
请问有什么可以为您效劳?(Goodafternoon、This is Garden Restaurant、What can I do for you,please?)2.我们恭候您得光临。
(We look forward to seeing you、)3.请跟我来好吗?(Would you please come with me?/ Please followme、)4.那里有一张四人用餐得桌子。
您喜欢吗?(There’s a table for fourover there、Would you like it?)5.我们给您留了张非吸烟区得桌子。
(We have a table in thenon-smoking area reserved for you、)6.对不起,靠近窗户得座位全都有人了。
(I’m sorry、The tables by thewindow are all occupied、)7.餐厅现在已经客满。
您可以稍等约20分钟好吗?(The restaurant is fullnow、Could you please wait for about 20 minutes?)8.您得餐桌已经布置好了,这边请。
(Your table is ready, this way,please、)9.先生,这就是您得菜单。
(Hereis the menu, sir、Please take your time、The waiter/waitress willbe here to take your order soon、)10.希望您用餐愉快。
(Please enjoy your meal、)11.先生,可以点菜了吗?(Excuse me, sir、May I take your order now?)12.能不能简单给我们介绍一下中国菜?(Could you give us a briefdescription of the Chinese food? )13.您点得菜很快就好了。

“ 神州视景杯”第七届全国旅游院校服务技能(饭店服务)大赛英语水平测试题库餐饮服务——中职学校组一、中译英1. 先生,早上好。
答案:Good morning, Sir. Welcome to our hotel.2. 女士,下午好。
答案:Good afternoon, Madam. Very glad to have you here.3.很高兴又见到您,史密斯先生。
答案:It's nice to see you again, Mr. Smith.4.请这边走。
答案:This way, please.5.我带您去您的餐桌,好吗?答案:Shall I show you to your table?6.您觉得这个会议室怎么样?答案:How do you like this conference room?7.请您在这里签字。
答案:Could you sign your name here, please?8.对不起,我不明白这项收费。
答案:I’m sorry, but I don’t understand this item.9.我为犯了这样一个粗心的错误向您道歉。
答案:I’m sorry for making such a careless mistake.10.请看一下账单是否都对。
答案:Please have a look at it to see if everything is correct.11.您怎么结账?用现金,信用卡还是旅游支票?答案:How will you be paying , in cash, by credit card or with a traveler's check?12.很抱歉给您带来不便。
答案:Sorry for the trouble.13.我尽力去办。
答案:I'll try my best.14.我什么时候把您的早餐送到房间?答案:When should I send the breakfast to your room?15.我可以给他电话留言吗?答案:May I leave a message on the phone ?16.女士,您需要我给您打开窗户吗?答案:May I open the window for you, Ma'am?17.抱歉,没有人接电话。

英语口语比赛参考题题型一xx(二)中餐宴会摆台1.您一共有几个人用餐?(How many persons in your dinner party?)2.请问您预订的用餐时间是什么时候?(MayIknowthetimeforyourdinnerreservation?)3.请问以谁的名义预订?(In which name, please?)4.您愿意吃西餐还是中餐?(Would you like Western food or Chinese food?)5.您喜欢坐哪个位置?(Where would you like to sit?)6.这个餐桌的位置可以吗?(Will this table be all right for you?)7.抱歉让您等这么久。
(Sorry to have kept you waiting.)8.您现在点菜吗?(May I take your order now?)9.对不起。
(I’mvery sorry. ButI’llgo to rushyour order right now)10.您想喝什么酒?(What wine would you like to have?)11.这是菜单。
(Here is the menu. The waitress will be withyou in a moment.)12.给您再添点米饭好吗?(Would you like some more rice?)13.餐厅现在客满。
(the restaurant isfull now. but we might be able to seat you in 20 minutes.)15.我们会尽快给您答复.(We will answer you as soon as possible)16.对此造成的不便,我们非常抱歉。

全国旅游饭店服务技能大赛英语口语比赛试题(餐饮部分)题型一中译英(二)中餐宴会摆台21. 您一共有几个人用餐? ( How many persons in your dinner party?22. 请问您预订的用餐时间是什么时候? ( May I know the time for your dinner reservatio n?)23. 请问以谁的名义预订?( In which name, please?24. 您愿意吃西餐还是中餐? ( Would you like Western food or Chinese food?)25. 您喜欢坐哪个位置?( Where would you like to sit?)26. 这个餐桌的位置可以吗? ( Will this table be all right for you?)27. 抱歉让您等这么久。
(Sorry to have kept you waiting.)28. 您现在点菜吗?( May I take your order now?)29. 对不起。
(I' m very sorry. But I 'uttig^darrorderright now)30. 您想喝什么酒?(What wine would you like to have?)31. 这是菜单。
(Here is the menu. The waitress will be with you in a moment.)32. 给您再添点米饭好吗?(Would you like some more rice?)33. 餐厅现在客满。
(the restaura nt is full now. but we might be able to seat you in 20 minu te^.34. 值班经理马上就来。

全国职业院校技能大赛中职组酒店服务赛项中餐宴会摆台项目英语口试参考题库Part one句子:中译英:1.共有几位客人?译:How many people are there in your party?2.我们已经为您预订一张6点半的餐台。
译:We have reserved a table for you at 6:30."3.请问您在我们餐厅有预订吗?译:Do you have a reservation with us?4.早餐的供应时间是7点到9点。
译:Breakfast will be served from 7:00 to 9:00."5.对不起,这张桌子已经有客人预订了。
译:Sorry, this table has been reserved.6.请问您有什么特殊要求?译:Do you have any special needs?7.角落的位子怎样?译:How about a seat in the corner?8.这张桌子可以吗?译:Will this table be all right for you?9包间已经准备好了,先生。
译:The private room is ready now, sir.10."您是要坐吸烟区还是非吸烟区?译:Would you like smoking area or non-smoking area?11."包间的最低消费是800元。
译:For a private room, there is a minimum charge of 800 Yuan. 12."请您在休息室里稍等一下,一有桌子我们就会安排您入座。
译:Could you wait for a moment in the lounge, please?We’ll seat youas soon as we have a table.13."先生,您的桌子已经准备好了。
2013年全国职业院校技能大赛高职组中餐主题宴会设计赛项英语口语测试题及参考答案 (定稿2013年5月16日)

2013年全国职业院校技能大赛高职组中餐主题宴会设计赛项(英语口语测试题及参考答案)题型一中译英1. 我想在贵餐厅为我们公司预订两个宴会。
(I’d like to book two banquets inyour restaurant for our company.)2. 您的宴会打算定在什么时候? (When would you like to hold your banquet?)3. 您需要多少张餐台?(How many tables would you like?)4. 您对宴会菜单有什么特殊要求?( Do you have any special demands for thebanquet menu?)5. 请问是在谁的名下做的预订?(In whose name was the reservation made?)6. 我们晚餐开餐时间是下午5点到晚上10点。
(The time for dinner is from5p.m. until 10p.m.)7. 对不起,我们餐厅14日的餐位已经订满了。
(I am sorry, sir. Our restaurantis fully booked on 14th.)8. 您打算人均用餐标准是多少?(How much would you like to pay for eachperson?)9. 有人均100元、150元和180元的标准,您想要订哪一种?(There are levelsof 100 yuan, 150 yuan, 180 yuan per head. Which would you prefer?)10. 三百人用餐的最低收费是15000元,不含酒水饮料。
(The minimum chargefor a 300-people-dinner party is 15,000yuan, excluding drinks.)11. 您的餐桌已经准备好了,这边请。

You can make IDD call in your room.2.我们提供快洗服务,加收50%的额外费用。
We have express service at a 50% extra charge.3.我想要一个客房送餐服务。
I would like to have a room service.4.在房间上网是免费的。
It’s free of charge to use Internet in the room.5.这个房价是海景房。
The room enjoys the ocean view/ sea view.6.酒店为客人提供免费的擦鞋服务。
The hotel provides free shoe shining service for its guests. 7.您需要我们什么时候打扫房间?When would you like me to clean your room?8.现在可以为您开夜床吗?Good evening. May I do the turn-down service for you now?9.我的房间现在还没打扫过,已经12点了。
My room hasn’t been made up yet. It’s already 12:00.10.如果您有问题,请随时找我们。
