1.What was the main reason European countries like Britain and France wanted to colonize America?Britain needed to raise money to pay for its European wars, and used the colonies to do this.2.Why did the Puritans go to America?In order to escape problems and persecution for their faith3.What is Manifest Destiny?Manifest Manifest Destiny is the historical belief that the United States was destined and chosen by the Christian God to spread across the North American continent, from the Atlantic coast to the Pacific Ocean.4.Why did the Puritans not want people to read or write imaginative literature?Imaginative writing was discouraged by the Puritans because they believed it distracted you from religion.5.Describe what Hawkeye was like.he is a kind of outsider, living outside of normal society but coming to the rescue of people in trouble, or righting wrongs. He has been described as “a saint with a gun”6.What was the date of the Declaration of Independence?independence was declared on July 4, 17767.What were the main reasons the American colonists were unhappy with the way Britain was treating them?Disagreements over taxation, restrictions on where you could live or move to, and finally having to have British soldiers live in your town and sometimes even in your home brought relations between the colonists and Britain to a very low point.8.What are the “self-evident truths” mentioned in the Declaration of Independence?that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.9.What were the three conditions a person had to meet to be a citizen in the new United States?1)To be a citizen, the person must be free, and not a slave2)They must be white.3)They had to be a man10.Why were Native Americans and people from Africa not allowed to be American citizens?The Native Americans and people of African background were seen as intellectually inferior and politically immature.11.What was the Frontier?The Frontier was the term used to describe the unexplored area of land beyond the region where Europeans had settled down to live.12.How did the Homestead Act advance the idea of American democracy and the power of the common man?The Homestead Act of 1862 gave ordinary people ,the right to own up to 160 acres of farming land.13.How did the Americans solve the problem of moving into lands owned by Native Americans?By forcing them to leave their homes, the white people were actually destroying Native American culture and ripping the heart out of their lives.14.What did Europeans think were the main characteristics of Americans at the beginning of the 19th century?1)questioning of old and traditional beliefs2) a distaste for what is ancient and a love of “the new”3)the idea that men are all very much alike15.Ralph Waldo Emerson called on American writers to do what? And who was the poet who answered his call?Calling for the creation of an American literature rather than always copying other cultures, In "The Poet“ who would write a new poetry that was truly American. His call was answered by Walt Whitman.16.Slavery existed only in the southern states of the USA. Why was it so important there?The Plantation Economy in the Southern States was based on agricultural mass production by African slave labor on large farms (called plantations) and by the mid-19th century it was making lots of money.17.In the northern states many people were strongly against slavery in the south. How did they show their opposition to slavery?by producing newspapers and magazines, speeches, and stories of what a slave’s life was like.18.Why did the southern states secede from the Union after the election of Lincoln as President?The main reasons were slavery, and the question of where the political and economic power of the country lay: with the North or the South.19.In what ways was the American Civil War the first “modern “ war?1)for the first time, hugely destructive military technology was used by massed armies on bothsides, so the loss of life was staggeringly high within days, even hours2)the Civil War was the first photographed war due to the techniques invented by battlefieldphotographers . People could see photographs of the horrors of the war in their newspapers.20.What characteristics did life on the frontier give to the Americans?strength, curiosity, invention, energy, and individualism - these were characteristics that the frontier gave to people21.How did the idea of Manifest Destiny spread outside of America?Overseas frontiers, beyond the Pacific coast, gave the nation a way of continuing and expanding the idea of Manifest Destiny.22.What were the main features of The Gilded Age?The Gilded Age catches the era’s character: the internal tensions caused by abundance, stability and optimism on the one hand, and poverty, panic and disappointment, on the other.23.What was lynching?Public murder by a mob - lynching24.How did Realist writing hold up a mirror to American life?A faithful representation of reality in literature, with no romantic heroes or fantastic situations. The emphasis was on truth, and believable characters.。
美国文化趣谈学习通课后章节答案期末考试题库2023年1.Chinatown was largely self-supporting, with an internal structure ofgoverning associations and businesses.参考答案:对2.Peking Duck House where you can eat delicious Peking roast duck.参考答案:对3.Chinatown becomes a tourist attraction nowadays.参考答案:对4.Chinese immigrants tended to clump together as a result of racialdiscrimination.参考答案:对5.Which one of the extracurricular activities is the most popular in Americanschools?参考答案:Sports6.Only some Chinese goods can be found in Chinatown.错7.American children usually start to go to school at the age of _____.参考答案:58.Which of the following is a World Heritage Site?参考答案:Grand Canyon9.Where are the Hollywood and Disneyland located?参考答案:Los Angeles10.Which of the following is not the landmark of Los Angeles?参考答案:Niagara Falls11.Which of the following states doesn’t cover the Yellowstone National Park?参考答案:Nevada12.Which area of the Grand Canyon National Park is more accessible?The South Rim13.What is the Yellowstone National Park famous for?参考答案:All of the above14.Which of the following statements is false about The Statue of Liberty?参考答案:The tablet she holds is inscribed with the date of AmericanIndependence July 14,1776.15.Which country gave the Statue of Liberty to American people as a gift?参考答案:France16.Students who are interested in the environment can take part in _____.参考答案:ecology club17.Financial support is the decisive factor for American people in getting into amarriage.参考答案:错18.Wedding ceremony can only be held in a church.参考答案:错19.The legal drinking age in America is _________.参考答案:2120.When did America declare independence?参考答案:On July 4th, 177621.What do Americans usually do when they meet someone for the first time?参考答案:Shake hands22.The amount of tip for the server in a restaurant is about ______of the total bill.参考答案:15%23.An extended family group might include grandparents or aunts, uncles andcousins.参考答案:对24.What is considered a bad table manner when we are dining with Americans?参考答案:Make noises when you are eating.25.When did the Independence Day become a paid federal holiday?参考答案:In 193826.Western worlds share the same dating customs with the far-East countries.参考答案:错27.What can you do to indicate that you have not finished eating?参考答案:Cross your knife and fork and put them on your plate.28.Thanksgiving Day is on ___________.参考答案:the fourth Thursday in November29.The common response when someone is introduced to you is_________.参考答案:"I am glad to meet you."30. 3. Which of the following statements is not true?参考答案:Memorial Day is on the first Monday of May.31.What is not usually used to decorate the Christmas trees?参考答案:Turkey32.What is the polite way of asking a person’s name when talking on a phone?参考答案:“May I please speak to Miss Jones?”33.Which is not the traditional holiday in China?参考答案:May Day34.Double date is easier going for people than one-on-one situation.参考答案:对35. 2. Which of the following is not what Americans do to celebrate New Year’sEve?参考答案:They have a big family reunion.36.Which of the following is not how Americans celebrate Halloween?参考答案:visiting friends and relatives37.Mission trips may include adults or teens.参考答案:对38.BBQ is a social gathering where food is served, usually outdoors in the lateafternoon or evening.参考答案:对39.Churches are social gathering places only for adults.参考答案:错40.Bake sales are a common way for church groups to raise money.参考答案:对41.You have to bring bread in a Breaking Bread activity.参考答案:错42.Americans seldom hold BBQ parties.参考答案:错43.Church lock-ins can offer a fun social activity for everyone on a weekendnight.参考答案:错44.Party games, singing and food are all common activities at adult church get-togethers.参考答案:对45. A large amount of socializing among American students takes place in bars.参考答案:对46.Some fraternities and sororities have a residential house outside the campus.参考答案:错47.If you wish to join a fraternity or sorority, it’s by invitation only and you mayjoin more than one.参考答案:错48.Phi Kappa Tau and Kappa Epsilon are fraternities and sororities names.参考答案:对49.One important foundation of the fraternity experience is serving thecommunity.参考答案:对50.Only Christians can join the Bible-study group.参考答案:错51.You can only buy study materials in the university bookstores.参考答案:错52.The cafeteria in the campus does not have many options available to you.参考答案:错53.Utilities such as electricity and telephone connections will most likely beready to use in the dormitory.参考答案:对54.America has the largest percentage of population of international students inthe higher-level of education.参考答案:对55.If you are 18 years old of age or younger, you can choose homestays to stayin a local family.参考答案:对56.Professors have office hours in which you can come and get tutoring andextra help with that.参考答案:对57.It’s very helpful to check the leasing advertisement and newspapers to find anice apartment.参考答案:对58.If a student does decide to live in a dormitory, they do not need to share theroom with other students.参考答案:错59.How long does it take for students to finish elementary school in the U.S.?参考答案:5 years60.How many grades are there in the American senior high school?参考答案:4 years61.When can the students in American university declare a major?参考答案:In the second year62.It’s really good on the first date to do an activity in which you can have anopportunity to talk openly with one another.参考答案:对63.In the video, what specific activity the boy scouts does not experience?参考答案:Cookery64.American nuclear family includes aunts and cousins.参考答案:错65.How are the girl Scouts' achievements recognized?参考答案:Both B and C66.Boy Scouting is the flagship program for boys ages ____.参考答案:11 to 1867.To help pay for their activities, Scouts mainly raise money参考答案:crowdfunding68.What is the purpose of venturing?参考答案:To provide positive experiences to help youth mature and to prepare them to become responsible adults69.What is the mission of the Girl Scouts of the United States of America ?参考答案:Empower girls and to help teach values70.According to the video, which statement is not true?参考答案:Women who hadn’t been girl scouts were more likely to be involved in their communities.71.Which one is the largest group in all of the divisions of the scouts?参考答案:Cub Scouting72.White laborers welcome Chinese people to help them in all kinds of jobs.参考答案:错。
