中级宏观经济学_Ch01 The Science of Macroeconomics


中级宏观-Chapter 1

中级宏观-Chapter 1

S SHIFTS IN DEMAND: Suppose your income
rises? Your demand for a given product, for example, pizza, will also increase. This translates into a rightward shift in the demand curve from D to D'. Result: D' both price and quantity are higher. D
Ara Vahan Simidian
(June 24, 1928 - December 19, 2008)
May he continue to enjoy learning and loving economics from heaven above.
Chapter One
Ara Vahan Simidian 2 with Mankiw’s Macroeconomics Modules author, Mannig J. Simidian, 2007.
Chapter One 5
Economists use models to understand what goes on in the economy. Here are two important points about models: endogenous variables and exogenous variables. Endogenous variables are those which the model tries to explain. Exogenous variables are those variables that a model takes as given. In short, endogenous are variables within a model, and exogenous are the variables outside the model.



《中级宏观经济学》教学大纲课程名称:中级宏观经济学课程英文名称:Intermediate Macroeconomics课内学时:32 课程学分:2课程性质(学位课/选修课)开课学期:每学年第一学期教学方式:课堂讲授,课堂讨论考核方式(考试/考查):考试大纲执笔人:熊苡主讲教师:熊苡师资队伍:熊苡、郭海涛一、课程内容简介中级宏观经济学作为一门产业经济学和金融学专业研究生的必修课或其他专业研究生的选修课,进一步从长期和短期、封闭和开放的角度分别对宏观经济的基本问题进行了研究。










3.短期经济波动(8学时)主要内容有:(1)用总需求与总供给模型解释经济波动;(2)用IS-LM 模型解释经济波动;(3)总供给分析,四种总供给模型;通货膨胀、失业与菲利浦斯曲线。