If you have any problems or requests, please don’t hesitate to let us know.11.我向您保证,这类事情以后不会再发生了。
I assure you it will never happen again.12.营业时间是上午9点到晚上10点。
The business hours are from 9:00 a.m to 10:00 p.m.13.酒店有自行车出租吗?Is it possible to rent a bike here?14.房间有保险箱吗?There is a safe in your room.15.请接受我代表酒店向您道歉。

2016全国职业院校技能大赛中职组酒店服务赛项中餐宴会摆台项目英语口试题库情景应答及答题要点:1. Q: Ask the guests if they have a reservation with your restaurant.A: Good evening. Do you have a reservation?2.Q: How do you check upon the guest’s name of the reservation?A: Good evening. Under whose name was our reservation made?3.Q: The guests need a table for 4, and they would like to dine somewhere quiet.A: Very well. This way please. Here’s a window table for four overlooking the lake. It’s very nice and quiet here.4. Q: Can you explain the terms of breakfast both for adults and children in the hotel?A: Sure, we offer breakfast at the rate of 128 RMB for each adult, and it’s free of charge for children under 6.5. Q: The guests would love to try some Chinese food, and they ask for youradvice on where to have a dinner party.A: The Rose Restaurant of our hotel serves very good Chinese food. It’s on the 2nd Floor.6. Q: Tell the guest how the restaurant will hold the table for the delayed guests.A: Usually, we hold the reserved table for forty minutes for our guests. So, please be sure to arrive before 6:40 this evening.7. Q: Greet the guests and check upon them to see if they are enjoying the food.A: Good evening, is everything to your satisfaction? Are you enjoying the food?8. Q: Inform the guest that the restaurant is fully booked this evening, andsuggest that he book a table the same time tomorrow evening.A: I’m sorry. We are fully booked this evening. How about tomorrow? We still have some nice tables available for tomorrow evening.9. Q: Ask the guests their preference for the egg dishes.A: How would you like the eggs done, Scrambled Eggs, Fried Eggs or Omelets?10. Q: Ask the guests if they’d like to wait a while in the lounge u ntil thetable is available.A: Would you like to have a seat and rest in the lounge for a moment?We’ll seat you as soon as the table is ready.11. Q: Ask the guests their preference for food, Chinese, Western, Japaneseor Korean.A: Which style of cuisine would you prefer? We serve Chinese, Western, Japanese and Korean food here.12. Q: What do you say while you’re presenting the menu to the guests?A: Here is the menu. The waiter will be with you in a moment to take your order.13. Q: How do you offer to take order for the guests in the evening?A: Good evening. May I take your order now? / Are you ready to order now?14. Q: What are the four major Chinese cuisines you’d introduce to the guests?A: In China, there are a variety of famous cuisines. The four major ones are Sichuan Cuisine, Guangdong Cuisine, Shandong Cuisine andJiangsu-Zhejiang Cuisine.15. Q: How do you ask the guest to check his bill?A: Here’s your bill. Please check it. The fruit combination is on the house.16. Q: How do you recommend the specialty of the restaurant?A: Would you like to try our specialty? It is our chef’s recommendation, very delicious in deed.17. Q: Visit the table to check if your service is satisfactory. Inform the guestthe last course will be dessert?A: Is everything to your satisfaction? All the dishes have been served as the menu goes, except for the dessert to follow.18. Q: You’ve noticed that the guests have enjoyed the food in yourrestaurant and they seemed full and happy, yet with a whole dish ofRoast Duck untouched. Will you do or say something to help?A: I will ask: Have you enjoyed your dinner? Would you like me to pack the Roast Duck for you for takeaway?19. Q: Ask the guest his preference for fruit juice.A: What kind of fruit juice would you prefer? We have grape juice, kiwifruit juice and orange juice.20. Q: Ask the guest his choice of the main course.A: What would you like for your main course?21. Q: Ask the guest’s choice of wine.A: Would you like a bottle of red wine to go with your Sirloin Steak? 22. Q: What do you say when serving the guests their dessert?A: Here is your dessert. Please enjoy.23. Q: Ask the guest how he would like his steak prepared.A: How would you like your steak done? Rare, Medium or Well-done? 24. Q: What is the duty of a Food and Beverage Manager?A: A Food and Beverage Manager is in charge and directs the work of the Department.25. Q: Tell the guest the restaurant offers preferential price to regular guests.A: We offer a preferential price of 20% discount to the regular guests. 26. Q: Ask the guest the way he would like to decorate the banquet hall.A: How would you like us to set up the banquet hall? Do you need some specific decoration for the banquet?27. Q: Tell the guests how to appreciate the art of Chinese cooking.A: The charm of Chinese cooking lies in the delicacy of the dishes in termsof the color, the flavor and the taste.28. Q: When the guest tells you they need more time to think beforeordering, how do you respond?A: Very well, please take your time. I will be back with you in a moment.29. Q: Tell the guests the general sequence of a Chinese dinner.A: Chinese dinner usually starts with cold dishes and ends with a soup. 30. Q: What do you say if the guest orders a dish which is not available inyour restaurant?A: I’m afraid we do not serve this dish in our restaurant. May I recommend the specialty of today?31. Q: What do you recommend if the guest orders a fresh white water fish?A: May I suggest steaming the fish to retain its freshness?32. Q: How do you ask about the guest’s preference for buffet or a la carte service?A: How would you like your dinner served? A buffet or an a la carte service?33. Q: How do you