美国社会与文化(浙江理工大学)知到章节测试答案智慧树2023年最新第一章测试1.There are 50 states altogether. Among them, forty states form the contiguousstates or the mainland of America and ten states form the non- contiguousterritories.__________参考答案:错2.According to common knowledge, the Pacific Ocean is on the west coast, theAtlantic Ocean is on the east coast of the U.S. ._______________参考答案:对3.Surely, the state of Hawaii is to the northwest of Canada, and the state ofAlaska is in the Pacific Ocean, southwest of California.._______________参考答案:错4.In addition to the 50 states, the US also includes Washington D.C. or Districtof Colombia and ten outlying territories.________________参考答案:错5.Since the date when independence from England was on July 4th, 1776, July4th is the National Day in the United States of America. _______________参考答案:对6.Uncle Sam is a figure symbolizing the United States, and he’s portrayed as atall, white-haired man with a goatee and he’s often dressed in red, white, and blue, and wears a top hat. ______参考答案:对7.Interestingly enough, each state in the US has its own two-letter abbreviation,for example, OK stands for Oklahoma..________________参考答案:对8.In the US, the major mountain ranges are the Rocky Mountains in the Eastand the AppalachianMountains in the West._______________参考答案:错9.Generally speaking, there are four regions in America, they are the Northeast,the Midwest, the South and the Northwest. _________________参考答案:错10.It is well-known that the three biggest cities in the United States of Americaare New York City, Los Angeles, and Las Vegas._______________参考答案:错第二章测试1.When Christopher Columbus, the famous explorer landed on the island in theMediterranean Sea in 1492, he truly lifted the curtain, which led so manyfollowers from Europe to settle in this “the New World” later on.__________参考答案:错2.The French settlers lived by the side of a river. It’s called James River, whichwas named after their King, and they built a town called Jamestown there._______________参考答案:错3.Generally speaking, people who came and settled in this “New World” hadpersonal as well as many other reasons for leaving their owncountries._______________ ___________参考答案:对4.In 1620, 35 Puritans and 67 non-Puritans took the ship called Mayflower forNorth America, and some colonists didn’t survive the first year in NorthAmerica..________________参考答案:错5.According to Don’s explanation, his ancestors came from Sicily near Italy justan island off the coast of Italy, and they came around 1900 or so._______________ .参考答案:对6.Many Southerners thought slavery was wrong, whereas most whiteNortherners considered slavery part of their way of life. _______________参考答案:错7.After the founding of the USA , the new nation adopted “the Constitution”,Boston was chosen as the capital for the time being, and George Washington became the first president of the US in 1791. ______参考答案:错8.So, “the American Dream” for the settlers’ was to own their own land, havetheir own farms and not be controlled or have to live under the authority of a land owner.___________参考答案:对9.In 1814, when the Americans and British fought another war, a Britishexpedition landed and captured Washington, D.C., and British soldiers set fire to the President’s Mansion. _______参考答案:对10.In 1821, France ceded control of Florida to the USA, and Florida finallybecame a US state in 1845._______________参考答案:错第三章测试1.The cause of World War I was due to the assassination of an Austrian duke inJune, 1914 in Serbia, which was part of former Yugoslavia. __________参考答案:对2.On May 7, 1915, a German aircraft carrier sank the British ocean linerLusitania, killing 1,198 people, among them 128 of them were Americans._______________参考答案:错3.After World War I, the United States enjoyed a period of prosperity. Forexample, in 1927, many families purchased their first electric fan andmicrowave oven, and cars also became common in the 1920s. ___________参考答案:错4.In 1939, when World War II began, Germany launched a lightning attack onPoland and also conquered Denmark, Norway, Holland and France in thefollowing year. ________参考答案:对5.On July 20, 1969, when Neil Armstrong of NASA’s Apollo 11 mission becamethe first man to set foot on the moon. _______________参考答案:对第四章测试1.The Executive Branch carries out and enforces the laws, and includes thePresident, Vice President, the Cabinet, 15 executive departments, andindependent agencies, and so on. ____参考答案:对2.The US President is the head of state, commander in chief of the US ArmedForces, and he serves a four-year term and can be elected to no more thanthree terms. ______参考答案:错3.Traditionally speaking, the American political system, throughout most of itshistory, has been dominated by a two-party system: Democratic Party andthe Conservative Party. _______参考答案:错4.In the USA, one of the major political parties is the Democratic Party, and itssymbol of this party is the elephant. _______参考答案:错5.According to the US Constitutional requirements, a Presidential candidatemust be at least 35 years old, a natural born citizen and a resident of the US for at least 14 years. ________参考答案:对第五章测试1.Among the 45 men who have served as president of the US, 31 had militaryservice. Yet, former presidents, like Barack Obama and President Trump did not serve in the military._____参考答案:对2.The history of the US Army began in 1775, when the Continental Army wasfounded in order to fight the invading British Army during the Mexican-American War.________参考答案:错3.The day when Dr. Pan interviewed Edward was the day when AmericanPresident Donald Trump paid his first visit to China. ______参考答案:对4.Before Edward became a soldier, his job was working in a Wal-MartSupermarket, and he had a low pay and not many opportunities foradvancement. ________参考答案:错5.The reason why Edward wanted to become a solider was that when he wentto see the recruiter, who showed many videos, the soldiers in service weredoing some exciting things, like jumping out of airplanes and shootingguns.________参考答案:对第六章测试cational policy is a plan of action adopted by one nation in its diplomaticdealings with other countries as a systemic way to deal with issues that mayarise with other countries. __参考答案:错2.American “Anti-War Mom” Cindy Sheehan was an American anti-war activist,whose son, U.S. Army Specialist Casey Sheehan, was killed in the Afghanistan War in 2001. ______参考答案:错3.As a new nation, from its establishment after the American Revaluation untilthe Spanish- American War, America’s prime national interest was tomaintain its independence from more powerful European countries. ______参考答案:对4.Protected by the Atlantic Ocean, its major foreign policy, known as theMonroe Doctrine, was to limit European attempts of further colonization ofthe Western Hemisphere, which truly reflected the country’s regional, ascompared to global focus. ________参考答案:对5.Throughout the 19th century, America concentrated on creating a nation thatspanned the continent. For example, the 1903 Louisiana Purchase fromFrance doubled the nation’s geographical area. _____参考答案:错6.America’s victory over Spain in 1898 also brought the Philippines and PuertoRico in American territories as well as oversight of Cuba. _______参考答案:对第七章测试1.What’s important to keep in mind is that from the colonial period to the mid-nineteenth century,the US was primarily an industrial society.________参考答案:错2.Generally speaking, the reason why the US economy is able to become theengine of the world economy is through a combination of many factors,including political stability, an independent legal system, and regulatorystructures provided by the American government. _____参考答案:对3.Most Americans fully believe that the rise of their nation as the largest globaleconomy could not have occurred without the economic freedom or “Laissez-faire”.________参考答案:对4.In the video, Tim says that he I didn’t like having his own business becausehe basically didn’t have the freedom to choose and do what he wanted todo.________参考答案:错5.As a matter of fact, America’s free enterprise system is “not completely” free,especially when the country withstood great difficulties or even catastrophe, the US government regulations shaped many aspects of business operation._______参考答案:对第八章测试1.Clearly, the United States is a highly-developed country with modern scienceand technology, yet it’s also a land of religions, in which Americans havereligious faith._________参考答案:对2.In fact, American society has also been profoundly influenced by religions inthe fields of culture, politics, social life and standards for personal morality.______参考答案:对3.In 1620, some Pilgrims and non-Pilgrims took the ship “Aprilflower” fromHolland for North America for religious freedom and settled at Plymouth,Massachusetts.______参考答案:错4.According to the recent survey via telephone from the Gallup International, itindicates that 37% of Americans report that they attend religious servicesmonthly or nearly-monthly._______参考答案:错5.Church attendance is a central religious practice for many AmericanChristians, who are required to regularly attend church services on theLord’s Day or Friday in keeping with the Ten Commandments.______参考答案:错第九章测试1.As a matter of fact, until the Mexican-American War and the founding of theUSA, American literature shows its own characteristics as a mirror, reflecting the social life, a separate path and tradition.__________参考答案:错2.Truly speaking, from the birth of the new nation to the present day, Americanliterature, in one sense, has recorded the story and development of Americansociety, and its literature typically falls into four categories.___________参考答案:错3.In the video, Tim says that he likes James Michener, who wrote a lot of booksand his books became famous as movies, and the author also represented the American point of view____参考答案:对4.Don mentions that his favorite contemporary novelist would be Philip Roth,who has put out about one book a year, and Don would always read them.________参考答案:对5.From the historical perspective, America didn’t have its fiction until JamesCooper (1783 -1859) appeared. In the people’s view, he’s considered “The Father of American Literature”. ________参考答案:错6.Edgar Allan Poe (1809-1849) is currently regarded as the “Father ofDetective Stories” in America. Among his fifty stories, the 5 best short ones were The Tell-Tale Heart, Berenice, The Pit and the Pendulum, Hop-Frog and The Imp of the Perverse. ______参考答案:对7.Walt Whitman (1811-1896) wrote Uncle Tom’s Cabin, an antislavery novelthat changed forever how Americans viewed slavery and struggled forfreedom and equality._____参考答案:错8.Mark Twain (1835-1910), the pen name used by Samuel Clemens, wrote hisregional masterpieces about his home town. They were the memoir: Life on the Mississippi and the novels: Adventures of Tom Sawyer and Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. ______参考答案:对9.Ernest Hemingway (1899-1961) was the most influential writer. He wroteThe Bluest Eye, Song of Solomon, and Beloved which earned him the Nobel Prize in literature. ______参考答案:错10.In the video, Dr. Pan mentioned that Mark Twain has been called the“Abraham Lincoln” or “Real Father” of American Literature. By the time of his death in 1910, he was already famous all over the world. _______参考答案:对第十章测试1.On the whole, there are some 5,300 US colleges or universities, whichnormally comprise at least four categories of institutions across the wholecountry, such as public or private colleges or universities, four-year colleges or universities, and so on. __________参考答案:对2.Generally speaking, the public or private universities are large in size, andcontain several colleges and one or more graduate schools for students toobtain only their bachelor’s degree.