多數大學及學院均會參考UCAS Tariff對其他大學訂定入學要求有重要參考作用多名英國大學及院校招生事務處、大學及院校的代表及考評局專家組成專家小組英國倫敦普通教育文憑高級程度(GCE A Level)作比較(UCAS Tariff)比較範圍*課程宗旨及目標*學習時間*課程內容*學習成果*評級方法英國大學及院校招生事務處(UCAS Tariff)英國倫敦普通教育文憑高級及高補程度(2010)GCE Advanced & AS Levels(UCAS Tariff)20E40E30D 60D 40C 80C 50B 100B 60A 120A --140A*UCAS 對照分數高補程度(AS)等級UCAS 對照分數高級程度(AL)等級進階先修考試–美國及加拿大Advanced Placement Programme (US & Canada)(UCAS Tariff)6039041205UCAS 對照分數等級國際教育文憑(高級程度)International Baccalaureate Certificate (Higher Level)(UCAS Tariff)20350480511061307UCAS 對照分數等級英國大學及院校招生事務處(UCAS Tariff)香港中學文憑考試24科的成績已納入UCAS的分數對照制度其中23個科目均有統一的對照分數由於數學科分必修和延伸部分,因此數學科的UCAS Tariff須分開匯報所有學生必須修讀數學科必修部分,而延伸部分主要是為對科學/科技或數學相關範疇有興趣的學生修讀除數學科外,其餘23個科目與UCAS 的對照分數:英國大學及院校招生事務處(UCAS)與2010年GCE A Level的E級相若403與2010年GCE A Level的C級相若804與2010年GCE A Level的A級相若1205介乎2010年GCE A Level的A與A*級1305*分數將於2012年香港中學文憑考試舉行後訂定暫不適用5**備註對照分數等級數學科與UCAS的對照分數:402535035460455 1.如於必修部分及延伸部分均取得5*級,便可獲130分(即60+70),介乎2010年GCE A Level的A與A*級2.如於必修部分取得5*級,而延伸部分取得第5級,便可獲120分(即60+60),與2010年GCE A Level的A 級相若70605*對照分數將於2012年香港中學文憑考試舉行後訂定暫不適用暫不適用5**備註延伸部分對照分數必修部分對照分數等級英國大學及院校招生事務處(UCAS)推廣計劃香港中學文憑已獲得海外大學、院校招生機構及政府的認可澳洲政府已承認香港中學文憑的水平與澳洲高中畢業證書的程度相同向外國大學(英、美、加、澳洲)解釋有關香港中學文憑的水平調查外國大學招生的收生要求有關香港中學文憑的資訊,可瀏灠考評局網頁:.hk/tc/hkdse/水平參照成績匯報資料套於2009年4月至6月期間出版,並已送到各校資料套內容評核大綱等級描述樣本試卷及建議答案 評卷指引學生答卷樣本聆聽資料光碟(適用於語文科目)資料套用途幫助學生:定立清晰目標和提高學習動機評估自己的理解和能力,監察學習進度了解評核要求、作答方法和技巧,以及不同課題應掌握的深度和廣度以上刊物可於下列銷售點購買︰考評局網上書店https://.hk考評局刊物組(九龍新蒲崗爵祿街17號地下) 及灣仔辦事處(香港灣仔軒尼詩道130號修頓中心12樓)各大書局另歡迎學校及其他團體訂購,詳情可參考︰網址︰.hk/tc/resources/publications/schorders/查詢電話︰3628 8263。

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DSE/2020 HKEAAP2020年香港中學文憑考試報考丙類(其他語言)科目考試報名須知(自修生)一.考試規則(1)考生必須遵守《2020年香港中學文憑考試規則及評核大綱》內載的規則及《考生須知》內所列的考試規則。


二.報考資格(2)以自修生身分報考2020年香港中學文憑考試(文憑試)的人士,必須符合以下其中一項條件:(a) 曾應考香港中學文憑考試或同等程度的考試;(b) 於2020年1月1日已年滿19歲;(c) 非修讀香港中學文憑考試課程,但已修畢或於2019/2020學年正在修讀等同中六程度之課程。











* 由2020年文憑試開始,印地語及烏爾都語將採用英國劍橋大學國際考評部的高級補充程度國際試卷模式(即沒有卷一Speaking)。

因此,由2019年11月考試起,印地語及烏爾都語的試卷模式將實施如下:卷二:Reading & Writing(70%)卷三:Essay(30%)(7)丙類(其他語言)科目的考試採用劍橋大學國際考評部[Cambridge AssessmentInternational Education(Cambridge International)]高級補充程度的試卷進行考核。











(12)自修生於登入報名系統前,須在香港中學文憑考試網上服務開設使用者帳戶(https://.hk →自修生帳戶登記)。






(15)考生在輸入報名資料時,須留意以下有關個人資料的項目:(1) 考生必須提供與其香港身分證/有效身分證明文件上所載相同之英文全名、中文全名(如有)、身分證明文件號碼及出生日期(注意:考生輸入的姓名將列印在文憑試證書上)。


為使考評局能核實考生的身分,考生必須上載其香港身分證/身分證明文件副本之數碼圖像(文件格式建議為JPEG黑白色100 dpi像素)。


(2) 考生須提供其於香港的通訊地址及聯絡電話。

(3) 為方便考評局以電郵向考生發放有關考試的重要訊息,或有緊急事故時以短訊聯絡考生,考生必須提供其電郵地址,惟可選擇是否提供短訊電話號碼。


)(16)若考生於2020年1月1日未滿19歲,或已修畢或將於2019/2020學年修讀等同中六程度之課程,必須出示有關學歷的證明文件及注意以下事項:(1) 考生須提供曾於本地公開考試之考試年份。

(2) 考生如欲以英國普通教育文憑(GCE)高級程度或高級補充程度考試/國際高級程度考試(IAL)或其他學歷的成績報考2020年文憑試,除提供應考年份外,考生必須上載其有關考試成績的副本至報名系統,供考評局查核。











(22)考生如於2019年8月1日未滿18歲,必須親身到考評局修頓中心辦事處遞交一張正面半身近照(3厘米x 4厘米)。










(25)考生的個人資料(包括考試成績)也可能作以下用途:(1) 協助高等院校、政府或公營機構處理入學申請;(2) 協助政府或公營機構制訂發放獎學金名單;(3) 回應合法的要求,證明考生成績;(4) 以不記名方式及在不披露考生身分的原則下,進行教育研究及/或分析;及(5) 給考評局委託之銀行(或銀行之委任人)處理有關考試的任何退款或付款事宜。












考生除繳交所需的考試費外,須另繳交附加費268 元,否則其報名申請不會獲接納。




註: 考評局不會接受考生/家長的個人支票。