ask about the guest’s preference for salad?A: What kind of salad would you prefer? We have Ham Salad, Prawn Salad,and Fresh Vegetable Salad.34. Q: How do you respond to a guest’s compliments to your service?A: Thank you for your compliments. It’s our greatest pleasure to be of service.35. Q: Explain the service charge to the guest’s bill.A: As you may have noticed, a 10% service charge has been added to the total.36. Q: What do you say after a guest has brought a problem to your attention?A: Thank you for bringing this matter to our attention. It helps to improve our service.37. Q: Tell the guest where to pay his bill.A: You may pay the bill at the cashier’s desk. This way please.38. Q: Ask the guest what vegetable he’d like to have with his chicken.A: What vegetable would you like to go with your Roast Chicken?39. Q: What do you say in seeing off the guests?A: I’m glad you enjoyed. Thank you for coming! Good-bye.40. Q: Tell the guest what exactly is the dish of “Spaghetti with Lamb”.A: “Spaghetti with Lamb” is actually lamb cooked with herbs and serve d with spaghetti.41. Q:If the guest wants to make a reservation with your restaurant, whatinformation do you need to know?A:I have to confirm such information regarding the name of the guest, his telephone number, the time for the reservation, the number of guests to be expected.42. Q: If a guest wants to try Sichuan cuisine, how do you help them order?A: If you like, you could try Chongqing-style hotpot. It is a wonderful combination of meat, potato, cabbage, lotus root, tofu, and mushroom in a spicy broth. It is one of the most popular items on our menu.43. Q:As a hostess, what’s the first thing you need to find out when the guest arrives?A:I have to find out whether the guest has a reservation or not.44. Q:What will a bartender tell the guests about Margarita?A:A Margarita is a popular cocktail made by mixing one part of tequila and three parts of dry wine and lemon.45. Q:What would you say if the guest wants to know the business hours ofyour restaurant?A:We provide restaurant service from 6:30 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. every day. 46. Q:How to ensure the guests’ needs are met when seating them?A: I will ask: ‘Do you have any preference as to where you sit?’47. Q:What information do you give when introducing your restaurant to the guest?A:I would tell the guest about the style, the specialties, the popular dishes, the business hours of the restaurant.48. Q:If some guests complain that there is a guest smoking in thenon-smoking restaurant, what should you do?A:I will apologize to the upset guests and remind the other guest that smoking is not allowed in the restaurant. If he wants to smoke, he’d better go to the smoking area of the hotel.49. Q:What would you say when you want to recommend something to the guest?A:May I recommend this one, madam? / May I suggest you try this one, sir?/ Would you like to take a look at this, Miss?50. Q:What do you need to do after the guest has finished ordering?A:I need to confirm everything by repeating all the dishes he has orderedand all relevant preferences he has mentioned before I leave.51. Q:After you have finished taking order for the guests, what would you say?A:Thank you. Please wait a minute. We’ll be back with your order soon.52. Q: What do you say to check upon the guests’ needs when all the disheshave been served?A:Do you enjoy the meal? Is there anything else I can do for you?53. Q: If the guest complains that the pancakes are stone cold and as hard asrock. What would you say?A: I’m sorry. That should never have happened. Please allow us to have the chef prepare a new one for you immediately.54. Q:If the guest wants to try some dishes that are typical local specialty ofSuzhou, but he has no idea what to order, what would you recommend to him?A: I will recommend the Squirrel-shaped Mandarin Fish, the Quick-boiled White Shrimp, and the Stir-fried Shredded Eel with Hot Oil.55. Q: What would you say to the guest when you are recommending yourhouse specialty?A: Would you like to try our house specialty? It’s very popular among our guests.56. Q: How do you respond to a guest’s complaint about the dish being too salty?A:I will apologize and say: “Let me organize another dish for you”. 57. Q: If the guest tells you that his wife is a vegetarian, what would you say?A: We do serve delicious vegetarian food in our restaurant. Actually the Tofu dishes are very popular among the guests.58. Q: If the guests tell you that they are full, but there is still one more dishwhich hasn’t been sent to the table, what would you do?A: I will check with the chef to see whether the dish is cooked or not. If it’s cooked, I will ask the guests if they would like to have it packed and take away with them; if it has not been cooked yet I will help them to cancel the dish.59. Q: What are the different areas offering a variety of meals and services allwithin a hotel?A: There’re a number of different areas offering meals and services withina hotel --- the restaurant, grill room, different bars, cafeteria and coffeeshop, as well as room service, lounge service and banqueting.60. Q: If a guest wonders whether he could smoke at the bar, what will you probably say?A: I will say “I’m sorry. But smoking is not allowed anywhere inside the bar.”61. Q:What would you ask when the guest orders whisky?A: I will ask “Do you want it straight up or on the rocks?”62. Q: What is the duty of an Executive Chef?A: An Executive Chef decides on the items on the menus, and coordinates the preparation of the food and beverage.63. Q: What will you do when the guest tells you that there’s a miscalculation in the bill?A: I will check with the guest carefully. If there is a mistake, I will apologize and then bring the bill back to the cashier’s desk to correct it.64. Q: What do you need to do if the guest would like to charge his bill to hisroom?A: I need to identify the guest by asking him to show his room card, and then I will take down his name, room number, and finally help him to sign the bill.65. Q: What would you ask if the guest wants to settle his bill?A: How would you like to pay? In cash, by credit card, or room charge? 