___________参考答案:错3.The technical training institutions are sometimes called junior or two-yearcolleges, providing a lower-level tertiary education, granting certificates orassociate degrees for students to obtain.And prepare some students to pursue their bachelor's degree. _________参考答案:错4.In the video, Don says that he graduated from the University of Denver, in thestate of Colorado. It’s a private university, and is sometimes referred to as“the Harvard of the West”.______参考答案:对5.In 1944, the US Congress passed the Servicemen’s Readjustment Act or “GIBill”. According to the Act, it promised spiritual aid, including aid for higher education to the ex-soldiers or veterans after the end of World War II. ________参考答案:错6.In postwar America, the enrollment of African-Americans in higher educationbegan to increase. Before World War II, female students constituted less than 30%, but from 1945-1965, the number of women pursuing a collegeeducation tripled. ______参考答案:错7.Moreover, US colleges and universities are also enrolling a higher percentageof non-traditional students, who have worked for several years beforestarting college or students who go to school part-time while holding down a job. ______参考答案:对8.In the video, Tim says that when he went to school to get his teachingcertificate. he was the only male in that class. All the other students werefemale, partly because that was for teachers of elementary education. ______参考答案:对9.In the United States, the requirements for an undergraduate student to earnat least 220 credits in order to receive his or her bachelor’s degree. ________参考答案:错10.The prestigious universities, like eight universities in Ivy Leagues, such asHarvard University and Yale University are still many candidates’ first choice in America._________参考答案:对第十一章测试1.Generally speaking, from emergence as an independent nation, the UnitedStates has truly encouraged science and innovation. The Constitution givesthe House of Representatives the power “to promote the progress of science and useful arts.__________参考答案:错2.In the United States, while nurturing and training a great number of world-famous scientists in its own country, it has also invited many scientists from other countries as well, to help the US become a modern and highlyproductive world power in the late 20th century._______参考答案:对3.In the video, Tim thinks that technology has allowed the average person tohave much more opportunity to learn and participate in the local economy,and even if they work for a major corporation, they can still stay home andwork on a computer._________参考答案:错4.During the first half of the 19th century, the first heroic inventor was JohnHall who invented the cotton gin in 1794, which was a machine designed to remove the seeds from cotton and it made the cotton industry of the South explode. ________参考答案:错5. A famous American inventors in the early 19th century was CyrusMcCormick who invented his mechanical reaper to harvest countless acres of wheat in the Midwestern plains.________参考答案:对6.Alexander Graham Bell who was a Scottish-born scientist, engineer, inventorand innovator, invented the Internet and allowed people to talk from a long distance. In fact, his new technology of communication has altered thetexture of business, war and even politics. ________参考答案:错7.Thomas Edison, an American inventor, who was the most famous inventorduring the second half of the 19th century, developed the phonograph, the first long-lasting light bulb, and the first viable movie camera, among many other important inventions. _________参考答案:对8.In 1957, the former Soviet Union first lunched Sputnik I into space, the firstartificial satellite to orbit the Earth. Then, four months later, the United States launched its first satellite Explorer I, becoming the second nation to launch a satellite into orbit during the Cold War. ________参考答案:对9.In 1969, the Apollo II was launched in America, and Neil Armstrong, anastronaut became the first human to set foot on the Mars surface. So, eventoday, his famous words are still echoing in our ears: “That’s one small stepfor a man, one gia nt leap for mankind”. ________参考答案:错10.During the 20th Century, American microprocessor companies were set up inSilicon Valley, California, including Adobe Systems by John Warnock andCharles Geschke, IBM and Apple by Steve Jobs, and Microsoft started inSeattle, Washington._______参考答案:对第十二章测试1.Nowadays, when it comes to American tourist attractions, the first thingsthat comes to Dr. Pan’s mind are the skyscrapers of New York and Chicago,the natural wonders of Wyoming and Alaska to the sunny beaches ofCalifornia, Florida and Hawaii.___________参考答案:对2.Edward tells us that he comes form the state of Arizona, which is located inthe southwestern region of America, his hometown is very famous forHollywood and Disneyland, which is a very large and beautiful natural area._______参考答案:错3.In D on’s mind, he would say that Mount Rushmore, or the United StatesPresidential Memorial Park is one of the more iconic attractions in the US, which is the one where four presidents’ faces are carved into rock.__________参考答案:对4.One of the must-see attractions to visit on the East Coast must be the NiagaraFalls in the state of Pennsylvania, which is divided into three waterfalls. They are American Falls, Horseshoe Falls and Bridal Veil Falls. _________参考答案:错5.Clearly, Boston’s most famous landmarks a re the Statue of Liberty, theEmpire State Building. Other attractions are Broadway and Shubert Alley,Fifth Avenue, Times Square, Wall Street, St. Patrick’s Cathedral and the 9/11 Memorial and Museum. _____参考答案:错6.The state of Washington has its national symbols, such as the White Houseand the US Capitol that are accessible to visitors from both at home andabroad. The others are the National Mall, the Lincoln Memorial, theWashington Monument, and, Library of Congress, etc._______参考答案:错7.As every one knows, the hottest attractions in Florida, which is known as “theSunshine State” is Walt Disney World, Universal Studios, the EvergladesNational Park, the Kennedy Space Center and the Florida Keys. __________参考答案:对8.In general, the second largest state in the US is Texas, which is known as the“Lone Star State” and offers a diversity of landscapes, from desert regions to the caves systems to mountains, and the splendid coastal scenery along the Gulf of Mexico. _________参考答案:对9.The must-see attractions in Seattle, Washington are the Mount RainierNational Park, which is designated as a UNESCO World Heritage Site and an International Biosphere Reserve, and the Washington Museum of the Flight with the displays of all kinds of ships. ________参考答案:错10.Los Angeles is known as the entertainment capital of the world, such asDisneyland. The others are Universal Studios Hollywood, and HollywoodWalk of Fame, and the Hollywood sign that has come to represent theglamour and excitement of the movie industry.________参考答案:对第十三章测试1.Surely, United States is a sports-loving country, and watching or attendingsports events alsoremains very important in the lives of all American people. Strangely enough, in some Americans’ eyes, sports are more important than birth ordeath.__________参考答案:错2.In the video, Edward says that the NBA is popular throughout the America,especially in his hometown, the Phoenix Suns is their city’s team. Edwardalso notices that many Chinese students in the university know more aboutthe NBA and its players than he does. ________参考答案:对3.Tim says in the video that he participated in American football when he wasin high school. In his mind, American football is a kind of unique expressionof American culture: aggressiveness, and organization and specialization and inclusiveness.__________参考答案:对4.Don comes from the city of Denver, where American baseball is very popular.In recent years, they have won the Super Bowl for two times. As for himpersonally, he only likes watching football on TV, and does go to the stadium until the Super Bowl comes.________参考答案:错5.As far as Dr. Pan is concerned, Yao Ming is his favorite NBA player. Andbecause of him in the past, he began to watch the NBA program a lot ingeneral, and the Houston Rockets, one of the American professionalbasketball teams in particular on TV. ______参考答案:对6.It is generally known that the “Small Three” sports in America are football,baseball and basketball, and other favorite sports include ice hockey, soccer, boxing, tennis, golf, bowling, swimming, fishing, hunting, boating and track and field, and so on.______参考答案:错7.As is known to all, American basketball is played during the late summer orpreseason, the fall or regular season and the winter until late in January or post-season. And this sports event truly culminates in the Super Bowl todecide the champion team for the year. _________参考答案:错8.In the US, baseball is still widely considered a national sport, although it lagsbehind football in popularity, it’s commonly referred as “America’s pastime”, which is also a popular game in Japan, Cuba and the Dominican Republic, and so on._________参考答案:对9.Unlike American football, basketball is an indoor sports. During the snowywinter months, when outdoor sports like football activities couldn’t beplayed, basketball, as an indoor activity will replace it. And the NBA madethis game more professional and popular worldwide.___参考答案:对10.When Yao Ming played for the Houston Rockets from 2002 to 2011, hebecame the global symbol of basketball and made this sport very popular in China in general and in Chinese colleges and universities in particular.________参考答案:对第十四章测试1.Nowadays, whenever we talk about American movies, the first place thatoccurs to our mindis probably Hollywood in Los Angeles, which has had a profound effect oncinema across the world since the early 19th century.__________参考答案:错2.The history of American movies development is separated into four mainperiods: the silent film era, the classical Hollywood cinema, New Hollywood and the contemporary period after 1980. And this industry has lost a lot ofmoney since the 1920s. _______参考答案:错3.By the mid-1920s, American film industry came into the hands of a fewpowerful companies,which controlled production, distribution and exhibition. Normally, theyw ere called “the Big Five” and “the Little Three” as well.________参考答案:对4.Tim says that he has a lot of favorite American movies, in particular, themovie “Avatar” because he likes science fiction movies a lot. “Avatar” was the most successful movie in history due to its computer graphics that created a new world on another planet.____参考答案:对5.On of the masterpieces of Universal Pictures includes Uncle Tom’s Cabin in1972. Compared with its novel, its movie, in Dr. Pan’s mind is able to tug the hearts trings even more since “A picture is worth a thousand words” and a movie is worth one thousand pictures. _____参考答案:错6.The masterpieces of Columbia Pictures include The Bridge on the River Kwaiin 1957; which tells the story during World War I, about the POWs who were forced by Japanese invaders to build a bridge across the River Kwai on the Thai-Myanmar border in Northern Thailand._______参考答案:错7.In the video, Edward says that his favorite movie studio is the Universalstudio in California. He once paid a visit to that studio, which produces hisfavorite sitcom, called Friends, one of the most popular TV show fromAmerica.