
三、教学过程1. 导入新课激发兴趣:通过展示与课程主题相关的图片或视频,吸引学生的注意力,激发学习兴趣。
2. 词汇和句型学习呈现新词汇:通过实物、图片或多媒体等方式呈现新词汇,帮助学生直观理解。
3. 文本理解和口头表达阅读文本:指导学生阅读教材文本,注意理解文本中的重点信息和语言点。
4. 语法点讲解和练习呈现语法点:明确本节课的语法点,通过例句展示其用法。
5. 文化差异理解和适应对比文化:通过对比中英文化中的相似点和差异点,帮助学生理解文化差异。

Learn the letters: t-tiger, cat
Task: Different sounds (不同的声音) P13 A Colour and say (给你熟悉的物品涂上颜色,然后说一说它们发出什么声音) B Ask and answer(根据练习A的图,互相回答)
M2U2 My favourite food Review: soup, meat, hamburger, pizza, noodles, rice, biscuit Vocabulary: salad, carrot, fish, chicken, banana
Learn the letters: s-sun, bus z-zebra, zoo
Task: My favourite seson (我最喜欢的季节) P29 A Say and tick(说出你最喜欢的季节,然后根据它们的特点,在表格里打勾) B Colour and say (给下面的图上色,然后根据提示说一说)
Vocabulary: light, go, stop, wait Drill: Look at ... It’s ...(2A) Let’s ... Learn the letters: m-mouth, jam n-nose, ten
Task: In the street (在街上) P33 A Listen and say (听录音,学儿歌) B Ask and answer (根据练习A的图,互相回答)
M3U3 My clothes Review:T-shirt, shorts, dress, blouse
Vocabulary: trousers, sweater, shirt, coat Further aims: jeans, skirt, jacket…


1 Endangered animals (p.2)
1 Man and animals
2 Wonderful sea animals (p.18)
Using English: Differences between casual and formal English (p.34)
1 A trip to the theatre (p.2)
1 Extraordinary tales
1 Extraordinary tales 2 Great minds (p.18)
Using English:Writing notices (p.32)
3 Plants (p.34)
My favourite sport (p.3)
Adverbial phrases and clauses of purpose (p.6) Adverbial phrases and clauses of concession (p.7)
Understanding numbers (p.9)
4 Family celebrations (p.50)
Project: Planning a trip (p.66)
5 A tale with a twist (p.68)
3 A taste of literature
6 A Wilde play for love (p.75)
7 The poetry of nature (p.81)
3 Contemporary style (p.34)
2 Aspects of modern life

Pen 钢笔[pen] n pencil铅笔['pensəl] npencil-case铅笔盒['penslkeis] n ruler 尺子['ru:lə] neraser 橡皮[i'reizə] n crayon 蜡笔['kreiən] nbook 书[buk] n bag 书包[[bæɡ] nsharpener 卷笔刀['ʃɑ:pənə] n school 学校[sku:l] nhead 头[hed] n face 脸[feis] nnose鼻子[nəuz] n mouth 嘴[mauθ] neye 眼睛[ai] n ear 耳朵[iə] narm胳膊[ɑ:m] n finger 手指['fiŋɡə] nleg 腿[leɡ] n foot 脚[fut] nbody 身体['bɔdi] n red 红色的[red] nyellow 黄色的['jeləu] n green 绿色的[ɡri:n] nblue 蓝色的[blu:] n purple 紫色的['pə:pl] nwhite 白色的[hwait] n black 黑色的[blæk] n orange 橙色的桔子['ɔ:rindʒ] n pink 粉色的[piŋk] nbrown 棕色的[braun] n cat 猫;猫科动物[kæt] ndog 狗[dɔg] n monkey 猴子;顽童['mʌŋki] n panda 熊猫['pændə] n rabbit 兔子['ræbit] nduck 鸭子[dʌk] n pig 猪[piɡ] nbird 鸟;禽[bə:d] n bear 熊[bεə] nelephant 大象['elifənt] n mouse 老鼠[maus] nsquirrel 松鼠['skwə:rəl] n cake 蛋糕[keik] nbread 面包[bred] n hot dog 热狗hamburger汉堡包['hæmbə:ɡə] n chicken 鸡肉['tʃikin] n French fries 榨薯条[frentʃfraiz] n Coke 可乐[kəuk] njuice 果汁;汁[dʒu:s] n milk 牛奶[milk] nwater 水['wɔ:tə] n tea 茶[ti:] ncoffee 咖啡['kɔfi] n one一[wʌn] ntwo 二[tu:] n three 三[θri:] nfour 四[fɔ:] n five 五[faiv] nsix 六[siks] n seven 七['sevən] neight 八[eit] n nine 九[nain] nten 十[ten] n doll 玩具娃娃[dɔl] nballoon 气球[bə'lu:n] n car 小汽车[kɑ:] nplane 飞机[plein] n text 课文;文本[tekst] nself 自己;自我;本质[self] n word 单词;言辞;歌词[wə:d] n type 类型;样式;榜样[taip] n module 单元;组件['mɔdju:l] n daily 每日的;日常的['deili] a grammar语法['græmə] n content (书刊等的)目录;内容[kən'tent] n love 爱[lʌv] n expression 表达;表现力;表情[iks'preʃən] n wall 墙[wɔ:l] n project 方案;计划[prə'dʒekt] n dictionary 字典['dikʃəneri] n sheet 印刷品;表格[ʃi:t] n mum 妈妈(口语)[mʌm] n vocabulary 词汇;用词范围;词典[və'kæbjuləri] npoem (一首)诗['pəuim] n page 页[peidʒ] noral 口试['ɔ:rəl] n unit 单元;单位['ju:nit] nI am (我)是[æm] you 你[ju:] pronare (你)是[ɑ:] v come in. 进来['kʌm in]name 名字[neim] n class 班[klɑ:s ] ngood 好的[ɡud] n good morning! 早上好new新的;新闻[nju:] n we 我们[wi:] pronfrom 从……[frɔm] prep from beijing 从北京来的chair 椅子[tʃɛə] n floor 地板[flɔ:] nbox 盒子[bɔks] n at 在...;在……时[æt] prep zoo 动物园[zu:] n at the zoo 在动物园里park 公园[pɑ:k] n classroom 教室['klɑ:srum] n factory工厂['fæktəri] n square 广场[skwεə] ncapital首都['kæpitəl] n China 中国['tʃaɪnə] nthe capital of China 中国首都motherland 祖国['mʌðəlænd] n has有[hæz] (have的第三人称单数现在式)cap 帽子[kæp] n star 星;星号;星状物[stɑ:] n our我们的['auə] pronnational国家的['næʃənəl] n national flag国旗[flæɡ]coat上衣[kəut] n have有[hæv] vlong长的[lɔŋ] a short短的;矮的[ʃɔ:t] abig大的[biɡ] a small小的[smɔ:l] aor或;还是[ɔ:] conj guess 猜[ɡes] nhey 嗨[hei] int tall高的[tɔ:l] aold年老的[əuld] a young年轻的[jʌŋ] aChinese 中国的;汉语;中国人['tʃai'ni:z] over 越(过) ['əuvə] vEnglish英国的;英语;英国人['iŋgliʃ] there 那儿[ðεə] adover there 在那边join 参加[dʒɔin] nother另外的['ʌðə] pron an一(个) [æn] artapple苹果['æpl] n hand手[hænd] negg蛋[eɡ] n them 他(她;它)们(宾格) [ðem] pron umbrella 伞[ʌm'brelə] n school is over. 放学了home家[həum] n go home 回家rain 雨;下雨[rein] n it's raining. 正在下雨can't 不能[kɑ:nt] now 现在[nau] admuch许多;很;非常[mʌtʃ] a ad how much 多少eleven 十一[i'levən] num twelve十二[twelv] numminus 减['mainəs] prep a n here这儿[hiə] ad nHere you are. 