MacroeconomicsPart I IntroductionChapter 1 The Science of Macroeconomics【Mainpoints】1.Exogenous Variables and Endogenous VariablesExample: The total quantity and price level of pizza in a country.Exogenous variables are given in a model. [aggregate income, price of materials]Endogenous variables are what a model explains. [price level and total quantity of pizza]2.Flexible Price and Sticky PriceFlexible price: easy to adjust, in short run.Sticky price: hard to adjust, in long run.Chapter 2 The Data of Macroeconomics【Mainpoints】1.GDP(1) Real GDP and Nominal GDP, GDP deflator(2) economy's income = economy's expenditure(3) GDP = C + G + I + NX2.CPI(1) CPI measures the price of a basket of goods(2) CPI = ∑P m Q / ∑P n Q(3) difference between GDP deflator and CPI3. The Unemployment Rate(1) Labour Force = Number of Unemployment + Number of Employment(2) Unemployment Rate = Number of Unemployment / Labour Force × 100%Part II Classical Theory: The Economy in the Long Run ---- Flexible Price Chapter 3 National Income: Where It Comes From and Where It Goes【Mainpoints】1.Total Production(1) Production Function: Y = F(L,K)(2) constant returns to scale: zY = zF(L,K)2. National Income Distribution(1) Factor Prices ---- Labour:MPL = F(L+1,K) - F(L,K)ΔProfit = ΔRevenue - ΔCost = MPL×P - WIn order to maximize profit, make ΔProfit = 0. So MPL=W/P, Real WageLabour Income = MPL×L(2) Factor Prices ---- CapitalMPK = F(L,K+1) - F(L,K)ΔProfit = ΔRevenue - ΔCost = MPK×P - RIn ordet to maximize profit, make ΔProfit= 0 . So MPK=R/P, Real Rental Price of CapitalCapital Income = MPK×K3)The Cobb-Douglas Production FunctionLabour Income = MPL×L = (1-α)YCapital Income = MPK×K = αY→F(K,L) = AKαL(1-α) , A measures the productivity of the available technology3.Total Demand1)Consumption:Determined by disposable incomeC=C(Y-T)Marginal Propensity to ConsumeMPC=C(Y-T+1)-C(Y-T)2)Investment:Determined by interest rateI=I(r)When r is high, investors will give upinvestment because cost of loan is higherthan rate of return.3) Government PurchasesG vs T, measures government budget5. Equilibrium (in a closed economy)(1) Market of Goods and ServicesY=C(Y-T)+I(r)+G(2) Market of Loanable FundsS=Y-C(Y-T) - G = I(r)investment is crowded out Chapter 4 Money and Inflation【Mainpoints】1.Concept of Money(1) Funtions of Money: 1) Store of Value. Example: You can hold your money and trade itfor goods and services at some time in the future.2) Unit of Account. Example: In store people use money to showprice.3) Medium of Exchage. Example: People use money as tool toexchange goods.(2) Types of Money: 1) Fiat Money. No value, example: Paper Money.2) Commodity Money. With value, example: Gold and Silver.(3) Control of Money: 1) Institution: Central Bank. Example: Deutsche Bundesbank2) Method: Open-Markt Operation. Example: Buy governmentbonds to increase money supply.2.The Quantity Theory of Money(1) Quantity Equation: MV=PT →MV=PYQuantity Theory of Money: MV=PY(2) Real Money Balances: M/P , measured in quantity of goods and services.The Money Demand Function: (M/P)d = L(Y,i) = M/P← Money Supply. Y↑, d↑; i↑,d↓(3) Money and Inflation: ΔM% + ΔV% = ΔP% + ΔY% So M↑, P↑3.Inflation and Interest Rate(1) Fisher Equation: i = r + πChapter 5 The Open Economy【Mainpoints】1.International Trade in a Samll Open Economy(1) View of goods and capital flow: NX = Y- (C+G+I)(2) View of capital flow: NX = Y-C-G-I = S-I= S-I(r*)r* is World Interes Rate(3) Trade Policies: 1) Domestic Fiscal Policy, influenceG↑,T↓→S↓→NX↓2) Fiscal Policy Abroad, influenceG e↑, T e↓→S e↓→r*↑→NX↑3) Shift in investment demand. Example: Government provides aninvestment tax credit2.Exchange Rates(1) Nominal Exchange Rates(e) and Real Exchange Rates(ε)Nominal exchange rates are measured in currency. Example: 100 yen / 1 dollarReal exchage rates are measured in goods and services. Example: 2 Japan Car / 1 USA car ε = e × (P/P*) , P* means price level of foreign countries.(2) The Real Exchange Rates and Trade Balance:NX = NX(ε)ε↓, P/P*↓, mean s domestic goods and servicesare cheaper than abroad. NX↑When NX(ε) = S - I, ε is equilibrium real ex.rate.(3) Trade Policies: 1) Domestic Fiscal Policy:G↑,T↓ → S↓(Expansionary Fiscal Policy)2) Fiscal Policy Abroad:G e↑, T e↓→S e↓→r*↑→I↓3) Shift in investment demand.4) Shift in NX(ε) Example: Protectionist Trade Policies(4) Inflation and nominal exchange rates:e = ε × (P*/P) → Δe%= Δε% + (π* - π)(5) PPP(Purchasing-Power Parity): 1 Dollar can buy the same quantity of wheat in anycountry.Chapter 6 Unemployment【Mainpoints】1.Natual Rate of Unemployment(1) Concept: The rate of unemployment which the economy get closed to in the long run.(2) Calculation: L-Labour Froce, E-Number of Employed, U-Number of Unemployed, f-rate of job fiding, s-rate of job seperating.L=E+U, fU=sE → U/L=1/(1+f/s)2.Causes for Unemployment(1) Frictional Unemployment:Unemployed people need time to find jobs.e.g. sectoral shift, unemploymetn insurance.