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M2U2 readi ng2



1. En able the stude nts to know more about Africa.

Help the stude nts to master some useful words and expressi ons.

2. Improve the stude nts' r eading ability.

Get the stude nts to know how to read and write an in formal letter.


3. Motivate the stude nts to show their love for our n ature and protect our n ature.

要求:1、自主阅读课本(P22--23 页);2、自主思考完成预习活动;3、尝试提出预习中的疑问


Morocco [m?'r?k??] Ken ya ['kenj ?; 'ki:nj ?]

Sahara Desert [s?'h a r?;] Tanzania [,t?nz ?ni?;]

River Nile [na?l] Himalayas [,him ?'lei?z]

Lake Victoria [v?k't?:r??] Kilimanjaro [,kilim ?n'd? a r?u]

Whe n people talk about Africa, what else come into your mind ?




Skimmi ng

1. What does Para 1 tell us?

2. How will Colin and Toby travel through the desert?

3. What activity does Toby think is dan gerous?

4. How long will the brothers stay in Africa ?

Liste n to the record and try to put the activities in the correct order (Part C1).

_______ travel dow n the River Nile

_______ travel on camels through the Sahara Desert

_______ Climb the Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania

_______ see wild ani mals in Kenya

_______ fly to Morocoo

_______ go to the Himalayas


Detailed Read ing:

Read Para 2-6 carefully again. And try to find out the information for each paragraph.

Choose the best an swer (Part C2).

1. Accord ing to paragraph 1, ______ .

A. Toby is pla nning a bus in ess trip

B. Toby usually travels in his summer holiday

C. Colin wan ts to travel before starti ng uni versity

D. Toby is n ot very excited about the trip

2. In line 12, “ there ” refers to ___ .

A. the Un ited States

B. Morocco

C. northern Africa

D. the Sahara Desert

3. Accord ing to paragraph 2, _____ .

A. Toby enjoys traveli ng on camels

B. Toby is worried about traveli ng on camels

C. Toby will feed the camels

D. Coli n loves camels

4. Accord ing to paragraph 5, Toby wants to ________ .

A. see a giraffe up close

B. scare ani mals away

C. take photographs of ani mals

D. shoot an elepha nt

5. I n line 34, “ them ” refers to ______ .

A. the elepha nts

B. Coli n and Toby

C. the guides

D. the giraffes

6. Accord ing to the letter, Toby enjoys __________ .

A. comfortable, expe nsive holidays

B. cultural holidays

C. adve nture holidays

D. stay ing at home


Post-readi ng

Suppose you are a traveler in Africa, what will you probably see besides these beautiful sce neries ? Discussi on: Discuss your feeli ngs after see ing all the pictures.