66. Q: What will you say to the guests when they’ve enjoyed dinner and areleaving the restaurant?A: Thank you for coming. We look forward to seeing you again.67. Q: What do you introduce when a guest asks you about Peking Roast Duck?A:I’d tell him that Peking Roast Duck is one of the famous dishes of Beijing. The meat is prized for its thin, crisp skin. It is eaten with scallion, cucumber and sweet bean sauce with pancakes rolled around the fillings.68. Q: How do you make sure of the number of people in the dinner party?A:How many people are there in your party?69. Q: How do you ask the guests who is paying for the dinner?A: Do you want separated bills or just one single bill? / May I know who is paying, please?70. Q: How do you ask the guests to take their seats?A: Would you please take your seats?71. Q: What do you ask to see if the guest would like to have an aperitif before ordering?A: Would you like an aperitif before you order? / Do you care for a drink before you order?72. Q: If the guest complains that the soup is cold, what should you do?A: I will apologize to the guest and promise to return the soup to the chef immediately and get a fresh hot bowl of soup for the guest.73. Q: What question would you ask further when the guest orders coffee?A: Would you like your coffee black or white? / Would you like your coffee with cream or milk?74. Q: Give the guest an orientation of the buffet breakfast in the hotel.A: We serve a good selection of breakfast items at the buffet. Fresh fruit, cereals, pastries, cold meat, egg dishes and all the local dishes are conveniently laid out for our guests. Please help yourself.75. Q: What are the five main kinds of restaurant services?A: There are mainly 5 kinds of restaurant services. They are gueridon service, silver service, plate service, buffet service and takeaway service.76. Q: How are “a la carte” and “table d’hote” distinguished?A: Two forms of meals are distinguished: a la carte and table d’hote. An a la carte meal is ordered course by course from a menu where each item has a separate price, whereas a table d’hote meal has a fixed price for a complete meal or several courses.77. Q: What’s the standard of excellence for restaurant service in a deluxe hotel?A: The restaurant service in a deluxe hotel is expected to be fast, polite, very professional and of top quality.78. Q: Ask the guest about the time of his reservation for dinner.A: When would you like your table? / At what time are you coming in on Wednesday evening? / When should we expect you?79. Q: Tell the guests about the choices they have for main course.A: What would you like to have for main course? We have Sirloin Steak, Roast Lamb, Grilled Prawns and Scallops with Ginger Sauce.80. Q: Ask and see if the guests would like to have something for dessert.A: What would you like for dessert? / What shall I bring you for dessert?。

吉安市中等职业学校第十五届技能竞赛酒店服务赛项英语口试题库一、中餐宴会摆台与服务部分情景应答及答题要点:1. Q: Ask the guests if they have a reservation with your restaurant.A: Good evening. Do you have a reservation?2. Q: How do you check upon the guest’s name of the reservation?A: Good evening. Under whose name was your reservation made?3. Q: The guests need a table for 4, and they would like to dine somewhere quiet.A: Very well. This way please. Here’s a window table for four overlooking the lake. It’s ver y nice and quiet here.4. Q: Can you explain the terms of breakfast both for adults and children in the hotel?A: Sure, we offer breakfast at the rate of 128 RMB for each adult, and it’s free of charge for children under 6.5. Q: The guests would love to try some Chinese food, and they ask for your advice onwhere to have a dinner party.A: The Rose Restaurant of our hotel serves very good Chinese food. It’s on the 2nd Floor.6. Q: Inform the guest that the restaurant is fully booked this evening, and suggest thathe book a table the same time tomorrow evening.A: I’m sorry. We are fully booked this evening. How about tomorrow? We still have some nice tables available for tomorrow evening.7. Q: Ask the guests their preference for the egg dishes.A: How would you like the eggs done, Scrambled Eggs, Fried Eggs or Omelets?8. Q: Ask the guests their preference for food, Chinese, Western, Japanese or Korean.A:Which style of cuisine would you prefer? We serve Chinese, Western, Japanese and Korean food here.9. Q: How do you offer to take order for the guests in the evening?A: Good evening. May I take your order now? / Are you ready to order now?10. Q: How do you ask the guest to check his bill?A: Here’s your bill. Please check it. The fruit com bination is on the house.11. Q: Visit the table to check if your service is satisfactory. Inform the guest the lastcourse will be dessert?A: Is everything to your satisfaction? All the dishes have been served as the menu goes, except for the dessert to follow.12. Q: Ask the guest his preference for fruit juice.A: What kind of fruit juice would you prefer? We have grape juice, kiwifruit juice and orange juice.13. Q: Ask the guest’s choice of wine.A: Would you like a bottle of red wine to go with your Sirloin Steak?14. Q: What do you say when serving the guests their dessert?A: Here is your dessert. Please