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I. 基础试题(共45分,每小题1分)


例:like A. high B. dig C. city 答案为:A

()1. up A. blue B. mother C. basket

()2. warm A. short B. farm C. half

()3. town A. snow B. tow C. mouth

()4. bear A. ear B. hair C. deer

()5. rain A. ran B. they C. have

()6. sea A. be B. bread C. have

()7. drawn A. dream B. caugh C. late

(8-10小题)请找出每组中首字母应该大写的选项,并将字母标号填入答题卡相应位置。()8. A. david B. boy C. child

()9. A. new york B. state C. city

()10. A. computer B. microsoft C. keyboard

(11-13小题)请找出每组中含有完整句子的选项,并将字母标号填入答题卡相应位置。()11. A. Happy Day. B. Get up! C. The boy with a ball in his hand.

()12. A. If you are here. B. Will be a party. C. What a nice day it is!

()13. A. Here comes a bus. B. John talks about. C. My grandma very kind. (14-30小题)请选出最合适填入横线处的选项,并将字母标号填入答题卡相应位置。

()14. He _____ to his teacher now. A. speak B. is speaking C. speak

()15. My dog always ______ with me on the beach. A. run B. is running C. runs ()16. We _____ to learn English last month. A. began B. begin C. begins

()17. I’m going to _____ trees in the garden. A. will plant B. plant C. planting ()18. --- Do you like French Fries? ---No, I __________. A. don’t like B. am not C. don’t

()19. I wonder how many children ________going on the school field trip this month.

A. are

B. have

C. is ()20. Every morning I go to school _______ car. A. for B. by C. in

()21. Mr. Bai built a house by __________. A. him B. herself C. himself

()22. ___ a bottle of soda on the teacher’s desk. A. There have B. T here are C. There is

()23. This film is ________ than the last one. A. best B. good C. better ()24. Is there _______fruit in the cupboard? A. lot B. any C. some

()25. Amanda can ________all night long! A. dancing B. to dance C. dance ()26. It’s the tel ephone box _________ the market. A. in front of B. in front C. on the front ()27. I ___ go to the seaside at the weekend. A. very like B. often C. like much

()28. The doughnuts are really delicious, ______? A. don’t they B. are they C. aren’t they

()29. Please _________ the salt. A. pass me B. pass to me C. passing me

()30. My mom is ______English teacher. She reads English for ____ hour every day.

A. a, an

B. an, an

C. an, a (31-35小题)请找出每小题中不正确的选项,并将字母标号填入答题卡相应位置。

()31. How are you doing? A. Very well, thank you. B. I feel great! C. It’s fine today.

()32. Sorry! I took your umbrella by mistake.

A. Oh, you need to be careful next time.

B. That’s OK.

C. Never mind. This happens.()33. Hi, John! I’d like you to meet my friend, Jack.

A. Hi, Jack! How do you do?

B. Nice to meet you, Jack!

C. What’s his name?

()34. Can you help me carry this bag? It’s too heavy!

A. No problem!

B. No, I can’t

C. I’m so sorry, but I am really busy right now. Can you wait a minute? ()35. It’s a nice day, isn’t it?

A. Of course it is. Everybody can see that. Why do you even ask?

B. Yes, it is! It will be great to take a walk. Will you join me?

C. Sure! I do enjoy reading in the park on a day like this. How about you?


()36 I will talk with my brother.

()37 My teacher is very smart.

()38 I wanted to relax on the weekend.

()39 I felt sick because I ate too much food.

()40 My mother was mad at me for not finishing my work

()41 I had to jog five miles.

()42 I wore a cap to the baseball game.

()43 We had to leave through the back door.

()44 The young mother is holding the infant in her arms.

()45 The bunny in my yard looked very cute.

II. 阅读理解(共53分)



()1.Oh,man! The sun is killing me. I should have put on some sunscreen, not just the hat.

()2. The water feels so cool. It keeps me from changing into a “hotdog”!()3. My friend looks so tired. Maybe I should share my apples with him.

()4. Hum…what’s the puppy doing in the water?He looks so silly. Anyway, it is good that he is bothering the fish instead of chasing me.

()5. Too bad I forgot to bring my backpack. Now I am so thirsty.

()6. The fish look yummy! If only I can swim…

()7. Come on! Bite! What are you waiting for?

()8. Ha-ha! Got it! Can this day be better?

()9. I thought I would get some good luck out here in the boat. But …

()10. This is so much more fun than guarding the house and fighting the cat.