给你money 钱;收入['mʌni] nthey 他(她;它)们[ðei] pron twenty 二十;二十年代['twenti] num these 这些[ði:z] pron door 门;出口[dɔ:] nwindow窗['windəu] n picture图画;照片['piktʃə] ntalk说话;谈论;演讲[tɔ:k] n about 关于[ə'baut] prepflower花;开花;精华['flauə] n some 一些[sʌm] pronboat 船;小船[bəut] n lake 湖[leik] nskirt 裙子;边缘;外围[skə:t] n clean 清洁的[kli:n] ashirt (男式)衬衫[ʃə:t] n dirty脏的['də:ti] acup 杯子;奖杯[kʌp] n glass玻璃杯[ɡlɑ:s] npicture-book 图画书have a look 看一看sure 当然;一定;可靠地[ʃuə] a ad and和[ænd] conjtheir 他(她;它)们的[ðεə] pron pioneer 先锋[,paiə'niə] nright对的[rait] a n young pioneer 少年先锋队员scarf 领巾[skɑ:f] n red scarf 红领巾all全部;都;尽可能的[ɔ:l] ad pron n both 两[bəuθ] pron peasant农民['pezənt] n soldier士兵;兵蚁['səuldʒə] n doctor医生;博士['dɔktə] n class is over下课了play 玩;演奏;表演[plei] v n there are 有what are they doing? 她们在做什么?do做[du:] v pingpong 乒乓球;桌球['piŋpɔŋ] n rainbow 彩虹['reinbəu] n American美国的,美国人[ə'merikən] Paper 纸;报纸;报告['peipə] n piece片[pi:s] n a piece of 一片;一张ink墨水[iŋk] n bottle瓶;酒['bɔtl] na bottle of 一瓶me我(宾格) [mi:] pronplease请[pli:z] v thank谢谢[θæŋk] v nwant要;想见;追捕[wɔnt] v write写[rait] vletter信['letə] n any任何['eni] pronThanks谢谢way路;路程[wei] ngo去[ɡəu] v go to the door 到门那儿去open开;开阔的['əupən] v close关;结账[kləuz] v blackboard黑板['blækbɔ:d] n clean把…弄干净[kli:n] vfootball足球;橄榄球['futbɔ:l] n Match比赛;对手[mætʃ] n between在(两者)之间[bi'twi:n] prep this afternoon今天下午[,ɑ:ftə:'nu:n] time时候;次;时代[taim] n have you any paper? 你有纸吗?what time? 什么时候?at three 在三时;在三点but但是;而是;然而[bʌt] conj jacket外衣;夹克;皮['dʒækit] n basketball篮球['bæskitbɔ:l] n TV电视radio 收音机;电台['reidiəu] n bat球拍;击球[bæt] nmaybe也许;可能['meibi] ad of course 当然[kɔ:s]knife小刀;手术刀;匕首[naif] n sorry对不起;抱歉['sɔri] intfor为;代替;因为;为得到[ fɔ:] prep can能够;可以;究竟[kæn] v.aux make做;制作;作出举动[meik] v right now立刻there is有;存在near 靠近[niə] ad prepplayground操场['pleiɡraund] n model模型;模特;模范['mɔdl] n model plane模型飞机model ship 模型轮船sky天空;天气;顶峰[skai] n bright明亮的;开朗的[brait] a above 在…上方[ə'bʌv] prep lesson功课;课程;教训['lesən] v have lessons上课like喜欢;愿意;希望[laik] v Like 爱好[laik] n table桌子['teibl] nlet让;出租[let] v artist 画家;艺术家['ɑ:tist] n house房子[haus] n tree 树;家谱[tri:] nriver河流;巨量['rivə] n front前面;前部;正面[frʌnt] n in front of 在…前面then那么;然后[ðen] adtcow母牛[kau] n behind在..后面[bi'haind] prep goose鹅[ɡu:s] n geese鹅(复数) [ɡi:s]moon月亮;月光[mu:n] n air 空气;天空;气氛[εə] n mountain山;山脉['mauntin] n think想;认为[θiŋk] vso这样;这么;所以['səu] ad give给;生产;出售[ɡiv] v animal动物['æniməl] n life 生命;生活[laif] nwhich 哪一个[hwitʃ] adv nineteen十九[,nain'ti:n] num thirty 三十['θə:ti] num twenty-one二十一['twenti,wʌn] thirty-three三十三['θə:ti'θri:] miss 女士;小姐;少女[mis] n people 人;人民;民族['pi:pl] n family家;家庭;家族['fæmili] n day白天;时代;……节日[dei] n week周;星期[wi:k] ntoday今天[tə'dei] n baby婴儿;幼畜['beibi] nsee看见[si:] v zebra斑马;有斑纹的['zi:brə] n run跑;行驶;运行;逃跑[rʌn] n jump跳[dʒʌmp] vall the time 一直count数[kaunt] v nlion狮子;勇敢的人['laiən] n tiger 老虎;凶残的人['taiɡə] nsit坐[sit] v exercise练习;运动['eksəsaiz] v down向下[daun] prep ad very很;非常['veri] adexercise-book 练习本out出;在外[aut] adout of 向(在)…外面listen听['lisən] vread读;察觉[ri:d] v after在…后面['ɑ:ftə] prepstop停止[stɔp] v n wait 等待[weit] vevening傍晚;晚上['i:vniŋ] n cinema电影院['sinəmə] n crossing 十字路口['krɔ:siŋ] n light 灯;光;火花;眼神['lait] n must必须;应该[mʌst] v.aux. yet还(没有)…还(不)…[jet] ad conj o'clock 点钟[ə' klɔk] morning早晨;上午['mɔ:niŋ] nget得到[ɡet] n up向上;上升;在……上面[ʌp] n get up起床half半[hɑ:f] n adpast过[pɑ:st] v morning exercises早操breakfast早餐['brekfəst] n eye-exercises 眼保操have a lesson上课draw画[drɔ:] vclock钟[klɔk] n tell 告诉;吩咐[tel] nher 她(宾格) [hə:] pron stand站;站立[stænd] vask 问;提问[ɑ:sk] v question问题['kwestʃən] nwell健康的[wel] a answer 回答['ɑ:nsə] vtalk in English 用英语交谈help 帮助;治疗[help] vquarter四分之一;一刻['kwɔ:tə] n game游戏[ɡeim] nstudy学习;研究;学问['stʌdi] n supper晚饭;晚餐会['sʌpə] n watch看;观看[wɔtʃ] v afraid 害怕的[ə'freid] aMr.先生(mister的缩写) ['mistə] n son儿子;女婿[sʌn] ndaughter女儿;媳妇;妇女['dɔ:tə] n newspaper报纸['nju:s,peipə] nby 在…旁;靠近prep play with 玩…sweep扫[swi:p] v floor地板;地面;……层[flɔ:] n mop擦;抹;拖[mɔp] v ready准备好了['redi] a adstill 还;仍旧[stil] ad lunch午餐[lʌntʃ] nroom房间[ru:m] n look for 寻找hurry匆忙;赶紧['hʌri] v n hurry up! 快点!fox狐狸;狡猾的人[fɔks] n news消息;新闻[nju:z] ncome this way 往这边来away离……;外出[ə'wei]run away 跑掉giraffe 长颈鹿[dʒi'rɑ:f] nwhy (表吃惊;满意等)哎呀!为什么?[hwai] adv noise 噪声[nɔiz] n pineapple 菠萝;凤梨['pain,æpl] n lorry 卡车['lɔ:ri] nlime 酸橙;菩提树[laim] n lizard 蜥蜴['lizəd] nboard 写字板;牌子;伙食[bɔ:d] n computer 计算机[kəm'pju:tə] n teacher’s desk 讲台fan扇子;电扇;螺旋桨[fæn] n classmate同学['klɑ:smeit] n good idea好主意[ai'diə]all right好吧;好的seat座位[si:t] ngood job 干的好[dʒɔb] what什么;(感叹)多少[hwɔt] pron int look at 看……Chinese book 语文书fat胖的;厚的;大量的[fæt] a heavy重的;沉重的['hevi] amay可以[mei] v.aux. long hair 长头发[hεə]short hair 短头发thin 瘦的;细的;薄的[θin] a strong 健壮的;坚固的[strɔŋ] a quiet 安静的['kwaiət] ahis 他的[hiz] pron photo 照片['fəutəu] nteacher 教师['ti:tʃə] n Student(大中学)学生['stju:dənt] n music音乐['mju:zik] n science科学;技术['saiəns] nsports 体育运动[spɔ:ts] n computer game电脑游戏painting 绘画;上油漆['peintiŋ] v boy 男孩;儿子;小儿子[bɔi] ngirl女孩;女儿[ɡə:l] n bathroom 卫生间;浴室['bæθrum] n bedroom 卧室['bedrum] n kitchen 厨房['kitʃin] nfridge 冰箱[fridʒ] n key钥匙[ki:] nrice米饭[rais] n noodle(s) 面条(通常复数)['nu:dl] n