英语PPT 香水广告
成员:崔靖晨 张文思 孙璐 田颖
Key message
Our product is an upmarket perfume,named love bite.It is produced by a well-known fashion house.
Special features
1.Love bite is different from almost perfume,it reveals elegent temperament,strong women,but not simple delicate fragrance great lady,she includes a real brave and bold,but also has a unique style of women. 2.The smell is mixed with May rose and jasmine,it has great originality of dissemination of the fragrance smell. 3.Love bite is timeless and will shock and amaze people with its lasting scent.
Target audience
It aimed at aged 25-40 who enjoy luxury and sophisitication.
It is not a journey ,every journey ends,but we go on.The world turns ,we turn with it plans disappear,dreams take over,but wherever I go ,there you are .My luck,my fate,my future,my love bite.
香水基本知识 使用礼仪(英文)(课堂PPT)
4. 冷冻, 5. 过滤, 6. 调色, 7. 产品检验, 8. 装瓶
In order to improve personal taste and cope with different social occasions, many woman even man start to use perfume.
【Species of perfume】
• 1.香精(essence)is a mixture of fragrant essential
oils .It is the most concentrated of all kinds of perfume • 2.香水(perfume) • 3.淡香水(EDT)-Containing about 8% of essential oils and alcohol. • 4.香体喷雾(Body Spray) • 5精油(essential oil) • 6.固体香水(solid perfume)
• 5、婚礼 这种喜洋洋的场合,香氛可以倍增喜
气。白天可以选择淡香水,晚上则可选择 浓香水。 • 5, wedding The jubilant occasions, sweet atmosphere can multiply beaming. During the day can choose weak perfume, can choose a good water at night.
• 6、约会 选用柑橘水
果和苔类香草为 原料的香水,内 含有令人增添吸 引力和荷尔蒙成 份。
• 6, date • selection of citrus
7、雨天 潮湿的空气会让香气在水区域内弥散,
香水英语介绍带翻译Introduction to Perfume。
Perfume is a fragrant liquid made from a mixture of essential oils, aroma compounds, fixatives, and solvents.It is used to enhance the scent of the body, clothing, or living spaces. Perfumes come in various types and concentrations, each with its unique scent and intensity. In this article, we will explore the world of perfume and learn about its history, ingredients, types, and application.History of Perfume。
Perfume has been used for thousands of years by various cultures around the world. The ancient Egyptians were known to use perfume for religious ceremonies, as well as for personal grooming. They used scented oils and resins, such as myrrh and frankincense, to create fragrances. The Greeks and Romans also used perfume, and it became popular inEurope during the Middle Ages.In the 19th century, perfume production became more industrialized, and new synthetic fragrances were created. The modern perfume industry began in France, where perfumers used natural and synthetic ingredients to create unique scents.Ingredients of Perfume。
Laura Richis 萝拉·李奇
在格雷诺耶踏上前往 格拉斯路上,萝拉坐在马 车里与他擦肩而过,少女 的气味受到格雷诺耶的注 意,她的体香是格雷诺耶 调配完美香水的最后配方。
Antoine Richis 安托万·李奇
萝拉的父亲,担心自 己女儿的安危,最先察觉 到凶手(格雷诺耶)的不 寻常之处,无奈直到最后 还是没能保护了自己女儿。
本片改编自德国作家Patrick Süskind(帕特里 克·聚斯金德)的同名小说(英译Perfume: The Story of a Murderer,香水-一个杀手的故事)。用 夸张的手法放大人的内心。伯恩德.艾钦格说:“我们 用意象、声响和音乐的力量。营造出气味的氛围。” 本片画面没有一丝血腥与暴力,而是唯美艳丽,死去 的美女们以种种优雅的姿态裸身躺在公众场合,与周 围的美丽的教堂交相辉映,构成了一幅幅中世纪优雅 的油画。
The Story of a Murderer
1738年,Jean-Baptiste Grenouille於巴黎一
个满是臭气的鱼市场呱呱落地,天生没有体味的他, 嗅觉却极度敏锐。童年坎坷的他住过孤儿院、在环境 恶劣的皮革厂做过童工後,辗转间被香水师Baldini赏 识,并开始学习调制香水。Grenouille混合香味的技 巧很快已青出於蓝,但他心底里最迷恋的其实是女性 体香,这种欲望更令他不能自拔,每次碰到气味叫他 心仪的女性,他都会把她杀死,然後用她制成香水!