__________参考答案:对8.Take the 89th Academy Awards ceremony on February 26, 2017 for example,Justin Timberlake was invited to sing for the closing ceremony. Then, thebiggest winners were the movies of La La Land and Moonlight, which wonthe best pictures for Oscars in 2017.________参考答案:错9.In reality, America is also regarded as “a Cultural Melting Pot” since it’s musicis influenced by a mixture of West African styles as well as, Irish, Scottish,French, German, Italian and Latin music in Europe, and even by Chinese,Japanese and Indian music in Asia._____参考答案:对10.The major types of American music are jazz, blues, country, rock ‘n’ roll, andhip hop, or rap music. Despite its short history, it has helped to express anational identity on the one hand, and achieved great international acclaim since the 21st century on the other.________参考答案:对第十五章测试1.In the video, D. Pan mentions that there are ten and a half public holidaysthat are celebrated each year in the United States. Among them, New Year'sDay and Christmas Day are commonly shared with many other countries.However, the other eight holidays are quite unique._____参考答案:对2.The eight unique holidays in the US are Thanksgiving Day, Independence Dayor the Fourth of September, Martin Luther King Day, Washington's Birthday, Memorial Day, Labor Day, Columbus Day and Veterans Day.________参考答案:错3.During the public holidays, some Americans like to do many delightful things,such as reading a book outside, going to the zoo with kids, hosting a tea party with friends, seeing their favorite movies or doing a hike in their nearestnational park. _______参考答案:错4.Edward’s favorite festival in America would have to be Christmas time. Hetruly enjoys giving gifts, and seeing the delight on his nephew and niece’sfaces when the kids open up their own presents.________参考答案:对5.As far as Don is concerned, his favorite festival would have to beThanksgiving Day. The reason is simple since this day is a festival of gratitude.However, what Don lik es about Thanksgiving is that it’s a high time whentheir family moves to play outside.______参考答案:错6.As for Tim, Christmas is his favorite festival, although it has becomecommercialized. This time of year is also called the Christmas season which starts on Thanksgiving a month before, to encourage people to go shopping to buy gifts and give them to the others.______参考答案:对7.In America, celebrating the New Year’s Day includes counting down to 12:00midnight on New Year’s Eve, which is often accompani ed with fireworksdisplays and parties. “The ball drop” at Times Square in New York City hasbecome a national New Year’s Eve event. ________参考答案:对8.Washington’s Birthday is also called Presidents’ Day, which is celebrated onthe third Monday in February in order to commemorate both GeorgeWashington and Franklin Roosevelt. But today, this holiday is considered to honor all American presidents.________参考答案:错9.Interestingly enough, Groundhog Day isn’t a public holiday, but a traditionalobservance on February 2nd each year. According to folklore, if it is cloudy when a groundhog emerges from its burrow on this day, the spring season。
美国人才测试题及答案解析一、选择题1. 美国的首都是哪里?A. 纽约B. 洛杉矶C. 华盛顿特区D. 芝加哥答案:C2. 美国独立战争发生在哪个世纪?A. 16世纪B. 17世纪C. 18世纪D. 19世纪答案:C3. 美国的国花是什么?A. 玫瑰B. 郁金香C. 樱花D. 牡丹答案:A二、填空题4. 美国的国土面积在世界上排名第______。
答案:三5. 美国的人口数量在世界上排名第______。
答案:三三、简答题6. 请简述美国独立战争的意义。
四、论述题7. 美国的多元文化是如何形成的?答案:美国的多元文化主要是由以下几个方面形成的:首先,美国是一个移民国家,来自世界各地的移民带来了各自不同的文化传统;其次,美国历史上的种族融合政策促进了不同种族之间的文化交流与融合;再次,美国是一个高度开放的国家,各种文化思想在这里自由交流,形成了独特的多元文化景观。
五、案例分析题8. 请分析美国历史上的民权运动对美国社会的影响。
六、计算题9. 如果美国人口为3.3亿,计算美国人口占世界总人口的比例。
七、判断题10. 美国的官方语言是英语。
答案:正确八、连线题11. 将下列美国城市与其对应的州进行连线。
American Culture Which above concept describes these scenarios the best? 1.A policeman has just pulled over a older man for driving too fast. Police "Do you know why I pulled you over?" Older man "No. What's did I do wrong?" Police "You were driving 65 in a 45 zone. That's a 200 dollar fine." Older Man "Well that is a problem. I am a good friend to the police chief and I guess I will need to mention this to him. What did you say your name was?" Police "Actually, I have decided not to give you a speeding ticket this time. Just a warning. Well, have a nice day." Answer __________ 2.A Wal-mart employee observes one of their close friends who is also an employee steal an item from the store. He goes to his superior to report the incident. Employee "I saw John steal a bag of chips today." Superior "Thank you, I will deal with him." Answer__________ 3.Mac "John, I have fallen in love with Mary from class one. But there is a problem." John "What problem? Mac "My parents don't want us to get to date. They tell me that I need to focus on my school work." John "So what are you going to do?" Mac "There is nothing I can do except to listen to them." Answer__________ 4.Peggy "I have a dream to be a airplane pilot." Andrea "Awesome! Perhaps you should dream even bigger! Why not become an space pilot?" Peggy "I like the sound of that." Answer__________ 5.Nora "I won a footrace today." Lori "Nice! Did you win?" Nora "I tried my very best and won by a mile. Everyone else was way behind me." Lori "Did you feel bad by making the others look bad? Nora "Of course not, I just did my personal best." Answer__________ 6.Tom "Hey, Steven do you want to come over to my house?" Steven "I feel like I would be bothering you." Tom "No, you wouldn't. I am planning a big meal." Steven "No I couldn't. I would feel too embarrassed." Tom "I really want you to come." Steven "Alright, I guess I can come." Answer__________ 7.Billy "Hey Steven do you want to come over to my house?" Steven "Sure! I'll come over." Answer__________ 8.The student was walking to the library. He was getting ready to study for a very difficult exam. His exam was the next morning. Suddenly, the phone rang. Student "Hello?" Teacher "Hello, this is your professor." Student "Oh, hi professor!" Teacher "Are you available to help me with a project tonight? We are having guests come to our university. If you can help, all the guests, professors, and students will be grateful!" Student "Of course! I will help!" Answer__________ Multiple Choice: Please choose the best answer.1. What is the date of Valentine's day? a. January 21st b. February 14th c. September 25th d. Changes year to year 2. A place where you learn a trade/ occupation is a. Community College b. Mechanical school c. Technical school (Choose__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ C. Explain what the stereotypes of nerds, geeks, cheerleaders, and punks are. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ D. Write 3 positives and 3 negatives about sending your child to a private school. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ E. What does it mean to go "Trick or Treating?" Make sure you include the holiday name and date. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ F. Describe the many the activities that are available to the American College student. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Essay Questions (Choose 2 of 4 (A, B, or C)). Should be between 200-300 words in length. Please write in complete sentences: A. After you graduate high school you have many options on what to do with your life. Explain each of these options are and why might a person choose to do this. Shoot for the Moon so you B. Choose to explain one of the two songs that we listened to in class ( can land on the Stars by Jin or Love Story by Taylor Swift.) What does it say about American culture? C. Write an essay on the American Holiday of Easter. Please include the history behind the holiday, and tell how it is celebrated in America in both the popular culture way and the traditional Christian way. D. Compare and Contrast Chinese and American cultural outlooks on life. Please include Achieved vs. Ascribed Status and a discussion on the different Locus of controls. 。
美国测试题# 美国测试题一、选择题1. 美国的首都是哪个城市?A. 纽约B. 洛杉矶C. 华盛顿特区D. 芝加哥2. 美国独立宣言是在哪一年份通过的?A. 1775B. 1776C. 1783D. 17893. 美国的国旗被称为什么?A. 星条旗B. 红白蓝旗C. 联合旗D. 联邦旗4. 美国的官方语言是什么?A. 英语B. 西班牙语C. 法语D. 德语5. 美国的国土面积在世界上排名第几?A. 第一B. 第二C. 第三D. 第四二、填空题6. 美国的货币单位是________。
7. 美国的国花是________。
8. 美国的国鸟是________。
9. 美国的人口最多的州是________。
10. 美国的总统任期是________年。
三、简答题11. 请简述美国历史上的“南北战争”的主要原因。
12. 请列举至少三位对美国历史有重大影响的总统,并简要说明他们的贡献。
四、论述题13. 论述美国文化对全球的影响,包括但不限于音乐、电影和科技领域。
五、判断题14. 美国的总统是由公民直接选举产生的。
()15. 美国的独立战争发生在18世纪末。
()六、连线题16. 将下列历史事件与相应的年份连接起来。
- 路易斯安那购地:______- 珍珠港事件:______- 阿波罗11号登月:______- 9/11恐怖袭击:______七、计算题17. 如果美国每年的人口增长率为0.8%,当前人口为3.3亿,请计算10年后美国的人口数量。
八、案例分析题18. 阅读以下案例:某年,美国某州发生了一起严重的自然灾害,导致当地经济受损严重。
高中英语美国文化复习 题集附答案
高中英语美国文化复习题集附答案高中英语美国文化复习题集附答案1. Multiple Choice Questions1. In which year did the American Civil War end?a) 1865b) 1776c) 1945d) 1918Answer: a) 18652. Who is considered the founding father of the United States?a) George Washingtonb) Abraham Lincolnc) Thomas Jeffersond) Benjamin FranklinAnswer: a) George Washington3. Which of the following is a famous American landmark?a) Big Benb) Eiffel Towerc) Statue of Libertyd) Sydney Opera HouseAnswer: c) Statue of Liberty4. Who wrote the Declaration of Independence?a) Thomas Jeffersonb) John F. Kennedyc) Franklin D. Rooseveltd) Abraham LincolnAnswer: a) Thomas Jefferson5. Which sport is considered America's favorite pastime?a) Soccerb) Baseballc) Basketballd) FootballAnswer: b) Baseball2. True or False Questions1. The United States has 50 states.Answer: True2. Thanksgiving is a holiday celebrated in the United States. Answer: True3. The American flag has 50 stars, each representing a state.Answer: True4. The Great Wall of China is located in the United States.Answer: False5. The White House is the official residence and workplace of the President of the United States.Answer: True3. Short Answer Questions1. Who was the first African American President of the United States?Answer: Barack Obama2. What is the capital of the United States?Answer: Washington, D.C.3. Who is the current President of the United States?Answer: Joe Biden4. Name one famous American inventor.Answer: Thomas Edison5. What is the national motto of the United States?Answer: "In God We Trust"4. Essay QuestionDescribe the significance of the Civil Rights Movement in American history. Provide examples of key events and individuals who played a role in the movement.Answer: The Civil Rights Movement was a pivotal moment in American history that aimed to end racial segregation and discrimination against African Americans. It spanned from the 1950s to the 1960s and was characterized by nonviolent protests, demonstrations, and legal battles.One key event of the Civil Rights Movement was the Montgomery Bus Boycott in 1955. It was sparked by Rosa Parks, an African American woman who refused to give up her seat on a bus to a white passenger. This act of resistance led to a mass boycott of the city's buses by African Americans, demanding an end to segregated seating. The boycott lasted for over a year and ultimately resulted in a Supreme Court ruling that declared segregation on public buses unconstitutional.Another significant event was the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom in 1963. It was organized by civil rights activists, including Martin Luther King Jr., and drew approximately 250,000 participants. During this march, King delivered his famous "I Have a Dream" speech, calling for racial equality and an end to discrimination. The march increased public awareness of the civil rights movement and put pressure on the government to pass the Civil Rights Act of 1964.Key individuals who played a role in the Civil Rights Movement include Martin Luther King Jr., who became the face of the movement due to his charismatic leadership and nonviolent philosophy. His efforts and speeches inspired millions of people to join the fight for equality. Other notablefigures include Rosa Parks, who sparked the Montgomery Bus Boycott, and Malcolm X, a prominent civil rights activist who advocated for black empowerment through self-defense.The Civil Rights Movement resulted in significant achievements, such as the desegregation of schools, the end of Jim Crow laws, and the Voting Rights Act of 1965, which aimed to protect African Americans' right to vote. It laid the foundation for future social justice movements and transformed the landscape of American society.In conclusion, the Civil Rights Movement marked a turning point in American history. It was a struggle for equality and justice, led by courageous individuals who fought against racial discrimination. Through their efforts, they brought about lasting change and paved the way for a more inclusive and equal society.。