hungry饥饿的['hʌŋgri] a chopsticks筷子(复数)['tʃɔpstik] n horse 马[hɔ:s] n spoon 勺子[spu:n] nplate 盘子[pleit] n fork 叉子;岔口[fɔ:k] npass 传递;经过;度过[pɑ:s] v Try试;试一下[trai] vHelp yourself 随便吃show 展示;演出[ʃəu] nfood 食物[fu:d] n parents 父母['pєərənts] nuncle 叔叔舅舅姨夫姑父['ʌŋkl] n aunt 姑姑;婶;姨[ɑ:nt] nmember 成员['membə] n only 只有;仅仅['əunli] apuppy 小狗['pʌpi] n sister 姐妹['sistə] nfarmer 农民['fɑ:mə] n nurse 护士[nə:s] nit 它[it] pron class 课程[klɑ:s] ndress 连衣裙[dres] n T-shirt T恤衫no 不;不是[nəu] ad not 不;不是的[nɔt] adwarm 暖和的[wɔ:m] a cold 寒冷的[kəuld] acool 凉爽的[ku:l] a jean 牛仔裤;斜纹棉布[dʒi:n] n pant 长裤[pænt] n Sock(s) 袜子(复数)[sɔk] n Shoe(s) 鞋子(复数)[ʃu:] n snowy 下雪的['snəui] asunny晴朗的['sʌni] a banana 香蕉[bə'nɑ:nə] npear梨[pεə] n watermelon 西瓜['wɔ:tə,melən] n Monday 星期一['mʌndi] n Tuesday星期二['tju:zdi ] n Wednesday星期三['wenzdei ] n Thursday ] 星期四['θə:zdi] n Friday星期五['fraidi] n Saturday星期六['sætədi] n Sunday星期天['sʌndi] n raindrop 雨点['reindrɔp] nrobot 机器人['rɔbət] n good 好的[gud] nfriend朋友[frend] n hear 听;听见[hiə] vwork工作[wə:k] n walk 走路;步行[wɔ:k] v excuse me. 对不起!请原谅![iks'kju:z] take 拿;乘[teik] v take a no.7 bus 乘七路公共汽车trolley-bus 无轨电车['trɔlibʌs] n underground. 地铁['ʌndəgraund] n number 号;号码['nʌmbə] n England英国['inglənd] n America美国;美洲[ə'merikə] n by underground 乘地铁bus stop 公共汽车站[stɔp]Catc(bus) 赶上;抓住[kætʃ] v fish 鱼[fiʃ] nnest 鸟巢[nest] n swim 游泳[swim] vsing 唱;唱歌[s iŋ]dance跳舞;舞蹈['dɑ:ns] v volleyball排球['vɔlibɔ:l] speak 说[spi:k] vlittle少许;一点点;幼小['litl] a a little 少许;一点点owl 猫头鹰[aul] n each每个各自的[i:tʃ] pron ad each other 互相['ʌðə] begin 开始[bi'gin]like像[laik] prep Russian俄语,俄国人['rʌʃən]so much like 很像dark 黑暗[dɑ:k] nsay说[sei] v after all 究竟;到底often 经常;常常['ɔ:fən] ad child小孩[tʃaild] nchildren 小孩(复数) ['tʃildrən] n palace宫殿['pælis] na lot of 许多…fun乐趣;娱乐[fʌn]every每个的['evri] a early早,早的['ə:li] awash洗[wɔʃ] v brush刷(子) [brʌʃ] ntooth 牙[tu:θ] n teeth牙(复数) [t i:θ] nfar远[fɑ:] a n usually通常['ju:ʒuəli] adsummer夏天['sʌmə] n winter冬季;冬天['wintə] nskate 滑冰[skeit ] v buy买[bai]vsize 大小;尺寸;号码[saiz] n try on 试穿fast 快[fɑ:st] a will将[wil] v.aux.hare野兔[hєə] n tortoise乌龟['tɔ:təs] nrace比赛[reis] n have a race 赛一赛get到达[get] v get there 到那里got (动词get的过去式) [gɔt] sleep 睡觉[sli:p] vfirst第一;首先[fə:st] num win赢;获胜[win] vrest休息[rest] v Mr. and Mrs. white 怀特先生和夫人welcome欢迎;受欢迎的['welkəm] int forty四十['fɔ:ti] numforty-two四十二very much 非常adonly仅仅唯一的['əunli] ad bell铃,铃声[bel] vit's time for 是…的时候了back后面[bæk] nat the back 在后面when什么时候[(h)wen] advbegin classes 开始上课month月[mʌnθ] nbasin 盆;脸盆['beisən] n once一次[wʌns] ad nonce a week 每周一次group 组;小组[gru:p] npool 池[pu:l] n swimming-pool 游泳池man男子[mæn] n him他(宾格) [him] pronwoman妇女['wumən] n her 她(宾格) [hə] pronbring带来;拿来[briŋ] vt us 我们(宾格) proncall 叫[kɔ:l] v dad 爸爸[dæd] ncabbage卷心菜['kæbidʒ] n pair 一双[pєə] na pair of 一双…yours你的;你们的[juəz] pronempty 空的['empti] a mine我的[main] pronwhose 谁的[hu:z] pron trousers 裤子;长裤['traʊzəz] na pair of trousers 一条裤子ours 我们的['auəz] prontheirs他(她;它)们的[ðєəz] pron wear 穿戴[wεə] nblouse (女式)衬衫[blauz] n hers 她的[hə:z] pronground地面[graʊnd] n pick 采;摘[pik] vpick up 拾起put into 放到…里may i have a try? 我可以试试吗eat breakfast 吃早饭[i:t] ['brekfəst] do morning exercises 晨练['mɔ:niŋ] ['eksəsaiz] n noon 中午[nu:n] n have English class上英语课[hæv] ['iŋgliʃ] [klɑ:s] spring 春天[spriŋ] n play sports进行体育运动[plei] [spɔ:ts] fall 秋天[fɔ:l] n climb mountains 爬山[klaim] ['mauntins] date 日期[deit] n visit grandparents看望祖父母['vizit] ['græn,pєərənts] study 书房['stʌdi] n play the piano弹钢琴[plei] [pi'ɑ:nəu] make a snowman 堆雪人['snəʊmæn] go shopping 购物[gəu] ['ʃɔpiŋ]fly kites 放风筝[flai] [kait]skate 滑冰(鞋)[skeit] n go hiking 去远足['haikiŋ]weekend周末['wi:kend] n sometimes 有时候['sʌmtaimz] ad birthday生日['bə:θdei] n season 季节['si:zn] ncook dinner做饭[kuk] ['dinə] best 最;极[best] a adread a book 看书[rid] plant trees 种树[plɑ:nt] [tri:s] because 因为[bi'kɔz] conj mirror 镜子;榜样['mirə] ndraw pictures 画画[drɔ:] ['piktʃəz] grandpa 爷爷;外公['grændpɑ:] n grandma 奶奶;外婆['grændmɑ:] n kangaroo袋鼠[,kæŋgə'ru:] n answer the phone 接电话['ɑ:nsə] [fəun] fight 打架[fait] v listen to music听音乐['lisn] ['mju:zik] honey蜂蜜['hʌni] n clean the room打扫房间[kli:n][rum] write a letter写信[rait] ['letə]write an e-mail写电子邮件climb 往上爬[klaim] vswing 荡;荡秋千[swiŋ] v drink water 喝水[driŋk] ['wɔ:tə] take pictures 照相[teik] ['piktʃəz] scarf 围巾;领带[skɑ:f] nwatch insects 观察昆虫[wɔtʃ] ['insekt] chess 西洋棋[tʃes] n pick up leaves 采摘树叶[pik] [ʌp] [li:vz] traffic 交通['træfik] ndo an experiment做实验[du:] [æn] [iks'perimənt] stop停车站[stɔp] n catch butterfly 捉蝴蝶[kætʃ] ['bʌtəflai] hobby 爱好['hɔbi] n count insects 数昆虫[kauʊnt] collect leaves 收集树叶[kə'lekt]play chess下棋[plei][tʃes] have a picnic 举行野餐['piknik] write a report写报告[rait][ri'pɔ:t] shell 贝壳;果壳[ʃel] ntraffic light 交通灯[lait] traffic rule交通规则ru:l]get to 到达[get] [tu] library 图书馆['laibrəri] nwhere 在哪里;到哪里[(h)wєə] ad pron turn 转弯[tə:n] v next to 与……相邻[nekst] bookstore 书店['bukstɔ:] npost card 明信片[pəu st] [kɑ:d] n right 右边[rait] nleft 左边[left] n