



UNIT 1一、材料根深蒂固于我们生活的程度可能远远的超过了我们的想象,交通、装修、制衣、通信、娱乐(recreation)和食品生产,事实上(virtually),我们生活中的方方面面或多或少受到了材料的影响。












United 1 材料科学与工程材料在我们的文化中比我们认识到的还要根深蒂固。










这个大约是过去的60 年中获得的认识使得材料的性质研究成为时髦。














英语学习-《材料科学跟工程专业英语》(DOC 38页)

英语学习-《材料科学跟工程专业英语》(DOC 38页)

《材料科学与工程专业英语》Unit1 Materials Science and Metallurgical EngineeringMaterials are properly more deep-seated in our culture than most of us realize. Trans -portation, housing, clothing, communication, recreation and food production--virtually every segment of our everyday lives is influenced to one degree or another by materials. Historically, the development and advancement of societies have been intimately tied to the members' abilities to produce and manipulate materials to fill their needs. In fact, early civilizations have been designated by the level of their materials development (i.e.Stone Age, Bronze Age).The earliest humans has access to only a very limited number of materials, those that occur naturally stone, wood, clay, skins, and so on. With time they discovered techniques for producing materials that had properties superior to those of the natural ones: these new materials included pottery and various metals. Furthermore, it was discovered that the properties of a material could be altered by heat treatments and by the addition of other substances. At this point, materials utilization was totally a selection process, that is, deciding from a given, rather limited set of materials the one that was best suited for an application by virtue of its characteristic. It was not until relatively recent times that scientists came to understand the relationships between the structural elements of materials and their properties. This knowledge, acquired in the past 60 years or so, has empowered them to fashion, to a large degree, the characteristics of materials. Thus, tens of thousands of different materials have evolved with rather specialized characteristics that meet the needs of our modern and complex society.The development of many technologies that make our existence so comfortable has been intimately associated with the accessibility of suitable materials. Advancement in the under--standing of a material type is often the forerunner to the stepwise progression of a technology. For example, automobiles would not have been possible without the availability of inexpensive steel of some other comparable substitutes. In our contemporary era, sophisticated electronic devices rely on components that are made from what are called semiconducting materials.Materials Science EngineeringMaterials science is an interdisciplinary study that combines chemistry, physics, metallurgy, engineering and very recently life sciences. One aspect of materials science involves studying and designing materials to make them useful and reliable in the service of humankind. It strives for basic understanding of how structures and processes on the atomic scale result in the properties and functions familiar at the engineering level. Materials scientists are interested in physical and chemical phenomena acting across large magnitudes of space and time scales. In this regard it differs from physics of chemistry where the emphasis is more on explaining the properties of pure substances. In materials science there is also an emphasis on developing and using knowledge to understand how the properties of materials can be controllably designed by varying the compositions, structures, and the way in which the bulk and surfaces phase materials are processed.In contrast, materials engineering is, on the basis of those structure properties correlations, designing or engineering the structure of a material to produce a predetermined set of properties. In other words, materials engineering mainly deals with the use of materials in design and how materials are manufactured."Structure" is a nebulous term that deserves some explanation. In brief, the structure of a material usually relates to the arrangement of its internal components. Subatomic structure involves electrons within the individual atoms and interactions with their nuclei. On an atomic level, structure encompasses the organization of atoms or molecules relative to one another. The next large structural realm, which contains large groups of atoms that are normally agglomerated together, is termed "microscopic" meaning that which is subject to direct observation using some type of microscope. Finally, structural elements that may be viewed with the naked eye are termed "macroscopic".The notion of "property" deserves elaboration. While in service use, all materials are