美国公立高中中文试题答案一、选择题1. 在下列汉字中,属于象形字的是:A. 休B. 森C. 众D. 明答案:A2. 填入空格处最恰当的词语是:他们_________勤奋学习,最终都考上了理想的大学。
A. 因此B. 所以C. 因而D. 由于答案:B3. 下列句子中,使用了拟人修辞手法的是:A. 春风又绿江南岸B. 明月何时照我还C. 落叶归根D. 一江春水向东流答案:C4. 以下哪一项不是中国四大发明?A. 指南针B. 火药C. 印刷术D. 望远镜答案:D5. 根据汉语习惯,下列哪个词组排序正确?A. 红、黄、蓝、白B. 春、夏、秋、冬C. 早、中、晚、夜D. 东、南、西、北答案:D二、填空题1. 在汉语中,“五福临门”中的“五福”指的是:寿、富、康宁、好德和_________。
答案:善终2. 成语“_________”用来形容人非常高兴的样子。
答案:喜笑颜开3. 在中国传统文化中,被称为“诗圣”的是_________。
答案:杜甫4. “天下为公”这个词语出自_________。
答案:《礼记·礼运》5. 汉语中,“三人行,必有我师”是出自_________的名言。
问题:1. 长城东起哪里?答案:辽东的虎山2. 长城全长约多少公里?答案:2.1万公里3. 长城的修建始于哪个时期?答案:春秋战国时期4. 长城被誉为什么?答案:万里长城5. 长城是什么时候被列为世界文化遗产的?答案:文中未提及具体时间,需查阅相关资料。
Culture Knowledge Contest(American Culture)August 31, 2014Part I Single-Choice QuestionsDirections: Read the following unfinished statements or questions carefully. For each unfinished statement or question, four suggested answers marked [A], [B], [C] and [D] are given. Choose the one that you think best completes the statement or answers the question ・1. The strong American belief in individualism can be divided into idealism and ___________________ .[A ] realism [B] protestantism[C] materialism [D] volunteerism3. "Priesthood of all believers^^ means ____________ ・[A]every priest must be a devoted believer[B]every believer should confess to God through the priest[C]every believer is his or her own priest[D]every priest should be responsible for the believers4. Which of the following statements about American education is TRUE?[A]The majority of the private schools are associated with particular churches.[B| Religious schools that serve middle-class students receive money fromthe national government.[C] After twelve years of school, American students receive a bachelor's degree diploma at graduation.[DJ American schools attach the greatest importance to developing students9 academic skills.5. Which of the following statements about American Frontier is TRUE?[A]The frontier experience began in about 1890 and is still continuing in the American West today.[BJ There are two types of heroic rugged individualists: man against wilderness and man against man.[C] The settling of the frontier did little to affect the lives of the American Indians.| D ] The can-do spirit came from the willingness of the pioneers to work together on a cooperative project for the good of all.6. Most American people strongly believe in individual freedom, and therefore they do NOT like _____________ .[A]being self-reliant [B] making a lot of money[C] a big government [D] religious freedom7. The American saying "Say what you mean and mean what you say" reflects that American people value _____________ ・[A] competition [B] optimism[C] performances [D] assertiveness8. American culture is also a culture of its own and above everything else is most important.[A] diversity [B] individuality[C] nationality [D] unity9. One of the most important values associated with American Protestantism is the value of ____________ ・[A] self-improvement [B] equality of opportunity[C] optimism [D] rugged individualism11.The strong American belief in individualism has strengthened American's _____________ a nd hard work・[A] inventiveness [B] promptness[C] frankness [D] assertiveness12.In the U.S., the president can _____________ a bill from Congress, but the bill can still become law if at least _____________ of the members in each house vote for it when it is voted on again.[A]void, 1/3 [B] void, 2/3 [C] veto, 1/3 [D] veto, 2/313.Scholars who see the United States as a “salad bowl" emphasize______________________________ •[AJ the great extent of racial and ethnic assimilation[B]the distinct differences between racial and ethnic groups[C]the rapid growth of population[D]the great diversity in religious beliefs14.In American society, the "boomerang kids" refers to _____________ ・[A]the children living with the single parent[B]the children born in 1950s[C]the children returning home after graduation from college[D]the children living separately from their parents16.The presidential election in the United States is held every years.[A]2 [B]4 [C]6 [D]817.___________ was American,s first president.[A] George Washington [B] Thomas Jefferson[C] James Madison [D] Andrew Jackson18.The Cold War was the continuing state of conflict, tension and competition that existed after World War II. On the one side were the and its satellites, and on the other were the powers of the Western world under the leadership of the United States・[A] Germany [B] Cuba[C] the Soviet Union [D] Britain19.Child education in the United States is compulsory. The ages for compulsory education vary by state beginning at ages ______________ and ending at the ages of fourteen to eighteen.[C] six to eight [D] five to eight20.According to the US Constitution, Congress's essential function is to[A] declare laws [B] pass laws[C] make laws [D] execute laws21.The Senate is the upper chamber of Congress・ It consists of 100 members, with _______________ senators elected from each state, regardless of the size of the state's population..[A] one [B] two [C] three [D] four22.The history of the English language is divided into three periods・ The period from 1150 to 1500 is known as the ______________・[A] Old English period [B] Anglo-Saxon period[C] Middle English period [D] Modern English period23.The first permanent English settlement in North America was[A] Philadelphia [B] Plymouth[C] Jamestown [D] Boston24.____________ i s the symbol of the American Democratic Party・[A] The donkey [B]The bull[C] The bald eagle [D] The elephant25.Who is the only American president to have served more than two terms?[C] Franklin D. Roosevelt27. ____________ a re the two major political parties in the United States.[A | The Labor Party and the Independence Party[B] The Independence Party and the Republican Party[C] The Republican Party and the Labor Party[D| The Democratic Party and the Republican Party28・ The upper chamber of the American Congress is called[A] the House of Commons[B] the Parliament [C] the House of Representatives [D] the Senate31 ・ ___________ a popular tourist destination in Hollywood. Itcomprises more than 2,500 five-pointed stars which bear the names of a mix of actors, musicians, directors, producers, musical and theatrical groups, fictional characters, and others.[A] Hollywood Walk of Fame[B] Hollywood Boulevard [C] Universal Studios [D] Disneyland32. "A man is not made for defeat ・・・ A man can be destroyed but not defeated." From which novel is this passage taken?[A] In Our Time[B] A Farewell to Arms [C] The Old Man and the Sea [D] For Whom the Bell Tolls33. The national anthem of the United States is ・[A] Bill Clinton|B] George Washington[D] Abraham Lincoln[A] The Battle Hymn of the Republic[B] God Save the Queen[C] The Star-Spangled Banner[D] American Soldier34.___________ w as a singer, songwriter, actor, dancer, businessman, and philanthropist. He was called the King of Pop. He popularized a number of complicated dance techniques, such as the robot and the moonwalk ・[A] Michael Joseph Jackson [B] Bob Dylan[C] Beetles [D] Elvis Presley35 ・__________ is a street in Manhattan, New York. There are a lot of theatres at both sides of the street and it has become a synonym of musicals.[A] the 5th Avenue [B] Avenue de New-York[C] Park Avenue. [D] Broadway36. ____________ is often regarded as the greatest American woman poet and she wrote over 1,700 short lyric poems in her life time.[A] Anne Bradstreet [B] Robert Frost[C] Emily Bronte [D] Emily Dickinson40.__________ is an American syndicated talk show that aired nationally for 25 seasons from 1986 to 2011 and remains the highest-rated talk show in American television history.[A] Daily Show [B] Oprah Winfrey Show41. In America, ____________ are given to recognize outstanding work in the television industry.[A] Grammy Awards 42. __________ , located in New York City, is the largest art museum in the United States and one of the ten largest in the world ・[A] The Metropolitan Museum of Art[B] National Museum of American Art[C] Hirshhorn Museum[D] National Museum of Air and Space45 ・ __________ is a film about a German businessman who saved the lives of more than a thousand mostly Polish-Jewish refugees during the Holocaust by employing them in his factories.[A] The Pianist[B] Schindler's List [C] Sophie \ Choice[D] Pearl Harbor46. When is Halloween celebrated every year?[A] On October 31[B] On February 14 [D] On November 11 47. American Independence Day falls on[B] October 3148. Thanksgiving Day is originated in[B] Tony Awards[C] Academy Awards [D| Emmy Awards [C] On May 30[A] England [B] America [C] Scotland [D] Canada49.April FooFs Day began in ____________ .[A] America [B] Germany [C] France [D] Italy50.When first introduced to someone, one should address and be addressed as Miss, Ms., Mrs. or Mr. followed by the _____________ ・[A] first name [B] surname[C]nick name [D] middle name51.Among the five Great Lakes, only ______________ i s wholly within the United States.[A] Erie [B] Superior [C] Michigan [D] Huron52.If you are invited to a business lunch, ask _______________ what he or she recommends before placing your order, so that you will have an idea as to an appropriate price range for your meal.[A] the restaurant owner [B] the waiter[C] the chef [D] the host53.How many dimes is a US dollar?[A] 10 [B]5 [C] 25 [D]454.How many cents is a US quarter?[A] 10 [B] 5 [C] 25 [D]4 55・ Marriage in America is considered ____________ ・[A] more important to the parents [B] a pure religious affair56.When was Coca-Cola first created?[A] In 1765 [B] In 1885 [C] In 1925 [D] In 199557.The KFC (chain restaurants from the United States) is the abbreviation of which of the following?[A] Kentucky Fried CakefB] Kentucky Fried Chicken[C]Kentucky Frying Cake[D]Kentucky Frying Chicken58.Which number is unlucky in Western culture?[A] 7 [B] 8 [C] 13 [D] 1460.Handshaking is a popular tradition among professionals in America. Handshaking should be ____________ and last between 3・5 seconds・[A] extended [B] interrupted[C] light [D] firm61.There are ____________ states in the United States of America.[A] 46 [B]48 [C] 50 [D] 5262.____________ is the largest state in area in the U.S.A.[A] Florida [B] Louisiana [C] Alaska [D] California63.____________ is known as the nation's "breadbasket” because of its abundant production of oats, wheat, and com.64.__________ is the coldest and deepest of the five Great Lakes.