straight 成直线地[streit] athis morning 今天上午[ðis] ['mɔ:niŋ]next week 下周[wi:k]this afternoon 今天下午[ðis] ['ɑ:ftə'nu:n] go→goes 去[gəʊz] his evening今天晚上[ðis] ['i:vniŋ]comic book 漫画['kɔmik] [buk] comic连环图画;喜剧的['kɔmik] n dive→diving 跳水[daiv]ride a bike→riding a bike 骑自行车[raid] writer 作家['raitə] n play the violin→playing the violin 拉小提琴['pleiiŋ] [,vaiə'lin]make kites→making kites 制作风筝[meik] [kait] fly飞[flai] v collect stamps→collecting stamps 集邮[kə'lekt] [stæmps]should 应该[ʃud ] v.aux live→lives 居住[liv ] [laivz]t each→teaches 教[ti:tʃ] watch→watches看[wɔtʃ]read→reads 读;看[rid] doesn’t=does not [dʌz ]singer 歌唱家;歌手['sindʒə] n actor 男演员['æktə] nactress女演员['æktris] n TV reporter 电视台记者[ri'pɔ:tə] engineer工程师[,endʒi'niə] n accountant会计[ə'kauntənt] n policeman 男警察[pə'li:smən] n salesperson销售员['seilz,pə:sən] n cleaner清洁工['kli:nə] n work 工作;活动[wə:k] vcloud 云[klaud] n sun 太阳[sʌn] nstream 河;溪[stri:m] n come from 来自[kʌm] [frɔm]seed 种子[si:d] n soil 土壤[sɔil] nsprout 苗;芽[spraut] n plant 种植[plɑ:nt] vttall → taller更高的[tɔ:l] short → shorter 更矮的[ʃɔ:t] strong → stronger 更强壮的o ld → older 年龄更大的[əuld] young → younger 更年轻的[jʌŋ]big → bigger 更大的[big]heavy → heavier 更重的['hi:vi] long → longer 更长的[lɔŋ]thin → thinner 更瘦的[θin]small → smaller 体型更小的[smɔ:l] have a fever 发烧[hæv] ['fi:və] have a sore throat 喉咙疼[sɔ:] [θrəut] have a cold 感冒[kəuld] have a toothache 牙疼['tu:θeik]have a headache 头疼['hedeik] sore 疼的[sɔ] amatter 事情;麻烦['mætə] n hurt 疼痛[hə:t] n vtired 疲劳的;累的['taiəd] a excited 兴奋的[ik'saitid] aangry 生气的['æŋgri] a happy 高兴的['hæpi] abored 无聊的;烦人的[bɔ:d] a sad 忧伤的;悲伤的[sæd] awatch → watched 看[wɔtʃ] wash → washed 洗[wɔʃt]clean → cleaned 打扫[kli:n] play → played 玩[plei]go to a park →went to a park 去公园[pɑ:k] row划;划船[rau] v go swimming→went swimmin去游泳['swi miŋ]ski滑雪,雪橇[ski] n go fishing →went fishing 去钓鱼['fiʃiŋ]snake 蛇[sneik] n eat good food →ate good food 吃好吃的食物soft 柔软[sɔft] ago hiking →went hiking 去郊游['haikiŋ]wind 风[waind] n take pictures →took pictures 照相[teik] [tuk] wolf 狼[wulf] nlast 上一个的;仅余的;留在最后的[lɑ:st] glove 手套[glʌv] n go ice-skating → went ice-skating 去滑冰[ais] grey 灰色[grei] n row a boat →rowed a boat 划船[rau] [bəut] taste 尝[teist] vtsee elephant →saw elephant 看大象([si:] )[sɔ:] loud 响的[laud] ago skiing → went skiing 去滑雪[ 'ski:iŋ]bell 铃;门铃[bel] n sing and dance →sang and danced 唱歌和跳舞[siŋ] ['dɑ:ns] sæŋ]learn Chinese →learned Chinese 学汉语[lə:n] ['tʃai'ni:z] ['lə:nid]visit → visited 看望['vizit] do → did last weekend 上个周末go → went 去[gəu] [went] hiking徒步旅行['haikiŋ] n vclimb → climbed 爬klaim] smell 嗅闻[smel] vtget → got 到达[get] [gɔt] how 怎么;如何[hau] adshine 照耀;发光[ʃain] vi wave 浪;波浪[weiv] ntoy 玩具;玩物[tɔi] n parrot 鹦鹉['pærət] naeroplane 飞机['ɛərəplein] n roof 屋顶;车顶[ru:f] nsweet 甜的;悦耳的[swi:t] a colour 给……颜色['kʌlə] vdrill 钻头钻床[dril] n dry 干的干旱的[drai] ablow 吹[bləu] vt vi insect 昆虫['insekt] nambulance (man) 急救员['æmbjuləns] n angry 发怒['æŋgri] aaviary 鸟巢禽舍['eiviəri] n block 大楼;大厦[blɔk] nbranch 树枝[brɑ:ntʃ] n brave 勇敢的[breiv] nbus driver 司机['draivə] n butter 黄油;奶油['bʌtə] nchase 追赶[tʃeis] v chocolate 巧克力['tʃɔkəlit] ncoffee 咖啡['kɔfi] n cook 厨师[kuk] ncook 烹调;煮[kuk] v corm 谷物[kɔ:m] ncrisp 松脆饼干;松脆之物[krisp] n cut 切;割;砍kʌt] vdear 亲爱的;可爱的[diə] a dentist 牙医['dentist] neighteen 十八['ei'ti:n] num eleven 十一[i'levn] numengine 引擎;发动机['endʒin] n everywhere 到处;彻底['evrihwɛə] adv farm 农场[fɑ:m] n feed 喂养;饲养[fi:d] vfifteenth 十五['fif'ti:nθ] num fire 火[faiə] nfireman 消防员['faiəmən] n flour 面粉;粉状物质[flauə] n fountain 喷水池;泉水['fauntin] n fourteen 十四['fɔ:'ti:n] numfrog 青蛙[frɔg] n fruit 水果;果实[fru:t] nfull 饱的;充满的[ful] a grass 草;草坪[grɑ:s] nhay 干草[hei] n hoop 呼啦圈;戒指;篮圈[hu:p] n knee 膝盖;膝部[ni:] n large 大的;宽大的[lɑ:dʒ] aleave 离开[li:v] v log 原木;木材[lɔg] nmask 面具;遮蔽物;口罩[mɑ:sk] n moth 蛾;蛀虫[mɔθ] npacket 小包['pækit] n policewoman 女警[pə'li:s,wumən] n postman 邮递员['pəustmən] n rectangle 长方形[rek'tæŋgl] nride 骑;乘[raid] v rope 绳子[rəup] nround 圆的[raund] a rubbish 垃圾;废话['rʌbiʃ] nseventeen 十七[,sevn'ti:n] num sharp 尖的;锋利的[ʃɑ:p] asheep 羊;害羞的人;蠢人[ʃi:p] n See you 再见birthday 生日['bə:θd ei] n Oh no 噢;不[əu]I’m……years old 我……岁shop assistant 营业员[ə'sistənt] n shoulder 肩['ʃəuldə] n sixteen 十六['siks'ti:n] num sketchbook 写生簿;小品集['sketʃbuk] n stalk 主茎[stɔ:k] n stone 石头[stəun] n sugar 糖['ʃugə] nsunglasses 太阳镜['sʌnglɑ:siz] n supermarket 超市['sju:pə,mɑ:kit] n telephone 打电话['telifəun] v There be 有thirteen 十三['θə:ti:n] num throw 扔;转动(开关)[θrəu] v toe 脚趾;足尖[təu] n trunk 树干;大皮箱[trʌŋk] nunder在……下面['ʌndə] prep waiter 服务员(男)['weitə] nYou can call me……(name) 你可以叫我……April 四月['eiprəl] n waitress 女服务员['weitris] n afternoon 下午;午后['ɑ:ftə'nu:n] n How much is it? 多少钱……yuan.please 请付……元I’m sorry. That’s all right 对不起。

牛津上海版七年级英语上册《Module 1 Unit 2 Listening and speaking 》说课稿一. 教材分析《牛津上海版七年级英语上册》Module 1 Unit 2 Listening and speaking部分,主要围绕“询问和描述日常活动”这一主题展开。
通过本节课的学习,学生能够掌握相关词汇和句型,如“What time do you get up?”, “I usually go to school by bus.”等,并能够运用这些词汇和句型进行简单的日常交流。