enjoy.15. Q: Ask the guest how he would like his steak prepared.A: How would you like your steak done? Rare, Medium or Well-done?16. Q: What is the duty of a Food and Beverage Manager?A: A Food and Beverage Manager is in charge and directs the work ofthe Department.17. Q: Tell the guests the general sequence of a Chinese dinner.A: Chinese dinner usually starts with cold dishes and ends with a soup.18. Q: What do you recommend if the guest orders a fresh white water fish?A: May I suggest steaming the fish to retain its freshness?19. Q: How do you ask about the guest’s preference for buffet or a la carte service?A: How would you like your dinner served? A buffet or an a la carte service?20. Q: How do you ask about the guest’s preference for salad?A: What kind of salad would you prefer? We have Ham Salad, Prawn Salad, and Fresh Vegetable Salad.21. Q: How do you respond to a guest’s compliments to your service?A: Thank you for your compliments. It’s our greatest pleasure to be of service.22. Q: Tell the guest where to pay his bill.A: You may pay the bill at the cashier’s desk. This way please.23. Q: Ask the guest what vegetable he’d like to have with his chicken.A: What vegetable would you like to go with your Roast Chicken?24. Q: What do you say in seeing off the guests?A: I’m glad you enjoyed. Thank you for coming! Good-bye.25. Q: Tell the guest what exactly is the dish of “Spaghetti with Lamb”.A: “Spaghetti with Lamb” is actually lamb cooked with herbs and served with spaghetti.26. Q: As a hostess, what’s the first thing you need to find out when the guest arrives?A: I have to find out whether the guest has a reservation or not.27. Q: What will a bartender tell the guests about Margarita?A: A Margarita is a popular cocktail made by mixing one part of tequila and three parts of dry wine and lemon.28. Q: What would you say if the guest wants to know the business hours of yourrestaurant?A: We provide restaurant service from 6:30 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. every day.29. Q: What information do you give when introducing your restaurant to the guest?A: I would tell the guest about the style, the specialties, the popular dishes, the business hours of the restaurant.30. Q: What would you say when you want to recommend something to the guest?A:May I recommend this one, madam? / May I suggest you try this one, sir? / Would you like to take a look at this, Miss?31. Q: After you have finished taking order for the guests, what would you say?A: Thank you. Please wait a minute. We’ll be back with your order soon.32. Q: If the guest wants to try some dishes that are typical local specialty of Suzhou, buthe has no idea what to order, what would you recommend to him?A: I will recommend the Squirrel-shaped Mandarin Fish, the Quick-boiled White Shrimp, and the Stir-fried Shredded Eel with Hot Oil.33.Q: What would you say to the guest when you are recommending your housespecialty?A: Would you like to try our house specialty? It’s very popular among our guests. 34. Q: How do you respond to a guest’s complaint about the dish being too salty?A: I will apologize and say: “Let me organize another dish for you”.35. Q: If the guest tells you that his wife is a vegetarian, what would you say?A: We do serve delicious vegetarian food in our restaurant. Actually the Tofu dishesare very popular among the guests.36. Q: If a guest wonders whether he could smoke at the bar, what will you probably say?A: I will say “I’m sorry. But smoking is not allowed anywhere inside the bar.”37. Q: What would you ask when the guest orders whisky?A: I will ask “Do you want it straight up or on the rocks?”38. Q: What is the duty of an Executive Chef?A: An Executive Chef decides on the items on the menus, and coordinates the preparation of the food and beverage.39. Q: What w ill you do when the guest tells you that there’s a miscalculation in the bill?A: I will check with the guest carefully. If there is a mistake, I will apologize and then bring the bill back to the cashier’s desk to correct it.40. Q: What would you ask if the guest wants to settle his bill?A: How would you like to pay? In cash, by credit card, or room charge?41. Q: How do you make sure of the number of people in the dinner party?A:How many people are there in your party?42. Q: How do you ask the guests who is paying for the dinner?A: Do you want separated bills or just one single bill? / May I know who is paying, please?43. Q: How do you ask the guests to take their seats?A: Would you please take your seats?44. Q: What do you ask to see if the guest would like to have an aperitif before ordering?A: Would you like an aperitif before you order? / Do you care for a drink before you order?45. Q: If the guest complains that the soup is cold, what should you do?A: I will apologize to the guest and promise to return the soup to the chef immediately and get a fresh hot bowl of soup for the guest.46. Q: What question would you ask further when the guest orders coffee?A: Would you like your coffee black or white? / Would you like your coffee with cream or milk?47. Q: What are the five main kinds of restaurant services?A: There are mainly 5 kinds of restaurant services. They are gueridon service, silver service, plate service, buffet service and takeaway service.48. Q: What’s the standard of excellence for restaurant service in a deluxe hotel?A: The restaurant service in a deluxe hotel is expected to be fast, polite, very professional and of top quality.49. Q: Tell the guests about the choices they have for main course.A: What would you like to have for main course? We have Sirloin Steak, Roast Lamb, Grilled Prawns and Scallops with Ginger Sauce.50. Q: Ask and see if the guests would like to have something for dessert.A: What would you like for dessert? / What shall I bring you for dessert?