[A]Superior [B] Huron[C] Michigan [D] Ontario65・ Washington, the capital of the US, is on the ____________ river. [A]Delaware [B] St. Laurence[C] Hudson [D] Potomac66.The highest mountain in the U.S・ is Mount ___________ ・[A] Appalachian [B] Mekinley[C] Rocky [D] Great Smoky67.The 1970s and early 1980s saw the onset of stagflation. After his election in 1980, President ________________ responded to economic stagnation with free-market oriented reforms.[A] Jimmy Carter [B]Ronald Reagan[C] George Bush [D] Bill Clinton6& Seattle, a household name in many movies such as Sleepless in Seattle or Finding Mr. Right (北京遇上西雅图)、is a coastal seaport city in the state of ____________ ・[A] California [B] Massachusetts[C] Washington [D] New York70. ____________ h as developed a big steel-making industry and is the largest producer of iron and steel in the United States.[C] Pittsburgh [D] New Orleans71 ・__________ , bordering on Lake Erie, is a famous automobile town. It is the home of American gods: Ford, General Motors and Chrysler.[ A] Chicago [B] Detroit[C] Pittsburgh [D] New Orleans72. ____________ w as the first company to introduce assembly lines for mass production of cars.[A] General Motors [B] American Motors Corporation[C] Chrysler [D] Ford74. n Steve H Jobs (February 24, 1955 一October 5, 2011) is the co-founder, chairman, and CEO of Apple Inc., an American multinational corporation headquartered in the world-famous Silicon Valley in _____________ ・[A] California [B] Texas[C] Arizona [D] Florida75. Bill Gates, who formally dropped out of Harvard in his junior year, is the former chief executive and chairman of Microsoft Corporation, an American multinational corporation headquartered in Redmond,[A] Colorado [B] Ohio[C] Washington [D] Virginia78・ The Grand Canyon, a steep-sided canyon carved by the Colorado visually overwhelming size and its intricate and colorful landscape.[A]New Mexico [B] Wisconsin[C] Louisiana [D] Arizona79.As a prominent American landmark, the Golden Gate Bridge has been one of the most internationally recognized symbols of _______________ ・Ithas been declared one of the Wonders of the Modem World by the American Society of Civil Engineers・[A] Los Angeles [B] San Francisco[C] Washington D.C. [D] New York80.Already a huge tourist attraction and favorite spot for honeymooners,is the collective name for three waterfalls that straddle the international border between Canada and the United States; more specifically, between the province of Ontario and the state of New York.[A] Iguasu Falls [B] Victoria Falls[C] Angel Falls [D] Niagara Falls81.____________ , widely held to be the first national park in the world,is known for its wildlife and its many geothermal features, especially Old Faithful Geyser, one of the most popular features in the park・[A] Yellowstone [B] Great Smoky Mountains[C] Grand Canyon [D] Yosemite82.In late ____________ , the NBA Playoffs (季后赛)begin..83.Broadcast on live TV to a world-wide audience, Armstrong stepped out of ____________ 11 onto the lunar surface and described the event as "one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.n[A]Challenger [B] Columbia [C] Apollo [D] Discovery84.____________ is the United States government agency that is responsible for the civilian space program as well as for aeronautics and aerospace research.[A]CIA [B] NACA [C] NASA [D] NSA85.All of the following festivals are of some religious nature except[A] Easter [B] Thanksgiving[C] Halloween [D] Memorial Day87.____________ is an American professional golfer who is among the most successful golfers of all time. He has been one of the highest-paid athletes in the world for several years.[A] n Tiger n Woods [B] Venus Williams[C] Michael Phelps [D] Jeremy Lin88.The US Open is a hardcourt _____________ t ournament which is held annually in late August and early September over a two week period.90. The Statue of Liberty (Liberty Enlightening the World) is a colossal neoclassical sculpture on Liberty Island in _____________ .[A]San Francisco [B] Washington D.C.[C] Los Angels [D] New York CityPart II Multiple-Choice QuestionsDirections: Read the following unfinished statements or questions carefully. For each unfinished statement or question, four suggested answers marked [A]f [B], [C] and [D] are given. Choose the ones that you think best complete the statement or answer the question,1.The U.S. President can decide _____________ .[A]what foreign policies to make[B]who become the judges of the federal courts[C]whether the law is unconstitutional[D]who should be included in the cabinet2.The John Harvard statue is actually nicknamed the "statue of three lies" because of all the inaccuracies inscribed on it. They are[A]That isn?t John Harvard.[B]John Harvard wasn't the founder of Harvard University.[C]Harvard wasn't founded in 1638.[D]Harvard was originally called the New College・ And its mission was totrain clergy.3.Which of the following presidents had been impeached when they were in office?[A]Richard Nixon [B] Bill Clinton[C] Andrew Johns on. [D] Jimmy Carter4.Which two universities worked together to create a new non-profit venture…EDX?[A]Yale University [B] Stanford University[C] Massachusetts Institute of Technology [D] Harvard University6.English as a language borrowed a lot of words from the following languages: ____________ .[A] Latin [B] Greek [C] French [D] German7.Which of the following English words came from Chinese?[A] zebra [B] Tai Chi [C] ketchup [D] mahjong8.Which of the following are the descriptions of Uncle Sam?[A] He has long white hair and a beard・|B ] He wears a waistcoat and striped trousers・[C]He wears tall hat with a star.[D]He used to be an inspector of army supplies.10. We have different ways of saying “cheap". Which of the following phrases are right?[A]On sale [B] A good deal [C] A bargain [D] A steal12.The United States has one of the largest diplomatic presences of any nation. Only a few countries don't have formal diplomatic relations with the United States. They include ________________ .[A] Laos [B] Vietnam [C] North Korea [D] Cuba13.In most public schools and private schools in the United States, education is divided into three levels: _____________ ・[A]elementary school, [B] middle school[C] higher school [D] high school15.The possible reasons why many American parents would choose to homeschool their children are _____________ ・[AJ they wish to add religious instruction[B]they feel they can more effectively tailor a curriculum to suit an individual student's academic strengths and weaknesses[C]they can't afford a school[D]they feel that the negative social pressures of schools are harmful to a child's proper development16.Which of the following higher institutions are members of the Ivy League?[A] Yale University. [B] Columbia University[C] Harvard University [D] Princeton University17.Of the following words, which ones belong to British English?[C] elevator 18. British English and American English are two major geographical varieties of English spoken respectively in Great Britain and the United States. Their distinctions can be seen in the following aspects[A] pronunicaiton [D] vocabulary19. Suspicious of any power concentration, the framers of the American Constitution distributed power among the three branches of the federal government. The three branches are _____________ ・[A] Congress[B] the executive branch[C] the judicial branch[D] the supreme court20. The major powers of the American Congress include _____________・[AJ levying federal taxes[B] regulating commerce with foreign states and among states[C] declaring wars[D] deciding what government programs will receive funds21. Which of the following movies have won the Oscars? [D] lorry[B] spelling[C] grammar[A] Million Dollar Baby[B] Avatar[C] Schindler's List[D] Titanic22.The Sound of Music is a 1965 American musical film and it contains several popular songs including _____________ ・[A] “Edelweiss”[B] n My Favorite Things11[C] n Do-Re-Mi n[D] “The Sound of Music1123.Which of the following works are written by Ernest Hemingway, one of the best-known American authors of the 20th century?[A] The Sun Also Rises[B] The Old Man and the Sea[C] A Farewell to Arms[D] The Sound and The Fury24.Presley(猫王)is one of the most celebrated musicians of the 20th century. He left us many melodious songs such as _____________ ・[A] Love Me Tender[B] Always on My Mind[C] Only You[D] Heartbreak Hotel25.American actor and comedian Robin Williams died of an apparent suicide by hanging at his home in 2014. He starred in a number of fine films including _________________ .[A] Dead Poets Society[B] Chicago[C] The Terminal[D] Good Will Hunting (心灵捕于)26.Faulkner is one of the most important writers in American literature generally and Southern literature specifically ・ His works are[ A] Light in August[B]Absalom, Absalom[C]The Great Gatsby[D] The Sound and the Fury28. There are many museums in Washington D.C., such as[A]National Air and Space Museum[B]National Gallery of Art[C]National Museum of Natural History[D]Metropolitan Museum of Art30. ____________ a re Hollywood animation films.[A]Frozen[B]Dances with Wolves[C]Finding Nemo[D]The Terminal3 L The most traditional food of Thanksgiving Day dinner is[A] roast turkey [B] short cake[C] pumpkin pie [D] fried chicken33・ Which of the following are rules of dinning etiquette?[A] turning off cell phones [B] sitting up straight[C] putting elbows on the table [D] taking small bites34. To rent a car in the United States, you need to _____________ ・[A] be over 25 [B] have a driver's license36.Which of the following items are not permitted in carry-on and checked luggage when you travel by air in the United States?[A] Torch lighters [B] Sporting equipment[C] Laptops [D] Spray paint37.The dress code for professionals in the United States is a suit and tiefor men and a suit and dress for women. Traditional colors are preferred, such as ___________ .[A] pink [B] navy [C] gray [D] black38.Two rules for personal topics when meeting with American professionals are ______________ ・ This avoids any uncomfortable situations during a discussion.[A] no sports [B] no politics[C] no religion [D] no weather39.Many American professionals schedule meetings around a meal. are the most popular meal times during a meeting.[A] Breakfast [B] Brunch [C] Lunch [D] Dinner40.In America, there are certain ways to practice proper etiquette duringa conversation that will help ensure that you enjoy it just as much as the person that you*re conversing with. These include _____________ ・[A]avoiding interrupting the person that youTe conversing with[B]turning your phone off before engaging in a conversation with someone[C]looking the person whom you are talking to in the eye[D]speaking low enough so that you won't be overheard by people around you41.Situated in the central part of the North America Continent, the continental United States borders Canada on the north and reaches south to .[A] Mexico [B] Cuba [C] Brazil [D] the Gulf of Mexico43.The enormous growth of American economy has been attributed to many factors. Among them are ____________ ・[A] the size of America [B] its abundant resources[C] religious pluralism [D] American capitalism44.___________ used to be the mainstays of America's economy.[A] Chemistry [B] Automobile [C] Construction [D] Steel 45・ The four fundamental freedoms, which people "everywhere in the world^^ ought to enjoy, were goals articulated by President Franklin D. Roosevelt on January 6, 1941. They include ______________________________ ・[A] freedom of speech [B] freedom of worship[C] freedom from want [D] freedom from war46.