细腻、优雅、气质、非凡是这三则广告的共性,同时 也是兰蔻的品牌精髓。这三则广告非常注重局部细节,一 个眼神,一分悸动,一个微笑都可以让人感受到兰蔻的大 家风范;作品中的模特,举手投足都显示出一分高贵的气 质,吸引着我们驻足关注,却又只可远观,不可近赏,一 分淡淡的距离。
迪奥 古奇
兰蔻 香奈儿
Dior——“真我”香水 影视广告
广告正文:Gold is cold. Diamonds are dead. A Limousine is a
对于迪奥这两则香水广告,触感一直是他们强调的重 点,亦是他们坚持不变的传统。两则广告尽管表达的主题 不同,但广告都充满梦幻(虚幻)气息,并且广告中的模 特都拥有柔滑的触感,美丽的肌肤以及迷人的芳香,恰巧 这些都是女性锲而不舍地追求所在,因此,这两则广告能 够轻而易举得到抓住广告受众(不论男女)的眼球。迪奥 针对消费者的这一诉求,推出的广告无不淋漓尽致的表现 “触感”这一特质。
主题:ATTRACTION(吸引) 广告语:引力 与生俱来 艺术构思:作品引用男人、 女人两种元素,随着男人的 靠近,女人紧闭眼眸,羞涩 而欢喜,心中怀着一份期待, 一分悸动...众所周知,同性相 斥,异性相吸,作品选用男人和 女人不是没有道理的,毕竟,男 人和女人天生就互相吸引, 引力,与生俱来,不久是 ATTRACTION香水了吗?
广告语:ENVY for men and women
•she believes she can create her own future, as long as you own her, nothing is impossible.
• the design of Coeur Joie is to memory
the end of war, the bottle body is hollow(空的) heart. • This fragrance presents the young breath, and wins the love of the young, lively and gentle women. • It reflects the post war women • eager to seek the outside classical smell taste.
• Chinese spokesperson:
• Zhou Xun
• She became the Chanel girl in 2021.
Other perfumes
• Coco Chanel(可可香奈儿香水) • Coco Chanel ever said “Chance is my soul.
after, Florence uses Elizabeth Arden(伊丽莎白·雅顿 ) as her name. • Brand Name: Beauty Salon(美容沙龙)also calls Red Door Salon(红门沙龙). • Mrs. Arden passed away in1966, American Life Magazine assess her • as "one of the most important American in 20 Century“. • Florence ever got the award of the queen.
FragranceAs the saying goes, you can know a woman through her scent. Today, we would like to recommend you several kinds of perfume.1.Miss Dior¥830/50mlRecommend Level:★★★★★This is a bardian perfume, contain a lasting and natural flowery. Taking it makes you more elegant, so you, young ladies should not miss it which from Miss Dior.If you can buy on the Internet: YES2.Chanel Chance EDT¥750/50mlRecommend Level:★★★★☆This fragrance from Chanel named Chance EDT is light, not full-bodies or sweet greasy, so that can fit spring and summer well. Its fresh green color also comforts customers visually, like a salubrious girl jump lightly and vividly on the grass.If you can buy on the Internet: YES3.Chloe See By Chloe Eau De Parfum Spray¥750.00/50mlRecommend Level:★★★★☆See By Chloe was a kind of fragrance created by perfumer Robertet elaborately. Like a sweet smile, this perfume will make you addictive. Bergamot, apple blossom, jasmine, sanders and herb were mixed up together, like a olfactory hide-and-seek.If you can buy on the Internet: YES4.GUERLAIN Little Black Dress¥720/50mlRecommend Level:★★★★★Guerlain won’t disappoint customers. This one is themed by Little Black Dress, that is elegant and retro. The pink perfume containing apple, spade and white musk, emits light fruity.If you can buy on the Internet: YES5.Anna Sui Secret Wish¥440/30mlRecommend Level:★★★★★Anna Sui’ Secret Wish like a little spirit around you, make you become more confident and attractive. Its light fragrance is not only impressive but also natural and lasting, which can make you stand out from the crowd.If you can buy on the Internet: YESBENEFITS OF BUYING ONLINE: you can get all information you want online, so that you don’t have to go to the shop personally. And, the commodities people order will be delivered to them promptly. In addition, the commodities on the Internet is usually cheaper than the stores which can save much money.BENEFITS OF BUYING WITH A REGULAR STORE: you can choose products face to face, so that you can know their quality, which is more reliable and trustworthy. As for buying perfume, you also can smell their fragrance when you are buying with a regular store.THE ENDTHANK YOU.。
Chanel N°5英文简介演讲_ppt文档
This perfume packaging is very simple, rectangular parallelepiped with clean lines of the perfume bottle, Chanel No.5 black words appear on a white background. •
A woman who doesn't wear perfume has no future.