exposed to external stimuli that evoke some type of response. For example, a specimen subject to forces will experience deformation; or a polished metal surface will reflect light. Property is a material trait in terms of the kind and magnitude of response to a specific imposed stimulus. Generally, definitions of properties are made independent of material shape and size.Virtually all important properties of solid materials may be grouped into six different categories; mechanical, electrical, thermal, magnetic, optical, and deteriorative. For each there is s characteristic type of stimulus capable of provoking different responses. Mechanical properties relate deformation to an applied load or force: examples include elastic modulus and strength. For electrical properties, such as electrical conductivity and dielectric constant, the stimulus is an electric filed. The thermal behavior of solids can be represented in terms of heat capacity and thermal conductivity. Magnetic properties demonstrate the response of a material to the application of a magnetic field. For optical properties, the stimulus is electromagnetic or light radiation: index of refraction and reflectivity are representative optical properties. Finally, deteriorative characteristics indicate the chemical reactivity of materials.In addition to structure and properties, two other important components are involved in the science and engineering of materials, namely "processing" and "performance". With regard to the relationships of these four components, the structure of a material will depend on how it is processed. Furthermore, a material's performance will be a function of its properties. Thus, the interrelationship between processing, structure, properties, and performance is linear as follows:Processing→Structure→Properties→PerformanceWhy Study Materials Science and Engineering?Why do we study materials? Many an applied scientists or engineers, whether mechanical, civil, chemical, or electrical, will be exposed to a design problem involving materials at one time or another. Examples might include a transmission gear, the superstructure for a building, an oil refinery component, or an integrated circuit chip. Of course, materials scientists and engineers are specialists who are totally involved in the investigation and design of materials.Many times, a materials problem is to select the right material from many thousands available ones. There are several criteria on which the final decision is normally based. First of all, the in-service conditions must be characterized. On only rare occasion does a material possess the maximum or ideal combination of properties. Thus, it may be necessary to trade off one characteristic for another. The classic example involves strength and ductility; normally, a material having a high strength will have only a limited ductility. In such cases a reasonable compromise between two or more properties may be necessary.A second selection consideration is any deterioration of material properties that may occur during service operation. For example, significant reductions in mechanical strengthmay result from exposure to elevated temperatures or corrosive environments.Finally, probably the overriding consideration is economics. What will the finished product cost? A material may be found that has the ideal set of properties, but is prohibitively expensive. Here again, some compromise is inevitable. The cost of a finished piece also includes any expense incurred during fabrication.The more familiar an engineer or scientist is with the various characteristics and structure-property relationships, as well as processing techniques of materials, the more proficient and confident he or she will be to make judicious materials choices based on these criteria.(Selected from Materials Science and Engineering: AnIntroduction, by William D Callister,2002)New Words and Expressionspottery n. 陶瓷by virtue of 依靠(……力量),凭借,由于,因为empower vt.授权,准许,使能够empower sb.to do sth. 授权某人做某事forerunner n. 先驱(者),传令官,预兆stepwise a. 逐步地,分阶段地interdisciplinary a. 交叉学科的metallurgy n. 冶金学nebulous a. 星云的,云雾状的,模糊的,朦胧的agglomerate n. 大团,大块;a.成块的,凝聚的elaboration n. 详尽的细节,解释,阐述electrical conductivity 电导性,电导率dielectric constant 介电常数thermal conductivity 热导性,热导率heat capacity 热容refraction n. 衍射reflectivity n. 反射ductility n. 延展性corrosive a. 腐蚀的,蚀坏的,腐蚀性的;n. 腐蚀物,腐蚀剂overriding a. 最重要的;高于一切的prohibitive a. 禁止的,抵制的judicious a. 明智的criterion n. 标准,准则,尺度Notes1. It was not until relatively recent times that scientists came to understand the relationships between the structural elements of materials and their properties.这是一个强调句,强调时间。