二、客房中式铺床部分情景应答及答题要点:1. Q: How do you respond if a guest wants to buy something nice to take back to his little girl?A: I will recommend the hotel gift shop to the guest. And if time permits, I will recommend the local market to him as well.2.Q: You come to make up room for a guest, but he tells you that he prefers it laterbecause he is busy doing some paper work, what will you say?A:I will say: That’s a ll right. I will come back later. What time would it be convenient for you, sir?3.Q: What will you do if the guest says that she wants to use her hairdryer, but it’s 110volts?A: I will tell the guest that the electrical voltage in China is 220 volts. And I will send her a transformer or a hairdryer for 220 volts.4.Q: What will you say if the guest tells you the temperature in the room is notagreeable?A: Don’t worry. I will adjust the air-conditioning for you.5.Q: If the guest comes to you and says he can’t open the door with the key to his room,what will you do?A: I will go and have a check with him, and help to have his key changed if necessary.6.Q: Try to introduce the different types and styles of rooms in the hotel to Mr. Bellowswho is making a reservation over the phone.A: What kind of room would you like, Mr. Bellows? We have single rooms, double rooms, suites and deluxe suites in Japanese, British,Roman, French and presidential styles.7.Q: A guest tells you that he is attending an important conference, and wants to havehis suit dry-cleaned as soon as possible. What will you do to help?A: I will suggest that he take the express laundry service. There will be an extra charge of 50% for the express, but the laundry will be sent back to him in four hours.8.Q: What’s the information you give when you’re introducing a guestroom to theguest?A: I will introduce the equipment, the services provided, special facilities and the view the guest may get from the room.9.Q: You show the guest to his room, and he asks where he can get the slippers. Whatwill you say?A: “Let me get the slippers for you, they are here in the wardrobe.”10.Q: If the guest says he would like to sleep late the next morning, what will yousuggest?A: Please press the “Do Not Disturb” (DND) button before you go to bed, and you won’t be disturbed the next morning.11.Q: A guest wonders if the outdoor swimming pool of the hotel is a right place to cooloff and relax.A: Our outdoor roof-top swimming pool features a 150-metre long pool. It presents an excellent oasis for the guests to cool off and relax after a busy day.12.Q: If the guest asks you to look after the baby for her, what will you say?A: I’m sorry, madam. I can’t do that. It’s against our hotel’s regulation. But w e have a very good baby-sitting service. The sitters are well-educated and reliable.13.Q: What will the attendant say to help if a guest asks to have a stain on his clothesremoved?A: Sure. We will try our best to remove the stain but we cannot guarantee the result.14.Q: What will you say if the guest complains the beef steak sent by Room Service israre, while he asked for well-done?A: I’m terribly sorry. I will inform the Food and Beverage Department; they’ll see to the matter and have another steak prepared to your appetite.15.Q: What will you say if there is no room available for the guest who is calling tomake a reservation?A: I’m sorry, but we are fully booked. Shall I put you on the waiting list? We will contact you if there is a cancellation.16.Q: How do you respond to an unexpected request from the guest?A: I’m not sure, but we’ll see what we can do for you. / I can’t guarantee, but let’s see what we can do.17.Q: Tell the guest how to use the “Make up Room” sign.A: If you want the housemaid to mak e up your room earlier, just hang the “Make up Room” sign outside on the door.18.Q: Tell the guest how to ask for Room Service by telephone.A: You can dial 515 to ask for Room Service. Room Service is available round the clock.19.Q: Explain to the guest the hotel preference policy in making up rooms.A: We always make up the check-out rooms first, unless there is a request.20.Q: Explain to the guest the use of the Hotel Service Directory.A:By referring to the Hotel Service Directory on the writing desk, you’ll find detailed information about all the services we provide in the hotel.21.Q: Inform the guests about the free shoe shining service of the hotel.A: The hotel provides free shoe shining service for the guests. Just put them into the shoe basket if you want to have them polished.22.Q: Tell the guests about the voltage difference between the USA and China; remindhim that the sockets in the bathroom are for 110 volts and 220 volts respectively.A: The voltage here is much higher than that in the USA. There’re two sockets in the bathroom, one is for 110 volts and the other 220 volts.23.Q: The guest would prefer the turndown service for him after 9:00 pm when you’ll beoff duty. How do you respond?A: Don’t worry, sir. I will make sure to let the night staff know, and he’ll do the turndown service for you after 9:00 pm.24.Q: Explain to the guest how to use the door knob menu to order and have hisbreakfast in the room.A:You may use the door knob menu to order Room Service. Just tick the items you’d like for breakfast, write down the time, and hang the door knob menu outside the door before you go to bed tonight25.Q: The guest orders Room Service, and now you are delivering his breakfast to theroom. What do you say after knocking on the door?A: This is Room Service. I’ve brought you your breakfast.26.Q: Phone the guest and tell him that you’ve found the cell phone he lost the other day.A: This is Lost and Found. We have found your cell phone.27.Q: Apologize to the guest for the delay of his baggage delivery.A: I’m sorry for the delay. But the bellman is delivering your baggage up to your room now.28.Q: A visitor comes to meet Mr. Smith in Room 2501, but he is not in the room now,what do you say to the visitor? .A: I’m afraid Mr. Smith is not in the room now. Would you like to leave a message? 