(2) Structural Unemployment:Wage Rigidity. Wage is above the equlibrium level.e.g. Minimum-Wage Laws, Unions, Efficiency Wages.Part III Growth Theory: The Economy in the Very Long Run ---- Solow Growth Model Chapter 7 Economic Growth I: Capital Accumulation and Population GrowthAssumption: Constant Return to Scale【Mainpoints】1.Capital Accumulation(1) Production Function per worker: zY=F(zK,zL)→Y/L=F(K/L,1)→y=f(k),MPK=f(k+1)-f(k)(2) Output and consumption per worker: y=c+i→c=(1-s)y→i=sy→i=sf(k)(3) The Steady State: Capital stock growth Δk = 0Δk=i-δk, δ is depreciation rate→Δk=sf(k)-δk=0→sf(k*)=δk*(4)Golden Rule level of capital: k*gold which maximizes cc=y-i→c=f(k)-sf(k)→c*=f(k*)-δk*→c max:MPK=δ2. Population Growth(at rate of n)(1) The Steady State:Δk=i-k(δ+n)→Δk=sf(k)-k(δ+n)=0→sf(k*)=(δ+n)k*(2) Golden Rule level of capital:k*gold, c=y-i→c max:MPK=δ+nChapter 8 Economic Growth I: Technology, Empirics, and Policy1.Technological Progress in the Solow ModelAssumption: Technology growth is a given exogenous variable g(1) Efficiency of Labour: Y=F(K,EL)(2) The Steady State: Δk=sf(k)-(g+n+δ)k=0→sf(k*)=(g+n+δ)k*(3) Golden Rule level of capital: k*gold , c=y-i→MPK=g+n+δ2.Endogenous Growth TheoryAssupmtion: Technolgy growth is a endogenous function g(μ), capital includes knowledge (1) 2 Sector Model: Y=F[K,(1-μ)EL], ΔE=g(μ)E, ΔK=sY-δKPart IV Business Cycle Theory: The Economy in the Short Run ---- Sticky Price Chapter 9 Introduction to Economic Fluctuations【Key Concepts】Recession: A period of falling output and rising unemployment.Business Cycle: Short-run fluctuations in output and employment.【Mainpoints】1.GDP and unemployment(1) Okun's Law: ΔReal GDP%=3%-2×ΔUnemployment Rate(2) Leading Economic Indicators: Forecasts. Example: Average work time, Index of stock prices, Money Supply....2.Aggregate Demand and Aggregate Supply( P=P(Y))(1) The Quantity Theory of Money→AD: MV=PY→M/P=(M/P)d=kY(2) AS: SRAS---P=P, LRAS---Y=Y(3) From Short Run to Long Run: M changes AD, Y is unchanged inthe long run, but P in the long run changes. (A→B→C)(4) Shocks to AD and AP:1) Shocks to AD. Example: Credit Card makes V rise.Policy: Reduce the Money Supply.2) Shocks to AP. Example: A drought that destroys crops. Cartel. Union. etc. P↑Policy: Wait! Then price returns original level eventually(But it takes longtime). Or expand AD(But price level will be high in long period of time) Chapter 10 Aggregate Demand I: Building the IS-LM Model (Y-r)【Mainpoints】1.IS Curve(1) Good and Service Market→The Keynesian Cross: Y=C+I+G, PE=AE(2) IS curve:Y=C(Y-T)+I(r)+G 1) r↑→I↓→Y↓ 2) Fiscal Policy: G↑→Y↑→IS→, Governmetn-purchases multiplier, tax multiplier.2.LM Curve(1) Money Market→The Theory of Liquidity Peference: M/ P=L(r), M s=M d(2) LM Curve: M/P=L(r,Y). 1) Y↑,M d↑,r↑ 2)M s↑,r↓,LM←3. The Short-Run EquilibriumChapter 11 Aggregate Demand II: Applying the IS-LM Model (Y-P)【Mainpoints】1.IS-LM Model as a Theroy of Aggregate Demand(1) Derivation: P↑,(M/P)s↓,r↑,LM↑→Y↓(2) Shift in AD: G,T,M→IS/LM→Y(3) In long run and short run: In long run Y<YChapter 12 The Open Economy Revisited: The Mundell-Fleming Model and the Exchange Rate Regime【Mainpoints】1.Mundell-Fleming Model(1) IS* Curve: Y=C(Y-T)+I(r*)+G+NX(ε) (2) LM* Curve: M/P=L(r*,Y)2.Under Floating Exchange Rates(1)Fiscal Policy:Shift IS*,ineffectual; Monetary Policy:Shift LM*; Trade Policy:Shift NX(ε)→IS* 3.Under Fixed Exchange Rates(1) Theory: Arbitrageur arbitrage so that M changes.(2)Fiscal Policy shifts IS*→LM*; Monetary Policy:Shift LM*, ineffectual; Trade Policy: Shift NX(ε)→IS*→LM*4. Policy Choice: Impossible Trinity5. Mundell-Fleming Model in Short andLong RunChapter 13 AS and the Short-Run Tradeoff Between Inflation and Unemployment1.Aggregate Supply ModelY=Y+α(P-P e)2.Inflation, Unemployment and Phillips Curve(1)Y=Y+α(P-P e)→P-P-1=P e-P-1+1/α(Y-Y)+v→π=πe+β(μ-μn)+v [Okun's Law] v-supply shock(2) Sacrifice Ratio: π↓1%, GDP ↓ ? %Part V Macroeconomic Policy DebateChapter 14 Stabilization Policy1.Inside Lag and Outside Lag(1) Inside lag is the time between economy shock and the policy anction responds. Example: Policy makers need time to recognize a shock and react.(2) Outside lag is the time between a policy action and its influence on the economy. Example: Change in money supply and interest rate.Chapter 15 Government Debt and Budget Deficits1.The Traditional View of Government Debt(1) In the short run, T↓,C↑,S↓,r↑,I↓,lower steady-state K and a lower level of Y.(2) In the lo ng run, T↓,C↑,IS→,AD↑, finally Y=Y, P i s higher.(3) In open economy, T↓,C↑,IS→, ε↑2.The Ricardian View of Government Debt(1) Ricardian Equivalence: Consumers are forward-looking.They think that government will raise tax at some point in the future, in order to afford budget. So they won't change consumption.Part VI More on the Microeconomics Behind MacroeconomicsChapter 18 Money Supply, Money Demand and the Banking System1.Money Supply(1) Money Supply (M) = Currency (C) + Demand Deposits (D)(2) Reserves: The money that bank receive but don't lend out. Reserve-deposit ratio-rr1) 100% Reserve Banking. 1C→1D, M remains constant.2) Fractional-Reserve Banking. 1C→rrD+(1-rr)C, M increases. And (1-rr)C can be put into another bank, the process of money creation can be continued.(3) Money Supply Model: M=C+D.B(Monetary Base)=C+R [Control by Central Bank]→ M=(cr+1)/(cr+rr)×B=m×B [cr is currency-deposit ratio](4) Monetary Policy Tool: open-market operation, reserve requirements, discout rate[the rate that banks borrow from central bank].2.Money Demand(1) Quantity Theory: (M/P)d=L(i;Y)(2) Portfolio Theory: (M/P)d=L(r s,r b,πe,W) [r s-expected real return on stock, r b-expected real return on bonds, W-real wealth]。