二. 学情分析七年级的学生已具备一定的英语基础,对于日常生活中的基本词汇和句型有所了解。
三. 说教学目标1.知识目标:学生能够掌握询问和描述日常活动的相关词汇和句型。
四. 说教学重难点1.重点:掌握询问和描述日常活动的相关词汇和句型。
五. 说教学方法与手段1.任务型教学法:通过设定具体任务,引导学生参与课堂活动,提高学生的语言运用能力。
六. 说教学过程1.导入:以歌曲“What time is it?”导入课堂,激发学生的学习兴趣。
2.新课呈现:通过展示日常活动的图片,引导学生说出相关词汇,如“get up”, “go to school”等。
牛津上海版英语六年级上教材梳理及练习 Unit2

Unit2一、词汇Words1. almost adv.(1)几乎【例句】Dinner is almost ready.(2)实际上,简直(用于no, nobody, none, nothing, never 之前)【例句】Almost no one believed him.【辨析】almost / nearly相同点:“几乎,将近,差不多”,当于动词、副词、形容词及名词连用时,意义接近,可互换。
【例句】It's nearly lunchtime.= It's almost lunchtime.2. never adv. 从不; always adv. 总是,一直【例句】She is always friendly and helpful.She always works hard.She is never late for school.She never gets angry.注意always 和never在句中的位置,它们都是副词常用于be动词之后、行为动词之前。
3. each other 互相,彼此【例句】Mary and Kitty always help each other.【常见词组】learn from each other 互相学习know each other 互相认识help each other 互相帮助【知识链接】each other 仅用作动词或介词的宾语,不可做主语。
【用法提示】each other 用于两者,one another 用于三者或三者以上。
each other one another(选词填空)I help you. You help me. We help __________.They three sat side by side and talked with ___________.4. friendly adj. 友好的【用法提示】friendly 常与介词to 和with 搭配构成词组1)be friendly to sb.“ ... 对某人友好”或“ 对某人友善”,指对别人的态度友好,相当于be kind to sb. 【例句】Our English teacher is friendly to us.=Our English teacher is kind to us.2)be friendly with sb. “ 和某人关系友好” 或“ 与某人要好”, 指的是两者的关系。


上海高中《牛津英语》教材与《新世纪英语》教材的对比分析摘要教材在英语教学中起着重要作用, 是英语课程资源的核心部分。
进入新世纪,我国启动了新一轮的课程改革, 课程改革的关键是教材。
随着新课程标准的颁布,教材由“一纲一本”向“一纲多本”转变, 越来越多的教材涌入市场。
上海高中普遍使用的两套英语教材 ?? 《英语》 (牛津上海版) 和《英语》(新世纪版) 就是为了满足新一轮课改的要求而改编和编写的。
本论文以《普通高中英语课程标准》为依据, 参照国内外教材评价的理论, 旨在对上海高中使用的两套英语教材本身和使用效果进行对比和分析, 从而发现两套教材各自的优势和不足之处,以便上海高中英语教师在使用教材的过程中可以对两套教材进行整合,扬长避短,让教材更好地为教学服务,最终达到提高英语教学质量的目的。
第五章“研究结果与思考”通过前面几章对两套教材的对比分析、调查和实验总结出两套教材的优势和不足之处, 并提出一些建议, 供教材编写者和使用两套教材的教师参考。
关键词 : 牛津教材,新世纪教材,对比分析viABSTRACTAs a core of curriculum resources, English teaching materials play an importantrole in English language teaching. A new century witnessed a new round ofcurriculum reform and the key to the curriculum reform is the textbook. With thepromulgation and implementation of the new curriculum standards, the policy haschanged from “one textbook for one syllabus” to “diverse textbooks f or one syllabus ”,causing more and more textbooks available on the market. Facing varieties oftextbooks, how to evaluate and analyze the diverse textbools is becoming achallenging task to the teachers nowadays To meet the requirements of the new round of the curriculum reform, two sets ofsenior high school English textbooks------Oxford English Shanghai Edition andNew Century English are adapted and compiled, which are commonly used in almostall the Shanghai middle schools now. Based on National English CurriculumStandards of Compulsory Education for Full-time Senior Middle Schools Trail andreferring to the theories of textbook evaluation at home and abroad, this thesis isintended to compare and analyze the two sets of English textbooks used in Shanghaisenior high schools, hoping to discover some advantages and disadvantages of the twosets of textbooks. In this way, the teachers can integrate the two sets of textbooks,taking full advantage of the strong points and avoiding the weak points, to improvethe English teaching quality This paper consists of five chapters The first chapter serves as an introduction, covering the background, significance,methods and the framework of the study The second chapter is about some theories and literature review, which presentsthe definition and funtion of teaching materials, teaching syllabuses, the theories onforeign language textbook evaluation at home and abroad, and the situation ofcomparative study in English textbooksThe third chapter is concerned with the comparative analysis of the two sets oftextbooks from the macro and micro perspectives. A macro-comparative analysisviiinvolves the guiding ideology of textbook compilation, the main framework oftextbook complilation and the designing pattern of every unit. A micro-comparativeanalysis is made from the perspective of language knowledge, language skills,learning strategies and cultural awearness, focusing on vacabulary, grammar, listening,speaking, reading and writing The fourth chapter discusses the effect of using the two sets of textbooksaccording to the results of the investigation carried out with the teachers and studentsinvolved The last chapter summarizes the advantages and disadvantages of the two sets ofthe textbooks on the basis of the comparative analysis and the results of theinvestigation and the experiment in the preceding chapters, and puts forward somesuggestions for the compilers and the teachers to consultKey words: Oxford English, New Century English, comparative analysisviiiTABLE OF CONTENTS ACKNOWLEGEMENTS I摘要.VIABSTRACT.VII图表索引.VII第一章引论 11.1 研究背景 11.1.1 高中英语课程标准. 