Thank you
To Chanel’s World
Chanel No. 5 was the first fragrance from Parisian couturier Gabrielle "Coco" Chanel, and has been on sale continuously since its introduction in 1921.
前味:格拉斯橙花、乙醛、香水树 花 中味:格拉斯茉莉、五月玫瑰
Chanel No.5 since birth, Chanel perfume has always been to the noble and elegant image win support among the people. In 1956, also became the Metropolitan
Marilyn Monroe was not N ° 5 endorsement, but her that "A few drops of Chanel NO.5 " let N ° 5 become the legend of the times.omponents
经典香水英文广告文案经典香水英文广告文案迪奥香水英文广告语Dior - "I really" perfumeTitle: j'adore LE FEMININ ABSOLU"True I" perfume makes women attractiveText: Gold is cold. Diamonds are dead. A Limousine is a car. Do not Pretend. Feel what's real. C'est Ca Que J'adore At this point, the gold is cold, diamond lack of vitality, luxury cars are not enough to attract, do not pretend to feel the real luxury, only ... Dior really my perfumeArt concept: works, the woman just finished the party, despite a tired, but elegant and charming temperament, as if the rich fragrance head-on. She, through one after another golden luxury door, diamond earrings, necklace one by one woman off, the hair scattered ... these are not enough, cries from the heart cries of women eager to liberate a warm and unrestrained mood , A woman is so ecstasy, so charming charming, ecstasy, that is, "true I", it is "true I" to work in the style of women charm ...经典香水英文广告语Dior - AddictTitle: admit it (recognize it)Dior Addict The now fragrance from DiorAddicted to Dior's fragrance are from DiorArtistic design: the rainy night, a moon, neon silhouette, making the background is full of erosion of the atmosphere, the model is only a pipe to indulge in drizzle, raindrops spread over the body, wet short hair strands of the cheek cover, woman mouth Micro-Zhang, eyes closed, his face intoxicated, erosion ofthe breath adds a touch of eclectic ... ... luxury addictive, erosion makes self-indulgence, which is the charm of Dior Addict perfume, you have to admit.香水英文广告语Gucci - ENVY (jealousy)Title: ENVYAdvertisement: ENVY for men and womenJealousy, not only women, men haveArtistic conception: ENVY advertising in the two people see is cuddling, but in reality is not, a woman will face close to the man's chest, deep sniffing, face blurred, the man's body is charming, but not attract women close to the reason, Envy is a man who ENVY, jealousy, not only a woman has, men also have, cleverly expressed the theme, which is the most direct and most appropriate.Lancome - GravitationTitle: ATTRACTION (Attraction) Lancome Gravity PerfumeAdvertising language: Gravity bornArtistic conception: works cited men, women, two elements, with the man's close, a woman closed his eyes, shy and happy, with an expectation of the heart, a throbbing ... As we all know, homosexual repression, heterosexual phase Smoking, works of choice for men and women is not without reason, after all, men and women born to attract each other, gravity, born, this is the ATTRACTION perfume.Fourth: Chanel perfumeTitle: CHANCE CHANELPerformance elements: a woman CHANEL perfume bottles Artistic conception: a woman clinging to the bottle with both hands, as if treasured, the woman's lower body is "deep" bottlefeet can not reach the bottom, but the woman's face is joy, enjoyment, pleasure, CHANEL perfume has a fatal attraction for women, both being submerged are willing, but also firmly grasp and do not let go, this is the temptation of Chanel.Nina Ricci Nina Ricci perfumeTitle: L'Air du Temps Flying FragrancePEATH ON EARTH The Tranquility of the EarthArtistic conception: Women's light eyes lean against the railing of the subway box, as if the pursuit of laughter, peace and love of the desire to be met. So that you and I in time, feel pleasure, pure and true, behind the faint flash of white wings to increase the pure feeling.。