中级宏观经济学课程教学⼤纲《中级宏观经济学》课程教学⼤纲⼀、课程名称中级宏观经济学Intermediate Macroeconomics⼆、课程编码:三、学时与学分:64/4四、先修课程:《中级微观经济学》或《经济学原理》、⾼等数学五、课程教学⽬标:1.介绍⼀些宏观经济现象与事实;了解宏观经济学家所关⼼的主要问题及其分析⽅法;2.引导学⽣建⽴宏观经济模型,理解导致经济长期增长和短期波动的根源;3.理解宏观经济学家和政策制订者通过政府政策来影响宏观经济的效果。

六、适⽤学科专业经济学、⾦融学、财政学、国际贸易七、基本教学内容与学时安排1.导论篇:8学时了解宏观经济学研究的对象、⽅法和⽬标了解宏观经济学的核⼼变量及其度量⽅法了解宏观经济学的国民会计⽅程2.长期篇:12学时了解宏观经济学中的总产出、收⼊分配及产品市场的均衡是如何决定的了解通货膨胀的成因、影响及社会成本了解⾃然失业率的含义、成因及其背后的决定因素了解⼩开放经济模型的含义及政策对开放经济的影响3.增长篇:10学时了解索洛模型中稳态的含义、黄⾦稳态的决定和向稳态的调整过程了解技术进步对长期经济增长的意义、长期增长的源泉和⼈⼒资本的重要性了解储蓄率、⼈⼝出⽣率等变量对稳态的影响及相关政策含义能解释美国新经济现象,并为不同国家的发展政策提供政策建议4.波动篇:16学时了解短期波动与长期增长在模型⽅法上的异同了解凯恩斯学派对宏观经济波动的解释及其政策主张了解IS-LM模型的含义及其在政策分析中的作⽤了解IS-LM模型到AS-AD模型的推导及其在政策分析中的作⽤能将IS-LM模型推⼴到开放经济并掌握蒙代尔-弗莱明模型的含义了解粘性⼯资、粘性价格和不完全信息三个总供给模型及菲利普斯曲线、奥肯定律和牺牲率等概念了解真实商业周期理论的模型思路、政策主张、主要结论和动态随机⼀般均衡⽅法5.政策篇:8学时了解政府预算、财政政策和李嘉图-巴罗等价命题的政策含义了解货币政策规则了解理性预期学派、货币主义学派和凯恩斯学派的政策主张6.基础篇:8学时了解消费理论的发展演变过程及其核⼼思想了解投资理论的发展演变过程及现代投资理论的进展了解货币需求理论的微观基础及货币供给的⽣成过程7.中国篇:2学时了解中国⾃改⾰开放以来宏观经济的表现及政府政策的效果评价⼋、教材及参考书教材:N. G. Mankiw. Macroeconomics. 5ed. Worth Publishers, 2002.主要参考书:Rudiger Dornbusch, Stanley Fisher, and Richard Startz. Macroeconomics. McGraw-Hill, 2001;Andrew B. Abel and Ben S. Bernanke. Macroeconomics. Addison-Wesley Publishing Co., 1995;William Branson. Macroeconomic Theory and Policy. Addison-Wesley Publishing Co., 1989.九、考核⽅式期末考试:60%平时作业:30%课堂表现:10%。