__________ are regarded as the greatest players in National Basketball Association (NBA) history・[A] Shaquille O'Neal [B] Scottie Pippen47.The Mississippi River is the largest river system in ________________ , about 2,320 miles (3,730 km).[A] the United States [B] Americas[C] the world [D] North America48.The two largest Chinatowns in U.S. are located in _____________ .[A] New York [B] Chicago[C] Miami [D] San Francisco50. America, walled by ____________ , has been said to be a nation with an abundance of geography but a shortage of history.[A] the Atlantic Ocean [B] the Indian Ocean[C] the Pacific Ocean [D] the Arctic OceanPart III True or FalseDirections: Decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F)・( )l.The Statue of Liberty was presented by the people of France tothe people of the United States when the new country was founded・( )2.Harward University was founded in 1638・( )3.Ronald Reagan was the only actor to become president of the United States.( )6. In 1961, the American Congress adopted Uncle Sam as the national symbol.( )7. "I come, I see, I conquer" was said by Julius Caesar.( )8. We say American politics is based on a two-party system because there are only two parties in the United States・( )9. The members of the National Security Council include the President, the Vice President, and the Secretaries of State and Defense. ( )10. American public schools are locally controlled, free from religious influence and publicly supported by taxes・( )11. In the United States, the public schools are supported by taxes paid by the adults who have children attending schools.( )12. The Congress represents the nation as the head of state, symbolizing national unity and speaking on behalf of the American people to the world.( )14. Although Columbus was not the first to discover the New World, his landing in the New World in 1492 is important: it ushered in an era of unprecedented European exploration and settlement of the Americas. ( )15. The US education system uses the common numerical grading system as is used in many other countries.( )18. Country music is a genre of American popular music that originated in_Northem United States in the 1920s・( )19. Meryl Streep is widely regarded as one of the greatest film actresses of all time. She won the Academy Award for Best Actress for her roles in Roman Holiday in 2011.( )20. Whitney Houston acted in the movie The Bodyguard, and the song in the movie_A/y Heart will Go On was known by the world.( )21. “Life was like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get." is from the movie Forrest Gump.( )22. Washington Irving is the father of American Literature.( )23. The Washington Monument is located in Philadelphia to commemorate George Washington, the first American President.( )24.Tony Awards are given to recognize the excellent work in theatre and are considered the highest U.S. theatre honor.( )26. The Great Gatsby is written by Jack London.( )27. Sleeping Beauty is the first full-length cel (帧,动画用语) animated feature film and the earliest in the Walt Disney Animated Classics series.( )2&The first Thanksgiving Day was celebrated in 1620.( )29. It is appropriate to groom yourself at the table when you are having a business dinner.( )30. Easter Day occurs on the first Sunday after the full moon following the spring equinox. It is originally the day to commemorate the Resurrection of Jesus Christ・( )31. Michael Jeffrey Jordan (born February 17, 1963), also knownby his initials, MJ, played 15 seasons in the National Basketball Association(NBA) for the Chicago Bulls and Washington Wizards.( )33. The Super Bowl is the annual championship game of the National Football League (NFL), the highest level of professional football in the United States, culminating a season that begins in the late summer of the previous calendar year.( )34. The total area of America is some 9.62 million square kilometers, which makes it the second largest country in the world.( )35. America has a population of about 318 million, the majority of which are descendents of the European immigrants.( )36. The robin is both the national bird and national animal of the United States, and is an enduring symbol of the country itself.( )38. On the one hand, the United States is the world*s largest producer of natural gas and crude oil; on the other hand, it is also the world's largest consumer of petroleum.( )39. Soccer is as popular in the United States as in many other nations ・( )40. Christianity is by far the most common religion practiced in the United States.( )41. New York is the most populous city in the United States and the home of the United Nations Headquarters.( )43. Washington, D.C., the capital of the United States, is located in the mid-A什antic region of the U.S. West Coast.)44. The national flower of the United States is rose.( )45. The Amazon River is nicknamed by the “father of water” or "Old man River".( )46. The most important source of law is the government.( )47. Hollywood is located in the central region of Los Angeles, California.( )48. The Congress is the head of the judicial branch of America. ( )49. The northeastern part is the most densely populated region in AmericaPart IV MatchDirections: Match the cities in Column A with their nicknames in Column B.Column A Column B1. New York [A] Motor City2. Los Angeles [B] Space City of U.S.A3. Philadelphia [C] City of Angels4. Detroit [D] Big Apple5. New Orleans [E] the City that Never Sleeps6. Houston [F] the City by the Bay7. San Francisco [G] Birthplace of America8. Las Vegas [H] Birthplace of JazzPart V Filling in the BlanksDirections: Complete the following blanked sentences with one or more。
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American CultureWhich above concept describes these scenarios the best?1. A policeman has just pulled over a older man for driving too fast.Police "Do you know why I pulled you over?"Older man "No. What's did I do wrong?"Police "You were driving 65 in a 45 zone. That's a 200 dollar fine."Older Man "Well that is a problem. I am a good friend to the police chief and I guessI will need to mention this to him. What did you say your name was?"Police "Actually, I have decided not to give you a speeding ticket this time. Justa warning. Well, have a nice day."Answer __________2. A Wal-mart employee observes one of their close friends who is also an employee stealan item from the store. He goes to his superior to report the incident.Employee "I saw John steal a bag of chips today."Superior "Thank you, I will deal with him."Answer__________3.Mac "John, I have fallen in love with Mary from class one. But there is aproblem."John "What problem?Mac "My parents don't want us to get to date. They tell me that I need tofocus on my school work."John "So what are you going to do?"Mac "There is nothing I can do except to listen to them."Answer__________4.Peggy "I have a dream to be a airplane pilot."Andrea "Awesome! Perhaps you should dream even bigger! Why not becomean space pilot?"Peggy "I like the sound of that."Answer__________5.Nora "I won a footrace today."Lori "Nice! Did you win?"Nora "I tried my very best and won by a mile. Everyone else was way behind me."Lori "Did you feel bad by making the others look bad?Nora "Of course not, I just did my personal best."Answer__________6.Tom "Hey, Steven do you want to come over to my house?"Steven "I feel like I would be bothering you."Tom "No, you wouldn't. I am planning a big meal."Steven "No I couldn't. I would feel too embarrassed."Tom "I really want you to come."Steven "Alright, I guess I can come."Answer__________7.Billy "Hey Steven do you want to come over to my house?"Steven "Sure! I'll come over."Answer__________8.The student was walking to the library. He was getting ready to study for a verydifficult exam. His exam was the next morning. Suddenly, the phone rang.Student "Hello?"Teacher "Hello, this is your professor."Student "Oh, hi professor!"Teacher "Are you available to help me with a project tonight? We are havingguests come to our university. If you can help, all the guests, professors,and students will be grateful!"Student "Of course! I will help!"Answer__________Multiple Choice: Please choose the best answer.1. What is the date of Valentine's day?a. January 21stb. February 14thc. September 25thd. Changes year to year2. A place where you learn a trade/ occupation isa. Community Collegeb. Mechanical schoolc. Technical schoold. West Point3. What time do many American University students need to be in their dorms?a. 11pmb. 12am (midnight)c. 2amd. no curfew4. Going through an intermediary represents which concept?a. Indirect communicationb. Direct communicationc. Collectivismd. Egalitarianism5. "Shoot it straight with me." Describes which concept?a. Universalismb. Individualismc. Direct communicationd. ParticularismShort Answer (Choose 4 of 6) Between 50-100 words. Please write in complete sentences. A. Explain the difference between the popular culture way of celebrating Christmas and the traditional Christian way of celebrating Christmas.______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ B. Explain the concept of Particularism and how it differs from the American way of thinking.______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________C. Explain what the stereotypes of nerds, geeks, cheerleaders, and punks are.______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ D. Write 3 positives and 3 negatives about sending your child to a private school.______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ E. What does it mean to go "Trick or Treating?" Make sure you include the holiday name and date.______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ F. Describe the many the activities that are available to the American College student.______________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________Essay Questions (Choose 2 of 4 (A, B, or C)). Should be between 200-300 words in length. Please write in complete sentences:A. After you graduate high school you have many options on what to do with your life. Explain each of these options are and why might a person choose to do this.B. Choose to explain one of the two songs that we listened to in class (Shoot for the Moon so you can land on the Stars by Jin or Love Story by Taylor Swift.) What does it say about American culture?C. Write an essay on the American Holiday of Easter. Please include the history behind theholiday, and tell how it is celebrated in America in both the popular culture way and thetraditional Christian way.D. Compare and Contrast Chinese and American cultural outlooks on life. Please includeAchieved vs. Ascribed Status and a discussion on the different Locus of controls.。
America Culture test 美国文化考试题目
29) ______ How were farmers affected by The Great Depression?
a)They lost their farms and homes.
b)They made greater profits.
7) ______ Most of the Spanish Armada sank in a sudden storm off the coast of
8) ______ Elizabeth dressed in a suit of armor and declared she had the stomach of a
19) ______ Nathaniel Hawthorne wrote a novel about the Puritains called "The Scarlet
20) ______ Mary Tudor was known as "Bloody Mary."
Catholicism from England helped create the United States of America. Do this in
your own words individually. Your essay answer is worth 25 points. You will be
America Culture test 美国文化考试题目
11) ______ The modern western Christian world is divided into two groups-Catholic
and Protestant.