材料科学与工程_专业英语_Uni...Unit 3 Structure-Property Relationships of MaterialsToday’s materials can be classified as metals and alloys, as polymers or plastics, as ceramics, or as composites; composites, most of which are man-made, actually are combinations of different materials.译文:当今的材料可以分为金属和合金,聚合物或者塑料,陶瓷或复合材料;复合材料,它们大多数是人造的,实际上是不同材料组合而成。

A pplica tion of these m ateria ls de pe nd on their pr ope rties; theref ore, w e ne ed to know w hat pr operties are re quired by the a pplica tion and to be a ble to re late those s pecifica tion to the m aterial.译文:这些材料的应用取决于它们的性质;因此,根据应用的场合,我们需要知道什么样的性质是必需的,我们需要能够把这些详细说明同材料联系起来。

For exam ple, a la dder m ust w ithsta nd a des ign loa d, the w eight of a pe rs on us ing the la dde r. H ow ever, the m ateria l property that ca n be m easured is s tre ngth, w hich is af f ecte d by the loa d a nd desig n dim ension. S tre ngth values m us t theref ore be applie d to dete rm ine d the la dde r dim ensions to e ns ure saf e us e. Therefore, in ge ne ral, the s truc tures of m etallic m aterials have ef fects on the ir prope rties.译文:比如,一个梯子必须能经受住设计的载荷,也就是使用这个梯子的人的重量。



Unit1:交叉学科交叉学科 interdiscipline 介电常数介电常数 dielectric constant 固体性质固体性质 solid materials 热容热容 heat capacity 力学性质力学性质 mechanical property 电磁辐射电磁辐射 electro-magnetic radiation 材料加工材料加工 processing of materials 弹性模量(模数)elastic coefficient 1.直到最近,科学家才终于了解材料的结构要素与其特性之间的关系。

It was not until relatively recent times times that that scientists came to to understand understand the relationship between the structural elements of materials and their properties . 2.材料工程学主要解决材料的制造问题和材料的应用问题。

Material Material engineering engineering mainly to solve the problem and create material application. 3.材料的加工过程不但决定了材料的结构,同时决定了材料的特征和性能。

Materials processing process is not only to de structure and decided that the material characteristic and performance. 4.材料的力学性能与其所受外力或负荷而导致的形变有关。

Material Material mechanical mechanical properties with the extemal force or in de deformation of the load. Unit2:先进材料先进材料 advanced material 陶瓷材料陶瓷材料 ceramic material 粘土矿物粘土矿物 clay minerals 高性能材料高性能材料 high performance material 合金合金 metal alloys 移植移植 implant to 玻璃纤维玻璃纤维 glass fiber 碳纳米管碳纳米管 carbon nanotub 1、金属元素有许多有利电子,金属材料的许多性质可直接归功于这些电子。



P2Material science is the investigation of the relationship among processing, structure, properties, and performance of materials.材料科学是研究材料的加工,组织性能和功能之间关系的学科(材料与工程之间的关系可以用图一的四面体来表示)P2The discipline of materials science involves investigating the relationships that exist between the structures and properties of materials.材料科学是研究材料的结构和性能之间的关系的学科In contrast, materials engineering is, on the basis of these structure-property correlations, designing or engineering the structure of a material to produce a predetermined set of properties. 而材料加工是在材料组织和性能关系的基础上,对材料的组织进行设计,以获得一系列预定的性能P5 Semiconductors have electrical properties that are intermediate between the electrical conductors and insulators. Furthermore, the electrical characteristics of these materials are extremely sensitive to the presence of minute concentrations of impurity atoms, which concentrations may be controlled over very small spatial regions. The semiconductors have made possible the advent of integrated circuitry that has totally revolutionized the electronics and computer industries.半导体有介于电导体和绝缘体之间的性能。



Materials have always been important to the advance of civilization: entire eras(纪元,历史时期) are named for them. After evolving(进化,发展) from the Stone Age through the Bronze and Iron Ages, now in the modern era we have vast numbers of tailored materials to make use of. We are really living in the Materials Age.译:一直以来,材料对于文明的进步都很重要:时代用它们来划分。



Work and study in the field of materials science and engineering is grounded in an understanding of why materials behave the way they do, and encompasses(包括,涉及) how materials are made and how new ones can be developed. For example, the way materials are processed is often important. People in the Iron Age discovered this when they learn that soft iron could be heated and then quickly cooled to make a material hard enough to plow the earth; and the same strategy is used today to make high-strength aluminum alloys for jet aircraft. Today we demand more from our materials than mechanical strength, of course─electrical, optical, and magnetic properties, for example, are crucial for many applications. As a result, modern materials science focuses on ceramics, polymers, and semiconductors, as well as on materials, such as metals and glasses, that have a long history of use.译:材料科学与工程领域的工作和研究是建立在对材料性能产生原因的理解之上的,包括材料的加工制造和新材料的研发。