countries – the economic interactions among nations – the effects of fiscal and monetary policies
• Macroeconomics differs from microeconomics in that it deals with the overall effects on economics of the choices that all economic agents make, rather than on the choices of individual consumers or firms.
• Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is the dollar value of final output produced during a given period of time within a country.
• There are 3 distinct approaches to measure GDP:
• Expenditure approach: GDP is the total spending on all final goods and services production in the economy
Total expenditure = C + I + G + NX
• Income approach: GDP can be computed by adding up all incomes received by economic agents contributing to production. Incomes include: – compensation of employees, proprietors’ income, rental income, corporate profits, net interest, indirect business taxes and depreciation.


新古典经济学同样把自由放任作为最高准 则,但已不像古典学派那样只重视对生产 的研究,而是转向了消费和需求.他们明 确地将资源配置作为经济学的研究中心, 论述了价格如何使社会资源达到最优化, 从而从理论上证明了以价格为中心的市场 机制的完善性. 作为一个理论体系,微观经济学是由新古恩斯对经济问题的研究最初主要是对货币理论的研究. 1923年,凯恩斯出版《货币改革论》,这是他将1922年在 报纸上发表的一系列文章经过修改,编篡而成的,主要是 讨论战后的经济政策.凯恩斯研究货币理论的另一部著作 是1930年出版的两卷本的《货币论》.这部著作的上卷是 货币的纯理论,下卷是货币的应用理论.凯恩斯想传统经 济学挑战的是他第三部著作:《就业,利息和通货膨胀》 (简称《通论》).《通论》是在30年代大萧条爆发以后 孕育的,于1936年问世. 《通论》出版后不久,凯恩斯患了心脏病.此后,他著作 不算很多.1937年发表了《就业通论》一文,说明他的就 业理论的基本内容.1940年,凯恩斯出版小册子《如何筹 措战费》,这是他为财政大臣提出的战时财政计划,销路 很广. 1942年6月,被封为勋爵. 28 1946年4月21日,凯恩斯因心脏病突然发作去世.
宏观经济学(Macro-economics) 在全社会范围内研究整个国民经济的运行状况. 研究国民经济活动中的整体功能,分析的是诸如国民收入, 就业,总产量,经济增长,经济周期,一般物价水平的 变化以及政府的财政,货币,收入政策和传导机制及对 整个国民经济的影响等重要经济总量之间的关系和相互 租用. 一些宏观重要的宏观经济总量是:GDP或GNP,GDP增长率, 利率,货币量,通货膨胀率,失业率,汇率,对外收支 余额等. 研究整个经济的价格和产出水平的决定过程,分析经济不 稳定的原因,探索实现整个社会生产能力长期稳定增长 的方法和途径. 宏观经济学把国民经济总体作为考察对象,研究其经济活 动的现象和规律.如失业率的高低,物价变动的幅度, 国民生产总值的升降,政府收支是否平衡等等. 5



bad inflation.
How we learn Economics: Models
…are simplified versions of a more complex reality

irrelevant details are stripped away
Used to

show the relationships between economic variables explain the economy’s behavior devise policies to improve economic performance
GDP: Observations
Long-term upward trend. Income more than doubled over last 30 years in US. Short-run disruptions in the trend: recessions.
Unemployment: Observations
Quantity of cars
The market for cars: supply
supply equation:
Q S (P , Ps )
Price of cars
The supply curve shows the relationship between quantity supplied and price, other things equal.
Why learn macroeconomics?