11.1.2 我国的中小学教材建设与发展. 2 1.1.3 上海高中英语教材使用情况 3 1.2 研究目的与意义 31.2.1 研究目的31.2.2 研究意义41.3 研究内容与方法 41.3.1 研究内容41.3.2 研究方法51.4 论文结构6第二章理论框架与文献综述72.1 教材的定义. 72.2 教材的作用. 82.3 外语教材与教学大纲 92.3.1 教学大纲的定义. 92.3.2 教学大纲的种类. 92.4 外语教材开发与编写原则142.5 教材评价的定义 162.6 外语教材的评价理论. 162.6.1 国外的教材评价研究 162.6.2 国内的教材评价研究 192.7 国内外教材对比研究状况. 21第三章两套教材的对比研究 223.1 两套教材简介. 223.1.1 上海高中牛津英语简介223.1.2 高中新世纪英语简介 233.2 宏观对比分析. 233.2.1 教材编写的宏观设计指导原则24 3.2.2 教材编写的主框架结构253.2.3 单元课程设置模式. 253.3 微观对比分析263.3.1 语言知识对比 27ix3.3.2 语言技能对比分析: 443.3.3 学习策略对比分析. 703.3.4 文化意识对比分析. 73第四章两套教材的效果对比分析. 76 4.1 教师调查 764.1.1 教师问卷 764.1.2 教师访谈 804.2 学生调查 834.3 两套教材使用效率对比分析. 86第五章研究结果与思考885.1 两套教材的优势与不足 885.1.1 两套教材的优势 885.1.2 两套教材的不足之处. 915.2 对教材修订者和教师的建议935.2.1 对教材修订者的建议 935.2.2 对教师的建议. 935.3 本论文的不足之处95BIBLIOGRAPHY96附录. 101附录 I 牛津教材任务前词汇输入截图101附录 II 牛津教材任务后词汇输入截图. 102附录 III 新世纪英语教材任务后词汇输入截图. 103 附录 IV 牛津教材口语截图104附录 V 新世纪教材口语截图106附录 VI 牛津教材写作截图107附录 VII 新世纪教材写作截图 108附录 VIII 《课程标准》中的目标结构图 110附录 IX 上海《牛津高中英语》教材评价的问卷调查教师卷. 111 附录 X 上海《新世纪高中英语》教材评价的问卷调查教师卷. 113 附录 XI 上海《牛津英语高中英语》教材评价的问卷调查学生卷115 附录 XII 上海《新世纪高中英语》教材评价的问卷调查学生卷117 x图表索引表 1 牛津教材核心词汇统计. 30表 2 新世纪教材核心词汇统计 30表 3 两套教材核心词汇对比图. 31表 4 牛津教材拓展词汇统计31表 5 新世纪教材拓展词汇统计. 32表 6 两套教材拓展词汇对比图 32表 7 牛津教材附带词汇统计. 33表 8 新世纪教材附带词汇统计 33表 9 两套教材附带词汇对比图. 34表 10 牛津教材词组统计34表 11 新世纪教材词组统计. 35表 12 两套教材词组统计对比图. 35表 13 新世纪教材专有名词统计36表 14 两套教材总词汇量对比 36表 15 牛津教材高一下册 U1 Reading 核心词汇复现率统计. 37表 16 新世纪教材高一上册 U2 Reading 核心词汇复现率统计 38表 17 两套教材语法项目对比 39表 18 两套教材语法练习类型统计. 43表 19 两套教材高一上学期听力材料字数统计. 46表 20 两套教材高一上学期听力材料难度统计46表 21 两套教材听力材料类型统计 48表 22 两套教材听力材料类型对比图 48表 23 两套教材高二下学期听力内容对比. 48表 24 牛津教材高一年级听力题型分布50表 25 新世纪教材高一年级听力题型分布. 50表 26 牛津教材高三上学期口语内容与单元主题对比. 51 表 27 新世纪教材高三上学期口语内容与单元主题对比52 表 28 两套教材题材对比55表 29 两套教材高一主课文难度对比 57表 30 两套教材高二主课文难度对比 57表 31 两套教材高三主课文难度对比57表 32 两套教材主课文平均难度对比 57表 33 高考阅读语篇难/ 易读性抽样统计. 57表 34 两套教材主课文难度对比图. 58表 35 两套教材高一拓展阅读难度对比58表 36 两套教材高二拓展阅读难度对比58表 37 两套教材高三拓展阅读难度对比 58表 38 两套教材拓展阅读平均难度对比59表 39 两套教材拓展阅读难度对比图 59表 40 两套教材平均难度对比 59表 41 牛津教材高一读前活动分布. 62xi表 42 新世纪教材高一读前活动分布 62表 43 牛津教材高一读前活动类型图 62表 44 新世纪教材高一读前活动类型图62表 45 牛津教材高一阅读活动分布. 63表 46 新世纪教材高一阅读活动分布 63表 47 牛津教材高一阅读活动类型图. 64表 48 新世纪教材高一阅读活动类型图64表 50 新世纪教材高一读后活动分布 65表 51 牛津教材高一读后活动类型图 66表 52 新世纪牛津教材高一读后活动类型图 66表 53 两套教材写作项目对比 67表 54 两套教材学习策略对比 71表 55 教师问卷题目分布77表 56 教师对教材的宏观评价数据统计77表 57 教师对词汇、语法的评价数据统计78表 58 教师对听、说、读、写的评价数据统计79表 59 教师对学习策略、文化意识和其它的评价数据统计 79 表 60 学生问卷题目分布83表 61 学生的英语学习情况和对教材的宏观评价数据统计 84表 62 学生对词汇、语法态度的数据统计. 84表 63 学生对听、说态度的数据统计 85表 64 学生对读、写态度的数据统计 85表 65 学生对学习策略、文化意识和练习态度的数据统计 85表 66 两所学校 2011 年普陀区二模考试成绩对比 87表 67 两所学校 2011 年高考成绩对比 87表 68 两所学校三次成绩对比图88xii第一章引论1.1 研究背景1.1.1 高中英语课程标准英语在当今世界上的地位特殊, 不仅使用的人数多达十几个亿 ,而且覆盖面很广, 在政治、经济、外交、贸易、科技、文化、通讯、科研、娱乐、网络等许多领域被广泛应用。

上海版牛津英语2AModule34电子课本Module 3 Places and activitiesUnit 1 In the children’s gardenLook and learnSlide swing seesaw Look and sayWhat can you see?I can see…What can you see?I can see a swing.I can see a slide.I can see a seasaw.Ask and answerWhat can you see, Tom?I can see a bee What colour is it?It’s yellow.S1: What can you seeeS2: I can see …S1: It’s …Play a gameKite seasaw swing slideI can see …It is …Listen and enjoyThin boy, fat boy,One and two.Thin boy, fat boy.I see you.Thin boy up,Fat boy down.You like to play,Up and down.Big dog, small dogs,One, two, three.Big dog, small dogs,I can see.Big dog up,Small dogs down.They like to play,Up and down.Learn the lettersMm mouse Nn netI can see a mouse.I can see a man.The man has a net.The mouse is in the net.Unit 2 In my roomLook and learnBag box desk chair Look and say Put … in / on …①Put the book in the bag, Eddie. OK, Dad.②Put the bag in the box, please. Yes, Dad.③Put the box on the chair, please. OK, Dad.④Oh, no. Put the box on the desk. All right.Say and actKitty’s desk①Look at your desk, Kitty.②Put the books in the bag, please.Ok, Mum.③Put the pencils in the pencil case, please. All right. Play a gameA. carB. bookC. bear①Oh, Ben. Look at your room.②I’m sorry, Mum.③Put the books in the bag, please.Put the car on the desk, please.Put the bear in the box, please.④OK, Mum.Listen and enjoyI love my roomLike Kitty and Ben.I use the boxEvery day!I love my roomLike Kitty and Ben.I keep it cleanEvery day!Learn the lettersOo orange Pp pig P aula has an o range.It’s o n a p late.It’s for her p ig.Her p ig is fat and bigWith four short legs.O ink! O ink! O ink!Come and eat the o range.It’s o n the p late.Unit 3 In the kitchenLook and learnbowl plate spoon chopsticks Say and act Cook dinner①A spoon?No, thanks.②Chopsticks?Yes, please.③Give me a plate, please.Here you are.④Dinner is ready!I’m coming.Look and sayHow many…?There is / are…?This is my kitchen.How many bowls?There are four bowls.How many spoons?There is one.Enjoy a storyNaughty Ginger①There is a table and a chair in the room.