材料科学与工程 专业英语 Unit 1 Materials Science and Engineering

材料科学与工程 专业英语 Unit 1 Materials Science and Engineering

Unit 1 Materials Science and EngineeringTransportation,housing,clothing,communication,recreation and food production-virtually every segment of our everyday lives is influenced to one degree or another by material. Historically, the development and advancement of societies have been intimately tied to the members’abilities to produce and manipulate materials to fill their needs.交通、住房、衣服、通讯、娱乐和食品生产-实际上我们日常生活的每个部分某种程度上受到材料的影响。


The earliest humans has access to only a very limited number of materials,those that occur naturally stone,wood,clay,skins,and so on. With time they discovered techniques for producing materials that had properties superior to those of natural ones: these new materials included pottery and various metals. Furthermore,it was discovered that the properties of a material could be altered by heat treatment and by the addition of other substance.(非限制定语从句)早期的人类仅仅拥有少量的材料,这些材料是天然存在的石头、粘土,皮毛等等。



材料科学与工程专业英语第三版-翻译以及答案Unit 1材料在我们生活中的影响可能远远超出我们的想象。





















































The word "ceramic" is derived from the Greek keramos, which means "potter's clay" or "pottery." Its origin is a Sanskrit term meaning "to burn." So the early Greeks used "keramous" when describing products obtained by heating clay-containing materials. The term has long included all products made from fired clay, for example, bricks, fireclay refractories, sanitaryware, and tableware.“陶瓷”这个词是来自希腊keramos,这意味着“陶土”或“陶”。




In 1822, refractory silica were first made. Although they contained no clay, the traditional ceramic process of shaping, drying, and firing was used to make them. So the term" ceramic," while retaining its original sense of a product made from clay, began to include other products made by the same manufacturing process. The field of ceramics (broader than the materials themselves) can be defined as the art and science of making and using solid articles that contain as their essential component a ceramic. This definition covers the purification of raw materials, the study and production of the chemical compounds concerned, their formation into components, and the study of structure, composition, and properties.1822年,耐火材料二氧化硅被首次提出。



Solid materials have been conveniently grouped into three basic classifications: metals, ceramics, and polymers. This scheme is based primarily on chemical makeup and atomic structure, and most materials fall into one distinct grouping or another, although there are some intermediates. In addition, there are three other groups of important engineering materials—composites, semiconductors, and biomaterials.译文:固体材料被便利的分为三个基本的类型:金属,陶瓷和聚合物。



Composites consist of combinations of two or more different materials, whereas semiconductors are utilized because of their unusual electrical characteristics; biomaterials are implanted into the human body. A brief explanation of the material types and representative characteristics is offered next.译文:复合材料由两种或者两种以上不同的材料组成,然而半导体由于它们非同寻常的电学性质而得到使用;生物材料被移植进入人类的身体中。