The macroeconomy affects society’s well-being.








3.乘数:投资乘数ki=政府购买支出乘数kg=1 / 1-β| 负税收乘数kt |=政府转移支付乘数ktr=β/ 1-ββ<1,|1/1-β|>|β/1-β|平衡预算乘数ks=1.第十四章产品市场和货币市场的一般均衡(IS-LM均衡分析)前提:净投资是一个内生变量1.投资的决定:1.投资函数:投资与利率之间的反向关系,即使利率r为零时也有投资量,称自主投资。












2003-2004学年第二学期中级宏观经济学(Macroeconomics考试试题答案(经济试验班021、022Ⅰ.Choose the best answers (2'×101.B2.A3.C4.B5.C6.A7.B8.C9.C 10.DⅡ. Explain the following terms. (20 points1.Endogenous variables: 经济模型中要解释的变量。

Exogenous variables:模型给出作为既定的变量。

2. Menu costs:企业因通货膨胀改变价格的成本。

shoe-leather costs:为减少持有货币的损失而发生的成本。

3. GDP deflator :名义GDP/实际GDP,是相对于基年商品和劳务价格的那一年的商品和劳务价格。


4. Adaptive expectation :人们根据过去的经验或数据来预测未来。

rational expectation:人们尽可能地利用所有可以获得地信息,包括关于现在政府政策地信息预测未来。

5. Real exchange rate :两国物品的相对价格。

nominal exchange rate:两国通货的相对价格。

Ⅲ.Answer the following questions by drawing or calculating. (10’ ×41.We want to consider the effects of a tax cut when the LM* curve depends on disposable income instead of income: M/P = L[r, Y –T].A tax cut now shifts both the IS* and the LM* curves. Figure 12–22 shows the case of floating exchange rates. The IS* curve shifts to the right, from IS to IS . The LM* curve shifts to the left, however, from LM to LM .We know that real balances M/P are fixed in the short run, while the interest rate is fixed at the level of the world interest rate r*. Disposable income is the only variable that can adjust to bring the money market into equilibrium: hence, the LM* equation determines the level of disposable income. If taxes T fall, then income Y must also fall to keep disposable income fixed. In Figure 12–22, we move from an original equilibrium at point A to a new equilibrium at point B. Income falls by the amount of the tax cut, and the exchange rate appreciates. If there are fixed exchange rates, theIS* curve still shifts to the right; but the initial shift in the LM* curve no longer matters. That is, the upward pressure on the exchange rate causes the central bank to sell dollars and buy foreign exchange; this increases the money supply and shifts the LM* curve to the right, as shown in Figure 12–23. The new equilibrium, at point B, is at the intersection of the new IS* curve, IS , and the horizontal line at the level of the fixed exchange rate. There is no difference between this case and the standard case where money demand depends on income.2. a.将生产函数两边同时除以效率工人,则有:( L E K L E L E K L E Y y =⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛⨯=⨯⨯=⨯=b .s=0.25 δ=5% n=2% g=3%; 带入经济稳定的条件:*84.15.2*6.45.2*1.025.0((3/23/24.03/54.0≈⨯=-=≈==≈==⋅++=⋅y s c k y k kk kg n k f s δc.当g 变为5%时,有: 63.11225*4.31225*12.025.0((3/24.03/54.0≈⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛==≈⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛==⋅++=⋅k y k kk kg n k f s δ 这种变化导致了效率工人的人均资本量减少,效率工人的人均产量下降;但总产出会增加。



The Science of Macroeconomics
3 slide 3
1.中级宏观经济学 F015/114
(美) 安德鲁 B. 亚伯, 本 S. 伯南克, 迪安· 克鲁肖著
机械工业出版社 2009
2. 宏观经济学 F015/136
鲁迪格· 多恩布什, 斯坦利· 费希尔, 理查德· 斯塔兹
The Science of Macroeconomics
Important issues in macroeconomics
Macroeconomics, the study of the economy as a whole, addresses many topical(热点) issues:
适量练习 认真完成作业 大量课外阅读
The Science of Macroeconomics