29.Q: How do you respond if a guest complains that one of the pillows in his roomsmells funny?A: I’m sorry, sir. I will have a new pillow sent to your room rig ht away.30.Q: How do you check with the guest when sending up his luggage? .A: Here we are, Room 1208. You’ve got three pieces of luggage in all. Is that right, sir?31.Q: How do you ask the guest to make sure if there is something identical attached tohis luggage?A: Is there a tag or anything identical attached to your luggage, sir?32.Q: The guest wants to know if he can make a direct dial international call from hisroom.A: Yes, sir. You can make a direct-dial international call from your room. Please dial 9 first, and then the country code, the area code and finally the telephone number.33.Q: Tell the guest where to leave his laundry. .A: Just leave your laundry in the laundry bag behind the bathroom door. The attendant will come and collect the laundry.34.Q: Tell the guests to contact you when they have requests. .A: If you have any requests, please feel free to let us know, we are always at your service.35.Q: You’re sending back the laundry to Mr. Dave. Tell him a button on his shirt ismissing, and you’ve sewed on a new one for him. .A:Mr. Dave, here’s your laundry. By the way, one button was missing from your shirt, and we’ve sewed on a new one.36.Q: One guest looks worried, show your concern and offer your help. .A: Good afternoon, you look worried. What has happened? How can I help you? / Can I be of assistance?37.Q: Apologize for the inconvenience caused to the guest, and assure him it will nothappen again. .A: I’m sorry for the inconvenience, sir. I assure you this won’t happ en again.38.Q: The guest tells you that he’s just had a shower, and the bathroom is quite a mess.A: Don’t worry sir. I will tidy up your bathroom right away.39.Q: How do you greet the checking-in guests at the Front Desk?A: Good morning. Welcome to the Hotel. Do you have a reservation?40.Q: What are the items of information a receptionist should ask the guests to enterwhen filling out the registration form?A: The receptionist should make sure that such information items as the guest’s full name, address, nationality, forwarding address, visiting purpose and signature are all entered correctly and legibly.41.Q: How do you ask for guests’ personal information politely?A: Excuse me. May I have your name, address and your telephone number?42.Q: Inform the guest that you are able to accept his booking.A: We are glad to tell you that we are able to accept your booking.43.Q: How to ask about the Room Rate for a double room?A: What is the price for a double room? / How much is a double room per night? 44.Q: You’ve helped the guest check in at the Front Desk. And now tell him to follow thebell boy to his room.A: If you are ready, the bell boy will show you up to your room.45.Q: How do you inform the guest of the arrival of his visitor?A: A certain Mr. Zhang wants to see you, sir. He is now waiting in the lobby.46.Q: How do you ask the speaker to slow down?A: Excuse me, but would you please slow down a little? / Excuse me, madam, but would you mind slowing down a bit?47.Q: Give two examples of making courteous parting remarks.A: Thank you for calling us, sir. / Thank you for choosing us for your service, sir. / Thank you for staying with us, sir. / Thank you for using Room Service, sir.48.Q: How do you talk about distance when showing guests the way?A: It takes about 20 minutes to get there by taxi/bus/on foot. /It is 20 minutes’ taxi ride/ bus ride/ walk from here.49.Q: How do you check if the visitor of a guest, named Williams, has an appointment?A: Did Mr. Williams know that you were coming? / Is Mr. Williams expecting you? / Do you have an appointment with Mr. Williams?50.Q: How do you offer to take a message for a guest?A: Would you like to leave a word/message? / Anything you’d like me to tell/pass along to the guest?。

全国职业院校技能大赛中职组酒店服务赛项客房中式铺床项目英语口试参考题库Part one 句子:中译英:欢迎光临我们酒店。
译:Welcome to our hotel.先生,请让我为您介绍一下房间设施。
译:Let me introduce the room to you, sir.在房间上网是免费的。
译:We offer free internet service in the room.先生,这是您的房间钥匙。
译:Here is your room card, sir.祝您在我们饭店过得愉快。
译:I hope you will enjoy your stay in our hotel.对不起,请问有没有要洗的衣服?译:Excuse me, do you have any laundry?我们随时为您服务。
译:We are always at your service.请问1628号房间在哪?译:Excuse me, where is Room 1628, please?请问您的衣服要怎么洗?译:How would you like your laundry cleaned?请问您房号是多少?译:May I have your room number, please?我带您去您的房间。
译:I will show you to your room.房间里有小冰箱。
译:There is a mini-bar in the room.我现在可以打扫您的房间吗?译:May I make up/clean your room now?酒店为客人提供免费的擦鞋服务。
译:The hotel provides free shoe shining service for the guests.抱歉,单人间已经全部订满了。
译:I’m sorry, our single rooms are fully booked.离开房间时请记得带钥匙。
重庆市第七届中职技能大赛酒店服务赛项中餐宴会摆台项目专业知识口试参考题库一、客观题(-)填空题1 •绿色旅游饭丿占是指以可持续发展为理念,坚持清洁生产、倡导绿色消费,保护牛态环境和合理使用资源的饭店。
21 •火候是屮式菜肴成败的关键因素Z-,要使菜肴达到嫩而不生、熟而不老、烂而不化的质量要求。

“ 2013年江苏联合职业技术学院技能大赛” 中职组客房服务赛项英语口试题Part one 句子:中译英:1. 欢迎光临我们酒店。
(Welcome to our hotel.2. 先生, 请让我为您介绍一下房间设施。
(Let me introduce the room to you, sir.3. 在房间上网是免费的。
(We offer free internet service in the room.4. 先生,这是您的房间钥匙。
(Here is your room card, sir.5. 祝您在我们饭店过得愉快。
(I hope you will enjoy your stay in our hotel.6. 对不起,请问有没有要洗的衣服?(Excuse me, do you have any laundry?7. 我们随时为您服务。