②There are two bowls on the table.③Ginger is on the chair.④L ook! Ginger can jump.⑤The bowls are on the floor.⑥Ginger is under the chair.Learn the lettersQq queen Rr rabbit The queen is fat.She’s sitting on the chair.The rabbit is fat.He’s sitting under the chair.Module 4Unit 1 In the skyLook and learnSun moon starLook and sayLook at…Can you see …?Look at the sky. Can you see the moon?Yes, I can.Is it big?Yes. I t’s big. It’s bright.Say and actIn the evening①Look at the sky. Can you see the stars?②How many stars? One, two, three …③Can you see the moon? No, I can’t. Play a game ①Can you see the sun? Yes, I can.S1: Can you see …?S2; Yes, I can. / No, I can’t.Listen and enjoyThe starTwinkle, twinkle, little star,How I wonder what you are!Up above the world so high,Like a diamond in the sky.Twinkle, twinkle, little star,How I wonder what you are! Learn the letters Ss soup Tt tableTom’s rabbit is smooth and soft.Tom’s rabbit sits on the tableAnd eats Tom’s soup.Unit 2 In the forestLook and learnFox hippo meat grass Say and actWild animals①Look at me.I’m a fox.I’m small.I like meat.②Look at me.I’m a hippo.I’m big.I like grass.Look and sayLook at …It likes …①Look at the animals.②Look at the lion. It’s big. It likes meat.Look at the monkey. I t’s small. It likes bananas.③Look at the hippo. It likes grass.Look at the hippo’s mouth.Wow! It’s so big!Listen and enjoyI’m a fox, fox, fox.And I’m nice, nice, nice.I’m orange, orange, orange.And I can run, run, run.I’m a rabbit, rabbit, rabbit.And I’m cute, cute, cute.I’m white, white, white.And I can hop, hop, hop.I’m a monkey, monkey, monkey.And I’m naughty, naughty, naughty.I’m brown, brown, brown.And I can swing, swing, swing.Learn the lettersUu umbrella Vv van Ww window Wendy is in a van, With two umbrellas in her hands.One is black. One is red.She takes them to her friends.Oh, raindrops fall on her head.Wendy closes the windowWith her hand.Unit 3 In the streetLook and learnFlower treeLook and sayDon’t …①Don’t pick the flowers.I’m sorry.②Don’t cl imb the tree.I’m sorry.Play a gameDraw colour cutEnjoy a storyIn the park①I like this park. It’s big. It’s nice.②Look at this flower. I t’s beautiful. Don’t pick the flowers, Danny.③Oh! What’s this?It’s a bee.④Help! Help!Don’t run, Danny.⑤Don’t cry, Danny.Learn the lettersXx box Yy yellow Zz zebra Look at my z oo. You can come, too.Can you seeA z ebra in a bo x?Yes, I can seeA z ebra in a y ellow bo x.。

二、教学目标1. 能够听懂并运用所学词汇和句型描述家庭和日常活动。
2. 能够运用一般现在时描述家庭成员的日常习惯。
3. 培养学生的英语口语表达和听力理解能力,提高跨文化交际意识。
三、教学难点与重点1. 教学难点:一般现在时的运用,家庭成员和日常活动的词汇记忆。
2. 教学重点:熟练掌握描述家庭和日常活动的句型,并能灵活运用。
四、教具与学具准备1. 教具:PPT、录音机、磁带、卡片。
2. 学具:课本、练习册、彩笔。
五、教学过程1. 导入:通过展示一组家庭照片,引导学生用英语描述照片中的人物和活动,激发学生的兴趣。
2. 呈现:呈现本节课的主要句型和词汇,让学生跟读并模仿。
3. 练习:进行小组活动,让学生互相用所学句型描述家庭成员和日常活动。
4. 应用:播放听力材料,让学生完成相关练习,巩固所学知识。
5. 巩固:进行角色扮演,让学生模拟真实场景,运用所学知识进行交流。
六、板书设计1. M2U1 Family and Daily Activities2. 主要句型:This is my family.He/She isHe/She likesThey areThey like3. 主要词汇:father, mother, brother, sister, grandpa, grandma, like, read, watch TV, play football, swim, cook, clean七、作业设计1. 作业题目:(1)用一般现在时描述你的家庭成员,至少写出五句话。
2. 答案:(1)Example: My father is a teacher. He likes reading books. My mother is a doctor. She likes cooking. My brotheris a student. He likes playing football. My sister is in kindergarten. She likes drawing. My grandpa is retired. He likes watching TV. My grandma is a housewife. She likes cleaning.(2)Example: In the picture, my father is reading a newspaper. My mother is cooking dinner. My brother is playing football with his friends. My sister is drawing a picture. My grandpa is watching TV. My grandma is cleaning the living room.八、课后反思及拓展延伸1. 反思:本节课通过实际场景引入,激发学生的兴趣。
英语(沪教牛津版)教材解读 八年级上册

教材培训手册初中英语(沪教牛津版)上海教育出版社有限公司牛津大学出版社(中国)有限公司目录一、八年级上册教材解读 (2)二、教材配套资源 (27)英语(沪教版)教材解读 八年级上册上海教育出版社1一、八年级上册教材解读(一)教材纵览英语(沪教版)教材解读 八年级上册 上海教育出版社2(二)单元解析单元解析编写的目的是为了帮助教师了解板块关联,从而进行有效的教学设计。
教师可在此基础上根据自己的教学需要进一步解读教材,并做出符合自己教学需要的教英语(沪教版)教材解读 八年级上册上海教育出版社3英语(沪教版)教材解读 八年级上册 上海教育出版社4英语(沪教版)教材解读 八年级上册 上海教育出版社5Unit 4英语(沪教版)教材解读 八年级上册 上海教育出版社6英语(沪教版)教材解读 八年级上册 上海教育出版社7英语(沪教版)教材解读 八年级上册 上海教育出版社8英语(沪教版)教材解读 八年级上册 上海教育出版社9Unit 8英语(沪教版)教材解读 八年级上册 上海教育出版社10(三)教学建议在七年级英语学习的基础上,学生具备了一定的语言学习基础和能力。
1、阅读教学建议(1)运用―略读与找读(skimming and scanning)‖开展阅读教学活动略读是指快读阅读文章以了解其内容大意的预读方法。

I Animals
35- 37
I'm sorry. I don't know.
2 Insects and plants
Module 1 Getting to know you Vocabularies:40
numbers:one---ten pronouns: numbers:one---ten pronouns:I, you --articles:the, articles:the,a possessive adjective: your Sentences: Sentences: Verb “ to be ”: I’m… You’re… imperatives: imperatives: Close the_______. Open the _______. Clean the ______. Expressions: Daily Expressions: Hello,… Good morning. Goodbye. Come in, please. Thank you. What’s How are you? What s your name?