香水广告案例分析(PPT 34页)
广告语:引力 与生俱来
艺术构思:作品引用男人、 女人两种元素,随着男人的靠 近,女人紧闭眼眸,羞涩而欢 喜,心中怀着一份期待,一分 悸动...同性相斥,异性相吸,男 人和女人天生就互相吸引,引 力,与生俱来,完美地表达 ATTRACTION香水的内涵
细腻、优雅、气质、非凡是这三则广告的共性 ,同时也是兰蔻的品牌精髓。这三则广告非常注重局部细 节,一个眼神,一分悸动,一个微笑都可以让人感受到兰 蔻的大家风范;作品中的模特,举手投足都显示出一分高 贵的气质,吸引着我们驻足关注,却又只可远观,不可近 赏,一分淡淡的距离。
富有活力,ATTRACTION香水选用男女性来直接表现引力,“ 璀璨珍爱”香水截取恋人之间那份淡淡的“珍爱”来突出 主题。总体来说兰蔻的这三则广告,都采用感性诉求的方 式来宣传产品的特色。
表现元素:性感迷人的模特 N°5 鱼尾裙
tha Itlike
• 由世界顶级时尚品牌纪梵希Givenchy所推出的HOT COUTURE香水系列,集高贵、性 感、优雅、挑逗于一身,冷热刚柔同时存在,它的香味结构上,蕴含了花香、木 香及水果香,主香调为玉兰花所制,并融合了木材琥珀香,与覆盆子花蜜,呈现 出温暖、完美、欲望而性感的极致味道,而此瓶HOT COUTURE香水,其命名的灵感 是源自于手工制作的高级订制服而来,瓶身的造型,从各个角度欣赏都截然不同, 瓶身之后,浮雕装饰着一完美MODEL,连包装盒的设计上,也布满了许多立体裁剪 时所需之丝针,一展时装艺术的细腻精心。
By English 2011 快19 第三组
The best man walked to the bridesmaid
gave her a note reads:
… English By
2011 快19 第三组
“Be patient, find me”
By English 2011 快19 第三组
Finally,she found him
With flavor of the ‘perfect love’
He knelt down and saiபைடு நூலகம், “Marry me!”
By English 2011 快19 第三组
Lovers all's well that ends well
By English 2011 快19 第三组
By English 2011 快19 第三组
◆ Slogan
❤Perfect love❤ Forever promise ,Forever happiness
❤Perfect love❤ The best for you !!
By English 2011 快19 第三组
Show time
By English 2011 快19 第三组
By English 2011 快19 第三组
By English 2011 快19 第三组
• Round crystal bottle
• A fairly sited at the top • pink
• From fresh fruits &flowers
◆ Presentation
A company is an association or collection of individuals, whether natural persons, legal persons, or a mixture of both. Company members share a common purpose and unite in order to focus their various talents and organize their collectively available skills or resources to achieve specific, declared goals. A company or association of persons can be created at law as legal person so that the company in itself can accept Limited liability for civil responsibility and taxation.
Here you can enter the relevant text you or for
Here you can enter the relevant text you or for to the participants to explain your product or service.
Because companies are legal persons, they also may associate and register themselves as companies – often known as a corporate group. When the company closes it may need a "death certificate" to avoid further legal obligations. A company or association of persons can be created at law as legal person so that the company in itself can accept Limited liability for civil responsibility and taxation incurred as members perform (or fail) to discharge their duty within the publicly declared "birth certificate" or published policy.
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Unique selling points
bines luxurious and low-key features. pletely break the traditional spl.
4.Perform the charm of graceful women.I 5.It will be endorsed by Oil Lee.
1.Love bite is different from almost perfume,it reveals elegent temperament,strong women,but not simple delicate fragrance great lady,she includes a real brave and bold,but also has a unique style of women. 2.The smell is mixed with May rose and jasmine,it has great originality of dissemination of the fragrance smell. 3.Love bite is timeless and will shock and amaze people with its lasting scent.
journey turn with wherever I future,my
Now we launch a sales promotion campaign.We provide free samples so that you can try our perfume on your skin before you buy. If you buy two bottles of our perfume,we will largess a box of facial mask.
Target audience
It aimed at aged 25-40 who enjoy luxury and sophistication.
It is not a journey ,every ends,but we go on.The world turns ,we it plans disappear,dreams take over,but go ,there you are .My luck,my fate,my love bite.
love bite
成员:崔靖晨 张文思 孙璐 田颖
Key message
Our product is an upmarket perfume,named love bite.It is produced by a well-known fashion house.
Special features