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主语+ am/is/are + 现在分词(ing动词)

常用此时态的时间有:now, nowadays, just/right now, at this time,

at the moment, at present, at the present time,

(in) these days(这些天), this week/month/term ......

【在句中出现了Look,Listen,Can't you see? 等暗示词时,后面的句子也常用此时态。】


(a) 一般情况:加ing。attending suspecting sweeping studying

(b) 不发音的e结尾的:先去e, 再加ing。announce --- announcing

(c) 1元音字母+ 1辅音字母结尾,并且重读:先双写辅音字母,再加ing。

stop – stopping begin – beginning (regret control 同)

(d) 特殊情况:die --- dying lie --- lying tie ---tying

picnic(野餐)—picnicking panic(惊慌) --- panicking

(e) refer, infer, prefer, occur, stir,star 等要双写r后,再加ing; offer, suffer不双写,直接

加ing。prefer – preferring suffer -- suffering

(f) travel cancel dial quarrel等动词加ing时,可以双写(英式),也可以不双写(美式)。

travel ---- travelling ---- traveling

◆现在分词共有4种形式:doing (以上皆属此种。一般主动) being done (一般被动)

having done (完成主动) having been done (完成被动)

1)I am reading the words and expressions in Book One.

2)He is repairing my car at the moment.

3)They are playing basketball on the school ground at present.

●现在进行时可用来表示按计划,安排将要进行的动作。可这样用的动词常有:come, go, leave,

start, arrive, return, get to, travel, drive, ride, take(a bus), fly, see off, set off, take off, do,buy, meet, have, play, finish, stay, publish,wear, dine, work, sleep, spend, …1)My aunt is going to Australia for her winter vacation.

2)Mike is coming to help us with our physics this evening.

3)The leaders are arriving in the city tomorrow morning.

4)We are having an important meeting next month.


主语+ am/is/are being + 过去分词

1)I am being taken good care of by my daughter.

2)Your truck is being repaired at the garage.

3) The new machines are being tested in the next room.


主语+ was/were + 现在分词(ing动词)

常用时间有:then, at that time/moment, (at) this time + 过去时间,

at … + 过去时间

1)I/She/He was seeing a film at that time.

2)Mary was reading a report (at) this time the day before yesterday.

3)We/You/They were playing cards at eight yesterday evening.

4)We were watching TV from seven to nine last night.



5)When she entered the classroom, you were sleeping.

6) Jack was working in the lab when the power cut occurred.

◆7)While he was waiting for the bus,he was reading a newspaper.

◆8)He was cleaning his car while I was cooking.

●过去进行时可用来表达过去将来时: 表示过去的计划、安排。可这样用的动词常有: come, go,

leave, start, arrive, return, get to, travel, drive, ride, take(a bus), fly, see off, set off, take off, do,buy, meet, have, play, finish, stay, publish,wear, dine, work, sleep, spend, …

1)She said that she was coming to see his former physics teacher the next Thursday.

2)Mary told me that she was leaving for the remote island to avoid the noisy urban life.


主语+ was/were being + 过去分词