2 Shopping

牛津小学英语一年级上册(上海版)book [buk]书ruler [ ru:l☜]尺子pencil [ pensl]铅笔rubber [ r✈b☜]橡皮pen [pen]钢笔bag [b✌g]书包one [w✈n]一two [tu:]二three [ ri:]三four [f :]四five [faiv]五six [siks]六dance [da:ns]跳舞read [ri:d]阅读jump [d✞✈mp]跳跃draw [dr :]拉sing [si☠]演唱write [rait]写eye [ai]眼睛mouth [mau ]嘴face [feis]脸nose [n☜uz]鼻ear [i☜]耳朵orange [ rind✞]柑;橙melon [ mel☜n]瓜peach [pi:t☞]桃子lemon [ lem☜n]柠檬apple [ ✌pl]苹果pear [p☪☜]梨taro [ t :☜u]芋头moon [mu:n]月球bean [bi:n]豆leaf [li:f]树叶mooncake[ mun keik]月饼autumn [ :t☜m]秋天sister [ sist☜]姐father [ fa:❆☜]父亲me [mi:, mi]我mother [ m✈❆☜]母亲bicycle [ baisikl]脚踏车;自行车balloon [b☜lu:n]气球doll [d l]洋娃娃ball [b :l]球slide [slaid]滑动swing [swi☠]摇摆牛津小学英语一年级下册(上海版)uncle [ ✈☠kl]伯父;叔叔aunt [a:nt]姑妈;伯母grandmother[ gr✌nd m✈❆☜]祖母grandfather[ gr✌nd fa:❆☜]祖父bird [b☜:d]鸟rabbit [ r✌bit]兔butterfly [ b✈t☜flai]蝴蝶frog [fr g]青蛙bee [bi:]蜜蜂red [red]红色blue [blu:]蓝色yellow [ jel☜u]黄色green [gri:n]绿色pink [pi☠k]粉红色purple [ p☜:pl]紫色brown [braun]褐色orange [ rind✞]橙色postman[ p☜ustm☜n]邮差policeman[p☜li:sm☜n]警察driver [ draiv☜]驾驶员fireman [ fai☜m☜n]消防队员milkman送奶工人;售奶工人tall [t :l]高的short [☞:t]矮的;短的doctor [ d kt☜]医生nurse [n☜:s]护士cook [kuk]厨师old [☜uld]年老的young [j✈☠]年轻的farmer [ fa:m☜]农夫;农民fisherman[ fi☞☜m☜n]渔民;渔夫teacher [ ti:t☞☜]教师fat [f✌t]胖的thin [ in]瘦的cake [keik]蛋糕ice-cream冰淇淋sweet [swi:t]糖果jelly [ d✞eli]果冻milk [milk]牛奶coke [k☜uk]可乐meat [mi:t]肉fish [fi☞]鱼chicken [ t☞ikin]鸡肉rice [rais]米饭noodles面条soup [su:p]汤牛津小学英语二年级上册(上海版)bin [bin]筒park [pa:k]公园road [r☜ud]道路building [ bildi☠]建筑物Shanghai上海pizza [ pi:ts☜]比萨饼biscuit [ biskit]饼干hotdog热狗juice [d✞u:s](水果)汁或液water [ w :t☜]水play [plei]玩,玩耍run [r✈n]跑sleep [sli:p]睡觉swim [swim]游泳plane [plein]飞机ferry [ feri]摆渡;渡船train [trein]火车taxi [ t✌ksi]出租车car [ka:]汽车;小汽车bus [b✈s]公共汽车van [v✌n]有蓬货车stop [st p]停止go [g☜u]去;走light [lait]灯;光fast [fa:st]快速的slow [sl☜u]缓慢的ice-cream冰淇淋in [in]在……之内(里)on [ n]在……之上under [ ✈nd☜]在……之下bell [bel]铃;钟star [sta:]星;恒星present [ preznt]赠品;礼物tree [tri:]树hat [h✌t]帽子glove [gl✈v]手套scarf [ska:f]围巾winter [ wint☜]冬季cold [k☜uld]寒冷wind [wind]风snow [sn☜u]雪tie [tai]领带;带子belt [belt]腰带sock [s k]袜子shirt [☞☜:t]衬衫dress [dres]女服;童装coat [k☜ut]外套牛津小学英语二年级下册(上海版)hen [hen]母鸡chick [t☞ik]小鸡duck [d✈k]鸭子cow [kau]母牛sheep [☞i:p]羊pig [pig]猪horse [h :s]马bear [b☪☜]熊elephant [ elif☜nt]大象tiger [ taig☜]老虎monkey [ m✈☠ki]猴子panda [ p✌nd☜]熊猫window [ wind☜u]窗户door [d :]门bed [bed]窗room [ru:m, rum]房间sofa [ s☜uf☜]沙发table [ teibl]桌子lamp [l✌mp]灯walk [w :k]步行;散步skip [skip]跳跃swing [swi☠]秋千;摇摆climb [klaim]攀登;爬fly [flai]飞翔ride [raid]骑;乘water [ w :t☜]水dirty [ d☜:ti]脏的wash [w ☞]洗towel [ tau☜l]手巾;毛巾soap [s☜up]肥皂toothbrush[ tu: br✈☞]牙刷toothpaste [ tu: peist]牙膏bowl [b☜ul]碗plate [pleit]盘子glass [gla:s]玻璃;玻璃杯fork [f :k]叉knife [naif]刀spoon [spu:n]勺子;匙chopsticks [ t☞pstik]筷子summer [ s✈m☜]夏季sun [s✈n]太阳cloud [klaud]云hot [h t]热的beach [bi:t☞]海滩shell [☞el]贝壳sand [s✌nd]沙子watch [w t☞]手表clock [kl k]钟表day [dei]白天night [nait]夜晚breakfast [ brekf☜st]早餐lunch [l✈nt☞]午餐dinner [ din☜]晚餐牛津小学英语三年级上册(上海版)late [leit]adj.迟的very [ veri]adv.很again [☜gein, ☜gen] adv.再the [❆☜, ❆i]art.(定冠词, 指特定的事或物) a [ei, ☜]art.一(个)no [n☜u]interj.不please [pli:z]interj.请yes [jes]interj.是grandma [ gr✌nma:]n. (外) 祖母ruler [ ru:l☜]n.尺window [ wind☜u]n.窗kite [kait]n.风筝dog [d g]n.狗jam [d✞✌m]n.果酱box [b ks]n.盒子blackboard[ bl✌kb :d]n.黑板insect [ insekt]n.昆虫mouse [maus]n.老鼠cat [k✌t]n.猫door [d :]n.门name [ neim]n.名字girl [g☜:l]n.女孩apple [ ✌pl]n.苹果pencil [ pensl]n.铅笔lion [ lai☜n]n.狮子hand [h✌nd]n.手book [buk]n.书bag [b✌g]n.书包desk [desk]n.书桌elephant [ elif☜nt]n.象rubber [ r✈b☜] n.橡皮擦school [sku:l] n.学校clock [kl k]n.钟eight [eit] num.八two [tu:]num.二nine [nain] num.九six [siks]num.六seven [ seven] num.七three [ ri:] num.三ten [ten]num.十four [f :] num.四five [faiv] num.五one [w✈n]num.一you [ju:, ju]pron.你,你们your [j :]pron.你的,你们的what [w t]pron.什么Ipron.我come(in)v.(进)来see [si:]v.看见clean [kli:n]v.把……弄干净close [kl☜uz]v.关open [ ☜up☜n]v.开look(at)v.看(着)are [a:]v.是Mrs [ misiz]夫人Hi. [hai]嗨。
英语(沪教牛津版)教材解读 九年级上册

教材培训手册初中英语(沪教牛津版)上海教育出版社有限公司牛津大学出版社(中国)有限公司目录一、九年级上册教材解读 (2)二、教材配套资源 (26)英语(沪教版)教材解读 九年级上册上海教育出版社1一、九年级上册教材解读(一)教材纵览英语(沪教版)教材解读 九年级上册上海教育出版社2(二)单元解析单元解析编写的目的是为了帮助教师了解板块关联,从而进行有效的教学设计。
Unit 1能找出自己和他人文章英语(沪教版)教材解读 九年级上册上海教育出版社3英语(沪教版)教材解读 九年级上册 上海教育出版社4英语(沪教版)教材解读 九年级上册 上海教育出版社5英语(沪教版)教材解读 九年级上册 上海教育出版社6英语(沪教版)教材解读 九年级上册 上海教育出版社7英语(沪教版)教材解读 九年级上册 上海教育出版社8英语(沪教版)教材解读 九年级上册 上海教育出版社9Unit 8英语(沪教版)教材解读 九年级上册 上海教育出版社10(三)教学建议随着认知程度的提升,语言知识的丰富,语言能力的发展,学生进入九年级的学习后,教师在教学中的引领作用愈加凸显其重要性。