平时成绩包括 出勤 作业 课堂表现
The Science of Macroeconomics
国民收入决定理论 经济增长 西方经济学流派
The Science of Macroeconomics
N. Gregory Mankiw
PowerPoint® Slides by Ron Cronovich



! Business Cycle Theory (Chaps. 10–14)
How the economy works in the short run, when prices are sticky
The Science of Macroeconomics
Outline of this book:
! Macroeconomic theory (Chaps. 15–17)
Macroeconomic dynamics, models of consumer behavior, theories of firms’ investment decisions
! Macroeconomic policy (Chaps. 18–20)
How does it affect workers, consumers, businesses, and taxpayers?
The Science of Macroeconomics
Important issues in macroeconomics
Macroeconomics, the study of the economy as a whole, addresses many topical issues, e.g.:
whole, including ! growth in incomes ! changes in the overall level of prices ! the unemployment rate
! Macroeconomists attempt to explain the economy
How the economy works in the long run, when prices are flexible


在经济过热时,政府可以通过增加税收、减少政府支 出等财政政策来抑制总需求,同时中央银行可以通过 提高利率等货币政策来抑制通货膨胀。
总需求曲线表示在某一价格水平上,整个经济社会能够并且愿意购买的商品和劳 务的数量。它反映了经济中货币和财政政策、预期等因素对经济活动的影响。
总需求与总供给模型是宏观经济分析的重 要工具,它可以用来分析经济波动的原因 和预测未来的经济走势。同时,通过总需 求与总供给模型,还可以评估不同政策对 经济的影响,为政策制定提供依据。
经济活动上升,失业率下降, 企业盈利增加。
在宏观经济调控中,财政政策和货币政策需要相互配 合使用,以达到更好的调控效果。
财政政策主要在短期内发挥作用,而货币政策则具有 长期的效果。因此,在调控经济时需要根据经济形势 选择合适的政策组合。
在经济衰退时,政府可以通过减税、增加政府支出等 财政政策来刺激总需求,同时中央银行可以通过降低
汇率制度是一个国家规 定其货币对外价值的制 度,包括汇率的确定方 式、干预方式等。
汇率制度对一个国家的 经济发展和国际贸易具 有重要影响。常见的汇 率制度包括固定汇率制 度和浮动汇率制度。政 府可以通过汇率政策来 调节国际收支平衡和国 内经济活动。



slide 1
▪ 为何生活成本连续上升? ▪ 为何成千上万人失业,虽然经济繁华时也是如此? ▪ 为何产生经济衰退?政府能够采用措施对抗经济衰退吗?怎
▪ 什么是政府预算赤字? 预算赤字怎样影响经济? ▪ 为何存在如此多旳贫穷国家?什么样旳政策能够帮助它们摆
CHAPTER 1 The Science of Macroeconomics
CHAPTER 1 The Science of Macroeconomics
slide 17
价格: 伸缩性 与 黏性
▪ 市场出清假设: 价格迅速变动以使得供求平衡.
▪ 但在短期,诸多商品旳价格存在黏性—即面对供求
不平衡时,这些价格只是缓慢调整。例如: –劳动合约一般拟定了一年以上旳名义工资; –杂志价格一般每3-4年变化一次。
CHAPTER 1 The Science of Macroeconomics
slide 9
2. 宏观经济影响你旳个人福利.
▪ 例1:
▪ 例 2:
CHAPTER 1 The Science of Macroeconomics
slide 10
第1章 宏观经济学旳科学
CHAPTER 1 The Science of Macroeconomics
slide 0
▪ 宏观经济学研究旳主要问题 ▪ 宏观经济学家旳研究措施(工具) ▪ 宏观经济分析中旳主要概念
CHAPTER 1 The Science of Macroeconomics
slide 12

















微观经济学宏观经济学创始人斯密,1776 凯恩斯,1936研究对象个别企业,个别家庭,个别市场国民经济整体研究前提完全信息,完全理性,市场出清资源未充分利用中心内容价格理论收入理论理论框架二、宏观经济模型的构造关于国民收入决定的原理,宏观经济学可以用一个简单的经济模型表示。