英语学习《材料科学与工程专业英语》《材料科学与工程专业英语》Unit1 Materials Science and Metallurgical EngineeringMaterials are properly more deep-seated in our culture than most of us realize. Trans -portation, housing, clothing, communication, recreation and food production--virtually every segment of our everyday lives is influenced to one degree or another by materials. Historically, the development and advancement of societies have been intimately tied to the members' abilities to produce and manipulate materials to fill their needs. In fact, early civilizations have been designated by the level of their materials development (i.e.Stone Age, Bronze Age).The earliest humans has access to only a very limited number of materials, those that occur naturally stone, wood, clay, skins, and so on. With time they discovered techniques for producing materials that had properties superior to those of the natural ones: these new materials included pottery and various metals. Furthermore, it was discovered that the properties of a material could be altered by heat treatments and by the addition of other substances. At this point, materials utilization was totally a selection process, that is, deciding from a given, rather limited set of materials the one that was best suited for an application by virtue of its characteristic. It was not until relatively recent times that scientists came to understand the relationships between the structural elements of materials and their properties. This knowledge, acquired in the past 60 years or so, has empowered them to fashion, to a large degree, the characteristics of materials. Thus, tens of thousands of differentmaterials have evolved with rather specialized characteristics that meet the needs of our modern and complex society.The development of many technologies that make our existence so comfortable has been intimately associated with the accessibility of suitable materials. Advancement in the under--standing of a material type is often the forerunner to the stepwise progression of a technology. For example, automobiles would not have been possible without the availability of inexpensive steel of some other comparable substitutes. In our contemporary era, sophisticated electronic devices rely on components that are made from what are called semiconducting materials.Materials Science EngineeringMaterials science is an interdisciplinary study that combines chemistry, physics, metallurgy, engineering and very recently life sciences. One aspect of materials science involves studying and designing materials to make them useful and reliable in the service of humankind. It strives for basic understanding of how structures and processes on the atomic scale result in the properties and functions familiar at the engineering level. Materials scientists are interested in physical and chemical phenomena acting across large magnitudes of space and time scales. In this regard it differs from physics of chemistry where the emphasis is more on explaining the properties of pure substances. In materials science there is also an emphasis on developing and using knowledge to understand how the properties of materials can be controllably designed by varying the compositions, structures, and the way in which the bulk and surfaces phase materials are processed.In contrast, materials engineering is, on the basis of those structure properties correlations, designing or engineering thestructure of a material to produce a predetermined set of properties. In other words, materials engineering mainly deals with the use of materials in design and how materials are manufactured."Structure" is a nebulous term that deserves some explanation. In brief, the structure of a material usually relates to the arrangement of its internal components. Subatomic structure involves electrons within the individual atoms and interactions with their nuclei. On an atomic level, structure encompasses the organization of atoms or molecules relative to one another. The next large structural realm, which contains large groups of atoms that are normally agglomerated together, is termed "microscopic" meaning that which is subject to direct observation using some type of microscope. Finally, structural elements that may be viewed with the naked eye are termed "macroscopic".The notion of "property" deserves elaboration. While in service use, all materials are exposed to external stimuli that evoke some type of response. For example, a specimen subject to forces will experience deformation; or a polished metal surface will reflect light. Property is a material trait in terms of the kind and magnitude of response to a specific imposed stimulus. Generally, definitions of properties are made independent of material shape and size.Virtually all important properties of solid materials may be grouped into six different categories; mechanical, electrical, thermal, magnetic, optical, and deteriorative. For each there is s characteristic type of stimulus capable of provoking different responses. Mechanical properties relate deformation to an applied load or force: examples include elastic modulus andstrength. For electrical properties, such as electrical conductivity and dielectric constant, the stimulus is an electric filed. The thermal behavior of solids can be represented in terms of heat capacity and thermal conductivity. Magnetic properties demonstrate the response of a material to the application of a magnetic field. For optical properties, the stimulus is electromagnetic or light radiation: index of refraction and reflectivity are representative optical properties. Finally, deteriorative characteristics indicate the chemical reactivity of materials.In addition to structure and properties, two other important components are involved in the science and engineering of materials, namely "processing" and "performance". With regard to the relationships of these four components, the structure of a material will depend on how it is processed. Furthermore, a material's performance will be a function of its properties. Thus, the interrelationship between processing, structure, properties, and performance is linear as follows:Processing→Structure→Properties→PerformanceWhy Study Materials Science and Engineering?Why do we study materials? Many an applied scientists or engineers, whether mechanical, civil, chemical, or electrical, will be exposed to a design problem involving materials at one time or another. Examples might include a transmission gear, the superstructure for a building, an oil refinery component, or an integrated circuit chip. Of course, materials scientists and engineers are specialists who are totally involved in the investigation and design of materials.Many times, a materials problem is to select the right material from many thousands available ones. There are severalcriteria on which the final decision is normally based. First of all, the in-service conditions must be characterized. On only rare occasion does a material possess the maximum or ideal combination of properties. Thus, it may be necessary to trade off one characteristic for another. The classic example involves strength and ductility; normally, a material having a high strength will have only a limited ductility. In such cases a reasonable compromise between two or more properties may be necessary.A second selection consideration is any deterioration of material properties that may occur during service operation. For example, significant reductions in mechanical strength may result from exposure to elevated temperatures or corrosive environments.Finally, probably the overriding consideration is economics. What will the finished product cost? A material may be found that has the ideal set of properties, but is prohibitively expensive. Here again, some compromise is inevitable. The cost of a finished piece also includes any expense incurred during fabrication.The more familiar an engineer or scientist is with the various characteristics and structure-property relationships, as well as processing techniques of materials, the more proficient and confident he or she will be to make judicious materials choices based on these criteria.(Selected from Materials Science and Engineering: AnIntroduction, by William D Callister,2002)New Words and Expressionspottery n. 陶瓷by virtue of 依靠(……力量),凭借,由于,因为empower vt.授权,准许,使能够empower sb.to do sth. 授权某人做某事forerunner n. 先驱(者),传令官,预兆stepwise a. 逐步地,分阶段地interdisciplinary a. 交叉学科的metallurgy n. 冶金学nebulous a. 星云的,云雾状的,模糊的,朦胧的agglomerate n. 大团,大块;a.成块的,凝聚的elaboration n. 详尽的细节,解释,阐述electrical conductivity 电导性,电导率dielectric constant 介电常数thermal conductivity 热导性,热导率heat capacity 热容refraction n. 衍射reflectivity n. 反射ductility n. 延展性corrosive a. 腐蚀的,蚀坏的,腐蚀性的;n. 腐蚀物,腐蚀剂overriding a. 最重要的;高于一切的prohibitive a. 禁止的,抵制的judicious a. 明智的criterion n. 标准,准则,尺度Notes1. It was not until relatively recent times that scientists came to understand the relationships between the structural elements of materials and their properties.这是一个强调句,强调时间。

