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⏹do, did, does 强调动作的用词, I do care, he did come. Here: did foresee的确预见到

⏹medium, media

⏹become a force in making it so 成为实现这个预想的重要人物

⏹socially prominent passengers 有社会地位的乘客

⏹amateur 业余的,非专业的

⏹to make contact with …与…联系

⏹gain fame 出了名

⏹subsidiary 子公司

⏹experimental stage 实验阶段 p217

⏹returns 报告书,情况反馈

⏹be mounted in …安装入…

⏹aside from ….= in addition to …

⏹the profit derived from … 来自于…的利润

⏹receive national and universal attention 获得国内国际关注

⏹General Electric 通用电气公司


⏹join forces with … 与…联手

⏹pool vt. 合伙,汇集,共享

⏹take over 接管

⏹wireless station 无线电广播电台

⏹went on the air 开始广播播音

⏹fully licensed commercial broadcasting station 营业执照齐全的商业广播电台⏹ a toll station 一家收费电台 p218

⏹air time 广播时段

⏹chain broadcasting 联播

⏹forerunner 先驱,排头兵

⏹bail out 原意“跳伞”,here: bail out of …从…中脱身

⏹lease sth to sb 向…出租….

⏹subsidiary 子公司,下属单位

⏹This launched an era of …:(这件事)引发了一个….时代/时期

⏹boost the sale of …:促进、拉动….的销售

⏹exclusively 独家地

⏹eg. We run a cable service exclusively in this area.

⏹regulations 规章、制度、条例

⏹keep/prevent sb fm doing sth: 避免某人做某事

⏹turn to sb for help 寻求某人的帮助

⏹the Radio Act was passed 广播法得以通过

⏹debut 初次登台,处女秀

⏹newscasts 新闻广播

⏹become firmly entrenched 站稳了脚跟

⏹the popular culture 流行文化,大众文化

⏹popularity n. 流行,走俏

⏹coupled with the decline in newspaper advertising revenue ….伴随着报纸广


⏹the Great Depression 大萧条

⏹not only …., but (also)….不仅…而且…

⏹ a credible news source 一个可信度高的新闻来源

⏹…..as well: (句尾)同样也…

⏹without being on the scene 不必在场

⏹be far superior to …. 比….要强得多

⏹instant news 即时的消息

⏹convention 集会

⏹the Associate Press 美联社

⏹have had enough 受够了

⏹issue an ultimatum to …向…发出最后通牒

⏹provide sth to sb…: 向…提供…(p219)

⏹comply with 遵从…

⏹to gather news on one’s own 靠自己采集新闻

⏹bargain vt. 讨价还价,期望

⏹take the lead in doing sth 在…方面带头

⏹first-rate = first class a. 一流的

⏹news-gathering service

⏹under the direction of …: 在…的领导下

⏹open bureaus in …在…建立分支机构

⏹the wire-service ban 新闻社禁令

⏹assisted radio in becoming … 帮助广播使之成为…

⏹in states of panic over ….处于对…的恐慌之中

⏹the average people…average Joe 普通百姓

⏹reassuring a. 起镇定作用的,坚强的

⏹keep ….informed about ….:让….了解到….

⏹report/describe/broadcast … live: 现场报道,直播 p220

⏹multiple pickup news broadcast 异地同步新闻播报

⏹the scope and diversity of radio 广播的报道范围和丰富程度


⏹eyewitness accounts 目击记,现场采集的报道

⏹impact on … 对…的冲击/影响

⏹coverage n. 报道

⏹set the stage for … 为…作了铺垫/预备

⏹radio bulletins 广播公告

⏹inspire a spirit of patriotism and dedication 点燃了爱国主义热情及奉献之

⏹censorship of news 对新闻的审查 p221

⏹self-imposed as well as governmental 既有自我施加的,也有政府要求的⏹… be downplayed …(实情)没有得到充分的反映;被低调处理了


⏹variety shows 综艺节目

⏹comedy series 系列喜剧

⏹dominate the airwaves成为电波媒介主打节目

⏹…consist of …: …由…构成

⏹burlesque comedy 小品类的喜剧

⏹situation comedy (sitcom)…情景喜剧

⏹evolve into …演化成…

⏹an episode 一集(剧目)

⏹perpetuate the negative stereotype of African-Americans 固化了非洲裔美国


⏹stereotype 刻板印象