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Professor Greg Mankiw is not only a prolific, talented, and ingenious economist, but humble and kind-hearted. His unique and extraordinary creative ability to impart knowledge makes him both an economist and artist. I am so honored and grateful again be a part of supplementing his unprecedented craftsmanship. My mentor, and friend for over a decade Professor Mike McElroy (North Carolina State University) was the first to see the novelty in these tutorials while I was an undergraduate student at Duke University. His contributions and influence will be a part of my work indefinitely. My gratitude is endless as well to Professors David Denslow, Mark Rush, Ed Tower, and Jeff Frankel. My love and gratitude goes to my dear friend and surrogate father Dr. Lawrence Brockman, D.M.D, an endodontist but an economist in spirit who has been my teacher, inspiration and dearest friend for over a decade. I also want to thank the following special people in my life: my mother, Jane, Michael Hill, Elle & Ava, Stephanie & Jack Taylor, Lara Kleinman & Eric Wolf, Lula Peoples, GiGi and David Greene and Michele Rubino. Thank you all for always loving me, believing in me and cheering me on!
President Barack Obama and the State of the Economy
When President Obama moved into the White House in 2009, the economy was in a state of turmoil. Mortgage defaults and a drop in housing prices were the major culprits. The crisis affected other sectors of the economy, pushing the economy into another recession. Some liken the situation to that of the Great Depression which occurred in the 1930s.
CHAPTER 1 The Science of Macroeconomics
A PowerPointTutorial
To Accompany
MACROECONOMICS, 7th. Edition N. Gregory Mankiw
Tutorial written by:
Mannig J. Simidian
Ara Vahan Simidian
(June 24, 1928 - December 19, 2008)
May he continue to enjoy learning and loving economics from heaven above.
Chapter One
Ara Vahan Simidian 2 with Mankiw’s Macroeconomics Modules author, Mannig J. Simidian, 2007.
B.A. in Economics with Distinction, Duke University 1 Chapter One M.P.A., Harvard University Kennedy School of Government M.B.A., Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Sloan School of Management
In Memoriam
Mankiw’s Macroeconomics Modules for Macroeconomics 7th ed. are dedicated to the loving memory of my cherished father, best friend and mentor. Daddy– you are still my inspiration for making sure these tutorials are the best they can be for students worldwide!
Chapter One 5
Economists use models to understand what goes on in the economy. Here are two important points about models: endogenous variables and exogenous variables. Endogenous variables are those which the model tries to explain. Exogenous variables are those variables that a model takes as given. In short, endogenous are variables within a model, and exogenous are the variables outside the model.
Chapter One
Q * Quantity
Market clearing is an alignment process whereby decisions between suppliers and demanders reach an equilibrium. Here’s how it works. Let’s say you begin with a demand and supply curve for CDs. Remember that the demand curve slopes downward meaning that as you increase the price (by moving along the demand curve), the quantity demanded decreases. Conversely, the supply curve slopes upward implying that as the price increases (by moving along the supply curve), the amount supplied will increase. The center point A is where market D S D´ P decisions reach an equilibrium. B Now, suppose that there is a sudden P´ A increase in the demand for CDs. P* Demand will shift from D to D´. The increase in demand places upward pressure on the price to point B since the original price, P* no longer clears 7 the Chapter One Q´ Q* Q market. Notice the ―shortage.‖
Price P*
This is the most famous economic model. It describes the ubiquitous relationship between buyers and sellers in the market. The point of intersection is called an 6 equilibrium.
Chapter One
Mannig J. Simcome to Macroeconomics!
Everyone has reason to think critically about macroeconomic issues. It is imperative that we seek to understand why some countries are growing faster or slower than others or why some have greater fluctuations in inflation or unemployment. The state of the macroeconomy affects everyone in many ways (especially recently). It plays a significant role in the political sphere while also affecting public policy and societal well-being, at national and global levels. Macroeconomists use variables to measure the performance of the economy such as real GDP, the inflation rate, and the unemployment rate among others. They are also concerned with matters such as monetary and fiscal policy—both of which will be discussed at length in MACROECONOMICS, 7th ed., Mankiw’s Macroeconomics Modules, and in your macroeconomics course. Good luck and have fun using these tutorials to guide you when 4 Chapter One macroeconomics might be challenging you! Enjoy!!!