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There be结构。





I beg your pardon 请您在重复(说)一遍

Nice to meet you(too)(我也)很高兴见到你

Look at…看…

How do you do 你好

Be careful 小心

A loaf of 一个

A bar of 一条

A bottle of 一瓶

A pound of 一磅

Half a pound of 半磅

A quarter of 四分之一

A tin of 一听

Hurry up 快点

Next door 隔壁

Black coffee 不加牛奶的咖啡

White coffee 加牛奶的咖啡

Come home from school 放学回家

Come home from work 下班回家

In the morning 早上

In the afternoon 下午

In the evening 晚上

At noon 中午

At night 夜里

At the moment 此刻

What's the time? 几点钟?

Come upstairs 上楼

Come downstairs 下楼

Hundreds of…数以百计的…

On the way home 在回家的途中

This morning 今天早晨

This afternoon 今天下午

This evening 今天晚上

tonight 今天夜里

Yesterday morning 昨天早晨

Yesterday afternoon 昨天下午

Yesterday evening 昨天晚上

Last night 昨天夜里

The day before yesterday in the morning 前天早晨The day before yesterday in the afternoon 前天下午The day before yesterday in the evening 前天晚上The night before last 前天夜间

A low mark 分数很底

A high mark 分数很高

She said to herself 她心中暗想

The way to…到…的走法

In fashion 流行的,时髦的

I’m afraid…我恐怕…

I'm sure…我确信,我肯定…

A lot of 许多(用于肯定句)

At all 丝毫、更本、一点也不

Going on holiday 度假

Have been to…到过…

All the time 一直,始终

Have been to…到过…

Drive into…撞倒…

For sale 供出售、出售

Have the last word 最后决定、最后才算

The R。A。F. 英国皇家空军

Return ticket 往返票

Next door to…与…相邻,在…隔壁

In five hours’time在五小时之后.

Go back 返回

The othe day 几天前

Fell downstairs 从楼上摔下来

The Y。H。A. 青年招待所协会

Cheer up 振作起来

Full of…充满了…

Would you like…?你愿意…?

Could you…?你能…?(比Can you…?更婉转客气)Buy…on inst alments 以分期付款的方式购买…

Small change 零钱

Go back to sleep 继续睡觉

To take…with…把…带上(with后跟人称宾格) Have to 不得不(过去式Had to)

By myself 我自己

By yourself 你自己

By himself 他自己

By herself 她自己

By itself 它自己

By ourselves 我们自己

By yourselves 你们自己

By themselves 他/她/它们自己

By oneself 独自的

Not that long ago 没那么久


He can’t be…他不可能…

He must be 他肯定是…

He can’t have been…他那时不可能…

He must have benn…他那时肯定是…

Don't be so sure 别那么肯定

He may…他可能…

He might…他可能…(没有He might…的程度强)Make up…minds打定主意(up后跟人称宾格)

Look after 照看

In the end 最后

In the first instance 首先,起初

He may be…他可能是…

He may have been…他可能己经…

I’m ot sure我不敢肯定

I wonder why 我想知道为什么

A long time (ago)很早(前)

Get married 结婚

Depend on…依靠,取决于…

I’m late for…我因为…而迟到

By the way 顺便(问,说)

I’m dressed in…我穿戴着…

Make up her face 往她的脸上施脂粉

Make myselft beautiful 把自己打扮漂亮

Was covered with…覆盖着…

I went for…(…表明目的)

Pice of paper 纸片

Cigarette ends 烟头

Take out 拿出

Put away 放到一边