(We are always at your service.8. 请问 1628号房间在哪? (Excuse me, where is room 1628, please?9. 请问您的衣服要怎么洗?(How would you like your laundry cleaned?10. 请问您房号是多少?(May I have your room number, please?111. 我带您去您的房间。
(I will show you to your room. 12. 房间里有小冰箱。
(There is a mini-bar in the room. 13. 我现在可以打扫您的房间吗? (May I make up your room now? 14. 酒店为客人提供免费的擦鞋服务。
(The hotel provides free shoe shining service for the guests.15. 抱歉, 单人间已经全部订满了。

(This is room 1010; I would like to have one more pillow.)2.您可以在房间直拨国际长途。
(You can make IDD call in your room.)3.我们提供快洗服务,加收50%的额外费用。
(We have express service at a 50% extra charge.)4.对不起,请问有没有要洗的衣服?(Excuse me. Do you have any laundry?)5.好像电话有问题。
(It looks something wrong with the telephone.)6.2135房间的浴缸坏了,请派人来修理一下好吗?(The bath tub in room 2135 is out of order/service, can you please send someone to repair/fix it?)7.我想要一个转换插头。
(I would like to have an adaptor/ I need an adaptor..)8.这是8976房间,请送一个电熨斗。
(This is room 8976, can you send me an iron please.)9.我想要一个客房送餐服务。
(I would like to have a room service.)10.客房里有小冰箱。
(There is a mini bar in your room.)11.我的房间现在还没打扫过,已经12点了。
(My room hasn’t been made up yet. It’s already12:00.)12.请接受我代表酒店向您道歉。
(Please accept my apology on behalf of the hotel.)13.我房间的电视图象不清楚。
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全国职业院校技能大赛中职组酒店服务赛项中餐宴会摆台项目英语口试参考题库Part one 句子:中译英:1. 共有几位客人?译:How many people are there in your party?2. 我们已经为您预订一张6点半的餐台。
译:We have reserved a table for you at 6:30.3. 请问您在我们餐厅有预订吗?译:Do you have a reservation with us?4. 早餐的供应时间是7点到9点。
译:Breakfast will be served from 7:00 to 9:00.5. 对不起,这张桌子已经有客人预订了。
译:Sorry, this table has been reserved.6. 请问您有什么特殊要求?译:Do you have any special needs?7. 角落的位子怎样?译:How about a seat in the corner?8. 这张桌子可以吗?译:Will this table be all right for you?9包间已经准备好了,先生。
译:The private room is ready now, sir.10. 您是要坐吸烟区还是非吸烟区?译:Would you like smoking area or non-smoking area?11. 包间的最低消费是800元。
译:For a private room, there is a minimum charge of 800 Yuan.12. 请您在休息室里稍等一下,一有桌子我们就会安排您入座。
译:Could you wait for a moment in the lounge, please?We’ll seat you as soon as we have a table.13. 先生,您的桌子已经准备好了。
译:Your table is ready now, sir. Please come with me.14. 这是菜单,服务员随后就到。
译:Here is the menu. The waiter will be with you in a moment.15. 这是菜单和酒水单。
译:Here is the menu and the wine list.16. 请问您现在可以点菜了吗?译:Are you ready to order now?17. 中国有四大菜系,分别是川菜,粤菜,鲁菜和江浙菜。
译:In China, there are four major cuisines that is Sichuan, Guangdong, Shandong and Jiangsu-Zhejiang cuisine.18. 这是您的账单,请您过目。
译:Her e’s your bill. Please check it.19. 广东菜比较清淡而川菜的口味就比较重。
译:Guangdong cuisine is light while Sichuan cuisine tastes strong. 20. 您想尝尝我们的招牌菜吗?译:Would you like to try our specialty?21. 我们的大厨很棒。
译:We have an excellent chef.22. 我这就去和厨师商量。
译:I’ll speak with the chef right away.23. 烤鸭大概需要半个小时。
译:Roast duck may take half an hour.24. 你想喝点儿什么,先生?译:What would you like to drink, sir?25. 请签上您的姓名和房间号码。
译:Please sign your name and room number here.26. 干白葡萄酒是按瓶卖的。
译:The dry white wine is sold by bottle.27. 你们有什么牌子的啤酒?译:What brands of beer do you have?28. 如果您还有其他需要,请您随时告诉我们。
译:If you like to have something else, just feel free to ask. We are always at your service.29. 您点的菜上齐了。
译:That’s everything your ordered. Please enjoy your meal.30. 恐怕您点的菜太多了。
译:I’m af raid you have ordered too much.31. 我能帮您换一下盘子吗?译:May I take your plate, please?32. 您还要再添米饭吗?译:Would you like some more rice?33. 您想要点开胃菜或汤吗?译:Would you like an appetizer or soup?34. 您想要什么主菜呢?译:What would you like for the main course?35. 您要一瓶红葡萄酒配牛排吗?译:Would you like a bottle of red wine to go with your steak? 36.先生,这是您的牛排,请慢用。
译:Excuse me, sir. Here’s your steak. Please enjoy it.37. 很抱歉,请多等一会。
译:I’m really sorry. Please wait a few more minutes. I’ll bring the food to you as soon as possible.38. 您的菜上齐了,甜点稍后上。
译:This is a complete course. There is the dessert follow.39. 我想来杯加冰的威士忌。
译:I’d like a glass of whisky on the rocks.40. 先生,您总共消费856元。
译:It comes to 856 Yuan, sir.41. 牛排做得太老了。
译:The steak is as tough as leather.42. 非常抱歉,还有什么可以为您效劳吗?译:I do apologize. Is there anything else I can do for you?43. 请问您要如何付账?译:How would you like to pay?44. 是现金付账,还是信用卡付账?译:Would you like to pay in cash or by credit card?45. 是一起买单还是分开买单呢?译:Would you like to pay one bill or separate bills?英译中:1. We are looking forward to serving you.译:我们期待着您的光临。
2. I want a table with a view of the river.译:我想要张能看见江景的餐台。
3. How late do you stay open?译:你们几点打烊?4. I’m sorry, sir. There’s no vacant table for the moment.译:先生,很抱歉。
5. I’m sorry, sir. There aren’t any tables left for 7 this evening.译:抱歉,先生。
6. I’m afrai d that we can only guarantee a table before 8:00 this evening. 译:恐怕我们餐厅只能为您留桌到晚上八点。
7. We’ll give you a 20% discount.译:我们给您八折优惠8. In whose name was the reservation made?译:请问以谁的名义预订的?9. Would you come this way please?译:请您这边走。
10. This table is too close to the kitchen. Can we move to another table? 译:这张桌子离厨房太近了,我们能换一张吗?11. Our restaurant is full now. We might be able to seat you in 20 minutes. 译:我们餐厅现在没有空位了。
12. Here’s th e menu. Please take your time and a waiter will come to take your order.译:这是菜单。
13. We’d like a variety of typical Chinese foods.译:我们想要点几个中国特色菜。
14. Please arrange a 500 Y uan menu for the five of us.译:请给我们五个人准备500元的菜单。
15. What are your specialties?译:你们的特色菜是什么?16.The characteristics of Sichuan food are its strong local flavor,which is spicy and hot.译:川菜的特点是有很浓郁的地方风味,即麻辣。
17. What kind of cold dishes have you got?译:你们这有什么凉菜?18. I’m terribly sorry. The dish will be replaced immed iately.译:非常抱歉。
19. You can choose some snacks from the trolley.译:您可以在手推车里选些小吃。
20. The specialty of Sweet and Sour Pork is crispy.译:糖醋里脊的特点是酥脆。
21. I’m afraid we do not serve this dish in our restaurant. May I recommend something else?译:恐怕我们餐厅没有这道菜。