12) ______ The Church of England split into many diffeent groups of dissenters.
a)too many to mention
b)a way to get free chickens
c)a list of rights and freedoms that are not mentioned in the Constiution
38) ______ Dividing the government into three groups creates a system of checks and
d)just the way things roll
28) ______ Which religious groups are not found america?
a)Methodists and Catholics
b)Baptists and Buddists
c)Greek Orthodox and Lutherans
19) ______ Nathaniel Hawthorne wrote a novel about the Puritains called "The Scarlet
美国综合能力测试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 美国的首都是哪个城市?A. 纽约B. 洛杉矶C. 华盛顿特区D. 芝加哥答案:C2. 美国的独立日是每年的哪一天?A. 1月1日B. 7月4日C. 12月25日D. 11月11日答案:B3. 美国的国旗被称为什么?A. 星条旗B. 红白蓝旗C. 联合旗D. 独立旗答案:A4. 美国的国花是什么?A. 玫瑰B. 郁金香C. 牡丹D. 康乃馨5. 美国的国鸟是什么?A. 鹰B. 鸽子C. 鹦鹉D. 孔雀答案:A6. 美国的国土面积在世界上排名第几?A. 第一B. 第二C. 第三D. 第四答案:C7. 美国的官方语言是什么?A. 英语B. 西班牙语C. 法语D. 德语答案:A8. 美国的总统任期是多久?A. 2年B. 4年C. 6年D. 8年答案:B9. 美国的人口数量在世界上排名第几?B. 第二C. 第三D. 第四答案:C10. 美国的货币单位是什么?A. 欧元B. 日元C. 美元D. 英镑答案:C二、填空题(每题2分,共10分)1. 美国的现任总统是________。
答案:[填写现任总统的名字]2. 美国的人口数量大约是________亿。
答案:[填写美国人口数量的大概数字]3. 美国的国土面积大约是________万平方公里。
答案:[填写美国国土面积的大概数字]4. 美国的国歌是________。
答案:星条旗永不落5. 美国的国旗上有多少颗星?答案:50颗三、简答题(每题5分,共20分)1. 简述美国的历史背景。
2. 描述美国的文化多样性。
3. 解释美国的联邦制。
5. The Supreme Court 6. Anglicans; Protestant Episcopalian 7. rigid adherence to doctrine 8. commercial advertising; the American competitive system 9. Protestants; Roman Catholics 10. the Baptists; the Methodists 11. the Latter Day Saints; the Churches of Christ; the United Church of Christ 12. fundamentalist
Answers to Test Paper 2
I. Choose the Correct Answer From Each of the Following CDCBB BACBA CACBA II. Fill in the Blanks 1. Jamestown, Virginia, 1607 2. New York 3. Lexington 4. tobacco 5. the Pilgrim; Mayflower
14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21.
Reconstruction the Emancipation Proclamation General Lee the buffalo John D. Rockefeller Louis Sullivan huge combinations of corporations Progressivism; laissez-faire
5. impeachment 6. six; two 7. a two-thirds majority in both Houses 8. constituencies 9. a tax on property 10. eighteen 11. the people voting in referendums 12. the establishment of the legislative body; Fifth
美国学校分级测试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 美国的首都是哪个城市?A. 纽约B. 洛杉矶C. 华盛顿特区D. 芝加哥2. 美国独立战争发生在哪个世纪?A. 17世纪B. 18世纪C. 19世纪D. 20世纪3. 美国的国花是什么?A. 玫瑰B. 郁金香C. 菊花D. 玫瑰4. 美国的官方语言是什么?A. 英语B. 西班牙语C. 法语D. 德语5. 美国的货币单位是什么?A. 欧元B. 英镑C. 美元D. 日元6. 美国的国土面积在全球排名第几?A. 第一B. 第二C. 第三D. 第四7. 美国的人口总数大约是多少?A. 2亿B. 3亿C. 4亿D. 5亿8. 美国的国旗被称为什么?A. 星条旗B. 红白蓝旗C. 联合旗D. 独立旗9. 美国的国歌是什么?A. "The Star-Spangled Banner"B. "God Bless America"C. "America the Beautiful"D. "My Country, 'Tis of Thee"10. 美国的总统任期是多久?A. 4年B. 5年C. 6年D. 7年二、填空题(每空1分,共10分)11. 美国的全称是________。
12. 美国的独立日是每年的________月________日。
13. 美国的首任总统是________。
14. 美国的宪法于________年通过。
15. 美国的50个州中,面积最大的是________。
三、简答题(每题5分,共20分)16. 请简述美国的历史背景。
17. 请列举美国的一些重要文化特征。
18. 请说明美国教育体系的特点。
19. 请描述美国的地理特征。
四、论述题(每题15分,共30分)20. 论述美国在世界经济中的地位。
21. 分析美国多元文化对社会发展的影响。
答案:一、选择题1. C2. B3. A4. A5. C6. B7. B8. A9. A10. A二、填空题11. 美利坚合众国12. 7,413. 乔治·华盛顿14. 178715. 阿拉斯加州三、简答题16. 美国的历史背景可追溯至17世纪的英国殖民地,后经过独立战争,于1776年宣布独立,最终在1783年获得英国承认。
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American culture testDirection: Answer the following questions.1. In the United States, immigrants fall into several categories, each with its own label such as “ the early immigrants,”“ the old immigrants,”“ the new immigrants,” and “the most recent immigrants.”Describe these immigrants in the historical context and point out their distinctive features in national origins and religious beliefs.(1)The early immigrants (the colonial period) The English 1607 Virginia, New England settlers: Pilgrim and Puritans, Protestant faith. Gentry class, religious tolerance, political egalitarianism. The Germans. The Scotch-Irish. Other Ethnic Groups: diversity.(2)The old immigrants (the mid-nineteenth century)The mid-nineteenth century saw mainly an influx from northern Europe.The Industrial Revolution .Overpopulation in Europe. Religious persecution combined with transportation revolution. Poverty. American fever. Immigration wave.(3)The new immigrants (the early twentieth-century) The early twentieth-century immigrants are mainly from Southern and Eastern Europe. Between 1880 and 1920,southern and eastern Europeans, total of 27 million immigrants.1920-1930 : immigration restriction laws and a major depression put barriers in their way.(4)The most recent immigrants (post-1965)Post-1965 immigrants are mostly from Latin America and Asia. Immigration Act of 1924 virtually closed the door. Quota system. Refugees: Hungarians, Cubans, Vietnamese and Cambodians. The new immigration law of 1965, family reunification, occupation and refugees.1999 Census, 7million immigration most Latinos and Asians. From 1991 to 2000: 10-11 million new immigrants.population from 249 million to 281.The most Recent Immigrants:Latino,Chinese,The Filipinos,The Vietnamese,The Koreans.2. Being a nation of immigrants, the United States has been compared to a “ melting pot,” a “ salad bowl,” or even a “pizza.”How do you understand the complex nature of the ethnic groups in the United States?The United States is compared to a big pot of soup that has bits of flavor from eachdifferent culture.But it still has the mainstream culture and the non-mainstream culture. The early immigrants from Europe are mostly the white,and they easily assimilate into the culture.Now, immigrants are from different culture and race,so it is difficult for them to assimilate into the mainstream culture.It resulted that different ethnical immigrants still owned their traditional habits and characteristics of the original.The racial integration is a complicated, painful process along with the progress of the times.During the period,the racial discrimination gradually faded,and various people integrated into the sciety in different ways.They changed things in American.Each race are also influenced by the American culture.Today,America has the absorption characteristics of all kinds of family. USA has become the super country by making good use of these characteristics. Ethnic diversity makes American prosperity. The immigrants not only brought a variety of culture and lots of work for USA, but also embody the openness and freedom of the American.3. Examine the experience of Chinese immigrants in the United States, noting, in particular, the maltreatment, indeed discrimination, Chinese immigrants encountered there. Additionally, explain how recent Chinese immigrants differ from old Chinese immigrants.Contract laborers: work cheaply and lived frugally. Gold rush 1849 west coast. The Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882.Non-white, non-Christian, incapable of being assimilated into the mainstream culture.They were feared as competitors.Their hard work and long hours for low pay were said to drive down the standard of living of American labor. The early immigrants people had the purpose of making a living across the ocean.They cannot well integrate into the local community.While the new immigrants received higher education at home, and they want to accept more education in USA.Old settlers think that Chinese culture cannot be lost, especially the traditional culture.Howeever,the new immigrants integrate into Western society, accept the mainstream culture,absorb in western culture.4. Read the “Bill of Rights” and comment on it.“Bill of Rights"is of great influence on the American history. Especially,the first rule in the bill of rights has the profound and lasting influence for the development of America. It becomes personal freedom’s unshakable talisman. A major flaw--"bill of rights" didn’t amend the constitution, namely to confirm the slavery. The bill of rights is to protect citizens against the federal government’s involvement. The first amendment for the most famous goal is to protect the freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of religion and other rights. The bill of rights is the most imposing restrictions on government, and it provided the things that the federal government cannot do so as to protect the individual freedom from government persecution.The fundamental purpose is to ensure that the state power is from the national people.It advised to establish the government by people,and eliminate the government’s restrictions on personal freedom.The country is based on personal rights,in order to prevent the generation of authoritarian regime. The bill of rights reflects the people’s requirements in the nation,and provides the basic rights of citizens, embodies the thought of people's sovereignty and the declaration of independence of spirit.5. Read the “Declaration of Independence” and comment on it.“The Declaration of Independence ”mainly absorbed the thinker John Locke’s thinking—natural rights.The declaration uses the simple words,but has the significant meanings.It is the incomparable documents in the history of America. The Declaration of Independence includes three parts: the first part expounds the nation, political philosophy, that is the democracy and freedom of philosophy; the second part lists the king on the colony's brutal rule, states the practical reason for the colonies from England; the third part solemnly declared independence. The Declaration of Independence not only declared the birth of a new nation,but also expressed political demands of the bourgeoisie for the first time.The form of political program played a powerful role in the west bourgeois revolution. The declaration analyses of the human rights--the theory of rights in the people,and reflects the period of bourgeois revolution spirit. The declaration is the first the Universal Declaration of human rights in human history.Itencouraged the North American people's struggle for independence and liberation of the Chinese nation spirit.We can call it as a programmatic document of the war of independence and the banner of revolution. The declaration of independence had a major impact on the American future’s development,and it also promoted the development of world history. Freedom equal rights in the declaration can only be bourgeois power, and it reflects the essence of the bourgeois class.So it is served for capitalist system.。