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Please don’t leave me

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I don't know if I can yell any louder 不知道我是否还能更大声地叫喊

How many time have I kicked you outta here 多少次我曾把你从这里撵了出去Or said something insulting 还竟说些不堪入耳的话

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I can be so mean when I want to be 如果我想,我会变得很残忍

I am capable of really anything 什么事情我都做得出来

I can cut you into pieces 在我心碎的时候

When my heart is broken 我能把你撕成碎片

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Please don't leave me 请别离开我

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Please don't leave me 请别离开我

I always say how I don't need you 我总说多么多么不需要你

But it's always going to come right back to this 但事后又会明白自己原来是如此需要你

Please don't leave me 请别离开我

How did I become so obnoxious 我怎么会变得这么令人讨厌

What is it with you and it makes me act like this 你又是怎么了,竟然把我变成了这个德行

I've never been this nasty 我从未曾这么卑鄙,充满恶意

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Can't you tell that this is all just a contest 为何不告诉我这一切只是一场比赛

The one that wins will be the one that hits the hardest 出拳最狠的那一方才能最终获胜

But baby I don't mean it但是宝贝,我不想那样

I mean it, I promise 我是认真的,我保证

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Please don't leave me 请别离开我

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Oh, please don't leave me 噢,请别离开我

I always say how I don't need you 我总说多么多么不需要你

But it's always going to come right back to this 但事后又会明白自己原来是如此需要你

Please don't leave me 请别离开我

I forgot to say aloud 我忘了大声告诉你

How beautiful you really are to me 其实在我心里你有多么美好

I cannot be without 没有你我活不下去

You're my perfect little punching bag 你是我理想的小出气筒

And I need you, I'm sorry 我需要你,对不起

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Please, please don't leave me 请别,请别离开我

Da da da da da

Baby please don't leave me 宝贝,请别离开我

No, don't leave me 不,别离开我

Please don't leave me 请别离开我

No, don't leave me 不,别离开 I always say how I don't need you 我总说多么多么不需要你

But it's always gonna come right back to this 但事实上很快我就会后悔Please don't leave me请别离开我

Please don't leave me 请别离开我

Oh no no no 噢,别别别

I always say how I don't need you 我总说多么多么不需要你

But it's always going to come right back to this 但事实上很快我就会后悔Please don't leave me 请别离开我

Baby, please, please don't leave me 宝贝,请别,请别离开我