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United 1 材料科学与工程材料在我们的文化中比我们认识到的还要根深蒂固。










这个大约是过去的60 年中获得的认识使得材料的性质研究成为时髦。
















“Property” 一词的概念值得详细阐述。



































Unit 2 Classification of MaterialsSolid materials have been conveniently grouped into three basic classifications: metals, ceramics, and polymers. This scheme is based primarily on chemical makeup and atomic structure, and most materials fall into one distinct grouping or another, although there are some intermediates. In addition, there are three other groups of important engineering materials—composites, semiconductors, and biomaterials.译文:固体材料被便利的分为三个基本的类型:金属,陶瓷和聚合物。



Composites consist of combinations of two or more different materials, whereas semiconductors are utilized because of their unusual electrical characteristics; biomaterials are implanted into the human body. A brief explanation of the material types and representative characteristics is offered next.译文:复合材料由两种或者两种以上不同的材料组成,然而半导体由于它们非同寻常的电学性质而得到使用;生物材料被移植进入人类的身体中。


METALSMetallic materials are normally combinations of metallic elements. They have large numbers of nonlocalized electrons; that is, these electrons are not bound to particular atoms. Many properties of metals are directly able to these electrons.be bound to 被约束于。

be attribute to 归属于。






Metals are extremely good conductors of electricity and heat and are not transparent to visible light; a polished metal surface has a lustrous appearance. Furthermore, metals are quite strong, yet deformable, which accounts for their extensive use in structural applications.科技英语在讲述科学真理的时候通常用主动语态。

如: Metals are extremely good conductors of electricity Deformable ?译文:金属是十分好的电和热的导体,它们对可见光不透明;一个抛光的金属表面有光辉的外表。


CERAMICSCeramics are compounds between metallic and nonmetallic elements; they are most frequently oxides, nitrides, and carbides. The wide range of materials that falls within this classification includes ceramics that are composed of clay minerals, cement, and glass.that引导的定语从句译文:陶瓷是介于金属和非金属元素之间的化合物;它们通常是氧化物,氮化物和碳化物。


These materials are typically insulative to the passage of electricity and heat, and are more resistant to high temperatures and harsh environments than metals and polymers. With regard to mechanical behavior, ceramics are hard but very brittle.more…. Than…..with regard to….译文:这些材料是典型的电和热的绝缘体,并且它们比金属和聚合物更加耐高温和耐苛刻的环境。


POLYMERSPolymers include the familiar plastic and rubber materials. Many of them are organic compounds that are chemically based on carbon, hydrogen, and other nonmetallic elements; furthermore, they have very large molecular structures. These materials typically have low densities and may be extremely flexible.译文:聚合物包括常见的塑料和橡胶材料。
